/* Copyright (c) (2010,2011,2015-2019,2021,2022) Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* corecrypto is licensed under Apple Inc.’s Internal Use License Agreement (which
* is contained in the License.txt file distributed with corecrypto) and only to
* people who accept that license. IMPORTANT: Any license rights granted to you by
* Apple Inc. (if any) are limited to internal use within your organization only on
* devices and computers you own or control, for the sole purpose of verifying the
* security characteristics and correct functioning of the Apple Software. You may
* not, directly or indirectly, redistribute the Apple Software or any portions thereof.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* Parts of this code adapted from LibTomCrypt
* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
* LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
* algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
* The library is free for all purposes without any express
* guarantee it works.
* Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@gmail.com, http://libtom.org
#include <corecrypto/ccsha2.h>
#include "cc_internal.h"
#include "ccsha2_internal.h"
#if CCSHA2_SHA256_USE_SHA512_K
#define K(i) ((uint32_t)(ccsha512_K[i] >> 32))
#define K(i) ccsha256_K[i]
// Various logical functions
#define Ch(x, y, z) (z ^ (x & (y ^ z)))
#define Maj(x, y, z) (((x | y) & z) | (x & y))
#define S(x, n) CC_RORc(x, n)
#define R(x, n) ((x) >> (n))
#define Sigma0(x) (S(x, 2) ^ S(x, 13) ^ S(x, 22))
#define Sigma1(x) (S(x, 6) ^ S(x, 11) ^ S(x, 25))
#define Gamma0(x) (S(x, 7) ^ S(x, 18) ^ R(x, 3))
#define Gamma1(x) (S(x, 17) ^ S(x, 19) ^ R(x, 10))
#define set_W(i) (W[i] = cc_load32_be(buf + (4 * (i))))
// the round function
#define RND(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) \
t0 = h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K(i) + W[i]; \
t1 = Sigma0(a) + Maj(a, b, c); \
d += t0; \
h = t0 + t1;
// compress 512-bits
ccsha256_ltc_compress(ccdigest_state_t state, size_t nblocks, const void *in)
uint32_t W[64], t0, t1;
uint32_t S[8];
int i;
uint32_t *s = ccdigest_u32(state);
const unsigned char *buf = in;
while (nblocks--) {
// schedule W 0..15
for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) {
// schedule W 16..63
for (; i < 64; i++) {
W[i] = Gamma1(W[i - 2]) + W[i - 7] + Gamma0(W[i - 15]) + W[i - 16];
// copy state into S
S[0] = s[0];
S[1] = s[1];
S[2] = s[2];
S[3] = s[3];
S[4] = s[4];
S[5] = s[5];
S[6] = s[6];
S[7] = s[7];
// Compress
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 1) {
t0 = S[7] + Sigma1(S[4]) + Ch(S[4], S[5], S[6]) + K(i) + W[i];
t1 = Sigma0(S[0]) + Maj(S[0], S[1], S[2]);
S[7] = S[6];
S[6] = S[5];
S[5] = S[4];
S[4] = S[3] + t0;
S[3] = S[2];
S[2] = S[1];
S[1] = S[0];
S[0] = t0 + t1;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) {
RND(S[0], S[1], S[2], S[3], S[4], S[5], S[6], S[7], i + 0);
RND(S[7], S[0], S[1], S[2], S[3], S[4], S[5], S[6], i + 1);
RND(S[6], S[7], S[0], S[1], S[2], S[3], S[4], S[5], i + 2);
RND(S[5], S[6], S[7], S[0], S[1], S[2], S[3], S[4], i + 3);
RND(S[4], S[5], S[6], S[7], S[0], S[1], S[2], S[3], i + 4);
RND(S[3], S[4], S[5], S[6], S[7], S[0], S[1], S[2], i + 5);
RND(S[2], S[3], S[4], S[5], S[6], S[7], S[0], S[1], i + 6);
RND(S[1], S[2], S[3], S[4], S[5], S[6], S[7], S[0], i + 7);
// feedback
s[0] += S[0];
s[1] += S[1];
s[2] += S[2];
s[3] += S[3];
s[4] += S[4];
s[5] += S[5];
s[6] += S[6];
s[7] += S[7];
buf += CCSHA256_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(buf[0]);