This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef _KERN_RW_LOCK_H_
#define _KERN_RW_LOCK_H_

#include <kern/lock_types.h>
#include <kern/lock_group.h>
#include <kern/lock_attr.h>

#include <kern/startup.h>



typedef union {
	struct {
		uint16_t        shared_count;       /* No. of shared granted request */
		    interlock:              1,      /* Interlock */
		    priv_excl:              1,      /* priority for Writer */
		    want_upgrade:           1,      /* Read-to-write upgrade waiting */
		    want_excl:              1,      /* Writer is waiting, or locked for write */
		    r_waiting:              1,      /* Someone is sleeping on lock */
		    w_waiting:              1,      /* Writer is sleeping on lock */
		    can_sleep:              1,      /* Can attempts to lock go to sleep? */
		    _pad2:                  8,      /* padding */
		    tag_valid:              1;      /* Field is actually a tag, not a bitfield */
	uint32_t        data;                       /* Single word version of bitfields and shared count */
} lck_rw_word_t;

typedef struct lck_rw_s {
	uint32_t        lck_rw_unused : 24; /* tsid one day ... */
	uint32_t        lck_rw_type   :  8; /* LCK_TYPE_RW */
	uint32_t        lck_rw_padding;
	lck_rw_word_t   lck_rw;
	uint32_t        lck_rw_owner;       /* ctid_t */
} lck_rw_t;     /* arm: 8  arm64: 16 x86: 16 */

#define lck_rw_shared_count     lck_rw.shared_count
#define lck_rw_interlock        lck_rw.interlock
#define lck_rw_priv_excl        lck_rw.priv_excl
#define lck_rw_want_upgrade     lck_rw.want_upgrade
#define lck_rw_want_excl        lck_rw.want_excl
#define lck_r_waiting           lck_rw.r_waiting
#define lck_w_waiting           lck_rw.w_waiting
#define lck_rw_can_sleep        lck_rw.can_sleep
#define lck_rw_data   
// tag and data reference the same memory. When the tag_valid bit is set,
// the data word should be treated as a tag instead of a bitfield.
#define lck_rw_tag_valid        lck_rw.tag_valid
#define lck_rw_tag    

#define LCK_RW_INTERLOCK_BIT            16
#define LCK_RW_PRIV_EXCL_BIT            17
#define LCK_RW_WANT_UPGRADE_BIT         18
#define LCK_RW_WANT_EXCL_BIT            19
#define LCK_RW_R_WAITING_BIT            20
#define LCK_RW_W_WAITING_BIT            21
#define LCK_RW_CAN_SLEEP_BIT            22
//                                      23-30
#define LCK_RW_TAG_VALID_BIT            31

#define LCK_RW_INTERLOCK                (1U << LCK_RW_INTERLOCK_BIT)
#define LCK_RW_R_WAITING                (1U << LCK_RW_R_WAITING_BIT)
#define LCK_RW_W_WAITING                (1U << LCK_RW_W_WAITING_BIT)
#define LCK_RW_WANT_EXCL                (1U << LCK_RW_WANT_EXCL_BIT)
#define LCK_RW_TAG_VALID                (1U << LCK_RW_TAG_VALID_BIT)
#define LCK_RW_PRIV_EXCL                (1U << LCK_RW_PRIV_EXCL_BIT)
#define LCK_RW_SHARED_MASK              (0xffff << LCK_RW_SHARED_READER_OFFSET)

#define LCK_RW_TAG_DESTROYED            ((LCK_RW_TAG_VALID | 0xdddddeadu))      /* lock marked as Destroyed */

typedef struct {
	uintptr_t               opaque[2] __kernel_data_semantics;
} lck_rw_t;
#else /* @KERNEL_PRIVATE */
typedef struct __lck_rw_t__     lck_rw_t;
#endif /* !KERNEL_PRIVATE */


#define DEBUG_RW                        1
#define LCK_RW_EXPECTED_MAX_NUMBER      3       /* Expected number per thread of concurrently held rw_lock */

#if __LP64__

    "Make sure the rwlde_caller_packed pointer packing is based on arithmetic shifts");

struct __attribute__ ((packed)) rw_lock_debug_entry {
	lck_rw_t      *rwlde_lock;                                       // rw_lock held
	int8_t        rwlde_mode_count;                                  // -1 is held in write mode, positive value is the recursive read count
#if __LP64__
	uintptr_t     rwlde_caller_packed: LCK_RW_CALLER_PACKED_BITS;    // caller that created the entry
	uintptr_t     rwlde_caller_packed;                               // caller that created the entry
typedef struct rw_lock_debug {
	struct rw_lock_debug_entry rwld_locks[LCK_RW_EXPECTED_MAX_NUMBER]; /* rw_lock debug info of currently held locks */
	uint8_t                    rwld_locks_saved : 7,                   /* number of locks saved in rwld_locks */
	    rwld_overflow : 1;                                             /* lock_entry was full, so it might be inaccurate */
	uint32_t                   rwld_locks_acquired;                    /* number of locks acquired */
} rw_lock_debug_t;

_Static_assert(LCK_RW_EXPECTED_MAX_NUMBER <= 127, "LCK_RW_EXPECTED_MAX_NUMBER bigger than rwld_locks_saved");

#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */

typedef unsigned int     lck_rw_type_t;

#define LCK_RW_TYPE_SHARED              0x01
#define LCK_RW_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE           0x02

#define decl_lck_rw_data(class, name)   class lck_rw_t name

 * Auto-initializing rw-locks declarations
 * ------------------------------------
 * Unless you need to configure your locks in very specific ways,
 * there is no point creating explicit lock attributes. For most
 * static locks, this declaration macro can be used:
 * For cases when some particular attributes need to be used,
 * LCK_RW_DECLARE_ATTR takes a variable declared with
 * LCK_ATTR_DECLARE as an argument.

struct lck_rw_startup_spec {
	lck_rw_t                *lck;
	lck_grp_t               *lck_grp;
	lck_attr_t              *lck_attr;

extern void             lck_rw_startup_init(
	struct lck_rw_startup_spec *spec);

#define LCK_RW_DECLARE_ATTR(var, grp, attr) \
	lck_rw_t var; \
	static __startup_data struct lck_rw_startup_spec \
	__startup_lck_rw_spec_ ## var = { &var, grp, attr }; \
	    &__startup_lck_rw_spec_ ## var)

#define LCK_RW_DECLARE(var, grp) \

#define LCK_RW_ASSERT(lck, type) do { \
	        if (__improbable(!(lck_opts_get() & LCK_OPTION_DISABLE_RW_DEBUG))) { \
	                lck_rw_assert((lck),(type)); \
	        } \
	} while (0)
#else /* MACH_ASSERT */
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT(lck, type)
#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */


 * @function lck_rw_alloc_init
 * @abstract
 * Allocates and initializes a rw_lock_t.
 * @discussion
 * The function can block. See lck_rw_init() for initialization details.
 * @param grp           lock group to associate with the lock.
 * @param attr          lock attribute to initialize the lock.
 * @returns             NULL or the allocated lock
extern lck_rw_t         *lck_rw_alloc_init(
	lck_grp_t               *grp,
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

 * @function lck_rw_init
 * @abstract
 * Initializes a rw_lock_t.
 * @discussion
 * Usage statistics for the lock are going to be added to the lock group provided.
 * The lock attribute can be LCK_ATTR_NULL or an attribute can be allocated with
 * lck_attr_alloc_init. So far however none of the attribute settings are supported.
 * @param lck           lock to initialize.
 * @param grp           lock group to associate with the lock.
 * @param attr          lock attribute to initialize the lock.
extern void             lck_rw_init(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp,
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

 * @function lck_rw_free
 * @abstract
 * Frees a rw_lock previously allocated with lck_rw_alloc_init().
 * @discussion
 * The lock must be not held by any thread.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to free.
extern void             lck_rw_free(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

 * @function lck_rw_destroy
 * @abstract
 * Destroys a rw_lock previously initialized with lck_rw_init().
 * @discussion
 * The lock must be not held by any thread.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to destroy.
extern void             lck_rw_destroy(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

 * @function lck_rw_lock
 * @abstract
 * Locks a rw_lock with the specified type.
 * @discussion
 * See lck_rw_lock_shared() or lck_rw_lock_exclusive() for more details.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to lock.
 * @param lck_rw_type   LCK_RW_TYPE_SHARED or LCK_RW_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE
extern void             lck_rw_lock(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_rw_type_t           lck_rw_type);

 * @function lck_rw_try_lock
 * @abstract
 * Tries to locks a rw_lock with the specified type.
 * @discussion
 * This function will return and not wait/block in case the lock is already held.
 * See lck_rw_try_lock_shared() or lck_rw_try_lock_exclusive() for more details.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to lock.
 * @param lck_rw_type   LCK_RW_TYPE_SHARED or LCK_RW_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE
 * @returns TRUE if the lock is successfully acquired, FALSE in case it was already held.
extern boolean_t        lck_rw_try_lock(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_rw_type_t           lck_rw_type);

 * @function lck_rw_unlock
 * @abstract
 * Unlocks a rw_lock previously locked with lck_rw_type.
 * @discussion
 * The lock must be unlocked by the same thread it was locked from.
 * The type of the lock/unlock have to match, unless an upgrade/downgrade was performed while
 * holding the lock.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to unlock.
 * @param lck_rw_type   LCK_RW_TYPE_SHARED or LCK_RW_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE
extern void             lck_rw_unlock(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_rw_type_t           lck_rw_type);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_shared
 * @abstract
 * Locks a rw_lock in shared mode.
 * @discussion
 * This function can block.
 * Multiple threads can acquire the lock in shared mode at the same time, but only one thread at a time
 * can acquire it in exclusive mode.
 * If the lock is held in shared mode and there are no writers waiting, a reader will be able to acquire
 * the lock without waiting.
 * If the lock is held in shared mode and there is at least a writer waiting, a reader will wait
 * for all the writers to make progress.
 * NOTE: the thread cannot return to userspace while the lock is held. Recursive locking is not supported.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to lock.
extern void             lck_rw_lock_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_shared_b
 * @abstract
 * Locks a rw_lock in shared mode. Returns early if the lock can't be acquired
 * and the specified block returns true.
 * @discussion
 * Identical to lck_rw_lock_shared() but can return early if the lock can't be
 * acquired and the specified block returns true. The block is called
 * repeatedly when waiting to acquire the lock.
 * Should only be called when the lock cannot sleep (i.e. when
 * lock->lck_rw_can_sleep is false).
 * @param lock           rw_lock to lock.
 * @param lock_pause     block invoked while waiting to acquire lock
 * @returns              Returns TRUE if the lock is successfully taken,
 *                       FALSE if the block returns true and the lock has
 *                       not been acquired.
extern boolean_t
	lck_rw_t        * lock,
	bool            (^lock_pause)(void));

 * @function lck_rw_lock_exclusive_b
 * @abstract
 * Locks a rw_lock in exclusive mode. Returns early if the lock can't be acquired
 * and the specified block returns true.
 * @discussion
 * Identical to lck_rw_lock_exclusive() but can return early if the lock can't be
 * acquired and the specified block returns true. The block is called
 * repeatedly when waiting to acquire the lock.
 * Should only be called when the lock cannot sleep (i.e. when
 * lock->lck_rw_can_sleep is false).
 * @param lock           rw_lock to lock.
 * @param lock_pause     block invoked while waiting to acquire lock
 * @returns              Returns TRUE if the lock is successfully taken,
 *                       FALSE if the block returns true and the lock has
 *                       not been acquired.
extern boolean_t
	lck_rw_t        * lock,
	bool            (^lock_pause)(void));

 * @function lck_rw_lock_shared_to_exclusive
 * @abstract
 * Upgrades a rw_lock held in shared mode to exclusive.
 * @discussion
 * This function can block.
 * Only one reader at a time can upgrade to exclusive mode. If the upgrades fails the function will
 * return with the lock not held.
 * The caller needs to hold the lock in shared mode to upgrade it.
 * @param lck           rw_lock already held in shared mode to upgrade.
 * @returns TRUE if the lock was upgraded, FALSE if it was not possible.
 *          If the function was not able to upgrade the lock, the lock will be dropped
 *          by the function.
extern boolean_t        lck_rw_lock_shared_to_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_unlock_shared
 * @abstract
 * Unlocks a rw_lock previously locked in shared mode.
 * @discussion
 * The same thread that locked the lock needs to unlock it.
 * @param lck           rw_lock held in shared mode to unlock.
extern void             lck_rw_unlock_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_exclusive
 * @abstract
 * Locks a rw_lock in exclusive mode.
 * @discussion
 * This function can block.
 * Multiple threads can acquire the lock in shared mode at the same time, but only one thread at a time
 * can acquire it in exclusive mode.
 * NOTE: the thread cannot return to userspace while the lock is held. Recursive locking is not supported.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to lock.
extern void             lck_rw_lock_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_exclusive_to_shared
 * @abstract
 * Downgrades a rw_lock held in exclusive mode to shared.
 * @discussion
 * The caller needs to hold the lock in exclusive mode to be able to downgrade it.
 * @param lck           rw_lock already held in exclusive mode to downgrade.
extern void             lck_rw_lock_exclusive_to_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_unlock_exclusive
 * @abstract
 * Unlocks a rw_lock previously locked in exclusive mode.
 * @discussion
 * The same thread that locked the lock needs to unlock it.
 * @param lck           rw_lock held in exclusive mode to unlock.
extern void             lck_rw_unlock_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_sleep
 * @abstract
 * Assert_wait on an event while holding the rw_lock.
 * @discussion
 * the flags can decide how to re-acquire the lock upon wake up
 * and if the priority needs to be kept boosted until the lock is
 * re-acquired (LCK_SLEEP_PROMOTED_PRI).
 * @param lck                   rw_lock to use to synch the assert_wait.
 * @param lck_sleep_action      flags.
 * @param event                 event to assert_wait on.
 * @param interruptible         wait type.
extern wait_result_t    lck_rw_sleep(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                 event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible);

 * @function lck_rw_sleep_deadline
 * @abstract
 * Assert_wait_deadline on an event while holding the rw_lock.
 * @discussion
 * the flags can decide how to re-acquire the lock upon wake up
 * and if the priority needs to be kept boosted until the lock is
 * re-acquired (LCK_SLEEP_PROMOTED_PRI).
 * @param lck                   rw_lock to use to synch the assert_wait.
 * @param lck_sleep_action      flags.
 * @param event                 event to assert_wait on.
 * @param interruptible         wait type.
 * @param deadline              maximum time after which being woken up
extern wait_result_t    lck_rw_sleep_deadline(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                 event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible,
	uint64_t                deadline);


 * @function kdp_lck_rw_lock_is_acquired_exclusive
 * @abstract
 * Checks if a rw_lock is held exclusevely.
 * @discussion
 * NOT SAFE: To be used only by kernel debugger to avoid deadlock.
 * @param lck   lock to check
 * @returns TRUE if the lock is held exclusevely
extern boolean_t        kdp_lck_rw_lock_is_acquired_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_exclusive_check_contended
 * @abstract
 * Locks a rw_lock in exclusive mode.
 * @discussion
 * This routine IS EXPERIMENTAL.
 * It's only used for the vm object lock, and use for other subsystems is UNSUPPORTED.
 * Note that the return value is ONLY A HEURISTIC w.r.t. the lock's contention.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to lock.
 * @returns Returns TRUE if the thread spun or blocked while attempting to acquire the lock, FALSE
 *          otherwise.
extern bool             lck_rw_lock_exclusive_check_contended(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_yield_shared
 * @abstract
 * Yields a rw_lock held in shared mode.
 * @discussion
 * This function can block.
 * Yields the lock in case there are writers waiting.
 * The yield will unlock, block, and re-lock the lock in shared mode.
 * @param lck           rw_lock already held in shared mode to yield.
 * @param force_yield   if set to true it will always yield irrespective of the lock status
 * @returns TRUE if the lock was yield, FALSE otherwise
extern bool             lck_rw_lock_yield_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	boolean_t               force_yield);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_would_yield_shared
 * @abstract
 * Check whether a rw_lock currently held in shared mode would be yielded
 * @discussion
 * This function can be used when lck_rw_lock_yield_shared would be
 * inappropriate due to the need to perform additional housekeeping
 * prior to any yield or when the caller may wish to prematurely terminate
 * an operation rather than resume it after regaining the lock.
 * @param lck           rw_lock already held in shared mode to test for possible yield.
 * @returns TRUE if the lock would be yielded, FALSE otherwise
extern bool             lck_rw_lock_would_yield_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

__enum_decl(lck_rw_yield_t, uint32_t, {

 * @function lck_rw_lock_yield_exclusive
 * @abstract
 * Yields a rw_lock held in exclusive mode.
 * @discussion
 * This function can block.
 * Yields the lock in case there are writers waiting.
 * The yield will unlock, block, and re-lock the lock in exclusive mode.
 * @param lck           rw_lock already held in exclusive mode to yield.
 * @param mode          when to yield.
 * @returns TRUE if the lock was yield, FALSE otherwise
extern bool             lck_rw_lock_yield_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_rw_yield_t          mode);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_would_yield_exclusive
 * @abstract
 * Check whether a rw_lock currently held in exclusive mode would be yielded
 * @discussion
 * This function can be used when lck_rw_lock_yield_exclusive would be
 * inappropriate due to the need to perform additional housekeeping
 * prior to any yield or when the caller may wish to prematurely terminate
 * an operation rather than resume it after regaining the lock.
 * @param lck           rw_lock already held in exclusive mode to yield.
 * @param mode          conditions for a possible yield
 * @returns TRUE if the lock would be yielded, FALSE otherwise
extern bool             lck_rw_lock_would_yield_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_rw_yield_t          mode);



 * @function lck_rw_lock_count_inc
 * @abstract
 * Increments the number of rwlock held by the (current) thread.
extern void lck_rw_lock_count_inc(
	thread_t                thread,
	const void             *lock);

 * @function lck_rw_lock_count_inc
 * @abstract
 * Decrements the number of rwlock held by the (current) thread.
extern void lck_rw_lock_count_dec(
	thread_t                thread,
	const void             *lock);

 * @function lck_rw_set_promotion_locked
 * @abstract
 * Callout from context switch if the thread goes
 * off core with a positive rwlock_count.
 * @discussion
 * Called at splsched with the thread locked.
 * @param thread        thread to promote.
extern void             lck_rw_set_promotion_locked(
	thread_t                thread);



 * @function lck_rw_try_lock_shared
 * @abstract
 * Tries to locks a rw_lock in read mode.
 * @discussion
 * This function will return and not block in case the lock is already held.
 * See lck_rw_lock_shared for more details.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to lock.
 * @returns TRUE if the lock is successfully acquired, FALSE in case it was already held.
extern boolean_t        lck_rw_try_lock_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_try_lock_exclusive
 * @abstract
 * Tries to locks a rw_lock in write mode.
 * @discussion
 * This function will return and not block in case the lock is already held.
 * See lck_rw_lock_exclusive for more details.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to lock.
 * @returns TRUE if the lock is successfully acquired, FALSE in case it was already held.
extern boolean_t        lck_rw_try_lock_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * @function lck_rw_done
 * @abstract
 * Force unlocks a rw_lock without consistency checks.
 * @discussion
 * Do not use unless sure you can avoid consistency checks.
 * @param lck           rw_lock to unlock.
extern lck_rw_type_t    lck_rw_done(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

#define LCK_RW_ASSERT_SHARED    0x01
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT_HELD      0x03
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT_NOTHELD   0x04

 * @function lck_rw_assert
 * @abstract
 * Asserts the rw_lock is held.
 * @discussion
 * read-write locks do not have a concept of ownership when held in shared mode,
 * so this function merely asserts that someone is holding the lock, not necessarily the caller.
 * However if rw_lock_debug is on, a best effort mechanism to track the owners is in place, and
 * this function can be more accurate.
 * @param lck   rw_lock to check.
 * @param type  assert type
extern void             lck_rw_assert(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	unsigned int            type);

#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */


#endif /* _KERN_RW_LOCK_H_ */