This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <os/base.h>

 *  @enum       compression_algorithm_t
 *  @abstract   Tag used to select a compression algorithm.
 *  @discussion Further details on the supported formats, and their implementation:
 *              - LZ4 is an extremely high-performance compressor.  The open source version
 *              is already one of the fastest compressors of which we are aware, and we
 *              have optimized it still further in our implementation.  The encoded format
 *              we produce and consume is compatible with the open source version, except
 *              that we add a very simple frame to the raw stream to allow some additional
 *              validation and functionality.
 *              The frame is documented here so that you can easily wrap another LZ4
 *              encoder/decoder to produce/consume the same data stream if necessary.  An
 *              LZ4 encoded buffer is a sequence of blocks, each of which begins with a
 *              header.  There are three possible headers:
 *                   a "compressed block header" is (hex) 62 76 34 31, followed by the
 *                   size in bytes of the decoded (plaintext) data represented by the
 *                   block and the size (in bytes) of the encoded data stored in the
 *                   block.  Both size fields are stored as (possibly unaligned) 32-bit
 *                   little-endian values.  The compressed block header is followed
 *                   immediately by the actual lz4-encoded data stream.
 *                   an "uncompressed block header" is (hex) 62 76 34 2d, followed by the
 *                   size of the data stored in the uncompressed block as a (possibly
 *                   unaligned) 32-bit little-endian value.  The uncompressed block header
 *                   is followed immediately by the uncompressed data buffer of the
 *                   specified size.
 *                   an "end of stream header" is (hex) 62 76 34 24, and marks the end
 *                   of the lz4 frame.  No further data may be written or read beyond
 *                   this header.
 *				- SMB (Server Message Block) is a protocol for sharing files, printers
 *              and other abstractions over a computer network. SMB supports compression
 *              to speed up transfers. The following SMB compression algorithms are
 *              supported:
 *              ---------------|---------|---------|-------|---------------------------
 *                Algorithm    | Encoder | Decoder | Ratio | Encoder / decoder memory
 *              ---------------|---------|---------|-------|---------------------------
 *                LZ77         | fastest | fastest | 2.3x  |   66 KB / 0 KB
 *                LZ77+Huffman | slowest | slowest | 2.8x  |  172 KB / 6 KB
 *                LZNT1        | fast    | fastest | 2.0x  |   33 KB / 0 KB
 *              ---------------|---------|---------|-------|---------------------------

typedef enum{
	COMPRESSION_LZ4       = 0x100, // LZ4 + simple frame format (buffer + stream API)
	COMPRESSION_LZ4_RAW   = 0x101, // LZ4 (buffer API only)
	COMPRESSION_SMB_LZNT1 = 0xC00, // SMB LZNT1 (buffer API only)
	COMPRESSION_SMB_LZ77  = 0xC10, // SMB LZ77 (buffer API only)
	COMPRESSION_SMB_LZ77H = 0xC20, // SMB LZ77-HUFF (buffer API only)
} compression_algorithm_t;

// =================================================================================================================
#pragma mark - Buffer API

 *  @abstract        Get the minimum scratch buffer size for the specified compression algorithm encoder.
 *  @param algorithm The compression algorithm for which the scratch space will be used.
 *  @return          The number of bytes to allocate as a scratch buffer for use to encode with the specified
 *                   compression algorithm. This number may be 0.
typedef size_t (*compression_encode_scratch_buffer_size_proc)
(compression_algorithm_t algorithm);

 *  @abstract             Compresses a buffer.
 *  @param dst_buffer     Pointer to the first byte of the destination buffer.
 *  @param dst_size       Size of the destination buffer in bytes.
 *  @param src_buffer     Pointer to the first byte of the source buffer.
 *  @param src_size       Size of the source buffer in bytes.
 *  @param scratch_buffer A pointer to scratch space that the routine can use for temporary
 *                        storage during compression.  To determine how much space to allocate for this
 *                        scratch space, call compression_encode_scratch_buffer_size(algorithm).  Scratch space
 *                        may be re-used across multiple (serial) calls to _encode and _decode.
 *                        Can be NULL, if an algorithm does not need any scratch space.
 *  @param algorithm      The compression algorithm to be used.
 *  @return               The number of bytes written to the destination buffer if the input is
 *                        is successfully compressed.  If the entire input cannot be compressed to fit
 *                        into the provided destination buffer, or an error occurs, 0 is returned.
typedef size_t (*compression_encode_buffer_proc)
(uint8_t* dst_buffer, size_t dst_size,
    const uint8_t* src_buffer, size_t src_size,
    void* scratch_buffer, compression_algorithm_t algorithm);

 *  @abstract        Get the minimum scratch buffer size for the specified compression algorithm decoder.
 *  @param algorithm The compression algorithm for which the scratch space will be used.
 *  @return          The number of bytes to allocate as a scratch buffer for use to decode with the specified
 *                   compression algorithm. This number may be 0.
typedef size_t (*compression_decode_scratch_buffer_size_proc)
(compression_algorithm_t algorithm);

 *  @abstract             Decompresses a buffer.
 *  @param dst_buffer     Pointer to the first byte of the destination buffer.
 *  @param dst_size       Size of the destination buffer in bytes.
 *  @param src_buffer     Pointer to the first byte of the source buffer.
 *  @param src_size       Size of the source buffer in bytes.
 *  @param scratch_buffer A pointer to scratch space that the routine can use for temporary
 *                        storage during decompression.  To determine how much space to allocate for this
 *                        scratch space, call compression_decode_scratch_buffer_size(algorithm).  Scratch space
 *                        may be re-used across multiple (serial) calls to _encode and _decode.
 *                        Can be NULL, if an algorithm does not need any scratch space.
 *  @param algorithm      The compression algorithm to be used.
 *  @return               The number of bytes written to the destination buffer if the input is
 *                        is successfully decompressed.  If there is not enough space in the destination
 *                        buffer to hold the entire expanded output, only the first dst_size bytes will
 *                        be written to the buffer and dst_size is returned.   Note that this behavior
 *                        differs from that of compression_encode.  If an error occurs, 0 is returned.
 *                        SMB algorithms do not support truncated decodes.
 *                        SMB algorithms expect src_size to be exactly the size of the compressed input.
typedef size_t (*compression_decode_buffer_proc)
(uint8_t* dst_buffer, size_t dst_size,
    const uint8_t* src_buffer, size_t src_size,
    void* scratch_buffer, compression_algorithm_t algorithm);

// =================================================================================================================
#pragma mark - Stream API

/* Return values for the compression_stream functions. */
typedef enum{
} compression_status_t;

typedef enum{
	COMPRESSION_STREAM_ENCODE = 0, /* Encode to a compressed stream */
	COMPRESSION_STREAM_DECODE = 1, /* Decode from a compressed stream */
} compression_stream_operation_t;

/* Bits for the flags in compression_stream_process. */
typedef enum{
} compression_stream_flags_t;

typedef struct{
	 *  You are partially responsible for management of the dst_ptr,
	 *  dst_size, src_ptr, and src_size fields.  You must initialize
	 *  them to describe valid memory buffers before making a call to
	 *  compression_stream_process. compression_stream_process will update
	 *  these fields before returning to account for the bytes of the src
	 *  and dst buffers that were successfully processed.
	uint8_t*       dst_ptr;
	size_t         dst_size;
	const uint8_t* src_ptr;
	size_t         src_size;

	/* The stream state object is managed by the compression_stream functions.
	 *  You should not ever directly access this field. */
	void*          state;
} compression_stream_t;

/*  There are two critical features of the stream interfaces:
 *     - They allow encoding and decoding to be resumed from where it ended
 *       when the end of a source or destination block was reached.
 *     - When resuming, the new source and destination blocks need not be
 *       contiguous with earlier blocks in the stream; all necessary state
 *       to resume compression is represented by the compression_stream_t object.
 *   These two properties enable tasks like:
 *     - Decoding a compressed stream into a buffer with the ability to grow
 *       the buffer and resume decoding if the expanded stream is too large
 *       to fit without repeating any work.
 *     - Encoding a stream as pieces of it become available without ever needing
 *       to create an allocation large enough to hold all the uncompressed data.
 *   The basic workflow for using the stream interface is as follows:
 *       1. initialize the state of your compression_stream object by calling
 *       compression_stream_init with the operation parameter set to specify
 *       whether you will be encoding or decoding, and the chosen algorithm
 *       specified by the algorithm parameter. This will allocate storage
 *       for the state that allows encoding or decoding to be resumed
 *       across calls.
 *       2. set the dst_buffer, dst_size, src_buffer, and src_size fields of
 *       the compression_stream object to point to the next blocks to be
 *       processed.
 *       3. call compression_stream_process. If no further input will be added
 *       to the stream via subsequent calls, finalize should be non-zero.
 *       If compression_stream_process returns COMPRESSION_STATUS_END, there
 *       will be no further output from the stream.
 *       4. repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary to process the entire stream.
 *       5. call compression_stream_destroy to free the state object in the
 *       compression_stream.

 *  @abstract         Initialize a compression_stream for
 *                    encoding (if operation is COMPRESSION_STREAM_ENCODE) or
 *                    decoding (if operation is COMPRESSION_STREAM_DECODE).
 *  @param stream     Pointer to the compression_stream object to be initialized.
 *  @param operation  Specifies whether the stream is to initialized for encoding or decoding.
 *  @param algorithm  The compression algorithm to be used.  Must be one of the values specified
 *                    in the compression_algorithm_t enum.
 *  @discussion       This call initializes all fields of the compression_stream to zero, except for state;
 *                    this routine allocates storage to capture the internal state of the encoding or decoding
 *                    process so that it may be resumed. This storage is tracked via the state parameter.
 *  @return           COMPRESSION_STATUS_OK if the stream was successfully initialized, or
 *                    COMPRESSION_STATUS_ERROR if an error occurred.
typedef compression_status_t (*compression_stream_init_proc)
(compression_stream_t* stream,
    compression_stream_operation_t operation,
    compression_algorithm_t algorithm);

 *  @abstract Functionally equivalent to compression_stream_destroy then compression_stream_init, but keeps the allocated state buffer.
 *  @return   Status of the virtual compression_stream_init call
typedef compression_status_t (*compression_stream_reinit_proc)
(compression_stream_t* stream,
    compression_stream_operation_t operation,
    compression_algorithm_t algorithm);

 *  @abstract   Cleans up state information stored in a compression_stream object.
 *  @discussion Use this to free memory allocated by compression_stream_init.  After calling
 *              this function, you will need to re-init the compression_stream object before
 *              using it again.
typedef compression_status_t (*compression_stream_destroy_proc)
(compression_stream_t* stream);

 *  @abstract     Encodes or decodes a block of the stream.
 *  @param stream Pointer to the compression_stream object to be operated on.  Before calling
 *                this function, you must initialize the stream object by calling
 *                compression_stream_init, and setting the user-managed fields to describe your
 *                input and output buffers. When compression_stream_process returns, those
 *                fields will have been updated to account for the bytes that were successfully
 *                encoded or decoded in the course of its operation.
 *  @param flags  Binary OR of zero or more compression_stream_flags:
 *                  If set, indicates that no further input will be added to the stream, and
 *                  thus that the end of stream should be indicated if the input block is
 *                  completely processed.
 *  @discussion   Processes the buffers described by the stream object until the source buffer
 *                becomes empty, or the destination buffer becomes full, or the entire stream is
 *                processed, or an error is encountered.
 *  @return       When encoding COMPRESSION_STATUS_END is returned only if all input has been
 *                read from the source, all output (including an end-of-stream marker) has been
 *                written to the destination, and COMPRESSION_STREAM_FINALIZE bit is set.
 *                When decoding COMPRESSION_STATUS_END is returned only if all input (including
 *                and end-of-stream marker) has been read from the source, and all output has
 *                been written to the destination.
 *                COMPRESSION_STATUS_OK is returned if all data in the source buffer is consumed,
 *                or all space in the destination buffer is used. In that case, further calls
 *                to compression_stream_process are expected, providing more data in the source
 *                buffer, or more space in the destination buffer.
 *                COMPRESSION_STATUS_ERROR is returned if an error is encountered (if the
 *                encoded data is corrupted, for example).
 *                When decoding a valid stream, the end of stream will be detected from the contents
 *                of the input, and COMPRESSION_STATUS_END will be returned in that case, even if
 *                COMPRESSION_STREAM_FINALIZE is not set, or more input is provided.
 *                When decoding a corrupted or truncated stream, if COMPRESSION_STREAM_FINALIZE is not
 *                set to notify the decoder that no more input is coming, the decoder will not consume
 *                or produce any data, and return COMPRESSION_STATUS_OK.  In that case, the client code
 *                will call compression_stream_process again with the same state, entering an infinite loop.
 *                To avoid this, it is strongly advised to always set COMPRESSION_STREAM_FINALIZE when
 *                no more input is expected, for both encoding and decoding.
typedef compression_status_t (*compression_stream_process_proc)
(compression_stream_t* stream, int flags);

 *  @abstract   Identify the compression algorithm for the first 4 bytes of compressed data.
 *  @param data Points to 4 bytes at the beginning of the compressed data.
 *  @discussion This call identifies the compression algorithm used to generate the given data bytes.
 *  @return     A valid compression_algorithm_t on success, or -1 if the data bytes do not correspond to any supported algorithm.
typedef int (*compression_stream_identify_algorithm_proc)
(const uint8_t* data);

// =================================================================================================================
#pragma mark - Kernel interface

typedef struct{
	// Stream API
	compression_stream_init_proc                compression_stream_init;
	compression_stream_reinit_proc              compression_stream_reinit;
	compression_stream_destroy_proc             compression_stream_destroy;
	compression_stream_process_proc             compression_stream_process;
	compression_stream_identify_algorithm_proc  compression_stream_identify_algorithm;

	// Buffer API
	compression_encode_scratch_buffer_size_proc compression_encode_scratch_buffer_size;
	compression_encode_buffer_proc              compression_encode_buffer;
	compression_decode_scratch_buffer_size_proc compression_decode_scratch_buffer_size;
	compression_decode_buffer_proc              compression_decode_buffer;
} compression_ki_t;


 * @abstract The compression interface that was registered.
extern const compression_ki_t * compression_ki_ptr;

 * @abstract   Registers the compression kext interface for use within the kernel proper.
 * @param ki   The interface to register.
 * @discussion This routine may only be called once and must be called before late-const has been applied to kernel memory.
void compression_interface_register(const compression_ki_t *ki);


typedef void (*registration_callback_t)(void);

void compression_interface_set_registration_callback(registration_callback_t callback);

#endif /* PRIVATE */


#endif // __COMPRESSION_H