/* Copyright (c) (2017-2023) Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* corecrypto is licensed under Apple Inc.’s Internal Use License Agreement (which
* is contained in the License.txt file distributed with corecrypto) and only to
* people who accept that license. IMPORTANT: Any license rights granted to you by
* Apple Inc. (if any) are limited to internal use within your organization only on
* devices and computers you own or control, for the sole purpose of verifying the
* security characteristics and correct functioning of the Apple Software. You may
* not, directly or indirectly, redistribute the Apple Software or any portions thereof.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <corecrypto/ccn.h>
#include "cc_workspaces.h"
#include "cc_memory.h"
#include "cc_internal.h"
#if CCN_UNIT_SIZE == 8
typedef unsigned cc_dunit __attribute__((mode(TI)));
#define cc_clz_nonzero cc_clz64
#define cc_ctz_nonzero cc_ctz64
#define CC_STORE_UNIT_BE(x, out) cc_store64_be(x, out)
#define CC_LOAD_UNIT_BE(x, out) (x = cc_load64_be(out))
#elif CCN_UNIT_SIZE == 4
typedef uint64_t cc_dunit;
#define cc_clz_nonzero cc_clz32
#define cc_ctz_nonzero cc_ctz32
#define CC_STORE_UNIT_BE(x, out) cc_store32_be(x, out)
#define CC_LOAD_UNIT_BE(x, out) (x = cc_load32_be(out))
#error Unsupported CCN_UNIT_SIZE
// r := x + y
#define CC_DUNIT_ADD(r, x, y, tmp) \
do { \
tmp = ((cc_dunit)(x)) + (y); \
r = (cc_unit)tmp; \
} while (0);
// r := x + y + (tmp >> 64)
#define CC_DUNIT_ADC(r, x, y, tmp) \
do { \
cc_unit _c = (tmp) >> CCN_UNIT_BITS; \
tmp = ((cc_dunit)(x)) + (y) + _c; \
r = (cc_unit)tmp; \
} while (0);
// r := x - y
#define CC_DUNIT_SUB(r, x, y, tmp) \
do { \
tmp = ((cc_dunit)(x)) - (y); \
r = (cc_unit)tmp; \
} while (0);
// r := x - y - (tmp >> 127)
#define CC_DUNIT_SBC(r, x, y, tmp) \
do { \
cc_unit _b = (tmp) >> (2 * CCN_UNIT_BITS - 1); \
tmp = ((cc_dunit)(x)) - (y) - _b; \
r = (cc_unit)tmp; \
} while (0);
// (hi,lo) += (x * y)
#define CC_DUNIT_MUL(x, y, hi, lo, tmp) \
do { \
tmp = (cc_dunit)(x) * (y); \
lo += (tmp) & CCN_UNIT_MASK; \
hi += (tmp) >> CCN_UNIT_BITS; \
} while (0);
// (hi,lo) += (x * y) * i
#define CC_DUNIT_MULI(x, y, hi, lo, tmp, i) \
do { \
tmp = (cc_dunit)(x) * (y); \
lo += ((tmp) & CCN_UNIT_MASK) * (i); \
hi += ((tmp) >> CCN_UNIT_BITS) * (i); \
} while (0);
// r := lo and (hi,lo) >>= 64
#define CC_STORE_LO(r, hi, lo) \
do { \
r = (cc_unit)lo; \
hi += lo >> CCN_UNIT_BITS; \
lo = hi & CCN_UNIT_MASK; \
hi >>= CCN_UNIT_BITS; \
} while (0);
CC_NONNULL((2, 3))
void ccn_set(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s);
CC_NONNULL((2, 4))
ccn_setn(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by (n)r, const cc_size s_size, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by (s_size)s)
cc_assert(n > 0 && s_size <= n);
if (s_size > 0) {
ccn_set(s_size, r, s);
ccn_zero(n - s_size, r + s_size);
ccn_clear(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_sized_by (n)r)
cc_clear(ccn_sizeof_n(n), r);
/* Returns the value of bit _k_ of _ccn_, both are only evaluated once. */
CC_INLINE cc_unit
ccn_bit(const cc_unit *cc_indexable x, size_t k)
return 1 & (x[k >> CCN_LOG2_BITS_PER_UNIT] >> (k & (CCN_UNIT_BITS - 1)));
/* |s - t| -> r return 1 iff t > s, 0 otherwise */
cc_unit ccn_abs(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) t);
/* Returns the number of bits which are zero before the first one bit
* counting from least to most significant bit. */
size_t ccn_trailing_zeros(cc_size n, const cc_unit *s);
/*! @function ccn_shift_right
* @abstract Shifts s to the right by k bits, where 0 <= k < CCN_UNIT_BITS.
* @param n Length of r and s
* @param r Resulting big int.
* @param s Big int to shift.
* @param k Number of bits to shift by.
void ccn_shift_right(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, size_t k) __asm__("_ccn_shift_right");
/*! @function ccn_shift_right_multi
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe, right shift.
* @param n Length of r and s as number of cc_units.
* @param r Destination, can overlap with s.
* @param s Input that's shifted by k bits.
* @param k Number of bits by which to shift s to the right.
void ccn_shift_right_multi(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, size_t k);
/* s << k -> r return bits shifted out of most significant word in bits [0, n>
* { N bit, scalar -> N bit } N = n * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8
* the _multi version doesn't return the shifted bits, but does support multiple
* word shifts */
void ccn_shift_left(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, size_t k) __asm__("_ccn_shift_left");
void ccn_shift_left_multi(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, size_t k);
// Conditionally swap the content of r0 and r1 buffers in constant time
// r0:r1 <- r1*k1 + s0*(k1-1)
void ccn_cond_swap(cc_size n, cc_unit ki, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r0, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r1);
/*! @function ccn_cond_shift_right
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe, conditional right shift.
* @param n Length of each of r and a as number of cc_units.
* @param s Selector bit (0 or 1).
* @param r Destination, can overlap with a.
* @param a Input that's shifted by k bits, if s=1.
* @param k Number of bits by which to shift a to the right, if s=1.
* (k must not be larger than CCN_UNIT_BITS.)
void ccn_cond_shift_right(cc_size n, cc_unit s, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) a, size_t k);
/*! @function ccn_cond_neg
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe, conditional negation.
* @param n Length of each of r and x as number of cc_units.
* @param s Selector bit (0 or 1).
* @param r Destination, can overlap with x.
* @param x Input that's negated, if s=1.
void ccn_cond_neg(cc_size n, cc_unit s, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) x);
/*! @function ccn_cond_shift_right_carry
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe, conditional right shift.
* @param n Length of each of r and a as number of cc_units.
* @param s Selector bit (0 or 1).
* @param r Destination, can overlap with a.
* @param a Input that's shifted by k bits, if s=1.
* @param k Number of bits by which to shift a to the right, if s=1.
* (k must not be larger than CCN_UNIT_BITS.)
* @param c Carry bit(s), the most significant bit(s) after shifting, if s=1.
void ccn_cond_shift_right_carry(cc_size n, cc_unit s, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) a, size_t k, cc_unit c);
/*! @function ccn_cond_add
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe, conditional addition.
* Computes r:= x + y, iff s = 1. Set r := x otherwise.
* @param n Length of each of r, x, and y as number of cc_units.
* @param s Selector bit (0 or 1).
* @param r Destination, can overlap with x or y.
* @param x First addend.
* @param y Second addend.
* @return The carry bit, if s=1. 0 otherwise.
cc_unit ccn_cond_add(cc_size n, cc_unit s, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) x, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) y);
/*! @function ccn_cond_rsub
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe, conditional reverse subtraction.
* Computes r := y - x, iff s = 1. Sets r := x otherwise.
* @param n Length of each of r, x, and y as number of cc_units.
* @param s Selector bit (0 or 1).
* @param r Destination, can overlap with x or y.
* @param x Subtrahend.
* @param y Minuend.
* @return The carry bit, if s=1. 0 otherwise.
cc_unit ccn_cond_rsub(cc_size n, cc_unit s, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) x, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) y);
/*! @function ccn_cond_sub
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe, conditional subtraction.
* Computes r := x - y, iff s = 1. Sets r := x otherwise.
* @param n Length of each of r, x, and y as number of cc_units.
* @param s Selector bit (0 or 1).
* @param r Destination, can overlap with x or y.
* @param x Minuend.
* @param y Subtrahend.
* @return The carry bit, if s=1. 0 otherwise.
cc_unit ccn_cond_sub(cc_size n, cc_unit s, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) x, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) y);
/*! @function ccn_cond_clear
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe, conditional zeroization.
* Sets r := 0, if s = 1. Does nothing otherwise.
* @param n Length of r as number of cc_units.
* @param s Selector bit (0 or 1).
* @param r Destination, can overlap with x or y.
void ccn_cond_clear(cc_size n, cc_unit s, cc_unit *r);
/*! @function ccn_mux
* @abstract Constant-time, SPA-safe multiplexer. Sets r = (s ? a : b).
* @discussion This works like a normal multiplexer (s & a) | (~s & b) but is
* slightly more complicated and expensive. Out of `s` we build
* half-word masks to hide extreme Hamming weights of operands.
* @param n Length of each of r, a, and b as number of cc_units.
* @param s Selector bit (0 or 1).
* @param r Destination, can overlap with a or b.
* @param a Input selected when s=1.
* @param b Input selected when s=0.
void ccn_mux(cc_size n, cc_unit s, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) a, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) b);
/*! @function ccn_gcd_ws
* @abstract Computes the greatest common divisor of s and t,
* r = gcd(s,t) / 2^k, and returns k.
* @param ws Workspace.
* @param rn Length of r as a number of cc_units.
* @param r Resulting GCD.
* @param sn Length of s as a number of cc_units.
* @param s First number s.
* @param tn Length of t as a number of cc_units.
* @param t First number t.
* @return The factor of two to shift r by to compute the actual GCD.
size_t ccn_gcd_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size rn, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(rn) r, cc_size sn, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(sn) s, cc_size tn, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(tn) t);
/*! @function ccn_lcm_ws
* @abstract Computes lcm(s,t), the least common multiple of s and t.
* @param ws Workspace.
* @param n Length of s,t as a number of cc_units.
* @param r2n Resulting LCM of length 2*n.
* @param s First number s.
* @param t First number t.
void ccn_lcm_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_unsafe_indexable r2n, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n)s, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n)t);
/* s * t -> r_2n r_2n must not overlap with s nor t
* { n bit, n bit -> 2 * n bit } n = count * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8
* { N bit, N bit -> 2N bit } N = ccn_bitsof(n) */
CC_NONNULL((2, 3, 4))
void ccn_mul(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_unsafe_indexable r_2n, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n)s, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n)t) __asm__("_ccn_mul");
/* s[0..n) * v -> r[0..n)+return value
* { N bit, sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 bit -> N + sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 bit } N = n * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 */
CC_NONNULL((2, 3))
cc_unit ccn_mul1(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, const cc_unit v);
/* s[0..n) * v[0..nv] -> r[0..n+nv)
* { n bit, nv bit -> n + nv bit} n = count * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8
* { N bit, NV bit -> N + NV bit} N = ccn_bitsof(n), NV = ccn_bitsof(nv)
* r, s, and v should not overlap
* Leaks n and nv through timing */
void ccn_muln(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n + nv) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, cc_size nv, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) v);
/* s[0..n) * v + r[0..n) -> r[0..n)+return value
* { N bit, sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 bit -> N + sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 bit } N = n * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 */
CC_NONNULL((2, 3))
cc_unit ccn_addmul1(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, const cc_unit v);
/* s * t -> r_2n r_2n must not overlap with s nor t
* { n bit, n bit -> 2 * n bit } n = count * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8
* { N bit, N bit -> 2N bit } N = ccn_bitsof(n)
* Provide a workspace for potential speedup */
void ccn_mul_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size count, cc_unit *cc_unsafe_indexable r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(count)s, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(count)t);
/* s^2 -> r
* { n bit -> 2 * n bit } */
void ccn_sqr_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_unsafe_indexable r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n)s);
/*! @function ccn_mod_ws
* @abstract Computes r = a % d.
* @discussion Use CCN_DIVMOD_WORKSPACE_N(n) for the workspace.
* @param ws Workspace
* @param na Length of a as a number of cc_units.
* @param a The dividend a.
* @param n Length of r,d as a number of cc_units.
* @param r The resulting remainder.
* @param d The divisor d.
#define ccn_mod_ws(ws, na, a, n, r, d) ccn_divmod_ws(ws, na, a, 0, NULL, n, r, d)
#define ccn_mod(na, a, n, r, d) ccn_divmod(na, a, 0, NULL, n, r, d)
/*! @function ccn_neg
* @abstract Computes the two's complement of x.
* @param n Length of r and x
* @param r Result of the negation
* @param x Number to negate
void ccn_neg(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) x);
/*! @function ccn_invert
* @abstract Computes x^-1 (mod 2^w).
* @param x Number to invert
* @return x^-1 (mod 2^w)
CC_INLINE cc_unit
ccn_invert(cc_unit x)
cc_assert(x & 1);
// Initial precision is 5 bits.
cc_unit y = (3 * x) ^ 2;
// Newton-Raphson iterations.
// Precision doubles with every step.
y *= 2 - y * x;
y *= 2 - y * x;
y *= 2 - y * x;
#if CCN_UNIT_SIZE == 8
y *= 2 - y * x;
cc_assert(y * x == 1);
return y;
/*! @function ccn_div_exact_ws
* @abstract Computes q = a / d where a = 0 (mod d).
* @param ws Workspace
* @param n Length of q,a,d as a number of cc_units.
* @param q The resulting exact quotient.
* @param a The dividend a.
* @param d The divisor d.
void ccn_div_exact_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) q, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) a, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) d);
/*! @function ccn_divides1
* @abstract Returns whether q divides x.
* @param n Length of x as a number of cc_units.
* @param x The dividend x.
* @param q The divisor q.
* @return True if q divides x without remainder, false otherwise.
bool ccn_divides1(cc_size n, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n)x, cc_unit q);
/*! @function ccn_select
* @abstract Select r[i] in constant-time, not revealing i via cache-timing.
* @param start Start index.
* @param end End index (length of r).
* @param r Big int r.
* @param i Offset into r.
* @return r[i], or zero if start > i or end < i.
CC_INLINE cc_unit
ccn_select(cc_size start, cc_size end, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(end)r, cc_size i)
cc_unit ri = 0;
for (cc_size j = start; j < end; j++) {
cc_size i_neq_j; // i≠j?
CC_HEAVISIDE_STEP(i_neq_j, i ^ j);
ri |= r[j] & ((cc_unit)i_neq_j - 1);
return ri;
/*! @function ccn_invmod_ws
* @abstract Computes the inverse of x modulo m, r = x^-1 (mod m).
* Returns an error if there's no inverse, i.e. gcd(x,m) ≠ 1.
* @discussion This is a very generic version of the binary XGCD algorithm. You
* don't want to use it when you have an odd modulus.
* This function is meant to be used by RSA key generation, for
* computation of d = e^1 (mod lcm(p-1,q-1)), where m can be even.
* x > m is allowed as long as xn == n, i.e. they occupy the same
* number of cc_units.
* @param ws Workspace.
* @param n Length of r and m as a number of cc_units.
* @param r The resulting inverse r.
* @param xn Length of x as a number of cc_units.
* @param x The number to invert.
* @param m The modulus.
* @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure. See cc_error.h for more details.
int ccn_invmod_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, cc_size xn, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(xn) x, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) m);
/*! @function ccn_mux_seed_mask
* @abstract Refreshes the internal state of the PRNG used to mask cmov/cswap
* operations with a given seed.
* @discussion The seed should be of good entropy, i.e. generated by our default
* RNG. This function should be called before running algorithms that
* defend against side-channel attacks by using cmov/cswap. Examples
* are blinded modular exponentation (for RSA, DH, or MR) and EC
* scalar multiplication.
* @param seed A seed value.
void ccn_mux_seed_mask(cc_unit seed);
/*! @function ccn_divmod
* @abstract Computes a = q * d + r with r < d.
* @param na Length of a as a number of cc_units.
* @param a The dividend a.
* @param nq Length of q as a number of cc_units.
* @param q The quotient q.
* @param n Length of r and d as a number of cc_units.
* @param r The remainder r.
* @param d The divisor d.
* @return 0 on success, non-zero on failure. See cc_error.h for more details.
int ccn_divmod(cc_size na, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(na) a, cc_size nq, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(nq) q, cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) d);
CC_NONNULL((1, 3, 8))
void ccn_divmod_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size na, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(na) a, cc_size nq, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(nq) q, cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) d);
void ccn_zero_multi(cc_size n, cc_unit *r, ...);
CC_NONNULL((3, 4, 5))
cc_unit ccn_add_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size count, cc_unit *r, const cc_unit *s, const cc_unit *t);
CC_NONNULL((3, 4, 5))
cc_unit ccn_sub_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size count, cc_unit *r, const cc_unit *s, const cc_unit *t);
CC_NONNULL((3, 4))
cc_unit ccn_add1_ws(cc_ws_t ws, cc_size n, cc_unit *r, const cc_unit *s, cc_unit v);
/* s + t -> r return carry if result doesn't fit in n bits
* { N bit, NT bit -> N bit NT <= N} N = n * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 */
cc_unit ccn_addn(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, cc_size nt, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(nt) t);
/* s - v -> r return 1 iff v > s return 0 otherwise.
* { N bit, sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 bit -> N bit } N = n * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 */
cc_unit ccn_sub1(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, cc_unit v);
/* s - t -> r return 1 iff t > s
* { N bit, NT bit -> N bit NT <= N} N = n * sizeof(cc_unit) * 8 */
cc_unit ccn_subn(cc_size n, cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) r, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n) s, cc_size nt, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(nt) t);
/* Return the number of used units after stripping leading 0 units. */
cc_size ccn_n(cc_size n, const cc_unit *cc_counted_by(n)s);
/* Make a ccn of size ccn_nof(nbits) units with up to nbits sized random value. */
int ccn_random_bits(cc_size nbits, cc_unit *cc_unsafe_indexable r, struct ccrng_state *rng);
/* Like ccn_random_bits, but uses ccrng_generate_fips under the hood. */
int ccn_random_bits_fips(cc_size nbits, cc_unit *cc_unsafe_indexable r, struct ccrng_state *rng);
// Joint Sparse Form recoding context for EC double-scalar multiplication.
struct ccn_rjsf_state {
uint8_t u[2];
const cc_unit *s;
const cc_unit *t;
/*! @function ccn_recode_jsf_init
* @abstract Initialize Joint Sparse Form recoding for EC scalars s and t.
* @param r JSF-recoding context.
* @param nbits Max. bit length of s and t.
* @param s Scalar to be recoded.
* @param t Scalar to be recoded.
void ccn_recode_jsf_init(struct ccn_rjsf_state *r, size_t nbits, const cc_unit *s, const cc_unit *t);
/*! @function ccn_recode_jsf_column
* @abstract Retrieve JSF-recoded digits for column k.
* @param r JSF-recoding context.
* @param k Column index.
* @param c Digits (output).
void ccn_recode_jsf_column(struct ccn_rjsf_state *r, size_t k, int c[2]);
/*! @function ccn_recode_jsf_index
* @abstract Retrieve the lookup table index for given column digits.
* @discussion For EC double-scalar multiplication, we assume a lookup table
* holding the four values [P, Q, P+Q, P-Q], in the same order.
* @param c Column digits.
* @return The lookup table index.
size_t ccn_recode_jsf_index(int c[2]);
/*! @function ccn_recode_jsf_direction
* @abstract Retrieve the "direction" for given column digits.
* @discussion For EC double-scalar multiplication, we assume a lookup table
* holding the four values [P, Q, P+Q, P-Q]. Negating each of
* these also yields [-P, -Q, -P-Q, -P+Q].
* An EC double-and-add algorithm will either add or subtract a
* precomputed point to cover all possible digit combinations of two
* JSF-recoded EC scalars.
* @param c Column digits.
* @return The "direction". 1 for addition. -1 for subtraction.
int ccn_recode_jsf_direction(int c[2]);
/*! @function ccn_read_le_bytes
* @abstract Copies a number given as little-endian bytes into `out`.
* @param n Number of limbs of `out`.
* @param in Number to parse as little-endian bytes.
* @param out Output.
ccn_read_le_bytes(cc_size n, const uint8_t *in, cc_unit *out)
for (cc_size i = 0; i < n; i++) {
out[i] = cc_load_le(&in[i * CCN_UNIT_SIZE]);
/*! @function ccn_write_le_bytes
* @abstract Encodes a number as little-endian bytes into `out`.
* @param n Number of limbs of `in`.
* @param in Number to encode as little-endian bytes.
* @param out Output.
ccn_write_le_bytes(cc_size n, const cc_unit *in, uint8_t *out)
for (cc_size i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cc_store_le(in[i], &out[i * CCN_UNIT_SIZE]);
/*! @function ccn_recode_ssw
* @abstract Recodes a given number into signed sliding windows.
* @param n Number of limbs of `s`.
* @param s Number to recode.
* @param w Recode width, for windows in range (-2^w,2^w).
* @param r Output for the computed signed sliding windows.
void ccn_recode_ssw(cc_size n, const cc_unit *s, int w, int8_t *r);