This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2024 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.



#if defined(__arm64__)

// enable the hibernation exception handler on DEBUG and DEVELOPMENT kernels

#endif /* defined(__arm64__) */

#endif /* HIBERNATION */

#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__

#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>


#ifdef KERNEL
#include <libkern/crypto/aes.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <kern/debug.h>

extern int kdb_printf(const char *format, ...) __printflike(1, 2);
#endif /* KERNEL */

#define HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE 48 // SHA384 size in bytes
#define HIBERNATE_SHA256_SIZE 32 // SHA256 size in bytes

struct IOHibernateHibSegment {
	uint32_t    iBootMemoryRegion;
	uint32_t    physPage;
	uint32_t    pageCount;
	uint32_t    protection;
typedef struct IOHibernateHibSegment IOHibernateHibSegment;

struct IOHibernateHibSegInfo {
	struct IOHibernateHibSegment    segments[NUM_HIBSEGINFO_SEGMENTS];
	uint8_t                         hmac[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];
typedef struct IOHibernateHibSegInfo IOHibernateHibSegInfo;

struct IOPolledFileExtent {
	uint64_t    start;
	uint64_t    length;
typedef struct IOPolledFileExtent IOPolledFileExtent;

 * The following metadata is exclusively used on SPTM-based systems (where the
 * SPTM will be the source of this information).
 * Any metadata that is passed to XNU (by SPTM) at boot with the intent to be
 * placed unmodified into the hibernation header is considered "protected". This
 * metadata will be hashed and signed with the SPTM secret key to ensure that
 * XNU cannot modify this data when entering it into the header. iBoot will then
 * validate that the metadata has not been modified during a hibernation boot.
typedef struct {
	 * Array of physical address ranges/segments that need to be hashed into the
	 * hibernation image fully uncompressed and signed separately from the rest
	 * of the image payloads. This data is either needed by iBoot or hibtext
	 * when starting the hibernation restore process. iBoot will directly load
	 * these segments into memory and verify the hmac itself. The hash of the
	 * memory these segments point to is signed using Key0 (warm data key)
	 * during the hibernation entry process seeing as the data itself could
	 * change after boot (which is why the HMAC of the hibernation segments is
	 * not in this protected metadata structure).
	IOHibernateHibSegment hib_segments[NUM_HIBSEGINFO_SEGMENTS];

	/* Start and end of DRAM. */
	uint64_t dram_base;
	uint64_t dram_size;

	 * Starting physical address of the Device Tree.
	 * Note that this is the address of the "original" device tree,
	 * which is also the one that will have been restored once
	 * hibernation exit is complete. In other words, this has nothing
	 * to do with the "fresh", "new" device tree that iBoot constructs
	 * during hibernation exit, and that will only be used for
	 * hibernation exit itself, and, in very small parts, to update
	 * the IOKit mirror of the device tree.
	uint64_t dt_start_paddr;

	/* Size of the Device Tree in bytes. See dt_start_paddr for what this means. */
	uint64_t dt_size;

	 * The physical address of the entry point of the SPTM hibtext,
	 * i.e. the part of the SPTM that iBoot hands off to to perform
	 * hibernation exit.
	uint64_t sptm_entry_phys;

	 * The physical page number at which the hibtext starts, to be mapped for
	 * execution by early hibtext initialization code, as well as the number
	 * of pages to map.
	uint32_t sptm_phys_page;
	uint32_t sptm_page_count;

	 * Various region start and end addresses that the hibtext needs
	 * to properly do its job.
	uint64_t sptm_ro_start_phys;
	uint64_t xnu_ro_start_phys;
	uint64_t txm_ro_start_phys;
	uint64_t sptm_ro_start_virt;
	uint64_t xnu_ro_start_virt;
	uint64_t txm_ro_start_virt;

	uint64_t sptm_rm_start_phys;
	uint64_t sptm_rm_end_phys;
	uint64_t sptm_le_end_phys;

	 * The physical address of the consistent debug page, so that the
	 * hibtext can participate in this method of telling astris
	 * whether (and how) it panicked.
	uint64_t consistent_debug_page_phys;

	 * The hibtext needs to restore the debug headers in the freshly
	 * loaded SPTM, using these values.
	uint64_t early_debug_consistent_debug_page;
	uint64_t global_debug_consistent_debug_page;

	 * The virtual slide of the SPTM. This is directly the slide that iBoot has
	 * chosen to be the slide for the SPTM, and will be used directly by iBoot
	 * to load boot objects at the same place as before upon hibernation exit.
	uint64_t sptm_slide;

	 * The CTRR region bounds.
	uint64_t ctrr_a_begin;
	uint64_t ctrr_a_end;
	uint64_t ctrr_c_begin;
	uint64_t ctrr_c_end;
	uint64_t ctrr_d_begin;
	uint64_t ctrr_d_end;

	 * Physical address of the top of the page to be used as the stack in
	 * HIBTEXT. The stack is assumed to be a single page in size, so doing
	 * `hibtext_stack_top - PAGE_SIZE` will get the start of the page to be used
	 * as the HIBTEXT stack.
	uint64_t hibtext_stack_top;
} hib_protected_metadata_t;

struct IOHibernateImageHeader {
	uint64_t    imageSize;
	uint64_t    image1Size;

	uint32_t    restore1CodePhysPage;
	uint32_t    reserved1;
	uint64_t    restore1CodeVirt;
	uint32_t    restore1PageCount;
	uint32_t    restore1CodeOffset;
	uint32_t    restore1StackOffset;

	uint32_t    pageCount;
	uint32_t    bitmapSize;

	uint32_t    restore1Sum;
	uint32_t    image1Sum;
	uint32_t    image2Sum;

	uint32_t    actualRestore1Sum;
	uint32_t    actualImage1Sum;
	uint32_t    actualImage2Sum;

	uint32_t    actualUncompressedPages;
	uint32_t    conflictCount;
	uint32_t    nextFree;

	uint32_t    signature;
	uint32_t    processorFlags;

	uint32_t    runtimePages;
	uint32_t    runtimePageCount;
	uint64_t    runtimeVirtualPages __attribute__ ((packed));

	uint32_t    performanceDataStart;
	uint32_t    performanceDataSize;

	uint64_t    encryptStart __attribute__ ((packed));
	uint64_t    machineSignature __attribute__ ((packed));

	uint32_t    previewSize;
	uint32_t    previewPageListSize;

	uint32_t    diag[4];

	uint32_t    handoffPages;
	uint32_t    handoffPageCount;

	uint32_t    systemTableOffset;

	uint32_t    debugFlags;
	uint32_t    options;
	uint64_t    sleepTime __attribute__ ((packed));
	uint32_t    compression;

	uint8_t     bridgeBootSessionUUID[16];

	uint64_t    lastHibAbsTime __attribute__ ((packed));
	union {
		uint64_t    lastHibContTime;
		uint64_t    hwClockOffset;
	} __attribute__ ((packed));
	uint64_t    kernVirtSlide __attribute__ ((packed));

	 * The size of the non-arm64 version of this structure must be 512 bytes (to
	 * fit into a single disk sector). There is no size constraint for the arm64
	 * version of this structure.
	uint32_t    reserved[45];

	uint64_t    kernelSlide __attribute__ ((packed));      // gVirtBase - gPhysBase (a different kind of "slide")

	uint32_t    booterTime0;
	uint32_t    booterTime1;
	uint32_t    booterTime2;

	uint32_t    booterStart;
	uint32_t    smcStart;
	uint32_t    connectDisplayTime;
	uint32_t    splashTime;
	uint32_t    booterTime;
	uint32_t    trampolineTime;

	uint64_t    encryptEnd __attribute__ ((packed));
	uint64_t    deviceBase __attribute__ ((packed));
	uint32_t    deviceBlockSize;

#if defined(__arm64__)
	 * Some of these fields are only used on PPL or SPTM-based systems while
	 * others are used on both. The individual fields cannot be compiled in
	 * based on any XNU-specific defines since this struct is also used by
	 * projects which do not have the same defines set (e.g., iBoot/SPTM), so
	 * we're stuck having all fields on all systems even if some of them go
	 * unused.

	/* Both: Offset into the hibernation image of where to find the hibernation segments. */
	uint32_t    segmentsFileOffset;

	/* Both: HMAC of all of the data written into the image that isn't a part of image1/2. */
	uint32_t    imageHeaderHMACSize;
	uint8_t     imageHeaderHMAC[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];

	/* Both: HMAC of the IOHibernateHandoff data passed from iBoot to XNU. */
	uint8_t     handoffHMAC[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];

	/* Both: HMACs of the wired (image1) and non-wired (image2) memory. */
	uint8_t     image1PagesHMAC[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];
	uint8_t     image2PagesHMAC[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];

	 * PPL-only: List of memory regions that iBoot should restore and validate
	 * before jumping to hibtext. This struct contains both the list of segments
	 * as well as an HMAC covering the memory contained in all of the segments.
	 * This is not used on SPTM-based systems seeing as the SPTM wants to pass
	 * the hibernation segments as "protected" metadata which has its own HMAC
	 * separate from the HMAC covering the contents of the hibernation segments.
	IOHibernateHibSegInfo hibSegInfo;

	 * PPL-only: HMAC of the read-only region. The SPTM treats the HMAC of CTRR
	 * protected memory as "protected" metadata so these fields are unused on
	 * the SPTM.
	uint8_t     rorgnHMAC[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];
	uint8_t     rorgnSHA256[HIBERNATE_SHA256_SIZE];

	 * SPTM-only: Metadata generated by the SPTM at cold boot (before XNU boots
	 * up) that should be copied wholesale into the hibernation header. This
	 * metadata has its own HMAC generated by the SPTM using the SPTM secret
	 * key.
	hib_protected_metadata_t protected_metadata;

	 * SPTM-only: HMAC of all of the protected metadata in the above structure.
	 * This is created using SPTM's secret key and will be verified by iBoot.
	uint8_t     protected_metadata_hmac[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];

	 * HMAC of the memory that is protected by the SPTM's Read-Only Region
	 * (RORGN). This is created using SPTM's secret key and will be verified by
	 * hibtext.
	uint8_t     sptm_rorgn_hmac[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];

	 * SPTM-only: HMAC of the memory that is protected by the XNU Read-Only
	 * Region (RORGN). This is created using XNU's secret key and will be
	 * verified by hibtext.
	uint8_t     xnu_rorgn_hmac[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];

	 * SPTM-only: HMAC of the contents of the hibernation segments. This is
	 * created using Key0 (the warm data key) and will be verified by iBoot when
	 * loading the hibernation segments. This is not a part of the protected
	 * metadata seeing as the contents of the hibernation segments can change
	 * (even if the bounds of the segments don't).
	uint8_t     hib_segs_hmac[HIBERNATE_HMAC_SIZE];
#endif /* defined(__arm64__) */

	uint32_t            fileExtentMapSize;
	IOPolledFileExtent  fileExtentMap[2];
typedef struct IOHibernateImageHeader IOHibernateImageHeader;

	kIOHibernateDebugRestoreLogs = 0x00000001

// options & IOHibernateOptions property
	kIOHibernateOptionSSD           = 0x00000001,
	kIOHibernateOptionColor         = 0x00000002,
	kIOHibernateOptionProgress      = 0x00000004,
	kIOHibernateOptionDarkWake      = 0x00000008,
	kIOHibernateOptionHWEncrypt     = 0x00000010,

struct hibernate_bitmap_t {
	uint32_t    first_page;
	uint32_t    last_page;
	uint32_t    bitmapwords;
	uint32_t    bitmap[0];
typedef struct hibernate_bitmap_t hibernate_bitmap_t;

struct hibernate_page_list_t {
	uint32_t              list_size;
	uint32_t              page_count;
	uint32_t              bank_count;
	hibernate_bitmap_t    bank_bitmap[0];
typedef struct hibernate_page_list_t hibernate_page_list_t;

#if defined(_AES_H)

struct hibernate_cryptwakevars_t {
	uint8_t aes_iv[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
typedef struct hibernate_cryptwakevars_t hibernate_cryptwakevars_t;

struct hibernate_cryptvars_t {
	uint8_t aes_iv[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
	aes_ctx ctx;
typedef struct hibernate_cryptvars_t hibernate_cryptvars_t;

#endif /* defined(_AES_H) */

	kIOHibernateHandoffType                 = 0x686f0000,
	kIOHibernateHandoffTypeEnd              = kIOHibernateHandoffType + 0,
	kIOHibernateHandoffTypeGraphicsInfo     = kIOHibernateHandoffType + 1,
	kIOHibernateHandoffTypeCryptVars        = kIOHibernateHandoffType + 2,
	kIOHibernateHandoffTypeMemoryMap        = kIOHibernateHandoffType + 3,
	kIOHibernateHandoffTypeDeviceTree       = kIOHibernateHandoffType + 4,
	kIOHibernateHandoffTypeDeviceProperties = kIOHibernateHandoffType + 5,
	kIOHibernateHandoffTypeKeyStore         = kIOHibernateHandoffType + 6,
	kIOHibernateHandoffTypeVolumeCryptKey   = kIOHibernateHandoffType + 7,

struct IOHibernateHandoff {
	uint32_t type;
	uint32_t bytecount;
	uint8_t  data[];
typedef struct IOHibernateHandoff IOHibernateHandoff;

	kIOHibernateProgressCount         = 19,
	kIOHibernateProgressWidth         = 7,
	kIOHibernateProgressHeight        = 16,
	kIOHibernateProgressSpacing       = 3,
	kIOHibernateProgressOriginY       = 81,

	kIOHibernateProgressSaveUnderSize = 2 * 5 + 14 * 2,

	kIOHibernateProgressLightGray     = 230,
	kIOHibernateProgressMidGray       = 174,
	kIOHibernateProgressDarkGray      = 92

	kIOHibernatePostWriteSleep   = 0,
	kIOHibernatePostWriteWake    = 1,
	kIOHibernatePostWriteHalt    = 2,
	kIOHibernatePostWriteRestart = 3

struct hibernate_graphics_t {
	uint64_t physicalAddress; // Base address of video memory
	int32_t  gfxStatus;     // EFI config restore status
	uint32_t rowBytes;              // Number of bytes per pixel row
	uint32_t width;                 // Width
	uint32_t height;                // Height
	uint32_t depth;                 // Pixel Depth

	uint8_t progressSaveUnder[kIOHibernateProgressCount][kIOHibernateProgressSaveUnderSize];
typedef struct hibernate_graphics_t hibernate_graphics_t;

#define DECLARE_IOHIBERNATEPROGRESSALPHA                                \
static const uint8_t gIOHibernateProgressAlpha                  \
[kIOHibernateProgressHeight][kIOHibernateProgressWidth] =       \
{                                                               \
    { 0x00,0x63,0xd8,0xf0,0xd8,0x63,0x00 },                     \
    { 0x51,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x51 },                     \
    { 0xae,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xae },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xc3,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc3 },                     \
    { 0xae,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xae },                     \
    { 0x54,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x54 },                     \
    { 0x00,0x66,0xdb,0xf3,0xdb,0x66,0x00 }                      \

struct hibernate_preview_t {
	uint32_t  imageCount;   // Number of images
	uint32_t  width;        // Width
	uint32_t  height;       // Height
	uint32_t  depth;        // Pixel Depth
	uint64_t  lockTime;     // Lock time
	uint32_t  reservedG[7]; // reserved
	uint32_t  reservedK[8]; // reserved
typedef struct hibernate_preview_t hibernate_preview_t;

struct hibernate_statistics_t {
	uint64_t image1Size;
	uint64_t imageSize;
	uint32_t image1Pages;
	uint32_t imagePages;
	uint32_t booterStart;
	uint32_t smcStart;
	uint32_t booterDuration;
	uint32_t booterConnectDisplayDuration;
	uint32_t booterSplashDuration;
	uint32_t booterDuration0;
	uint32_t booterDuration1;
	uint32_t booterDuration2;
	uint32_t trampolineDuration;
	uint32_t kernelImageReadDuration;

	uint32_t graphicsReadyTime;
	uint32_t wakeNotificationTime;
	uint32_t lockScreenReadyTime;
	uint32_t hidReadyTime;

	uint32_t wakeCapability;
	uint32_t hibCount;
	uint32_t resvA[14];
typedef struct hibernate_statistics_t hibernate_statistics_t;

#define kIOSysctlHibernateStatistics    "kern.hibernatestatistics"
#define kIOSysctlHibernateGraphicsReady "kern.hibernategraphicsready"
#define kIOSysctlHibernateWakeNotify    "kern.hibernatewakenotification"
#define kIOSysctlHibernateScreenReady   "kern.hibernatelockscreenready"
#define kIOSysctlHibernateHIDReady      "kern.hibernatehidready"
#define kIOSysctlHibernateCount         "kern.hibernatecount"
#define kIOSysctlHibernateSetPreview    "kern.hibernatepreview"

#define kIOHibernateSetPreviewEntitlementKey ""

#ifdef KERNEL

struct hibernate_scratch {
	uint8_t  *curPage;
	size_t    curPagePos;
	uint64_t  curPos;
	uint64_t  totalLength;
	ppnum_t  headPage;
	hibernate_page_list_t *map;
	uint32_t *nextFree;
typedef struct hibernate_scratch hibernate_scratch_t;


hibernate_page_list_t *
hibernate_page_list_allocate(boolean_t log);

	hibernate_page_list_t ** page_list_ret,
	hibernate_page_list_t ** page_list_wired_ret,
	hibernate_page_list_t ** page_list_pal_ret);

hibernate_setup(IOHibernateImageHeader * header,
    boolean_t vmflush,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_wired,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_pal);

hibernate_teardown(hibernate_page_list_t * page_list,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_wired,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_pal);

hibernate_pin_swap(boolean_t begin);

hibernate_processor_setup(IOHibernateImageHeader * header);

hibernate_gobble_pages(uint32_t gobble_count, uint32_t free_page_time);



// mark pages not to be saved, based on VM system accounting
hibernate_page_list_setall(hibernate_page_list_t * page_list,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_wired,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_pal,
    boolean_t preflight,
    boolean_t discard_all,
    uint32_t * pagesOut);

// mark pages to be saved, or pages not to be saved but available
// for scratch usage during restore
hibernate_page_list_setall_machine(hibernate_page_list_t * page_list,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_wired,
    boolean_t preflight,
    uint32_t * pagesOut);

// mark pages not to be saved and not for scratch usage during restore
hibernate_page_list_set_volatile( hibernate_page_list_t * page_list,
    hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_wired,
    uint32_t * pagesOut);

hibernate_page_list_discard(hibernate_page_list_t * page_list);


hibernate_set_page_state(hibernate_page_list_t * page_list, hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_wired,
    vm_offset_t ppnum, vm_offset_t count, uint32_t kind);

hibernate_page_bitset(hibernate_page_list_t * list, boolean_t set, uint32_t page);

hibernate_page_bittst(hibernate_page_list_t * list, uint32_t page);

hibernate_bitmap_t *
hibernate_page_bitmap_pin(hibernate_page_list_t * list, uint32_t * page);

hibernate_page_bitmap_count(hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap, uint32_t set, uint32_t page);

hibernate_restore_phys_page(uint64_t src, uint64_t dst, uint32_t len, uint32_t procFlags);

hibernate_scratch_init(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch, hibernate_page_list_t * map, uint32_t * nextFree);

hibernate_scratch_start_read(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch);

hibernate_scratch_write(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch, const void * buffer, size_t size);

hibernate_scratch_read(hibernate_scratch_t * scratch, void * buffer, size_t size);



hibernate_page_list_grab(hibernate_page_list_t * list, uint32_t * pNextFree);

hibernate_reserve_restore_pages(uint64_t headerPhys, IOHibernateImageHeader *header, hibernate_page_list_t * map);

hibernate_machine_entrypoint(uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2, uint32_t p3, uint32_t p4);
hibernate_kernel_entrypoint(uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2, uint32_t p3, uint32_t p4);
hibernate_newruntime_map(void * map, vm_size_t map_size,
    uint32_t system_table_offset);


extern uint32_t    gIOHibernateState;
extern uint32_t    gIOHibernateMode;
extern uint32_t    gIOHibernateDebugFlags;
extern uint32_t    gIOHibernateFreeTime;        // max time to spend freeing pages (ms)
extern boolean_t   gIOHibernateStandbyDisabled;
#if !defined(__arm64__)
extern uint8_t     gIOHibernateRestoreStack[];
extern uint8_t     gIOHibernateRestoreStackEnd[];
#endif /* !defined(__arm64__) */
extern IOHibernateImageHeader *    gIOHibernateCurrentHeader;

#define HIBLOGFROMPANIC(fmt, args...) \
    { if (kernel_debugger_entry_count) { kdb_printf(fmt, ## args); } }

#define HIBLOG(fmt, args...)    \
    { if (kernel_debugger_entry_count) { kdb_printf(fmt, ## args); } else { kprintf(fmt, ## args); printf(fmt, ## args); } }

#define HIBPRINT(fmt, args...)  \
    { if (kernel_debugger_entry_count) { kdb_printf(fmt, ## args); } else { kprintf(fmt, ## args); } }

#endif /* KERNEL */

// gIOHibernateState, kIOHibernateStateKey
	kIOHibernateStateInactive            = 0,
	kIOHibernateStateHibernating         = 1,/* writing image */
	kIOHibernateStateWakingFromHibernate = 2 /* booted and restored image */

// gIOHibernateMode, kIOHibernateModeKey
	kIOHibernateModeOn      = 0x00000001,
	kIOHibernateModeSleep   = 0x00000002,
	kIOHibernateModeEncrypt = 0x00000004,
	kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanInactive = 0x00000008,
	kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanActive   = 0x00000010,
	kIOHibernateModeSwitch      = 0x00000020,
	kIOHibernateModeRestart     = 0x00000040,
	kIOHibernateModeSSDInvert   = 0x00000080,
	kIOHibernateModeFileResize  = 0x00000100,

// IOHibernateImageHeader.signature
	kIOHibernateHeaderSignature        = 0x73696d65U,
	kIOHibernateHeaderInvalidSignature = 0x7a7a7a7aU,
	kIOHibernateHeaderOpenSignature    = 0xf1e0be9dU,
	kIOHibernateHeaderDebugDataSignature = 0xfcddfcddU

// kind for hibernate_set_page_state()
	kIOHibernatePageStateFree        = 0,
	kIOHibernatePageStateWiredSave   = 1,
	kIOHibernatePageStateUnwiredSave = 2

#define kIOHibernateModeKey             "Hibernate Mode"
#define kIOHibernateFileKey             "Hibernate File"
#define kIOHibernateFileMinSizeKey      "Hibernate File Min"
#define kIOHibernateFileMaxSizeKey      "Hibernate File Max"
#define kIOHibernateFreeRatioKey        "Hibernate Free Ratio"
#define kIOHibernateFreeTimeKey         "Hibernate Free Time"

#define kIOHibernateStateKey            "IOHibernateState"
#define kIOHibernateFeatureKey          "Hibernation"
#define kIOHibernatePreviewBufferKey    "IOPreviewBuffer"

#ifndef kIOHibernatePreviewActiveKey
#define kIOHibernatePreviewActiveKey    "IOHibernatePreviewActive"
// values for kIOHibernatePreviewActiveKey
enum {
	kIOHibernatePreviewActive  = 0x00000001,
	kIOHibernatePreviewUpdates = 0x00000002

#define kIOHibernateOptionsKey      "IOHibernateOptions"
#define kIOHibernateGfxStatusKey    "IOHibernateGfxStatus"
enum {
	kIOHibernateGfxStatusUnknown = ((int32_t) 0xFFFFFFFF)

#define kIOHibernateBootImageKey        "boot-image"
#define kIOHibernateBootImageKeyKey     "boot-image-key"
#define kIOHibernateBootSignatureKey    "boot-signature"

#define kIOHibernateMemorySignatureKey    "memory-signature"
#define kIOHibernateMemorySignatureEnvKey "mem-sig"
#define kIOHibernateMachineSignatureKey   "machine-signature"

#define kIOHibernateRTCVariablesKey     "IOHibernateRTCVariables"
#define kIOHibernateSMCVariablesKey     "IOHibernateSMCVariables"

#define kIOHibernateBootSwitchVarsKey   "boot-switch-vars"

#define kIOHibernateBootNoteKey         "boot-note"

#define kIOHibernateUseKernelInterpreter    0x80000000

	kIOPreviewImageIndexDesktop = 0,
	kIOPreviewImageIndexLockScreen = 1,
	kIOPreviewImageCount = 2

	kIOScreenLockNoLock          = 1,
	kIOScreenLockUnlocked        = 2,
	kIOScreenLockLocked          = 3,
	kIOScreenLockFileVaultDialog = 4,

#define kIOScreenLockStateKey       "IOScreenLockState"
#define kIOBooterScreenLockStateKey "IOBooterScreenLockState"


#endif /* !__ASSEMBLER__ */