This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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#include <DriverKit/IODispatchQueue.iig>
#include <DriverKit/IODispatchSource.iig>
#include <DriverKit/IOUserClient.iig>

enum {
	kIOEventLinkMaxNameLength = 64,

// IOEventLink::Associate() options
enum {
	kIOEventLinkAssociateCurrentThread   = 0x00000000,
    kIOEventLinkAssociateOnWait          = 0x00000001,

// Clock options
enum {
    kIOEventLinkClockMachAbsoluteTime = 0x0,

 * @class IOEventLink
 * @abstract
 * IOEventLink allows for fast IPC, suitable for
 * realtime applications.
 * @discussion
 * Applications that open user clients to a DriverKit driver can set up an eventlink
 * for fast signaling.
 * To configure an eventlink, the application will have to first create an eventlink object
 * with os_eventlink_create() (see <os/eventlink_private.h>). The application then has to extract
 * the remote eventlink port with os_eventlink_extract_remote_port(). To send the remote eventlink port
 * to the driver, use:
 * const char * name = "Event Link Name"; // This must match the name the driver used in IOEventLink::Create().
 * kern_return_t ret = IOConnectTrap3(connect, // user client connection (io_connect_t)
 *                                    0, // specifies event link configuration trap
 *                                    (uintptr_t)name,
 *                                    (uintptr_t)strlen(name),
 *                                    (uintptr_t)remotePort // port from os_eventlink_extract_remote_port
 *                                    );
 * Once the remote eventlink port has been sent to the driver, the driver should be notified with a user-defined external method
 * or other existing signaling mechanism. The driver should handle this by activating the IOEventLink with Activate().
class NATIVE KERNEL IOEventLink : public OSObject

    virtual bool
    init() override;

    virtual void
    free() override;

     * @brief       Create an IOEventLink.
     * @param       name       User-specified name. If an IOEventLink with the same name already exists in the specified
     *                         user client, the old IOEventLink will be replaced.
     * @param       userClient  Userclient to create the eventlink in. The DriverKit runtime will retain the userclient, and will
     *                          release it in Invalidate() or when the IOEventLink is freed.
     * @param       eventLink  Created IOEventLink with +1 retain count to be released by the caller.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    static kern_return_t
    Create(OSString * name, IOUserClient * userClient, IOEventLink ** eventLink) LOCAL;


     * @brief       Set the port for this eventlink.
     * @discussion  This is not meant to be used directly.
     * @param       port Eventlink port
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    virtual kern_return_t
    SetEventlinkPort(mach_port_t port PORTCOPYSEND) LOCAL;


     * @brief       Signal the eventlink. If a thread is waiting on the eventlink, this will wake up that thread.
     * @discussion  This API call is real time safe.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    Signal() LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Wait on the eventlink.
     * @discussion  This API call is real time safe.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    Wait(uint64_t * signalsConsumed) LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Signal the eventlink and wait. If a thread is waiting on the eventlink, this will wake up that thread.
     * @discussion  This API call is real time safe.
     * @param       signalsConsumed   When the calling thread wakes up, the amount of signals consumed by the wait will be written here.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    SignalAndWait(uint64_t * signalsConsumed) LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Signal the eventlink and wait with a timeout. If a thread is waiting on the eventlink, this will wake up that thread.
     * @discussion  This API call is real time safe.
     * @param       signalsConsumed   When the calling thread wakes up, the amount of signals consumed by the wait will be written here.
     * @param       clockOptions      Options for which clock to use. The only currently supported option is kIOEventLinkClockMachAbsoluteTime.
     * @param       timeout           Timeout
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    SignalAndWaitUntil(uint64_t clockOptions, uint64_t timeout, uint64_t * signalsConsumed) LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Wait with a timeout. If a thread is waiting on the eventlink, this will wake up that thread.
     * @discussion  This API call is real time safe.
     * @param       signalsConsumed   When the calling thread wakes up, the amount of signals consumed by the wait will be written here.
     * @param       clockOptions      Options for which clock to use. The only currently supported option is kIOEventLinkClockMachAbsoluteTime.
     * @param       timeout           Timeout
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    WaitUntil(uint64_t clockOptions, uint64_t timeout, uint64_t * signalsConsumed) LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Cancel the event link.
     * @discussion  If a thread is waiting on the eventlink, cancellation will wake up that thread.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    Cancel() LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Activate the event link.
     * @discussion  The event link must be activated before it can be signaled or waited on. This is not real-time safe.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    Activate() LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Associate a thread with the eventlink. 
     * @discussion  The eventlink should be activated before this call. This is not real-time safe.
     * @param       options  Options for Associate(). Use kIOEventLinkAssociateCurrentThread or kIOEventLinkAssociateOnWait.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    Associate(uint64_t options) LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Disassociate the current thread from the eventlink. This is not real-time safe.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    Disassociate() LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       Invalidate the IOEventLink.
     * @discussion  This releases the kernel reference to the IOEventLink, allowing the name to be used for a different
     *              IOEventLink. This method should be called after the client has configured the eventlink with the IOConnectTrap
     *              call. After invalidation, the IOEventLink can no longer be configured through the IOConnectTrap call. No other
     *              functionality is affected.
     * @return      kIOReturnSuccess on success. See IOReturn.h for error codes.
    Invalidate() LOCALONLY;


    virtual kern_return_t
    InvalidateKernel(IOUserClient * client);


#endif /* ! _IOKIT_UIOEVENTLINK_H */