* Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <libkern/OSTypes.h>
#include <mach/kmod.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <mach/vm_types.h>
#endif /* KERNEL */
#include <libkern/OSReturn.h>
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Misc Constants
typedef uint8_t OSKextExcludeLevel;
#define kOSKextExcludeNone (0)
#define kOSKextExcludeKext (1)
#define kOSKextExcludeAll (2)
#define kIOCatalogManagementEntitlement "com.apple.private.security.iocatalog-management"
#define kOSKextCollectionManagementEntitlement "com.apple.private.security.kext-collection-management"
#define kOSKextOnlyBootKCManagementEntitlement "com.apple.private.security.only-bootkc-management"
#define kOSKextCodelessKextLoadAddr (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL)
#define kIOKitDaemonName "kernelmanagerd"
#define kIOKitDaemonName "driverkitd"
#endif /* XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX */
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Kext/OSBundle Property List Keys
* @define kOSBundleHelperKey
* @abstract Used by loginwindow.
#define kOSBundleHelperKey "OSBundleHelper"
* @define kOSBundleDeveloperOnlyKey
* @abstract A boolean value indicating whether the kext should only load on
* Developer devices.
#define kOSBundleDeveloperOnlyKey "OSBundleDeveloperOnly"
* @define kOSBundleRamDiskOnlyKey
* @abstract A boolean value indicating whether the kext should only load when
* booted from a ram disk.
#define kOSBundleRamDiskOnlyKey "OSBundleRamDiskOnly"
* @define kAppleSecurityExtensionKey
* @abstract A boolean value indicating whether the kext registers
* MACF hooks.
#define kAppleSecurityExtensionKey "AppleSecurityExtension"
* @define kAppleKernelExternalComponentKey
* @abstract A boolean value indicating whether the kext is vending kernel
* KPI, and needs special loading behavior.
#define kAppleKernelExternalComponentKey "AppleKernelExternalComponent"
* @define kOSKextInfoPlistDigestKey
* @abstract SHA-256 data of the kext's Info.plist
#define kOSKextInfoPlistDigestKey "_InfoPlistDigest"
* @define kOSKextBundleCollectionTypeKey
* @abstract The type of collection in which a kext is linked. Possible
* values: kKCTypePrimary, kKCTypeSystem, kKCTypeAuxiliary,
* kKCTypeCodeless
#define kOSKextBundleCollectionTypeKey "_BundleCollectionType"
* @define kOSKextAuxKCAvailabilityKey
* @abstract boolean value: false if the kext is in the AuxKC and
* is not loadable; true otherwise.
#define kOSKextAuxKCAvailabilityKey "_AuxKCAvailability"
// properties found in the registry root
#define kOSKernelCPUTypeKey "OSKernelCPUType"
#define kOSKernelCPUSubtypeKey "OSKernelCPUSubtype"
#define kOSStartupMkextCRC "OSStartupMkextCRC" /* value is 32-bit OSData */
#define kOSPrelinkKextCountKey "OSPrelinkKextCount" /* value is 32-bit OSNumber */
#define kOSPrelinkPersonalityCountKey "OSPrelinkPersonalityCount" /* value is 32-bit OSNumber */
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Load Info Keys
* In addition to the keys defined here, you will find:
* kCFBundleIdentifierKey
* kCFBundleVersionKey
* kOSBundleCompatibleVersionKey
* kOSBundleIsInterfaceKey
* kOSKernelResourceKey
#define kOSBundleMachOHeadersKey "OSBundleMachOHeaders"
#define kOSBundleLogStringsKey "OSBundleLogStrings"
#define kOSBundleCPUTypeKey "OSBundleCPUType"
#define kOSBundleCPUSubtypeKey "OSBundleCPUSubtype"
#define kOSBundlePathKey "OSBundlePath"
#define kOSBundleExecutablePathKey "OSBundleExecutablePath"
#define kOSBundleUUIDKey "OSBundleUUID"
#define kOSBundleTextUUIDKey "OSBundleTextUUID"
#define kOSBundleStartedKey "OSBundleStarted"
#define kOSBundlePrelinkedKey "OSBundlePrelinked"
#define kOSBundleLoadTagKey "OSBundleLoadTag"
#define kOSBundleLoadAddressKey "OSBundleLoadAddress"
#define kOSBundleLoadSizeKey "OSBundleLoadSize"
#define kOSBundleExecLoadAddressKey "OSBundleExecLoadAddress"
#define kOSBundleExecLoadSizeKey "OSBundleExecLoadSize"
#define kOSBundleWiredSizeKey "OSBundleWiredSize"
#define kOSBundleDependenciesKey "OSBundleDependencies"
#define kOSBundleRetainCountKey "OSBundleRetainCount"
#define kOSBundleCacheLoadAddressKey "OSBundleCacheLoadAddress"
// Kernel TEXT encompasses kexts
#define kOSBundleKextsInKernelTextKey "OSBundleKextsInKernelText"
// OSKextCopyLoadedKextInfo includes non-started kexts when present:
#define kOSBundleAllPrelinkedKey "OSBundleAllPrelinked"
// OSKextCopyDextsInfo states:
#define kOSBundleDextStateKey "OSBundleDextState"
#define kOSBundleDextStateActiveKey "OSBundleDextStateActive"
#define kOSBundleDextStateActiveLoadedKey "OSBundleDextStateActiveLoaded"
#define kOSBundleDextStateActiveUnloadedKey "OSBundleDextStateActiveUnloaded"
#define kOSBundleDextStatePendingUpgradeKey "OSBundleDextStatePendingUpgrade"
/* Dictionary of metaclass info keyed by classname.
#define kOSBundleClassesKey "OSBundleClasses"
#define kOSBundleDextUniqueIdentifierKey "kOSBundleDextUniqueIdentifier"
/* These are contained in kOSBundleClassesKey. kOSMetaClassSuperclassNameKey
* may be absent (for the root class).
#define kOSMetaClassNameKey "OSMetaClassName"
#define kOSMetaClassSuperclassNameKey "OSMetaClassSuperclassName"
#define kOSMetaClassTrackingCountKey "OSMetaClassTrackingCount"
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Kext Collection Type Keys
#define kKCTypePrimary "Primary"
#define kKCTypeSystem "System"
#define kKCTypeAuxiliary "Auxiliary"
#define kKCTypeCodeless "Codeless"
#define kKCTypeAny "Any"
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Kext Log Specification
* @group Kext Log Specification
* Logging levels & flags for kernel extensions.
* See <code>@link //apple_ref/c/tdef/OSKextLogSpec OSKextLogSpec@/link</code>
* for an overview.
* @typedef OSKextLogSpec
* @abstract Describes what a log message applies to,
* or a filter that determines which log messages are displayed.
* @discussion
* A kext log specification is a 32-bit value used as a desription of
* what a given log message applies to, or as a filter
* indicating which log messages are desired and which are not.
* A log specification has three parts (described in detail shortly):
* <ul>
* <li>A <b>level</b> from 0-7 in the lowest-order nibble (0x7).</li>
* <li>A flag bit in the lowest-order nibble (0x8) indicating whether
* log messages tied to individual kexts are always printed (1)
* or printed only if the kext has an
* @link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey
* OSBundleEnableKextLogging@/link set to <code>true</code>.
* <li>A set of <b>activity flags</b> in the remaining nibbles (0xFFFFFFF0),
* which describe areas of activity related to kernel extensions.</li>
* </ul>
* You can specify a log spec to most of the kext tools with the -v option
* and a hex number (rather than the escalating decimal levels 0-6).
* You can also specify a log spec to the kernel with the "kextlog" boot arg
* or "debug.kextlog" sysctl.
* <b>Log Levels</b>
* The log level spans a range from silent (no log messages)
* to debuging information:
* <ol start="0">
* <li>Silent - Not applicable to messages; as a filter, do not print any log messages.</li>
* <li>Errors - Log message is an error.
* <li>Warnings - Log message is a warning.
* <li>Basic information - Log message is basic success/failure.</li>
* <li>Progress - Provides high-level information about stages in processing.</li>
* <li>Step - Provides low-level information about complex operations,
* typically about individual kexts.</li>
* <li>Detail - Provides very low-level information about parts of kexts,
* including individual Libkern classes and operations on bundle files.</li>
* <li>Debug - Very verbose logging about internal activities.</li>
* </ol>
* Log messages at
* <code>@link kOSKextLogErrorLevel kOSKextLogErrorLevel@/link</code> or
* <code>@link kOSKextLogWarningLevel kOSKextLogWarningLevel@/link</code>
* ignore activity flags and the
* @link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey
* OSBundleEnableKextLogging@/link property;
* that is, only the filter level is checked for messages at these levels.
* Log messages at levels above
* <code>@link kOSKextLogWarningLevel kOSKextLogWarningLevel@/link</code>
* are filtered according both to the activity flags in the current filter
* and to whether the log message is associated with a kext or not.
* Normally log messages associated with kexts are not printed
* unless the kext has a
* @link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey
* OSBundleEnableKextLogging@/link property set to <code>true</code>.
* If you set the high-order bit of the log level (that is, add 8 to the level),
* then all kext-specific log messages matching the activity flags are printed.
* This can be very verbose.
* <b>Activity Flags</b>
* Each flag governs a category of activity,
* such as loading, IPC, or archives; by combining them with bitwise OR,
* you can choose which messages you wish to see (or when logging messages,
* which bit flags select your message).
* <b>Byte 1:</b> <code>0xF0</code> - Basic activities
* (<code>@link kOSKextLogGeneralFlag kOSKextLogGeneralFlag@/link</code>,
* <code>@link kOSKextLogLoadFlag kOSKextLogLoadFlag@/link</code>, and
* <code>@link kOSKextLogArchiveFlag kOSKextLogArchiveFlag@/link</code>).
* <b>Byte 2:</b> <code>0xF00</code> - Reserved.
* <b>Byte 4:</b> <code>0xF000</code> - Kext diagnostics
* (<code>@link kOSKextLogValidationFlag kOSKextLogValidationFlag@/link</code>,
* <code>@link kOSKextLogAuthenticationFlag kOSKextLogAuthenticationFlag@/link</code>, and
* <code>@link kOSKextLogDependenciesFlag kOSKextLogDependenciesFlag@/link</code>).
* <b>Byte 5:</b> <code>0xF00000</code> - Kext access & bookkeeping
* (<code>@link kOSKextLogDirectoryScanFlag kOSKextLogDirectoryScanFlag@/link</code>,
* <code>@link kOSKextLogFileAccessFlag kOSKextLogFileAccessFlag@/link</code>,
* <code>@link kOSKextLogKextBookkeepingFlag kOSKextLogKextBookkeepingFlag@/link </code>).
* <b>Byte 6:</b> <code>0xF000000</code> - Linking & patching
* (<code>@link kOSKextLogLinkFlag kOSKextLogLinkFlag@/link</code> and
* <code>@link kOSKextLogPatchFlag kOSKextLogPatchFlag@/link</code>).
* <b>Byte 7:</b> <code>0xF0000000</code> - Reserved.
typedef uint32_t OSKextLogSpec;
#pragma mark Masks
* @define kOSKextLogLevelMask
* @abstract Masks the bottom 3 bits of an
* <code>@link OSKextLogSpec OSKextLogSpec@/link</code> to extract
* the raw level.
#define kOSKextLogLevelMask ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x00000007)
* @define kOSKextLogKextOrGlobalMask
* @abstract Determines whether per-kext log messages are output.
* @discussion
* In filter specifications, if unset (the usual default),
* then log messages associated with a kext are only output
* if the kext has an
* @link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey
* OSBundleEnableKextLogging@/link
* property set to <code>true</code>.
* If set, then all log messages associated with kexts
* are output.
* In message specifications, if set it indicates that the message is either
* not associated with a kext, or is associated with a kext that has an
* @link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey
* OSBundleEnableKextLogging@/link
* property set to <code>true</code>.
#define kOSKextLogKextOrGlobalMask ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x00000008)
* @define kOSKextLogFlagsMask
* @abstract Masks the flag bits of an
* <code>@link OSKextLogSpec OSKextLogSpec@/link</code>.
#define kOSKextLogFlagsMask ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x0ffffff0)
* @define kOSKextLogFlagsMask
* @abstract Masks the flag bits of an
* <code>@link OSKextLogSpec OSKextLogSpec@/link</code>
* to which command-line <code>-v</code> levels apply.
#define kOSKextLogVerboseFlagsMask ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x00000ff0)
* @define kOSKextLogConfigMask
* @abstract Masks the config bits of an
* <code>@link OSKextLogSpec OSKextLogSpec@/link</code>.
#define kOSKextLogConfigMask ((OSKextLogSpec) 0xf0000000)
#pragma mark 0xF - Log Level
* @define kOSKextLogExplicitLevel
* @abstract Used when logging a message to overrides the current log filter,
* even if it's set to silent for log messages.
* This is essentially a pass-through for
* unconditional print messages to go
* through the logging engine.
#define kOSKextLogExplicitLevel ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x0)
* @define kOSKextLogErrorLevel
* @abstract Log messages concerning error conditions in any category.
#define kOSKextLogErrorLevel ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x1)
* @define kOSKextLogWarningLevel
* @abstract Log messages concerning warning conditions in any category,
* which indicate potential error conditions,
* and notices, which may explain unexpected but correct behavior.
#define kOSKextLogWarningLevel ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x2)
* @define kOSKextLogBasicLevel
* @abstract Log messages concerning top-level outcome in any category
* (kext load/unload, kext cache creation/extration w/# kexts).
#define kOSKextLogBasicLevel ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x3)
* @define kOSKextLogProgressLevel
* @abstract Log messages concerning high-level progress in any category,
* such as sending a load request to the kernel,
* allocation/link/map/start (load operation),
* stop/unmap (unload operation), kext added/extracted (archive).
#define kOSKextLogProgressLevel ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x4)
* @define kOSKextLogStepLevel
* @abstract Log messages concerning major steps in any category,
* such as sending personalities to the IOCatalogue when loading,
* detailed IPC with the kernel, or filtering of kexts for an archive.
#define kOSKextLogStepLevel ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x5)
* @define kOSKextLogDetailLevel
* @abstract Log messages concerning specific details in any category,
* such as classes being registered/unregistered or
* operations on indivdual files in a kext.
#define kOSKextLogDetailLevel ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x6)
* @define kOSKextLogDebugLevel
* @abstract Log messages concerning very low-level actions that are
* useful mainly for debugging the kext system itself.
#define kOSKextLogDebugLevel ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x7)
#pragma mark 0xF0 - General Activity, Load, Kernel IPC, Personalities
* @define kOSKextLogGeneralFlag
* @abstract Log messages about general activity in the kext system.
#define kOSKextLogGeneralFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x10)
* @define kOSKextLogLoadFlag
* @abstract Log messages regarding kernel extension load, start/stop, or unload activity
* in the kernel.
#define kOSKextLogLoadFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x20)
* @define kOSKextLogIPCFlag
* @abstract Log messages about any interaction between kernel and user space
* regarding kernel extensions.
#define kOSKextLogIPCFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x40)
* @define kOSKextLogArchiveFlag
* @abstract Log messages about creating or processing a kext startup cache file
* (mkext or prelinked kernel).
#define kOSKextLogArchiveFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x80)
#pragma mark 0xF00 - Reserved Verbose Area
// reserved slot for group ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x100)
// reserved slot for group ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x200)
// reserved slot for group ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x400)
// reserved slot for group ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x800)
#pragma mark 0xF000 - Kext diagnostic activity
* @define kOSKextLogValidationFlag
* @abstract Log messages when validating kernel extensions.
#define kOSKextLogValidationFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x1000)
* @define kOSKextLogAuthenticationFlag
* @abstract Log messages when autnenticating kernel extension files.
* Irrelevant in the kernel.
#define kOSKextLogAuthenticationFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x2000)
* @define kOSKextLogDependenciesFlag
* @abstract Log messages when resolving dependencies for a kernel extension.
#define kOSKextLogDependenciesFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x4000)
// reserved slot for group ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x8000)
#pragma mark 0xF0000 - Archives, caches, directory scan, file access
* @define kOSKextLogDirectoryScanFlag
* @abstract Log messages when scanning directories for kernel extensions.
* In the kernel logs every booter kext entry processed.
#define kOSKextLogDirectoryScanFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x10000)
* @define kOSKextLogFileAccessFlag
* @abstract Log messages when performing any filesystem access (very verbose).
* Irrelevant in the kernel.
#define kOSKextLogFileAccessFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x20000)
* @define kOSKextLogKextBookkeepingFlag
* @abstract Log messages about internal tracking of kexts. Can be very verbose.
#define kOSKextLogKextBookkeepingFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x40000)
// reserved slot for group ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x80000)
#pragma mark 0xF00000 - Linking & Patching
* @define kOSKextLogLinkFlag
* @abstract Log messages about linking.
#define kOSKextLogLinkFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x100000)
* @define kOSKextLogPatchFlag
* @abstract Log messages about patching.
#define kOSKextLogPatchFlag ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x200000)
// reserved slot for group ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x400000)
// reserved slot for group ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x800000)
#pragma mark 0xF000000 - Reserved
// reserved slot for grouping ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x1000000)
// reserved slot for grouping ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x2000000)
// reserved slot for grouping ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x4000000)
// reserved slot for grouping ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x8000000)
#pragma mark 0xF0000000 - Config Flags
// reserved slot for grouping ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x10000000)
// reserved slot for grouping ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x20000000)
// reserved slot for grouping ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x40000000)
#pragma mark Predefined Specifications
* @define kOSKextLogSilentFilter
* @abstract For use in filter specs:
* Ignore all log messages with a log level greater than
* <code>@link kOSKextLogExplicitLevel kOSKextLogExplicitLevel@/link</code>.
#define kOSKextLogSilentFilter ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x0)
* @define kOSKextLogShowAllFilter
* @abstract For use in filter specs:
* Print all log messages not associated with a kext or
* associated with a kext that has
* @link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey
* OSBundleEnableKextLogging@/link
* set to <code>true</code>.
#define kOSKextLogShowAllFilter ((OSKextLogSpec) 0x0ffffff7)
* @define kOSKextLogShowAllKextsFilter
* @abstract For use in filter specs:
* Print all log messages has
* @link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSBundleEnableKextLoggingKey
* OSBundleEnableKextLogging@/link
* set to <code>true</code>.
#define kOSKextLogShowAllKextsFilter ((OSKextLogSpec) \
(kOSKextLogShowAllFilter | \
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Kext Version String Processing
* @group Kext Version String Processing
* Functions for working with kext versions and compatible versions.
* @typedef OSKextVersion
* @abstract An encoded kext version that can be compared arithmetically.
* @discussion
* A value of zero (<code>@link kOSKextVersionUndefined kOSKextVersionUndefined@/link</code>)
* is <i>not</i> equivalent to a version string of "0.0",
* and typically means there is no version specified
* (for example, that there is no CFBundleVersion property at all).
* Values below zero are invalid.
* The encoding used is subject to change,
* and should never be saved to permanent storage.
* Always use proper version strings in files and interprocess communication.
typedef int64_t OSKextVersion;
* @define kOSKextVersionMaxLength
* @abstract The length of a string buffer
* guaranteed to be able to hold a kext version.
* @discussion
* Kext versions use an extended Mac OS 'vers' format with double the number
* of digits before the build stage: ####.##.##s{1-255} where 's'
* is a build stage 'd', 'a', 'b', 'f' or 'fc'.
#define kOSKextVersionMaxLength (20)
// with a few bytes to spare including a nul byte
// xx-review: Should we make this much bigger in case we ever need longer strings?
* @define kOSKextVersionUndefined
* @abstract The undefined version.
* @discussion
* This value of <code>@link OSKextVersion OSKextVersion@/link</code> represents the
* lack of a version
* (for example, that there is no CFBundleVersion property at all).
#define kOSKextVersionUndefined (0)
* @function OSKextParseVersionString
* @abstract
* Parses a kext version string into an <code>@link OSKextVersion OSKextVersion@/link</code>.
* @param versionString The kext version string to parse.
* @result
* An encoded kext version that can be compared numerically
* against other encoded kext versions,
* <0 if <code>versionString</code> is <code>NULL</code>, empty,
* or cannot be parsed.
* @discussion
* Kext versions use an extended Mac OS 'vers' format with double the number
* of digits before the build stage: ####.##.##s{1-255} where 's'
* is a build stage 'd', 'a', 'b', 'f' or 'fc'.
OSKextVersion OSKextParseVersionString(const char * versionString);
* @function OSKextVersionGetString
* @abstract
* Formats an encoded <code>@link OSKextVersion OSKextVersion@/link</code> into a string
* representation.
* @param aVersion
* The encoded version to format.
* @param buffer
* A C string buffer of at least
* <code>@link kOSKextVersionMaxLength kOSKextVersionMaxLength@/link</code> bytes.
* @param bufferSize The size in bytes of <code>buffer</code>.
* @result
* <code>TRUE</code> if the encoded version is formatted successfully.
* <code>FALSE</code> if <code>buffer</code> is <code>NULL</code> or
* <code>bufferSize</code> is less than
* <code>@link kOSKextVersionMaxLength kOSKextVersionMaxLength@/link</code>.
* @discussion
* The return value strictly indicates whether <code>buffer</code>
* is large enough to hold the result.
* If <code>aVersion</code> is 0, the resulting string is "(missing)".
* If <code>aVersion</code> is less than 0
* or is not a valid kext version encoding,
* the resulting string is "(invalid)".
Boolean OSKextVersionGetString(
OSKextVersion aVersion,
char * buffer,
uint32_t bufferSize);
#define KOSBundleDextUniqueIdentifierMaxLength (1024)
#ifdef KERNEL
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Weak linking
void kext_weak_symbol_referenced(void) __abortlike;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Miscellaneous Kernel-Only Kext Functions
* @function kext_get_vm_map
* @abstract Returns the vm_map from which the kext was allocated.
* @param info The kmod_info_t structure of the kext.
* @result The vm_map from which the kext was allocated. This function
* cannot return <code>NULL</code>.
vm_map_t kext_get_vm_map(kmod_info_t * info);
* @function OSKextRegisterKextsWithDTrace
* @abstract
* DTrace calls this once when it has started up so that the kext system
* will register any already-loaded kexts with it.
void OSKextRegisterKextsWithDTrace(void);
#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */
* @function kext_dump_panic_lists
* @abstract Prints compacted lists of last unloaded & all loaded kexts
* during a panic.
* @param printf_func The printf-style function to use for output.
void kext_dump_panic_lists(int (*printf_func)(const char *fmt, ...));
* @define kOSKextReceiptQueried
* @abstract Whether or not the kext receipt has been successfully loaded.
#define kOSKextReceiptQueried "OSKextReceiptQueried"
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Kext Loading C Functions
* @function OSKextGetLoadTagForBundleIdentifier
* @abstract Look up the load tag for a kext.
* @param kextIdentifier The bundle identifier of the kext to look up.
* @result
* The load tag of the requested kext, or
* <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextInvalidLoadTag kOSKextInvalidLoadTag@/link</code>
* if the kext was not found.
* @discussion
* A load tag uniquely identifies a loaded kext.
* It can be found as the <code>id</code> field of a loaded kext's
* <code>kmod_info_t</code> struct.
* Note that a load tag represents a specific loaded instance of a kext.
* If that kext is unloaded, the load tag is no longer a valid reference.
* If the same kext is later reloaded, it will have a new load tag.
* You can use the load tag to adjust a kext's reference count
* via
* <code>@link //apple_ref/c/func/OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag
* OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag@/link</code>
* and
* <code>@link //apple_ref/c/func/OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag
* OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag@/link</code>,
* so that the kext is automatically unloaded when no references remain,
* or to unload the kext immediately
* with <code>@link //apple_ref/c/func/OSKextUnloadKextWithLoadTag OSKextUnloadKextWithLoadTag@/link</code>.
* Those functions are intended for use with non-IOKit kexts
* (specifically, kexts that define no subclasses of
* <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/class/IOServiceIOService@/link</code>).
* Pure IOKit kexts are managed via instance counts
* of their libkern C++ object classes;
* using those functions on them will only interfere with that mechanism.
* If you have a hybrid kext with both IOService subclasses and non-IOKit code,
* however, you may want to use reference counting for the non-IOKit portions:
* that way the kext will only unload automaticaly
* when there are no C++ objects and the kext reference count is zero.
uint32_t OSKextGetLoadTagForBundleIdentifier(
const char * kextIdentifier);
* @function OSKextUnloadKextWithLoadTag
* @abstract Stop and unload a kext based on its load tag.
* @param loadTag The load tag of the kext to unload.
* @result
* <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSReturnSuccess kOSReturnSuccess@/link</code>
* if the kext was found and unloaded.
* <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextReturnNotFound
* kOSKextReturnNotFound@/link</code>
* if the kext was not found.
* <code>@link //apple_ref/c/macro/kOSKextReturnInUse
* kOSKextReturnInUse@/link</code>
* if the kext has outstanding references
* or if there are instances of its libkern C++ subclasses.
* Other return values indicate a failure to unload the kext,
* typically because the module stop routine failed.
* @discussion
* A panic will occur if a kext calls this function to unload itself.
* The safest way for a kext to unload itself is to call
* <code>@link //apple_ref/c/func/OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag
* OSKextRetainKextWithLoadTag@/link</code>
* with its own load tag
* (the <code>id</code> field of its <code>kmod_info_t</code> struct),
* followed by
* <code>@link //apple_ref/c/func/OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag
* OSKextReleaseKextWithLoadTag@/link</code>;
* this will schedule the kext for unload on a separate thread.
* This function can be used when reference-based autounloading is not
* appropriate.
* If a kernel system or kext is already monitoring
* the need for a kext,
* it can simply call this function when it's known that the kext is not needed.
OSReturn OSKextUnloadKextWithLoadTag(uint32_t loadTag);
#endif /* KERNEL */
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Loaded Kext Summary
* @define kOSKextLoadedKextSummaryVersion
* @abstract The current version of the loaded kext summary headers.
#define kOSKextLoadedKextSummaryVersion 2
* @typedef OSKextLoadedKextSummary
* @abstract A structure that describes a loaded kext.
* @field name The kext's bundle identifier.
* @field uuid The kext's UUID;
* @field address The kext's load address.
* @field size The kext's load size.
* @field version The binary format (OSKextVersion) version of the kext.
* @field loadTag The kext's load tag.
* @field flags Internal tracking flags.
* @field reference_list who this refs (links on).
* @field text_exec_address The address of the __TEXT_EXEC segment (if it exists), otherwise __TEXT
* @field text_exec_size The size of the segment pointed to by text_address
* @discussion
* The OSKextLoadedKextSummary structure contains a basic set of information
* about the kext to facilitate kext debugging and panic debug log output.
typedef struct _loaded_kext_summary {
char name[KMOD_MAX_NAME];
uuid_t uuid;
uint64_t address;
uint64_t size;
uint64_t version;
uint32_t loadTag;
uint32_t flags;
uint64_t reference_list;
uint64_t text_exec_address;
size_t text_exec_size;
} OSKextLoadedKextSummary;
* @typedef OSKextLoadedKextSummaryHeader
* @abstract A structure that describes the set of loaded kext summaries.
* @field version The version of the loaded kext summary structures.
* @field entry_size The size of each entry in summaries.
* @field numSummaries The number of OSKextLoadedKextSummary structures
* following the header.
* @field summaries A convenience pointer to the array of summaries following
* the header.
* @discussion
* The OSKextLoadedKextSummaryHeader describes the set of loaded kext summaries
* available for use by the debugger or panic log routine.
* The array of summaries contains one OSKextLoadedKextSummary for every kext
* that declares an executable and is not an interface to the kernel.
typedef struct _loaded_kext_summary_header {
uint32_t version;
uint32_t entry_size;
uint32_t numSummaries;
uint32_t reserved; /* explicit alignment for gdb */
OSKextLoadedKextSummary summaries[0];
} OSKextLoadedKextSummaryHeader;
* @var gLoadedKextSummaries
* @abstract The global pointer to the current set of loaded kext summaries.
extern OSKextLoadedKextSummaryHeader * gLoadedKextSummaries;
* @var gLoadedKextSummariesTimestamp
* @abstract This will be set to mach_absolute_time() around updates to
* gLoadedKextSummaries. Ie. immediately before gLoadedKextSummaries is set to
* zero, and immediately after it is set to a new value.
extern uint64_t gLoadedKextSummariesTimestamp;
* @function OSKextLoadedKextSummariesUpdated
* @abstract Called when gLoadedKextSummaries has been updated.
* @discussion
* gLoadedKextSummaries is updated when a kext is loaded or unloaded.
* When the update is complete, OSKextLoadedKextSummariesUpdated is called.
* gdb can set a breakpoint on this function to detect kext loads and unloads.
void OSKextLoadedKextSummariesUpdated(void);
extern const vm_allocation_site_t * OSKextGetAllocationSiteForCaller(uintptr_t address);
extern uint32_t OSKextGetKmodIDForSite(const vm_allocation_site_t * site,
char * name, vm_size_t namelen);
extern void OSKextFreeSite(vm_allocation_site_t * site);
extern kern_return_t OSKextSetReceiptQueried(void);
extern void OSKextGetRefGrpForCaller(uintptr_t address,
void (^)(struct os_refgrp *));
extern int OSKextGetUUIDForName(const char *, uuid_t);
extern vm_tag_t gIOSurfaceTag;
extern void *OSKextKextForAddress(const void *addr);
* @function OSKextGetLoadedKextSummaryForAddress
* @abstract Given an address, retrieve the summary of the kext which contains it.
* @discussion
* This function invokes OSKext::summaryForAddressExt, which will copy into the
* caller-provided pointer the summary of the kext containing the given address.
* This is done while holding the sKextSummariesLock lock, thus making it possible
* to use the content of the summary even if gLoadedKextSummaries is reallocated
* in the meantime.
extern kern_return_t OSKextGetLoadedKextSummaryForAddress(
const void * addr,
OSKextLoadedKextSummary * summary);