* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* limitations under the License.
* File: kern/mach_node.h
* Author: Dean Reece
* Date: 2016
* Definitions for mach internode communication (used by flipc).
* This header is intended for use inside the kernel only.
#ifndef _KERN_MACH_NODE_H_
#define _KERN_MACH_NODE_H_
#if defined(MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE) || defined(__APPLE_API_PRIVATE)
/*** Mach Node Name Server Section
* Definitions shared by the mach_node layer in the kernel and the
* node's bootstrap server (noded).
/* This structure describes messages sent from the mach_node layer to the
* node bootstrap server.
#pragma pack(4)
typedef struct mach_node_server_msg {
mach_msg_header_t header;
uint32_t identifier; // See FLIPC_SM_* defines
uint32_t options; // Currently unused
uint32_t node_id; // Node number
} *mach_node_server_msg_t;
#pragma pack()
/* This structure describes node registration messages sent from the mach_node
* layer to the node bootstrap server.
typedef struct mach_node_server_register_msg {
struct mach_node_server_msg node_header;
uint8_t datamodel; // 1==ILP32, 2==LP64; matches dtrace
uint8_t byteorder; // Uses defines from libkern/OSByteOrder.h
} *mach_node_server_register_msg_t;
#pragma pack()
#define MACH_NODE_SERVER_MSG_ID (0x45444f4eUL) // msgh_id "NODE" for Node msgs
#define MACH_NODE_SM_REG_LOCAL (0UL) // Register the local node
#define MACH_NODE_SM_REG_REMOTE (1UL) // Register a remote node
#if defined(__LP64__)
#define LOCAL_DATA_MODEL (2) // Native data model is LP64
#define LOCAL_DATA_MODEL (1) // Native data model is ILP32
#include <kern/mach_node_link.h>
#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#define MACH_NODES_MAX (2) // Must be a power-of-2
#define MACH_NODE_ID_VALID(nid) (((nid) >= 0) && ((nid) < MACH_NODES_MAX))
typedef struct flipc_node *flipc_node_t; // Defined in ipc/flipc.h
/*** Mach Node Section
* An instance of mach_node is allocated for each node known to mach.
* In-kernel interfaces use a pointer to this structure to refer to a node.
* External interfaces and protocols refer to node by id (mach_node_id_t).
typedef struct mach_node *mach_node_t;
struct mach_node {
/* Static node details, provided by the link driver at registration */
struct mnl_node_info info;
lck_spin_t node_lock_data;
/* Flags and status word */
uint32_t link:2; // See MNL_LINK* defines
uint32_t published:1;// True if node server has send-right
uint32_t active:1; // True if node is up and ready
uint32_t suspended:1;// True if node is active but sleeping
uint32_t dead:1; // True if node is dead
uint32_t _reserved:26;// Fill out the 32b flags field
/* port/space/set */
ipc_space_t proxy_space;// Kernel special space for proxy rights
ipc_pset_t proxy_port_set;// All proxy ports are in this set
ipc_port_t bootstrap_port;// Port for which "noded" holds rcv right
ipc_port_t control_port;// For control & ack/nak messages
/* Misc */
int proto_vers; // Protocol version in use for this node
mach_node_t antecedent; // Pointer to prior encarnation of this node id
extern mach_node_t localnode; // This node's mach_node_t struct
#define MACH_NODE_NULL ((mach_node_t) 0UL)
#define MACH_NODE_SIZE ((vm_offset_t)sizeof(struct mach_node))
#define MACH_NODE_VALID(node) ((node) != MACH_NODE_NULL)
#define MACH_NODE_ALLOC() ((mach_node_t)kalloc(MACH_NODE_SIZE))
#define MACH_NODE_FREE(node) kfree(node, MACH_NODE_SIZE)
#define MACH_NODE_LOCK_INIT(np) lck_spin_init(&(np)->node_lock_data, \
&ipc_lck_grp, &ipc_lck_attr)
#define MACH_NODE_LOCK_DESTROY(np) lck_spin_destroy(&(np)->node_lock_data, \
#define MACH_NODE_LOCK(np) lck_spin_lock(&(np)->node_lock_data)
#define MACH_NODE_UNLOCK(np) lck_spin_unlock(&(np)->node_lock_data)
/* Gets or allocates a locked mach_node struct for the specified <node_id>.
* The current node is locked and returned if it is not dead, or if it is dead
* and <alloc_if_dead> is false. A new node struct is allocated, locked and
* returned if the node is dead and <alloc_if_dead> is true, or if the node
* is absent and <alloc_if_absent> is true. MACH_NODE_NULL is returned if
* the node is absent and <alloc_if_absent> is false. MACH_NODE_NULL is also
* returned if a new node structure was not able to be allocated.
mach_node_for_id_locked(mach_node_id_t node_id,
boolean_t alloc_if_dead,
boolean_t alloc_if_absent);
/*** Mach Node Link Name Section
* A node link name (mnl_name_t) is an oqaque value guaranteed unique across
* kernel instances on all nodes. This guarantee requires that node ids not
* be recycled.
* Names 0..(MACH_NODES_MAX-1) represent null (invalid) names
* Names MACH_NODES_MAX..(MACH_NODES_MAX*2-1) represent bootstrap names
* Names >=(MACH_NODES_MAX*2) represent normal names.
/* Allocate a new unique name and return it.
* Dispose of this with mnl_name_free().
* Returns MNL_NAME_NULL on failure.
extern mnl_name_t mnl_name_alloc(void);
/* Deallocate a unique name that was allocated via mnl_name_alloc().
extern void mnl_name_free(mnl_name_t name);
/* This macro is used to convert a node id to a bootstrap port name.
#define MNL_NAME_BOOTSTRAP(nid) ((mnl_name_t) MACH_NODES_MAX | (nid))
#define MNL_NAME_NULL ((mnl_name_t) 0UL)
#define MNL_NAME_VALID(obj) ((obj) >= MACH_NODES_MAX)
/* The mnl hash table may optionally be used by clients to associate mnl_names
* with objects. Objects to be stored in the hash table must start with an
* instance of struct mnk_obj. It is up to clients of the hash table to
* allocate and free the actual objects being stored.
typedef struct mnl_obj {
queue_chain_t links;// List of mnk_name_obj (See kern/queue.h "Method 1")
mnl_name_t name;// Unique mnl_name
} *mnl_obj_t;
#define MNL_OBJ_NULL ((mnl_obj_t) 0UL)
#define MNL_OBJ_VALID(obj) ((obj) != MNL_OBJ_NULL)
/* Initialize the data structures in the mnl_obj structure at the head of the
* provided object. This should be called on an object before it is passed to
* any other mnl_obj* routine.
void mnl_obj_init(mnl_obj_t obj);
/* Search the local node's hash table for the object associated with a
* mnl_name_t and return it. Returns MNL_NAME_NULL on failure.
mnl_obj_t mnl_obj_lookup(mnl_name_t name);
/* Search the local node's hash table for the object associated with a
* mnl_name_t and remove it. The pointer to the removed object is returned so
* that the caller can appropriately dispose of the object.
* Returns MNL_NAME_NULL on failure.
mnl_obj_t mnl_obj_remove(mnl_name_t name);
/* Insert an object into the locak node's hash table. If the name of the
* provided object is MNL_NAME_NULL then a new mnl_name is allocated and
* assigned to the object. Returns KERN_SUCCESS, or KERN_NAME_EXISTS if
* an object associated with that name is already in the hash table.
kern_return_t mnl_obj_insert(mnl_obj_t obj);
/*** Mach Node Link Message Section ***
* Struct mnl_msg is only the header for a mnl_msg buffer;
* the actual buffer is normally larger. The rest of the buffer
* holds the body of the message to be transmitted over the link.
* Note: A mnl_msg received over a link will be in the byte-order of the
* node that send it. fname and size must be corrected to the hosts' native
* byte order by the link driver before it is sent up to the flipc layer.
* However, the link driver should not attempt to adjust the data model or
* byte order of the payload that follows the mnl_msg header - that will
* be done by the flipc layer.
/* Values for mnl_msg.sub
#define MACH_NODE_SUB_INVALID (0) // Never sent
#define MACH_NODE_SUB_NODE (1) // MNL msg is for node management
#define MACH_NODE_SUB_FLIPC (2) // MNL msg is for FLIPC subsystem
#define MACH_NODE_SUB_VMSYS (3) // MNL msg is for VM subsystem
/* Called whenever the node special port changes
void mach_node_port_changed(void);
#endif // _KERN_MACH_NODE_H_