/* Copyright (c) (2010-2012,2014-2022) Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* corecrypto is licensed under Apple Inc.’s Internal Use License Agreement (which
* is contained in the License.txt file distributed with corecrypto) and only to
* people who accept that license. IMPORTANT: Any license rights granted to you by
* Apple Inc. (if any) are limited to internal use within your organization only on
* devices and computers you own or control, for the sole purpose of verifying the
* security characteristics and correct functioning of the Apple Software. You may
* not, directly or indirectly, redistribute the Apple Software or any portions thereof.
#include <corecrypto/cc.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccdigest.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccrng.h>
#include <corecrypto/cczp.h>
#include <corecrypto/cc_fault_canary.h>
// Apple does not generate keys of greater than 4096 bits
// This limit is relaxed to accommodate potential third-party consumers
struct ccrsa_full_ctx {
struct ccrsa_pub_ctx {
typedef struct ccrsa_full_ctx* ccrsa_full_ctx_t;
typedef struct ccrsa_pub_ctx* ccrsa_pub_ctx_t;
struct ccrsa_pub_ctx {
cczp zm;
cc_unit m[n];
cc_unit m0inv;
cc_unit mr2[n];
cc_unit e[n];
struct ccrsa_priv_ctx {
cc_unit d[n]; // e^(-1) mod lcm(p-1, q-1)
cczp zp;
cc_unit p[n/2+1];
cc_unit p0inv;
cc_unit pr2[n/2+1];
cczp zq;
cc_unit q[n/2+1];
cc_unit q0inv;
cc_unit qr2[n/2+1];
cc_unit dp[n/2+1]; // d mod (p-1)
cc_unit dq[n/2+1]; // d mod (q-1)
cc_unit qinv[n/2+1]; // q^(-1) mod p
struct ccrsa_full_ctx {
struct ccrsa_pub_ctx;
struct ccrsa_priv_ctx;
// Compute the internal structure size in bytes based on key (i.e. modulus) byte size.
#define ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(_nbytes_) (sizeof(struct cczp) + CCN_UNIT_SIZE + 3 * ccn_sizeof_size(_nbytes_))
#define ccrsa_priv_ctx_size(_nbytes_) (ccn_sizeof_size(_nbytes_) + (sizeof(struct cczp) + CCN_UNIT_SIZE) * 2 + 7 * ccn_sizeof_n(ccn_nof_size(_nbytes_) / 2 + 1))
#define ccrsa_full_ctx_size(_nbytes_) (ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(_nbytes_) + ccrsa_priv_ctx_size(_nbytes_))
#define ccrsa_pub_ctx_ws(_n_) ccn_nof_size(ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof_n(_n_)))
#define ccrsa_full_ctx_ws(_n_) ccn_nof_size(ccrsa_full_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof_n(_n_)))
// Declare structure based on key byte size.
#define ccrsa_full_ctx_decl(_nbytes_, _name_) cc_ctx_decl(struct ccrsa_full_ctx, ccrsa_full_ctx_size(_nbytes_), _name_)
#define ccrsa_full_ctx_clear(_nbytes_, _name_) cc_clear(ccrsa_full_ctx_size(_nbytes_), _name_)
#define ccrsa_pub_ctx_decl(_nbytes_, _name_) cc_ctx_decl(struct ccrsa_pub_ctx, ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(_nbytes_), _name_)
#define ccrsa_pub_ctx_clear(_nbytes_, _name_) cc_clear(ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(_nbytes_), _name_)
// Declare structure based on key bit size.
#define ccrsa_full_ctx_decl_nbits(_nbits_, _name_) cc_ctx_decl(struct ccrsa_full_ctx, ccrsa_full_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof(_nbits_)), _name_)
#define ccrsa_full_ctx_clear_nbits(_nbits_, _name_) cc_clear(ccrsa_full_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof(_nbits_)), _name_)
#define ccrsa_pub_ctx_decl_nbits(_nbits_, _name_) cc_ctx_decl(struct ccrsa_pub_ctx, ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof(_nbits_)), _name_)
#define ccrsa_pub_ctx_clear_nbits(_nbits_, _name_) cc_clear(ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof(_nbits_)), _name_)
// Declare structure based number of cc_units. Not a typical use case. Size depends on processor.
#define ccrsa_full_ctx_decl_n(_nunits_, _name_) cc_ctx_decl(struct ccrsa_full_ctx, ccrsa_full_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof_n(_nunits_)), _name_)
#define ccrsa_full_ctx_clear_n(_nunits_, _name_) cc_clear(ccrsa_full_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof_n(_nunits_)), _name_)
#define ccrsa_pub_ctx_decl_n(_nunits_, _name_) cc_ctx_decl(struct ccrsa_pub_ctx, ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof_n(_nunits_)), _name_)
#define ccrsa_pub_ctx_clear_n(_nunits_, _name_) cc_clear(ccrsa_pub_ctx_size(ccn_sizeof_n(_nunits_)), _name_)
// Accessors to ccrsa full and public key fields. */
// The offsets are computed using pb_ccn. If any object other than ccrsa_full_ctx_t
// or ccrsa_pub_ctx_t is passed to the macros, compiler error is generated.
#define ccrsa_ctx_zm(_ctx_) ((struct cczp* cc_single)(_ctx_))
#define ccrsa_ctx_n(_ctx_) (ccrsa_ctx_zm(_ctx_)->n)
#define ccrsa_ctx_m(_ctx_) ((cc_unit *)cc_unsafe_forge_bidi_indexable((_ctx_)->pb_ccn, ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(_ctx_))))
// Forge a bixi indexable at (_ctx_->pb_cnn + _offset_), of size in bytes _nbytes_.
#define ccrsa_unsafe_forge_bidi_indexable(_ctx_, _nbytes_, _offset_) ((cc_unit *)cc_unsafe_forge_bidi_indexable((cc_unit *)cc_unsafe_forge_bidi_indexable((_ctx_)->pb_ccn, _nbytes_ + ccn_sizeof_n(_offset_)) + _offset_, _nbytes_))
#define ccrsa_ctx_e(_ctx_) ccrsa_unsafe_forge_bidi_indexable(_ctx_, ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(_ctx_)), 2 * ccrsa_ctx_n(_ctx_) + 1)
#define ccrsa_ctx_d(_ctx_) ccrsa_unsafe_forge_bidi_indexable(_ctx_, ccn_sizeof_n(ccrsa_ctx_n(_ctx_)), 3 * ccrsa_ctx_n(_ctx_) + 1)
// accessors to ccrsa private key fields
#define ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(FK) ((cczp_t)(ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(FK)->ccn + 2 * ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(FK)->n + 1))
#define ccrsa_ctx_private_dp(FK) (ccrsa_ctx_private_zq(FK)->ccn + 2 * ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(FK)->n + 1)
#define ccrsa_ctx_private_dq(FK) (ccrsa_ctx_private_dp(FK) + ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(FK)->n)
#define ccrsa_ctx_private_qinv(FK) (ccrsa_ctx_private_dq(FK) + ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(FK)->n)
cczp_t ccrsa_ctx_private_zp(ccrsa_full_ctx_t fk);
@function ccrsa_ctx_public
@abstract gets the public key from full key
@param fk RSA full key
@result Returns RSA public ker
ccrsa_pub_ctx_t ccrsa_ctx_public(ccrsa_full_ctx_t fk);
@function ccrsa_pubkeylength
@abstract Compute the actual bit length of the RSA key (bit length of the modulus)
@param pubk An initialized RSA public key
@result bit length of the RSA key
size_t ccrsa_pubkeylength(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubk);
/* PKCS1 pad_markers */
@function ccrsa_init_pub
@abstract Initialize an RSA public key structure based on modulus and exponent. Values are copied into the structure.
@param pubk allocated public key structure (see requirements below)
@param modulus cc_unit array of the modulus
@param exponent cc_unit array of the exponent
@result CCERR_OK if no error
@discussion ccrsa_ctx_n(pubk) must have been initialized based on the modulus size, typically using ccn_nof_size(mod_nbytes).
The public key structure pubk is typically allocated with ccrsa_pub_ctx_decl(mod_nbytes, pubk);
int ccrsa_init_pub(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubk, const cc_unit *modulus,
const cc_unit *exponent);
/*! @function ccrsa_make_priv
@abstract Initializes an RSA public and private key given the public
exponent e and prime factors p and q.
@param full_ctx Initialized context with ccrsa_ctx_n(full_ctx) set to 2*ccn_nof_size(p_nbytes)
@param e_nbytes Number of bytes of public exponent e.
@param e_bytes Public exponent e in Big Endian.
@param p_nbytes Number of bytes of prime factor p.
@param p_bytes Prime factor p in Big Endian.
@param q_nbytes Number of bytes of prime factor q.
@param q_bytes Prime factor q in Big Endian.
@return 0 iff successful.
@discussion ccrsa_ctx_n(full_ctx) must already be set to 2*ccn_nof_size(p_mbytes), with the expectation that p_nbytes>q_nbytes.
e is the public exponent, and e_nbytes<= 2*p_nbytes.
The output is a fully formed RSA context with N=pq, d=e^{-1} mod lambda(N), and appropriate inverses of different associated values precomputed
to speed computation.
int ccrsa_make_priv(ccrsa_full_ctx_t full_ctx,
size_t e_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(e_nbytes) e_bytes,
size_t p_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(p_nbytes) p_bytes,
size_t q_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(q_nbytes) q_bytes);
/*! @function ccrsa_recover_priv
@abstract Initializes an RSA public and private key given the modulus m,
the public exponent e and the private exponent d.
@discussion Follows the algorithm described by
NIST SP 800-56B, Appendix C, "Prime Factory Recovery".
@param full_ctx Initialized context with ccrsa_ctx_n(full_ctx) set to ccn_nof_size(m_nbytes)
@param m_nbytes Number of bytes of modulus m.
@param m_bytes Modulus m in Big Endian.
@param e_nbytes Number of bytes of public exponent e.
@param e_bytes Public exponent e in Big Endian.
@param d_nbytes Number of bytes of private exponent d.
@param d_bytes Private exponent d in Big Endian.
@param rng RNG instance.
@return 0 iff successful.
int ccrsa_recover_priv(ccrsa_full_ctx_t full_ctx,
size_t m_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(m_nbytes) m_bytes,
size_t e_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(e_nbytes) e_bytes,
size_t d_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(d_nbytes) d_bytes,
struct ccrng_state *rng);
@function ccrsa_make_pub
@abstract Initialize public key based on modulus and public exponent as big endian byte arrays;
@param pubk allocated public key structure (see requirements below)
@param exp_nbytes Number of bytes in big endian exponent.
@param exp Pointer to big endian exponent e (may have leading 0's).
@param mod_nbytes Number of bytes in big endian modulus.
@param mod Pointer to big endian to rsa modulus N.
@result 0 iff successful.
@discussion ccrsa_ctx_n(pubk) must have been initialized based on the modulus size, typically using ccn_nof_size(mod_nbytes).
The public key structure pubk is typically allocated with ccrsa_pub_ctx_decl(mod_nbytes, pubk);
CC_NONNULL((1, 3, 5))
int ccrsa_make_pub(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubk,
size_t exp_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(exp_nbytes) exp,
size_t mod_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(mod_nbytes) mod);
@function ccrsa_pub_crypt
@abstract Perform an RSA public key operation: (in)^e mod m
@param key initialized public key defining e and m
@param out result of the operation, at least ccrsa_key_n(key) cc_units must have been allocated
@param in base of the exponentiation, of size ccrsa_key_n(key)
@result CCERR_OK if no error
@discussion Input to this function must not be secrets as the execution flow may expose their values
Clients can use ccn_read_uint() to convert bytes to cc_units to use for this API.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3))
int ccrsa_pub_crypt(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, cc_unit *cc_unsafe_indexable out, const cc_unit *cc_unsafe_indexable in);
@function ccrsa_generate_key
@abstract Generate a nbit RSA key pair.
@param nbits Bit size requested for the key
@param fk Allocated context where the generated key will be stored
@param e_nbytes Byte size of the input public exponent
@param e_bytes Input public exponent in big endian. Recommend value is {0x01, 0x00, 0x01}
@param rng Random Number generator used.
@result CCERR_OK if no error
fk should be allocated using ccrsa_full_ctx_decl_nbits(nbits, fk).
The unsigned big endian byte array exponent e of length e_size is used as the exponent. It's an error to call this function with an exponent larger than nbits
int ccrsa_generate_key(size_t nbits, ccrsa_full_ctx_t fk,
size_t e_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(e_nbytes) e_bytes, struct ccrng_state *rng) CC_WARN_RESULT;
@function ccrsa_generate_key_deterministic
@abstract Generate a deterministic nbit RSA key pair.
@param nbits Bit size requested for the key.
@param fk Allocated context where the generated key will be stored.
@param e_nbytes Byte length of public exponent.
@param e Public exponent in big endian. Recommend value is {0x01, 0x00, 0x01}.
@param entropy_nbytes Byte length of entropy.
@param entropy Entropy, initial DRBG seed.
@param nonce_nbytes Byte length of nonce.
@param nonce Unique value combined with the entropy/seed.
@param flags Bitmap for options.
@param rng Random Number generator for primality testing.
@result CCERR_OK if no error
fk should be allocated using ccrsa_full_ctx_decl_nbits(nbits, fk).
The unsigned big endian byte array exponent e of length e_size is used as the exponent. It's an error to call this function with an exponent larger than nbits
CC_NONNULL((2, 4, 6, 10))
int ccrsa_generate_key_deterministic(size_t nbits, ccrsa_full_ctx_t fk,
size_t e_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_sized_by(e_nbytes) e,
size_t entropy_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_sized_by(entropy_nbytes) entropy,
size_t nonce_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_sized_by(nonce_nbytes) nonce,
uint32_t flags,
struct ccrng_state *rng);
@function ccrsa_generate_fips186_key
@abstract Generate a nbit RSA key pair in conformance with FIPS186-4 standard.
@param nbits Bit size requested for the key
@param fk Allocated context where the generated key will be stored
@param e_nbytes Byte size of the input public exponent
@param e_bytes Input public exponent in big endian. Recommend value is {0x01, 0x00, 0x01}
@param rng Random Number generator used for p and q
@param rng_mr Random Number generator only used for the primality check
@result CCERR_OK if no error
fk should be allocated using ccrsa_full_ctx_decl_nbits(nbits, fk).
rng and rng_mr shoud be set to the same value. The distinction is only relevant for testing
ccrsa_generate_fips186_key(size_t nbits, ccrsa_full_ctx_t fk,
size_t e_nbytes, const void *cc_sized_by(e_nbytes) e_bytes,
struct ccrng_state *rng, struct ccrng_state *rng_mr) CC_WARN_RESULT;
Signing and Verification algorithms
@function ccrsa_sign_pss
@brief ccrsa_sign_pss() generates RSASSA-PSS signature in PKCS1-V2 format given an input digest
@param key The RSA key
@param hashAlgorithm The hash algorithm used to generate mHash from the original message. It is also used inside the PSS encoding function.
@param MgfHashAlgorithm The hash algorithm for thr mask generation function
@param rng Random number geberator to generate salt in PSS encoding
@param salt_nbytes Intended length of the salt
@param digest_nbytes Length of message hash . Must be equal to hashAlgorithm->output_size
@param digest The input that needs to be signed. This is the hash of message M with length of hLen
@param sig_nbytes The length of generated signature in bytes, which equals the size of the RSA modulus.
@param sig The signature output
@return 0:ok, non-zero:error
note that in RSASSA-PSS, salt length is part of the signature as specified in ASN1
hashAlgorithm [0] HashAlgorithm DEFAULT sha1,
maskGenAlgorithm [1] MaskGenAlgorithm DEFAULT mgf1SHA1,
saltLength [2] INTEGER DEFAULT 20,
trailerField [3] TrailerField DEFAULT trailerFieldBC
• If nlen = 1024 bits (i.e., 128 bytes), and the output length of the approved hash function output block is 512 bits (i.e., 64 bytes), then the length (in bytes) of the salt (sLen) shall satisfy 0 ≤ sLen ≤ hLen – 2,
• Otherwise, the length (in bytes) of the salt (sLen) shall satisfy 0 ≤ sLen ≤ hLen, where hLen is the length of the hash function output block (in bytes).
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9))
int ccrsa_sign_pss(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key,
const struct ccdigest_info* hashAlgorithm, const struct ccdigest_info* MgfHashAlgorithm,
size_t salt_nbytes, struct ccrng_state *rng,
size_t digest_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(digest_nbytes) digest,
size_t *sig_nbytes, uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable sig);
@function ccrsa_sign_pss_msg
@brief ccrsa_sign_pss_msg() generates a RSASSA-PSS signature in PKCS1-V2 format given an input message
@param key The RSA key
@param hashAlgorithm The hash algorithm used to generate mHash from the input message. It is also used inside the PSS encoding function.
@param MgfHashAlgorithm The hash algorithm for thr mask generation function
@param rng Random number generator to generate salt in PSS encoding
@param salt_nbytes Intended length of the salt
@param msg_nbytes Length of message.
@param msg The input that needs to be signed. This will be hashed using `hashAlgorithm`
@param sig_nbytes The length of generated signature in bytes, which equals the size of the RSA modulus.
@param sig The signature output
@return 0:ok, non-zero:error
note that in RSASSA-PSS, salt length is part of the signature as specified in ASN1
hashAlgorithm [0] HashAlgorithm DEFAULT sha1,
maskGenAlgorithm [1] MaskGenAlgorithm DEFAULT mgf1SHA1,
saltLength [2] INTEGER DEFAULT 20,
trailerField [3] TrailerField DEFAULT trailerFieldBC
• If nlen = 1024 bits (i.e., 128 bytes), and the output length of the approved hash function output block is 512 bits (i.e., 64 bytes), then the length (in bytes) of the salt (sLen) shall satisfy 0 ≤ sLen ≤ hLen – 2,
• Otherwise, the length (in bytes) of the salt (sLen) shall satisfy 0 ≤ sLen ≤ hLen, where hLen is the length of the hash function output block (in bytes).
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9))
int ccrsa_sign_pss_msg(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key,
const struct ccdigest_info* hashAlgorithm, const struct ccdigest_info* MgfHashAlgorithm,
size_t salt_nbytes, struct ccrng_state *rng,
size_t msg_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(msg_nbytes) msg,
size_t *sig_nbytes, uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable sig);
@function ccrsa_verify_pss_digest
@brief ccrsa_verify_pss_digest() verifies RSASSA-PSS signature in PKCS1-V2 format, given the digest
@param key The RSA public key
@param di The hash algorithm used to generate the hash of the message.
@param mgfdi The hash algorithm for the mask generation function
@param digest_nbytes Length of digest. Must be equal to di->output_size
@param digest The signed message hash
@param sig_nbytes The length of generated signature in bytes, which equals the size of the RSA modulus.
@param sig The signature to verify
@param salt_nbytes Length of the salt as used during signature generation.
@param fault_canary_out OPTIONAL cc_fault_canary_t (see discussion)
@result CCERR_VALID_SIGNATURE on signature success.
CCERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE on signature failure.
other on some other signature verification issue.
@discussion If the fault_canary_out argument is not NULL, the value `CCRSA_PSS_FAULT_CANARY` will be placed into fault_canary_out
if the salted input hash is equal to the decoded hash (which strongly implies the signature is valid). Callers can then securely compare this output buffer against CCRSA_PSS_FAULT_CANARY, using CC_FAULT_CANARY_EQUAL, as an additional check of signature validity: if the two canary values are equal, the signature is valid otherwise it is not. If the signature is valid and the canary values are NOT equal this may indicate a potentially injected computational fault.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3, 5, 7))
int ccrsa_verify_pss_digest(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key,
const struct ccdigest_info* di,
const struct ccdigest_info* mgfdi,
size_t digest_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(digest_nbytes) digest,
size_t sig_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable sig,
size_t salt_nbytes, cc_fault_canary_t fault_canary_out);
@function ccrsa_verify_pss_msg
@brief ccrsa_verify_pss_msg() verifies RSASSA-PSS signature in PKCS1-V2 format, given the message
@param key The RSA public key
@param di The hash algorithm used to generate the hash of the message.
@param mgfdi The hash algorithm for the mask generation function
@param msg_nbytes Length of message
@param msg The signed message
@param sig_nbytes The length of generated signature in bytes, which equals the size of the RSA modulus.
@param sig The signature to verify
@param salt_nbytes Length of the salt as used during signature generation.
@param fault_canary_out OPTIONAL cc_fault_canary_t (see discussion)
@result CCERR_VALID_SIGNATURE on signature success.
CCERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE on signature failure.
other on some other signature verification issue.
@discussion If the fault_canary_out argument is not NULL, the value `CCRSA_PSS_FAULT_CANARY` will be placed into fault_canary_out
if the salted input hash is equal to the decoded hash (which strongly implies the signature is valid). Callers can then securely compare this output buffer against CCRSA_PSS_FAULT_CANARY, using CC_FAULT_CANARY_EQUAL, as an additional check of signature validity: if the two canary values are equal, the signature is valid otherwise it is not. If the signature is valid and the canary values are NOT equal this may indicate a potentially injected computational fault.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3, 5, 7))
int ccrsa_verify_pss_msg(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key,
const struct ccdigest_info* di,
const struct ccdigest_info* mgfdi,
size_t msg_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(msg_nbytes) msg,
size_t sig_nbytes, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(sig_nbytes) sig,
size_t salt_nbytes, cc_fault_canary_t fault_canary_out);
@function ccrsa_sign_pkcs1v15
@abstract RSA signature with PKCS#1 v1.5 format per PKCS#1 v2.2
@param key Full key
@param oid OID describing the type of digest passed in
@param digest_len Byte length of the digest
@param digest Byte array of digest_len bytes containing the digest
@param sig_len Pointer to the number of bytes allocated for sig.
Output the exact size of the signature.
@param sig Pointer to the allocated buffer of size *sig_len
for the output signature
@result CCERR_OK iff successful.
@discussion Null OID is a special case, required to support RFC 4346 where the padding
is based on SHA1+MD5. In general it is not recommended to use a NULL OID,
except when strictly required for interoperability
CC_NONNULL((1, 4, 5, 6))
int ccrsa_sign_pkcs1v15(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *oid,
size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(digest_len) digest,
size_t *sig_len, uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable sig);
@function ccrsa_sign_pkcs1v15_msg
@abstract RSA signature with PKCS#1 v1.5 format per PKCS#1 v2.2
@param key Full key
@param di Digest context
@param msg_len Byte length of the message to sign
@param msg Byte array of msg_len bytes containing the message. Will be hashed with di.
@param sig_len Pointer to the number of bytes allocated for sig.
Output the exact size of the signature.
@param sig Pointer to the allocated buffer of size *sig_len
for the output signature
@result CCERR_OK iff successful.
@discussion Null OID is not supported by this API.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 4, 5, 6))
int ccrsa_sign_pkcs1v15_msg(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, const struct ccdigest_info* di,
size_t msg_len, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(msg_len) msg,
size_t *sig_len, uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable sig);
@function ccrsa_verify_pkcs1v15
@abstract RSA signature with PKCS#1 v1.5 format per PKCS#1 v2.2
@param key Public key
@param oid OID describing the type of digest passed in
@param digest_len Byte length of the digest
@param digest Byte array of digest_len bytes containing the digest
@param sig_len Number of bytes of the signature sig.
@param sig Pointer to the signature buffer of sig_len
@param valid Output boolean, true if the signature is valid.
@result A return value of 0 and valid = True indicates a valid signature.
A non-zero return value or valid = False indicates an invalid signature.
@discussion Null OID is a special case, required to support RFC 4346
where the padding is based on SHA1+MD5. In general it is not
recommended to use a NULL OID, except when strictly required for
CC_NONNULL((1, 4, 6, 7))
int ccrsa_verify_pkcs1v15(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *oid,
size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(digest_len) digest,
size_t sig_len, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(sig_len) sig,
bool *valid);
@function ccrsa_verify_pkcs1v15_digest
@abstract RSA signature with PKCS#1 v1.5 format per PKCS#1 v2.2, given a digest
@param key Public key
@param oid OID describing the type of digest passed in
@param digest_len Byte length of the digest
@param digest Byte array of digest_len bytes containing the digest
@param sig_len Number of bytes of the signature sig.
@param sig Pointer to the signature buffer of sig_len
@param fault_canary_out OPTIONAL cc_fault_canary_t
@result CCERR_VALID_SIGNATURE if a valid signature.
CCERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE if an invalid signature.
Other if the verification procedure failed.
@discussion If the fault_canary_out argument is not NULL, the value `CCRSA_PKCS1_FAULT_CANARY` will be placed into fault_canary_out
if the input hash is equal to the decoded hash (which strongly implies the signature is valid). Callers can then securely compare this output buffer against CCRSA_PKCS1_FAULT_CANARY, using CC_FAULT_CANARY_EQUAL, as an additional check of signature validity: if the two canary values are equal, the signature is valid otherwise it is not. If the signature is valid and the canary values are NOT equal this may indicate a potentially injected computational fault.
CC_NONNULL((1, 4, 6))
int ccrsa_verify_pkcs1v15_digest(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *oid,
size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(digest_len) digest,
size_t sig_len, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(sig_len) sig,
cc_fault_canary_t fault_canary_out);
@function ccrsa_verify_pkcs1v15_msg
@abstract RSA signature with PKCS#1 v1.5 format per PKCS#1 v2.2
@param key Public key
@param di Hash function
@param msg_len Byte length of the digest
@param msg Byte array of digest_len bytes containing the digest
@param sig_len Number of bytes of the signature sig.
@param sig Pointer to the signature buffer of sig_len
@param fault_canary_out OPTIONAL cc_fault_canary_t
@result CCERR_VALID_SIGNATURE if a valid signature.
CCERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE if an invalid signature.
Other if the verification procedure failed.
@discussion Null OID is not supported by this API.
If the fault_canary_out argument is not NULL, the value `CCRSA_PKCS1_FAULT_CANARY` will
be placed into fault_canary_out if the input hash is equal to the decoded hash (which strongly
implies the signature is valid). Callers can then securely compare this output buffer against CCRSA_PKCS1_FAULT_CANARY, using CC_FAULT_CANARY_EQUAL, as an additional check of signature validity: if the two canary values are equal, the signature is valid otherwise it is not. If the signature is valid and the canary values are NOT equal this may indicate a potentially injected computational fault.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 4, 6))
int ccrsa_verify_pkcs1v15_msg(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, const struct ccdigest_info* di,
size_t msg_len, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(msg_len) msg,
size_t sig_len, const uint8_t *cc_counted_by(sig_len) sig,
cc_fault_canary_t fault_canary_out);
@function ccder_encode_rsa_pub_size
@abstract Calculate size of public key export format data package.
@param key Public key
@result Returns size required for encoding.
size_t ccder_encode_rsa_pub_size(const ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key);
@function ccrsa_export_priv_pkcs1
@abstract Export a public key.
@param key Public key
@param der Beginning of output DER buffer
@param der_end End of output DER buffer
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3))
uint8_t *ccder_encode_rsa_pub(const ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, uint8_t *cc_ended_by(der_end) der, uint8_t *der_end);
@function ccder_encode_rsa_priv_size
@abstract Calculate size of full key exported in PKCS#1 format.
@param key Full key
@result Returns size required for encoding.
size_t ccder_encode_rsa_priv_size(const ccrsa_full_ctx_t key);
@function ccder_encode_rsa_priv
@abstract Export a full key in PKCS#1 format.
@param key Full key
@param der Beginning of output DER buffer
@param der_end End of output DER buffer
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3))
uint8_t *ccder_encode_rsa_priv(const ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *cc_ended_by(der_end) der, uint8_t *der_end);
@function ccder_decode_rsa_pub_n
@abstract Calculate "n" for a public key imported from a data package.
PKCS #1 format
@param der Beginning of input DER buffer
@param der_end End of input DER buffer
@result the "n" of the RSA key that would result from the import. This can be used
to declare the key itself.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2))
cc_size ccder_decode_rsa_pub_n(const uint8_t *cc_ended_by(der_end) der, const uint8_t *der_end);
@function ccder_decode_rsa_pub
@abstract Import a public RSA key from a package in public key format.
PKCS #1 format
@param key Public key (n must be set)
@param der Beginning of input DER buffer
@param der_end End of input DER buffer
@result Key is initialized using the data in the public key message.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3))
const uint8_t *ccder_decode_rsa_pub(const ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *cc_ended_by(der_end) der, const uint8_t *der_end);
@function ccder_decode_rsa_pub_x509_n
@abstract Calculate "n" for a public key imported from a data package in x509 format
@param der Beginning of input DER buffer
@param der_end End of input DER buffer
@result the "n" of the RSA key that would result from the import. This can be used
to declare the key itself.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2))
cc_size ccder_decode_rsa_pub_x509_n(const uint8_t *cc_ended_by(der_end) der, const uint8_t *der_end);
@function ccder_decode_rsa_pub_x509
@abstract Import a public RSA key from a package in x509 format.
@param key Public key (n must be set)
@param der Beginning of input DER buffer
@param der_end End of input DER buffer
@result Key is initialized using the data in the public key message.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3))
const uint8_t *ccder_decode_rsa_pub_x509(const ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *cc_ended_by(der_end) der, const uint8_t *der_end);
@function ccder_decode_rsa_priv_n
@abstract Calculate "n" for a private key imported from a data package.
@param der Beginning of input DER buffer
@param der_end End of input DER buffer
@result the "n" of the RSA key that would result from the import. This can be used
to declare the key itself.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2))
cc_size ccder_decode_rsa_priv_n(const uint8_t *cc_ended_by(der_end) der, const uint8_t *der_end);
@function ccder_decode_rsa_priv
@abstract Import a private RSA key from a package in PKCS#1 format.
@param key Full key (n must be set)
@param der Beginning of input DER buffer
@param der_end End of input DER buffer
@result Key is initialized using the data in the public key message.
CC_NONNULL((1, 2, 3))
const uint8_t *ccder_decode_rsa_priv(const ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, const uint8_t *cc_ended_by(der_end) der, const uint8_t *der_end);
@function ccrsa_export_pub_size
@abstract Calculate size of public key exported data package.
@param key Public key
@result Returns size required for encoding.
size_t ccrsa_export_pub_size(const ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key);
@function ccrsa_export_pub
@abstract Export a public key in public key format.
@param key Public key
@param out_len Allocated size
@param out Output buffer
CC_NONNULL((1, 3))
int ccrsa_export_pub(const ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, size_t out_len, uint8_t *cc_counted_by(out_len) out);
@function ccrsa_import_pub_n
@abstract Calculate "n" for a public key imported from a data package.
@param inlen Length of public key package data
@param der pointer to public key package data
@result the "n" of the RSA key that would result from the import. This can be used
to declare the key itself.
cc_size ccrsa_import_pub_n(size_t inlen, const uint8_t *cc_sized_by(inlen) der);
@function ccrsa_import_pub
@abstract Import a public RSA key from a package in public key format.
@param key Public key (n must be set)
@param inlen Length of public key package data
@param der pointer to public key package data
@result Key is initialized using the data in the public key message.
CC_NONNULL((1, 3))
int ccrsa_import_pub(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key, size_t inlen, const uint8_t *cc_sized_by(inlen) der);
@function ccrsa_export_priv_size
@abstract Calculate size of full key exported in PKCS#1 format.
@param key Full key
@result Returns size required for encoding.
size_t ccrsa_export_priv_size(const ccrsa_full_ctx_t key);
@function ccrsa_export_priv
@abstract Export a full key in PKCS#1 format.
@param key Full key
@param out_len Allocated size
@param out Output buffer
CC_NONNULL((1, 3))
int ccrsa_export_priv(const ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, size_t out_len, uint8_t *cc_sized_by(out_len) out);
@function ccrsa_import_priv_n
@abstract Calculate size of full key exported in PKCS#1 format.
@param inlen Length of PKCS#1 package data
@param der pointer to PKCS#1 package data
@result the "n" of the RSA key that would result from the import. This can be used
to declare the key itself.
cc_size ccrsa_import_priv_n(size_t inlen, const uint8_t *cc_sized_by(inlen) der);
@function ccrsa_import_priv
@abstract Import a full RSA key from a package in PKCS#1 format.
@param key Full key (n must be set)
@param inlen Length of PKCS#1 package data
@param der pointer to PKCS#1 package data
@result Key is initialized using the data in the PKCS#1 message.
int ccrsa_import_priv(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, size_t inlen, const uint8_t *cc_sized_by(inlen) der);
@function ccrsa_get_pubkey_components
@abstract Copy each component of the public key to the given buffers
@param pubkey Public key
@param modulus Buffer to the output buffer for the modulus
@param modulusLength Pointer to the byte size allocated for the modulus, updated with actual output size
@param exponent Buffer to the output buffer for the exponent
@param exponentLength Pointer to the byte size allocated for the exponent, updated with actual output size
@return 0 is success, not 0 in case of error
@discussion if either allocated buffer length is insufficient, the function returns an error
CC_NONNULL((1, 2))
int ccrsa_get_pubkey_components(const ccrsa_pub_ctx_t pubkey, uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable modulus, size_t *modulusLength, uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable exponent, size_t *exponentLength);
@function ccrsa_get_fullkey_components
@abstract Copy each component of the public key to the given buffers
@param key Full key
@param modulus Output buffer for the modulus
@param modulusLength Pointer to the byte size allocated for the modulus, updated with actual output size
@param d Output buffer for the private exponent d.
@param dLength Pointer to the byte size allocated for the private exponent d, updated with actual output size
@param p Output buffer for the first prime factor of the modulus
@param pLength Pointer to the byte size allocated for the prime factor, updated with actual output size
@param q Output buffer for the second prime factor of the modulus
@param qLength Pointer to the byte size allocated for the prime factor, updated with actual output size
@return 0 is success, not 0 in case of error
@discussion if either allocated buffer length is insufficient, the function returns an error
CC_NONNULL((1, 2))
int ccrsa_get_fullkey_components(const ccrsa_full_ctx_t key, uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable modulus, size_t *modulusLength,
uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable d, size_t *dLength,
uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable p, size_t *pLength,
uint8_t *cc_unsafe_indexable q, size_t *qLength);
@function ccrsa_dump_public_key
@abstract Print a rsa public key in the console (printf)
@param key Public key
void ccrsa_dump_public_key(ccrsa_pub_ctx_t key);
@function ccrsa_dump_full_key
@abstract Print a rsa private key in the console (printf)
@param key Public key
void ccrsa_dump_full_key(ccrsa_full_ctx_t key);
#endif /* _CORECRYPTO_CCRSA_H_ */