This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
/* Copyright (c) (2010-2013,2015-2019,2021-2023) Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* corecrypto is licensed under Apple Inc.’s Internal Use License Agreement (which
* is contained in the License.txt file distributed with corecrypto) and only to
* people who accept that license. IMPORTANT: Any license rights granted to you by
* Apple Inc. (if any) are limited to internal use within your organization only on
* devices and computers you own or control, for the sole purpose of verifying the
* security characteristics and correct functioning of the Apple Software. You may
* not, directly or indirectly, redistribute the Apple Software or any portions thereof.
#include <corecrypto/cc_config.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccmode.h>
#define CCAES_KEY_SIZE_128 16
#define CCAES_KEY_SIZE_192 24
#define CCAES_KEY_SIZE_256 32
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_ltc_ecb_decrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_ltc_ecb_encrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_gladman_cbc_encrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_gladman_cbc_decrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_arm_ecb_encrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_arm_ecb_decrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_arm_cbc_encrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_arm_cbc_decrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_xts ccaes_arm_xts_encrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_xts ccaes_arm_xts_decrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cfb ccaes_arm_cfb_encrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cfb ccaes_arm_cfb_decrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ofb ccaes_arm_ofb_crypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_intel_ecb_encrypt_opt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_intel_ecb_encrypt_aesni_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_intel_ecb_decrypt_opt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_intel_ecb_decrypt_aesni_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_intel_cbc_encrypt_opt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_intel_cbc_encrypt_aesni_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_intel_cbc_decrypt_opt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_intel_cbc_decrypt_aesni_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_xts ccaes_intel_xts_encrypt_opt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_xts ccaes_intel_xts_encrypt_aesni_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_xts ccaes_intel_xts_decrypt_opt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_xts ccaes_intel_xts_decrypt_aesni_mode;
#if CC_USE_L4
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_skg_cbc_encrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_cbc ccaes_skg_cbc_decrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_skg_ecb_encrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_skg_ecb_decrypt_mode;
extern const struct ccmode_ecb ccaes_trng_ecb_encrypt_mode;
/* Implementation Selectors: */
const struct ccmode_ecb *ccaes_ecb_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_cbc *ccaes_cbc_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_cfb *ccaes_cfb_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_cfb8 *ccaes_cfb8_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_xts *ccaes_xts_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_gcm *ccaes_gcm_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_ccm *ccaes_ccm_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_ecb *ccaes_ecb_decrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_cbc *ccaes_cbc_decrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_cfb *ccaes_cfb_decrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_cfb8 *ccaes_cfb8_decrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_xts *ccaes_xts_decrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_gcm *ccaes_gcm_decrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_ccm *ccaes_ccm_decrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_ctr *ccaes_ctr_crypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_ofb *ccaes_ofb_crypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_siv *ccaes_siv_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_siv *ccaes_siv_decrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_siv_hmac *ccaes_siv_hmac_sha256_encrypt_mode(void);
const struct ccmode_siv_hmac *ccaes_siv_hmac_sha256_decrypt_mode(void);
@function ccaes_unwind
@abstract "Unwind" an AES encryption key to the equivalent decryption key.
@param key_nbytes Length in bytes of both the input and output keys
@param key The input AES encryption key
@param out The output AES decryption key
@result @p CCERR_OK iff successful.
@discussion Only AES256 (i.e. 32-byte) keys are supported. This function is not necessary in typical AES usage; consult the maintainers before using it.
int ccaes_unwind(size_t key_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(key_nbytes) key, void *cc_sized_by(key_nbytes) out);
#endif /* _CORECRYPTO_CCAES_H_ */