This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Coyright (c) 2005-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
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#ifndef __MUNGE_H__
#define __MUNGE_H__

 * Syscall argument mungers.
 * The data to be munged has been explicitly copied in to the argument
 * area, and will be munged in place in the uu_arg[] array. These
 * mungers are for 32-bit app's syscalls, since 64-bit args are copied
 * from the save area to the uu_args in the order the
 * syscall ABI calls for.
 * The issue is that the incoming args are 32-bit, but we must expand
 * them in place into 64-bit args, as if they were from a 64-bit process.
 * There are several functions in this file with the following prototype
 *	void	munge_XXXX(void *uu_args);
 * The name of the function encodes the number and type of the parameters,
 * as follows:
 *	w = a 32-bit value such as an int or a 32-bit ptr, that does not
 *	    require sign extension.  These are handled by zeroing a word
 *          of output, and copying a word from input to output.
 *	s = a 32-bit value such as a long, which must be sign-extended to
 *	    a 64-bit long-long in the uu_args.  These are handled by
 *	    loading a word of input and sign extending it to a double,
 *          and storing two words of output.
 *	l = a 64-bit long-long.  These are handled by copying two words
 *          of input to the output.
 * For example, "munge_wls" takes a word, a long-long, and a word.  This
 * takes four words in the uu_arg[] area: the first word is in one, the
 * long-long takes two, and the final word is in the fourth.  We store six
 * words: the low word is left in place, followed by a 0, followed by the
 * two words of the long-long, followed by the low word and the sign extended
 * high word of the preceeding low word.
 * Because this is an in-place modification, we actually start at the end
 * of uu_arg[] and work our way back to the beginning of the array.

#if __arm__ && (__BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ > 4)
int munge_w(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_ww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_www(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wl(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwl(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwlw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwlll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwlllll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwllww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wlw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wlww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wlwwwl(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wlwwwll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wlwwwllw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wlwwlwlw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wllww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wlll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wlllww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wllll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wllwwll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwlw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwlww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwlwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwl(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwlw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwllww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwl(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwl(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwlww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwllw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwlll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwwl(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwwlw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwwwwll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wsw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wws(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwws(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwwsw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_llllllll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_llllll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_l(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_ll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_lll(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_lw(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_lww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_lwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_lwwwwwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwlww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwlwww(const void *regs, void *args);
int munge_wwlwwwl(const void *regs, void *args);
void munge_w(void *args);
void munge_ww(void *args);
void munge_www(void *args);
void munge_wwww(void *args);
void munge_wwwww(void *args);
void munge_wwwwww(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwww(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwwww(void *args);
void munge_wl(void *args);
void munge_wwl(void *args);
void munge_wwlw(void *args);
void munge_wwlll(void *args);
void munge_wwlllll(void *args);
void munge_wwllww(void *args);
void munge_wlw(void *args);
void munge_wlww(void *args);
void munge_wlwwwl(void *args);
void munge_wlwwwll(void *args);
void munge_wlwwwllw(void *args);
void munge_wlwwlwlw(void *args);
void munge_wll(void *args);
void munge_wllww(void *args);
void munge_wlll(void *args);
void munge_wlllww(void *args);
void munge_wllll(void *args);
void munge_wllwwll(void *args);
void munge_wwwlw(void *args);
void munge_wwwlww(void *args);
void munge_wwwlwww(void *args);
void munge_wwwl(void *args);
void munge_wwwwlw(void *args);
void munge_wwwwllww(void *args);
void munge_wwwwl(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwl(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwlww(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwllw(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwlll(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwwl(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwwlw(void *args);
void munge_wwwwwwll(void *args);
void munge_wsw(void *args);
void munge_wws(void *args);
void munge_wwws(void *args);
void munge_wwwsw(void *args);
void munge_llllllll(void *args);
void munge_llllll(void *args);
void munge_llll(void *args);
void munge_l(void *args);
void munge_ll(void *args);
void munge_lll(void *args);
void munge_lw(void *args);
void munge_lww(void *args);
void munge_lwww(void *args);
void munge_lwwwwwww(void *args);
void munge_wwlww(void *args);
void munge_wwlwww(void *args);
void munge_wwlwwwl(void *args);
#endif /* __arm__ && (__BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__ > 4) */
#endif /* __MUNGE_H__ */