* Copyright (c) 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
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#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <kern/assert.h>
* Circle Queue Management APIs
* These are similar to the queues from queue.h,
* but the circle queue head is a single pointer to the first element
* of the queue.
typedef struct circle_queue_head {
queue_entry_t head;
} circle_queue_head_t, *circle_queue_t;
static inline bool
circle_queue_empty(circle_queue_t cq)
return cq->head == NULL;
static inline queue_entry_t
circle_queue_first(circle_queue_t cq)
return cq->head;
static inline queue_entry_t
circle_queue_last(circle_queue_t cq)
queue_entry_t elt = circle_queue_first(cq);
if (elt) {
__builtin_assume(elt->prev != NULL);
return elt->prev;
return NULL;
static inline queue_entry_t
circle_queue_next(circle_queue_t cq, queue_entry_t elt)
return elt->next == cq->head ? NULL : elt->next;
static inline size_t
circle_queue_length(circle_queue_t cq)
queue_entry_t elt = circle_queue_first(cq);
size_t n = 0;
for (; elt; elt = circle_queue_next(cq, elt)) {
return n;
/* returns if the queue became non empty */
static inline bool
circle_enqueue_tail(circle_queue_t cq, queue_entry_t elt)
queue_entry_t head = circle_queue_first(cq);
queue_entry_t tail = circle_queue_last(cq);
if (head == NULL) {
cq->head = elt->next = elt->prev = elt;
return true;
} else if (tail->next != head) {
} else {
elt->next = head;
elt->prev = tail;
tail->next = elt;
head->prev = elt;
return false;
/* returns if the queue became non empty */
static inline bool
circle_enqueue_head(circle_queue_t cq, queue_entry_t elt)
bool was_empty = circle_enqueue_tail(cq, elt);
cq->head = elt;
return was_empty;
static inline void
circle_dequeue(circle_queue_t cq, queue_entry_t elt)
queue_entry_t elt_prev = elt->prev;
queue_entry_t elt_next = elt->next;
if (elt == elt_next) {
assert(cq->head == elt);
cq->head = NULL;
} else {
elt_prev->next = elt_next;
elt_next->prev = elt_prev;
if (cq->head == elt) {
cq->head = elt_next;
static inline queue_entry_t
circle_dequeue_head(circle_queue_t cq)
queue_entry_t elt = circle_queue_first(cq);
if (elt) {
circle_dequeue(cq, elt);
return elt;
static inline queue_entry_t
circle_dequeue_tail(circle_queue_t cq)
queue_entry_t elt = circle_queue_last(cq);
if (elt) {
circle_dequeue(cq, elt);
return elt;
/* returns if the destination queue became non empty */
static inline bool
circle_queue_concat_tail(circle_queue_t dq, circle_queue_t sq)
queue_entry_t d_head, d_tail;
queue_entry_t s_head, s_tail;
s_head = sq->head;
if (!s_head) {
return false;
s_tail = s_head->prev;
if (s_tail->next != s_head) {
sq->head = (queue_entry_t)NULL;
d_head = dq->head;
if (!d_head) {
dq->head = s_head;
return true;
d_tail = d_head->prev;
if (d_tail->next != d_head) {
d_tail->next = s_head;
s_head->prev = d_tail;
d_head->prev = s_tail;
s_tail->next = d_head;
return false;
static inline void
circle_queue_rotate_head_forward(circle_queue_t cq)
queue_entry_t first = circle_queue_first(cq);
if (first != NULL) {
cq->head = first->next;
static inline void
circle_queue_rotate_head_backward(circle_queue_t cq)
queue_entry_t last = circle_queue_last(cq);
if (last != NULL) {
cq->head = last;
* Macro: cqe_element
* Function:
* Convert a cirle_queue_entry_t pointer to a queue element pointer.
* Get a pointer to the user-defined element containing
* a given cirle_queue_entry_t
* Header:
* <type> * cqe_element(cirle_queue_entry_t qe, <type>, field)
* qe - queue entry to convert
* <type> - what's in the queue (e.g., struct some_data)
* <field> - is the chain field in <type>
* Note:
* Do not use pointer types for <type>
#define cqe_element(qe, type, field) __container_of(qe, type, field)
* Macro: cqe_foreach
* Function:
* Iterate over each queue_entry_t structure.
* Generates a 'for' loop, setting 'qe' to
* each queue_entry_t in the queue.
* Header:
* cqe_foreach(queue_entry_t qe, queue_t head)
* qe - iteration variable
* head - pointer to queue_head_t (head of queue)
* Note:
* This should only be used with Method 1 queue iteration (linkage chains)
#define cqe_foreach(qe, head) \
for (qe = circle_queue_first(head); qe; qe = circle_queue_next(head, qe))
* Macro: cqe_foreach_safe
* Function:
* Safely iterate over each queue_entry_t structure.
* Use this iterator macro if you plan to remove the
* queue_entry_t, qe, from the queue during the
* iteration.
* Header:
* cqe_foreach_safe(queue_entry_t qe, queue_t head)
* qe - iteration variable
* head - pointer to queue_head_t (head of queue)
* Note:
* This should only be used with Method 1 queue iteration (linkage chains)
#define cqe_foreach_safe(qe, head) \
for (queue_entry_t _ne, _qe = circle_queue_first(head); \
(qe = _qe) && (_ne = circle_queue_next(head, _qe), 1); \
_qe = _ne)
* Macro: cqe_foreach_element
* Function:
* Iterate over each _element_ in a queue
* where each queue_entry_t points to another
* queue_entry_t, i.e., managed by the [de|en]queue_head/
* [de|en]queue_tail / remqueue / etc. function.
* Header:
* cqe_foreach_element(<type> *elt, queue_t head, <field>)
* elt - iteration variable
* <type> - what's in the queue (e.g., struct some_data)
* <field> - is the chain field in <type>
* Note:
* This should only be used with Method 1 queue iteration (linkage chains)
#define cqe_foreach_element(elt, head, field) \
for (queue_entry_t _qe = circle_queue_first(head); \
_qe && (elt = cqe_element(_qe, typeof(*(elt)), field), 1); \
_qe = circle_queue_next(head, _qe))
* Macro: cqe_foreach_element_safe
* Function:
* Safely iterate over each _element_ in a queue
* where each queue_entry_t points to another
* queue_entry_t, i.e., managed by the [de|en]queue_head/
* [de|en]queue_tail / remqueue / etc. function.
* Use this iterator macro if you plan to remove the
* element, elt, from the queue during the iteration.
* Header:
* cqe_foreach_element_safe(<type> *elt, queue_t head, <field>)
* elt - iteration variable
* <type> - what's in the queue (e.g., struct some_data)
* <field> - is the chain field in <type>
* Note:
* This should only be used with Method 1 queue iteration (linkage chains)
#define cqe_foreach_element_safe(elt, head, field) \
for (queue_entry_t _ne, _qe = circle_queue_first(head); \
_qe && (elt = cqe_element(_qe, typeof(*(elt)), field), \
_ne = circle_queue_next(head, _qe), 1); \
_qe = _ne)
/* Dequeue an element from head, or return NULL if the queue is empty */
#define cqe_dequeue_head(head, type, field) ({ \
queue_entry_t _tmp_entry = circle_dequeue_head((head)); \
type *_tmp_element = (type*) NULL; \
if (_tmp_entry != (queue_entry_t) NULL) \
_tmp_element = cqe_element(_tmp_entry, type, field); \
_tmp_element; \
/* Dequeue an element from tail, or return NULL if the queue is empty */
#define cqe_dequeue_tail(head, type, field) ({ \
queue_entry_t _tmp_entry = circle_dequeue_tail((head)); \
type *_tmp_element = (type*) NULL; \
if (_tmp_entry != (queue_entry_t) NULL) \
_tmp_element = cqe_element(_tmp_entry, type, field); \
_tmp_element; \
/* Peek at the first element, or return NULL if the queue is empty */
#define cqe_queue_first(head, type, field) ({ \
queue_entry_t _tmp_entry = circle_queue_first((head)); \
type *_tmp_element = (type*) NULL; \
if (_tmp_entry != (queue_entry_t) NULL) \
_tmp_element = cqe_element(_tmp_entry, type, field); \
_tmp_element; \
/* Peek at the next element, or return NULL if it is last */
#define cqe_queue_next(elt, head, type, field) ({ \
queue_entry_t _tmp_entry = circle_queue_next((head), (elt)); \
type *_tmp_element = (type*) NULL; \
if (_tmp_entry != (queue_entry_t) NULL) \
_tmp_element = cqe_element(_tmp_entry, type, field); \
_tmp_element; \
/* Peek at the tail element, or return NULL if the queue is empty */
#define cqe_queue_last(head, type, field) ({ \
queue_entry_t _tmp_entry = circle_queue_last((head)); \
type *_tmp_element = (type*) NULL; \
if (_tmp_entry != (queue_entry_t) NULL) \
_tmp_element = cqe_element(_tmp_entry, type, field); \
_tmp_element; \
* Macro: circle_queue_init
* Function:
* Initialize the given circle queue.
* Header:
* void circle_queue_init(q)
* circle_queue_t q; \* MODIFIED *\
#define circle_queue_init(q) \
(q)->head = NULL; \
#endif /* _KERN_QUEUE_H_ */