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* Interfaces for non-kernel managed devices to inform the kernel of their
* energy and performance relevant activity and resource utilisation, typically
* on a per-thread or task basis.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
typedef struct {
uint32_t gpu_id;
uint32_t gpu_max_domains;
} gpu_descriptor;
typedef gpu_descriptor *gpu_descriptor_t;
/* The GPU is expected to describe itself with this interface prior to reporting
* resource usage.
void gpu_describe(gpu_descriptor_t);
#define GPU_SCOPE_MISC (0x2)
/* GPU utilisation update for the current thread. */
uint64_t gpu_accumulate_time(uint32_t scope, uint32_t gpu_id, uint32_t gpu_domain, uint64_t gpu_accumulated_ns, uint64_t gpu_tstamp_ns);
* An energy id is an unreferenced unique identifier
* that can be used to account energy to a previously identified kernel object
* without having to hold a reference on it. That kernel object may become
* terminated before this energy ID is used.
* As an implementation detail, this may be an identifier for a resource
* coalition or a task.
* Prefer to use accounting interfaces through IOPerfControl instead, unless
* energy data is not available immediately after a work item is complete.
typedef uint64_t energy_id_t;
* @function current_energy_id()
* @abstract
* Produces an energy id that the current context should account to.
* @param energy_id energy id for the current context
* @returns KERN_SUCCESS An energy id is produced
* KERN_FAILURE The current task is kernel_task or doesn't support accounting.
extern kern_return_t
current_energy_id(energy_id_t *energy_id);
* @function task_id_token_to_energy_id()
* @abstract
* Produces an energy id from a task identity token port name found
* in the current task's IPC space. (e.g. from task_create_identity_token)
* This does a task identity port to task_t translation via proc_find_ident,
* which may stall while the targeted task is execing.
* @param name port name for the task identity token to operate on
* @param energy_id energy id for the provided task
* @returns KERN_SUCCESS A valid energy id is produced
* KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT Passed identity token is invalid
* KERN_NOT_FOUND Cannot find task represented by token
extern kern_return_t
task_id_token_to_energy_id(mach_port_name_t name, energy_id_t *energy_id);
#define ENERGY_ID_NONE (0x0)
__enum_decl(energy_id_source_t, uint32_t, {
* @function energy_id_report_energy()
* @abstract
* Report energy use for an energy ID.
* Optionally, report that this energy use was done on behalf of another
* energy ID, which can be the same ID.
* To indicate that the energy use is not on behalf of any other ID, provide
* ENERGY_ID_NONE for the on_behalf_of_id.
* If the primary and secondary IDs refer to the same entity, then energy
* will be reported as work it did on behalf of itself (it will not be double
* counted)
* If the provided primary ID is no longer valid, energy use will either be ignored
* or accounted to a global 'dead' accounting bucket.
* If the secondary ID is no longer valid, energy use will still be reported
* in the 'on behalf of' field of the primary, and will either be ignored or
* accounted to the global 'dead' bucket's on behalf of field.
* Note that the energy ID may still be valid temporarily after energy data has been
* snapshotted by launchd for reporting to powerlog, so energy accounted during
* this window may be lost.
* @param energy_source what HW entity used the energy
* @param self_id energy ID for the entity directly responsible for this work
* @param on_behalf_of_id energy ID for the entity that this work was done on behalf of
* @param energy energy to report in nanojoules
* @returns KERN_SUCCESS Energy accounting accepted
* KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT The entity identified by self_id is invalid
* KERN_NOT_FOUND The entity identified by self_id doesn't exist
* KERN_NOT_SUPPORTED Unknown type of energy_source
extern kern_return_t
energy_id_report_energy(energy_id_source_t energy_source, energy_id_t self_id,
energy_id_t on_behalf_of_id, uint64_t energy);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
/* Interfaces for the block storage driver to advise the perf. controller of
* recent IOs
/* Target medium for this set of IOs. Updates can occur in parallel if
* multiple devices exist, hence consumers must synchronize internally, ideally
* in a low-overhead fashion such as per-CPU counters, as this may be invoked
* within the IO path.
/* As there are several priority bands whose nature is evolving, we rely on the
* block storage driver to classify non-performance-critical IOs as "low"
* priority. Separate updates are expected for low/high priority IOs.
#define IO_PRIORITY_LOW (0x1ULL << 8)
/* Reserved for estimates of bursts of future IOs; could possibly benefit from
* a time horizon, but it's unclear if it will be specifiable by any layer with
* reasonable accuracy
uint64_t io_rate_update(
uint64_t io_rate_flags, /* Rotating/NAND, IO priority level */
uint64_t read_ops_delta,
uint64_t write_ops_delta,
uint64_t read_bytes_delta,
uint64_t write_bytes_delta);
typedef uint64_t (*io_rate_update_callback_t) (uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t);
void io_rate_update_register(io_rate_update_callback_t);
/* Interfaces for integrated GPUs to supply command submission telemetry.
#define GPU_NCMDS_VALID (0x1)
#define GPU_BUSY_VALID (0x4)
#define GPU_MISC_VALID (0x10)
void gpu_submission_telemetry(
uint64_t gpu_ncmds_total,
uint64_t gpu_noutstanding,
uint64_t gpu_busy_ns_total,
uint64_t gpu_cycles,
uint64_t gpu_telemetry_valid_flags,
uint64_t gpu_telemetry_misc);
typedef uint64_t (*gpu_set_fceiling_t) (uint32_t gpu_fceiling_ratio, uint64_t gpu_fceiling_param);
void gpu_fceiling_cb_register(gpu_set_fceiling_t);
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* _KERN_ENERGY_PERF_H_ */