// Serialization.h
// CoreEntitlements
#ifndef _CE_INDIRECT
#error "Please include <CoreEntitlements/CoreEntitlements.h> instead of this file"
#include <CoreEntitlements/Result.h>
#include <CoreEntitlements/Runtime.h>
#include <CoreEntitlements/Entitlements.h>
* @enum CESerializedElementType_t
* These are the primitive types that CoreEntitlements can serialize
* Depending on the underlying representation some of these elements may be "virtual" or zero-sized.
* However, they must still be included.
OS_CLOSED_ENUM(CESerializedElementType, int64_t,
/* A boolean element with a true / false value */
kCESerializedBool = 1,
/* A string element with a definite length */
kCESerializedString = 2,
/* A key string element with a definite length */
kCESerializedKey = 3,
/* An integer element, must be representable as int64_t */
kCESerializedInteger = 4,
/* Marks the start of an array / ordered sequence */
kCESerializedArrayBegin = 5,
/* Marks the end of an array / ordered sequence */
kCESerializedArrayEnd = 6,
/* Marks the start of a dictionary */
/* The only valid elements contained in a dictionary are tuples (represented as an ordered sequence) */
/* The first element of the ordered sequence must be kCESerializedString value */
/* No restrictions are placed on the contents of the second element*/
kCESerializedDictionaryBegin = 7,
/* Marks the end of a dictionary */
kCESerializedDictionaryEnd = 8,
/* A data element with a definite length*/
kCESerializedData = 9,
* @typedef CESerializedElement_t
* This structure represents an encodable piece of data, along with its type and length (in bytes).
* For the most part you will not need to use this structure manually, and instead you should use the helpers below
typedef struct CESerializedElement {
CESerializedElementType_t type;
union {
#if !__has_ptrcheck
void* bytes;
int64_t value;
} data;
size_t length;
bool pair;
} CESerializedElement_t;
static inline void *CE_HEADER_INDEXABLE CESerializedElementGetData(const CESerializedElement_t *element) {
return __unsafe_forge_bidi_indexable(void *, element->data.value, element->length);
static inline void CESerializedElementSetData(CESerializedElement_t *element, void *__sized_by(length) bytes, size_t length) {
element->data.value = (intptr_t)bytes;
element->length = length;
* @function CESizeSerialization
* This function will iterate over the elements that are to be serialized and compute the size of an allocation that needs to be made
* for a successful serialization.
* @note
* This function may modify the length field of the CESerializedElements that are passed in. This must be done for serialization to succeed
* @returns
* kCENoError if the requiredSize has been successfully populated and contains a valid value
CEError_t CESizeSerialization(CESerializedElement_t elements[__counted_by(elementsCount)], size_t elementsCount, size_t* requiredSize) __result_use_check;
* @function CESizeXMLSerialization
* This function will iterate over the elements that are to be serialized and compute the size of an allocation that needs to be made
* for a successful serialization to XML.
* @note
* This function may modify the length field of the CESerializedElements that are passed in. This must be done for serialization to succeed
* @returns
* kCENoError if the requiredSize has been successfully populated and contains a valid value
CEError_t CESizeXMLSerialization(CESerializedElement_t elements[__counted_by(elementsCount)], size_t elementsCount, size_t* requiredSize) __result_use_check;
* @function CESerializeWithOptions
* Serializes the array of elements that contains the underlying data. The elements must have been sized with CESizeSerialization before calling this function.
* @param runtime
* The runtime to use for this operation
* @param options
* Options that modify what can be serialized.
* @param elements
* The list of elements to serialize
* @param elementsCount
* How many elements are in that list
* @param start
* A pointer to the first byte into a buffer that will be filled with the serialized representation
* @param end
* A pointer 1 byte past the end of the buffer to be used for serialization
CEError_t CESerializeWithOptions(const CERuntime_t runtime, CEValidationOptions* options, CESerializedElement_t elements[__counted_by(elementsCount)], size_t elementsCount, uint8_t *__ended_by(end) start, uint8_t* end) __result_use_check;
* @function CESerialize
* Serializes the array of elements that contains the underlying data. The elements must have been sized with CESizeSerialization before calling this function.
* @param runtime
* The runtime to use for this operation
* @param elements
* The list of elements to serialize
* @param elementsCount
* How many elements are in that list
* @param start
* A pointer to the first byte into a buffer that will be filled with the serialized representation
* @param end
* A pointer 1 byte past the end of the buffer to be used for serialization
CEError_t CESerialize(const CERuntime_t runtime, CESerializedElement_t elements[__counted_by(elementsCount)], size_t elementsCount, uint8_t *__ended_by(end) start, uint8_t* end) __result_use_check;
* @function CESerializeXML
* Serializes the array of elements that contains the underlying data. The elements must have been sized with CESizeXMLSerialization before calling this function.
* @param runtime
* The runtime to use for this operation
* @param elements
* The list of elements to serialize
* @param elementsCount
* How many elements are in that list
* @param start
* A pointer to the first byte into a buffer that will be filled with the serialized representation
* @param end
* A pointer 1 byte past the end of the buffer to be used for serialization
CEError_t CESerializeXML(const CERuntime_t runtime, CESerializedElement_t elements[__counted_by(elementsCount)], size_t elementsCount, uint8_t *__ended_by(end) start, uint8_t* end) __result_use_check;
// Helpers
// These automatically construct CESerializedElements for you
#define CESerializeInteger(intv) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedInteger, .data.value = intv}
#define CESerializeBool(boolVal) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedBool, .data.value = !!boolVal}
#define CESerializeStaticString(strVal) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedString, .data.value = (intptr_t)strVal, .length = sizeof(strVal) - 1}
#define CESerializeKey(strVal) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedKey, .data.value = (intptr_t)strVal, .length = sizeof(strVal) - 1}
#define CESerializeDynamicKey(strVal, len) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedKey, .data.value = (intptr_t)strVal, .length = len}
#define CESerializeString(strVal, len) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedString, .data.value = (intptr_t)strVal, .length = len}
#define CESerializeData(dataVal, len) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedData, .data.value = (intptr_t)dataVal, .length = len}
#define CESerializeArray(...) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedArrayBegin}, __VA_ARGS__ , (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedArrayEnd}
#define CESerializeDictionary(...) (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedDictionaryBegin}, __VA_ARGS__ , (CESerializedElement_t){.type = kCESerializedDictionaryEnd}
#define CESerializeDictionaryPair(a, b) CESerializeArray(a, b)