This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
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#if !__IIG
#include <IOKit/IOExtensiblePaniclog.h>


#include <DriverKit/OSObject.iig>
#include <DriverKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.iig>

@iig implementation
#include <DriverKit/IODispatchQueue.h>
#include <DriverKit/IOUserClient.h>
#include <DriverKit/IOServiceStateNotificationDispatchSource.h>
@iig end

enum {
    kIOExtensiblePaniclogOptionsNone = 0x0,
    kIOExtensiblePaniclogOptionsWithBuffer = 0x1, 

class KERNEL IOExtensiblePaniclog : public OSObject
    virtual bool
    init() override;

    virtual void
    free() override;

     * @brief       This function is to be called to create IOExtensiblePaniclog object.
     * @discussion  First function to be called.
     * @param       uuid  The UUID of the handle.
     * @param       data_id The string describing the handle. MAX length of 32.
     * @param       max_len The maximum length of the buffer.
     * @param       options Options to be passed while creating the handle
     * @param       out The pointer to the created IOExtensiblePaniclog object. NULL in case of an error.
     * @return      True in case of success. False in case of an error.
    static kern_return_t
    Create(OSData *uuid, OSString *data_id, uint32_t max_len, uint32_t options,
            IOExtensiblePaniclog **out);

     * @brief       This function is called to set the IOExtensiblePaniclog object active.
     * @discussion  When it is set active, it is picked up and added to the extensible paniclog
     *              in case of a panic.
     * @return      0 on success, negative value in case of failure.
    virtual kern_return_t SetActive();

     * @brief       This function is called to set the IOExtensiblePaniclog object inactive.
     * @discussion  When it is set inactive, this buffer is not picked up in case of a panic
     * @return      True in case of success. False in case of an error.
    virtual kern_return_t SetInactive();

     * @brief       This function is called to insert data into the buffer.
     * @discussion  This function overwrites the data in the buffer. The write starts from
     *              offset 0 and continues until 'len'
     * @param       data Data to be inserted
     * @param       len The length to be copied.
     * @return      0 in case of success. Negative in case of an error.
    virtual kern_return_t InsertData(OSData *data);

     * @brief       This function is called to insert data into the buffer.
     * @discussion  This function overwrites the data in the buffer. The write starts from
     *              last written byte and continues until 'len'
     * @param       data Data to be inserted
     * @param       len The length to be copied.
     * @return      0 in case of success. Negative in case of an error.
    virtual kern_return_t AppendData(OSData *data);

     * @brief       Function to get the Memory descriptor created in the Create function
     * @param       mem The pointer to the IOBufferMemoryDescriptor object
     * @return      0 in case of success. Negative in case of an error.
    virtual kern_return_t CopyMemoryDescriptor(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor **mem);

     * @brief       This function is called to get a pointer to the ext paniclog buffer
     * @discussion  After this function is called, the user is responsible for copying data into the buffer. 
     *              The entire buffer is copied when a system panics.
     *              After claiming the buffer, YieldBuffer() has to be called to set the used_len of the buffer
     *              before calling InsertData() or AppendData()
     * @param       addr Address of the mapped buffer
     * @param       len The length of the mapped buffer. This is same value as the max_len in
     *                  the Create() function
     * @return      0 in case of success. Negative in case of an error.
    virtual kern_return_t ClaimBuffer(uint64_t *addr, uint64_t *len) LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       This function is called to yield the buffer and set the used_len for the buffer
     * @discussion  After this function call, InsertData() and AppendData() can be called.
     * @param       used_len The length of the buffer used by the client.
     * @return      0 in case of success. Negative in case of an error.
    virtual kern_return_t YieldBuffer(uint32_t used_len) LOCALONLY;

     * @brief       This function is called to set the used len of the buffer
     * @param       used_len The length of the buffer used by the client.
     * @return      0 in case of success. Negative in case of an error.
    virtual kern_return_t SetUsedLen(uint32_t used_len);