* Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* limitations under the License.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* This file defines keys (and values) for properties in kext_request
* collections and mkext archives used for loading in the kernel.
* An incoming request is always a serialized XML plist with at least
* a predicate, and optionally a dictionary of arguments.
* Some requests generate serialized XML plist responses, while others
* return raw data. See the predicate description for more.
* All of these keys are strictly for internal run-time communication
* between IOKitUser's OSKext module and xnu's OSKext class.
* Keys and values may change at any time without notice.
#pragma mark Top-Level Request Properties
/* The Predicate Key
* The value of this key indicates the operation to perform or the
* information desired.
#define kKextRequestPredicateKey "Kext Request Predicate"
/* The Arguments Key
* The value of this key is a dictionary containing the arguments
* for the request.
#define kKextRequestArgumentsKey "Kext Request Arguments"
#pragma mark Request Predicates - User-Space to Kernel
* Nonprivileged requests from user -> kernel
* These requests do not require a privileged host port, as they just
* return information about loaded kexts.
/* Predicate: Get Loaded Kext Info
* Argument: (None)
* Response: An array of information about loaded kexts (see OSKextLib.h).
* Op result: OSReturn indicating any errors in processing (see OSKextLib.h)
* Retrieves an array of dictionaries whose properties describe every kext
* loaded at the time of the call.
#define kKextRequestPredicateGetLoaded "Get Loaded Kext Info"
/* Predicate: Get Loaded Kext Info By UUID
* Argument: (None)
* Response: An array of information about loaded kexts (see OSKextLib.h).
* Op result: OSReturn indicating any errors in processing (see OSKextLib.h)
* Retrieves an array of dictionaries whose properties describe every kext
* loaded at the time of the call.
#define kKextRequestPredicateGetLoadedByUUID "Get Loaded Kext Info By UUID"
/* Predicate: Get Loaded Kext UUID By Address
* Argument: An address to lookup
* Response: A UUID of the kext
* Op result: OSReturn indicating any errors in processing (see OSKextLib.h)
* Retrieves the uuid of a loaded kext in whose address range the given
* lookup address falls into.
#define kKextRequestPredicateGetUUIDByAddress "Get Kext UUID by Address"
/* Predicate: Get All Load Requests
* Argument: None
* Response: A set of bundle identifiers of all requested kext loads..
* Op result: OSReturn indicating any errors in processing (see OSKextLib.h)
* Retrieves the bundle identifiers of all kexts that were requested to be
* loaded since power on.
#define kKextRequestPredicateGetAllLoadRequests "Get All Load Requests"
/* Predicate: Get Kexts in Collection
* Arguments: Name of the collection: All, Primary, System, Auxiliary
* Boolean - RequestLoadedOnly
* Response: An array of information about the kexts in the given collection
* (see OSKextLib.h).
* Op result: OSReturn indicating any errors in processing (see OSKextLib.h)
* Retrieves an array of dictionaries whose properties describe every kext
* present in the given kext collection type
* loaded at the time of the call.
#define kKextRequestPredicateGetKextsInCollection "Get Kexts in Collection"
/* Predicate: Get Dexts
* Arguments: (None)
* InfoKeysArguments: Group of dexts to retrive - kOSBundleDextActiveKey,
* kOSBundleDextLoadedKey, kOSBundleDextUnLoadedKey
* or kOSBundleDextPendingUpgradeKey.
* Response: A dictionary of dext groups with information about the dexts in
* that group.
* If no group is requested it defaults to kOSBundleDextActiveKey and
* kOSBundleDextPendingUpgradeKey.
* Op result: OSReturn indicating any errors in processing (see OSKextLib.h)
* Retrieves an array of dictionaries whose properties describe every dext
* present in the group requested.
#define kKextRequestPredicateGetDexts "Get Dexts"
* Privileged requests from user -> kernel
* These requests all do something with kexts in the kernel or to
* the OSKext system overall. The user-space caller of kext_request()
* must have access to a privileged host port or these requests result
* in an op_result of kOSKextReturnNotPrivileged.
/* Predicate: Get Kernel Requests
* Argument: (None)
* Response: An array of kernel requests (see below).
* Op result: OSReturn indicating any errors in processing (see OSKextLib.h)
* Retrieve the list of deferred load (and other) requests from OSKext.
* This predicate is reserved for kextd, and we may be enforcing access
* to the kextd process only.
#define kKextRequestPredicateGetKernelRequests "Get Kernel Requests"
/* Predicate: Load
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentLoadRequestsKey
* Response: None (yet, may become an array of log message strings)
* Op result: OSReturn indicating processing/load+start result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Load one or more kexts per the load requests in the arguments dict.
* See kKextRequestArgumentLoadRequestsKey for more info.
#define kKextRequestPredicateLoad "Load"
/* Predicate: LoadFromKC
* Argument: kKextRequestPredicateLoadFromKC
* Response: None (yet, may become an array of log message strings)
* Op result: OSReturn indicating processing/load+start result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Load one kexts which already exists in the kernel's address space as part
* of a kext collection. By default, the kext will start and have all of its
* personalities sent to the IOCatalogue for matching.
#define kKextRequestPredicateLoadFromKC "LoadFromKC"
/* Predicate: LoadCodelessKext
* Argument: kKextRequestPredicateLoadCodeless
* Response: None (yet, may become an array of log message strings)
* Op result: OSReturn indicating processing/load+start result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Load one codeless kext. The input to this request is a single kext
* Info.plist dictionary contained in the kKextRequestArgumentCodelessInfoKey
* key. The personalities will be sent to the IOCatalogue for matching.
* See kKextRequestArgumentCodelessInfoKey for more info.
#define kKextRequestPredicateLoadCodeless "LoadCodelessKext"
/* Predicate: Start
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey (CFBundleIdentifier)
* Response: None (yet, may become an array of log message strings)
* Op result: OSReturn indicating start result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Start a kext by bundle id. If it's already started, returns success.
* If a kext's dependencies need to be started, they are also started.
#define kKextRequestPredicateStart "Start"
/* Predicate: Stop
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey (CFBundleIdentifier)
* Response: None (yet, may become an array of log message strings)
* Op result: OSReturn indicating stop result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Stop a kext by bundle id if it can be stoppoed.
* If it's already stopped, returns success.
* Does not attempt to stop dependents; that will return an error.
#define kKextRequestPredicateStop "Stop"
/* Predicate: Unload
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey (CFBundleIdentifier)
* Response: None (yet, may become an array of log message strings)
* Op result: OSReturn indicating stop+unload result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Stop and unload a kext by bundle id if it can be.
* Does not attempt to stop dependents; that will return an error.
#define kKextRequestPredicateUnload "Unload"
/* Predicate: LoadFileSetKC
* Argument: kKextRequestArgument
* Response: None (yet, may become an array of log message strings)
* Op result: OSReturn indicating load result of kext collections
* Load Pageable and Aux kext collection.
#define kKextRequestPredicateLoadFileSetKC "loadfilesetkc"
/* Predicate: MissingAuxKCBundles
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentMissingBundleIDs
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating success or failure
* Set the list of bundle IDs which may exist in the AuxKC, but
* which are missing from disk. This list represents kexts whose
* code exists in the AuxKC, but should not be loadable.
#define kKextRequestPredicateMissingAuxKCBundles "MissingAuxKCBundles"
/* Predicate: AuxKCBundleAvailable
* Arguments: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey (CFBundleIdentifier)
* Boolean - kKextRequestArgumentBundleAvailability (optional)
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating success or failure
* Set the availability of an individual kext in the AuxKC.
#define kKextRequestPredicateAuxKCBundleAvailable "AuxKCBundleAvailable"
/* Predicate: DaemonReady
* Arguments: None
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating whether daemon has already checked in
* Check whether the daemon has previously checked into the kernel.
#define kKextRequestPredicateDaemonReady "DaemonReady"
#pragma mark Requests Predicates - Kernel to User Space (kextd)
/* Predicate: Send Resource
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentRequestTagKey
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentNameKey
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentValueKey
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentResult
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Retrieves a resource file from a kext bundle. The callback corresponding
* to the request will be invoked.
#define kKextRequestPredicateSendResource "Send Resource"
* Kernel Requests: from the kernel or loaded kexts up to kextd
* These requests come from within the kernel, and kextd retrieves
* them using kKextRequestPredicateGetKernelRequests.
/* Predicate: Kext Load Request
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey
* Response: Asynchronous via a kKextRequestPredicateLoad from kextd
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Requests that kextd load the kext with the given identifier.
* When kexts loads the kext, it informs the IOCatalogue of the load.
* If the kext cannot be loaded, kextd or OSKext removes its personalities
* from the kernel.
#define kKextRequestPredicateRequestLoad "Kext Load Request"
/* Predicate: Kext Load Notification
* Argument: kext identifier
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Informs kextd that the kernel has successfully loaded and started
* a kext.
#define kKextRequestPredicateLoadNotification "Kext Load Notification"
/* Predicate: Kext Unload Notification
* Argument: kext identifier
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Informs kextd that the kernel has successfully stopped and unloaded
* a kext.
#define kKextRequestPredicateUnloadNotification "Kext Unload Notification"
/* Predicate: Prelinked Kernel Request
* Argument: None
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Notifies kextd that the kernel we booted from was not prelinked, therefore
* that kextd should try to create a prelinked kernel now.
#define kKextRequestPredicateRequestPrelink "Kext Prelinked Kernel Request"
/* Predicate: Kext Resource Request
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentRequestTagKey
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentNameKey
* Response: Asynchronous via a kKextRequestPredicateSendResource from kextd
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Requests a resource file from a kext bundle by identifier + filename.
#define kKextRequestPredicateRequestResource "Kext Resource Request"
/* Predicate: IOKit Daemon Exit Request
* Argument: None
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Requests that the IOKit daemon (kernelmanagerd) exit for system shutdown.
#define kKextRequestPredicateRequestDaemonExit "IOKit Daemon Exit"
/* For source compatibility
#define kKextRequestPredicateRequestKextdExit kKextRequestPredicateRequestDaemonExit
/* Predicate: Dext Daemon Launch
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentDriverExtensionServerName
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentDriverExtensionServerTag
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentDriverExtensionReslideSharedCache
* Argument: (optional) kKextRequestArgumentDriverUniqueIdentifier
* Response: Asynchronous via a DriverKit daemon checking in
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Requests kextd to launch a driver extension userspace daemon.
#define kKextRequestPredicateRequestDaemonLaunch "Dext Daemon Launch"
/* Predicate: Dext Daemon Upgrade
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey
* Argument: kKextRequestArgumentDriverUniqueIdentifier
* Response: None
* Op result: OSReturn indicating result (see OSKextLib.h)
* Informs kextd of an upgrade of driver extension userspace daemon.
#define kKextRequestPredicateRequestDaemonUpgradeNotification "Dext Daemon Upgrade"
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Generic Request Arguments
/* Argument: Kext Load Requests
* Type: Array of dictionaries (see Load Request Arguments below)
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateLoad
* An array of dictionaries, each describing a single load operation to
* be performed with its options. A kext load request is effectively a
* nested series requests. Currently only one load request is embedded
* in a user-space Load request, so the result is unambiguous. We might
* change this, specifically for kernelmanagerd, to allow all pending kernel
* load requests to be rolled up into one blob. Might not be much win
* in that, however. The nested logic makes the code difficult to read.
#define kKextRequestArgumentLoadRequestsKey "Kext Load Requests"
/* Argument: CFBundleIdentifier
* Type: String
* Used by: several
* Any request that takes a bundle identifier uses this key.
#define kKextRequestArgumentBundleIdentifierKey "CFBundleIdentifier"
/* Argument: OSReturn
* Type: Dictionary
* Used by: OSKext::copyInfo()
* Used to specify a subset of all possible info to be returned.
#define kKextRequestArgumentInfoKeysKey "Kext Request Info Keys"
/* Argument: OSReturn
* Type: Number (OSReturn)
* Used by: several
* Contains the OSReturn/kern_return_t result of the request.
#define kKextRequestArgumentResultKey "Kext Request Result Code"
/* Argument: Address
* Type: Number (OSReturn)
* Used by: OSKextGetUUIDByAddress
* Contains the address that needs to be looked up
#define kKextRequestArgumentLookupAddressKey "Kext Request Lookup Address"
/* Argument: Value
* Type: Varies with the predicate
* Used by: several
* Used for all the Set-Enabled predicates, and also for Send Resource (OSData).
#define kKextRequestArgumentValueKey "Value"
/* Argument: Filename
* Type: String
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateSendResource
* Names the resource being sent to the kext
#define kKextRequestArgumentNameKey "Name"
/* Argument: Filename
* Type: Data
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateSendResource
* Contains the contents of the resource file being sent.
#define kKextRequestArgumentFileContentsKey "File Contents"
/* Argument: Delay Autounload
* Type: Boolean
* Default: false
* Normally all kexts loaded are subject to normal autounload behavior:
* when no OSMetaClass instances remain for a kext that defines an IOService
* subclass, or when a non-IOService kext turns on autounload and its reference
* count drops to zero (external) references.
* Setting this property to true in a load request makes the kext being loaded
* skip ONE autounload pass, giving about an extra minute of time before the
* kext is subject to autounload. This is how kextutil(8) to delays autounload
* so that there's more time to set up a debug session.
* Setting this property in any other request causes OSKext::considerUnloads()
* to be called before processing the request, ensuring a window where kexts
* will not be unloaded. The user-space kext library uses this so that it can
* avoid including kexts that are already loaded in a load request.
#define kKextRequestArgumentDelayAutounloadKey "Delay Autounload"
#pragma mark Load Request Arguments
* Kext Load Request Properties
* In addition to a bundle identifier, load requests can contain
* these optional keys.
* These properties are used primarily by kextutil(8) to alter default
* load behavior, but the OSKext user-level library makes them all
* available in OSKextLoadWithOptions().
/* Argument: StartExclude
* Type: Integer, corresponding to OSKextExcludeLevel
* Default: kOSKextExcludeNone if not specified
* Normally all kexts in the load list for a load request are started.
* This property is used primarily by kextutil(8) to delay start of
* either the primary kext, or the whole load list (any that weren't
* already loaded & started).
#define kKextRequestArgumentStartExcludeKey "Start Exclude Level"
/* Argument: Start Matching Exclude Level
* Type: Integer, corresponding to OSKextExcludeLevel
* Default: kOSKextExcludeAll if not specified
* Normally no personalities are sent to the IOCatalogue for a regular
* kext load; the assumption is that they are already there and triggered
* the load request in the first place.
* This property is used primarily by kextutil(8) to delay matching for
* either the primary kext, or the whole load list (any that didn't
* already have personalities in the IOCatalogue).
#define kKextRequestArgumentStartMatchingExcludeKey "Start Matching Exclude Level"
// see also Delay Autounload
/* Argument: Personality Names
* Type: Array of strings
* Default: All personalities are used
* Normally when personalities are sent to the IOCatalogue, they are all sent.
* This property restricts the personalities sent, for the primary kext
* being loaded, to those named. Personalities for dependencies are all sent,
* and there is currently no mechanism to filter them.
* This property is used primarily by kextutil(8) to help debug matching
* problems.
#define kKextRequestArgumentPersonalityNamesKey "Personality Names"
/* Argument: Codeless Kext Info
* Type: Dictionary (Info.plist of codeless kext)
* Default: <none> (required)
* When loading a codeless kext, this request argument's value should be set
* to the entire contents of the Info.plist of the codeless kext.
* NOTE: One additional key should be injected into the codeless kext's
* plist: kKextRequestArgumentCodelessInfoBundlePathKey
#define kKextRequestArgumentCodelessInfoKey "Codeless Kext Info"
/* Argument: _CodelessKextBundlePath
* Type: String <path>
* Default: <none> (required)
* This argument is a plist key that must be injected into the dictionary sent
* as the kKextRequestArgumentCodelessInfoKey value. It specifies the
* filesystem path to the codeless kext bundle, and will be used in kext
* diagnostic information.
#define kKextRequestArgumentCodelessInfoBundlePathKey "_CodelessKextBundlePath"
#pragma mark Unload Request Arguments
/* Argument: Terminate
* Type: Boolean
* Default: false
* An unload request may optionally specify via this key that all IOService
* objects are to be terminated before attempting to unload. Kexts with
* dependents will not attempt to terminate and will return kOSKextReturnInUse.
#define kKextRequestArgumentTerminateIOServicesKey "Terminate IOServices"
#pragma mark Daemon Launch Request Arguments
/* Argument: Server tag
* Type: Integer
* Default: N/A
* A DriverKit daemon launch request must include a "server tag" that
* is unique to every launch request. Userspace daemons include this
* tag in their messages when attempting to rendez-vous with IOKit.
#define kKextRequestArgumentDriverExtensionServerTag "Driver Extension Server Tag"
/* Argument: Server name
* Type: String
* Default: N/A
* A DriverKit daemon launch request must include a "server name" that
* can be used to identify what personality the driver is matching on.
* This name is also used for the launchd service name of the daemon.
#define kKextRequestArgumentDriverExtensionServerName "Driver Extension Server Name"
/* Argument: DriverKit Reslide Shared Cache
* Type: Boolean
* Default: N/A
* Set this option to reslide the DriverKit shared cache. This helps prevent ASLR circumvention
* with brute-forcing attacks.
#define kKextRequestArgumentDriverExtensionReslideSharedCache "DriverKit Reslide Shared Cache"
/* Argument: DriverKit dext unique identifier
* Type: Data
* Default: N/A
* A DriverKit daemon launch request can include the dext unique identifier
* This name is also used for the upgrade notifation.
#define kKextRequestArgumentDriverUniqueIdentifier kOSBundleDextUniqueIdentifierKey
#pragma mark Missing AuxKC Bundles Arguments
/* Argument: Missing Bundle IDs
* Type: Array
* Default: N/A
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateMissingAuxKCBundles
* This array of bundle IDs represents the list of kexts which have been
* removed from disk, but still exist in the AuxKC.
#define kKextRequestArgumentMissingBundleIDs "Missing Bundle IDs"
/* Argument: Bundle Availability
* Type: Boolean
* Default: true
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateAuxKCBundleAvailable
* If present, this argument can indicate that the specified bundle ID
* is no longer available for loading from the AuxKC
#define kKextRequestArgumentBundleAvailability "Bundle Availability"
#pragma mark Internal Tracking Properties
* Internal Tracking Properties
/* Argument: Request Tag
* Type: Number (uint32_t)
* Used by: internal tracking for requests with callbacks
* Most requests to get resources (files) use this.
#define kKextRequestArgumentRequestTagKey "Request Tag"
/* Argument: Request Callback
* Type: Data (pointer)
* Used by: internal tracking
* Most requests to get resources (files) use this.
#define kKextRequestArgumentCallbackKey "Request Callback"
/* Argument: Request context.
* Type: OSData (wraps a void *)
* Used by: several
#define kKextRequestArgumentContextKey "Context"
/* Argument: Request Stale
* Type: Boolean
* Used by: internal tracking
* _OSKextConsiderUnloads sets this on any callback record lacking
* it, and deletes any callback record that has it.
#define kKextRequestStaleKey "Request Stale"
/* Argument: Check In Token
* Type: Mach Send Right
* Used by: DriverKit daemon launch
#define kKextRequestArgumentCheckInToken "Check In Token"
#pragma mark fileset load request arguments
/* Argument: PageableKCName
* Type: String (path)
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateLoadFileSetKC
* Name of the Pageable fileset kext collection
#define kKextRequestArgumentPageableKCFilename "PageableKCName"
/* Argument: AuxKCName
* Type: String (path)
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateLoadFileSetKC
* Name of the Aux fileset kext collection
#define kKextRequestArgumentAuxKCFilename "AuxKCName"
/* Argument: Codeless Personalities
* Type: Array of Dictionaries
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateLoadFileSetKC
* Any array of DriverKit driver (and codeless kext) personalities
#define kKextRequestArgumentCodelessPersonalities "Codeless Personalities"
#pragma mark kext collection request arguments
/* Argument: Collection
* Type: String
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateGetKextsInCollection
* Contains a string describing the type of kext collection
#define kKextRequestArgumentCollectionTypeKey "Collection Type"
/* Argument: LoadedState
* Type: String
* Values: Any, Loaded, Unloaded
* Default: Any
* Used by: kKextRequestPredicateGetKextsInCollection
* If present, this argument limits the GetKextsInCollection output to:
* Loaded -- only kexts which have been loaded
* Unloaded -- only kexts which have been unloaded
* Any -- return all kexts in a collection
#define kKextRequestArgumentLoadedStateKey "Loaded State"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */