This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/vm_types.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>

#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>

#include <stdarg.h>

#include <kern/sched_hygiene.h>
#include <kern/startup.h>

#ifdef __arm64__
typedef bool (*expected_fault_handler_t)(arm_saved_state_t *);
#endif /* __arm64__ */

/* Interrupt handling */

void ml_cpu_signal(unsigned int cpu_id);
void ml_cpu_signal_deferred_adjust_timer(uint64_t nanosecs);
uint64_t ml_cpu_signal_deferred_get_timer(void);
void ml_cpu_signal_deferred(unsigned int cpu_id);
void ml_cpu_signal_retract(unsigned int cpu_id);

extern void ml_wait_for_cpu_signal_to_enable(void);
extern void assert_ml_cpu_signal_is_enabled(bool enabled);

/* Initialize Interrupts */
void    ml_init_interrupt(void);

/* Get Interrupts Enabled */
boolean_t ml_get_interrupts_enabled(void);

/* Set Interrupts Enabled */
#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
uint64_t ml_pac_safe_interrupts_disable(void);
void ml_pac_safe_interrupts_restore(uint64_t);
#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) */
boolean_t ml_set_interrupts_enabled_with_debug(boolean_t enable, boolean_t debug);
boolean_t ml_set_interrupts_enabled(boolean_t enable);
boolean_t ml_early_set_interrupts_enabled(boolean_t enable);

 * Functions for disabling measurements for AppleCLPC only.
boolean_t sched_perfcontrol_ml_set_interrupts_without_measurement(boolean_t enable);
void sched_perfcontrol_abandon_preemption_disable_measurement(void);

/* Check if running at interrupt context */
boolean_t ml_at_interrupt_context(void);

/* Generate a fake interrupt */
void ml_cause_interrupt(void);


/* did this interrupt context interrupt userspace? */
bool ml_did_interrupt_userspace(void);

/* Clear interrupt spin debug state for thread */

void mt_cur_cpu_cycles_instrs_speculative(uint64_t *cycles, uint64_t *instrs);

#define INTERRUPT_MASKED_DEBUG_CAPTURE_PMC(thread)                                          \
	    if (sched_hygiene_debug_pmc) {                                                      \
	        mt_cur_cpu_cycles_instrs_speculative(&thread->machine.intmask_cycles,           \
	                &thread->machine.intmask_instr);                                        \

#define INTERRUPT_MASKED_DEBUG_START(handler_addr, type)                                    \
do {                                                                                        \
	if ((interrupt_masked_debug_mode || sched_preemption_disable_debug_mode) && os_atomic_load(&interrupt_masked_timeout, relaxed) > 0) { \
	    thread_t thread = current_thread();                                                 \
	    thread->machine.int_type = type;                                                    \
	    thread->machine.int_handler_addr = (uintptr_t)VM_KERNEL_STRIP_UPTR(handler_addr);   \
	    thread->machine.inthandler_timestamp = ml_get_sched_hygiene_timebase();             \
	    INTERRUPT_MASKED_DEBUG_CAPTURE_PMC(thread);                                         \
	    thread->machine.int_vector = (uintptr_t)NULL;                                       \
    }                                                                                       \
} while (0)

#define INTERRUPT_MASKED_DEBUG_END()                                                                                   \
do {                                                                                                               \
	if ((interrupt_masked_debug_mode || sched_preemption_disable_debug_mode) && os_atomic_load(&interrupt_masked_timeout, relaxed) > 0) { \
	    thread_t thread = current_thread();                                                                        \
	    ml_handle_interrupt_handler_duration(thread);                                                               \
	    thread->machine.inthandler_timestamp = 0;                                                                  \
	    thread->machine.inthandler_abandon = false;                                                                    \
	}                                                                                                              \
} while (0)

void ml_irq_debug_start(uintptr_t handler, uintptr_t vector);
void ml_irq_debug_end(void);
void ml_irq_debug_abandon(void);

void ml_spin_debug_reset(thread_t thread);
void ml_spin_debug_clear(thread_t thread);
void ml_spin_debug_clear_self(void);
void ml_handle_interrupts_disabled_duration(thread_t thread);
void ml_handle_stackshot_interrupt_disabled_duration(thread_t thread);
void ml_handle_interrupt_handler_duration(thread_t thread);


#define INTERRUPT_MASKED_DEBUG_START(handler_addr, type)


extern bool ml_snoop_thread_is_on_core(thread_t thread);
extern boolean_t ml_is_quiescing(void);
extern void ml_set_is_quiescing(boolean_t);
extern uint64_t ml_get_booter_memory_size(void);

/* Type for the Time Base Enable function */
typedef void (*time_base_enable_t)(cpu_id_t cpu_id, boolean_t enable);
/* Type for the Processor Cache Dispatch function */
typedef void (*cache_dispatch_t)(cpu_id_t cpu_id, unsigned int select, unsigned int param0, unsigned int param1);

typedef uint32_t (*get_decrementer_t)(void);
typedef void (*set_decrementer_t)(uint32_t);
typedef void (*fiq_handler_t)(void);


#define CacheConfig                     0x00000000UL
#define CacheControl                    0x00000001UL
#define CacheClean                      0x00000002UL
#define CacheCleanRegion                0x00000003UL
#define CacheCleanFlush                 0x00000004UL
#define CacheCleanFlushRegion           0x00000005UL
#define CacheShutdown                   0x00000006UL

#define CacheControlEnable              0x00000000UL

#define CacheConfigCCSIDR               0x00000001UL
#define CacheConfigSize                 0x00000100UL

/* Type for the Processor Idle function */
typedef void (*processor_idle_t)(cpu_id_t cpu_id, boolean_t enter, uint64_t *new_timeout_ticks);

/* Type for the Idle Tickle function */
typedef void (*idle_tickle_t)(void);

/* Type for the Idle Timer function */
typedef void (*idle_timer_t)(void *refcon, uint64_t *new_timeout_ticks);

/* Type for the IPI Hander */
typedef void (*ipi_handler_t)(void);

/* Type for the Lockdown Hander */
typedef void (*lockdown_handler_t)(void *);

/* Type for the Platform specific Error Handler */
typedef void (*platform_error_handler_t)(void *refcon, vm_offset_t fault_addr);

 * The exception callback (ex_cb) module is obsolete.  Some definitions related
 * to ex_cb were exported through the SDK, and are only left here for historical
 * reasons.

/* Unused.  Left for historical reasons. */
typedef enum{

/* Unused.  Left for historical reasons. */
typedef enum{

/* Unused.  Left for historical reasons. */
typedef struct{
	vm_offset_t far;

/* Unused.  Left for historical reasons. */
typedef ex_cb_action_t (*ex_cb_t) (
	ex_cb_class_t           cb_class,
	void                            *refcon,
	const ex_cb_state_t     *state

 * This function is unimplemented.  Its definition is left for historical
 * reasons.
kern_return_t ex_cb_register(
	ex_cb_class_t   cb_class,
	ex_cb_t                 cb,
	void                    *refcon );

 * This function is unimplemented.  Its definition is left for historical
 * reasons.
ex_cb_action_t ex_cb_invoke(
	ex_cb_class_t   cb_class,
	vm_offset_t         far);

typedef enum {
} cluster_type_t;

void ml_parse_cpu_topology(void);

unsigned int ml_get_cpu_count(void);

unsigned int ml_get_cpu_number_type(cluster_type_t cluster_type, bool logical, bool available);

unsigned int ml_get_cluster_number_type(cluster_type_t cluster_type);

unsigned int ml_cpu_cache_sharing(unsigned int level, cluster_type_t cluster_type, bool include_all_cpu_types);

unsigned int ml_get_cpu_types(void);

int ml_get_boot_cpu_number(void);

int ml_get_cpu_number(uint32_t phys_id);

unsigned int ml_get_cpu_number_local(void);

int ml_get_cluster_number(uint32_t phys_id);

int ml_get_max_cpu_number(void);

int ml_get_max_cluster_number(void);

 * Return the id of a cluster's first cpu.
unsigned int ml_get_first_cpu_id(unsigned int cluster_id);

 * Return the die id of a cluster.
unsigned int ml_get_die_id(unsigned int cluster_id);

 * Return the index of a cluster in its die.
unsigned int ml_get_die_cluster_id(unsigned int cluster_id);

 * Return the highest die id of the system.
unsigned int ml_get_max_die_id(void);

#ifdef __arm64__
int ml_get_cluster_number_local(void);
#endif /* __arm64__ */

/* Struct for ml_cpu_get_info */
struct ml_cpu_info {
	unsigned long           vector_unit;
	unsigned long           cache_line_size;
	unsigned long           l1_icache_size;
	unsigned long           l1_dcache_size;
	unsigned long           l2_settings;
	unsigned long           l2_cache_size;
	unsigned long           l3_settings;
	unsigned long           l3_cache_size;
typedef struct ml_cpu_info ml_cpu_info_t;

cluster_type_t ml_get_boot_cluster_type(void);

#include "cpu_topology.h"
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */

 * @function ml_map_cpu_pio
 * @brief Maps per-CPU and per-cluster PIO registers found in EDT.  This needs to be
 *        called after arm_vm_init() so it can't be part of ml_parse_cpu_topology().
void ml_map_cpu_pio(void);

/* Struct for ml_processor_register */
struct ml_processor_info {
	cpu_id_t                        cpu_id;
	vm_offset_t                     start_paddr;
	boolean_t                       supports_nap;
	void                            *platform_cache_dispatch;
	time_base_enable_t              time_base_enable;
	processor_idle_t                processor_idle;
	idle_tickle_t                   *idle_tickle;
	idle_timer_t                    idle_timer;
	void                            *idle_timer_refcon;
	vm_offset_t                     powergate_stub_addr;
	uint32_t                        powergate_stub_length;
	uint32_t                        powergate_latency;
	platform_error_handler_t        platform_error_handler;
	uint64_t                        regmap_paddr;
	uint32_t                        phys_id;
	uint32_t                        log_id;
	uint32_t                        l2_access_penalty;
	uint32_t                        cluster_id;
	cluster_type_t                  cluster_type;
	uint32_t                        l2_cache_id;
	uint32_t                        l2_cache_size;
	uint32_t                        l3_cache_id;
	uint32_t                        l3_cache_size;
typedef struct ml_processor_info ml_processor_info_t;

/* Struct for ml_init_timebase */
struct  tbd_ops {
	fiq_handler_t     tbd_fiq_handler;
	get_decrementer_t tbd_get_decrementer;
	set_decrementer_t tbd_set_decrementer;
typedef struct tbd_ops        *tbd_ops_t;
typedef struct tbd_ops        tbd_ops_data_t;

 * @function ml_processor_register
 * @abstract callback from platform kext to register processor
 * @discussion This function is called by the platform kext when a processor is
 * being registered.  This is called while running on the CPU itself, as part of
 * its initialization.
 * @param ml_processor_info provides machine-specific information about the
 * processor to xnu.
 * @param processor is set as an out-parameter to an opaque handle that should
 * be used by the platform kext when referring to this processor in the future.
 * @param ipi_handler is set as an out-parameter to the function that should be
 * registered as the IPI handler.
 * @param pmi_handler is set as an out-parameter to the function that should be
 * registered as the PMI handler.
 * @returns KERN_SUCCESS on success and an error code, otherwise.
kern_return_t ml_processor_register(ml_processor_info_t *ml_processor_info,
    processor_t *processor, ipi_handler_t *ipi_handler,
    perfmon_interrupt_handler_func *pmi_handler);

/* Register a lockdown handler */
kern_return_t ml_lockdown_handler_register(lockdown_handler_t, void *);

/* Register a M$ flushing  */
typedef kern_return_t (*mcache_flush_function)(void *service);
kern_return_t ml_mcache_flush_callback_register(mcache_flush_function func, void *service);
kern_return_t ml_mcache_flush(void);

void ml_lockdown_init(void);

/* Machine layer routine for intercepting panics */
__printflike(1, 0)
void ml_panic_trap_to_debugger(const char *panic_format_str,
    va_list *panic_args,
    unsigned int reason,
    void *ctx,
    uint64_t panic_options_mask,
    unsigned long panic_caller,
    const char *panic_initiator);

/* Initialize Interrupts */
void ml_install_interrupt_handler(
	void *nub,
	int source,
	void *target,
	IOInterruptHandler handler,
	void *refCon);


	uint64_t base, uint64_t size, vm_prot_t prot);


/* Offset required to obtain absolute time value from tick counter */
uint64_t ml_get_abstime_offset(void);

/* Offset required to obtain continuous time value from tick counter */
uint64_t ml_get_conttime_offset(void);

/* PCI config cycle probing */
boolean_t ml_probe_read(
	vm_offset_t paddr,
	unsigned int *val);
boolean_t ml_probe_read_64(
	addr64_t paddr,
	unsigned int *val);

/* Read physical address byte */
unsigned int ml_phys_read_byte(
	vm_offset_t paddr);
unsigned int ml_phys_read_byte_64(
	addr64_t paddr);

/* Read physical address half word */
unsigned int ml_phys_read_half(
	vm_offset_t paddr);
unsigned int ml_phys_read_half_64(
	addr64_t paddr);

/* Read physical address word*/
unsigned int ml_phys_read(
	vm_offset_t paddr);
unsigned int ml_phys_read_64(
	addr64_t paddr);
unsigned int ml_phys_read_word(
	vm_offset_t paddr);
unsigned int ml_phys_read_word_64(
	addr64_t paddr);

/* Read physical address double word */
unsigned long long ml_phys_read_double(
	vm_offset_t paddr);
unsigned long long ml_phys_read_double_64(
	addr64_t paddr);

/* Write physical address byte */
void ml_phys_write_byte(
	vm_offset_t paddr, unsigned int data);
void ml_phys_write_byte_64(
	addr64_t paddr, unsigned int data);

/* Write physical address half word */
void ml_phys_write_half(
	vm_offset_t paddr, unsigned int data);
void ml_phys_write_half_64(
	addr64_t paddr, unsigned int data);

/* Write physical address word */
void ml_phys_write(
	vm_offset_t paddr, unsigned int data);
void ml_phys_write_64(
	addr64_t paddr, unsigned int data);
void ml_phys_write_word(
	vm_offset_t paddr, unsigned int data);
void ml_phys_write_word_64(
	addr64_t paddr, unsigned int data);

/* Write physical address double word */
void ml_phys_write_double(
	vm_offset_t paddr, unsigned long long data);
void ml_phys_write_double_64(
	addr64_t paddr, unsigned long long data);

#if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY
 * Not all dependent projects consuming `machine_routines.h` are built using
 * toolchains that support 128-bit integers.
#endif /* defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY */

 * Not all dependent projects have their own typedef of `uint128_t` at the
 * time they consume `machine_routines.h`.
typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;

/* Read physical address quad word */
uint128_t ml_phys_read_quad(
	vm_offset_t paddr);
uint128_t ml_phys_read_quad_64(
	addr64_t paddr);

/* Write physical address quad word */
void ml_phys_write_quad(
	vm_offset_t paddr, uint128_t data);
void ml_phys_write_quad_64(
	addr64_t paddr, uint128_t data);

void ml_static_mfree(

	vm_offset_t start,
	vm_size_t size,
	vm_prot_t new_prot);

/* virtual to physical on wired pages */
vm_offset_t ml_vtophys(
	vm_offset_t vaddr);

/* Get processor cache info */
void ml_cpu_get_info(ml_cpu_info_t *ml_cpu_info);
void ml_cpu_get_info_type(ml_cpu_info_t * ml_cpu_info, cluster_type_t cluster_type);

#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */

typedef int ml_page_protection_t;

/* Return the type of page protection supported */
ml_page_protection_t ml_page_protection_type(void);

vm_size_t ml_nofault_copy(
	vm_offset_t virtsrc,
	vm_offset_t virtdst,
	vm_size_t size);
boolean_t ml_validate_nofault(
	vm_offset_t virtsrc, vm_size_t size);
/* IO memory map services */

extern vm_offset_t io_map(
	vm_map_offset_t         phys_addr,
	vm_size_t               size,
	unsigned int            flags,
	vm_prot_t               prot,
	bool                    unmappable);

/* Map memory map IO space */
vm_offset_t ml_io_map(
	vm_offset_t phys_addr,
	vm_size_t size);

vm_offset_t ml_io_map_wcomb(
	vm_offset_t phys_addr,
	vm_size_t size);

vm_offset_t ml_io_map_unmappable(
	vm_offset_t phys_addr,
	vm_size_t size,
	uint32_t flags);

vm_offset_t ml_io_map_with_prot(
	vm_offset_t phys_addr,
	vm_size_t size,
	vm_prot_t prot);

void ml_io_unmap(
	vm_offset_t addr,
	vm_size_t sz);

void ml_get_bouncepool_info(
	vm_offset_t *phys_addr,
	vm_size_t   *size);

vm_map_address_t ml_map_high_window(
	vm_offset_t     phys_addr,
	vm_size_t       len);

void ml_init_timebase(
	void            *args,
	tbd_ops_t       tbd_funcs,
	vm_offset_t     int_address,
	vm_offset_t     int_value);

uint64_t ml_get_timebase(void);

void ml_memory_to_timebase_fence(void);
void ml_timebase_to_memory_fence(void);

uint64_t ml_get_speculative_timebase(void);

uint64_t ml_get_timebase_entropy(void);

boolean_t ml_delay_should_spin(uint64_t interval);

void ml_delay_on_yield(void);

uint32_t ml_get_decrementer(void);

#include <machine/config.h>

uint64_t ml_get_hwclock(void);

#ifdef __arm64__
boolean_t ml_get_timer_pending(void);

void platform_syscall(
	struct arm_saved_state *);

void ml_set_decrementer(
	uint32_t dec_value);

boolean_t is_user_contex(

void ml_init_arm_debug_interface(void *args, vm_offset_t virt_address);

/* These calls are only valid if __ARM_USER_PROTECT__ is defined */
uintptr_t arm_user_protect_begin(
	thread_t thread);

void arm_user_protect_end(
	thread_t thread,
	uintptr_t up,
	boolean_t disable_interrupts);


/* Zero bytes starting at a physical address */
void bzero_phys(
	addr64_t phys_address,
	vm_size_t length);

void bzero_phys_nc(addr64_t src64, vm_size_t bytes);

#ifdef __arm64__
/* Pattern-fill buffer with zeros or a 32-bit pattern;
 * target must be 128-byte aligned and sized a multiple of 128
 * Both variants emit stores with non-temporal properties.
void fill32_dczva(addr64_t, vm_size_t);
void fill32_nt(addr64_t, vm_size_t, uint32_t);
bool cpu_interrupt_is_pending(void);

#endif // __arm64__

void ml_thread_policy(
	thread_t thread,
	unsigned policy_id,
	unsigned policy_info);

#define MACHINE_GROUP                                   0x00000001
#define MACHINE_NETWORK_GROUP                   0x10000000
#define MACHINE_NETWORK_WORKLOOP                0x00000001
#define MACHINE_NETWORK_NETISR                  0x00000002

/* Set the maximum number of CPUs */
void ml_set_max_cpus(
	unsigned int max_cpus);

/* Return the maximum number of CPUs set by ml_set_max_cpus(), waiting if necessary */
unsigned int ml_wait_max_cpus(

/* Return the maximum memory size */
unsigned int ml_get_machine_mem(void);

/* Return max offset */
vm_map_offset_t ml_get_max_offset(
	boolean_t       is64,
	unsigned int option);
#define MACHINE_MAX_OFFSET_MIN          0x02
#define MACHINE_MAX_OFFSET_MAX          0x04
#define MACHINE_MAX_OFFSET_DEVICE       0x08

extern void     ml_cpu_init_completed(void);
extern void     ml_cpu_up(void);
extern void     ml_cpu_down(void);
extern int      ml_find_next_up_processor(void);

 * The update to CPU counts needs to be separate from other actions
 * in ml_cpu_up() and ml_cpu_down()
 * because we don't update the counts when CLPC causes temporary
 * cluster powerdown events, as these must be transparent to the user.
extern void     ml_cpu_up_update_counts(int cpu_id);
extern void     ml_cpu_down_update_counts(int cpu_id);
extern void     ml_arm_sleep(void);

extern uint64_t ml_get_wake_timebase(void);
extern uint64_t ml_get_conttime_wake_time(void);

/* Time since the system was reset (as part of boot/wake) */
uint64_t ml_get_time_since_reset(void);

 * Called by ApplePMGR to set wake time.  Units and epoch are identical
 * to mach_continuous_time().  Has no effect on !HAS_CONTINUOUS_HWCLOCK
 * chips.  If wake_time == UINT64_MAX, that means the wake time is
 * unknown and calls to ml_get_time_since_reset() will return UINT64_MAX.
void ml_set_reset_time(uint64_t wake_time);

/* Just a stub on ARM */
extern kern_return_t ml_interrupt_prewarm(uint64_t deadline);
#define TCOAL_DEBUG(x, a, b, c, d, e) do { } while(0)

/* Bytes available on current stack */
vm_offset_t ml_stack_remaining(void);

uint32_t        get_fpscr(void);
void            set_fpscr(uint32_t);
void            machine_conf(void);
void            machine_lockdown(void);

#ifdef __arm64__
unsigned long update_mdscr(unsigned long clear, unsigned long set);
#endif /* __arm64__ */

extern  void            arm_debug_set_cp14(arm_debug_state_t *debug_state);
extern  void            fiq_context_init(boolean_t enable_fiq);

extern  void            reenable_async_aborts(void);

#ifdef __arm64__
uint64_t ml_cluster_wfe_timeout(uint32_t wfe_cluster_id);

#ifdef MONITOR
#define MONITOR_SET_ENTRY       0x800   /* Set kernel entry point from monitor */
#define MONITOR_LOCKDOWN        0x801   /* Enforce kernel text/rodata integrity */
unsigned long           monitor_call(uintptr_t callnum, uintptr_t arg1,
    uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3);
#endif /* MONITOR */

extern void set_vbar_el1(uint64_t);
#endif /* __ARM_KERNEL_PROTECT__ */


extern  uint32_t        arm_debug_read_dscr(void);

extern int      set_be_bit(void);
extern int      clr_be_bit(void);
extern int      be_tracing(void);

/* Please note that cpu_broadcast_xcall is not as simple is you would like it to be.
 * It will sometimes put the calling thread to sleep, and it is up to your callback
 * to wake it up as needed, where "as needed" is defined as "all other CPUs have
 * called the broadcast func". Look around the kernel for examples, or instead use
 * cpu_broadcast_xcall_simple() which does indeed act like you would expect, given
 * the prototype.
typedef void (*broadcastFunc) (void *);
unsigned int cpu_broadcast_xcall(uint32_t *, boolean_t, broadcastFunc, void *);
unsigned int cpu_broadcast_xcall_simple(boolean_t, broadcastFunc, void *);
__result_use_check kern_return_t cpu_xcall(int, broadcastFunc, void *);
__result_use_check kern_return_t cpu_immediate_xcall(int, broadcastFunc, void *);


/* Interface to be used by the perf. controller to register a callback, in a
 * single-threaded fashion. The callback will receive notifications of
 * processor performance quality-of-service changes from the scheduler.

#ifdef __arm64__
typedef void (*cpu_qos_update_t)(int throughput_qos, uint64_t qos_param1, uint64_t qos_param2);
void cpu_qos_update_register(cpu_qos_update_t);
#endif /* __arm64__ */

struct going_on_core {
	uint64_t        thread_id;
	uint16_t        qos_class;
	uint16_t        urgency;        /* XCPM compatibility */
	uint32_t        is_32_bit : 1; /* uses 32-bit ISA/register state in userspace (which may differ from address space size) */
	uint32_t        is_kernel_thread : 1;
	uint64_t        thread_group_id;
	void            *thread_group_data;
	uint64_t        scheduling_latency;     /* absolute time between when thread was made runnable and this ctx switch */
	uint64_t        start_time;
	uint64_t        scheduling_latency_at_same_basepri;
	uint32_t        energy_estimate_nj;     /* return: In nanojoules */
	/* smaller of the time between last change to base priority and ctx switch and scheduling_latency */
typedef struct going_on_core *going_on_core_t;

struct going_off_core {
	uint64_t        thread_id;
	uint32_t        energy_estimate_nj;     /* return: In nanojoules */
	uint32_t        reserved;
	uint64_t        end_time;
	uint64_t        thread_group_id;
	void            *thread_group_data;
typedef struct going_off_core *going_off_core_t;

struct thread_group_data {
	uint64_t        thread_group_id;
	void            *thread_group_data;
	uint32_t        thread_group_size;
	uint32_t        thread_group_flags;
typedef struct thread_group_data *thread_group_data_t;

struct perfcontrol_max_runnable_latency {
	uint64_t        max_scheduling_latencies[4 /* THREAD_URGENCY_MAX */];
typedef struct perfcontrol_max_runnable_latency *perfcontrol_max_runnable_latency_t;

struct perfcontrol_work_interval {
	uint64_t        thread_id;
	uint16_t        qos_class;
	uint16_t        urgency;
	uint32_t        flags; // notify
	uint64_t        work_interval_id;
	uint64_t        start;
	uint64_t        finish;
	uint64_t        deadline;
	uint64_t        next_start;
	uint64_t        thread_group_id;
	void            *thread_group_data;
	uint32_t        create_flags;
typedef struct perfcontrol_work_interval *perfcontrol_work_interval_t;

typedef enum {
} work_interval_ctl_t;

struct perfcontrol_work_interval_instance {
	work_interval_ctl_t     ctl;
	uint32_t                create_flags;
	uint64_t                complexity;
	uint64_t                thread_id;
	uint64_t                work_interval_id;
	uint64_t                instance_id; /* out: start, in: update/finish */
	uint64_t                start;
	uint64_t                finish;
	uint64_t                deadline;
	uint64_t                thread_group_id;
	void                    *thread_group_data;
typedef struct perfcontrol_work_interval_instance *perfcontrol_work_interval_instance_t;

 * Structure to export per-CPU counters as part of the CLPC callout.
 * Contains only the fixed CPU counters (instructions and cycles); CLPC
 * would call back into XNU to get the configurable counters if needed.
struct perfcontrol_cpu_counters {
	uint64_t        instructions;
	uint64_t        cycles;

__options_decl(perfcontrol_thread_flags_mask_t, uint64_t, {

 * Structure used to pass information about a thread to CLPC
struct perfcontrol_thread_data {
	 * Energy estimate (return value)
	 * The field is populated by CLPC and used to update the
	 * energy estimate of the thread
	uint32_t            energy_estimate_nj;
	/* Perfcontrol class for thread */
	perfcontrol_class_t perfctl_class;
	/* Thread ID for the thread */
	uint64_t            thread_id;
	/* Thread Group ID */
	uint64_t            thread_group_id;
	 * Scheduling latency for threads at the same base priority.
	 * Calculated by the scheduler and passed into CLPC. The field is
	 * populated only in the thread_data structure for the thread
	 * going on-core.
	uint64_t            scheduling_latency_at_same_basepri;
	/* Thread Group data pointer */
	void                *thread_group_data;
	/* perfctl state pointer */
	void                *perfctl_state;
	/* Bitmask to indicate which thread flags have been updated as part of the callout */
	perfcontrol_thread_flags_mask_t thread_flags_mask;
	/* Actual values for the flags that are getting updated in the callout */
	perfcontrol_thread_flags_mask_t thread_flags;

 * All callouts from the scheduler are executed with interrupts
 * disabled. Callouts should be implemented in C with minimal
 * abstractions, and only use KPI exported by the mach/libkern
 * symbolset, restricted to routines like spinlocks and atomic
 * operations and scheduler routines as noted below. Spinlocks that
 * are used to synchronize data in the perfcontrol_state_t should only
 * ever be acquired with interrupts disabled, to avoid deadlocks where
 * an quantum expiration timer interrupt attempts to perform a callout
 * that attempts to lock a spinlock that is already held.

 * When a processor is switching between two threads (after the
 * scheduler has chosen a new thread), the low-level platform layer
 * will call this routine, which should perform required timestamps,
 * MMIO register reads, or other state switching. No scheduler locks
 * are held during this callout.
 * This function is called with interrupts ENABLED.
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_context_switch_t)(perfcontrol_state_t, perfcontrol_state_t);

 * Once the processor has switched to the new thread, the offcore
 * callout will indicate the old thread that is no longer being
 * run. The thread's scheduler lock is held, so it will not begin
 * running on another processor (in the case of preemption where it
 * remains runnable) until it completes. If the "thread_terminating"
 * boolean is TRUE, this will be the last callout for this thread_id.
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_offcore_t)(perfcontrol_state_t, going_off_core_t /* populated by callee */, boolean_t);

 * After the offcore callout and after the old thread can potentially
 * start running on another processor, the oncore callout will be
 * called with the thread's scheduler lock held. The oncore callout is
 * also called any time one of the parameters in the going_on_core_t
 * structure changes, like priority/QoS changes, and quantum
 * expiration, so the callout must not assume callouts are paired with
 * offcore callouts.
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_oncore_t)(perfcontrol_state_t, going_on_core_t);

 * Periodically (on hundreds of ms scale), the scheduler will perform
 * maintenance and report the maximum latency for runnable (but not currently
 * running) threads for each urgency class.
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_max_runnable_latency_t)(perfcontrol_max_runnable_latency_t);

 * When the kernel receives information about work intervals from userland,
 * it is passed along using this callback. No locks are held, although the state
 * object will not go away during the callout.
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_work_interval_notify_t)(perfcontrol_state_t, perfcontrol_work_interval_t);

 * Start, update and finish work interval instance with optional complexity estimate.
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_work_interval_ctl_t)(perfcontrol_state_t, perfcontrol_work_interval_instance_t);

 * These callbacks are used when thread groups are added, removed or properties
 * updated.
 * No blocking allocations (or anything else blocking) are allowed inside these
 * callbacks. No locks allowed in these callbacks as well since the kernel might
 * be holding the thread/task locks.
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_init_t)(thread_group_data_t);
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_deinit_t)(thread_group_data_t);
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_flags_update_t)(thread_group_data_t);

 * Sometime after the timeout set by sched_perfcontrol_update_callback_deadline has passed,
 * this function will be called, passing the timeout deadline that was previously armed as an argument.
 * This is called inside context-switch/quantum-interrupt context and must follow the safety rules for that context.
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_deadline_passed_t)(uint64_t deadline);

 * Context Switch Callout
 * Parameters:
 * event        - The perfcontrol_event for this callout
 * cpu_id       - The CPU doing the context switch
 * timestamp    - The timestamp for the context switch
 * flags        - Flags for other relevant information
 * offcore      - perfcontrol_data structure for thread going off-core
 * oncore       - perfcontrol_data structure for thread going on-core
 * cpu_counters - perfcontrol_cpu_counters for the CPU doing the switch
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_csw_t)(
	perfcontrol_event event, uint32_t cpu_id, uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t flags,
	struct perfcontrol_thread_data *offcore, struct perfcontrol_thread_data *oncore,
	struct perfcontrol_cpu_counters *cpu_counters, __unused void *unused);

 * Thread State Update Callout
 * Parameters:
 * event        - The perfcontrol_event for this callout
 * cpu_id       - The CPU doing the state update
 * timestamp    - The timestamp for the state update
 * flags        - Flags for other relevant information
 * thr_data     - perfcontrol_data structure for the thread being updated
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_state_update_t)(
	perfcontrol_event event, uint32_t cpu_id, uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t flags,
	struct perfcontrol_thread_data *thr_data, __unused void *unused);

 * Thread Group Blocking Relationship Callout
 * Parameters:
 * blocked_tg           - Thread group blocking on progress of another thread group
 * blocking_tg          - Thread group blocking progress of another thread group
 * flags                - Flags for other relevant information
 * blocked_thr_state    - Per-thread perfcontrol state for blocked thread
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_blocked_t)(
	thread_group_data_t blocked_tg, thread_group_data_t blocking_tg, uint32_t flags, perfcontrol_state_t blocked_thr_state);

 * Thread Group Unblocking Callout
 * Parameters:
 * unblocked_tg         - Thread group being unblocked from making forward progress
 * unblocking_tg        - Thread group unblocking progress of another thread group
 * flags                - Flags for other relevant information
 * unblocked_thr_state  - Per-thread perfcontrol state for unblocked thread
typedef void (*sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_unblocked_t)(
	thread_group_data_t unblocked_tg, thread_group_data_t unblocking_tg, uint32_t flags, perfcontrol_state_t unblocked_thr_state);

 * Callers should always use the CURRENT version so that the kernel can detect both older
 * and newer structure layouts. New callbacks should always be added at the end of the
 * structure, and xnu should expect existing source recompiled against newer headers
 * to pass NULL for unimplemented callbacks. Pass NULL as the as the callbacks parameter
 * to reset callbacks to their default in-kernel values.

#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_0 (0) /* up-to oncore */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_1 (1) /* up-to max_runnable_latency */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_2 (2) /* up-to work_interval_notify */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_3 (3) /* up-to thread_group_deinit */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_4 (4) /* up-to deadline_passed */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_5 (5) /* up-to state_update */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_6 (6) /* up-to thread_group_flags_update */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_7 (7) /* up-to work_interval_ctl */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_8 (8) /* up-to thread_group_unblocked */
#define SCHED_PERFCONTROL_CALLBACKS_VERSION_9 (9) /* allows CLPC to specify resource contention flags */

struct sched_perfcontrol_callbacks {
	sched_perfcontrol_offcore_t                   offcore;
	sched_perfcontrol_context_switch_t            context_switch;
	sched_perfcontrol_oncore_t                    oncore;
	sched_perfcontrol_max_runnable_latency_t      max_runnable_latency;
	sched_perfcontrol_work_interval_notify_t      work_interval_notify;
	sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_init_t         thread_group_init;
	sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_deinit_t       thread_group_deinit;
	sched_perfcontrol_deadline_passed_t           deadline_passed;
	sched_perfcontrol_csw_t                       csw;
	sched_perfcontrol_state_update_t              state_update;
	sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_flags_update_t thread_group_flags_update;
	sched_perfcontrol_work_interval_ctl_t         work_interval_ctl;
	sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_blocked_t      thread_group_blocked;
	sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_unblocked_t    thread_group_unblocked;
typedef struct sched_perfcontrol_callbacks *sched_perfcontrol_callbacks_t;

extern void sched_perfcontrol_register_callbacks(sched_perfcontrol_callbacks_t callbacks, unsigned long size_of_state);
extern void sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_recommend(void *data, cluster_type_t recommendation);
extern void sched_perfcontrol_inherit_recommendation_from_tg(perfcontrol_class_t perfctl_class, boolean_t inherit);
extern const char* sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_get_name(void *data);

 * Edge Scheduler-CLPC Interface
 * sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_preferred_clusters_set()
 * The Edge scheduler expects thread group recommendations to be specific clusters rather
 * than just E/P. In order to allow more fine grained control, CLPC can specify an override
 * preferred cluster per QoS bucket. CLPC passes a common preferred cluster `tg_preferred_cluster`
 * and an array of size [PERFCONTROL_CLASS_MAX] with overrides for specific perfctl classes.
 * The scheduler translates these preferences into sched_bucket
 * preferences and applies the changes.
/* Token to indicate a particular perfctl class is not overriden */

 * CLPC can also indicate if there should be an immediate rebalancing of threads of this TG as
 * part of this preferred cluster change. It does that by specifying the following options.
typedef uint64_t sched_perfcontrol_preferred_cluster_options_t;

extern void sched_perfcontrol_thread_group_preferred_clusters_set(void *machine_data, uint32_t tg_preferred_cluster,
    uint32_t overrides[PERFCONTROL_CLASS_MAX], sched_perfcontrol_preferred_cluster_options_t options);

 * Edge Scheduler-CLPC Interface
 * sched_perfcontrol_edge_matrix_get()/sched_perfcontrol_edge_matrix_set()
 * The Edge scheduler uses edges between clusters to define the likelihood of migrating threads
 * across clusters. The edge config between any two clusters defines the edge weight and whether
 * migation and steal operations are allowed across that edge. The getter and setter allow CLPC
 * to query and configure edge properties between various clusters on the platform.

extern void sched_perfcontrol_edge_matrix_get(sched_clutch_edge *edge_matrix, bool *edge_request_bitmap, uint64_t flags, uint64_t matrix_order);
extern void sched_perfcontrol_edge_matrix_set(sched_clutch_edge *edge_matrix, bool *edge_changes_bitmap, uint64_t flags, uint64_t matrix_order);

 * sched_perfcontrol_edge_cpu_rotation_bitmasks_get()/sched_perfcontrol_edge_cpu_rotation_bitmasks_set()
 * In order to drive intra-cluster core rotation CLPC supplies the edge scheduler with a pair of
 * per-cluster bitmasks. The preferred_bitmask is a bitmask of CPU cores where if a bit is set,
 * CLPC would prefer threads to be scheduled on that core if it is idle. The migration_bitmask
 * is a bitmask of CPU cores where if a bit is set, CLPC would prefer threads no longer continue
 * running on that core if there is any other non-avoided idle core in the cluster that is available.

extern void sched_perfcontrol_edge_cpu_rotation_bitmasks_set(uint32_t cluster_id, uint64_t preferred_bitmask, uint64_t migration_bitmask);
extern void sched_perfcontrol_edge_cpu_rotation_bitmasks_get(uint32_t cluster_id, uint64_t *preferred_bitmask, uint64_t *migration_bitmask);

 * Update the deadline after which sched_perfcontrol_deadline_passed will be called.
 * Returns TRUE if it successfully canceled a previously set callback,
 * and FALSE if it did not (i.e. one wasn't set, or callback already fired / is in flight).
 * The callback is automatically canceled when it fires, and does not repeat unless rearmed.
 * This 'timer' executes as the scheduler switches between threads, on a non-idle core
 * There can be only one outstanding timer globally.
extern boolean_t sched_perfcontrol_update_callback_deadline(uint64_t deadline);

 * SFI configuration.
extern kern_return_t sched_perfcontrol_sfi_set_window(uint64_t window_usecs);
extern kern_return_t sched_perfcontrol_sfi_set_bg_offtime(uint64_t offtime_usecs);
extern kern_return_t sched_perfcontrol_sfi_set_utility_offtime(uint64_t offtime_usecs);

typedef enum perfcontrol_callout_type {
	/* Add other callout types here */
} perfcontrol_callout_type_t;

typedef enum perfcontrol_callout_stat {
	/* Add other stat types here */
} perfcontrol_callout_stat_t;

uint64_t perfcontrol_callout_stat_avg(perfcontrol_callout_type_t type,
    perfcontrol_callout_stat_t stat);

#ifdef __arm64__
/* The performance controller may use this interface to recommend
 * that CPUs in the designated cluster employ WFE rather than WFI
 * within the idle loop, falling back to WFI after the specified
 * timeout. The updates are expected to be serialized by the caller,
 * the implementation is not required to perform internal synchronization.
uint32_t ml_update_cluster_wfe_recommendation(uint32_t wfe_cluster_id, uint64_t wfe_timeout_abstime_interval, uint64_t wfe_hint_flags);
#endif /* __arm64__ */

#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
#define ONES(x) (BIT((x))-1)
#define SIGN(p) ((p) & BIT(55))
#define UNSIGN_PTR(p) \
	SIGN(p) ? ((p) | PAC_MASK) : ((p) & ~PAC_MASK)

uint64_t ml_default_rop_pid(void);
uint64_t ml_default_jop_pid(void);
uint64_t ml_non_arm64e_user_jop_pid(void);
void ml_task_set_rop_pid(task_t task, task_t parent_task, boolean_t inherit);
void ml_task_set_jop_pid(task_t task, task_t parent_task, boolean_t inherit, boolean_t disable_user_jop);
void ml_task_set_jop_pid_from_shared_region(task_t task, boolean_t disable_user_jop);
uint8_t ml_task_get_disable_user_jop(task_t task);
void ml_task_set_disable_user_jop(task_t task, uint8_t disable_user_jop);
void ml_thread_set_disable_user_jop(thread_t thread, uint8_t disable_user_jop);
void ml_thread_set_jop_pid(thread_t thread, task_t task);

#if !__has_ptrcheck

 * There are two implementations of _ml_auth_ptr_unchecked().  Non-FPAC CPUs
 * take a fast path that directly auths the pointer, relying on the CPU to
 * poison invald pointers without trapping.  FPAC CPUs take a slower path which
 * emulates a non-trapping auth using strip + sign + compare, and manually
 * poisons the output when necessary.
 * The FPAC implementation is also safe for non-FPAC CPUs, but less efficient;
 * guest kernels need to use it because it does not know at compile time whether
 * the host CPU supports FPAC.

void *
ml_poison_ptr(void *ptr, ptrauth_key key);

 * ptrauth_sign_unauthenticated() reimplemented using asm volatile, forcing the
 * compiler to assume this operation has side-effects and cannot be reordered
#define ptrauth_sign_volatile(__value, __suffix, __data)                \
	({                                                              \
	        void *__ret = __value;                                  \
	        asm volatile (                                          \
	                "pac" #__suffix "	%[value], %[data]"      \
	                : [value] "+r"(__ret)                           \
	                : [data] "r"(__data)                            \
	        );                                                      \
	        __ret;                                                  \

#define ml_auth_ptr_unchecked_for_key(_ptr, _suffix, _key, _modifier)                           \
	do {                                                                                    \
	        void *stripped = ptrauth_strip(_ptr, _key);                                     \
	        void *reauthed = ptrauth_sign_volatile(stripped, _suffix, _modifier);           \
	        if (__probable(_ptr == reauthed)) {                                             \
	                _ptr = stripped;                                                        \
	        } else {                                                                        \
	                _ptr = ml_poison_ptr(stripped, _key);                                   \
	        }                                                                               \
	} while (0)

#define _ml_auth_ptr_unchecked(_ptr, _suffix, _modifier) \
	ml_auth_ptr_unchecked_for_key(_ptr, _suffix, ptrauth_key_as ## _suffix, _modifier)
#define _ml_auth_ptr_unchecked(_ptr, _suffix, _modifier) \
	asm volatile ("aut" #_suffix " %[ptr], %[modifier]" : [ptr] "+r"(_ptr) : [modifier] "r"(_modifier));

 * Authenticates a signed pointer without trapping on failure.
 * @warning This function must be called with interrupts disabled.
 * @warning Pointer authentication failure should normally be treated as a fatal
 * error.  This function is intended for a handful of callers that cannot panic
 * on failure, and that understand the risks in handling a poisoned return
 * value.  Other code should generally use the trapping variant
 * ptrauth_auth_data() instead.
 * @param ptr the pointer to authenticate
 * @param key which key to use for authentication
 * @param modifier a modifier to mix into the key
 * @return an authenticated version of ptr, possibly with poison bits set
static inline OS_ALWAYS_INLINE void *
ml_auth_ptr_unchecked(void *ptr, ptrauth_key key, uint64_t modifier)
	switch (key & 0x3) {
	case ptrauth_key_asia:
		_ml_auth_ptr_unchecked(ptr, ia, modifier);
	case ptrauth_key_asib:
		_ml_auth_ptr_unchecked(ptr, ib, modifier);
	case ptrauth_key_asda:
		_ml_auth_ptr_unchecked(ptr, da, modifier);
	case ptrauth_key_asdb:
		_ml_auth_ptr_unchecked(ptr, db, modifier);

	return ptr;

#endif /* !__has_ptrcheck */

uint64_t ml_enable_user_jop_key(uint64_t user_jop_key);

 * Restores the previous JOP key state after a previous ml_enable_user_jop_key()
 * call.
 * @param user_jop_key		The userspace JOP key previously passed to
 *				ml_enable_user_jop_key()
 * @param saved_jop_state       The saved JOP state returned by
 *				ml_enable_user_jop_key()
void ml_disable_user_jop_key(uint64_t user_jop_key, uint64_t saved_jop_state);
#endif /* defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC) */

void ml_enable_monitor(void);

#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */

boolean_t machine_timeout_suspended(void);
void ml_get_power_state(boolean_t *, boolean_t *);

uint32_t get_arm_cpu_version(void);
boolean_t user_cont_hwclock_allowed(void);
uint8_t user_timebase_type(void);
boolean_t ml_thread_is64bit(thread_t thread);

#ifdef __arm64__
bool ml_feature_supported(uint32_t feature_bit);
void ml_set_align_checking(void);
extern void wfe_timeout_configure(void);
extern void wfe_timeout_init(void);
#endif /* __arm64__ */

void ml_timer_evaluate(void);
boolean_t ml_timer_forced_evaluation(void);
void ml_gpu_stat_update(uint64_t);
uint64_t ml_gpu_stat(thread_t);
#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */

#if __arm64__ && defined(CONFIG_XNUPOST) && defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE)
extern void ml_expect_fault_begin(expected_fault_handler_t, uintptr_t);
extern void ml_expect_fault_pc_begin(expected_fault_handler_t, uintptr_t);
extern void ml_expect_fault_end(void);
#endif /* __arm64__ && defined(CONFIG_XNUPOST) && defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE) */

#if defined(HAS_OBJC_BP_HELPER) && defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE)
kern_return_t objc_bp_assist_cfg(uint64_t adr, uint64_t ctl);
#endif /* defined(HAS_OBJC_BP_HELPER) && defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE) */

extern uint32_t phy_read_panic;
extern uint32_t phy_write_panic;
extern uint64_t simulate_stretched_io;

void ml_hibernate_active_pre(void);
void ml_hibernate_active_post(void);

void ml_report_minor_badness(uint32_t badness_id);

 * Depending on the system, by the time a backtracer starts inspecting an
 * interrupted CPU's register state, the value of the PC might have been
 * modified. In those cases, the original PC value is placed into a different
 * register. This function abstracts out those differences for a backtracer
 * wanting the PC of an interrupted CPU.
 * @param state The ARM register state to parse.
 * @return The original PC of the interrupted CPU.
uint64_t ml_get_backtrace_pc(struct arm_saved_state *state);

 * Returns whether a secure hibernation flow is supported.
 * @note Hibernation itself might still be supported even if this function
 *       returns false. This function just denotes whether a hibernation process
 *       which securely hashes and stores the hibernation image is supported.
 * @return True if the kernel supports a secure hibernation process, false
 *         otherwise.
bool ml_is_secure_hib_supported(void);

 * Returns whether the task should use 1 GHz timebase.
 * @return True if the task should use 1 GHz timebase, false
 *         otherwise.
bool ml_task_uses_1ghz_timebase(const task_t task);

 * Given a physical address, return whether that address is owned by the secure
 * world.
 * @note This does not include memory shared between XNU and the secure world.
 * @param paddr The physical address to check.
 * @return True if the physical address is owned and being used exclusively by
 *        the secure world, false otherwise.
bool ml_paddr_is_exclaves_owned(vm_offset_t paddr);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */