/* Copyright (c) (2013-2017,2019,2021,2022) Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* corecrypto is licensed under Apple Inc.’s Internal Use License Agreement (which
* is contained in the License.txt file distributed with corecrypto) and only to
* people who accept that license. IMPORTANT: Any license rights granted to you by
* Apple Inc. (if any) are limited to internal use within your organization only on
* devices and computers you own or control, for the sole purpose of verifying the
* security characteristics and correct functioning of the Apple Software. You may
* not, directly or indirectly, redistribute the Apple Software or any portions thereof.
#include <corecrypto/cc.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccmode.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccaes.h>
struct cccmac_ctx {
uint8_t k1[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
uint8_t k2[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
uint8_t block[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
size_t block_nbytes; // Number of byte occupied in block
size_t cumulated_nbytes; // Total size processed
const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc;
uint8_t ctx[1];
} CC_ALIGNED(8);// cccmac_ctx_hdr;
typedef struct cccmac_ctx* cccmac_ctx_t;
#define cccmac_hdr_size sizeof(struct cccmac_ctx)
#define cccmac_iv_size(_mode_) ((_mode_)->block_size)
#define cccmac_cbc_size(_mode_) ((_mode_)->size)
#define cccmac_ctx_size(_mode_) (cccmac_hdr_size + cccmac_iv_size(_mode_) + cccmac_cbc_size(_mode_))
#define cccmac_ctx_n(_mode_) ccn_nof_size(cccmac_ctx_size(_mode_))
#define cccmac_mode_decl(_mode_, _name_) cc_ctx_decl_vla(struct cccmac_ctx, cccmac_ctx_size(_mode_), _name_)
#define cccmac_mode_clear(_mode_, _name_) cc_clear(cccmac_ctx_size(_mode_), _name_)
/* Return a cccbc_ctx * which can be accesed with the macros in ccmode.h */
#define cccmac_mode_ctx_start(_mode_, HC) (HC->ctx)
#define CCCMAC_HDR(HC) (HC)
#define cccmac_mode_sym_ctx(_mode_, HC) (cccbc_ctx *)(cccmac_mode_ctx_start(_mode_, HC))
#define cccmac_mode_iv(_mode_, HC) (cccbc_iv *)(cccmac_mode_ctx_start(_mode_, HC)+cccmac_cbc_size(_mode_))
#define cccmac_k1(HC) (CCCMAC_HDR(HC)->k1)
#define cccmac_k2(HC) (CCCMAC_HDR(HC)->k2)
#define cccmac_block(HC) (CCCMAC_HDR(HC)->block)
#define cccmac_cbc(HC) (CCCMAC_HDR(HC)->cbc)
#define cccmac_block_nbytes(HC) (CCCMAC_HDR(HC)->block_nbytes)
#define cccmac_cumulated_nbytes(HC) (CCCMAC_HDR(HC)->cumulated_nbytes)
/* CMAC as defined in NIST SP800-38B - 2005 */
/* =============================================================================
@function cccmac_one_shot_generate
@abstract CMAC generation in one call
@param cbc CBC and block cipher specification
@param key_nbytes Length of the key in bytes
@param key Pointer to the key of length key_nbytes
@param data_nbytes Length of the data in bytes
@param data Pointer to the data in bytes
@param mac_nbytes Length in byte of the mac, > 0
@param mac Output of length cbc->block_size
@result 0 iff successful.
@discussion Only supports CMAC_BLOCKSIZE block ciphers
int cccmac_one_shot_generate(const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc,
size_t key_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(key_nbytes) key,
size_t data_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(data_nbytes) data,
size_t mac_nbytes, void *cc_sized_by(mac_nbytes) mac);
@function cccmac_one_shot_verify
@abstract CMAC verification in one call
@param cbc CBC and block cipher specification
@param key_nbytes Length of the key in bytes
@param key Pointer to the key of length key_nbytes
@param data_nbytes Length of the data in bytes
@param data Pointer to the data in bytes
@param expected_mac_nbytes Length in byte of the mac, > 0
@param expected_mac Mac value expected
@result 0 iff successful.
@discussion Only supports CMAC_BLOCKSIZE block ciphers
int cccmac_one_shot_verify(const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc,
size_t key_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(key_nbytes) key,
size_t data_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(data_nbytes) data,
size_t expected_mac_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(expected_mac_nbytes) expected_mac);
/* =============================================================================
Init - Update - Final
@function cccmac_init
@abstract Init CMAC context with CBC mode and key
@param cbc CBC and block cipher specification
@param ctx Context use to store internal state
@param key_nbytes Length of the key in bytes
@param key Full key
@result 0 iff successful.
@discussion Only supports CMAC_BLOCKSIZE block ciphers
int cccmac_init(const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc,
cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
size_t key_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(key_nbytes) key);
@function cccmac_update
@abstract Process data
@param ctx Context use to store internal state
@param data_nbytes Length in byte of the data
@param data Data to process
@result 0 iff successful.
@discussion Only supports CMAC_BLOCKSIZE block ciphers
int cccmac_update(cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
size_t data_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(data_nbytes) data);
@function cccmac_final_generate
@abstract Final step for generation
@param ctx Context use to store internal state
@param mac_nbytes Length in byte of the mac, > 0
@param mac Output of length mac_nbytes
@result 0 iff successful.
@discussion Only supports CMAC_BLOCKSIZE block ciphers
int cccmac_final_generate(cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
size_t mac_nbytes, void *cc_sized_by(mac_nbytes) mac);
@function cccmac_final_verify
@abstract Final step and verification
@param ctx Context use to store internal state
@param expected_mac_nbytes Length in byte of the mac, > 0
@param expected_mac Mac value expected
@result 0 iff successful.
@discussion Only supports CMAC_BLOCKSIZE block ciphers
int cccmac_final_verify(cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
size_t expected_mac_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(expected_mac_nbytes) expected_mac);