Loaded 1836 executables and 6233 entitlements for iOS18
- v0.9.3: iOS 18...
- v0.9.2: Added iOS 17. Because it's a lousy job, but somebody's gotta do it..
- v0.9.1: ..and Darwin 21/22 macOS (10.17/10.18..)
- v0.9: Added iOS 16. Because you can take the man out of Darwin, but you can't take Darwin out of the man..
- v0.8.1: Fixed minor bug (entitlement arrays showed up in autocomplete..) Thanks, @elihwyma
- v0.8: Added iOS 15.2 (long time no see, folks :-)
- v0.7b: Added MacOS 10.15β3 and iOS 13β3.
- v0.6: Added MacOS 10.14 and iOS 12.
- v0.5: Added MacOS 10.13 and iOS 11. Autocomplete/search is now case insensitive. Also fixed
- v0.4: Added MacOS 10.12.2 binaries. Also won't get paranoid if executable name contains a space (Thanks, @5aelo)
- v0.4a: Added iOS 10.2 binaries
- v0.3: Added DDI binaries (for elist), and enabled autocomplete :-)
- v0.2: Added full set of OS X 10.11.4 binaries
- Added
. Thanks, @mkravchik! We will disassemble that $%#$% yet! :-)
@TODO (coming soon):
Fix providers of entitlements (present version supports only possessors) - Not happening.
- Improve this crude interface, ajaxify
Add OS X Entitlements
- Detail non-Boolean (e.g. Fine-grained) entitlements
- Add description for all 400+ executables