This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
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 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * Mach Operating System
 * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
 * All Rights Reserved.
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 *	processor.h:	Processor and processor-related definitions.


#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>

#include <sys/cdefs.h>

#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <kern/ast.h>
#include <kern/cpu_number.h>
#include <kern/smp.h>
#include <kern/simple_lock.h>
#include <kern/locks.h>
#include <kern/percpu.h>
#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <kern/recount.h>
#include <kern/sched.h>
#include <kern/sched_urgency.h>
#include <kern/timer.h>
#include <mach/sfi_class.h>
#include <kern/sched_clutch.h>
#include <kern/timer_call.h>
#include <kern/assert.h>
#include <machine/limits.h>



 *	Processor state is accessed by locking the scheduling lock
 *	for the assigned processor set.
 *           --- PENDING_OFFLINE <
 *          /                     \
 *        _/                      \
 *         \_________________^   ^ ^______/           /
 *                                \__________________/
 *  The transition from offline to start and idle to dispatching
 *  is externally driven as a a directive. However these
 *  are paired with a handshake by the processor itself
 *  to indicate that it has completed a transition of indeterminate
 *  length (for example, the DISPATCHING->RUNNING or START->RUNNING
 *  transitions must occur on the processor itself).
 *  The boot processor has some special cases, and skips the START state,
 *  since it has already bootstrapped and is ready to context switch threads.
 *  When a processor is in DISPATCHING or RUNNING state, the current_pri,
 *  current_thmode, and deadline fields should be set, so that other
 *  processors can evaluate if it is an appropriate candidate for preemption.
 *           --- PENDING_OFFLINE <
 *          /                     \
 *        _/                      \
 *         \_________________^   ^ ^______/ ^_____ /  /
 *                                \__________________/
 *  A DISPATCHING processor may be put back into IDLE, if another
 *  processor determines that the target processor will have nothing to do
 *  upon reaching the RUNNING state.  This is racy, but if the target
 *  responds and becomes RUNNING, it will not break the processor state
 *  machine.
 *  This change allows us to cancel an outstanding signal/AST on a processor
 *  (if such an operation is supported through hardware or software), and
 *  push the processor back into the IDLE state as a power optimization.

typedef enum {
	PROCESSOR_OFF_LINE        = 0,    /* Not booted or off-line */
	/* PROCESSOR_SHUTDOWN     = 1,    Going off-line, but schedulable. No longer used. */
	PROCESSOR_START           = 2,    /* Being started */
	PROCESSOR_PENDING_OFFLINE = 3,    /* Going off-line, not schedulable */
	PROCESSOR_IDLE            = 4,    /* Idle (available) */
	PROCESSOR_DISPATCHING     = 5,    /* Dispatching (idle -> active) */
	PROCESSOR_RUNNING         = 6,    /* Normal execution */
} processor_state_t;

typedef enum {
	PSET_SMP    = 0,
#if __AMP__
	PSET_AMP_E  = 1,
	PSET_AMP_P  = 2,
#endif /* __AMP__ */
} pset_cluster_type_t;

#if __AMP__

typedef enum {
	SCHED_PERFCTL_POLICY_DEFAULT,           /*  static policy: set at boot */
	SCHED_PERFCTL_POLICY_FOLLOW_GROUP,      /* dynamic policy: perfctl_class follows thread group across amp clusters */
	SCHED_PERFCTL_POLICY_RESTRICT_E,        /* dynamic policy: limits perfctl_class to amp e cluster */
} sched_perfctl_class_policy_t;

extern _Atomic sched_perfctl_class_policy_t sched_perfctl_policy_util;
extern _Atomic sched_perfctl_class_policy_t sched_perfctl_policy_bg;

#endif /* __AMP__ */

typedef bitmap_t cpumap_t;

#if __arm64__

extern pset_cluster_type_t cluster_type_to_pset_cluster_type(cluster_type_t cluster_type);
extern pset_node_t cluster_type_to_pset_node(cluster_type_t cluster_type);

 * pset_execution_time_t
 * The pset_execution_time_t type is used to maintain the average
 * execution time of threads on a pset. Since the avg. execution time is
 * updated from contexts where the pset lock is not held, it uses a
 * double-wide RMW loop to update these values atomically.
typedef union {
	struct {
		uint64_t        pset_avg_thread_execution_time;
		uint64_t        pset_execution_time_last_update;
	unsigned __int128       pset_execution_time_packed;
} pset_execution_time_t;

#endif /* __arm64__ */

struct processor_set {
	int                     pset_id;
	int                     online_processor_count;
	int                     cpu_set_low, cpu_set_hi;
	int                     cpu_set_count;
	int                     last_chosen;

	uint64_t                load_average;
	uint64_t                pset_load_average[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX];
	 * Count of threads running or enqueued on the cluster (not including threads enqueued in a processor-bound runq).
	 * Updated atomically per scheduling bucket, around the same time as pset_load_average
	uint32_t                pset_runnable_depth[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX];
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
	uint64_t                pset_load_last_update;
	cpumap_t                cpu_bitmask;
	cpumap_t                recommended_bitmask;
	cpumap_t                cpu_state_map[PROCESSOR_STATE_LEN];
	cpumap_t                primary_map;
	cpumap_t                realtime_map;
	cpumap_t                cpu_available_map;

#define SCHED_PSET_TLOCK (1)
#if     defined(SCHED_PSET_TLOCK)
/* TODO: reorder struct for temporal cache locality */
	__attribute__((aligned(128))) lck_ticket_t      sched_lock;
	__attribute__((aligned(128))) lck_spin_t        sched_lock;     /* lock for above */
#endif /* SCHED_PSET_TLOCK*/

	struct run_queue        pset_runq;      /* runq for this processor set, used by the amp and dualq scheduler policies */
	struct rt_queue         rt_runq;        /* realtime runq for this processor set */
	uint64_t                stealable_rt_threads_earliest_deadline; /* if this pset has stealable RT threads, the earliest deadline; else UINT64_MAX */
	struct sched_clutch_root pset_clutch_root; /* clutch hierarchy root */

	/* CPUs that have been sent an unacknowledged remote AST for scheduling purposes */
	cpumap_t                pending_AST_URGENT_cpu_mask;
	cpumap_t                pending_AST_PREEMPT_cpu_mask;
	 * A separate mask, for ASTs that we may be able to cancel.  This is dependent on
	 * some level of support for requesting an AST on a processor, and then quashing
	 * that request later.
	 * The purpose of this field (and the associated codepaths) is to infer when we
	 * no longer need a processor that is DISPATCHING to come up, and to prevent it
	 * from coming out of IDLE if possible.  This should serve to decrease the number
	 * of spurious ASTs in the system, and let processors spend longer periods in
	 * IDLE.
	cpumap_t                pending_deferred_AST_cpu_mask;
	cpumap_t                pending_spill_cpu_mask;
	cpumap_t                rt_pending_spill_cpu_mask;

	struct ipc_port *       pset_self;              /* port for operations */
	struct ipc_port *       pset_name_self; /* port for information */

	processor_set_t         pset_list;              /* chain of associated psets */
	pset_node_t             node;
	uint32_t                pset_cluster_id;

	 * Currently the scheduler uses a mix of pset_cluster_type_t & cluster_type_t
	 * for recommendations etc. It might be useful to unify these as a single type.
	pset_cluster_type_t     pset_cluster_type;
	 * For scheduler use only:
	 * The type that this pset will be treated like for scheduling purposes
	cluster_type_t          pset_type;

	cpumap_t                cpu_running_foreign;
	cpumap_t                cpu_running_cluster_shared_rsrc_thread[CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_COUNT];
	sched_bucket_t          cpu_running_buckets[MAX_CPUS];

	bitmap_t                foreign_psets[BITMAP_LEN(MAX_PSETS)];
	bitmap_t                native_psets[BITMAP_LEN(MAX_PSETS)];
	bitmap_t                local_psets[BITMAP_LEN(MAX_PSETS)];
	bitmap_t                remote_psets[BITMAP_LEN(MAX_PSETS)];
	sched_clutch_edge       sched_edges[MAX_PSETS];
	pset_execution_time_t   pset_execution_time[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX];
	uint64_t                pset_cluster_shared_rsrc_load[CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_COUNT];
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
	cpumap_t                perfcontrol_cpu_preferred_bitmask;
	cpumap_t                perfcontrol_cpu_migration_bitmask;
	int                     cpu_preferred_last_chosen;
	bool                    is_SMT;                 /* pset contains SMT processors */

/* Boot (and default) pset */
extern struct processor_set     pset0;

typedef bitmap_t pset_map_t;

struct pset_node {
	processor_set_t         psets;                  /* list of associated psets */

	pset_node_t             nodes;                  /* list of associated subnodes */
	pset_node_t             node_list;              /* chain of associated nodes */

	pset_node_t             parent;

	pset_cluster_type_t     pset_cluster_type;      /* Same as the type of all psets in this node */

	pset_map_t              pset_map;               /* map of associated psets */
	_Atomic pset_map_t      pset_idle_map;          /* psets with at least one IDLE CPU */
	_Atomic pset_map_t      pset_idle_primary_map;  /* psets with at least one IDLE primary CPU */
	_Atomic pset_map_t      pset_non_rt_map;        /* psets with at least one available CPU not running a realtime thread */
	_Atomic pset_map_t      pset_non_rt_primary_map;/* psets with at least one available primary CPU not running a realtime thread */
	_Atomic pset_map_t      pset_recommended_map;   /* psets with at least one recommended processor */

/* Boot pset node and head of the pset node linked list */
extern struct pset_node pset_node0;

#if __AMP__
extern pset_node_t ecore_node;
extern pset_node_t pcore_node;
#endif /* __AMP__ */

extern queue_head_t tasks, threads, corpse_tasks;
extern int tasks_count, terminated_tasks_count, threads_count, terminated_threads_count;
decl_lck_mtx_data(extern, tasks_threads_lock);
decl_lck_mtx_data(extern, tasks_corpse_lock);

 * The terminated tasks queue should only be inspected elsewhere by stackshot.
extern queue_head_t terminated_tasks;

extern queue_head_t terminated_threads;

 * Valid state transitions:
 * not booted -> starting
 * starting -> started not running
 * starting -> started not waited
 * started not running | not waited -> running
 * running -> begin shutdown
 * begin shutdown -> pending offline
 * pending offline -> system sleep
 * system sleep -> running
 * pending offline -> cpu offline -> fully offline
 * fully offline -> starting
__enum_closed_decl(processor_offline_state_t, uint8_t, {
	/* Before it's ever booted */

	/* cpu_start is going to be sent */

	/* cpu_start has been sent, but it hasn't started up yet */

	/* processor has started up and began running, but nobody has wait-for-start-ed it */

	/* processor is running and someone confirmed this with wait for start, no state change operations are in flight */
	PROCESSOR_OFFLINE_RUNNING               = 4,  /* This is the 'normal' state */

	/* someone is working on asking to shut this processor down */

	/* this processor has started itself on its way to offline */

	/* another processor has confirmed the processor has powered down */

	/* cluster power has been disabled for this processor if it's going to be */
	PROCESSOR_OFFLINE_FULLY_OFFLINE         = 8, /* This is the finished powering down state */

	/* This processor is the boot processor, and it's in the final system sleep */

	PROCESSOR_OFFLINE_MAX                   = 10,

/* Locked under the sched_available_cores_lock */
extern cpumap_t processor_offline_state_map[PROCESSOR_OFFLINE_MAX];

struct processor {
	processor_state_t       state;                  /* See above */
	bool                    is_SMT;
	bool                    is_recommended;
	bool                    current_is_NO_SMT;      /* cached TH_SFLAG_NO_SMT of current thread */
	bool                    current_is_bound;       /* current thread is bound to this processor */
	bool                    current_is_eagerpreempt;/* current thread is TH_SFLAG_EAGERPREEMPT */
	bool                    pending_nonurgent_preemption; /* RUNNING_TIMER_PREEMPT is armed */
	struct thread          *active_thread;          /* thread running on processor */
	struct thread          *idle_thread;            /* this processor's idle thread. */
	struct thread          *startup_thread;

	processor_set_t         processor_set;  /* assigned set */

	 * XXX All current_* fields should be grouped together, as they're
	 * updated at the same time.
	int                     current_pri;            /* priority of current thread */
	sfi_class_id_t          current_sfi_class;      /* SFI class of current thread */
	perfcontrol_class_t     current_perfctl_class;  /* Perfcontrol class for current thread */
	 * The cluster type recommended for the current thread, used by AMP scheduler
	pset_cluster_type_t     current_recommended_pset_type;
	thread_urgency_t        current_urgency;        /* cached urgency of current thread */

	struct thread_group    *current_thread_group;   /* thread_group of current thread */
	int                     starting_pri;           /* priority of current thread as it was when scheduled */
	int                     cpu_id;                 /* platform numeric id */

	uint64_t                quantum_end;            /* time when current quantum ends */
	uint64_t                last_dispatch;          /* time of last dispatch */

	uint64_t                kperf_last_sample_time; /* time of last kperf sample */
#endif /* KPERF */

	uint64_t                deadline;               /* for next realtime thread */
	bool                    first_timeslice;        /* has the quantum expired since context switch */

	bool                    must_idle;              /* Needs to be forced idle as next selected thread is allowed on this processor */
	bool                    next_idle_short;        /* Expecting a response IPI soon, so the next idle period is likely very brief */

	bool                    running_timers_active;  /* whether the running timers should fire */
	struct timer_call       running_timers[RUNNING_TIMER_MAX];

	struct run_queue        runq;                   /* runq for this processor */

	struct recount_processor pr_recount;

	 * Pointer to primary processor for secondary SMT processors, or a
	 * pointer to ourselves for primaries or non-SMT.
	processor_t             processor_primary;
	processor_t             processor_secondary;
	struct ipc_port        *processor_self;         /* port for operations */

	processor_t             processor_list;         /* all existing processors */

	uint64_t                timer_call_ttd;         /* current timer call time-to-deadline */
	processor_reason_t      last_startup_reason;
	processor_reason_t      last_shutdown_reason;
	processor_reason_t      last_recommend_reason;
	processor_reason_t      last_derecommend_reason;

	/* locked by processor_start_state_lock */
	bool                    processor_instartup;     /* between dostartup and up */

	/* Locked by the processor_updown_lock */
	bool                    processor_booted;       /* Has gone through processor_boot */

	/* Locked by sched_available_cores_lock */
	bool                    shutdown_temporary;     /* Shutdown should be transparent to user - don't update CPU counts */
	bool                    processor_online;       /* between mark-online and mark-offline, tracked in sched_online_processors */

	bool                    processor_inshutdown;   /* is the processor between processor_shutdown and processor_startup */
	processor_offline_state_t processor_offline_state;

extern bool sched_all_cpus_offline(void);
extern void sched_assert_not_last_online_cpu(int cpu_id);

extern processor_t processor_list;
decl_simple_lock_data(extern, processor_list_lock);

decl_simple_lock_data(extern, processor_start_state_lock);

 * Maximum number of CPUs supported by the scheduler.  bits.h bitmap macros
 * need to be used to support greater than 64.
#define MAX_SCHED_CPUS          64
extern processor_t     __single processor_array[MAX_SCHED_CPUS];    /* array indexed by cpuid */
extern processor_set_t __single pset_array[MAX_PSETS];           /* array indexed by pset_id */

extern uint32_t                 processor_avail_count;
extern uint32_t                 processor_avail_count_user;
extern uint32_t                 primary_processor_avail_count;
extern uint32_t                 primary_processor_avail_count_user;

 * All of the operations on a processor that change the processor count
 * published to userspace and kernel.
__enum_closed_decl(processor_mode_t, uint8_t, {
	PCM_RECOMMENDED = 0, /* processor->is_recommended */
	PCM_TEMPORARY   = 1, /* processor->shutdown_temporary */
	PCM_ONLINE      = 2, /* processor->processor_online */

extern void sched_processor_change_mode_locked(processor_t processor, processor_mode_t pcm_mode, bool value);

#define master_processor PERCPU_GET_MASTER(processor)
PERCPU_DECL(struct processor, processor);

extern processor_t      current_processor(void);

/* Lock macros, always acquired and released with interrupts disabled (splsched()) */

extern lck_grp_t pset_lck_grp;

#if defined(SCHED_PSET_TLOCK)
#define pset_lock_init(p)               lck_ticket_init(&(p)->sched_lock, &pset_lck_grp)
#define pset_lock(p)                    lck_ticket_lock(&(p)->sched_lock, &pset_lck_grp)
#define pset_unlock(p)                  lck_ticket_unlock(&(p)->sched_lock)
#define pset_assert_locked(p)           lck_ticket_assert_owned(&(p)->sched_lock)
#define pset_lock_init(p)               lck_spin_init(&(p)->sched_lock, &pset_lck_grp, NULL)
#define pset_lock(p)                    lck_spin_lock_grp(&(p)->sched_lock, &pset_lck_grp)
#define pset_unlock(p)                  lck_spin_unlock(&(p)->sched_lock)
#define pset_assert_locked(p)           LCK_SPIN_ASSERT(&(p)->sched_lock, LCK_ASSERT_OWNED)
#endif /*!SCHED_PSET_TLOCK*/

extern lck_spin_t       pset_node_lock;

extern void             processor_bootstrap(void);

extern void             processor_init(
	processor_t             processor,
	int                     cpu_id,
	processor_set_t         processor_set);

extern void             processor_set_primary(
	processor_t             processor,
	processor_t             primary);

extern void
processor_update_offline_state(processor_t processor, processor_offline_state_t new_state);
extern void
processor_update_offline_state_locked(processor_t processor, processor_offline_state_t new_state);

extern void processor_doshutdown(
	processor_t             processor,
	bool                    is_final_system_sleep);

__enum_closed_decl(processor_start_kind_t, uint8_t, {

extern void             processor_wait_for_start(
	processor_t             processor,
	processor_start_kind_t  start_kind);

extern kern_return_t    processor_start_from_user(
	processor_t             processor);
extern kern_return_t    processor_start_from_kext(
	processor_t             processor);
extern kern_return_t    processor_exit_from_kext(
	processor_t             processor);

extern void processor_start_reason(
	processor_t             processor,
	processor_reason_t      reason);
extern void processor_exit_reason(
	processor_t             processor,
	processor_reason_t      reason,
	bool is_system_sleep);

extern kern_return_t sched_processor_exit_user(processor_t processor);
extern kern_return_t sched_processor_start_user(processor_t processor);

extern bool sched_mark_processor_online(processor_t processor, processor_reason_t reason);
extern void sched_mark_processor_offline(processor_t processor, bool is_final_system_sleep);

extern lck_mtx_t cluster_powerdown_lock;
extern lck_mtx_t processor_updown_lock;

extern bool sched_is_in_sleep(void);
extern bool sched_is_cpu_init_completed(void);

extern void             processor_queue_shutdown(
	processor_t             processor);

extern processor_set_t  processor_pset(
	processor_t             processor);

extern pset_node_t      pset_node_root(void);

extern processor_set_t  pset_create(
	pset_node_t             node,
	pset_cluster_type_t     pset_type,
	uint32_t                pset_cluster_id,
	int                     pset_id);

extern void             pset_init(
	processor_set_t         pset,
	pset_node_t             node);

extern processor_set_t  pset_find(
	uint32_t                cluster_id,
	processor_set_t         default_pset);

extern kern_return_t    processor_info_count(
	processor_flavor_t      flavor,
	mach_msg_type_number_t  *count);

extern void processor_cpu_load_info(
	processor_t processor,
	natural_t ticks[static CPU_STATE_MAX]);

extern void             machine_run_count(
	uint32_t                count);

extern processor_t      machine_choose_processor(
	processor_set_t         pset,
	processor_t             processor);

inline static processor_set_t
next_pset(processor_set_t pset)
	pset_map_t map = pset->node->pset_map;

	int pset_id = lsb_next(map, pset->pset_id);
	if (pset_id == -1) {
		pset_id = lsb_first(map);

	return pset_array[pset_id];

#define PSET_THING_TASK         0
#define PSET_THING_THREAD       1

extern pset_cluster_type_t recommended_pset_type(
	thread_t                thread);

extern void             processor_state_update_idle(
	processor_t             processor);

extern void             processor_state_update_from_thread(
	processor_t             processor,
	thread_t                thread,
	boolean_t               pset_lock_held);

extern void             processor_state_update_explicit(
	processor_t             processor,
	int                     pri,
	sfi_class_id_t          sfi_class,
	pset_cluster_type_t     pset_type,
	perfcontrol_class_t     perfctl_class,
	thread_urgency_t        urgency,
	sched_bucket_t          bucket);



extern cluster_type_t pset_type_for_id(uint32_t cluster_id);
extern uint64_t sched_pset_cluster_shared_rsrc_load(processor_set_t pset, cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type);

 * The Edge scheduler uses average scheduling latency as the metric for making
 * thread migration decisions. One component of avg scheduling latency is the load
 * average on the cluster.
 * Load Average Fixed Point Arithmetic
 * The load average is maintained as a 24.8 fixed point arithmetic value for precision.
 * When multiplied by the average execution time, it needs to be rounded up (based on
 * the most significant bit of the fractional part) for better accuracy. After rounding
 * up, the whole number part of the value is used as the actual load value for
 * migrate/steal decisions.

inline static int
sched_get_pset_load_average(processor_set_t pset, sched_bucket_t sched_bucket)
	uint64_t load_average = os_atomic_load(&pset->pset_load_average[sched_bucket], relaxed);
	uint64_t avg_execution_time = os_atomic_load(&pset->pset_execution_time[sched_bucket].pset_avg_thread_execution_time, relaxed);
	 * Since a load average of 0 indicates an idle cluster, don't allow an average
	 * execution time less than 1us to cause a cluster to appear idle.
	avg_execution_time = MAX(avg_execution_time, 1ULL);
	return (int)(((load_average + SCHED_PSET_LOAD_EWMA_ROUND_BIT) >> SCHED_PSET_LOAD_EWMA_FRACTION_BITS) * avg_execution_time);

inline static int
sched_get_pset_load_average(processor_set_t pset, __unused sched_bucket_t sched_bucket)
	return (int)pset->load_average >> (PSET_LOAD_NUMERATOR_SHIFT - PSET_LOAD_FRACTIONAL_SHIFT);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */

extern void sched_update_pset_load_average(processor_set_t pset, uint64_t curtime);
extern void sched_update_pset_avg_execution_time(processor_set_t pset, uint64_t delta, uint64_t curtime, sched_bucket_t sched_bucket);

inline static void
pset_update_processor_state(processor_set_t pset, processor_t processor, uint new_state)

	uint old_state = processor->state;
	uint cpuid = (uint)processor->cpu_id;

	assert(processor->processor_set == pset);
	assert(bit_test(pset->cpu_bitmask, cpuid));

	assert(old_state < PROCESSOR_STATE_LEN);
	assert(new_state < PROCESSOR_STATE_LEN);

	processor->state = new_state;

	bit_clear(pset->cpu_state_map[old_state], cpuid);
	bit_set(pset->cpu_state_map[new_state], cpuid);

	if (bit_test(pset->cpu_available_map, cpuid) && (new_state < PROCESSOR_IDLE)) {
		/* No longer available for scheduling */
		bit_clear(pset->cpu_available_map, cpuid);
	} else if (!bit_test(pset->cpu_available_map, cpuid) && (new_state >= PROCESSOR_IDLE)) {
		/* Newly available for scheduling */
		bit_set(pset->cpu_available_map, cpuid);

	if ((old_state == PROCESSOR_RUNNING) || (new_state == PROCESSOR_RUNNING)) {
		sched_update_pset_load_average(pset, 0);
		if (new_state == PROCESSOR_RUNNING) {
			assert(processor == current_processor());
	if ((old_state == PROCESSOR_IDLE) || (new_state == PROCESSOR_IDLE)) {
		if (new_state == PROCESSOR_IDLE) {
			bit_clear(pset->realtime_map, cpuid);

		pset_node_t node = pset->node;

		if (bit_count(node->pset_map) == 1) {
			/* Node has only a single pset, so skip node pset map updates */

		if (new_state == PROCESSOR_IDLE) {
			if (processor->processor_primary == processor) {
				if (!bit_test(atomic_load(&node->pset_non_rt_primary_map), pset->pset_id)) {
					atomic_bit_set(&node->pset_non_rt_primary_map, pset->pset_id, memory_order_relaxed);
				if (!bit_test(atomic_load(&node->pset_idle_primary_map), pset->pset_id)) {
					atomic_bit_set(&node->pset_idle_primary_map, pset->pset_id, memory_order_relaxed);
			if (!bit_test(atomic_load(&node->pset_non_rt_map), pset->pset_id)) {
				atomic_bit_set(&node->pset_non_rt_map, pset->pset_id, memory_order_relaxed);
			if (!bit_test(atomic_load(&node->pset_idle_map), pset->pset_id)) {
				atomic_bit_set(&node->pset_idle_map, pset->pset_id, memory_order_relaxed);
		} else {
			cpumap_t idle_map = pset->cpu_state_map[PROCESSOR_IDLE];
			if (idle_map == 0) {
				/* No more IDLE CPUs */
				if (bit_test(atomic_load(&node->pset_idle_map), pset->pset_id)) {
					atomic_bit_clear(&node->pset_idle_map, pset->pset_id, memory_order_relaxed);
			if (processor->processor_primary == processor) {
				idle_map &= pset->primary_map;
				if (idle_map == 0) {
					/* No more IDLE primary CPUs */
					if (bit_test(atomic_load(&node->pset_idle_primary_map), pset->pset_id)) {
						atomic_bit_clear(&node->pset_idle_primary_map, pset->pset_id, memory_order_relaxed);

decl_simple_lock_data(extern, sched_available_cores_lock);



/* Private KPI */
extern processor_t      cpu_to_processor(int cpu);

 * @function              sched_enable_acc_rail
 * @abstract              Enable shared voltage rail for a single ACC block.
 * @param die_id          0-based die number indicating which die the ACC is on.
 * @param die_cluster_id  0 for the first cluster on the die, 1 for the second, ...
 * @discussion            Called from the PMGR driver.  On systems where ANE and PACC
 *                        share a voltage rail, the PMGR driver calls into XNU prior to
 *                        accessing the ANE hardware, to ensure that the ANE block
 *                        is powered.  This will block until the rail has been enabled,
 *                        and it must be called from a schedulable context.
 *                        This should not be called on systems without a shared ANE/ACC rail.
 *                        The caller is responsible for knowing which die/cluster needs to
 *                        be forced on, in order to allow access to the ANE block.
extern void sched_enable_acc_rail(unsigned int die_id, unsigned int die_cluster_id);

 * @function              sched_disable_acc_rail
 * @abstract              Disable voltage rail for a single ACC block.
 * @param die_id          0-based die number indicating which die the ACC is on.
 * @param die_cluster_id  0 for the first cluster on the die, 1 for the second, ...
 * @discussion            Tells XNU that the shared ACC voltage rail can be safely disabled.
 *                        This may or may not cut voltage immediately.  Must be called from a
 *                        schedulable context.
extern void sched_disable_acc_rail(unsigned int die_id, unsigned int die_cluster_id);

 * Private KPI with CLPC
 * Update the scheduler with the set of cores that should be used to dispatch new threads.
 * Non-recommended cores can still be used to field interrupts or run bound threads.
 * This should be called with interrupts enabled and no scheduler locks held.
#define ALL_CORES_RECOMMENDED   (~(uint64_t)0)
#define ALL_CORES_POWERED       (~(uint64_t)0)

extern void sched_perfcontrol_update_recommended_cores(uint32_t recommended_cores);
extern void sched_perfcontrol_update_recommended_cores_reason(uint64_t recommended_cores, processor_reason_t reason, uint32_t flags);

/* Request a change to the powered cores mask that CLPC wants.  Does not block waiting for completion. */
extern void sched_perfcontrol_update_powered_cores(uint64_t powered_cores, processor_reason_t reason, uint32_t flags);

#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */


extern bool support_bootcpu_shutdown;
extern bool enable_processor_exit;
extern unsigned int processor_count;

extern int sched_enable_smt;

extern kern_return_t    enable_smt_processors(bool enable);

extern void sched_override_available_cores_for_sleep(void);
extern void sched_restore_available_cores_after_sleep(void);
extern bool processor_should_kprintf(processor_t processor, bool starting);
extern void suspend_cluster_powerdown(void);
extern void resume_cluster_powerdown(void);
extern kern_return_t suspend_cluster_powerdown_from_user(void);
extern kern_return_t resume_cluster_powerdown_from_user(void);
extern int get_cluster_powerdown_user_suspended(void);

extern void processor_wake(
	processor_t             processor);
extern void processor_sleep(
	processor_t             processor);
extern void processor_boot(
	processor_t             processor);
extern kern_return_t    processor_exit_from_user(
	processor_t             processor);



#endif  /* _KERN_PROCESSOR_H_ */