* Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
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#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
* These are the support HW selectors for sysctlbyname. Parameters that are byte counts or frequencies are 64 bit numbers.
* All other parameters are 32 bit numbers.
* hw.memsize - The number of bytes of physical memory in the system.
* hw.ncpu - The maximum number of processors that could be available this boot.
* Use this value for sizing of static per processor arrays; i.e. processor load statistics.
* hw.activecpu - The number of processors currently available for executing threads.
* Use this number to determine the number threads to create in SMP aware applications.
* This number can change when power management modes are changed.
* hw.physicalcpu - The number of physical processors available in the current power management mode.
* hw.physicalcpu_max - The maximum number of physical processors that could be available this boot
* hw.logicalcpu - The number of logical processors available in the current power management mode.
* hw.logicalcpu_max - The maximum number of logical processors that could be available this boot
* hw.tbfrequency - This gives the time base frequency used by the OS and is the basis of all timing services.
* In general is is better to use mach's or higher level timing services, but this value
* is needed to convert the PPC Time Base registers to real time.
* hw.cpufrequency, hw.busfrequency and their min/max versions are deprecated because frequency isn't consistent.
* hw.cpufrequency - (deprecated) These values provide the current, min and max cpu frequency. The min and max are for
* hw.cpufrequency_max - (deprecated) all power management modes. The current frequency is the max frequency in the current mode.
* hw.cpufrequency_min - (deprecated) All frequencies are in Hz.
* hw.busfrequency - (deprecated) These values provide the current, min and max bus frequency. The min and max are for
* hw.busfrequency_max - (deprecated) all power management modes. The current frequency is the max frequency in the current mode.
* hw.busfrequency_min - (deprecated) All frequencies are in Hz.
* hw.cputype - These values provide the mach-o cpu type and subtype. A complete list is in <mach/machine.h>
* hw.cpusubtype - These values should be used to determine what processor family the running cpu is from so that
* the best binary can be chosen, or the best dynamic code generated. They should not be used
* to determine if a given processor feature is available.
* hw.cputhreadtype - This value will be present if the processor supports threads. Like hw.cpusubtype this selector
* should not be used to infer features, and only used to name the processors thread architecture.
* The values are defined in <mach/machine.h>
* hw.byteorder - Gives the byte order of the processor. 4321 for big endian, 1234 for little.
* hw.pagesize - Gives the size in bytes of the pages used by the processor and VM system.
* hw.cachelinesize - Gives the size in bytes of the processor's cache lines.
* This value should be use to control the strides of loops that use cache control instructions
* like dcbz, dcbt or dcbst.
* hw.l1dcachesize - These values provide the size in bytes of the L1, L2 and L3 caches. If a cache is not present
* hw.l1icachesize - then the selector will return and error.
* hw.l2cachesize -
* hw.l3cachesize -
* These are the selectors for optional processor features. Selectors that return errors are not support on the system.
* Supported features will return 1 if they are recommended or 0 if they are supported but are not expected to help performance.
* Future versions of these selectors may return larger values as necessary so it is best to test for non zero.
* hw.optional.floatingpoint - Floating Point Instructions
* hw.optional.altivec - AltiVec Instructions
* hw.optional.graphicsops - Graphics Operations
* hw.optional.64bitops - 64-bit Instructions
* hw.optional.fsqrt - HW Floating Point Square Root Instruction
* hw.optional.stfiwx - Store Floating Point as Integer Word Indexed Instructions
* hw.optional.dcba - Data Cache Block Allocate Instruction
* hw.optional.datastreams - Data Streams Instructions
* hw.optional.dcbtstreams - Data Cache Block Touch Steams Instruction Form
* Sysctl handling
int kernel_sysctlbyname(const char *, void *, size_t *, void *, size_t);
int sysctlbyname(const char *, void *, size_t *, void *, size_t);
#endif /* LIBKERN_SYSCTL_H */