A simple script to recreate the iOS/TvOS filesystem on your Mac
Jonathan Levin, (@Morpheus______), http://newosxbook.com/ - 02/17/2016
If you've read the first part of this and the second part, you know by now that part II had a nice set of tools which worked very well on iOS OTA files, along with a shell script to retrieve the base file from a jailbroken device (over SSH), and then apply the bxpatch on it
So what changed?
For reasons known only to the Cupertino folk, they now offer FULL OTAs - that is, not differential updates necessitating a base prerequisitve version, but rather a huge archive with everything in it. This entirely defeats the purpose of encrypting the filesystem in an IPSW. It was already an issue that the GID key is inaccessible during OTA updates, at least with diffs one had to have the base system. All of a sudden, and actually not long after my two articles, Apple started putting the full OTAs out. No idea why. But hey - thanks guys!
Now, you might say, big deal - since we always have SOME version of iOS jailbroken, even in 64-bit (and 32-bit is not an issue, thanks to @Xerub and @iH8sn0w - you rock, guys!). Not to mention the boot loader components are IMG3/IMG4 and encrypted. And I would agree. But then, not so for the Apple TV*! The TV's IPSW is encrypted.. But.. wait.. what's this on the iPhone Wiki?
So you can grab the OTA update as is, and start unpacking the full "TvOS" (spoiler - it's 90% identical to iOS 9, minus HeadBoard, the default TV* apps, and a daemon or two) - without having a base OS image, which we don't, for lack of a public TvOS jailbreak (but not for long, I suspect :-)
Somehow, the Pbzx file in the OTA - the huge payload file in payloadv2 - has some weird chunks in it which don't actually contain xz. This could be a bug in my unpacker, but I checked, and checked again, and something doesn't make sense. Because the pbzx unpacker crashes, you end up with a partial xz'ed payload, which of course means only 350MB of the very large 1.9GB image.
I fixed both the pbzx unpacker (to skip non xz chunks) and the OTA extractor (to skip invalid entries). Along the way I also introduced an improvement in the latter to do the whole thing over mmap(2)