/* Copyright (c) (2019-2023) Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* corecrypto is licensed under Apple Inc.’s Internal Use License Agreement (which
* is contained in the License.txt file distributed with corecrypto) and only to
* people who accept that license. IMPORTANT: Any license rights granted to you by
* Apple Inc. (if any) are limited to internal use within your organization only on
* devices and computers you own or control, for the sole purpose of verifying the
* security characteristics and correct functioning of the Apple Software. You may
* not, directly or indirectly, redistribute the Apple Software or any portions thereof.
#include "cc.h"
typedef uint8_t cc_fault_canary_t[CC_FAULT_CANARY_SIZE];
extern const cc_fault_canary_t CCEC_FAULT_CANARY;
extern const cc_fault_canary_t CCRSA_PKCS1_FAULT_CANARY;
extern const cc_fault_canary_t CCRSA_PSS_FAULT_CANARY;
#define CC_FAULT_CANARY_MEMCPY(_dst_, _src_) cc_memcpy(_dst_, _src_, CC_FAULT_CANARY_SIZE)
#define CC_FAULT_CANARY_CLEAR(_name_) cc_memset(_name_, 0x00, CC_FAULT_CANARY_SIZE)
#define CC_FAULT_CANARY_EQUAL(_a_, _b_) (cc_cmp_safe(CC_FAULT_CANARY_SIZE, _a_, _b_) == 0)