* Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#pragma once
#include <kdp/kdp_out_stage.h>
* A non-terminal output stage that merely buffers up any output data before
* sending it over to the next stage. This is useful when a subsequent stage
* expects data in specific chunks (e.g. the network stage expects chunks of
* a specific size to send as packets).
* Note that the buffer is flushed before any operation other than KDP_DATA,
* and is flushed when KDP_DATA is specified with an empty data buffer.
kern_return_t buffer_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage, size_t buffer_size);
* A non-terminal output stage that compresses the output data with LZ4 before
* sending it over to the next stage.
kern_return_t lz4_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage);
* Instructs the LZ4 stage to start monitoring for the Compression kext.
void lz4_stage_monitor_availability(void);
* A non-terminal output stage that compresses (using ZLib) the output data before
* sending it over to the next stage.
* Note that compression is bypassed (until the stage is reset) if the caller performs
* a KDP_SEEK operation.
kern_return_t zlib_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage);
* A non-terminal output stage that encrypts the data through AppleEncryptedArchive
* before sending it over to the next stage.
* Note that this stage requires that its subsequent stages be able to seek
* backwards and read data
* Double Note that this stage will technically only work if the subsequent stage is
* the disk stage.
kern_return_t aea_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage, const void *recipient_public_key, size_t recipient_public_key_size);
* Instructs the AEA stage to start monitoring for the availability of the AEA functionality.
void aea_stage_monitor_availability(void);
* Checks whether the AEA functionality is currently available.
bool aea_stage_is_available(void);
* A terminal output stage that writes data out to the corefile.
kern_return_t disk_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage);
* Write an arbitrary amount of data to an arbitrary offset in the on-disk corefile.
kern_return_t disk_stage_write(struct kdp_output_stage *stage, uint64_t offset, uint64_t length, const void *data);
* Read an arbitrary amount of data from an arbitrary offset in the on-disk corefile.
kern_return_t disk_stage_read(struct kdp_output_stage *stage, uint64_t offset, uint64_t length, void *data);
* A terminal output stage that streams the data out over the network.
kern_return_t net_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage);
* A non-terminal output stage that notifies registered panic callouts about coredump progress periodically.
kern_return_t progress_notify_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage);
#if defined(__arm64__)
* A non-terminal output stage that handles memory accesses to special device memory.
kern_return_t memory_backing_aware_buffer_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage);
#endif /* defined(__arm64__) */
#if defined(__arm64__)
* A terminal output stage that streams the data out to an external
* agent (a debugger) over a shared memory region.
kern_return_t shmem_stage_initialize(struct kdp_output_stage *stage);
#endif /* defined(__arm64__) */