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#ifndef _KERN_PMS_H_
#define _KERN_PMS_H_
#define pmsMaxStates 64
#define HalfwayToForever 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL
#define century 790560000000000ULL
typedef void (*pmsSetFunc_t)(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); /* Function used to set hardware power state */
typedef uint32_t (*pmsQueryFunc_t)(uint32_t, uint32_t); /* Function used to query hardware power state */
typedef struct pmsStat {
uint64_t stTime[2]; /* Total time until switch to next step */
uint32_t stCnt[2]; /* Number of times switched to next step */
} pmsStat;
typedef struct pmsDef {
uint64_t pmsLimit; /* Max time in this state in microseconds */
uint32_t pmsStepID; /* Unique ID for this step */
uint32_t pmsSetCmd; /* Command to select power state */
#define pmsCngXClk 0x80000000 /* Change external clock */
#define pmsXUnk 0x7F /* External clock unknown */
#define pmsXClk 0x7F000000 /* External clock frequency */
#define pmsCngCPU 0x00800000 /* Change CPU parameters */
#define pmsSync 0x00400000 /* Make changes synchronously, i.e., spin until delay finished */
#define pmsMustCmp 0x00200000 /* Delay must complete before next change */
#define pmsCPU 0x001F0000 /* CPU frequency */
#define pmsCPUUnk 0x1F /* CPU frequency unknown */
#define pmsCngVolt 0x00008000 /* Change voltage */
#define pmsVoltage 0x00007F00 /* Voltage */
#define pmsVoltUnk 0x7F /* Voltage unknown */
#define pmsPowerID 0x000000FF /* Identify power state to HW */
/* Special commands - various things */
#define pmsDelay 0xFFFFFFFD /* Delayed step, no processor or platform changes. Timer expiration causes transition to pmsTDelay */
#define pmsParkIt 0xFFFFFFFF /* Enters the parked state. No processor or platform changes. Timers cancelled */
#define pmsCInit ((pmsXUnk << 24) | (pmsCPUUnk << 16) | (pmsVoltUnk << 8)) /* Initial current set command value */
/* Note: pmsSetFuncInd is an index into a table of function pointers and pmsSetFunc is the address
* of a function. Initially, when you create a step table, this field is set as an index into
* a table of function addresses that gets passed as a parameter to pmsBuild. When pmsBuild
* internalizes the step and function tables, it converts the index to the function address.
union sf {
pmsSetFunc_t pmsSetFunc; /* Function used to set platform power state */
uint32_t pmsSetFuncInd; /* Index to function in function table */
} sf;
uint32_t pmsDown; /* Next state if going lower */
uint32_t pmsNext; /* Normal next state */
uint32_t pmsTDelay; /* State if command was pmsDelay and timer expired */
} pmsDef;
typedef struct pmsCtl {
pmsStat(*pmsStats)[pmsMaxStates]; /* Pointer to statistics information, 0 if not enabled */
pmsDef *pmsDefs[pmsMaxStates]; /* Indexed pointers to steps */
} pmsCtl;
* Note that this block is in the middle of the per_proc and the size (32 bytes)
* can't be changed without moving it.
typedef struct pmsd {
uint32_t pmsState; /* Current power management state */
uint32_t pmsCSetCmd; /* Current select command */
uint64_t pmsPop; /* Time of next step */
uint64_t pmsStamp; /* Time of transition to current state */
uint64_t pmsTime; /* Total time in this state */
} pmsd;
* Required power management step programs
enum {
pmsIdle = 0, /* Power state in idle loop */
pmsNorm = 1, /* Normal step - usually low power */
pmsNormHigh = 2, /* Highest power in normal step */
pmsBoost = 3, /* Boost/overdrive step */
pmsLow = 4, /* Lowest non-idle power state, no transitions */
pmsHigh = 5, /* Power step for full on, no transitions */
pmsPrepCng = 6, /* Prepare for step table change */
pmsPrepSleep = 7, /* Prepare for sleep */
pmsOverTemp = 8, /* Machine is too hot */
pmsEnterNorm = 9, /* Enter into the normal step program */
pmsFree = 10, /* First available empty step */
pmsStartUp = 0xFFFFFFFE, /* Start stepping */
pmsParked = 0xFFFFFFFF /* Power parked - used when changing stepping table */
* Power Management Stepper Control requests
enum {
pmsCPark = 0, /* Parks the stepper */
pmsCStart = 1, /* Starts normal steppping */
pmsCFLow = 2, /* Forces low power */
pmsCFHigh = 3, /* Forces high power */
pmsCCnfg = 4, /* Loads new stepper program */
pmsCQuery = 5, /* Query current step and state */
pmsCExperimental = 6, /* Enter experimental mode */
pmsGCtls = 7,
pmsGStats = 8,
pmsCVID = 9,
pmsCFree = 10 /* Next control command to be assigned */
* User request control structure passed to sysctl
typedef struct {
uint32_t request; /* stepper control request */
uint32_t reqsize; /* size of data */
void *reqaddr; /* read/write data buffer */
} pmsctl_t;
extern pmsCtl pmsCtls; /* Power Management Stepper control */
extern uint32_t pmsBroadcastWait; /* Number of outstanding broadcasts */
extern int pmsInstalled;
extern int pmsExperimental;
#define pmsSetFuncMax 32
extern pmsSetFunc_t pmsFuncTab[pmsSetFuncMax];
extern pmsQueryFunc_t pmsQueryFunc;
extern uint32_t pmsPlatformData;
extern kern_return_t pmsControl(uint32_t request, user_addr_t reqaddr, uint32_t reqsize);
extern void pmsInit(void);
extern void pmsStep(int timer);
extern void pmsDown(void);
extern void pmsSetStep(uint32_t nstep, int dir);
extern void pmsRunLocal(uint32_t nstep);
extern void pmsCPUSet(uint32_t sel);
extern uint32_t pmsCPUQuery(void);
extern uint32_t pmsCPUPackageQuery(void);
extern void pmsCPUConf(void);
extern void pmsCPUMachineInit(void);
extern void pmsCPUInit(void);
extern void pmsCPURun(uint32_t nstep);
extern void pmsCPUYellowFlag(void);
extern void pmsCPUGreenFlag(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern kern_return_t pmsBuild(pmsDef *pd, uint32_t pdsize, pmsSetFunc_t *functab, uint32_t platformData, pmsQueryFunc_t queryFunc);
extern void pmsRun(uint32_t nstep);
extern void pmsPark(void);
extern void pmsStart(void);
extern kern_return_t pmsCPULoadVIDTable(uint16_t *tablep, int nstates); /* i386 only */
extern kern_return_t pmsCPUSetPStateLimit(uint32_t limit);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _KERN_PMS_H_ */
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */