This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "assym.s"
#include <arm64/asm.h>
#include <arm64/proc_reg.h>
#include <arm64/machine_machdep.h>
#include <arm64/proc_reg.h>
#include <pexpert/arm64/board_config.h>
#include <mach_assert.h>
#include <machine/asm.h>
#include <arm64/tunables/tunables.s>
#include <arm64/exception_asm.h>

#include <arm/pmap.h>
#endif /* __ARM_KERNEL_PROTECT__ */

.macro MSR_VBAR_EL1_X0
	mov	x1, lr
	bl		EXT(pinst_set_vbar)
	mov	lr, x1
	msr		VBAR_EL1, x0

.macro MSR_TCR_EL1_X1
	mov		x0, x1
	mov		x1, lr
	bl		EXT(pinst_set_tcr)
	mov		lr, x1
	msr		TCR_EL1, x1

.macro MSR_TTBR1_EL1_X0
	mov		x1, lr
	bl		EXT(pinst_set_ttbr1)
	mov		lr, x1
	msr		TTBR1_EL1, x0

.macro MSR_SCTLR_EL1_X0
	mov		x1, lr

	// This may abort, do so on SP1
	bl		EXT(pinst_spsel_1)

	bl		EXT(pinst_set_sctlr)
	msr		SPSel, #0									// Back to SP0
	mov		lr, x1
	msr		SCTLR_EL1, x0
#endif /* defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) */

 * Checks the reset handler for global and CPU-specific reset-assist functions,
 * then jumps to the reset handler with boot args and cpu data. This is copied
 * to the first physical page during CPU bootstrap (see cpu.c).
 * Variables:
 *	x19 - Reset handler data pointer
 *	x20 - Boot args pointer
 *	x21 - CPU data pointer
	.align 12
	.globl EXT(LowResetVectorBase)
	 * On reset, both RVBAR_EL1 and VBAR_EL1 point here.  SPSel.SP is 1,
	 * so on reset the CPU will jump to offset 0x0 and on exceptions
	 * the CPU will jump to offset 0x200, 0x280, 0x300, or 0x380.
	 * In order for both the reset vector and exception vectors to
	 * coexist in the same space, the reset code is moved to the end
	 * of the exception vector area.
	b		EXT(reset_vector)

	/* EL1 SP1: These vectors trap errors during early startup on non-boot CPUs. */
	.align	9
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.

	.align	7
	.globl EXT(reset_vector)
	// Preserve x0 for start_first_cpu, if called
	// Unlock the core for debugging
	msr		OSLAR_EL1, xzr
	msr		DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_ALL)				// Disable all interrupts

	// Set low reset vector before attempting any loads
	adrp    x0, EXT(LowExceptionVectorBase)@page
	add     x0, x0, EXT(LowExceptionVectorBase)@pageoff
	msr     VBAR_EL1, x0

	// Process reset handlers
	adrp	x19, EXT(ResetHandlerData)@page			// Get address of the reset handler data
	add		x19, x19, EXT(ResetHandlerData)@pageoff
	mrs		x15, MPIDR_EL1						// Load MPIDR to get CPU number
	and		x0, x15, #0xFFFF					// CPU number in Affinity0, cluster ID in Affinity1
	and		x0, x15, #0xFF						// CPU number is in MPIDR Affinity Level 0
	ldr		x1, [x19, CPU_DATA_ENTRIES]			// Load start of data entries
	add		x3, x1, MAX_CPUS * 16				// end addr of data entries = start + (16 * MAX_CPUS)
	ldr		x21, [x1, CPU_DATA_PADDR]			// Load physical CPU data address
	cbz		x21, Lnext_cpu_data_entry
	ldr		w2, [x21, CPU_PHYS_ID]				// Load ccc cpu phys id
	cmp		x0, x2						// Compare cpu data phys cpu and MPIDR_EL1 phys cpu
	b.eq	Lfound_cpu_data_entry				// Branch if match
	add		x1, x1, #16					// Increment to the next cpu data entry
	cmp		x1, x3
	b.eq	Lskip_cpu_reset_handler				// Not found
	b		Lcheck_cpu_data_entry	// loop

	 * On H15, we need to configure PIO-only tunables and to apply
	 * PIO lockdown as early as possible.
	SET_PIO_ONLY_REGISTERS x21, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6
#endif /* APPLEEVEREST */

	adrp	x20, EXT(const_boot_args)@page
	add		x20, x20, EXT(const_boot_args)@pageoff
	ldr		x0, [x21, CPU_RESET_HANDLER]		// Call CPU reset handler
	cbz		x0, Lskip_cpu_reset_handler

	// Validate that our handler is one of the two expected handlers
	adrp	x2, EXT(resume_idle_cpu)@page
	add		x2, x2, EXT(resume_idle_cpu)@pageoff
	cmp		x0, x2
	beq		1f
	adrp	x2, EXT(start_cpu)@page
	add		x2, x2, EXT(start_cpu)@pageoff
	cmp		x0, x2
	bne		Lskip_cpu_reset_handler

	bl		EXT(set_bp_ret)

	 * Populate TPIDR_EL1 (in case the CPU takes an exception while
	 * turning on the MMU).
	ldr		x13, [x21, CPU_ACTIVE_THREAD]
	msr		TPIDR_EL1, x13
#endif /* __ARM_KERNEL_PROTECT__ */

	blr		x0
	b		.									// Hang if the handler is NULL or returns

	.align 3
	.global EXT(LowResetVectorEnd)
	.global	EXT(SleepToken)
	.space	(stSize_NUM),0

	.section __DATA_CONST,__const
	.align	3
	.globl  EXT(ResetHandlerData)
	.space  (rhdSize_NUM),0		// (filled with 0s)

 * __start trampoline is located at a position relative to LowResetVectorBase
 * so that iBoot can compute the reset vector position to set IORVBAR using
 * only the kernel entry point.  Reset vector = (__start & ~0xfff)
	.align	3
	.globl EXT(_start)
	b	EXT(start_first_cpu)

 * Provides an early-boot exception vector so that the processor will spin
 * and preserve exception information (e.g., ELR_EL1) when early CPU bootstrap
 * code triggers an exception. This is copied to the second physical page
 * during CPU bootstrap (see cpu.c).
	.align 12, 0
	.global	EXT(LowExceptionVectorBase)
	/* EL1 SP 0 */
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	/* EL1 SP1 */
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	/* EL0 64 */
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	/* EL0 32 */
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align	7
	b		.
	.align 12, 0

 * Provide a global symbol so that we can narrow the V=P mapping to cover
 * this page during arm_vm_init.
.globl EXT(bootstrap_instructions)

#endif /* defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) || defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_CTRR) */
	.align 2
	.globl EXT(resume_idle_cpu)
	adrp	lr, EXT(arm_init_idle_cpu)@page
	add		lr, lr, EXT(arm_init_idle_cpu)@pageoff
	b		start_cpu

	.align 2
	.globl EXT(start_cpu)
	adrp	lr, EXT(arm_init_cpu)@page
	add		lr, lr, EXT(arm_init_cpu)@pageoff
	b		start_cpu

	.align 2
	// This is done right away in reset vector for pre-KTRR devices
	// Set low reset vector now that we are in the KTRR-free zone
	adrp	x0, EXT(LowExceptionVectorBase)@page
	add		x0, x0, EXT(LowExceptionVectorBase)@pageoff
#endif /* defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) || defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_CTRR) */

	// x20 set to BootArgs phys address
	// x21 set to cpu data phys address

	// Get the kernel memory parameters from the boot args
	ldr		x22, [x20, BA_VIRT_BASE]			// Get the kernel virt base
	ldr		x23, [x20, BA_PHYS_BASE]			// Get the kernel phys base
	ldr		x24, [x20, BA_MEM_SIZE]				// Get the physical memory size
	adrp	x25, EXT(bootstrap_pagetables)@page	// Get the start of the page tables
	ldr		x26, [x20, BA_BOOT_FLAGS]			// Get the kernel boot flags

	// Set TPIDR_EL0 with cached CPU info
	ldr		x0, [x21, CPU_TPIDR_EL0]
	msr		TPIDR_EL0, x0

	// Set TPIDRRO_EL0 to 0
	msr		TPIDRRO_EL0, xzr

	// Set the exception stack pointer
	ldr		x0, [x21, CPU_EXCEPSTACK_TOP]

	// Set SP_EL1 to exception stack
	mov		x1, lr
	bl		EXT(pinst_spsel_1)
	mov		lr, x1
	msr		SPSel, #1
	mov		sp, x0

	// Set the interrupt stack pointer
	ldr		x0, [x21, CPU_INTSTACK_TOP]
	msr		SPSel, #0
	mov		sp, x0

	// Convert lr to KVA
	add		lr, lr, x22
	sub		lr, lr, x23

	b		common_start

 * create_l1_table_entry
 * Given a virtual address, creates a table entry in an L1 translation table
 * to point to an L2 translation table.
 *   arg0 - Virtual address
 *   arg1 - L1 table address
 *   arg2 - L2 table address
 *   arg3 - Scratch register
 *   arg4 - Scratch register
 *   arg5 - Scratch register
.macro create_l1_table_entry
	and		$3,	$0, #(ARM_TT_L1_INDEX_MASK)
	lsr		$3, $3, #(ARM_TT_L1_SHIFT)			// Get index in L1 table for L2 table
	lsl		$3, $3, #(TTE_SHIFT)				// Convert index into pointer offset
	add		$3, $1, $3							// Get L1 entry pointer
	mov		$4, #(ARM_TTE_BOOT_TABLE)			// Get L1 table entry template
	and		$5, $2, #(ARM_TTE_TABLE_MASK)		// Get address bits of L2 table
	orr		$5, $4, $5 							// Create table entry for L2 table
	str		$5, [$3]							// Write entry to L1 table

 * create_l2_block_entries
 * Given base virtual and physical addresses, creates consecutive block entries
 * in an L2 translation table.
 *   arg0 - Virtual address
 *   arg1 - Physical address
 *   arg2 - L2 table address
 *   arg3 - Number of entries
 *   arg4 - Scratch register
 *   arg5 - Scratch register
 *   arg6 - Scratch register
 *   arg7 - Scratch register
.macro create_l2_block_entries
	and		$4,	$0, #(ARM_TT_L2_INDEX_MASK)
	lsr		$4, $4, #(ARM_TTE_BLOCK_L2_SHIFT)	// Get index in L2 table for block entry
	lsl		$4, $4, #(TTE_SHIFT)				// Convert index into pointer offset
	add		$4, $2, $4							// Get L2 entry pointer
	mov		$5, #(ARM_TTE_BOOT_BLOCK)			// Get L2 block entry template
	and		$6, $1, #(ARM_TTE_BLOCK_L2_MASK)	// Get address bits of block mapping
	orr		$6, $5, $6
	mov		$5, $3
	mov		$7, #(ARM_TT_L2_SIZE)
	str		$6, [$4], #(1 << TTE_SHIFT)			// Write entry to L2 table and advance
	add		$6, $6, $7							// Increment the output address
	subs	$5, $5, #1							// Decrement the number of entries	1b

 *  arg0 - virtual start address
 *  arg1 - physical start address
 *  arg2 - number of entries to map
 *  arg3 - L1 table address
 *  arg4 - free space pointer
 *  arg5 - scratch (entries mapped per loop)
 *  arg6 - scratch
 *  arg7 - scratch
 *  arg8 - scratch
 *  arg9 - scratch
.macro create_bootstrap_mapping
	/* calculate entries left in this page */
	and	$5, $0, #(ARM_TT_L2_INDEX_MASK)
	lsr	$5, $5, #(ARM_TT_L2_SHIFT)
	mov	$6, #(TTE_PGENTRIES)
	sub	$5, $6, $5

	/* allocate an L2 table */
3:	add	$4, $4, PGBYTES

	/* create_l1_table_entry(virt_base, L1 table, L2 table, scratch1, scratch2, scratch3) */
	create_l1_table_entry	$0, $3, $4, $6, $7, $8

	/* determine how many entries to map this loop - the smaller of entries
	 * remaining in page and total entries left */
	cmp	$2, $5
	csel	$5, $2, $5, lt

	/* create_l2_block_entries(virt_base, phys_base, L2 table, num_ents, scratch1, scratch2, scratch3) */
	create_l2_block_entries	$0, $1, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9

	/* subtract entries just mapped and bail out if we're done */
	subs	$2, $2, $5
	beq	2f

	/* entries left to map - advance base pointers */
	add 	$0, $0, $5, lsl #(ARM_TT_L2_SHIFT)
	add 	$1, $1, $5, lsl #(ARM_TT_L2_SHIFT)

	mov	$5, #(TTE_PGENTRIES)  /* subsequent loops map (up to) a whole L2 page */
	b	3b

 * _start_first_cpu
 * Cold boot init routine.  Called from __start
 *   x0 - Boot args
	.align 2
	.globl EXT(start_first_cpu)

	// Unlock the core for debugging
	msr		OSLAR_EL1, xzr
	msr		DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_ALL)				// Disable all interrupts

	mov		x20, x0
	mov		x21, #0

	// Set low reset vector before attempting any loads
	adrp	x0, EXT(LowExceptionVectorBase)@page
	add		x0, x0, EXT(LowExceptionVectorBase)@pageoff

	// Get the kernel memory parameters from the boot args
	ldr		x22, [x20, BA_VIRT_BASE]			// Get the kernel virt base
	ldr		x23, [x20, BA_PHYS_BASE]			// Get the kernel phys base
	ldr		x24, [x20, BA_MEM_SIZE]				// Get the physical memory size
	adrp	x25, EXT(bootstrap_pagetables)@page	// Get the start of the page tables
	ldr		x26, [x20, BA_BOOT_FLAGS]			// Get the kernel boot flags

	// Clear the registers that will be used to store the userspace thread pointer and CPU number.
	// We may not actually be booting from ordinal CPU 0, so this register will be updated
	// in ml_parse_cpu_topology(), which happens later in bootstrap.
	msr		TPIDRRO_EL0, xzr
	msr		TPIDR_EL0, xzr

	// Set up exception stack pointer
	adrp	x0, EXT(excepstack_top)@page		// Load top of exception stack
	add		x0, x0, EXT(excepstack_top)@pageoff
	add		x0, x0, x22							// Convert to KVA
	sub		x0, x0, x23

	// Set SP_EL1 to exception stack
	bl		EXT(pinst_spsel_1)
	msr		SPSel, #1

	mov		sp, x0

	// Set up interrupt stack pointer
	adrp	x0, EXT(intstack_top)@page			// Load top of irq stack
	add		x0, x0, EXT(intstack_top)@pageoff
	add		x0, x0, x22							// Convert to KVA
	sub		x0, x0, x23
	msr		SPSel, #0							// Set SP_EL0 to interrupt stack
	mov		sp, x0

	// Load address to the C init routine into link register
	adrp	lr, EXT(arm_init)@page
	add		lr, lr, EXT(arm_init)@pageoff
	add		lr, lr, x22							// Convert to KVA
	sub		lr, lr, x23

	 * Set up the bootstrap page tables with a single block entry for the V=P
	 * mapping, a single block entry for the trampolined kernel address (KVA),
	 * and all else invalid. This requires four pages:
	 *	Page 1 - V=P L1 table
	 *	Page 2 - V=P L2 table
	 *	Page 3 - KVA L1 table
	 *	Page 4 - KVA L2 table

	// Invalidate all entries in the bootstrap page tables
	mov		x0, #(ARM_TTE_EMPTY)				// Load invalid entry template
	mov		x1, x25								// Start at V=P pagetable root
	mov		x2, #(TTE_PGENTRIES)				// Load number of entries per page
	lsl		x2, x2, #2							// Shift by 2 for num entries on 4 pages

Linvalidate_bootstrap:							// do {
	str		x0, [x1], #(1 << TTE_SHIFT)			//   Invalidate and advance
	subs	x2, x2, #1							//   entries--	Linvalidate_bootstrap				// } while (entries != 0)

	 * In order to reclaim memory on targets where TZ0 (or some other entity)
	 * must be located at the base of memory, iBoot may set the virtual and
	 * physical base addresses to immediately follow whatever lies at the
	 * base of physical memory.
	 * If the base address belongs to TZ0, it may be dangerous for xnu to map
	 * it (as it may be prefetched, despite being technically inaccessible).
	 * In order to avoid this issue while keeping the mapping code simple, we
	 * may continue to use block mappings, but we will only map the kernelcache
	 * mach header to the end of memory.
	 * Given that iBoot guarantees that the unslid kernelcache base address
	 * will begin on an L2 boundary, this should prevent us from accidentally
	 * mapping TZ0.
	adrp	x0, EXT(_mh_execute_header)@page	// address of kernel mach header
	add		x0, x0, EXT(_mh_execute_header)@pageoff
	ldr		w1, [x0, #0x18]						// load mach_header->flags
	tbz		w1, #0x1f, Lkernelcache_base_found	// if MH_DYLIB_IN_CACHE unset, base is kernel mach header
	ldr		w1, [x0, #0x20]						// load first segment cmd (offset sizeof(kernel_mach_header_t))
	cmp		w1, #0x19							// must be LC_SEGMENT_64
	bne		.
	ldr		x1, [x0, #0x38]						// load first segment vmaddr
	sub		x1, x0, x1							// compute slide
	add		x0, x0, x1							// base is kernel link address + slide

	 * Adjust physical and virtual base addresses to account for physical
	 * memory preceeding xnu Mach-O header
	 * x22 - Kernel virtual base
	 * x23 - Kernel physical base
	 * x24 - Physical memory size
	sub		x18, x0, x23
	sub		x24, x24, x18
	add		x22, x22, x18
	add		x23, x23, x18

	 * x0  - V=P virtual cursor
	 * x4  - V=P physical cursor
	 * x14 - KVA virtual cursor
	 * x15 - KVA physical cursor
	mov		x4, x0
	mov		x14, x22
	mov		x15, x23

	 * Allocate L1 tables
	 * x1 - V=P L1 page
	 * x3 - KVA L1 page
	 * x2 - free mem pointer from which we allocate a variable number of L2
	 * pages. The maximum number of bootstrap page table pages is limited to
	 * BOOTSTRAP_TABLE_SIZE. For a 2G 4k page device, assuming the worst-case
	 * slide, we need 1xL1 and up to 3xL2 pages (1GB mapped per L1 entry), so
	 * 8 total pages for V=P and KVA.
	mov		x1, x25
	add		x3, x1, PGBYTES
	mov		x2, x3

	 * Setup the V=P bootstrap mapping
	 * x5 - total number of L2 entries to allocate
	lsr		x5,  x24, #(ARM_TT_L2_SHIFT)
	/* create_bootstrap_mapping(vbase, pbase, num_ents, L1 table, freeptr) */
	create_bootstrap_mapping x0,  x4,  x5, x1, x2, x6, x10, x11, x12, x13

	/* Setup the KVA bootstrap mapping */
	lsr		x5,  x24, #(ARM_TT_L2_SHIFT)
	create_bootstrap_mapping x14, x15, x5, x3, x2, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13

	/* Ensure TTEs are visible */
	dsb		ish

	b		common_start

 * Begin common CPU initialization
 * Regster state:
 *	x20 - PA of boot args
 *	x21 - zero on cold boot, PA of cpu data on warm reset
 *	x22 - Kernel virtual base
 *	x23 - Kernel physical base
 *	x25 - PA of the V=P pagetable root
 *	 lr - KVA of C init routine
 *	 sp - SP_EL0 selected
 *	SP_EL0 - KVA of CPU's interrupt stack
 *	SP_EL1 - KVA of CPU's exception stack
 *	TPIDRRO_EL0 - CPU number

	mov x19, lr
	bl		EXT(set_nex_pg)
	mov lr, x19

	// Set the translation control register.
	adrp	x0,     EXT(sysreg_restore)@page		// Load TCR value from the system register restore structure
	add		x0, x0, EXT(sysreg_restore)@pageoff
	ldr		x1, [x0, SR_RESTORE_TCR_EL1]

	/* Set up translation table base registers.
	 *	TTBR0 - V=P table @ top of kernel
	 *	TTBR1 - KVA table @ top of kernel + 1 page
	/* Note that for KTRR configurations, the V=P map will be modified by
	 * arm_vm_init.c.
	and		x0, x25, #(TTBR_BADDR_MASK)
	mov		x19, lr
	bl		EXT(set_mmu_ttb)
	mov		lr, x19
	add		x0, x25, PGBYTES
	and		x0, x0, #(TTBR_BADDR_MASK)

	// Set up MAIR attr0 for normal memory, attr1 for device memory
	mov		x0, xzr
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
	orr		x0, x0, x1
#endif /* HAS_FEAT_XS */
	msr		MAIR_EL1, x0
	tlbi	vmalle1
	dsb		ish

	/* Invalidate the TLB and icache on systems that do not guarantee that the
	 * caches are invalidated on reset.
	tlbi	vmalle1
	ic		iallu

	/* If x21 is not 0, then this is either the start_cpu path or
	 * the resume_idle_cpu path.  cpu_ttep should already be
	 * populated, so just switch to the kernel_pmap now.

	cbz		x21, 1f
	adrp	x0, EXT(cpu_ttep)@page
	add		x0, x0, EXT(cpu_ttep)@pageoff
	ldr		x0, [x0]

	// Set up the exception vectors
	/* If this is not the first reset of the boot CPU, the alternate mapping
	 * for the exception vectors will be set up, so use it.  Otherwise, we
	 * should use the mapping located in the kernelcache mapping.

	cbnz		x21, 1f
#endif /* __ARM_KERNEL_PROTECT__ */
	adrp	x0, EXT(ExceptionVectorsBase)@page			// Load exception vectors base address
	add		x0, x0, EXT(ExceptionVectorsBase)@pageoff
	add		x0, x0, x22									// Convert exception vector address to KVA
	sub		x0, x0, x23

	PAC_INIT_KEY_STATE tmp=x0, tmp2=x1
#endif /* HAS_APPLE_PAC */

	// Enable caches, MMU, ROP and JOP
	isb		sy

	cmp		x0, x1
	bne		.
#endif /* !VMAPPLE */

	/* Watchtower
	 * If we have a Watchtower monitor it will setup CPACR_EL1 for us, touching
	 * it here would trap to EL3.

	// Enable NEON
	mov		x0, #(CPACR_FPEN_ENABLE)
	msr		CPACR_EL1, x0

	// Clear thread pointer
	msr		TPIDR_EL1, xzr						// Set thread register

#if defined(APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY)
	mrs		x12, MDSCR_EL1
	orr		x12, x12, MDSCR_TDCC
	msr		MDSCR_EL1, x12
	// Initialization common to all non-virtual Apple targets

	// Read MIDR before start of per-SoC tunables
	mrs x12, MIDR_EL1

	APPLY_TUNABLES x12, x13, x14

	// Unmask external IRQs if we're restarting from non-retention WFI
	mrs		x9, CPU_OVRD
	and		x9, x9, #(~(ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_irq_mask | ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_fiq_mask))
	msr		CPU_OVRD, x9

	// If x21 != 0, we're doing a warm reset, so we need to trampoline to the kernel pmap.
	cbnz	x21, Ltrampoline

	// Set KVA of boot args as first arg
	add		x0, x20, x22
	sub		x0, x0, x23

	mov	x20, x0
	mov	x21, lr

	// x0: boot args
	// x1: KVA page table phys base
	mrs	x1, TTBR1_EL1
	bl	EXT(kasan_bootstrap)

	mov	x0, x20
	mov	lr, x21

	// Return to arm_init()

	// Load VA of the trampoline
	adrp	x0, arm_init_tramp@page
	add		x0, x0, arm_init_tramp@pageoff
	add		x0, x0, x22
	sub		x0, x0, x23

	// Branch to the trampoline
	br		x0

 * V=P to KVA trampoline.
 *	x0 - KVA of cpu data pointer
	.align 2
	/* On a warm boot, the full kernel translation table is initialized in
	 * addition to the bootstrap tables. The layout is as follows:
	 *  +--Top of Memory--+
	 *         ...
	 *  |                 |
	 *  |  Primary Kernel |
	 *  |   Trans. Table  |
	 *  |                 |
	 *  +--Top + 5 pages--+
	 *  |                 |
	 *  |  Invalid Table  |
	 *  |                 |
	 *  +--Top + 4 pages--+
	 *  |                 |
	 *  |    KVA Table    |
	 *  |                 |
	 *  +--Top + 2 pages--+
	 *  |                 |
	 *  |    V=P Table    |
	 *  |                 |
	 *  +--Top of Kernel--+
	 *  |                 |
	 *  |  Kernel Mach-O  |
	 *  |                 |
	 *         ...
	 *  +---Kernel Base---+

	mov		x19, lr
	// Convert CPU data PA to VA and set as first argument
	mov		x0, x21
	bl		EXT(phystokv)

	mov		lr, x19

	/* Return to arm_init() */

//#include	"globals_asm.h"

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