This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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#define LOCK_PRIVATE 1
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <kern/startup.h>
#include <kern/percpu.h>
#include <kern/lock_types.h>
#include <kern/lock_group.h>
#include <machine/cpu_number.h>
#include <machine/locks.h>
#include <machine/machine_cpu.h>
#include <os/atomic_private.h>

 * This file shares implementation details for XNU lock implementations.
 * It is not meant to be shared with any other part of the code.


#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)

 * @macro hw_spin_wait_until_n()
 * @brief
 * Abstracts the platform specific way to spin around the value
 * of a memory location until a certain condition is met.
 * @param count         how many times to spin without evaluating progress
 * @param ptr           the pointer to the memory location being observed
 * @param load_var      the variable to store the result of the load into
 * @param cond_expr     the stopping condition (can use @c load_var)
 * @returns
 * - 0 if the loop stopped when the counter expired
 * - cond_expr's return value otherwise
#define hw_spin_wait_until_n(count, ptr, load_var, cond_expr)  ({ \
	typeof((cond_expr)) __cond_result;                                      \
	for (uint32_t __cond_init = (count), __cond_count = __cond_init;        \
	    __probable(__cond_count-- > 0);) {                                  \
	        __hw_spin_wait_load(ptr, load_var, __cond_result, cond_expr);   \
	        if (__probable(__cond_result)) {                                \
	                break;                                                  \
	        }                                                               \
	}                                                                       \
	__cond_result;                                                          \

 * @macro hw_spin_wait_until()
 * @brief
 * Conveniency wrapper for hw_spin_wait_until_n() with the typical
 * LOCK_SNOOP_SPINS counter for progress evaluation.
#define hw_spin_wait_until(ptr, load_var, cond_expr) \
	hw_spin_wait_until_n(LOCK_SNOOP_SPINS, ptr, load_var, cond_expr)

#define lck_pretestv(p, e, g)  ({ \
	__auto_type __e = (e); \
	__auto_type __v = os_atomic_load(p, relaxed); \
	if (__v != __e) { \
	        *(g) = __v; \
	} \
	__v == __e; \
#define lck_pretest(p, e) \
	(os_atomic_load(p, relaxed) == (e))
#define lck_pretestv(p, e, g)   1
#define lck_pretest(p, e)       1

 * @function lock_cmpxchg
 * @brief
 * Similar to os_atomic_cmpxchg() but with a pretest when LOCK_PRETEST is set.
#define lock_cmpxchg(p, e, v, m)  ({ \
	__auto_type _p = (p);                                          \
	__auto_type _e = (e);                                          \
	lck_pretest(_p, _e) && os_atomic_cmpxchg(_p, _e, v, m);        \

 * @function lock_cmpxchgv
 * @brief
 * Similar to os_atomic_cmpxchgv() but with a pretest when LOCK_PRETEST is set.
#define lock_cmpxchgv(p, e, v, g, m)  ({ \
	__auto_type _p = (p);                                           \
	__auto_type _e = (e);                                           \
	lck_pretestv(_p, _e, g) && os_atomic_cmpxchgv(_p, _e, v, g, m); \

#define lock_load_exclusive(p, m)               os_atomic_load_exclusive(p, m)
#define lock_wait_for_event()                   wait_for_event()
#define lock_store_exclusive(p, ov, nv, m)      os_atomic_store_exclusive(p, nv, m)
#define lock_load_exclusive(p, m)               os_atomic_load(p, relaxed)
#define lock_wait_for_event()                   cpu_pause()
#define lock_store_exclusive(p, ov, nv, m)      os_atomic_cmpxchg(p, ov, nv, m)

 * @enum lck_type_t
 * @brief
 * A one-byte type tag used in byte 3 of locks to be able to identify them.
__enum_decl(lck_type_t, uint8_t, {
	LCK_TYPE_NONE           = 0x00,
	LCK_TYPE_MUTEX          = 0x22,
	LCK_TYPE_RW             = 0x33,
	LCK_TYPE_TICKET         = 0x44,
	LCK_TYPE_GATE           = 0x55,

 * @typedef lck_mtx_mcs_t
 * @brief
 * The type of per-cpu MCS-like nodes used for the mutex acquisition slowpath.
 * @discussion
 * There is one such structure per CPU: such nodes are used with preemption
 * disabled, and using kernel mutexes in interrupt context isn't allowed.
 * The nodes are used not as a lock as in traditional MCS, but to order
 * waiters. The head of the queue spins against the lock itself, which allows
 * to release the MCS node once the kernel mutex is acquired.
 * Those nodes provide 2 queues:
 * 1. an adaptive spin queue that is used to order threads who chose to
 *    adaptively spin to wait for the lock to become available,
 *    This queue is doubly linked, threads can add themselves concurrently,
 *    the interlock of the mutex is required to dequeue.
 * 2. an interlock queue which is more typical MCS.
typedef struct lck_mtx_mcs {
	struct lck_mtx_s       *lmm_ilk_current;

	struct lck_mtx_mcs     *lmm_ilk_next;
	unsigned long           lmm_ilk_ready;

	struct lck_mtx_mcs     *lmm_as_next;
	unsigned long long      lmm_as_prev;
} __attribute__((aligned(64))) * lck_mtx_mcs_t;

 * @typedef lck_spin_mcs_t
 * @brief
 * The type of per-cpu MCS-like nodes used for various spinlock wait queues.
 * @discussion
 * Unlike the mutex ones, these nodes can be used for spinlocks taken
 * in interrupt context.
typedef struct lck_spin_mcs {
	struct lck_spin_mcs    *lsm_next;
	const void             *lsm_lock;
	unsigned long           lsm_ready;
} *lck_spin_mcs_t;

typedef struct lck_mcs {
	struct lck_mtx_mcs      mcs_mtx;
	volatile unsigned long  mcs_spin_rsv;
	struct lck_spin_mcs     mcs_spin[2];
} __attribute__((aligned(128))) * lck_mcs_t;

PERCPU_DECL(struct lck_mcs, lck_mcs);

typedef uint16_t lck_mcs_id_t;

#define LCK_MCS_ID_CPU_MASK     0x3fff
#define LCK_MCS_ID_SLOT_SHIFT       14
#define LCK_MCS_ID_SLOT_MASK    0xc000

#define LCK_MCS_SLOT_0               0
#define LCK_MCS_SLOT_1               1

static inline lck_mcs_id_t
lck_mcs_id_make(int cpu, unsigned long slot)
	return (uint16_t)(((slot + 1) << LCK_MCS_ID_SLOT_SHIFT) | cpu);

static inline lck_mcs_id_t
lck_mcs_id_current(unsigned long slot)
	return lck_mcs_id_make(cpu_number(), slot);

static inline uint16_t
lck_mcs_id_cpu(lck_mcs_id_t mcs_id)
	return mcs_id & LCK_MCS_ID_CPU_MASK;

static inline uint16_t
lck_mcs_id_slot(lck_mcs_id_t mcs_id)
	return (mcs_id >> LCK_MCS_ID_SLOT_SHIFT) - 1;

static inline lck_mcs_t
	return PERCPU_GET(lck_mcs);

static inline lck_mcs_t
lck_mcs_get_other(lck_mcs_id_t mcs_id)
	vm_offset_t base = other_percpu_base(lck_mcs_id_cpu(mcs_id));

	return PERCPU_GET_WITH_BASE(base, lck_mcs);

static inline lck_spin_mcs_t
lck_spin_mcs_decode(lck_mcs_id_t mcs_id)
	lck_mcs_t other = lck_mcs_get_other(mcs_id);

	return &other->mcs_spin[lck_mcs_id_slot(mcs_id)];

typedef struct {
	lck_mcs_t               txn_mcs;
	lck_spin_mcs_t          txn_slot;
	lck_mcs_id_t            txn_mcs_id;
} lck_spin_txn_t;

static inline lck_spin_txn_t
lck_spin_txn_begin(void *lck)
	lck_spin_txn_t txn;
	unsigned long slot;

	txn.txn_mcs = lck_mcs_get_current();
	slot = txn.txn_mcs->mcs_spin_rsv++;
	assert(slot <= LCK_MCS_SLOT_1);

	txn.txn_mcs_id = lck_mcs_id_current(slot);
	txn.txn_slot = &txn.txn_mcs->mcs_spin[slot];
	txn.txn_slot->lsm_lock  = lck;

	return txn;

static inline bool
lck_spin_txn_enqueue(lck_spin_txn_t *txn, lck_mcs_id_t *tail)
	lck_spin_mcs_t  pnode;
	lck_mcs_id_t    pidx;

	pidx = os_atomic_xchg(tail, txn->txn_mcs_id, release);
	if (pidx) {
		pnode = lck_spin_mcs_decode(pidx);
		os_atomic_store(&pnode->lsm_next, txn->txn_slot, relaxed);
		return true;

	return false;

static inline void
lck_spin_txn_end(lck_spin_txn_t *txn)
	unsigned long   slot = lck_mcs_id_slot(txn->txn_mcs_id);
	lck_mcs_t       mcs  = txn->txn_mcs;

	*txn->txn_slot = (struct lck_spin_mcs){ };
	*txn           = (lck_spin_txn_t){ };

	assert(mcs->mcs_spin_rsv == slot + 1);
	os_atomic_store(&mcs->mcs_spin_rsv, slot, compiler_acq_rel);

#pragma GCC visibility pop


#endif /* _KERN_LOCKS_INTERNAL_H_ */