This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
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This file provides armv7+neon hand implementation of the following function
void SHA256_Transform(SHA256_ctx *ctx, char *data, unsigned int num_blocks);
which is a C function in sha2.c (from xnu).
sha256 algorithm per block description:
1. W(0:15) = big-endian (per 4 bytes) loading of input data (64 byte)
2. load 8 digests a-h from ctx->state
3. for r = 0:15
T1 = h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + K[r] + W[r];
d += T1;
h = T1 + Sigma0(a) + Maj(a,b,c)
permute a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h into h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g
4. for r = 16:63
W[r] = W[r-16] + sigma1(W[r-2]) + W[r-7] + sigma0(W[r-15]);
T1 = h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + K[r] + W[r];
d += T1;
h = T1 + Sigma0(a) + Maj(a,b,c)
permute a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h into h,a,b,c,d,e,f,g
In the assembly implementation:
- a circular window of message schedule W(r:r+15) is updated and stored in q0-q3
- its corresponding W+K(r:r+15) is updated and stored in a stack space circular buffer
- the 8 digests (a-h) will be stored in GPR or memory
the implementation per block looks like
load W(0:15) (big-endian per 4 bytes) into q0:q3
pre_calculate and store W+K(0:15) in stack
load digests a-h from ctx->state;
for (r=0;r<48;r+=4) {
digests a-h update and permute round r:r+3
update W([r:r+3]%16) and WK([r:r+3]%16) for the next 4th iteration
for (r=48;r<64;r+=4) {
digests a-h update and permute round r:r+3
ctx->states += digests a-h;
our implementation (allows multiple blocks per call) pipelines the loading of W/WK of a future block
into the last 16 rounds of its previous block:
load W(0:15) (big-endian per 4 bytes) into q0:q3
pre_calculate and store W+K(0:15) in stack
load digests a-h from ctx->state;
for (r=0;r<48;r+=4) {
digests a-h update and permute round r:r+3
update W([r:r+3]%16) and WK([r:r+3]%16) for the next 4th iteration
if (num_block==0) jmp L_last_block;
for (r=48;r<64;r+=4) {
digests a-h update and permute round r:r+3
load W([r:r+3]%16) (big-endian per 4 bytes) into q0:q3
pre_calculate and store W+K([r:r+3]%16) in stack
ctx->states += digests a-h;
jmp L_loop;
for (r=48;r<64;r+=4) {
digests a-h update and permute round r:r+3
ctx->states += digests a-h;
Apple CoreOS vector & numerics
#if defined(__arm64__) && defined(__ARM_NEON) && defined(__ARM_FEATURE_SHA2)
#include "arm64_isa_compatibility.h"
#include "ccarm_pac_bti_macros.h"
.p2align 4
.long 0x428a2f98
.long 0x71374491
.long 0xb5c0fbcf
.long 0xe9b5dba5
.long 0x3956c25b
.long 0x59f111f1
.long 0x923f82a4
.long 0xab1c5ed5
.long 0xd807aa98
.long 0x12835b01
.long 0x243185be
.long 0x550c7dc3
.long 0x72be5d74
.long 0x80deb1fe
.long 0x9bdc06a7
.long 0xc19bf174
.long 0xe49b69c1
.long 0xefbe4786
.long 0x0fc19dc6
.long 0x240ca1cc
.long 0x2de92c6f
.long 0x4a7484aa
.long 0x5cb0a9dc
.long 0x76f988da
.long 0x983e5152
.long 0xa831c66d
.long 0xb00327c8
.long 0xbf597fc7
.long 0xc6e00bf3
.long 0xd5a79147
.long 0x06ca6351
.long 0x14292967
.long 0x27b70a85
.long 0x2e1b2138
.long 0x4d2c6dfc
.long 0x53380d13
.long 0x650a7354
.long 0x766a0abb
.long 0x81c2c92e
.long 0x92722c85
.long 0xa2bfe8a1
.long 0xa81a664b
.long 0xc24b8b70
.long 0xc76c51a3
.long 0xd192e819
.long 0xd6990624
.long 0xf40e3585
.long 0x106aa070
.long 0x19a4c116
.long 0x1e376c08
.long 0x2748774c
.long 0x34b0bcb5
.long 0x391c0cb3
.long 0x4ed8aa4a
.long 0x5b9cca4f
.long 0x682e6ff3
.long 0x748f82ee
.long 0x78a5636f
.long 0x84c87814
.long 0x8cc70208
.long 0x90befffa
.long 0xa4506ceb
.long 0xbef9a3f7
.long 0xc67178f2
.p2align 4
.globl _AccelerateCrypto_SHA256_compress
#define hashes x0
#define numblocks x1
#define data x2
#define ktable x3
#ifdef __ILP32__
uxtw numblocks, numblocks // in arm64_32 size_t is 32-bit, so we need to extend it
adrp ktable, K256@page
cbnz numblocks, 1f // if number of blocks is nonzero, go on for sha256 transform operation
ret lr // otherwise, return
add ktable, ktable, K256@pageoff
// save q0-q7, q16-q24 8+8+1=19
sub x4, sp, #17*16
sub sp, sp, #17*16
st1.4s {v0, v1, v2, v3}, [x4], #64
st1.4s {v4, v5, v6, v7}, [x4], #64
st1.4s {v16, v17, v18, v19}, [x4], #64
st1.4s {v20, v21, v22, v23}, [x4], #64
st1.4s {v24}, [x4], #16
ld1.4s {v0,v1,v2,v3}, [data], #64 // w0,w1,w2,w3 need to bswap into big-endian
rev32.16b v0, v0 // byte swap of 1st 4 ints
ldr q21, [ktable, #16*0]
rev32.16b v1, v1 // byte swap of 2nd 4 ints
ldr q16, [hashes, #0]
rev32.16b v2, v2 // byte swap of 3rd 4 ints
ldr q17, [hashes, #16]
rev32.16b v3, v3 // byte swap of 4th 4 ints
ldr q22, [ktable, #16*1]
mov.16b v18, v16
ldr q23, [ktable, #16*2]
add.4s v4, v0, v21 // 1st 4 input + K256
ldr q24, [ktable, #16*3]
add.4s v5, v1, v22 // 2nd 4 input + K256
mov.16b v19, v17
add.4s v6, v2, v23 // 3rd 4 input + K256
add.4s v7, v3, v24 // 4th 4 input + K256
add ktable, ktable, #16*4
.macro sha256_round
mov.16b v20, v18
SHA256SU0 $0, $1
SHA256H 18, 19, $4
SHA256SU1 $0, $2, $3
SHA256H2 19, 20, $4
add.4s $6, $5, $7
// 4 vector hashes update and load next vector rounds
.macro sha256_hash_load_round
mov.16b v20, v18
SHA256H 18, 19, $0
rev32.16b $1, $1
SHA256H2 19, 20, $0
add.4s $2, $1, $3
.macro sha256_hash_round
mov.16b v20, v18
SHA256H 18, 19, $0
SHA256H2 19, 20, $0
// 12 vector hash and sequence update rounds
mov w4, #3
mov.16b v20, v18
ldr q21, [ktable, #0] // k0
SHA256SU0 0, 1
ldr q22, [ktable, #16] // k1
SHA256H 18, 19, 4
ldr q23, [ktable, #32] // k2
SHA256SU1 0, 2, 3
ldr q24, [ktable, #48] // k3
SHA256H2 19, 20, 4
add ktable, ktable, #64
add.4s v4, v0, v21
sha256_round 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, v1, v5, v22
sha256_round 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, v2, v6, v23
subs w4, w4, #1
sha256_round 3, 0, 1, 2, 7, v3, v7, v24 L_i_loop
subs numblocks, numblocks, #1 // pre-decrement num_blocks by 1
b.le L_wrapup
sub ktable, ktable, #256
ldr q0, [data, #0]
mov.16b v20, v18
ldr q21, [ktable,#0]
SHA256H 18, 19, 4
ldr q1, [data, #16]
rev32.16b v0, v0
ldr q2, [data, #32]
SHA256H2 19, 20, 4
ldr q3, [data, #48]
add.4s v4, v0, v21
ldr q22, [ktable,#16]
mov.16b v20, v18
add data, data, #64
SHA256H 18, 19, 5
ldr q23, [ktable,#32]
rev32.16b v1, v1
ldr q24, [ktable,#48]
SHA256H2 19, 20, 5
add.4s v5, v1, v22
sha256_hash_load_round 6, v2, v6, v23
sha256_hash_load_round 7, v3, v7, v24
add.4s v18, v16, v18
add.4s v19, v17, v19
mov.16b v16, v18
mov.16b v17, v19
// 12 vector hash and sequence update rounds
mov.16b v20, v18
ldr q21, [ktable, #16*4] // k0
SHA256SU0 0, 1
ldr q22, [ktable, #16*5] // k1
SHA256H 18, 19, 4
ldr q23, [ktable, #16*6] // k2
SHA256SU1 0, 2, 3
ldr q24, [ktable, #16*7] // k3
SHA256H2 19, 20, 4
add.4s v4, v0, v21
sha256_round 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, v1, v5, v22
sha256_round 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, v2, v6, v23
sha256_round 3, 0, 1, 2, 7, v3, v7, v24
mov.16b v20, v18
ldr q21, [ktable, #16*8] // k0
SHA256SU0 0, 1
ldr q22, [ktable, #16*9] // k1
SHA256H 18, 19, 4
ldr q23, [ktable, #16*10] // k2
SHA256SU1 0, 2, 3
ldr q24, [ktable, #16*11] // k3
SHA256H2 19, 20, 4
add.4s v4, v0, v21
sha256_round 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, v1, v5, v22
sha256_round 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, v2, v6, v23
sha256_round 3, 0, 1, 2, 7, v3, v7, v24
mov.16b v20, v18
ldr q21, [ktable, #16*12] // k0
SHA256SU0 0, 1
ldr q22, [ktable, #16*13] // k1
SHA256H 18, 19, 4
ldr q23, [ktable, #16*14] // k2
SHA256SU1 0, 2, 3
ldr q24, [ktable, #16*15] // k3
SHA256H2 19, 20, 4
add.4s v4, v0, v21
sha256_round 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, v1, v5, v22
sha256_round 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, v2, v6, v23
sha256_round 3, 0, 1, 2, 7, v3, v7, v24
subs numblocks, numblocks, #1 // pre-decrement num_blocks by 1 L_loop
sha256_hash_round 4
sha256_hash_round 5
sha256_hash_round 6
sha256_hash_round 7
add.4s v16, v16, v18
add.4s v17, v17, v19
st1.4s {v16,v17}, [hashes] // hashes q16 : d,c,b,a q17 : h,g,f,e
// restore q9-q13, q0-q7, q16-q31
ld1.4s {v0, v1, v2, v3}, [sp], #64
ld1.4s {v4, v5, v6, v7}, [sp], #64
ld1.4s {v16, v17, v18, v19}, [sp], #64
ld1.4s {v20, v21, v22, v23}, [sp], #64
ld1.4s {v24}, [sp], #16
ret lr
#endif // arm64