This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
// Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
// as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
// Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
// may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
// unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
// circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
// terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
// Please obtain a copy of the License at
// and read it before using this file.
// The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
// distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
// Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
// limitations under the License.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <kern/assert.h>
#include <kern/backtrace.h>
#include <kern/cambria_layout.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <vm/vm_map_xnu.h>

#if defined(__arm64__)
#include <arm/cpu_data.h>
#include <arm/cpu_data_internal.h>
#endif // defined(__arm64__)

#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
#include <ptrauth.h>
#endif // defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)

#if __x86_64__
static void
	 * This symbol is used to replace frames that have been "JIT-ed"
	 * or dynamically inserted in the kernel by some kext in a regular
	 * VM mapping that might be outside of the filesets.
	 * This is an Intel only issue.

// Pack an address according to a particular packing format.
static size_t
_backtrace_pack_addr(backtrace_pack_t packing, uint8_t *dst, size_t dst_size,
    uintptr_t addr)
	switch (packing) {
	case BTP_NONE:
		if (dst_size >= sizeof(addr)) {
			memcpy(dst, &addr, sizeof(addr));
		return sizeof(addr);
	case BTP_KERN_OFFSET_32:;
		uintptr_t addr_delta = addr - vm_kernel_stext;
		int32_t addr_packed = (int32_t)addr_delta;
#if __x86_64__
		if ((uintptr_t)(int32_t)addr_delta != addr_delta) {
			addr = (vm_offset_t)&_backtrace_packed_out_of_reach;
			addr_delta = addr - vm_kernel_stext;
			addr_packed = (int32_t)addr_delta;
		assert((uintptr_t)(int32_t)addr_delta == addr_delta);
		if (dst_size >= sizeof(addr_packed)) {
			memcpy(dst, &addr_packed, sizeof(addr_packed));
		return sizeof(addr_packed);
		panic("backtrace: unknown packing format %d", packing);

// Since it's only called from threads that we're going to keep executing,
// if there's bad data the system is going to die eventually.  If this function
// is inlined, it doesn't record the frame of the function it's inside (because
// there's no stack frame), so prevent that.
static size_t __attribute__((noinline, not_tail_called))
backtrace_internal(backtrace_pack_t packing, uint8_t *bt,
    size_t btsize, void *start_frame, int64_t addr_offset,
    backtrace_info_t *info_out)
	thread_t thread = current_thread();
	uintptr_t *fp;
	size_t size_used = 0;
	uintptr_t top, bottom;
	bool in_valid_stack;
	assert(bt != NULL);
	assert(btsize > 0);

	fp = start_frame;
#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
	fp = ptrauth_strip(fp, ptrauth_key_frame_pointer);
	bottom = thread->kernel_stack;
	top = bottom + kernel_stack_size;

#define IN_STK_BOUNDS(__addr) \
	(((uintptr_t)(__addr) >= (uintptr_t)bottom) && \
	((uintptr_t)(__addr) < (uintptr_t)top))

	in_valid_stack = IN_STK_BOUNDS(fp) || ml_addr_in_non_xnu_stack((uintptr_t)fp);

	if (!in_valid_stack) {
		fp = NULL;

	while (fp != NULL && size_used < btsize) {
		uintptr_t *next_fp = (uintptr_t *)*fp;
#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
		next_fp = ptrauth_strip(next_fp, ptrauth_key_frame_pointer);
		// Return address is one word higher than frame pointer.
		uintptr_t ret_addr = *(fp + 1);

		// If the frame pointer is 0, backtracing has reached the top of
		// the stack and there is no return address.  Some stacks might not
		// have set this up, so bounds check, as well.
		in_valid_stack = IN_STK_BOUNDS(next_fp) || ml_addr_in_non_xnu_stack((uintptr_t)next_fp);

		if (next_fp == NULL || !in_valid_stack) {

#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
		// Return addresses are signed by arm64e ABI, so strip it.
		uintptr_t pc = (uintptr_t)ptrauth_strip((void *)ret_addr,
#else // defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
		uintptr_t pc = ret_addr;
#endif // !defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
		pc += addr_offset;
		size_used += _backtrace_pack_addr(packing, bt + size_used,
		    btsize - size_used, pc);

		// Stacks grow down; backtracing should always be moving to higher
		// addresses except when a frame is stitching between two different
		// stacks.
		if (next_fp <= fp) {
			// This check is verbose; it is basically checking whether this
			// thread is switching between the kernel stack and a non-XNU stack
			// (or between one non-XNU stack and another, as there can be more
			// than one). If not, then stop the backtrace as stack switching
			// should be the only reason as to why the next FP would be lower
			// than the current FP.
			if (!ml_addr_in_non_xnu_stack((uintptr_t)fp) &&
			    !ml_addr_in_non_xnu_stack((uintptr_t)next_fp)) {
		fp = next_fp;

	if (info_out) {
		backtrace_info_t info = BTI_NONE;
#if __LP64__
		info |= BTI_64_BIT;
		if (fp != NULL && size_used >= btsize) {
			info |= BTI_TRUNCATED;
		*info_out = info;

	return size_used;

static kern_return_t
interrupted_kernel_pc_fp(uintptr_t *pc, uintptr_t *fp)
#if defined(__x86_64__)
	x86_saved_state_t *state;
	bool state_64;
	uint64_t cs;

	state = current_cpu_datap()->cpu_int_state;
	if (!state) {
		return KERN_FAILURE;

	state_64 = is_saved_state64(state);

	if (state_64) {
		cs = saved_state64(state)->isf.cs;
	} else {
		cs = saved_state32(state)->cs;
	// Return early if interrupted a thread in user space.
	if ((cs & SEL_PL) == SEL_PL_U) {
		return KERN_FAILURE;

	if (state_64) {
		*pc = saved_state64(state)->;
		*fp = saved_state64(state)->rbp;
	} else {
		*pc = saved_state32(state)->eip;
		*fp = saved_state32(state)->ebp;

#elif defined(__arm64__)

	struct arm_saved_state *state;

	state = getCpuDatap()->cpu_int_state;
	if (!state) {
		return KERN_FAILURE;

	// Return early if interrupted a thread in user space.
	if (PSR64_IS_USER(get_saved_state_cpsr(state))) {
		return KERN_FAILURE;

	*pc = ml_get_backtrace_pc(state);
	*fp = get_saved_state_fp(state);

#else // !defined(__arm64__) && !defined(__x86_64__)
#error "unsupported architecture"
#endif // !defined(__arm64__) && !defined(__x86_64__)


static uintptr_t
_backtrace_preamble(struct backtrace_control *ctl, uintptr_t *start_frame_out)
	backtrace_flags_t flags = ctl ? ctl->btc_flags : 0;
	uintptr_t start_frame = ctl ? ctl->btc_frame_addr : 0;
	uintptr_t pc = 0;
	if (flags & BTF_KERN_INTERRUPTED) {
		assert(ml_at_interrupt_context() == TRUE);

		uintptr_t fp;
		kern_return_t kr = interrupted_kernel_pc_fp(&pc, &fp);
		if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
			return 0;
		*start_frame_out = start_frame ?: fp;
	} else if (start_frame == 0) {
		*start_frame_out = (uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0);
	} else {
		*start_frame_out = start_frame;
	return pc;

unsigned int __attribute__((noinline))
backtrace(uintptr_t *bt, unsigned int max_frames,
    struct backtrace_control *ctl, backtrace_info_t *info_out)
	unsigned int len_adj = 0;
	uintptr_t start_frame = ctl ? ctl->btc_frame_addr : 0;
	uintptr_t pc = _backtrace_preamble(ctl, &start_frame);
	if (pc) {
		bt[0] = pc;
		if (max_frames == 1) {
			return 1;
		bt += 1;
		max_frames -= 1;
		len_adj += 1;

	size_t size = backtrace_internal(BTP_NONE, (uint8_t *)bt,
	    max_frames * sizeof(uintptr_t), (void *)start_frame,
	    ctl ? ctl->btc_addr_offset : 0, info_out);
	// NULL-terminate the list, if space is available.
	unsigned int len = size / sizeof(uintptr_t);
	if (len != max_frames) {
		bt[len] = 0;

	return len + len_adj;

// Backtrace the current thread's kernel stack as a packed representation.
backtrace_packed(backtrace_pack_t packing, uint8_t *bt, size_t btsize,
    struct backtrace_control *ctl,
    backtrace_info_t *info_out)
	unsigned int size_adj = 0;
	uintptr_t start_frame = ctl ? ctl->btc_frame_addr : 0;
	uintptr_t pc = _backtrace_preamble(ctl, &start_frame);
	if (pc) {
		size_adj = _backtrace_pack_addr(packing, bt, btsize, pc);
		if (size_adj >= btsize) {
			return size_adj;
		btsize -= size_adj;

	size_t written_size = backtrace_internal(packing, (uint8_t *)bt, btsize,
	    (void *)start_frame, ctl ? ctl->btc_addr_offset : 0, info_out);
	return written_size + size_adj;

// Convert an array of addresses to a packed representation.
backtrace_pack(backtrace_pack_t packing, uint8_t *dst, size_t dst_size,
    const uintptr_t *src, unsigned int src_len)
	size_t dst_offset = 0;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < src_len; i++) {
		size_t pack_size = _backtrace_pack_addr(packing, dst + dst_offset,
		    dst_size - dst_offset, src[i]);
		if (dst_offset + pack_size >= dst_size) {
			return dst_offset;
		dst_offset += pack_size;
	return dst_offset;

// Convert a packed backtrace to an array of addresses.
unsigned int
backtrace_unpack(backtrace_pack_t packing, uintptr_t *dst, unsigned int dst_len,
    const uint8_t *src, size_t src_size)
	switch (packing) {
	case BTP_NONE:;
		size_t unpack_size = MIN(dst_len * sizeof(uintptr_t), src_size);
		memmove(dst, src, unpack_size);
		return (unsigned int)(unpack_size / sizeof(uintptr_t));
	case BTP_KERN_OFFSET_32:;
		unsigned int src_len = src_size / sizeof(int32_t);
		unsigned int unpack_len = MIN(src_len, dst_len);
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unpack_len; i++) {
			int32_t addr = 0;
			memcpy(&addr, src + i * sizeof(int32_t), sizeof(int32_t));
			dst[i] = vm_kernel_stext + (uintptr_t)addr;
		return unpack_len;
		panic("backtrace: unknown packing format %d", packing);

static errno_t
_backtrace_copyin(void * __unused ctx, void *dst, user_addr_t src, size_t size)
	return copyin((user_addr_t)src, dst, size);

backtrace_user_copy_error(void *ctx, void *dst, user_addr_t src, size_t size)
#pragma unused(ctx, dst, src, size)
	return EFAULT;

unsigned int
backtrace_user(uintptr_t *bt, unsigned int max_frames,
    const struct backtrace_control *ctl_in,
    struct backtrace_user_info *info_out)
	static const struct backtrace_control ctl_default = {
		.btc_user_copy = _backtrace_copyin,
	const struct backtrace_control *ctl = ctl_in ?: &ctl_default;
	uintptr_t pc = 0, next_fp = 0;
	uintptr_t fp = ctl->btc_frame_addr;
	bool custom_fp = fp != 0;
	int64_t addr_offset = ctl ? ctl->btc_addr_offset : 0;
	vm_map_t map = NULL, old_map = NULL;
	unsigned int frame_index = 0;
	int error = 0;
	size_t frame_size = 0;
	bool truncated = false;
	bool user_64 = false;
	bool allow_async = true;
	bool has_async = false;
	uintptr_t async_frame_addr = 0;
	unsigned int async_index = 0;

	backtrace_user_copy_fn copy = ctl->btc_user_copy ?: _backtrace_copyin;
	bool custom_copy = copy != _backtrace_copyin;
	void *ctx = ctl->btc_user_copy_context;

	void *thread = ctl->btc_user_thread;
	void *cur_thread = NULL;
	if (thread == NULL) {
		cur_thread = current_thread();
		thread = cur_thread;
	task_t task = get_threadtask(thread);

	assert(task != NULL);
	assert(bt != NULL);
	assert(max_frames > 0);

	if (!custom_copy) {
		assert(ml_get_interrupts_enabled() == TRUE);
		if (!ml_get_interrupts_enabled()) {
			error = EDEADLK;

		if (cur_thread == NULL) {
			cur_thread = current_thread();
		if (thread != cur_thread) {
			map = get_task_map_reference(task);
			if (map == NULL) {
				error = ENOMEM;
				goto out;
			old_map = vm_map_switch(map);

#define SWIFT_ASYNC_FP_BIT (0x1ULL << 60)

#if defined(__x86_64__)

	// Don't allow a malformed user stack to copy arbitrary kernel data.

	x86_saved_state_t *state = get_user_regs(thread);
	if (!state) {
		error = EINVAL;
		goto out;

	user_64 = is_saved_state64(state);
	if (user_64) {
		pc = saved_state64(state)->;
		fp = fp != 0 ? fp : saved_state64(state)->rbp;
	} else {
		pc = saved_state32(state)->eip;
		fp = fp != 0 ? fp : saved_state32(state)->ebp;

#elif defined(__arm64__)

	struct arm_saved_state *state = get_user_regs(thread);
	if (!state) {
		error = EINVAL;
		goto out;

	user_64 = is_saved_state64(state);
	pc = get_saved_state_pc(state);
	fp = fp != 0 ? fp : get_saved_state_fp(state);

	// ARM expects stack frames to be aligned to 16 bytes.
#define INVALID_USER_FP(FP) (((FP) & 0x3UL) != 0UL)

#else // defined(__arm64__) || defined(__x86_64__)
#error "unsupported architecture"
#endif // !defined(__arm64__) && !defined(__x86_64__)

	// Only capture the save state PC without a custom frame pointer to walk.
	if (!ctl || ctl->btc_frame_addr == 0) {
		bt[frame_index++] = pc + addr_offset;

	if (frame_index >= max_frames) {
		goto out;

	if (fp == 0) {
		// If the FP is zeroed, then there's no stack to walk, by design.  This
		// happens for workq threads that are being sent back to user space or
		// during boot-strapping operations on other kinds of threads.
		goto out;
	} else if (INVALID_USER_FP(fp)) {
		// Still capture the PC in this case, but mark the stack as truncated
		// and "faulting."  (Using the frame pointer on a call stack would cause
		// an exception.)
		error = EFAULT;
		truncated = true;
		goto out;

	union {
		struct {
			uint64_t fp;
			uint64_t ret;
		} u64;
		struct {
			uint32_t fp;
			uint32_t ret;
		} u32;
	} frame;

	frame_size = 2 * (user_64 ? 8 : 4);

	while (fp != 0 && frame_index < max_frames) {
		error = copy(ctx, (char *)&frame, fp, frame_size);
		if (error) {
			truncated = true;
			goto out;

		// Capture this return address before tripping over any errors finding
		// the next frame to follow.
		uintptr_t ret_addr = user_64 ? frame.u64.ret : frame.u32.ret;
#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
		// Return addresses are signed by arm64e ABI, so strip off the auth
		// bits.
		bt[frame_index++] = (uintptr_t)ptrauth_strip((void *)ret_addr,
		    ptrauth_key_return_address) + addr_offset;
#else // defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
		bt[frame_index++] = ret_addr + addr_offset;
#endif // !defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)

		// Find the next frame to follow.
		next_fp = user_64 ? frame.u64.fp : frame.u32.fp;
		bool async_frame = allow_async && SWIFT_ASYNC_FP(next_fp);
		// There is no 32-bit ABI for Swift async call stacks.
		if (user_64 && async_frame) {
			async_index = frame_index - 1;
			// The async context pointer is just below the stack frame.
			user_addr_t async_ctx_ptr = fp - 8;
			user_addr_t async_ctx = 0;
			error = copy(ctx, (char *)&async_ctx, async_ctx_ptr,
			if (error) {
				goto out;
#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
			async_frame_addr = (uintptr_t)ptrauth_strip((void *)async_ctx,
#else // defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
			async_frame_addr = (uintptr_t)async_ctx;
#endif // !defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
			has_async = true;
			allow_async = false;
		next_fp = SWIFT_ASYNC_FP_CLEAR(next_fp);
#if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
		next_fp = (uintptr_t)ptrauth_strip((void *)next_fp,
#endif // defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC)
		if (INVALID_USER_FP(next_fp)) {

		// Stacks grow down; backtracing should be moving to higher addresses,
		// unless a custom frame pointer is provided, in which case, an async
		// stack might be walked, which is allocated on the heap in any order.
		if ((next_fp == fp) || (!custom_fp && next_fp < fp)) {
		fp = next_fp;

	if (old_map != NULL) {

	// NULL-terminate the list, if space is available.
	if (frame_index < max_frames) {
		bt[frame_index] = 0;

	if (info_out) {
		info_out->btui_error = error;
		backtrace_info_t info = user_64 ? BTI_64_BIT : BTI_NONE;
		bool out_of_space = !INVALID_USER_FP(fp) && frame_index == max_frames;
		if (truncated || out_of_space) {
			info |= BTI_TRUNCATED;
		if (out_of_space && error == 0) {
			info_out->btui_next_frame_addr = fp;
		info_out->btui_info = info;
		info_out->btui_async_start_index = async_index;
		info_out->btui_async_frame_addr = async_frame_addr;

	return frame_index;