* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* limitations under the License.
* FILE: IOReporter.h
* AUTH: Cyril & Soren (Core OS)
* DATE: 2012-2013 (Copyright Apple Inc.)
* DESC: IOReporting interfaces for I/O Kit drivers
#include <machine/limits.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSPtr.h>
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/IOLocks.h>
#include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
#include <IOKit/IOReportTypes.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKernelReportStructs.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSPtr.h>
typedef OSDictionary IOReportLegendEntry;
* TOC: this file contains
* 1. Introduction
* 2a. IOReporter class declaration (public & non-public members)
* 2b. static IOReporter methods unrelated to the class
* 3. IOReporter subclass declarations (public & non-public members)
* 4. IOReportLegend class declaration
* 1. Introduction
* IOReporting is a mechanism for I/O Kit drivers to gather statistics
* (or other information) and make it available to various "observers,"
* which are generally in user space. Requests for information come
* through two new IOService methods: ::configureReport(...) and
* ::updateReport(...). While not required (see IOReportTypes.h), drivers
* will generally use IOReporter subclass instances to track the requested
* information and respond to IOReporting requests. Drivers can use these
* classes to track information, either all the time or between "enable"
* and "disable" calls to IOService::configureReport().
* Available information is organized into "channels." A channel is
* uniquely identified by both driver (registry) ID and a 64-bit channel
* ID. One way drivers can advertise their channels is by publishing
* "legends" in the I/O Kit registry. In addition to collecting
* information and responding to queries, IOReporter objects can produce
* legend entries describing their channels. The IOReportLegend class
* helps manage legend entries from multiple reporter objects as well
* as with grouping channels logically for observers.
* An important basic constraint of the current implementation is that
* all channels reported by a particular reporter instance must share all
* traits except channel ID and name. Specifically, the channel type
* (including report class, categories, & size) and units. Additionally,
* IOHistogramReporter currently only supports one channel at a time.
* Currently, ::{configure/update}Report() can be called any time between
* when a driver calls registerService() and when free() is called on
* your driver. 12960947 tracks improvements / recommendations for
* correctly handling these calls during termination.
* Locking
* IOReporting only imposes concurrent access constraints when multiple
* threads are accessing the same object. Three levels of constraint apply
* depending on a method's purpose:
* 1. Allocation/Teardown - same-instance concurrency UNSAFE, MAY BLOCK
* 2. Configuration - same-instance concurrency SAFE, MAY BLOCK
* 3. Update - same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
* Configuration requires memory management which can block and must
* be invoked with interrupts ENABLED (for example, NOT in the interrupt
* context NOR with a spin lock -- like IOSimpleLock -- held).
* Updates can be performed with interrupts disabled, but clients should
* take into account that IOReporters' non-blocking currenency is achieved
* with IOSimpleLockLockDisable/UnlockEnableInterrupts(): that is, by
* disabling interrupts and taking a spin lock. While IOReporting will
* never hold a lock beyond a call into it, some time may be spent within
* the call spin-waiting for the lock. Clients holding their own
* spin locks should carefully consider the impact of IOReporting's
* (small) additional latency before calling it while holding a spin lock.
* The documentation for each method indicates any concurrency guarantees.
/*** 2a. IOReporter Base Class ***/
class IOReporter : public OSObject
/*! @function IOReporter::init
* @abstract base init() method, called by subclass initWith() methods
* @param reportingService - IOService associated with all channels
* @param channelType - type info for all channels (element_idx = 0)
* @param unit - description applied for all channels
* @result true on success, false otherwise
* @discussion
* init() establishes the parameters of all channels for this reporter
* instance. Any channels added via addChannel() will be of this type
* and have this unit.
* IOReporter clients should use the static <subclass>::with() methods
* below to obtain fully-initialized reporter instances. ::free()
* expects ::init() to have completed successfully. On failure, any
* allocations are cleaned up.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency UNSAFE
virtual bool init(IOService *reportingService,
IOReportChannelType channelType,
IOReportUnit unit);
/*! @function IOReporter::addChannel
* @abstract add an additional, similar channel to the reporter
* @param channelID - identifier for the channel to be added
* @param channelName - an optional human-readble name for the channel
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* The reporter will allocate memory to track a new channel with the
* provided ID and name (if any). Its other traits (type, etc) will
* be those provided when the reporter was initialized. If no channel
* name is provided and the channelID consists solely of ASCII bytes,
* those bytes (ignoring any NUL bytes) will be used as the
* human-readable channel name in user space. The IOREPORT_MAKEID()
* macro in IOReportTypes.h can be used to create ASCII channel IDs.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, MAY BLOCK
IOReturn addChannel(uint64_t channelID, const char *channelName = NULL);
/*! @function IOReporter::createLegend
* @abstract create a legend entry represending this reporter's channels
* @result An IOReportLegendEntry object or NULL on failure.
* @discussion
* All channels added to the reporter will be represented
* in the resulting legend entry.
* Legends must be published togethar as an array under the
* kIOReportLegendKey in the I/O Kit registry. The IOReportLegend
* class can be used to properly combine legend entries from multiple
* reporters as well as to put channels into groups of interest to
* observers. When published, individual legend entries share
* characteristics such as group and sub-group. Multiple IOReporter
* instances are required to produce independent legend entries which
* can then be published with different characteristics.
* Drivers wishing to publish legends should do so as part of their
* ::start() routine. As superclasses *may* have installed legend
* entries, any existing existing legend should be retrieved and
* IOReportLegend used to merge it with the new entries.
* Recommendations for best practices are forthcoming.
* Instead of calling createLegend on your reporter object and then
* appending it manually to IOReportLegend, one may prefer to call
* IOReportLegend::appendReporterLegend which creates and appends a
* reporter's IOReportLegendEntry in a single call.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, MAY BLOCK
OSPtr<IOReportLegendEntry> createLegend(void);
/*! @function IOReporter::configureReport
* @abstract track IOService::configureReport(), provide sizing info
* @param channelList - channels to configure
* @param action - enable/disable/size, etc (see IOReportTypes.h)
* @param result - *incremented* for kIOReportGetDimensions
* @param destination - action-specific default destination
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Any time a reporting driver's ::configureReport method is invoked,
* this method should be invoked on each IOReporter that is being
* used by that driver to report channels in channelList.
* Any channels in channelList which are not tracked by this reporter
* are ignored. ::configureReport(kIOReportGetDimensions) expects
* the full size of all channels, including any reported by
* superclasses. It is valid to call this routine on multiple
* reporter objects in succession and they will increment 'result'
* to provide the correct total.
* In the initial release, this routine is only required to calculate
* the response to kIOReportGetDimensions, but in the future it will
* will enable functionality like "triggered polling" via
* kIOReportNotifyHubOnChange. Internally, it is already keeping
* track of the number of times each channel has been enabled and
* disabled. 13073064 tracks adding a method to see whether any
* channels are currently being observed.
* The static IOReporter::configureAllReports() will call this method
* on multiple reporters grouped in an OSSet.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, MAY BLOCK
IOReturn configureReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
IOReportConfigureAction action,
void *result,
void *destination);
/*! @function IOReporter::updateReport
* @abstract Produce standard reply to IOService::updateReport()
* @param channelList - channels to update
* @param action - copy/trace data (see IOReportTypes.h)
* @param result - action-specific return value (e.g. size of data)
* @param destination - destination for this update (action-specific)
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* This method searches channelList for channels tracked by this
* reporter, writes the corresponding data into 'destination', and
* updates 'result'. It should be possible to pass a given set of
* IOService::updateReport() arguments to any and all reporters as
* well as to super::updateReport() and get the right result.
* The static IOReporter::updateAllReports() will call this method
* on an OSSet of reporters.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn updateReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
IOReportConfigureAction action,
void *result,
void *destination);
/*! @function IOReporter::free
* @abstract Releases the object and all its resources.
* @discussion
* ::free() [called on last ->release()] assumes that init() [called
* by static ::with() methods] has completed successfully.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency UNSAFE
virtual void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
/*! @function IOReporter::init
* @abstract Initialize global state
* @discussion
* ::initialize() [called during IOStartIOKit] initializes all global
* state for IOReporter objects.
static void initialize(void);
/*** 2b. Useful Static Methods ***/
/* The following static functions are intended to simplify the management
* of multiple reporters. They may be superseded in the future by an
* IOReportManager class.
/*! @function IOReporter::configureAllReports
* @abstract call configureReport() on multiple IOReporter objects
* @param reporters - OSSet of IOReporter objects
* @param channelList - full list of channels to configure
* @param action - enable/disable/size, etc
* @param result - action-specific returned value
* @param destination - action-specific default destination
* @result success if all objects successfully complete
* IOReporter::configureReport()
* @discussion
* The OSSet must only contain IOReporter instances. The presence
* of non-IOReporter instances will cause this function to return
* kIOReturnBadArgument. If any reporter returns an error, the
* function will immediately return that error.
* Per the IOReporter::configureReport() documentation, each
* reporter will search channelList for channels it is reporting
* and provide a partial response.
static IOReturn configureAllReports(OSSet *reporters,
IOReportChannelList *channelList,
IOReportConfigureAction action,
void *result,
void *destination);
// FIXME: just put the function (inline-ish) here?
/*! @function IOReporter::updateAllReports
* @abstract call updateReport() on multiple IOReporter objects
* @param reporters - OSSet of IOReporter objects
* @param channelList - full list of channels to update
* @param action - type/style of update
* @param result - returned details about what was updated
* @param destination - destination for this update (action-specific)
* @result IOReturn code
* @discussion
* The OSSet must only contain IOReporter instances. The presence
* of non-IOReporter instances will cause this function to return
* kIOReturnBadArgument. If any reporter returns an error, the
* function will immediately return that error.
* Per the IOReporter::configureReport() documentation, each
* reporter will search channelList for channels it is reporting
* and provide a partial response.
static IOReturn updateAllReports(OSSet *reporters,
IOReportChannelList *channelList,
IOReportConfigureAction action,
void *result,
void *destination);
// FIXME: just put the function (inline-ish) here?
/* Protected (subclass-only) Methods
* General subclassing is not encouraged as we intend to improve
* internal interfaces. If you need something that might require
* a subclass, please file a bug against IOReporting/X and we will
* help you.
* One important concept for sub-classes (not clients) is that report
* data is stored in IOReportElement structures (see IOReportTypes.h).
/*! @function IOReporter::lockReporterConfig
* @function IOReporter::unlockReporterConfig
* @abstract prevent concurrent reconfiguration of a reporter
* @discussion
* lockReporterConfig() takes a mutex-based lock intended to prevent
* concurrent access to the reporter's configuration. It is not
* intended to prevent updates to the reporter's data. As long as
* all other requirements are met, it is safe to simultaneously hold
* both the configuration and data locks on a single reporter.
* lockReporterConfig() is used by routines such as addChannel().
* See also lockReporter() and ::handle*Swap*() below.
void lockReporterConfig(void);
void unlockReporterConfig(void);
/*! @function IOReporter::lockReporter
* @function IOReporter::unlockReporter
* @abstract prevent concurrent access to a reporter's data
* @discussion
* This method grabs a lock intended to control access the reporter's
* reporting data. Sub-classes maninupating internal report values
* must make sure the reporter is locked (usually by the most generic
* public interface) before calling getElementValues(),
* copyElementValues(), or setElementValues().
* Subclasses should ensure that this lock is taken exactly once
* before directly accessing reporter data. For example,
* [virtual] IOFooReporter::handleSetFoo(.) {
* // assert(lock_held)
* getElementValues(1..)
* getElementValues(3..)
* getElementValues(5..)
* [calculate]
* setElementValues(6..)
* }
* IOFooReporter::setFoo(.) { // not virtual
* lockReporter()
* handleSetFoo(.)
* unlockReporter()
* }
* IOReporter::handle*() use lockReporter() similarly. For example,
* the lock is taken by IOReporter::updateReport() and is already
* held by the time any ::updateChannelValues() methods are called.
* Subclasses cannot call this routine if the lock is already held.
* That's why IOReporting generally only calls it from non-virtual
* public methods. In particular, this method should not be called
* it from ::handle*() methods which exist to allow override after
* the lock is taken.
* Because lockReporter() uses a spin lock, it is SAFE to use in the
* interrupt context. For the same reason, however, it is UNSAFE
* to perform any blocking blocking operations (including memory
* allocations) while holding this lock.
void lockReporter(void);
void unlockReporter(void);
* @discussion
* The ::handle*Swap* functions allow subclasses to safely reconfigure
* their internal state. A non-virtual function handles locking
* and invokes the functions in order:
* - lockReporterConfig() // protecting instance vars but not content
* - prepare / allocate buffers of the new size
* - if error, bail (unlocking, of course)
* - lockReporter() // protecting data / blocking updates
* - swap: preserve continuing data / install new buffers
* - unlockReporter()
* - deallocate now-unused buffers
* - unlockReporterConfig()
/*! @function IOReporter::handleSwapPrepare
* @abstract allocate memory in preparation for an instance variable swap
* @param newNChannels target number of channels
* @result IOReturn code
* @discussion
* ::handleSwapPrepare() is responsible for allocating appropriately-
* sized buffers (based on the new number of channels) and storing
* them in _swap* instance variables. If returning and error, it
* must deallocate any buffers and set to NULL any _swap* variables.
* Locking: The caller must ensure that the *config* lock is HELD but
* that the reporter (data) lock is *NOT HELD*.
virtual IOReturn handleSwapPrepare(int newNChannels);
/*! @function IOReporter::handleAddChannelSwap
* @abstract update primary instance variables with new buffers
* @param channel_id ID of channel being added
* @param symChannelName optional channel name, in an allocated object
* @result IOReturn code
* @discussion
* handlAddChannelSwap() replaces the primary instance variables
* with buffers allocated in handlePrepareSwap(). It copies the the
* existing data into the appropriate portion of the new buffers.
* Because it is specific to adding one channel, it assumes that the
* target number of channels is one greater than the current value
* of _nChannels.
* IOReporter::handleAddChannelSwap() increments _nElements and
* _nChannels. To ensure that these variables describe the current
* buffers throughout ::handle*Swap(), subclasses overriding this
* method should call super::handleAddChannelSwap() after swapping
* their own instance variables.
* If returning an error, all implementations should leave their
* instance variables as they found them (*unswapped*). That ensures
* handleSwapCleanup() cleans up the unused buffers regardless of
* whether the swap was complete.
* Pseudo-code incorporating these suggestions:
* res = <err>; swapComplete = false;
* if (<unexpected>) goto finish
* tmpBuf = _primaryBuf; _primaryBuf = _swapBuf; _swapBuf = _primaryBuf;
* ...
* swapComplete = true;
* res = super::handle*Swap()
* ...
* finish:
* if (res && swapComplete) // unswap
* Locking: The caller must ensure that BOTH the configuration and
* reporter (data) locks are HELD.
virtual IOReturn handleAddChannelSwap(uint64_t channel_id,
const OSSymbol *symChannelName);
/*! @function IOReporter::handleSwapCleanup
* @abstract release and forget unused buffers
* @param swapNChannels channel-relative size of the _swap buffers
* @discussion
* ::handleSwapCleanup() is responsible for deallocating the buffers
* no longer used after a swap. It must always be called if
* SwapPrepare() completes successfully. Because bufers may be
* swapped in and out of existance, the _swap* variables may be
* NULL and should be set to NULL when complete.
* Locking: The caller must ensure that the *config* lock is HELD but
* that the reporter (data) lock is *NOT HELD*.
virtual void handleSwapCleanup(int swapNChannels);
/*! @function IOReporter::handleConfigureReport
* @abstract override vector for IOReporter::configureReport()
* [parameters and result should exactly match]
* @discussion
* The public base class method takes the reporter lock, calls this
* function, and then drops the lock. Subclasses should not call
* this function directly.
virtual IOReturn handleConfigureReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
IOReportConfigureAction action,
void *result,
void *destination);
/*! @function IOReporter::handleUpdateReport
* @abstract override vector for IOReporter::updateReport()
* [parameters and result should exactly match]
* @discussion
* The public base class method takes the reporter lock, calls this
* function, and then drops the lock. Subclasses should not call
* this function directly.
* This function may be overriden but the common case should be to
* simply update reporter's specific values by overriding
* IOReporter::updateChannelValues().
virtual IOReturn handleUpdateReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
IOReportConfigureAction action,
void *result,
void *destination);
/* @function IOReporter::handleCreateLegend
* @abstract override vector for IOReporter::createLegend()
* [parameters and result should exactly match]
* @discussion
* The public base class method takes the reporter lock, calls this
* function, and then drops the lock. Subclasses should not call
* this function directly.
virtual OSPtr<IOReportLegendEntry> handleCreateLegend(void);
/*! @function IOReporter::updateChannelValues
* @abstract update channel values for IOReporter::updateReport()
* @param channel_index - logical (internal) index of the channel
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Internal reporter method to allow a subclass to update channel
* data when updateReport() is called. This routine handles the
* common case of a subclass needing to refresh state in response
* to IOReporter::updateReport(). It saves the complexity of
* parsing the full parameters to IOReporter::updateReport().
* The IOReporter base class implementation does not do anything
* except return success.
* Locking: IOReporter::updateReport() takes the reporter lock,
* determines the indices involved, calls this function, and
* then proceeds to provide values to the caller. If subclasses
* need to call this routine directly, they must ensure that
* the reporter (data) lock is held: see
* IOReporter::lockReporter().
virtual IOReturn updateChannelValues(int channel_index);
/*! @function IOReporter::updateReportChannel
* @abstract Internal method to extract channel data to a destination
* @param channel_index - offset into internal elements array
* @param nElements - incremented by the number of IOReportElements added
* @param destination - pointer to the destination buffer
* @result IOReturn code
* @discussion
* updateReportChannel() is used to extract a single channel's
* data to the updateReport() destination.
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
IOReturn updateReportChannel(int channel_index,
int *nElements,
IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *destination);
/*! @function IOReporter::setElementValues
* @abstract Atomically update a specific member of _elements[].
* @param element_index - index of the _element in internal array
* @param values - IORepoterElementValues to replace those at _elements[idx]
* @param record_time - optional mach_absolute_time to be used for metadata
* @result IOReturn code
* @discussion
* element_index can be obtained from getFirstElementIndex(). If
* record_time is not provided, IOReporter::setElementValues() will
* fetch the current mach_absolute_time. If the current time is
* already known, it is more efficient to pass it along.
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn setElementValues(int element_index,
IOReportElementValues *values,
uint64_t record_time = 0);
/*! @function IOReporter::getElementValues
* @abstract Internal method to directly access the values of an element
* @param element_index - index of the _element in internal array
* @result A pointer to the element values requested or NULL on failure
* @discussion Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
* The returned pointer is only valid until unlockReporter() is called.
virtual const IOReportElementValues* getElementValues(int element_index);
/*! @function IOReporter::getFirstElementIndex
* @abstract Returns the first element index for a channel
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel
* @param element_index - pointer to the returned element_index
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* For efficiently and thread-safely reading _elements
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn getFirstElementIndex(uint64_t channel_id,
int *element_index);
/*! @function IOReporter::getChannelIndex
* @abstract Returns the index of a channel from internal data structures
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel
* @param channel_index - pointer to the returned element_index
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* For efficiently and thread-safely reading channels
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn getChannelIndex(uint64_t channel_id,
int *channel_index);
/*! @function IOReporter::getChannelIndices
* @abstract Returns the index of a channel and its corresponding
* first element index from internal data structure
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel
* @param channel_index - pointer to the returned channel_index
* @param element_index - pointer to the returned element_index
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* For efficiently and thread-safely reading channel elements.
* It is commonly useful to get access to both channel and element
* indices togther. This convenience method allows sub-classes to
* get both indices simultaneously.
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn getChannelIndices(uint64_t channel_id,
int *channel_index,
int *element_index);
/*! @function IOReporter::copyElementValues
* @abstract Copies the values of an internal element to *elementValues
* @param element_index - Index of the element to return values from
* @param elementValues - For returning the content of element values
* @result Returns the content of an element
* @discussion
* For efficiently and thread-safely reading _elements.
* May need to find the index of the element first.
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn copyElementValues(int element_index,
IOReportElementValues *elementValues);
/*! @function IOReporter::legendWith
* @abstract Internal method to help create legend entries
* @param channelIDs - array of uint64_t channels IDs.
* @param channelNames - parrallel array of const char* channel names
* @param channelCount - number of channels, and size of channelIDs and channelNames
* @param channelType - the type of all channels in this legend
* @param unit - The unit for the quantity recorded by this reporter object
* @result An IOReportLegendEntry object or NULL on failure
* @discussion
* This static method is variant of IOReporter::legendWith that takes
* raw arrays for the channelIDs and channelNames. It supports the static
* createLegend() methods for the IOReporter subclasses.
* Locking: SAFE to call concurrently (no static globals), MAY BLOCK
static OSPtr<IOReportLegendEntry> legendWith(const uint64_t *channelIDs,
const char **channelNames,
int channelCount,
IOReportChannelType channelType,
IOReportUnit unit);
// private methods
/*! @function IOReporter::copyChannelIDs
* @abstract return an an OSArray of the reporter's
* channel IDs
* @result An OSArray of the repoter's channel ID's as OSNumbers
* @discussion
* This method is an internal helper function used to prepare a
* legend entry. It encapsulates the channel IDs in OSNumbers and
* aggregates them in an OSArray used when building the IOReportLegend
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
OSPtr<OSArray> copyChannelIDs(void);
/*! @function IOReporter::legendWith
* @abstract Internal method to help create legend entries
* @param channelIDs - OSArray of OSNumber(uint64_t) channels IDs.
* @param channelNames - parrallel OSArray of OSSymbol(rich names)
* @param channelType - the type of all channels in this legend
* @param unit - The unit for the quantity recorded by this reporter object
* @result An IOReportLegendEntry object or NULL on failure
* @discussion
* This static method is the main legend creation function. It is called by
* IOReporter sub-classes and is responsible for building an
* IOReportLegendEntry corresponding to this reporter object.
* This legend entry may be extended by the sub-class of IOReporter if
* required.
* Locking: SAFE to call concurrently (no static globals), MAY BLOCK
static OSPtr<IOReportLegendEntry> legendWith(OSArray *channelIDs,
OSArray *channelNames,
IOReportChannelType channelType,
IOReportUnit unit);
// protected instance variables (want to get rid of these)
IOReportChannelType _channelType;
uint64_t _driver_id; // driver reporting data
// IOHistogramReporter accesses these; need to re-do its instantiation
IOReportElement *_elements;
int *_enableCounts; // refcount kIOReportEnable/Disable
uint16_t _channelDimension;// Max channel size
int _nElements;
int _nChannels; // Total Channels in this reporter
OSPtr<OSArray> _channelNames;
// MUST be protected because check is a macro!
bool _reporterIsLocked;
bool _reporterConfigIsLocked;
// Required for swapping inside addChannel
IOReportElement *_swapElements;
int *_swapEnableCounts;
// private instance variables
IOReportUnit _unit;
int _enabled;// 'enabled' if _enabled > 0
IOLock *_configLock;
IOInterruptState _interruptState;
IOSimpleLock *_reporterLock;
/***** 3. IOReporter Subclasses *****/
* @class IOSimpleReporter
* @abstract Report simple integers
* @discussion
* Each IOSimpleReporter can have an arbitrary number of channels,
* each publishing a single integer value at any given time.
class IOSimpleReporter : public IOReporter
/*! @function IOSimpleReporter::with
* @abstract create an initialized simple reporter
* @param reportingService - IOService associated with all channels
* @param categories - The category in which the report should be classified
* @param unit - The unit for the quantity recorded by the reporter object
* @result On success, an instance of IOSimpleReporter, else NULL
* @discussion
* Creates an instance of IOSimpleReporter object
* Locking: SAFE to call concurrently (no static globals), MAY BLOCK.
static OSPtr<IOSimpleReporter> with(IOService *reportingService,
IOReportCategories categories,
IOReportUnit unit);
/*! @function IOSimpleReporter::setValue
* @abstract Thread safely set a channel's value
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel for which the value needs to be set
* @param value - New channel value
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Updates the value of a channel to the provided value.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn setValue(uint64_t channel_id,
int64_t value);
/*! @function IOSimpleReporter::incrementValue
* @abstract Thread safely increment a channel's value by a given amount
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel for which the value needs to be incremented
* @param increment - Amount to be added to the current channel value
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Increments the value of the channel ID by the provided amount.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn incrementValue(uint64_t channel_id,
int64_t increment);
/*! @function IOSimpleReporter::getValue
* @abstract Thread safely access a channel value
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel to get a value from
* @result Returns the current value stored in the channel
* @discussion
* Accessor method to a channel's current stored value
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
int64_t getValue(uint64_t channel_id);
/*! @function IOSimpleReporter::createLegend
* @abstract Creates a legend entry for an IOSimpleReporter
* @param channelIDs - array of uint64_t channels IDs.
* @param channelNames - parrallel array of const char* channel names
* @param channelCount - number of channels, and size of channelIDs and channelNames
* @param categories - The category in which the report should be classified
* @param unit - The unit for the quantity recorded by the reporter object
* @result An IOReportLegendEntry object or NULL on failure
* @discussion
* This static method supports creating a legend entry for an IOSimpleReporter
* without actually having an IOSimpleReporter instance.
* This can be used to lazily create IOReporters in IOService::configureReport()
* rather than during driver initialization.
static OSPtr<IOReportLegendEntry> createLegend(const uint64_t *channelIDs,
const char **channelNames,
int channelCount,
IOReportCategories categories,
IOReportUnit unit);
/*! @function IOSimpleReporter::initWith
* @abstract instance method implementation called by IOSimpleReporter::with
* @discussion
* See description of parameters above
* Locking: same-instance concurrency UNSAFE
virtual bool initWith(IOService *reportingService,
IOReportCategories categories,
IOReportUnit unit);
* @class IOStateReporter
* @abstract Report state machine data
* @discussion
* Each IOStateReporter can report information for an arbitrary number
* of similar state machines. All must have the same number of states.
class IOStateReporter : public IOReporter
/*! @function IOStateReporter::with
* @abstract State reporter static creation method
* @param reportingService - The I/O Kit service for this reporter's channels
* @param categories - The categories for this reporter's channels
* @param nstates - Maximum number of states for this reporter's channels
* @param unit - optional parameter if using override/increment...()
* @result on success, an IOStateReporter instance, else NULL
* @discussion
* Creates an instance of IOStateReporter. The default time scale
* is the current system's notion of mach_absolute_time(). Using a
* non-default time scale requires the use of
* override/incrementChannelState() instead of setState().
* setState() always updates using mach_absolute_time().
* Locking: SAFE to call concurrently (no static globals), MAY BLOCK
static OSPtr<IOStateReporter> with(IOService *reportingService,
IOReportCategories categories,
int nstates,
IOReportUnit unit = kIOReportUnitHWTicks);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::setStateID
* @abstract Assign a non-default ID to a state
* @param channel_id - ID of channel containing the state in question
* @param state_index - index of state to give an ID: [0..(nstates-1)]
* @param state_id - 64-bit state ID, for ASCII, use IOREPORT_MAKEID
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* By default, IOStateReporter identifies its channel states by
* numbering them from 0 to <nstates - 1>. If setStateID is not
* called to customize the state IDs, the numbered states will be
* kept throughout the life of the object and it is safe to reference
* those states by their indices. Otherwise, after setStateID() has
* been called, the ordering of states is no longer guaranteed and
* the client must reference states by their assigned state ID.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn setStateID(uint64_t channel_id,
int state_index,
uint64_t state_id);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::setChannelState
* @abstract Updates the current state of a channel to a new state
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel which is updated to a new state
* @param new_state_id - ID of the target state for this channel
* @param last_intransition - deprecated: time of most recent entry
* @param prev_state_residency - deprecated: time spent in previous state
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* setChannelState() updates the amount of time spent in the previous
* state (if any) and increments the number of transitions into the
* new state. It also sets the target state's last transition time to
* the current time and enables internal time-keeping for the channel.
* In this mode, calls like getStateResidencyTime() and updateReport()
* automatically update a channel's time in state.
* new_state_id identifies the target state as initialized
* (0..<nstates-1>) or as configured by setStateID().
* Drivers wishing to compute and report their own time in state
* should use incrementChannelState() or overrideChannelState(). It
* is not currently possible for a driver to synchronize with the
* automatic time-keeping enabled by setChannelState(). The
* 4-argument version of setChannelState() is thus impossible to
* use correctly. In the future, there may be a setChannelState()
* which accepts a last_intransition parameter and uses it to
* automatically calculate time in state (ERs -> IOReporting / X).
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn setChannelState(uint64_t channel_id,
uint64_t new_state_id,
uint64_t last_intransition,
uint64_t prev_state_residency) __deprecated;
/*! @function IOStateReporter::setChannelState
* @abstract Updates the current state of a channel to a new state
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel which is updated to a new state
* @param new_state_id - ID of the target state for this channel
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* setChannelState() updates the amount of time spent in the previous
* state (if any) and increments the number of transitions into the
* new state. It also sets the target state's last transition time to
* the current time and enables internal time-keeping for the channel.
* In this mode, calls like getStateResidencyTime() and updateReport()
* automatically update a channel's time in state.
* new_state_id identifies the target state as initialized
* (0..<nstates-1>) or as configured by setStateID().
* Drivers wishing to compute and report their own time in state
* should use incrementChannelState() or overrideChannelState(). It
* is not currently possible for a driver to synchronize with the
* automatic time-keeping enabled by setChannelState(). The
* 4-argument version of setChannelState() is thus impossible to
* use correctly. In the future, there may be a setChannelState()
* which accepts a last_intransition parameter and uses it to
* automatically calculate time in state (ERs -> IOReporting / X).
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn setChannelState(uint64_t channel_id,
uint64_t new_state_id);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::setState
* @abstract Updates state for single channel reporters
* @param new_state_id - New state for the channel
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code.
* @discussion
* setState() is a convenience method for single-channel state
* reporter instances. An error will be returned if the reporter
* in question has more than one channel.
* See further discussion at setChannelState().
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn setState(uint64_t new_state_id);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::setState
* @abstract Updates state for single channel reporters
* @param new_state_id - New state for the channel
* @param last_intransition - deprecated: time of most recent entry
* @param prev_state_residency - deprecated: spent in previous state
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code.
* @discussion
* setState() is a convenience method for single-channel state
* reporter instances. An error will be returned if the reporter
* in question has more than one channel.
* See further discussion at setChannelState().
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn setState(uint64_t new_state_id,
uint64_t last_intransition,
uint64_t prev_state_residency) __deprecated;
/*! @function IOStateReporter::overrideChannelState
* @abstract Overrides state data for a channel with passed arguments
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel which state is to be updated
* @param state_id - state id for the channel
* @param time_in_state - time used as new total time in state
* @param intransitions - total number of transitions into state
* @param last_intransition - mach_absolute_time of most recent entry (opt)
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* overrideChannelState() sets a particular state's time in state
* and transition count to the values provided. The optional
* last_intransition records the last time the channel transitioned
* into the given state. Passing 0 for time_in_state and
* intransitions will force the current values to 0. Passing 0
* for last_intransition for all states will disable the notion
* of a channel's "current state."
* The most recent last_intransition (amongst all states in a channel)
* logically determines the current state. If last_intransition is
* not provided for any state, the channel will not report a current
* For consistent results, it is important to either never specify
* last_intransition or to always specify it.
* There is currently a bug in determining current state (13423273).
* The IOReportMacros.h macros only update the state's metadata
* timestamp and libIOReport only looks at the metadata timestamps
* to determine the current state. Until that bug is fixed, whichever
* state is updated most recently will be considered the "current"
* state by libIOReport.
* ::setState()'s automatic "time in state" updates are not supported
* when using overrideChannelState(). Clients must not use
* overrideChannelState() on any channel that has ::setState() called
* on it. Unlike with ::setState(), clients using
* overrideChannelState() are responsible for ensuring that data is
* up to date for updateReport() calls. The correct way to do this
* is for a driver's ::updateReport() method to push the most up to
* date values into the reporters before calling
* super::updateReport().
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn overrideChannelState(uint64_t channel_id,
uint64_t state_id,
uint64_t time_in_state,
uint64_t intransitions,
uint64_t last_intransition = 0);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::incrementChannelState
* @abstract Updates state data for a channel with passed arguments
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel which state is to be updated
* @param state_id - state id for the channel
* @param time_in_state - time to be accumulated for time in state
* @param intransitions - number of transitions into state to be added
* @param last_intransition - mach_absolute_time of most recent entry (opt)
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* incrementChannelState() adds time_in_state and intransitions
* to the current values stored for a particular state. If provided,
* last_intransition overwrites the time the state was most recently
* entered. Passing 0 for time_in_state and intransitions will have
* no effect. Passing 0 for last_intransition for all states will
* disable the notion of a channel's "current state."
* The most recent last_intransition (amongst all states in a channel)
* logically determines the current state. If last_intransition is
* not provided for any state, the channel will not report a current
* For consistent results, it is important to either never specify
* last_intransition or to always specify it.
* There is currently a bug in determining current state (13423273).
* The IOReportMacros.h macros only update the state's metadata
* timestamp and libIOReport only looks at the metadata timestamps
* to determine the current state. Until that bug is fixed, whichever
* state is updated most recently will be considered the "current"
* state by libIOReport.
* ::setState()'s automatic "time in state" updates are not supported
* when using incrementChannelState(). Clients must not use
* incrementChannelState() on any channel that has ::setState()
* called on it. Unlike with ::setState(), clients using
* incrementChannelState() are responsible for ensuring that data
* is up to date for updateReport() calls. The correct way to do
* this is for a driver's ::updateReport() method to push the most
* up to date values into the reporters before calling
* super::updateReport().
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn incrementChannelState(uint64_t channel_id,
uint64_t state_id,
uint64_t time_in_state,
uint64_t intransitions,
uint64_t last_intransition = 0);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::setStateByIndices
* @abstract update a channel state without validating channel_id
* @param channel_index - 0..<nChannels>, available from getChannelIndex()
* @param new_state_index - New state (by index) for the channel
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Similar to setState(), setStateByIndices() sets a channel's state
* without searching for the channel or state IDs. It will perform
* bounds checking, but relies on the caller to properly indicate
* the indices of the channel and state. Clients can rely on channels
* being added to IOStateReporter in order: the first channel will
* have index 0, the second index 1, etc. Like ::setState(),
* "time in state" calculations are handled automatically.
* setStateByIndices() is faster than than setChannelState(), but
* it should only be used where the latter's performance overhead
* might be a problem. For example, many channels in a single
* reporter and high-frequency state changes.
* Drivers wishing to compute and report their own time in state
* should use incrementChannelState() or overrideChannelState(). It
* is not currently possible for a driver to synchronize with the
* automatic time-keeping enabled by setStateByIndices(). The
* 4-argument version of setChannelState() is thus impossible to
* use correctly. In the future, there may be a setChannelState()
* which accepts a last_intransition parameter and uses it to
* automatically calculate time in state (ERs -> IOReporting / X).
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn setStateByIndices(int channel_index,
int new_state_index);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::setStateByIndices
* @abstract update a channel state without validating channel_id
* @param channel_index - 0..<nChannels>, available from getChannelIndex()
* @param new_state_index - New state (by index) for the channel
* @param last_intransition - deprecated: time of most recent entry
* @param prev_state_residency - deprecated: time spent in previous state
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Similar to setState(), setStateByIndices() sets a channel's state
* without searching for the channel or state IDs. It will perform
* bounds checking, but relies on the caller to properly indicate
* the indices of the channel and state. Clients can rely on channels
* being added to IOStateReporter in order: the first channel will
* have index 0, the second index 1, etc. Like ::setState(),
* "time in state" calculations are handled automatically.
* setStateByIndices() is faster than than setChannelState(), but
* it should only be used where the latter's performance overhead
* might be a problem. For example, many channels in a single
* reporter and high-frequency state changes.
* Drivers wishing to compute and report their own time in state
* should use incrementChannelState() or overrideChannelState(). It
* is not currently possible for a driver to synchronize with the
* automatic time-keeping enabled by setStateByIndices(). The
* 4-argument version of setChannelState() is thus impossible to
* use correctly. In the future, there may be a setChannelState()
* which accepts a last_intransition parameter and uses it to
* automatically calculate time in state (ERs -> IOReporting / X).
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn setStateByIndices(int channel_index,
int new_state_index,
uint64_t last_intransition,
uint64_t prev_state_residency) __deprecated;
/*! @function IOStateReporter::getStateInTransitions
* @abstract Accessor method for count of transitions into state
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel
* @param state_id - State of the channel
* @result Count of transitions into the requested state.
* @discussion
* Some clients may need to consume internally the data aggregated by the
* reporter object. This method allows a client to retrieve the count of
* transitions into the requested state for the channel_id.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
uint64_t getStateInTransitions(uint64_t channel_id,
uint64_t state_id);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::getStateResidencyTime
* @abstract Accessor method for time spent in a given state
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel
* @param state_id - State of the channel
* @result Absolute time spent in specified state
* @discussion
* Some clients may need to consume internally the data aggregated
* by the by the reporter object. This method allows a client to
* retrieve the absolute time a particular channel recorded as spent
* in a specified state.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
uint64_t getStateResidencyTime(uint64_t channel_id,
uint64_t state_id);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::getStateLastTransitionTime
* @abstract Accessor method for last time a transition occured
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel
* @param state_id - State of the channel
* @result Absolute time for when the last transition occured
* @discussion
* Some clients may need to consume internally the data aggregated
* by the by the reporter object. This method allows a client to
* retrieve the absolute time stamp for when the last transition into
* a specific state was recorded.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
uint64_t getStateLastTransitionTime(uint64_t channel_id, uint64_t state_id);
/*! @function [DEPRECATED] IOStateReporter::getStateLastChannelUpdateTime
* @abstract Deprecated accessor for last time a channel was auto-updated
* @param channel_id - ID of the channel
* @result Absolute time for last time the channel was updated
* @discussion
* If a channel has had ::setState() called on it, calls such as
* getStateResidencyTime() or updateReport() will update time in the
* current state and update an internal "last channel update time."
* Because clients have no way to interlock with those methods, there
* is no sensible way to use this method and it will be removed in
* a future release.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
uint64_t getStateLastChannelUpdateTime(uint64_t channel_id) __deprecated;
/*! @function IOStateReporter::createLegend
* @abstract Creates a legend entry for an IOStateReporter
* @param channelIDs - array of uint64_t channels IDs.
* @param channelNames - parrallel array of const char* channel names
* @param channelCount - number of channels, and size of channelIDs and channelNames
* @param nstates - Maximum number of states for this reporter's channels
* @param categories - The category in which the report should be classified
* @param unit - The unit for the quantity recorded by the reporter object
* @result An IOReportLegendEntry object or NULL on failure
* @discussion
* This static method supports creating a legend entry for an IOStateReporter
* without actually having an IOStateReporter instance.
* This can be used to lazily create IOReporters in IOService::configureReport()
* rather than during driver initialization.
static OSPtr<IOReportLegendEntry> createLegend(const uint64_t *channelIDs,
const char **channelNames,
int channelCount,
int nstates,
IOReportCategories categories,
IOReportUnit unit);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::free
* @abstract Releases the object and all its resources.
* @discussion
* ::free() assumes that init() has completed. Clients should use
* the static ::with() methods to obtain fully-initialized reporter
* instances.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency UNSAFE
virtual void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
/*! @function IOStateReporter::initWith
* @abstract Instance method implementation called by ::with
* @discussion
* See description of parameters above
virtual bool initWith(IOService *reportingService,
IOReportCategories categories,
int16_t nstates, IOReportUnit unit);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::handleSwapPrepare
* @abstract _swap* = <IOStateReporter-specific per-channel buffers>
* [see IOReporter::handle*Swap* for more info]
virtual IOReturn handleSwapPrepare(int newNChannels) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
* @function IOStateReporter::handleAddChannelSwap
* @abstract swap in IOStateReporter's variables
virtual IOReturn handleAddChannelSwap(uint64_t channel_id,
const OSSymbol *symChannelName) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
* @function IOStateReporter::handleSwapCleanup
* @abstract clean up unused buffers in _swap*
virtual void handleSwapCleanup(int swapNChannels) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
/*! @function IOStateReporter::updateChannelValues
* @abstract Update accounting of time spent in current state
* @param channel_index - internal index of the channel
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Internal State reporter method to account for the time spent in
* the current state when updateReport() is called on the reporter's
* channels.
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn updateChannelValues(int channel_index) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
/*! @function IOStateReporter::handleSetStateByIndices
* @abstract update a channel state without validating channel_id
* @param channel_index - 0..<nChannels>, available from getChannelIndex()
* @param new_state_index - New state for the channel
* @param last_intransition - to remove: time of most recent entry
* @param prev_state_residency - to remove: time spent in previous state
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Locked version of IOReporter::setStateByIndices(). This method may be
* overriden by sub-classes.
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn handleSetStateByIndices(int channel_index,
int new_state_index,
uint64_t last_intransition,
uint64_t prev_state_residency);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::handleSetStateID
* @abstract Assign a non-default ID to a state
* @param channel_id - ID of channel containing the state in question
* @param state_index - index of state to give an ID: [0..(nstates-1)]
* @param state_id - 64-bit state ID, for ASCII, use IOREPORT_MAKEID
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Locked version of IOReporter::setStateID(). This method may be
* overriden by sub-classes
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn handleSetStateID(uint64_t channel_id,
int state_index,
uint64_t state_id);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::handleOverrideChannelStateByIndices
* @abstract Overrides state data for a channel with passed arguments
* @param channel_index - index of the channel which state is to be updated
* @param state_index - index of the state id for the channel
* @param time_in_state - time used as new total time in state
* @param intransitions - total number of transitions into state
* @param last_intransition - mach_absolute_time of most recent entry (opt)
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Locked version of IOReporter::overrideChannelState(). This method
* may be overriden by sub-classes.
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn handleOverrideChannelStateByIndices(int channel_index,
int state_index,
uint64_t time_in_state,
uint64_t intransitions,
uint64_t last_intransition = 0);
/*! @function IOStateReporter::handleIncrementChannelStateByIndices
* @abstract Updates state data for a channel with passed arguments
* @param channel_index - index of the channel which state is to be updated
* @param state_index - index of the state id for the channel
* @param time_in_state - time used as new total time in state
* @param intransitions - total number of transitions into state
* @param last_intransition - mach_absolute_time of most recent entry (opt)
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Locked version of IOReporter::incrementChannelState(). This method
* may be overriden by sub-classes.
* Locking: Caller must ensure that the reporter (data) lock is held.
virtual IOReturn handleIncrementChannelStateByIndices(int channel_index,
int state_index,
uint64_t time_in_state,
uint64_t intransitions,
uint64_t last_intransition = 0);
int *_currentStates; // current states (per chonnel)
uint64_t *_lastUpdateTimes; // most recent auto-update
// Required for swapping inside addChannel
int *_swapCurrentStates;
uint64_t *_swapLastUpdateTimes;
enum valueSelector {
uint64_t _getStateValue(uint64_t channel_id,
uint64_t state_id,
enum valueSelector value);
IOReturn _getStateIndices(uint64_t channel_id,
uint64_t state_id,
int *channel_index,
int *state_index);
* @class IOHistogramReporter
* @abstract Report histograms of values
* @discussion
* Each IOHistogramReporter can report one histogram representing
* how a given value has changed over time.
class IOHistogramReporter : public IOReporter
/*! @function IOHistogramReporter::with
* @abstract Initializes the IOHistogramReporter instance variables and data structures
* @param reportingService - The I/O Kit service for this reporter's channels
* @param categories - The categories in which the report should be classified
* @param channelID - uint64_t channel identifier
* @param channelName - rich channel name as char*
* @param unit - The unit for the quantity recorded by the reporter object
* @param nSegments - Number of segments to be extracted from the config data structure
* @param config - Histograms require the caller to pass a configuration by segments
* @result an instance of the IOSimpleReporter object or NULL on error
* @discussion
* Creates an instance of histogram reporter object.
* FIXME: need more explanation of the config
* IOHistogramReporter currently only supports a single channel.
static OSPtr<IOHistogramReporter> with(IOService *reportingService,
IOReportCategories categories,
uint64_t channelID,
const char *channelName,
IOReportUnit unit,
int nSegments,
IOHistogramSegmentConfig *config);
/*! @function IOHistogramReporter::addChannel
* @abstract Override IOReporter::addChannel(*) to return an error
* @result kIOReturnUnsupported - doesn't support adding channels
addChannel(__unused uint64_t channelID, __unused const char *channelName = NULL)
return kIOReturnUnsupported;
/*! @function IOHistogramReporter::overrideBucketValues
* @abstract Override values of a bucket at specified index
* @param index - index of bucket to override
* @param bucket_hits - new bucket hits count
* @param bucket_min - new bucket minimum value
* @param bucket_max - new bucket maximum value
* @param bucket_sum - new bucket sum
* @result Appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* Replaces data in the bucket at the specified index with the data pointed
* to by bucket. No sanity check is performed on the data. If the index
* is out of bounds, kIOReturnBadArgument is returned.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
IOReturn overrideBucketValues(unsigned int index,
uint64_t bucket_hits,
int64_t bucket_min,
int64_t bucket_max,
int64_t bucket_sum);
/*! @function IOHistogramReporter::tallyValue
* @abstract Add a new value to the histogram
* @param value - new value to add to the histogram
* @result the index of the affected bucket, or -1 on error
* @discussion
* The histogram reporter determines in which bucket the value
* falls and increments it. The lowest and highest buckets
* extend to negative and positive infinity, respectively.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, WILL NOT BLOCK
int tallyValue(int64_t value);
/*! @function IOHistogramReporter::createLegend
* @abstract Creates a legend entry for an IOStateReporter
* @param channelID - uint64_t channel identifier
* @param channelName - rich channel name as char*
* @param segmentCount - Number of segments to be extracted from the config data structure
* @param config - Histograms require the caller to pass a configuration by segments
* @param categories - The category in which the report should be classified
* @param unit - The unit for the quantity recorded by the reporter object
* @result An IOReportLegendEntry object or NULL on failure
* @discussion
* This static method supports creating a legend entry for an IOStateReporter
* without actually having an IOStateReporter instance.
* This can be used to lazily create IOReporters in IOService::configureReport()
* rather than during driver initialization.
static OSPtr<IOReportLegendEntry> createLegend(const uint64_t channelID,
const char *channelName,
int segmentCount,
IOHistogramSegmentConfig *config,
IOReportCategories categories,
IOReportUnit unit);
/*! @function IOHistogramReporter::free
* @abstract Releases the object and all its resources.
* @discussion
* ::free() assumes that init() has completed. Clients should use
* the static ::with() methods to obtain fully-initialized reporter
* instances.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency UNSAFE
virtual void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
/*! @function IOHistogramReporter::initWith
* @abstract instance method implementation called by ::with
* @discussion
* See description of parameters above
virtual bool initWith(IOService *reportingService,
IOReportCategories categories,
uint64_t channelID,
const OSSymbol *channelName,
IOReportUnit unit,
int nSegments,
IOHistogramSegmentConfig *config);
/*! @function IOHistogramReporter::handleCreateLegend
* @abstract Builds an IOReporting legend entry representing the channels of this reporter.
* @result An IOReportLegendEntry or NULL on failure
* @discussion
* The returned legend entry may be appended to kIOReportLegendKey
* to be published by the caller in the IORegistry. See the
* IOReportLegend class for more details.
* Locking: same-instance concurrency SAFE, MAY BLOCK
OSPtr<IOReportLegendEntry> handleCreateLegend(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
int _segmentCount;
int64_t *_bucketBounds;
int _bucketCount;
IOHistogramSegmentConfig *_histogramSegmentsConfig;
/***** 4. IOReportLegend Class *****/
* @class IOReportLegend
* @abstract combine legend entries into a complete legend
* @discussion
* IOReportLegend adds metadata to legend entries and combines them
* into a single OSArray that can be published under the
* kIOReportLegendKey property in the I/O Kit registry.
class IOReportLegend : public OSObject
/*! @function IOReportLegend::with
* @abstract Create an instance of IOReportLegend
* @param legend - OSArray of the legend possibly already present in registry
* @result an instance of IOReportLegend, or NULL on failure
* @discussion
* An IOReporting legend (an OSArray of legend entries) may be already
* present in the IORegistry. Thus the recommended way to publish
* new entries is to append to any existing array as follows:
* 1. call getProperty(kIOReportLegendKey) to get an existing legend.
* 2a. If it exists
* - OSDynamicCast to OSArray
* - and pass it to ::with()
* IOReportLegend *legendMaker = IOReportLegend::with(legend);
* The provided array is retained by IOReportLegend.
* 2b. If no legend already exists in the registry, pass NULL
* IOReportLegend *legend = IOReportLegend::with(NULL);
* This latter invocation will cause IOReportLegend to create a new
* array internally (also holding one reference).
* At the cost of some registry churn, the static
* IOReportLegend::addReporterLegend() will handle the above, removing
* the need for any direct use of the IOReportLegend class.
static OSPtr<IOReportLegend> with(OSArray *legend);
/*! @function IOReportLegend::addLegendEntry
* @abstract Add a new legend entry
* @param legendEntry - entry to be added to the internal legend array
* @param groupName - primary group name for this entry
* @param subGroupName - secondary group name for this entry
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* The entry will be retained as an element of the internal array.
* Legend entries are available from reporter objects. Entries
* represent some number of channels with similar properties (such
* as group and sub-group). Multiple legend entries with the same
* group names will be aggregated in user space.
* Drivers that instantiate their reporter objects in response to
* IOService::configureReport(kIOReportDisable) will need to create
* temporary reporter objects for the purpose of creating their
* legend entries. User-space legends are tracked by 12836893.
IOReturn addLegendEntry(IOReportLegendEntry *legendEntry,
const char *groupName,
const char *subGroupName);
/*! @function IOReportLegend::addReporterLegend
* @abstract Add a legend entry from a reporter object
* @param reporter - IOReporter to use to extract and append the legend
* @param groupName - primary group name for this entry
* @param subGroupName - secondary group name for this entry
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* An IOReportLegendEntry will be created internally to this method from
* the IOReporter object passed in argument. The entry will be released
* internally after being appended to the IOReportLegend object.
* Legend entries are available from reporter objects. Entries
* represent some number of channels with similar properties (such
* as group and sub-group). Multiple legend entries with the same
* group names will be aggregated in user space.
* Drivers that instantiate their reporter objects in response to
* IOService::configureReport(kIOReportDisable) will need to create
* temporary reporter objects for the purpose of creating their
* legend entries. User-space legends are tracked by 12836893.
* Locking: same-reportingService and same-IORLegend concurrency UNSAFE
IOReturn addReporterLegend(IOReporter *reporter,
const char *groupName,
const char *subGroupName);
/*! @function IOReportLegend::addReporterLegend
* @abstract Add a legend entry from a reporter object
* @param reportingService - IOService data provider into the reporter object
* @param reporter - IOReporter to use to extract and append the legend
* @param groupName - primary group name for this entry
* @param subGroupName - secondary group name for this entry
* @result appropriate IOReturn code
* @discussion
* An IOReportLegendEntry will be created internally to this method from
* the IOReporter object passed in argument. The entry will be released
* internally after being appended to the IOReportLegend object.
* Legend entries are available from reporter objects. Entries
* represent some number of channels with similar properties (such
* as group and sub-group). Multiple legend entries with the same
* group names will be aggregated in user space.
* Drivers that instantiate their reporter objects in response to
* IOService::configureReport(kIOReportDisable) will need to create
* temporary reporter objects for the purpose of creating their
* legend entries. User-space legends are tracked by 12836893.
* The static version of addReporterLegend adds the reporter's legend
* directly to reportingService's kIOReportLegendKey. It is not
* possible to safely update kIOReportLegendKey from multiple threads.
* Locking: same-reportingService and same-IORLegend concurrency UNSAFE
static IOReturn addReporterLegend(IOService *reportingService,
IOReporter *reporter,
const char *groupName,
const char *subGroupName);
/*! @function IOReportLegend::getLegend
* @abstract Accessor method to get the legend array
* @result Returns the OSObject holding the legend to be published by the driver
* @discussion
* This array will include all legend entries added to the object.
OSArray* getLegend(void);
/*! @function IOReportLegend::free
* @abstract Frees the IOReportLegend object
* @discussion
* ::free() cleans up the reporter and anything it allocated.
* ::free() releases the internal array (which was either passed
* to ::with() or created as a result of ::with(NULL)). Assuming
* the caller extracted the array with getLegend() and published it
* in the I/O Kit registry, its ownership will now be with the
* registry.
void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
OSPtr<OSArray> _reportLegend;
IOReturn initWith(OSArray *legend);
/*! @function IOReportLegend::organizeLegend
* @abstract Sets up the legend entry, organizing it with group and sub-group names
* @param groupName - Primary group name
* @param subGroupName - Secondary group name
* @result IOReturn code
IOReturn organizeLegend(IOReportLegendEntry *legendEntry,
const OSSymbol *groupName,
const OSSymbol *subGroupName);
/*! @function IOReportLegend::createReporters
* @abstract Creates as many IOReporter objects as the legend contains
* @param legend - OSArray legend object containing the description of all reporters
* the driver is able to address
* @param reporter - OSSet of reporter objects created by this call
* @result IOReturn code kIOReturnSuccess if successful
* @discussion
* NOT SUPPORTED at the time of writing
* Convenience method to create all the driver's reporter objects from a legend.
* Can be used when a legend is made public through the IORegistry but IOReporter
* objects have not yet been created to save memory, waiting for observers.
* Upon a call to configureReport via the IOService method, a driver could
* create all reporter objects on the fly using this function.
// For Future IOReporterManager...
// static IOReturn createReporters(requestedChannels, legend);
#endif /* ! _IOKERNEL_REPORTERS_H_ */