This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * BLIST.C -	Bitmap allocator/deallocator, using a radix tree with hinting
 *	(c)Copyright 1998, Matthew Dillon.  Terms for use and redistribution
 *	are covered by the BSD Copyright as found in /usr/src/COPYRIGHT.
 *	This module implements a general bitmap allocator/deallocator.  The
 *	allocator eats around 2 bits per 'block'.  The module does not
 *	try to interpret the meaning of a 'block' other then to return
 *	SWAPBLK_NONE on an allocation failure.
 *	A radix tree is used to maintain the bitmap.  Two radix constants are
 *	involved:  One for the bitmaps contained in the leaf nodes (typically
 *	32), and one for the meta nodes (typically 16).  Both meta and leaf
 *	nodes have a hint field.  This field gives us a hint as to the largest
 *	free contiguous range of blocks under the node.  It may contain a
 *	value that is too high, but will never contain a value that is too
 *	low.  When the radix tree is searched, allocation failures in subtrees
 *	update the hint.
 *	The radix tree also implements two collapsed states for meta nodes:
 *	the ALL-ALLOCATED state and the ALL-FREE state.  If a meta node is
 *	in either of these two states, all information contained underneath
 *	the node is considered stale.  These states are used to optimize
 *	allocation and freeing operations.
 *      The hinting greatly increases code efficiency for allocations while
 *	the general radix structure optimizes both allocations and frees.  The
 *	radix tree should be able to operate well no matter how much
 *	fragmentation there is and no matter how large a bitmap is used.
 *	Unlike the rlist code, the blist code wires all necessary memory at
 *	creation time.  Neither allocations nor frees require interaction with
 *	the memory subsystem.  In contrast, the rlist code may allocate memory
 *	on an rlist_free() call.  The non-blocking features of the blist code
 *	are used to great advantage in the swap code (vm/nswap_pager.c).  The
 *	rlist code uses a little less overall memory then the blist code (but
 *	due to swap interleaving not all that much less), but the blist code
 *	scales much, much better.
 *	LAYOUT: The radix tree is layed out recursively using a
 *	linear array.  Each meta node is immediately followed (layed out
 *	sequentially in memory) by BLIST_META_RADIX lower level nodes.  This
 *	is a recursive structure but one that can be easily scanned through
 *	a very simple 'skip' calculation.  In order to support large radixes,
 *	portions of the tree may reside outside our memory allocation.  We
 *	handle this with an early-termination optimization (when bighint is
 *	set to -1) on the scan.  The memory allocation is only large enough
 *	to cover the number of blocks requested at creation time even if it
 *	must be encompassed in larger root-node radix.
 *	NOTE: the allocator cannot currently allocate more then
 *	BLIST_BMAP_RADIX blocks per call.  It will panic with 'allocation too
 *	large' if you try.  This is an area that could use improvement.  The
 *	radix is large enough that this restriction does not effect the swap
 *	system, though.  Currently only the allocation code is effected by
 *	this algorithmic unfeature.  The freeing code can handle arbitrary
 *	ranges.
 *	This code can be compiled stand-alone for debugging.
 * $FreeBSD: src/sys/kern/subr_blist.c,v 2000/03/17 10:47:29 ps Exp $

typedef unsigned int u_daddr_t;

#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/lock.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include "blist.h"
#include <sys/malloc.h>

#if !defined(__APPLE__)
#define SWAPBLK_NONE ((daddr_t)-1)

 * static support functions

static daddr_t blst_leaf_alloc(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t blk, int count);
static daddr_t blst_meta_alloc(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t blk,
    daddr_t count, daddr_t radix, int skip);
static void blst_leaf_free(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t relblk, int count);
static void blst_meta_free(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t freeBlk, daddr_t count,
    daddr_t radix, int skip, daddr_t blk);
static void blst_copy(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t blk, daddr_t radix,
    daddr_t skip, blist_t dest, daddr_t count);
static daddr_t  blst_radix_init(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t radix,
    int skip, daddr_t count);

 * blist_create() - create a blist capable of handling up to the specified
 *		    number of blocks
 *	blocks must be greater then 0
 *	The smallest blist consists of a single leaf node capable of
 *	managing BLIST_BMAP_RADIX blocks.

blist_create(daddr_t blocks)
	blist_t bl;
	int radix;
	int skip = 0;

	 * Calculate radix and skip field used for scanning.

	while (radix < blocks) {
		skip = (skip + 1) << BLIST_META_RADIX_SHIFT;

	bl = kalloc_type(struct blist, Z_ZERO | Z_WAITOK);

	bl->bl_blocks = blocks;
	bl->bl_radix = radix;
	bl->bl_skip = skip;
	bl->bl_rootblks = 1 +
	    blst_radix_init(NULL, bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip, blocks);
	bl->bl_root = (blmeta_t *)kalloc_data(sizeof(blmeta_t) * bl->bl_rootblks, Z_WAITOK);

#if defined(BLIST_DEBUG)
		"BLIST representing %d blocks (%d MB of swap)"
		", requiring %dK of ram\n",
		bl->bl_blocks * 4 / 1024,
		(bl->bl_rootblks * sizeof(blmeta_t) + 1023) / 1024
	printf("BLIST raw radix tree contains %d records\n", bl->bl_rootblks);
	blst_radix_init(bl->bl_root, bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip, blocks);

	return bl;

blist_destroy(blist_t bl)
	kfree_data(bl->bl_root, sizeof(blmeta_t) * bl->bl_rootblks);
	kfree_type(struct blist, bl);

 * blist_alloc() - reserve space in the block bitmap.  Return the base
 *		     of a contiguous region or SWAPBLK_NONE if space could
 *		     not be allocated.

blist_alloc(blist_t bl, daddr_t count)
	daddr_t blk = SWAPBLK_NONE;

	if (bl) {
		if (bl->bl_radix == BLIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
			blk = blst_leaf_alloc(bl->bl_root, 0, count);
		} else {
			blk = blst_meta_alloc(bl->bl_root, 0, count,
			    bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip);
		if (blk != SWAPBLK_NONE) {
			bl->bl_free -= count;
	return blk;

 * blist_free() -	free up space in the block bitmap.  Return the base
 *		        of a contiguous region.  Panic if an inconsistancy is
 *			found.

blist_free(blist_t bl, daddr_t blkno, daddr_t count)
	if (bl) {
		if (bl->bl_radix == BLIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
			blst_leaf_free(bl->bl_root, blkno, count);
		} else {
			blst_meta_free(bl->bl_root, blkno, count,
			    bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip, 0);
		bl->bl_free += count;

 * blist_resize() -	resize an existing radix tree to handle the
 *			specified number of blocks.  This will reallocate
 *			the tree and transfer the previous bitmap to the new
 *			one.  When extending the tree you can specify whether
 *			the new blocks are to left allocated or freed.

blist_resize(blist_t *pbl, daddr_t count, int freenew)
	blist_t newbl = blist_create(count);
	blist_t save = *pbl;

	*pbl = newbl;
	if (count > save->bl_blocks) {
		count = save->bl_blocks;
	blst_copy(save->bl_root, 0, save->bl_radix, save->bl_skip, newbl, count);

	 * If resizing upwards, should we free the new space or not?
	if (freenew && count < newbl->bl_blocks) {
		blist_free(newbl, count, newbl->bl_blocks - count);


 * blist_print()    - dump radix tree

blist_print(blist_t bl)
	printf("BLIST {\n");
	blst_radix_print(bl->bl_root, 0, bl->bl_radix, bl->bl_skip, 4);


 *	These support functions do all the actual work.  They may seem
 *	rather longish, but that's because I've commented them up.  The
 *	actual code is straight forward.

 * blist_leaf_alloc() -	allocate at a leaf in the radix tree (a bitmap).
 *	This is the core of the allocator and is optimized for the 1 block
 *	and the BLIST_BMAP_RADIX block allocation cases.  Other cases are
 *	somewhat slower.  The 1 block allocation case is log2 and extremely
 *	quick.

static daddr_t
blst_leaf_alloc(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t blk, int count)
	u_daddr_t orig = scan->u.bmu_bitmap;

	if (orig == 0) {
		 * Optimize bitmap all-allocated case.  Also, count = 1
		 * case assumes at least 1 bit is free in the bitmap, so
		 * we have to take care of this case here.
		scan->bm_bighint = 0;
		return SWAPBLK_NONE;
	if (count == 1) {
		 * Optimized code to allocate one bit out of the bitmap
		u_daddr_t mask;
		int j = BLIST_BMAP_RADIX / 2;
		int r = 0;

		mask = (u_daddr_t)-1 >> (BLIST_BMAP_RADIX / 2);

		while (j) {
			if ((orig & mask) == 0) {
				r += j;
				orig >>= j;
			j >>= 1;
			mask >>= j;
		scan->u.bmu_bitmap &= ~(1 << r);
		return blk + r;
#if !defined(__APPLE__)
	if (count <= BLIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
	if (count <= (int)BLIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
		 * non-optimized code to allocate N bits out of the bitmap.
		 * The more bits, the faster the code runs.  It will run
		 * the slowest allocating 2 bits, but since there aren't any
		 * memory ops in the core loop (or shouldn't be, anyway),
		 * you probably won't notice the difference.
		int j;
		int n = BLIST_BMAP_RADIX - count;
		u_daddr_t mask;

		mask = (u_daddr_t)-1 >> n;

		for (j = 0; j <= n; ++j) {
			if ((orig & mask) == mask) {
				scan->u.bmu_bitmap &= ~mask;
				return blk + j;
			mask = (mask << 1);
	 * We couldn't allocate count in this subtree, update bighint.
	scan->bm_bighint = count - 1;

 * blist_meta_alloc() -	allocate at a meta in the radix tree.
 *	Attempt to allocate at a meta node.  If we can't, we update
 *	bighint and return a failure.  Updating bighint optimize future
 *	calls that hit this node.  We have to check for our collapse cases
 *	and we have a few optimizations strewn in as well.

static daddr_t
blst_meta_alloc(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t blk, daddr_t count, daddr_t radix,
    int skip)
	int i;
	int next_skip = (skip >> BLIST_META_RADIX_SHIFT);

	if (scan->u.bmu_avail == 0) {
		 * ALL-ALLOCATED special case
		scan->bm_bighint = count;
		return SWAPBLK_NONE;

	if (scan->u.bmu_avail == radix) {

		 * ALL-FREE special case, initialize uninitialize
		 * sublevel.
		for (i = 1; i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
			if (scan[i].bm_bighint == (daddr_t)-1) {
			if (next_skip == 1) {
				scan[i].u.bmu_bitmap = (u_daddr_t)-1;
				scan[i].bm_bighint = BLIST_BMAP_RADIX;
			} else {
				scan[i].bm_bighint = radix;
				scan[i].u.bmu_avail = radix;
	} else {

	for (i = 1; i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
		if (count <= scan[i].bm_bighint) {
			 * count fits in object
			daddr_t r;
			if (next_skip == 1) {
				r = blst_leaf_alloc(&scan[i], blk, count);
			} else {
				r = blst_meta_alloc(&scan[i], blk, count,
				    radix, next_skip - 1);
			if (r != SWAPBLK_NONE) {
				scan->u.bmu_avail -= count;
				if (scan->bm_bighint > scan->u.bmu_avail) {
					scan->bm_bighint = scan->u.bmu_avail;
				return r;
		} else if (scan[i].bm_bighint == (daddr_t)-1) {
			 * Terminator
		} else if (count > radix) {
			 * count does not fit in object even if it were
			 * complete free.
			panic("blist_meta_alloc: allocation too large");
		blk += radix;

	 * We couldn't allocate count in this subtree, update bighint.
	if (scan->bm_bighint >= count) {
		scan->bm_bighint = count - 1;

 * BLST_LEAF_FREE() -	free allocated block from leaf bitmap

static void
blst_leaf_free(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t blk, int count)
	 * free some data in this bitmap
	 * e.g.
	 *	0000111111111110000
	 *          \_________/\__/
	 *		v        n
	int n = blk & (BLIST_BMAP_RADIX - 1);
	u_daddr_t mask;

	mask = ((u_daddr_t)-1 << n) &
	    ((u_daddr_t)-1 >> (BLIST_BMAP_RADIX - count - n));

	if (scan->u.bmu_bitmap & mask) {
		panic("blst_radix_free: freeing free block");
	scan->u.bmu_bitmap |= mask;

	 * We could probably do a better job here.  We are required to make
	 * bighint at least as large as the biggest contiguous block of
	 * data.  If we just shoehorn it, a little extra overhead will
	 * be incured on the next allocation (but only that one typically).
	scan->bm_bighint = BLIST_BMAP_RADIX;

 * BLST_META_FREE() - free allocated blocks from radix tree meta info
 *	This support routine frees a range of blocks from the bitmap.
 *	The range must be entirely enclosed by this radix node.  If a
 *	meta node, we break the range down recursively to free blocks
 *	in subnodes (which means that this code can free an arbitrary
 *	range whereas the allocation code cannot allocate an arbitrary
 *	range).

static void
blst_meta_free(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t freeBlk, daddr_t count, daddr_t radix,
    int skip, daddr_t blk)
	int i;
	int next_skip = (skip >> BLIST_META_RADIX_SHIFT);

#if 0
	printf("FREE (%x,%d) FROM (%x,%d)\n",
	    freeBlk, count,
	    blk, radix

	if (scan->u.bmu_avail == 0) {
		 * ALL-ALLOCATED special case, with possible
		 * shortcut to ALL-FREE special case.
		scan->u.bmu_avail = count;
		scan->bm_bighint = count;

		if (count != radix) {
			for (i = 1; i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
				if (scan[i].bm_bighint == (daddr_t)-1) {
				scan[i].bm_bighint = 0;
				if (next_skip == 1) {
					scan[i].u.bmu_bitmap = 0;
				} else {
					scan[i].u.bmu_avail = 0;
			/* fall through */
	} else {
		scan->u.bmu_avail += count;
		/* scan->bm_bighint = radix; */

	 * ALL-FREE special case.

	if (scan->u.bmu_avail == radix) {
	if (scan->u.bmu_avail > radix) {
		panic("blst_meta_free: freeing already free blocks (%d) %d/%d", count, scan->u.bmu_avail, radix);

	 * Break the free down into its components


	i = (freeBlk - blk) / radix;
	blk += i * radix;
	i = i * next_skip + 1;

	while (i <= skip && blk < freeBlk + count) {
		daddr_t v;

		v = blk + radix - freeBlk;
		if (v > count) {
			v = count;

		if (scan->bm_bighint == (daddr_t)-1) {
			panic("blst_meta_free: freeing unexpected range");

		if (next_skip == 1) {
			blst_leaf_free(&scan[i], freeBlk, v);
		} else {
			blst_meta_free(&scan[i], freeBlk, v, radix,
			    next_skip - 1, blk);
		if (scan->bm_bighint < scan[i].bm_bighint) {
			scan->bm_bighint = scan[i].bm_bighint;
		count -= v;
		freeBlk += v;
		blk += radix;
		i += next_skip;

 * BLIST_RADIX_COPY() - copy one radix tree to another
 *	Locates free space in the source tree and frees it in the destination
 *	tree.  The space may not already be free in the destination.

static void
blst_copy(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t blk, daddr_t radix,
    daddr_t skip, blist_t dest, daddr_t count)
	int next_skip;
	int i;

	 * Leaf node

	if (radix == BLIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
		u_daddr_t v = scan->u.bmu_bitmap;

		if (v == (u_daddr_t)-1) {
			blist_free(dest, blk, count);
		} else if (v != 0) {
#if !defined(__APPLE__)
			int i;

			for (i = 0; i < BLIST_BMAP_RADIX && i < count; ++i) {
				if (v & (1 << i)) {
					blist_free(dest, blk + i, 1);
			int j;   /* Avoid shadow warnings */

			for (j = 0; j < (int)BLIST_BMAP_RADIX && j < count; ++j) {
				if (v & (1 << j)) {
					blist_free(dest, blk + j, 1);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

	 * Meta node

	 * Source all allocated, leave dest allocated
	if (scan->u.bmu_avail == 0) {
	if (scan->u.bmu_avail == radix) {
		 * Source all free, free entire dest
		if (count < radix) {
			blist_free(dest, blk, count);
		} else {
			blist_free(dest, blk, radix);

	next_skip = (skip >> BLIST_META_RADIX_SHIFT);

	for (i = 1; count && i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
		if (scan[i].bm_bighint == (daddr_t)-1) {

		if (count >= radix) {
				next_skip - 1,
			count -= radix;
		} else {
			if (count) {
					next_skip - 1,
			count = 0;
		blk += radix;

 * BLST_RADIX_INIT() - initialize radix tree
 *	Initialize our meta structures and bitmaps and calculate the exact
 *	amount of space required to manage 'count' blocks - this space may
 *	be considerably less then the calculated radix due to the large
 *	RADIX values we use.

static daddr_t
blst_radix_init(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t radix, int skip, daddr_t count)
	int i;
	int next_skip;
	daddr_t memindex = 0;

	 * Leaf node

	if (radix == BLIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
		if (scan) {
			scan->bm_bighint = 0;
			scan->u.bmu_bitmap = 0;
		return memindex;

	 * Meta node.  If allocating the entire object we can special
	 * case it.  However, we need to figure out how much memory
	 * is required to manage 'count' blocks, so we continue on anyway.

	if (scan) {
		scan->bm_bighint = 0;
		scan->u.bmu_avail = 0;

	next_skip = (skip >> BLIST_META_RADIX_SHIFT);

	for (i = 1; i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
		if (count >= radix) {
			 * Allocate the entire object
			memindex = i + blst_radix_init(
				((scan) ? &scan[i] : NULL),
				next_skip - 1,
			count -= radix;
		} else if (count > 0) {
			 * Allocate a partial object
			memindex = i + blst_radix_init(
				((scan) ? &scan[i] : NULL),
				next_skip - 1,
			count = 0;
		} else {
			 * Add terminator and break out
			if (scan) {
				scan[i].bm_bighint = (daddr_t)-1;
	if (memindex < i) {
		memindex = i;
	return memindex;


static void
blst_radix_print(blmeta_t *scan, daddr_t blk, daddr_t radix, int skip, int tab)
	int i;
	int next_skip;
	int lastState = 0;

	if (radix == BLIST_BMAP_RADIX) {
			"%*.*s(%04x,%d): bitmap %08x big=%d\n",
			tab, tab, "",
			blk, radix,

	if (scan->u.bmu_avail == 0) {
			"%*.*s(%04x,%d) ALL ALLOCATED\n",
			tab, tab, "",
	if (scan->u.bmu_avail == radix) {
			"%*.*s(%04x,%d) ALL FREE\n",
			tab, tab, "",

		"%*.*s(%04x,%d): subtree (%d/%d) big=%d {\n",
		tab, tab, "",
		blk, radix,

	next_skip = (skip >> BLIST_META_RADIX_SHIFT);
	tab += 4;

	for (i = 1; i <= skip; i += next_skip) {
		if (scan[i].bm_bighint == (daddr_t)-1) {
				"%*.*s(%04x,%d): Terminator\n",
				tab, tab, "",
				blk, radix
			lastState = 0;
			next_skip - 1,
		blk += radix;
	tab -= 4;

		tab, tab, ""



main(int ac, char **av)
	int size = 1024;
	int i;
	blist_t bl;

	for (i = 1; i < ac; ++i) {
		const char *ptr = av[i];
		if (*ptr != '-') {
			size = strtol(ptr, NULL, 0);
		ptr += 2;
		fprintf(stderr, "Bad option: %s\n", ptr - 2);
	bl = blist_create(size);
	blist_free(bl, 0, size);

	for (;;) {
		char buf[1024];
		daddr_t da = 0;
		daddr_t count = 0;

		printf("%d/%d/%d> ", bl->bl_free, size, bl->bl_radix);
		if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) {
		switch (buf[0]) {
		case 'r':
			if (sscanf(buf + 1, "%d", &count) == 1) {
				blist_resize(&bl, count, 1);
			} else {
		case 'p':
		case 'a':
			if (sscanf(buf + 1, "%d", &count) == 1) {
				daddr_t blk = blist_alloc(bl, count);
				printf("    R=%04x\n", blk);
			} else {
		case 'f':
			if (sscanf(buf + 1, "%x %d", &da, &count) == 2) {
				blist_free(bl, da, count);
			} else {
		case '?':
		case 'h':
				"p          -print\n"
				"a %d       -allocate\n"
				"f %x %d    -free\n"
				"r %d       -resize\n"
				"h/?        -help"
	return 0;

panic(const char *ctl, ...)
	va_list va;

	va_start(va, ctl);
	vfprintf(stderr, ctl, va);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
