This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <libkern/libkern.h>
// Variable Store Version
#define VARIABLE_DATA 0x55AA
// Variable State flags
#define VAR_IN_DELETED_TRANSITION 0xFE // Variable is in obsolete transistion
#define VAR_DELETED 0xFD // Variable is obsolete
#define VAR_INACTIVE 0xFB // Variable is inactive due to failing CRC
#define VAR_ADDED 0x7F // Variable has been completely added
// No changes needed on save
#define VAR_NEW_STATE_NONE 0x01
// Remove existing entry on save
// Add new value on save, mark previous as inactive
#pragma pack(1)
struct v3_store_header {
uint32_t name;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t generation;
uint8_t state;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t version;
uint8_t reserved1;
uint32_t system_size;
uint32_t common_size;
struct v3_var_header {
uint16_t startId;
uint8_t state;
uint8_t reserved;
uint32_t attributes;
uint32_t nameSize;
uint32_t dataSize;
uuid_t guid;
uint32_t crc;
uint8_t name_data_buf[];
#pragma pack()
struct nvram_v3_var_entry {
uint8_t new_state;
size_t existing_offset;
struct v3_var_header header;
static size_t
nvram_v3_var_container_size(const struct v3_var_header *header)
return sizeof(struct nvram_v3_var_entry) + header->nameSize + header->dataSize;
static size_t
variable_length(const struct v3_var_header *header)
return sizeof(struct v3_var_header) + header->nameSize + header->dataSize;
static bool
valid_store_header(const struct v3_store_header *header)
return (header->name == VARIABLE_STORE_SIGNATURE) && (header->version == VARIABLE_STORE_VERSION);
static bool
valid_variable_header(const struct v3_var_header *header, size_t buf_len)
return (buf_len > sizeof(struct v3_var_header)) &&
(header->startId == VARIABLE_DATA) &&
(variable_length(header) <= buf_len);
static uint32_t
find_active_var_in_image(const struct v3_var_header *var, const uint8_t *image, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len)
const struct v3_var_header *store_var;
uint32_t var_offset = 0;
while ((offset + sizeof(struct v3_var_header) < len)) {
store_var = (const struct v3_var_header *)(image + offset);
if (valid_variable_header(store_var, len - offset)) {
if ((store_var->state == VAR_ADDED) &&
(uuid_compare(var->guid, store_var->guid) == 0) &&
(var->nameSize == store_var->nameSize) &&
(memcmp(var->name_data_buf, store_var->name_data_buf, var->nameSize) == 0)) {
var_offset = offset;
} else {
offset += variable_length(store_var);
return var_offset;
static IOReturn
find_current_offset_in_image(const uint8_t *image, uint32_t len, uint32_t *newOffset)
uint32_t offset = 0;
uint32_t inner_offset = 0;
if (valid_store_header((const struct v3_store_header *)(image + offset))) {
DEBUG_INFO("valid store header @ %#x\n", offset);
offset += sizeof(struct v3_store_header);
while (offset < len) {
const struct v3_var_header *store_var = (const struct v3_var_header *)(image + offset);
uuid_string_t uuidString;
if (valid_variable_header(store_var, len - offset)) {
uuid_unparse(store_var->guid, uuidString);
DEBUG_INFO("Valid var @ %#08x, state=%#02x, length=%#08zx, %s:%s\n", offset, store_var->state,
variable_length(store_var), uuidString, store_var->name_data_buf);
offset += variable_length(store_var);
} else {
while (offset < len) {
if (image[offset] == 0xFF) {
DEBUG_INFO("scanning for clear memory @ %#x\n", offset);
inner_offset = offset;
while ((inner_offset < len) && (image[inner_offset] == 0xFF)) {
if (inner_offset == len) {
DEBUG_INFO("found start of clear mem @ %#x\n", offset);
} else {
DEBUG_ERROR("ERROR!!!!! found non-clear byte @ %#x\n", offset);
return kIOReturnInvalid;
*newOffset = offset;
return kIOReturnSuccess;
class IONVRAMV3Handler : public IODTNVRAMFormatHandler, IOTypedOperatorsMixin<IONVRAMV3Handler>
IONVRAMController *_nvramController;
IODTNVRAM *_provider;
bool _newData;
bool _resetData;
bool _reload;
bool _rawController;
uint32_t _generation;
uint8_t *_nvramImage;
OSSharedPtr<OSDictionary> &_varDict;
uint32_t _commonSize;
uint32_t _systemSize;
uint32_t _commonUsed;
uint32_t _systemUsed;
uint32_t _currentOffset;
OSSharedPtr<OSArray> _varEntries;
IOReturn unserializeImage(const uint8_t *image, IOByteCount length);
IOReturn reclaim(void);
uint32_t findCurrentBank(void);
size_t getAppendSize(void);
static bool convertObjectToProp(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *length, const char *propSymbol, OSObject *propObject);
static bool convertPropToObject(const uint8_t *propName, uint32_t propNameLength, const uint8_t *propData, uint32_t propDataLength,
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol>& propSymbol, OSSharedPtr<OSObject>& propObject);
IOReturn reloadInternal(void);
IOReturn setVariableInternal(const uuid_t varGuid, const char *variableName, OSObject *object);
void setEntryForRemove(struct nvram_v3_var_entry *v3Entry, bool system);
void findExistingEntry(const uuid_t varGuid, const char *varName, struct nvram_v3_var_entry **existing, unsigned int *existingIndex);
IOReturn syncRaw(void);
IOReturn syncBlock(void);
IOReturn handleEphDM(void);
IONVRAMV3Handler(OSSharedPtr<OSDictionary> &varDict);
static bool isValidImage(const uint8_t *image, IOByteCount length);
static IONVRAMV3Handler *init(IODTNVRAM *provider, const uint8_t *image, IOByteCount length,
OSSharedPtr<OSDictionary> &varDict);
virtual bool getNVRAMProperties(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOReturn unserializeVariables(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOReturn setVariable(const uuid_t varGuid, const char *variableName, OSObject *object) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool setController(IONVRAMController *controller) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOReturn sync(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual IOReturn flush(const uuid_t guid, IONVRAMOperation op) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual void reload(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32_t getGeneration(void) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32_t getVersion(void) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32_t getSystemUsed(void) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32_t getCommonUsed(void) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool getSystemPartitionActive(void) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
IONVRAMV3Handler::IONVRAMV3Handler(OSSharedPtr<OSDictionary> &varDict) :
IONVRAMV3Handler::isValidImage(const uint8_t *image, IOByteCount length)
const struct v3_store_header *header = (const struct v3_store_header *)image;
if ((header == nullptr) || (length < sizeof(*header))) {
return false;
return valid_store_header(header);
IONVRAMV3Handler::init(IODTNVRAM *provider, const uint8_t *image, IOByteCount length,
OSSharedPtr<OSDictionary> &varDict)
OSSharedPtr<IORegistryEntry> entry;
OSSharedPtr<OSObject> prop;
bool propertiesOk;
IONVRAMV3Handler *handler = new IONVRAMV3Handler(varDict);
handler->_provider = provider;
propertiesOk = handler->getNVRAMProperties();
require_action(propertiesOk, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Unable to get NVRAM properties\n"));
require_action(length == handler->_bankSize, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("length %#llx != _bankSize %#x\n", length, handler->_bankSize));
if ((image != nullptr) && (length != 0)) {
if (handler->unserializeImage(image, length) != kIOReturnSuccess) {
DEBUG_ERROR("Unable to unserialize image, len=%#x\n", (unsigned int)length);
return handler;
delete handler;
return nullptr;
bool ok = false;
const char *rawControllerKey = "nvram-raw";
OSSharedPtr<IORegistryEntry> entry;
OSSharedPtr<OSObject> prop;
OSData * data;
require_action(IODTNVRAMFormatHandler::getNVRAMProperties(), exit, DEBUG_ERROR("parent getNVRAMProperties failed\n"));
entry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath("/chosen", gIODTPlane);
require_action(entry, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Unable to find chosen node\n"));
prop = entry->copyProperty(rawControllerKey);
require_action(prop != nullptr, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("No %s entry\n", rawControllerKey));
data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, prop.get());
require(data != nullptr, exit);
_rawController = *((uint32_t*)data->getBytesNoCopy());
DEBUG_INFO("_rawController = %d\n", _rawController);
ok = true;
return ok;
IONVRAMV3Handler::flush(const uuid_t guid, IONVRAMOperation op)
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
bool flushSystem;
bool flushCommon;
flushSystem = getSystemPartitionActive() && (uuid_compare(guid, gAppleSystemVariableGuid) == 0);
flushCommon = uuid_compare(guid, gAppleNVRAMGuid) == 0;
DEBUG_INFO("flushSystem=%d, flushCommon=%d\n", flushSystem, flushCommon);
if (flushSystem || flushCommon) {
const OSSymbol *canonicalKey;
OSSharedPtr<OSDictionary> dictCopy;
OSSharedPtr<OSCollectionIterator> iter;
uuid_string_t uuidString;
dictCopy = OSDictionary::withDictionary(_varDict.get());
iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(dictCopy.get());
require_action(dictCopy && iter, exit, ret = kIOReturnNoMemory);
while ((canonicalKey = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iter->getNextObject()))) {
const char *varName;
uuid_t varGuid;
bool clear;
parseVariableName(canonicalKey->getCStringNoCopy(), &varGuid, &varName);
uuid_unparse(varGuid, uuidString);
clear = ((flushSystem && (uuid_compare(varGuid, gAppleSystemVariableGuid) == 0)) ||
(flushCommon && (uuid_compare(varGuid, gAppleSystemVariableGuid) != 0))) &&
verifyPermission(op, varGuid, varName, getSystemPartitionActive());
if (clear) {
DEBUG_INFO("Clearing entry for %s:%s\n", uuidString, varName);
setVariableInternal(varGuid, varName, nullptr);
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("Keeping entry for %s:%s\n", uuidString, varName);
_newData = true;
DEBUG_INFO("_commonUsed %#x, _systemUsed %#x\n", _commonUsed, _systemUsed);
return ret;
IOReturn ret;
uint32_t controllerBank;
uint8_t *controllerImage;
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *v3Entry;
const struct v3_store_header *storeHeader;
const struct v3_var_header *storeVar;
OSData *entryContainer;
controllerBank = findCurrentBank();
if (_currentBank != controllerBank) {
DEBUG_ERROR("_currentBank %#x != controllerBank %#x", _currentBank, controllerBank);
_currentBank = controllerBank;
controllerImage = (uint8_t *)IOMallocData(_bankSize);
_nvramController->read(0, controllerImage, _bankSize);
require_action(isValidImage(controllerImage, _bankSize), exit,
(ret = kIOReturnInvalid, DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid image at bank %d\n", _currentBank)));
DEBUG_INFO("valid image found\n");
storeHeader = (const struct v3_store_header *)controllerImage;
_generation = storeHeader->generation;
// We must sync any existing variables offset on the controller image with our internal representation
// If we find an existing entry and the data is still the same we record the existing offset and mark it
// as VAR_NEW_STATE_NONE meaning no action needed
// Otherwise if the data is different or it is not found on the controller image we mark it as VAR_NEW_STATE_APPEND
// which will have us invalidate the existing entry if there is one and append it on the next save
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _varEntries->getCount(); i++) {
uint32_t offset = sizeof(struct v3_store_header);
uint32_t latestOffset;
uint32_t prevOffset = 0;
entryContainer = (OSDynamicCast(OSData, _varEntries->getObject(i)));
v3Entry = (struct nvram_v3_var_entry *)entryContainer->getBytesNoCopy();
DEBUG_INFO("Looking for %s\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf);
while ((latestOffset = find_active_var_in_image(&v3Entry->header, controllerImage, offset, _bankSize))) {
DEBUG_INFO("Found offset for %s @ %#08x\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf, latestOffset);
if (prevOffset) {
DEBUG_INFO("Marking prev offset for %s at %#08x invalid\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf, offset);
// Invalidate any previous duplicate entries in the store
struct v3_var_header *prevVarHeader = (struct v3_var_header *)(controllerImage + prevOffset);
uint8_t state = prevVarHeader->state & VAR_DELETED & VAR_IN_DELETED_TRANSITION;
ret = _nvramController->write(prevOffset + offsetof(struct v3_var_header, state), &state, sizeof(state));
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("existing state w fail, ret=%#x\n", ret));
prevOffset = latestOffset;
offset += latestOffset;
v3Entry->existing_offset = latestOffset ? latestOffset : prevOffset;
DEBUG_INFO("Existing offset for %s at %#08zx\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf, v3Entry->existing_offset);
if (v3Entry->existing_offset == 0) {
DEBUG_ERROR("%s is not in the NOR image\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf);
if (v3Entry->new_state != VAR_NEW_STATE_REMOVE) {
DEBUG_INFO("%s marked for append\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf);
// Doesn't exist in the store, just append it on next sync
v3Entry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_APPEND;
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("Found offset for %s @ %#zx\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf, v3Entry->existing_offset);
storeVar = (const struct v3_var_header *)&controllerImage[v3Entry->existing_offset];
if (v3Entry->new_state != VAR_NEW_STATE_REMOVE) {
// Verify that the existing data matches the store data
if ((variable_length(&v3Entry->header) == variable_length(storeVar)) &&
(memcmp(v3Entry->header.name_data_buf, storeVar->name_data_buf, storeVar->nameSize + storeVar->dataSize) == 0)) {
DEBUG_INFO("Store var data for %s matches, marking new state none\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf);
v3Entry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_NONE;
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("Store var data for %s differs, marking new state append\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf);
v3Entry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_APPEND;
} else {
// Store has entry but it has been removed from our collection, keep it marked for delete but with updated
// existing_offset for coherence
DEBUG_INFO("Removing entry at %#08zx with next sync\n", v3Entry->existing_offset);
ret = find_current_offset_in_image(controllerImage, _bankSize, &_currentOffset);
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
DEBUG_ERROR("Unidentified bytes in image, reclaiming\n");
ret = reclaim();
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Reclaim byte recovery failed, invalid controller state!!! ret=%#x\n", ret));
DEBUG_INFO("New _currentOffset=%#x\n", _currentOffset);
IOFreeData(controllerImage, _bankSize);
return ret;
_reload = true;
DEBUG_INFO("reload marked\n");
IONVRAMV3Handler::setEntryForRemove(struct nvram_v3_var_entry *v3Entry, bool system)
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> canonicalKey;
const char *variableName;
uint32_t variableSize;
require_action(v3Entry != nullptr, exit, DEBUG_INFO("remove with no entry\n"));
variableName = (const char *)v3Entry->header.name_data_buf;
variableSize = (uint32_t)variable_length(&v3Entry->header);
canonicalKey = keyWithGuidAndCString(v3Entry->header.guid, variableName);
if (v3Entry->new_state == VAR_NEW_STATE_REMOVE) {
DEBUG_INFO("entry %s already marked for remove\n", variableName);
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("marking entry %s for remove\n", variableName);
v3Entry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_REMOVE;
if (system) {
if (_systemUsed < variableSize) {
panic("Invalid _systemUsed size\n");
_systemUsed -= variableSize;
} else {
if (_commonUsed < variableSize) {
panic("Invalid _commonUsed size\n");
_commonUsed -= variableSize;
if (_provider->_diags) {
IONVRAMV3Handler::findExistingEntry(const uuid_t varGuid, const char *varName, struct nvram_v3_var_entry **existing, unsigned int *existingIndex)
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *v3Entry = nullptr;
OSData *entryContainer = nullptr;
unsigned int index = 0;
uint32_t nameLen = (uint32_t)strlen(varName) + 1;
for (index = 0; index < _varEntries->getCount(); index++) {
entryContainer = (OSDynamicCast(OSData, _varEntries->getObject(index)));
v3Entry = (struct nvram_v3_var_entry *)entryContainer->getBytesNoCopy();
if ((v3Entry->header.nameSize == nameLen) &&
(memcmp(v3Entry->header.name_data_buf, varName, nameLen) == 0)) {
if (varGuid) {
if (uuid_compare(varGuid, v3Entry->header.guid) == 0) {
uuid_string_t uuidString;
uuid_unparse(varGuid, uuidString);
DEBUG_INFO("found existing entry for %s:%s, e_off=%#lx, len=%#lx, new_state=%#x\n", uuidString, varName,
v3Entry->existing_offset, variable_length(&v3Entry->header), v3Entry->new_state);
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("found existing entry for %s, e_off=%#lx, len=%#lx\n", varName, v3Entry->existing_offset, variable_length(&v3Entry->header));
v3Entry = nullptr;
if (v3Entry != nullptr) {
if (existing) {
*existing = v3Entry;
if (existingIndex) {
*existingIndex = index;
IONVRAMV3Handler::unserializeImage(const uint8_t *image, IOByteCount length)
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnInvalid;
const struct v3_store_header *storeHeader;
require(isValidImage(image, length), exit);
storeHeader = (const struct v3_store_header *)image;
require_action(storeHeader->size == (uint32_t)length, exit,
DEBUG_ERROR("Image size %#x != header size %#x\n", (unsigned int)length, storeHeader->size));
_generation = storeHeader->generation;
_systemSize = storeHeader->system_size;
_commonSize = storeHeader->common_size - sizeof(struct v3_store_header);
_systemUsed = 0;
_commonUsed = 0;
if (_nvramImage) {
IOFreeData(_nvramImage, _bankSize);
_varEntries = OSArray::withCapacity(40);
_nvramImage = IONewData(uint8_t, length);
_bankSize = (uint32_t)length;
bcopy(image, _nvramImage, _bankSize);
ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
typedef struct {
const char *name;
OSSharedPtr<OSObject> value;
} ephDMAllowListEntry;
ephDMAllowListEntry ephDMEntries[] = {
// Mobile Obliteration clears the following variables after it runs
{ .name = "oblit-begins" },
{ .name = "orig-oblit" },
{ .name = "oblit-failure" },
{ .name = "oblit-inprogress" },
{ .name = "obliteration" },
// darwin-init is used for configuring internal builds
{ .name = "darwin-init" }
OSSharedPtr<IORegistryEntry> entry;
OSData* data;
OSSharedPtr<OSObject> prop;
uint32_t ephDM = 0;
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> canonicalKey;
uint32_t skip = 0;
// For ephemeral data mode, NVRAM needs to be cleared on every boot
// For system region supported targets, iBoot clears the system region
// For other targets, iBoot clears all the persistent variables
// So xnu only needs to clear the common region
entry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath("/product", gIODTPlane);
if (entry) {
prop = entry->copyProperty("ephemeral-data-mode");
if (prop) {
data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, prop.get());
if (data) {
ephDM = *((uint32_t *)data->getBytesNoCopy());
require_action(ephDM != 0, exit, DEBUG_ALWAYS("ephemeral-data-mode not supported\n"));
require_action(_systemSize != 0, exit, DEBUG_ALWAYS("No system region, no need to clear\n"));
if (PE_parse_boot_argn("epdm-skip-nvram", &skip, sizeof(skip))) {
require_action(!(gInternalBuild && (skip == 1)), exit, DEBUG_ALWAYS("Internal build + epdm-skip-nvram set to true, skip nvram clearing\n"));
// Go through the allowlist and stash the values
for (uint32_t entry = 0; entry < ARRAY_SIZE(ephDMEntries); entry++) {
canonicalKey = keyWithGuidAndCString(gAppleNVRAMGuid, ephDMEntries[entry].name);
ephDMEntries[entry].value.reset(OSDynamicCast(OSData, _varDict->getObject(canonicalKey.get())), OSRetain);
DEBUG_ALWAYS("Obliterating common region\n");
ret = flush(gAppleNVRAMGuid, kIONVRAMOperationObliterate);
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Flushing common region failed, ret=%#08x\n", ret));
// Now write the allowlist variables back
for (uint32_t entry = 0; entry < ARRAY_SIZE(ephDMEntries); entry++) {
if (ephDMEntries[entry].value.get() == nullptr) {
ret = setVariableInternal(gAppleNVRAMGuid, ephDMEntries[entry].name, ephDMEntries[entry].value.get());
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Setting allowlist variable %s failed, ret=%#08x\n", ephDMEntries[entry].name, ret));
return ret;
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> propSymbol;
OSSharedPtr<OSObject> propObject;
OSSharedPtr<OSData> entryContainer;
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *v3Entry;
const struct v3_var_header *header;
size_t offset = sizeof(struct v3_store_header);
uint32_t crc;
unsigned int i;
bool system;
uuid_string_t uuidString;
size_t existingSize;
if (_systemSize || _commonSize) {
_varDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
while ((offset + sizeof(struct v3_var_header)) < _bankSize) {
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *existingEntry = nullptr;
unsigned int existingIndex = 0;
header = (const struct v3_var_header *)(_nvramImage + offset);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct v3_var_header); i++) {
if ((_nvramImage[offset + i] != 0) && (_nvramImage[offset + i] != 0xFF)) {
if (i == sizeof(struct v3_var_header)) {
DEBUG_INFO("No more variables after offset %#lx\n", offset);
if (!valid_variable_header(header, _bankSize - offset)) {
DEBUG_ERROR("invalid header @ %#lx\n", offset);
offset += sizeof(struct v3_var_header);
uuid_unparse(header->guid, uuidString);
DEBUG_INFO("Valid var @ %#08zx, state=%#02x, length=%#08zx, %s:%s\n", offset, header->state,
variable_length(header), uuidString, header->name_data_buf);
if (header->state != VAR_ADDED) {
goto skip;
crc = crc32(0, header->name_data_buf + header->nameSize, header->dataSize);
if (crc != header->crc) {
DEBUG_ERROR("invalid crc @ %#lx, calculated=%#x, read=%#x\n", offset, crc, header->crc);
goto skip;
v3Entry = (struct nvram_v3_var_entry *)IOMallocZeroData(nvram_v3_var_container_size(header));
__nochk_memcpy(&v3Entry->header, _nvramImage + offset, variable_length(header));
// It is assumed that the initial image being unserialized here is going to be the proxy data from EDT and not the image
// read from the controller, which for various reasons due to the setting of states and saves from iBoot, can be
// different. We will have an initial existing_offset of 0 and once the controller is set we will read
// out the image there and update the existing offset with what is present on the NOR image
v3Entry->existing_offset = 0;
v3Entry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_NONE;
// safe guard for any strange duplicate entries in the store
findExistingEntry(v3Entry->header.guid, (const char *)v3Entry->header.name_data_buf, &existingEntry, &existingIndex);
if (existingEntry != nullptr) {
existingSize = variable_length(&existingEntry->header);
entryContainer = OSData::withBytes(v3Entry, (uint32_t)nvram_v3_var_container_size(header));
_varEntries->replaceObject(existingIndex, entryContainer.get());
DEBUG_INFO("Found existing for %s, resetting when controller available\n", v3Entry->header.name_data_buf);
_resetData = true;
} else {
entryContainer = OSData::withBytes(v3Entry, (uint32_t)nvram_v3_var_container_size(header));
existingSize = 0;
system = (_systemSize != 0) && (uuid_compare(v3Entry->header.guid, gAppleSystemVariableGuid) == 0);
if (system) {
_systemUsed = _systemUsed + (uint32_t)variable_length(header) - (uint32_t)existingSize;
} else {
_commonUsed = _commonUsed + (uint32_t)variable_length(header) - (uint32_t)existingSize;
if (convertPropToObject(v3Entry->header.name_data_buf, v3Entry->header.nameSize,
v3Entry->header.name_data_buf + v3Entry->header.nameSize, v3Entry->header.dataSize,
propSymbol, propObject)) {
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> canonicalKey = keyWithGuidAndCString(v3Entry->header.guid, (const char *)v3Entry->header.name_data_buf);
DEBUG_INFO("adding %s, dataLength=%u, system=%d\n",
canonicalKey->getCStringNoCopy(), v3Entry->header.dataSize, system);
_varDict->setObject(canonicalKey.get(), propObject.get());
if (_provider->_diags) {
kIONVRAMOperationInit, propSymbol.get()->getCStringNoCopy(),
(void *)(uintptr_t)(header->name_data_buf + header->nameSize));
IOFreeData(v3Entry, nvram_v3_var_container_size(header));
offset += variable_length(header);
_currentOffset = (uint32_t)offset;
DEBUG_ALWAYS("_commonSize %#x, _systemSize %#x, _currentOffset %#x\n", _commonSize, _systemSize, _currentOffset);
ret = handleEphDM();
verify_noerr_action(ret, panic("handleEphDM failed with ret=%08x", ret));
DEBUG_INFO("_commonUsed %#x, _systemUsed %#x\n", _commonUsed, _systemUsed);
_newData = true;
if (_provider->_diags) {
OSSharedPtr<OSNumber> val = OSNumber::withNumber(getSystemUsed(), 32);
_provider->_diags->setProperty(kNVRAMSystemUsedKey, val.get());
DEBUG_INFO("%s=%u\n", kNVRAMSystemUsedKey, getSystemUsed());
val = OSNumber::withNumber(getCommonUsed(), 32);
_provider->_diags->setProperty(kNVRAMCommonUsedKey, val.get());
DEBUG_INFO("%s=%u\n", kNVRAMCommonUsedKey, getCommonUsed());
return ret;
IONVRAMV3Handler::setVariableInternal(const uuid_t varGuid, const char *variableName, OSObject *object)
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *v3Entry = nullptr;
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *newV3Entry;
OSSharedPtr<OSData> newContainer;
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> canonicalKey;
bool unset = (object == nullptr);
bool system = false;
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
size_t entryNameLen = strlen(variableName) + 1;
unsigned int existingEntryIndex;
uint32_t dataSize = 0;
size_t existingVariableSize = 0;
size_t newVariableSize = 0;
size_t newEntrySize;
uuid_string_t uuidString;
system = (uuid_compare(varGuid, gAppleSystemVariableGuid) == 0);
canonicalKey = keyWithGuidAndCString(varGuid, variableName);
uuid_unparse(varGuid, uuidString);
DEBUG_INFO("setting %s:%s, system=%d, current var count=%u\n", uuidString, variableName, system, _varEntries->getCount());
findExistingEntry(varGuid, variableName, &v3Entry, &existingEntryIndex);
if (unset == true) {
setEntryForRemove(v3Entry, system);
} else {
if ((v3Entry != nullptr) && (v3Entry->new_state != VAR_NEW_STATE_REMOVE)) {
// Sizing was subtracted in setEntryForRemove
existingVariableSize = variable_length(&v3Entry->header);
convertObjectToProp(nullptr, &dataSize, variableName, object);
newVariableSize = sizeof(struct v3_var_header) + entryNameLen + dataSize;
newEntrySize = sizeof(struct nvram_v3_var_entry) + entryNameLen + dataSize;
if (system) {
if (_systemUsed - existingVariableSize + newVariableSize > _systemSize) {
DEBUG_ERROR("system region full\n");
ret = kIOReturnNoSpace;
goto exit;
} else if (_commonUsed - existingVariableSize + newVariableSize > _commonSize) {
DEBUG_ERROR("common region full\n");
ret = kIOReturnNoSpace;
goto exit;
DEBUG_INFO("creating new entry for %s, existingVariableSize=%#zx, newVariableSize=%#zx\n", variableName, existingVariableSize, newVariableSize);
newV3Entry = (struct nvram_v3_var_entry *)IOMallocZeroData(newEntrySize);
memcpy(newV3Entry->header.name_data_buf, variableName, entryNameLen);
convertObjectToProp(newV3Entry->header.name_data_buf + entryNameLen, &dataSize, variableName, object);
newV3Entry->header.startId = VARIABLE_DATA;
newV3Entry->header.nameSize = (uint32_t)entryNameLen;
newV3Entry->header.dataSize = dataSize;
newV3Entry->header.crc = crc32(0, newV3Entry->header.name_data_buf + entryNameLen, dataSize);
memcpy(newV3Entry->header.guid, varGuid, sizeof(gAppleNVRAMGuid));
newV3Entry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_APPEND;
if (v3Entry) {
newV3Entry->existing_offset = v3Entry->existing_offset;
newV3Entry->header.state = v3Entry->header.state;
newV3Entry->header.attributes = v3Entry->header.attributes;
newContainer = OSData::withBytes(newV3Entry, (uint32_t)newEntrySize);
_varEntries->replaceObject(existingEntryIndex, newContainer.get());
} else {
newContainer = OSData::withBytes(newV3Entry, (uint32_t)newEntrySize);
if (system) {
_systemUsed = _systemUsed + (uint32_t)newVariableSize - (uint32_t)existingVariableSize;
} else {
_commonUsed = _commonUsed + (uint32_t)newVariableSize - (uint32_t)existingVariableSize;
_varDict->setObject(canonicalKey.get(), object);
if (_provider->_diags) {
kIONVRAMOperationWrite, variableName,
(void *)(uintptr_t)dataSize);
IOFreeData(newV3Entry, newEntrySize);
_newData = true;
if (_provider->_diags) {
OSSharedPtr<OSNumber> val = OSNumber::withNumber(getSystemUsed(), 32);
_provider->_diags->setProperty(kNVRAMSystemUsedKey, val.get());
val = OSNumber::withNumber(getCommonUsed(), 32);
_provider->_diags->setProperty(kNVRAMCommonUsedKey, val.get());
DEBUG_INFO("_commonUsed %#x, _systemUsed %#x\n", _commonUsed, _systemUsed);
return ret;
IONVRAMV3Handler::setVariable(const uuid_t varGuid, const char *variableName, OSObject *object)
uuid_t destGuid;
if (strcmp(variableName, "reclaim-int") == 0) {
return reclaim();
if (getSystemPartitionActive()) {
// System region case, if they're using the GUID directly or it's on the system allow list
// force it to use the System GUID
if ((uuid_compare(varGuid, gAppleSystemVariableGuid) == 0) || variableInAllowList(variableName)) {
uuid_copy(destGuid, gAppleSystemVariableGuid);
} else {
uuid_copy(destGuid, varGuid);
} else {
// No system region, store System GUID as Common GUID
if ((uuid_compare(varGuid, gAppleSystemVariableGuid) == 0) || variableInAllowList(variableName)) {
uuid_copy(destGuid, gAppleNVRAMGuid);
} else {
uuid_copy(destGuid, varGuid);
return setVariableInternal(destGuid, variableName, object);
struct v3_store_header storeHeader;
uint32_t maxGen = 0;
uint32_t currentBank = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _bankCount; i++) {
_nvramController->read(0, (uint8_t *)&storeHeader, sizeof(storeHeader));
if (valid_store_header(&storeHeader) && (storeHeader.generation >= maxGen)) {
currentBank = i;
maxGen = storeHeader.generation;
DEBUG_ALWAYS("currentBank=%#x, gen=%#x", currentBank, maxGen);
return currentBank;
IONVRAMV3Handler::setController(IONVRAMController *controller)
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
if (_nvramController == NULL) {
_nvramController = controller;
DEBUG_INFO("Controller name: %s\n", _nvramController->getName());
require(_bankSize != 0, exit);
if (_resetData) {
_resetData = false;
DEBUG_ERROR("_resetData set, issuing reclaim recovery\n");
ret = reclaim();
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Reclaim recovery failed, invalid controller state!!! ret=%#x\n", ret));
goto exit;
ret = reloadInternal();
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid image found, issuing reclaim recovery\n");
ret = reclaim();
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Reclaim recovery failed, invalid controller state!!! ret=%#x\n", ret));
return ret == kIOReturnSuccess;
IOReturn ret;
struct v3_store_header newStoreHeader;
struct v3_var_header *varHeader;
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *varEntry;
OSData *entryContainer;
size_t new_bank_offset = sizeof(struct v3_store_header);
uint32_t next_bank = (_currentBank + 1) % _bankCount;
uint8_t *bankData;
OSSharedPtr<OSArray> remainingEntries;
bankData = (uint8_t *)IOMallocData(_bankSize);
require_action(bankData != nullptr, exit, ret = kIOReturnNoMemory);
ret = _nvramController->select(next_bank);
verify_noerr_action(ret, DEBUG_INFO("select of bank %#08x failed\n", next_bank));
ret = _nvramController->eraseBank();
verify_noerr_action(ret, DEBUG_INFO("eraseBank failed, ret=%#08x\n", ret));
_currentBank = next_bank;
remainingEntries = OSArray::withCapacity(_varEntries->getCapacity());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _varEntries->getCount(); i++) {
entryContainer = OSDynamicCast(OSData, _varEntries->getObject(i));
varEntry = (struct nvram_v3_var_entry *)entryContainer->getBytesNoCopy();
varHeader = &varEntry->header;
DEBUG_INFO("entry %u %s, new_state=%#x, e_offset=%#lx, state=%#x\n",
i, varEntry->header.name_data_buf, varEntry->new_state, varEntry->existing_offset, varHeader->state);
if ((varEntry->new_state == VAR_NEW_STATE_NONE) ||
(varEntry->new_state == VAR_NEW_STATE_APPEND)) {
varHeader->state = VAR_ADDED;
memcpy(bankData + new_bank_offset, (uint8_t *)varHeader, variable_length(varHeader));
varEntry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_NONE;
varEntry->existing_offset = new_bank_offset;
new_bank_offset += variable_length(varHeader);
} else {
// entryContainer not added to remainingEntries, entry dropped
memcpy(&newStoreHeader, _nvramImage, sizeof(newStoreHeader));
_generation += 1;
newStoreHeader.generation = _generation;
memcpy(bankData, (uint8_t *)&newStoreHeader, sizeof(newStoreHeader));
ret = _nvramController->write(0, bankData, new_bank_offset);
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("reclaim bank write failed, ret=%08x\n", ret));
_currentOffset = (uint32_t)new_bank_offset;
DEBUG_INFO("Reclaim complete, _currentBank=%u _generation=%u, _currentOffset=%#x\n", _currentBank, _generation, _currentOffset);
_newData = false;
_varEntries.reset(remainingEntries.get(), OSRetain);
IOFreeData(bankData, _bankSize);
return ret;
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *varEntry;
struct v3_var_header *varHeader;
OSData *entryContainer;
size_t appendSize = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _varEntries->getCount(); i++) {
entryContainer = OSDynamicCast(OSData, _varEntries->getObject(i));
varEntry = (struct nvram_v3_var_entry *)entryContainer->getBytesNoCopy();
varHeader = &varEntry->header;
if (varEntry->new_state == VAR_NEW_STATE_APPEND) {
appendSize += variable_length(varHeader);
return appendSize;
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *varEntry;
struct v3_var_header *varHeader;
OSData *entryContainer;
OSSharedPtr<OSArray> remainingEntries;
uint8_t *appendBuffer = nullptr;
size_t appendBufferOffset = 0;
size_t *invalidateOffsets = nullptr;
size_t invalidateOffsetsCount = 0;
size_t invalidateOffsetIndex = 0;
size_t invalidatedSize = 0;
require_action(_nvramController != nullptr, exit, DEBUG_INFO("No _nvramController\n"));
require_action(_newData == true, exit, DEBUG_INFO("No _newData to sync\n"));
require_action(_bankSize != 0, exit, DEBUG_INFO("No nvram size info\n"));
DEBUG_INFO("_varEntries->getCount()=%#x\n", _varEntries->getCount());
if (getAppendSize() + _currentOffset < _bankSize) {
// No reclaim, build append and invalidate list
remainingEntries = OSArray::withCapacity(_varEntries->getCapacity());
appendBuffer = (uint8_t *)IOMallocData(_bankSize);
require_action(appendBuffer, exit, ret = kIOReturnNoMemory);
invalidateOffsetsCount = _varEntries->getCount();
invalidateOffsets = (size_t *)IOMallocData(invalidateOffsetsCount * sizeof(size_t));
require_action(invalidateOffsets, exit, ret = kIOReturnNoMemory);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _varEntries->getCount(); i++) {
entryContainer = OSDynamicCast(OSData, _varEntries->getObject(i));
varEntry = (struct nvram_v3_var_entry *)entryContainer->getBytesNoCopy();
varHeader = &varEntry->header;
DEBUG_INFO("entry %s, new_state=%#02x state=%#02x, existing_offset=%#zx\n",
varEntry->header.name_data_buf, varEntry->new_state, varEntry->header.state, varEntry->existing_offset);
if (varEntry->new_state == VAR_NEW_STATE_APPEND) {
size_t varSize = variable_length(varHeader);
size_t prevOffset = varEntry->existing_offset;
varHeader->state = VAR_ADDED;
varEntry->existing_offset = _currentOffset + appendBufferOffset;
varEntry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_NONE;
DEBUG_INFO("Appending %s in append buffer offset %#zx, actual offset %#zx, prevOffset %#zx, varsize=%#zx\n",
varEntry->header.name_data_buf, appendBufferOffset, varEntry->existing_offset, prevOffset, varSize);
// Write to append buffer
memcpy(appendBuffer + appendBufferOffset, (uint8_t *)varHeader, varSize);
appendBufferOffset += varSize;
if (prevOffset) {
invalidateOffsets[invalidateOffsetIndex++] = prevOffset;
invalidatedSize += variable_length((struct v3_var_header *)prevOffset);
} else if (varEntry->new_state == VAR_NEW_STATE_REMOVE) {
if (varEntry->existing_offset) {
DEBUG_INFO("marking entry at offset %#lx deleted\n", varEntry->existing_offset);
invalidateOffsets[invalidateOffsetIndex++] = varEntry->existing_offset;
invalidatedSize += variable_length((struct v3_var_header *)varEntry->existing_offset);
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("No existing_offset , removing\n");
// not re-added to remainingEntries
} else {
if (appendBufferOffset > 0) {
// Write appendBuffer
DEBUG_INFO("Appending append buffer size=%#zx at offset=%#x\n", appendBufferOffset, _currentOffset);
ret = _nvramController->write(_currentOffset, appendBuffer, appendBufferOffset);
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("could not re-append, ret=%#x\n", ret));
_currentOffset += appendBufferOffset;
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("No entries to append\n");
if (invalidateOffsetIndex > 0) {
// Invalidate Entries
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < invalidateOffsetIndex; i++) {
ret = _nvramController->write(invalidateOffsets[i] + offsetof(struct v3_var_header, state), &state, sizeof(state));
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("unable to invalidate at offset %#zx, ret=%#x\n", invalidateOffsets[i], ret));
DEBUG_INFO("Invalidated entry at offset=%#zx\n", invalidateOffsets[i]);
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("No entries to invalidate\n");
_newData = false;
_varEntries.reset(remainingEntries.get(), OSRetain);
} else {
// Will need to reclaim, rebuild store and write everything at once
ret = reclaim();
IOFreeData(appendBuffer, _bankSize);
IOFreeData(invalidateOffsets, invalidateOffsetsCount * sizeof(size_t));
return ret;
IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
struct v3_store_header newStoreHeader;
struct v3_var_header *varHeader;
struct nvram_v3_var_entry *varEntry;
OSData *entryContainer;
size_t new_bank_offset = sizeof(struct v3_store_header);
uint8_t *block;
OSSharedPtr<OSArray> remainingEntries;
uint32_t next_bank = (_currentBank + 1) % _bankCount;
require_action(_nvramController != nullptr, exit, DEBUG_INFO("No _nvramController\n"));
require_action(_newData == true, exit, DEBUG_INFO("No _newData to sync\n"));
require_action(_bankSize != 0, exit, DEBUG_INFO("No nvram size info\n"));
block = (uint8_t *)IOMallocData(_bankSize);
remainingEntries = OSArray::withCapacity(_varEntries->getCapacity());
ret = _nvramController->select(next_bank);
verify_noerr_action(ret, DEBUG_INFO("select of bank %#x failed\n", next_bank));
ret = _nvramController->eraseBank();
verify_noerr_action(ret, DEBUG_INFO("eraseBank failed, ret=%#08x\n", ret));
_currentBank = next_bank;
memcpy(&newStoreHeader, _nvramImage, sizeof(newStoreHeader));
_generation += 1;
newStoreHeader.generation = _generation;
memcpy(block, (uint8_t *)&newStoreHeader, sizeof(newStoreHeader));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _varEntries->getCount(); i++) {
entryContainer = OSDynamicCast(OSData, _varEntries->getObject(i));
varEntry = (struct nvram_v3_var_entry *)entryContainer->getBytesNoCopy();
varHeader = &varEntry->header;
DEBUG_INFO("entry %u %s, new_state=%#x, e_offset=%#lx, state=%#x\n",
i, varEntry->header.name_data_buf, varEntry->new_state, varEntry->existing_offset, varHeader->state);
if (varEntry->new_state != VAR_NEW_STATE_REMOVE) {
varHeader->state = VAR_ADDED;
memcpy(block + new_bank_offset, (uint8_t *)varHeader, variable_length(varHeader));
varEntry->existing_offset = new_bank_offset;
new_bank_offset += variable_length(varHeader);
varEntry->new_state = VAR_NEW_STATE_NONE;
} else {
DEBUG_INFO("Dropping %s\n", varEntry->header.name_data_buf);
ret = _nvramController->write(0, block, _bankSize);
verify_noerr_action(ret, DEBUG_ERROR("w fail, ret=%#x\n", ret));
_varEntries.reset(remainingEntries.get(), OSRetain);
_newData = false;
DEBUG_INFO("Save complete, _generation=%u\n", _generation);
IOFreeData(block, _bankSize);
return ret;
IOReturn ret;
if (_reload) {
ret = reloadInternal();
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Reload failed, ret=%#x", ret));
_reload = false;
if (_rawController == true) {
ret = syncRaw();
if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
ret = reclaim();
require_noerr_action(ret, exit, DEBUG_ERROR("Reclaim recovery failed, ret=%#x", ret));
} else {
ret = syncBlock();
return ret;
IONVRAMV3Handler::getGeneration(void) const
return _generation;
IONVRAMV3Handler::getVersion(void) const
return kNVRAMVersion3;
IONVRAMV3Handler::getSystemUsed(void) const
return _systemUsed;
IONVRAMV3Handler::getCommonUsed(void) const
return _commonUsed;
IONVRAMV3Handler::getSystemPartitionActive(void) const
return _systemSize != 0;
IONVRAMV3Handler::convertObjectToProp(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *length,
const char *propName, OSObject *propObject)
uint32_t offset;
IONVRAMVariableType propType;
OSBoolean *tmpBoolean = nullptr;
OSNumber *tmpNumber = nullptr;
OSString *tmpString = nullptr;
OSData *tmpData = nullptr;
propType = getVariableType(propName);
// Get the size of the data.
offset = 0;
switch (propType) {
case kOFVariableTypeBoolean:
tmpBoolean = OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, propObject);
if (tmpBoolean != nullptr) {
const char *bool_buf;
if (tmpBoolean->getValue()) {
bool_buf = "true";
} else {
bool_buf = "false";
offset = (uint32_t)strlen(bool_buf);
if (buffer) {
if (*length < offset) {
return false;
} else {
memcpy(buffer, bool_buf, offset);
case kOFVariableTypeNumber:
tmpNumber = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, propObject);
if (tmpNumber != nullptr) {
char num_buf[12];
char *end_buf = num_buf;
uint32_t tmpValue = tmpNumber->unsigned32BitValue();
if (tmpValue == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
end_buf += snprintf(end_buf, sizeof(num_buf), "-1");
} else if (tmpValue < 1000) {
end_buf += snprintf(end_buf, sizeof(num_buf), "%d", (uint32_t)tmpValue);
} else {
end_buf += snprintf(end_buf, sizeof(num_buf), "%#x", (uint32_t)tmpValue);
offset = (uint32_t)(end_buf - num_buf);
if (buffer) {
if (*length < offset) {
return false;
} else {
memcpy(buffer, num_buf, offset);
case kOFVariableTypeString:
tmpString = OSDynamicCast(OSString, propObject);
if (tmpString != nullptr) {
offset = tmpString->getLength();
if (buffer) {
if (*length < offset) {
return false;
} else {
bcopy(tmpString->getCStringNoCopy(), buffer, offset);
case kOFVariableTypeData:
tmpData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, propObject);
if (tmpData != nullptr) {
offset = tmpData->getLength();
if (buffer) {
if (*length < offset) {
return false;
} else {
bcopy(tmpData->getBytesNoCopy(), buffer, offset);
return false;
*length = offset;
return offset != 0;
IONVRAMV3Handler::convertPropToObject(const uint8_t *propName, uint32_t propNameLength,
const uint8_t *propData, uint32_t propDataLength,
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol>& propSymbol,
OSSharedPtr<OSObject>& propObject)
OSSharedPtr<const OSSymbol> tmpSymbol;
OSSharedPtr<OSNumber> tmpNumber;
OSSharedPtr<OSString> tmpString;
OSSharedPtr<OSObject> tmpObject = nullptr;
tmpSymbol = OSSymbol::withCString((const char *)propName);
if (tmpSymbol == nullptr) {
return false;
switch (getVariableType(tmpSymbol.get())) {
case kOFVariableTypeBoolean:
if (!strncmp("true", (const char *)propData, propDataLength)) {
tmpObject.reset(kOSBooleanTrue, OSRetain);
} else if (!strncmp("false", (const char *)propData, propDataLength)) {
tmpObject.reset(kOSBooleanFalse, OSRetain);
case kOFVariableTypeNumber:
tmpNumber = OSNumber::withNumber(strtol((const char *)propData, nullptr, 0), 32);
if (tmpNumber != nullptr) {
tmpObject = tmpNumber;
case kOFVariableTypeString:
tmpString = OSString::withCString((const char *)propData, propDataLength);
if (tmpString != nullptr) {
tmpObject = tmpString;
case kOFVariableTypeData:
tmpObject = OSData::withBytes(propData, propDataLength);
if (tmpObject == nullptr) {
return false;
propSymbol = tmpSymbol;
propObject = tmpObject;
return true;