This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
* Copyright © 2017-2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
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* Please obtain a copy of the License at
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* @header
* Encapsulation which describes an Image4 environment. The environment
* encompasses chip properties and trust evaluation policies, including digest
* algorithm selection and secure boot level enforcement.
#include <image4/image4.h>
#include <image4/types.h>
#include <image4/coprocessor.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#pragma mark Forward Types
* @typedef image4_environment_storage_t
* The canonical type for environment storage.
typedef struct _image4_environment_storage image4_environment_storage_t;
* @typedef image4_environment_query_boot_nonce_t
* A callback to provide the boot nonce for the environment.
* @param nv
* The environment for which to retrieve the boot nonce.
* @param n
* Storage in which the callee should write the nonce upon successful return.
* @param n_len
* Storage in which the callee should write the nonce length upon successful
* return.
* On function entry, the content of this parameter is undefined.
* @param _ctx
* The context pointer which was provided during the environment's construction.
* @result
* The callee is expected to return zero on success. Otherwise, the callee may
* return one of the following POSIX error codes:
* [ENOTSUP] Obtaining the boot nonce is not supported; this will cause the
* implementation to act as if no callback was specified
* [ENOENT] The boot nonce does not exist
* [ENXIO] The boot nonce is not yet available for the environment, and
* the environment's bootstrap nonce (if any) should be used for
* anti-replay instead
* @discussion
* This callback is utilized by exec, sign, and boot trust evaluations.
typedef errno_t (*image4_environment_query_boot_nonce_t)(
const image4_environment_t *nv,
uint8_t n[__static_size _Nonnull IMAGE4_NONCE_MAX_LEN],
size_t *n_len,
void *_ctx
* @typedef image4_environment_query_nonce_digest_t
* A callback to provide a nonce digest for use during preflight trust
* evaluations.
* @param nv
* The environment for which to retrieve the boot nonce.
* @param nd
* Storage in which the callee should write the nonce digest upon successful
* return.
* @param nd_len
* Storage in which the callee should write the nonce digest length upon
* successful return.
* On function entry, the content of this parameter is undefined.
* @param _ctx
* The context pointer which was provided during the environment's construction.
* @result
* The callee is expected to return zero on success. Otherwise, the callee may
* return one of the following POSIX error codes:
* [ENOTSUP] Obtaining the nonce digest is not supported; this will cause
* the implementation to act as if no callback was specified
* [ENOENT] The nonce digest does not exist
* @discussion
* This callback is utilized by preflight, sign, and boot trust evaluations. In
* sign and trust trust evaluations, it is only called if the nonce itself
* cannot be obtained from either the environment internally or the boot nonce
* callback.
typedef errno_t (*image4_environment_query_nonce_digest_t)(
const image4_environment_t *nv,
uint8_t nd[__static_size _Nonnull IMAGE4_DIGEST_MAX_LEN],
size_t *nd_len,
void *_ctx
* @typedef image4_environment_identifier_bool_t
* A callback which conveys the value of a Boolean identifier associated with
* the environment during an identification.
* @param nv
* The environment which is being identified.
* @param id4
* The Boolean identifier.
* @param val
* The value of the identifier.
* @param _ctx
* The context pointer which was provided during the environment's construction.
typedef void (*image4_environment_identifier_bool_t)(
const image4_environment_t *nv,
const image4_identifier_t *id4,
bool val,
void *_ctx
* @typedef image4_environment_identifier_integer_t
* A callback which conveys the value of an unsigned 64-bit integer identifier
* associated with the environment during an identification.
* @param nv
* The environment which is being identified.
* @param id4
* The integer identifier.
* @param val
* The value of the identifier.
* @param _ctx
* The context pointer which was provided during the environment's construction.
typedef void (*image4_environment_identifier_integer_t)(
const image4_environment_t *nv,
const image4_identifier_t *id4,
uint64_t val,
void *_ctx
* @typedef image4_environment_identifier_data_t
* A callback which conveys the value of an octet string identifier associated
* with the environment during an identification.
* @param nv
* The environment which is being identified.
* @param id4
* The octet string identifier.
* @param vp
* A pointer to the octet string bytes.
* @param vp_len
* The length of the octet string indicated by {@link vp}.
* @param _ctx
* The context pointer which was provided during the environment's construction.
typedef void (*image4_environment_identifier_data_t)(
const image4_environment_t *nv,
const image4_identifier_t *id4,
const void *vp,
size_t vp_len,
void *_ctx
* The version of the {@link image4_environment_callbacks_t} structure supported
* by the implementation.
* @struct image4_environment_callbacks_t
* A callback structure which may be given to influence the behavior of an
* {@link image4_environment_t}.
* @field nvcb_version
* The version of the structure. Initialize to
* @field nvcb_query_boot_nonce
* The callback to query the boot nonce.
* @field nvcb_query_nonce_digest
* The callback to query a nonce digest.
* @field nvcb_construct_boot
* The callback to construct the boot sequence for the environment.
* @field nvcb_identifier_bool
* The callback to convey a Boolean identifier in the environment.
* @field nvcb_identifier_integer
* The callback to convey an integer identifier in the environment.
* @field nvcb_identifier_data
* The callback to convey an octet string identifier in the environment.
typedef struct _image4_environment_callbacks {
image4_struct_version_t nvcb_version;
image4_environment_query_boot_nonce_t _Nullable nvcb_query_boot_nonce;
image4_environment_query_nonce_digest_t _Nullable nvcb_query_nonce_digest;
image4_environment_identifier_bool_t _Nullable nvcb_identifier_bool;
image4_environment_identifier_integer_t _Nullable nvcb_identifier_integer;
image4_environment_identifier_data_t _Nullable nvcb_identifier_data;
} image4_environment_callbacks_t;
* The version of the {@link image4_environment_t} structure supported by the
* implementation.
* @struct image4_environment_storage_t
* An opaque structure which is guaranteed to be large enough to accommodate an
* {@link image4_environment_t}.
* @field __opaque
* The opaque storage.
struct _image4_environment_storage {
uint8_t __opaque[256];
* Initializer for a {@link image4_environment_storage_t} object.
#define IMAGE4_ENVIRONMENT_STORAGE_INIT (image4_environment_storage_t){ \
.__opaque = { 0x00 }, \
#pragma mark API
* @function image4_environment_init
* Initializes an environment in which to perform a trust evaluation.
* @param storage
* The storage structure.
* @param coproc
* The coprocessor which will perform the evaluation. If NULL,
* {@link IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_HOST} will be assumed.
* @param handle
* The specific environment and policy within the coprocessor to use for
* performing the evaluation. If {@link IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_HOST} is used, this
* parameter is ignored.
* @result
* An initialized {@link image4_environment_t} object.
image4_environment_t *
image4_environment_storage_t *storage,
const image4_coprocessor_t *_Nullable coproc,
image4_coprocessor_handle_t handle,
image4_struct_version_t v);
#define image4_environment_init(_storage, _coproc, _handle) \
_image4_environment_init( \
(_storage), \
(_coproc), \
(_handle), \
* @function image4_environment_init_coproc
* A less-verbose form of {@link image4_environment_init}.
* @param _storage
* The storage structure.
* @param _coproc_short
* The shortened form of the coprocessor name, e.g. `AP` for
* @param _handle_short
* The shortened form of the coprocessor handle name, e.g. `FF00` for
* @result
* An initialized {@link image4_environment_t} object.
* @example
* The following two code snippets are equivalent.
* nv = image4_environment_init(
* &s,
* and
* nv = image4_environment_init_coproc(&s, CRYPTEX1, BOOT);
#define image4_environment_init_coproc(_storage, _coproc_short, _handle_short) \
image4_environment_init( \
(_storage), \
IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_ ## _coproc_short, \
IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_HANDLE_ ## _coproc_short ## _ ## _handle_short)
* @function image4_environment_new
* Allocates an environment in which to perform a trust evaluation.
* @param coproc
* The coprocessor which will perform the evaluation. If NULL,
* {@link IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_HOST} will be assumed.
* @param handle
* The specific environment and policy within the coprocessor to use for
* performing the evaluation. If {@link IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_HOST} is used, this
* parameter is ignored.
* @result
* A newly-allocated and initialized {@link image4_environment_t} object. The
* caller is responsible for disposing of this object with
* {@link image4_environment_destroy} when it is no longer needed.
* If insufficient resources were available to allocate the object, or if the
* host runtime does not have an allocator, NULL is returned.
image4_environment_t *_Nullable
const image4_coprocessor_t *_Nullable coproc,
image4_coprocessor_handle_t handle);
* @function image4_environment_new_coproc
* A less-verbose form of {@link image4_environment_new}.
* @param _coproc_short
* The shortened form of the coprocessor name, e.g. `AP` for
* @param _handle_short
* The shortened form of the coprocessor handle name, e.g. `FF00` for
* @result
* A newly-allocated and initialized {@link image4_environment_t} object. The
* caller is responsible for disposing of this object with
* {@link image4_environment_destroy} when it is no longer needed.
* If insufficient resources were available to allocate the object, or if the
* host runtime does not have an allocator, NULL is returned.
* @example
* The following two code snippets are equivalent.
* nv = image4_environment_new(
* and
* nv = image4_environment_new_coproc(CRYPTEX1, BOOT);
#define image4_environment_new_coproc(_coproc_short, _handle_short) \
image4_environment_new( \
IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_ ## _coproc_short, \
IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_HANDLE_ ## _coproc_short ## _ ## _handle_short)
* @function image4_environment_set_secure_boot
* Sets the desired secure boot level of the environment.
* @param nv
* The environment to manipulate.
* @param secure_boot
* The desired secure boot level.
* @discussion
* If the environment designated by the coprocessor and handle does not support
* secure boot, this is a no-op.
image4_environment_t *nv,
image4_secure_boot_t secure_boot);
* @function image4_environment_set_nonce_domain
* Sets the nonce domain number for the environment. This value will be returned
* as the value for the coprocessor's nonce domain property during environment
* iteration (e.g. if the environment is a Cryptex1 coprocessor handle, the ndom
* property).
* @param nv
* The environment to modify.
* @param nonce_domain
* The nonce domain number to set.
* @discussion
* This operation does not impact trust evaluation, which always defers to the
* nonce domain signed into the manifest if one is present. It is intended to
* support two workflows:
* 1. Constructing a personalization request using the callbacks associated
* with {@link image4_environment_identify} by allowing all the code that
* sets the values of the TSS request to reside in the identifier
* callbacks
* 2. Related to the above, performing nonce management operations on the
* nonce slot associated by the given domain (e.g. generating a proposal
* nonce with {@link image4_environment_generate_nonce_proposal})
* Certain coprocessor environments recognize a nonce domain entitlement, but
* only one valid value for that entitlement (e.g.
* {@link IMAGE4_COPROCESSOR_HANDLE_CRYPTEX1_BOOT}). These environments do not
* require the nonce domain to be set; it is automatically recognized based on
* the static properties of the coprocessor.
image4_environment_t *nv,
uint32_t nonce_domain);
* @function image4_environment_set_callbacks
* Sets the callbacks for an environment.
* @param nv
* The environment to manipulate.
* @param callbacks
* The callback structure.
* @param _ctx
* The caller-defined context to be passed to each callback.
image4_environment_t *nv,
const image4_environment_callbacks_t *callbacks,
void *_Nullable _ctx);
* @function image4_environment_identify
* Identifies the environment and provides the identity via the callbacks
* specified in the {@link image4_environment_callbacks_t} structure set for
* the environment.
* @param nv
* The environment to identify.
* @discussion
* If no callbacks were provided, or if no identifier callbacks were set in the
* callback structure, the implementation's behavior is undefined.
const image4_environment_t *nv);
* @function image4_environment_get_digest_info
* Retrieves the CoreCrypto digest info structure which the environment uses to
* compute digests.
* @param nv
* The environment to query.
* @result
* A pointer to the CoreCrypto digest info structure corresponding to the
* environment.
* @availability
* This function first became available in API version 20231215.
const struct ccdigest_info *
const image4_environment_t *nv);
* @function image4_environment_copy_nonce_digest
* Copies the digest of the specified nonce.
* @param nv
* The environment to query.
* @param d
* Upon successful return, the digest of the live nonce for the environment. On
* failure, the contents of this structure are undefined.
* @param d_len
* Upon successful return, the length of the nonce digest.
* @result
* Upon success, zero is returned. Otherwise, the implementation may directly
* return one of the following POSIX error codes:
* [EPERM] The caller lacks the entitlement required to access the
* desired nonce
* [ENOTSUP] The environment does not manage a nonce for anti-replay
* [ESTALE] The nonce has been invalidated and will not be available until
* the next boot
const image4_environment_t *nv,
uint8_t d[__static_size _Nonnull IMAGE4_DIGEST_MAX_LEN],
size_t *d_len);
* @function image4_environment_roll_nonce
* Invalidates the live nonce for the environment such that a new nonce will be
* generated at the next boot.
* @param nv
* The environment to manipulate.
* @result
* Upon success, zero is returned. Otherwise, the implementation may directly
* return one of the following POSIX error codes:
* [EPERM] The caller lacks the entitlement required to access the
* desired nonce
* [ENOTSUP] The environment does not manage a nonce for anti-replay
const image4_environment_t *nv);
* @function image4_environment_generate_nonce_proposal
* Generates a nonce proposal for the environment and returns the hash of the
* proposal.
* @param nv
* The environment to manipulate.
* @param d
* Upon successful return, the digest of the proposal nonce which was
* generated. On failure, the contents of this structure are undefined.
* @param d_len
* Upon successful return, the length of the nonce digest.
* @param n
* Upon successful return, the proposal nonce which was generated.
* This parameter may be NULL. If the caller's minimum deployment target is less
* than macOS 15 or iOS 17, and the caller is building with -fbounds-checking,
* then the caller must pass a non-NULL parameter.
* @param n_len
* Upon input, the length of the buffer referred to by {@link n}. Since
* {@link n} can be NULL, C does not permit the static qualifier to enforce a
* minimum array size, and therefore this parameter communicates the length of
* the buffer to the callee. Upon successful return, the this parameter will
* be the length of the nonce returned in {@link n}.
* @result
* Upon success, zero is returned. Otherwise, the implementation may directly
* return one of the following POSIX error codes:
* [EPERM] The caller lacks the entitlement required to manipulate the
* desired nonce
* [EACCES] The caller requested the proposal nonce in addition to its
* digest, and the environment does not support returning the
* nonce to the caller's execution context
* [ENOTSUP] The environment does not manage a nonce for anti-replay
* @discussion
* The {@link n} and {@link n_len} parameters must either both be NULL or non-
* NULL. Passing NULL for one but not the other will result in undefined
* behavior in the implementation.
* If the caller's minimum deployment target is less than macOS 15 or iOS 17,
* and the caller is building with -fbounds-checking, then the caller must pass
* non-NULL values for both {@link n} and {@link n_len}. In this case, the value
* referred to be {@link n_len} should be 0 to indicate to the implementation
* that the proposal nonce itself is not desired.
const image4_environment_t *nv,
uint8_t d[__static_size _Nonnull IMAGE4_DIGEST_MAX_LEN],
size_t *d_len,
uint8_t n[__static_array_or_null(IMAGE4_NONCE_MAX_LEN)],
size_t *_Nullable n_len);
* @function image4_environment_commit_nonce_proposal
* Commits the nonce proposal corresponding to the digest provided by the caller
* such that it will be accepted and live at the next boot.
* @param nv
* The environment to manipulate.
* @param d
* The digest of the proposal to commit.
* @param d_len
* The length of the nonce proposal digest.
* @result
* Upon success, zero is returned. Otherwise, the implementation may directly
* return one of the following POSIX error codes:
* [EPERM] The caller lacks the entitlement required to manipulate the
* desired nonce
* [ENOTSUP] The environment does not manage a nonce for anti-replay
* [ENODEV] There is no proposal for the given nonce
* [EILSEQ] The digest provided by the caller does not correspond to the
* active proposal; this may occur if another subsystem
* generates a proposal for the environment
const image4_environment_t *nv,
const uint8_t d[__static_size _Nonnull IMAGE4_DIGEST_MAX_LEN],
size_t *d_len);
* @function image4_environment_flash
* Activates an Image4 object with the provided environment.
* @param nv
* The environment to manipulate.
* @param object
* A pointer to the Image4 object bytes that will be activated. These bytes must
* represent a complete Image4 object. If the environment requires personalized
* signatures, then the object must also have a RestoreInfo section with the DFU
* nonce set in the appropriate property.
* @param object_len
* The length of the buffer referenced by {@link object}.
* @param n
* Upon successful return, the value of the nonce which was consumed during the
* DFU operation. The caller is expected to store this value in a RestoreInfo
* section in order to subsequently verify the manifest.
* This parameter may be NULL.
* @param n_len
* Upon input, the length of the buffer referred to by {@link n}. Since
* {@link n} can be NULL, C does not permit the static qualifier to enforce a
* minimum array size, and therefore this parameter communicates the length of
* the buffer to the callee. Upon successful return, the this parameter will
* be the length of the nonce returned in {@link n}.
* @result
* Upon success, zero is returned. Otherwise, the implementation may directly
* return one of the following POSIX error codes:
* [EPERM] The caller lacks the entitlement required to DFU the
* environment
* [ENOTSUP] The environment does not support DFU in this target
* The implementation may also return any error that the
* {@link image4_trust_evaluation_result_t} callback may deliver to its callee.
* @availability
* This function first became available in API version 20240112.
* @discussion
* The {@link n} and {@link n_len} parameters must either both be NULL or non-
* NULL. Passing NULL for one but not the other will result in undefined
* behavior in the implementation.
* If the caller's minimum deployment target is less than macOS 15 or iOS 17,
* and the caller is building with -fbounds-checking, then the caller must pass
* non-NULL values for both {@link n} and {@link n_len}. In this case, the value
* referred to be {@link n_len} should be 0 to indicate to the implementation
* that the proposal nonce itself is not desired.
const image4_environment_t *nv,
const void *__sized_by(object_len) object,
size_t object_len,
uint8_t n[__static_array_or_null(IMAGE4_NONCE_MAX_LEN)],
size_t *_Nullable n_len);
* @function image4_environment_destroy
* Disposes an environment object which was created via
* {@link image4_environment_new}.
* @param nv
* A pointer to the environment object. Upon return, this storage will be set to
* NULL. If the object pointed to by this parameter is NULL, this is a no-op.
* @discussion
* If this routine is called on an environment object which was not allocated,
* it is a no-op.
image4_environment_t *_Nonnull *_Nullable nv);
#pragma mark Retired