* Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#ifndef _KERN_LOCK_PTR_H_
#define _KERN_LOCK_PTR_H_
#include <kern/lock_types.h>
#include <kern/lock_group.h>
#include <kern/lock_attr.h>
#include <vm/vm_memtag.h>
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
#define HW_LCK_PTR_BITS (64 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 16)
#define HW_LCK_PTR_BITS (64 - 1 - 1 - 16)
* @typedef hw_lck_ptr_t
* @brief
* Low level lock that can share the slot of a pointer value.
* @discussion
* An @c hw_lck_ptr_t is a fair spinlock fitting in a single
* pointer sized word, and allows for that word to retain
* its original pointer value without any loss.
* It uses the top bits of the pointer which in the kernel
* aren't significant to store an MCS queue as well as various
* state bits.
* The pointer can't be PAC signed, but the MTESAN tag
* is preserved (when the feature is on).
* No assumption is made on the alignment of the pointer,
* and clients may use the low bits of the pointer to encode
* state as they see fit.
* It is intended to be used for fine grained locking
* in hash table bucket heads or similar structures.
* The pointer value can be changed by taking the lock,
* (which returns the current value of the pointer),
* and then unlock with the new pointer value.
typedef union hw_lck_ptr {
struct {
intptr_t lck_ptr_bits : HW_LCK_PTR_BITS;
uintptr_t lck_ptr_tag : 4;
uintptr_t lck_ptr_locked : 1;
uintptr_t lck_ptr_stats : 1;
uint16_t lck_ptr_mcs_tail __kernel_ptr_semantics;
uintptr_t lck_ptr_value;
} hw_lck_ptr_t;
/* init/destroy */
#define hw_lck_ptr_init(lck, val, grp) hw_lck_ptr_init(lck, val)
#define hw_lck_ptr_destroy(lck, grp) hw_lck_ptr_destroy(lck)
#endif /* !LCK_GRP_USE_ARG */
* @function hw_lck_ptr_init()
* @brief
* Initializes an hw_lck_ptr_t with the specified pointer value.
* @discussion
* hw_lck_ptr_destroy() must be called to destroy this lock.
* @param lck the lock to initialize
* @param val the pointer value to store in the lock
* @param grp the lock group associated with this lock
extern void hw_lck_ptr_init(
hw_lck_ptr_t *lck,
void *val,
lck_grp_t *grp);
* @function hw_lck_ptr_destroy()
* @brief
* Detroys an hw_lck_ptr_t initialized with hw_lck_ptr_init().
* @param lck the lock to destroy
* @param grp the lock group associated with this lock
extern void hw_lck_ptr_destroy(
hw_lck_ptr_t *lck,
lck_grp_t *grp);
* @function hw_lck_ptr_held()
* @brief
* Returns whether the pointer lock is currently held by anyone.
* @param lck the lock to check.
extern bool hw_lck_ptr_held(
hw_lck_ptr_t *lck) __result_use_check;
/* lock */
#define hw_lck_ptr_lock(lck, grp) hw_lck_ptr_lock(lck)
#define hw_lck_ptr_lock_nopreempt(lck, grp) hw_lck_ptr_lock_nopreempt(lck)
#endif /* !LCK_GRP_USE_ARG */
* @function hw_lck_ptr_lock()
* @brief
* Locks a pointer lock, and returns its current value.
* @discussion
* This call will disable preemption.
* @param lck the lock to lock
* @param grp the lock group associated with this lock
extern void *hw_lck_ptr_lock(
hw_lck_ptr_t *lck,
lck_grp_t *grp) __result_use_check;
* @function hw_lck_ptr_lock_nopreempt()
* @brief
* Locks a pointer lock, and returns its current value.
* @discussion
* Preemption must be disabled to make this call,
* and must stay disabled until @c hw_lck_ptr_unlock()
* or @c hw_lck_ptr_unlock_nopreempt() is called
* @param lck the lock to lock
* @param grp the lock group associated with this lock
extern void *hw_lck_ptr_lock_nopreempt(
hw_lck_ptr_t *lck,
lck_grp_t *grp) __result_use_check;
/* unlock */
#define hw_lck_ptr_unlock(lck, val, grp) \
hw_lck_ptr_unlock(lck, val)
#define hw_lck_ptr_unlock_nopreempt(lck, val, grp) \
hw_lck_ptr_unlock_nopreempt(lck, val)
#endif /* !LCK_GRP_USE_ARG */
* @function hw_lck_ptr_unlock()
* @brief
* Unlocks a pointer lock, and update its currently held value.
* @discussion
* This call will reenable preemption.
* @param lck the lock to unlock
* @param val the value to update the pointer to
* @param grp the lock group associated with this lock
extern void hw_lck_ptr_unlock(
hw_lck_ptr_t *lck,
void *val,
lck_grp_t *grp);
* @function hw_lck_ptr_unlock_nopreempt()
* @brief
* Unlocks a pointer lock, and update its currently held value.
* @discussion
* This call will not reenable preemption.
* @param lck the lock to unlock
* @param val the value to update the pointer to
* @param grp the lock group associated with this lock
extern void hw_lck_ptr_unlock_nopreempt(
hw_lck_ptr_t *lck,
void *val,
lck_grp_t *grp);
/* wait_for_value */
#define hw_lck_ptr_wait_for_value(lck, val, grp) \
hw_lck_ptr_wait_for_value(lck, val)
#endif /* !LCK_GRP_USE_ARG */
static inline void *
__hw_lck_ptr_value(hw_lck_ptr_t val)
vm_offset_t ptr = val.lck_ptr_bits;
if (ptr) {
ptr = vm_memtag_add_ptr_tag(ptr, val.lck_ptr_tag);
return (void *)ptr;
* @function hw_lck_ptr_value()
* @brief
* Returns the pointer value currently held by this lock.
* @param lck the lock to get the pointer value of.
static inline void *
hw_lck_ptr_value(hw_lck_ptr_t *lck)
hw_lck_ptr_t tmp;
tmp = atomic_load_explicit((hw_lck_ptr_t _Atomic *)lck,
return __hw_lck_ptr_value(tmp);
* @function hw_lck_ptr_wait_for_value()
* @brief
* Spins until the pointer in the lock has the specified value.
* @discussion
* This function has an implicit acquire barrier pairing
* with the hw_lck_ptr_unlock() which sets the observed value.
* @param lck the lock to spin on
* @param val the value to wait for
* @param grp the lock group associated with this lock
extern void hw_lck_ptr_wait_for_value(
hw_lck_ptr_t *lck,
void *val,
lck_grp_t *grp);
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#endif /* _KERN_LOCK_PTR_H_ */