This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
// Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
// This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
// as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
// Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
// may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
// unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
// circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
// terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
// Please obtain a copy of the License at
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// The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
// distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
// Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
// limitations under the License.


#include <os/base.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/_types/_size_t.h>

// Track counters in secure execution contexts when the SPTM is available.
#else // CONFIG_SPTM
#endif // !CONFIG_SPTM

#if __arm64__
// Only ARM64 keeps precise track of user/system based on thread state.
#else // __arm64__
#endif // !__arm64__


// Recount maintains counters for resources used by software, like CPU time and cycles.
// These counters are tracked at different levels of granularity depending on what execution bucket they're tracked in.
// For instance, while threads only differentiate on the broad CPU kinds due to memory constraints,
// the fewer number of tasks are free to use more memory and accumulate counters per-CPU.
// At context-switch, the scheduler calls `recount_switch_thread` to update the counters.
// The difference between the current counter values and per-CPU snapshots are added to each thread.
// On modern systems with fast timebase reads, the counters are also updated on entering and exiting the kernel.

#pragma mark - config

// A domain of the system's CPU topology, used as granularity when tracking counter values.
__enum_decl(recount_topo_t, unsigned int, {
	// Attribute counts to the entire system, i.e. only a single counter.
	// Note that mutual exclusion must be provided to update this kind of counter.
	// Attribute counts to the CPU they accumulated on.
	// Mutual exclusion is not required to update this counter, but preemption must be disabled.
	// Attribute counts to the CPU kind (e.g. P or E).
	// Note that mutual exclusion must be provided to update this kind of counter.
	// The number of different topographies.

// Get the number of elements in an array for per-topography data.
size_t recount_topo_count(recount_topo_t topo);

// Recount's definitions of CPU kinds, in lieu of one from the platform layers.
__enum_decl(recount_cpu_kind_t, unsigned int, {

// A `recount_plan` structure controls the granularity of counting for a set of tracks and must be consulted when updating their counters.
typedef const struct recount_plan {
	const char *rpl_name;
	recount_topo_t rpl_topo;
} *recount_plan_t;

#define RECOUNT_PLAN_DECLARE(_name) \
    extern const struct recount_plan _name;

#define RECOUNT_PLAN_DEFINE(_name, _topo) \
	const struct recount_plan _name = { \
	        .rpl_name = #_name, \
	        .rpl_topo = _topo, \

// Represents exception levels that Recount can track metrics during.
__enum_closed_decl(recount_level_t, unsigned int, {
	// Exception level is transitioning from the kernel.
	// Must be first, as this is the initial state.
	// Exception level is transitioning from user space.
	// Exception level is transitioning from secure execution.

// The current objects with resource accounting policies.

#pragma mark - generic accounting

// A track is where counter values can be updated atomically for readers by a
// single writer.
struct recount_track {
	// Used to synchronize updates so multiple values appear to be updated atomically.
	uint32_t rt_pad;
	uint32_t rt_sync;

	// The CPU usage metrics currently supported by Recount.
	struct recount_usage {
		struct recount_metrics {
			// Time tracking, in Mach timebase units.
			uint64_t rm_time_mach;
			// CPU performance counter metrics, when available.
			uint64_t rm_instructions;
			uint64_t rm_cycles;
		} ru_metrics[RCT_LVL_COUNT];

		// CPU energy in nanojoules, when available.
		// This is not a "metric" because it is sampled out-of-band by ApplePMGR through CLPC.
		uint64_t ru_energy_nj;
	} rt_usage;

// Memory management routines for tracks and usage structures.
struct recount_track *recount_tracks_create(recount_plan_t plan);
void recount_tracks_destroy(recount_plan_t plan, struct recount_track *tracks);
struct recount_usage *recount_usage_alloc(recount_topo_t topo);
void recount_usage_free(recount_topo_t topo, struct recount_usage *usage);

// Attribute tracks to usage structures, to read their values for typical high-level interfaces.

// Sum any tracks to a single sum.
void recount_sum(recount_plan_t plan, const struct recount_track *tracks,
    struct recount_usage *sum);

// Summarize tracks into a total sum and another for a particular CPU kind.
void recount_sum_and_isolate_cpu_kind(recount_plan_t plan,
    struct recount_track *tracks, recount_cpu_kind_t kind,
    struct recount_usage *sum, struct recount_usage *only_kind);
// The same as above, but for usage-only objects, like coalitions.
void recount_sum_usage_and_isolate_cpu_kind(recount_plan_t plan,
    struct recount_usage *usage_list, recount_cpu_kind_t kind,
    struct recount_usage *sum, struct recount_usage *only_kind);

// Sum the counters for each perf-level, in the order returned by the sysctls.
void recount_sum_perf_levels(recount_plan_t plan,
    struct recount_track *tracks, struct recount_usage *sums);

#pragma mark - xnu internals


struct thread;
struct work_interval;
struct task;
struct proc;

// A smaller usage structure if only times are needed by a client.
struct recount_times_mach {
	uint64_t rtm_user;
	uint64_t rtm_system;

struct recount_times_mach recount_usage_times_mach(struct recount_usage *usage);
uint64_t recount_usage_system_time_mach(struct recount_usage *usage);
uint64_t recount_usage_time_mach(struct recount_usage *usage);
uint64_t recount_usage_cycles(struct recount_usage *usage);
uint64_t recount_usage_instructions(struct recount_usage *usage);

// Access another thread's usage data.
void recount_thread_usage(struct thread *thread, struct recount_usage *usage);
void recount_thread_perf_level_usage(struct thread *thread,
    struct recount_usage *usage_levels);
uint64_t recount_thread_time_mach(struct thread *thread);
struct recount_times_mach recount_thread_times(struct thread *thread);

// Read the current thread's usage data, accumulating counts until now.
// Interrupts must be disabled.
void recount_current_thread_usage(struct recount_usage *usage);
struct recount_times_mach recount_current_thread_times(void);
void recount_current_thread_usage_perf_only(struct recount_usage *usage,
    struct recount_usage *usage_perf_only);
void recount_current_thread_perf_level_usage(struct recount_usage
uint64_t recount_current_thread_time_mach(void);
uint64_t recount_current_thread_user_time_mach(void);
uint64_t recount_current_thread_interrupt_time_mach(void);
uint64_t recount_current_thread_energy_nj(void);
void recount_current_task_usage(struct recount_usage *usage);
void recount_current_task_usage_perf_only(struct recount_usage *usage,
    struct recount_usage *usage_perf_only);

// Access a work interval's usage data.
void recount_work_interval_usage(struct work_interval *work_interval, struct recount_usage *usage);
struct recount_times_mach recount_work_interval_times(struct work_interval *work_interval);
uint64_t recount_work_interval_energy_nj(struct work_interval *work_interval);

// Access another task's usage data.
void recount_task_usage(struct task *task, struct recount_usage *usage);
struct recount_times_mach recount_task_times(struct task *task);
void recount_task_usage_perf_only(struct task *task, struct recount_usage *sum,
    struct recount_usage *sum_perf_only);
void recount_task_times_perf_only(struct task *task,
    struct recount_times_mach *sum, struct recount_times_mach *sum_perf_only);
uint64_t recount_task_energy_nj(struct task *task);
bool recount_task_thread_perf_level_usage(struct task *task, uint64_t tid,
    struct recount_usage *usage_levels);

// Get the sum of all terminated threads in the task (not including active threads).
void recount_task_terminated_usage(struct task *task,
    struct recount_usage *sum);
struct recount_times_mach recount_task_terminated_times(struct task *task);
void recount_task_terminated_usage_perf_only(struct task *task,
    struct recount_usage *sum, struct recount_usage *perf_only);

int proc_pidthreadcounts(struct proc *p, uint64_t thuniqueid, user_addr_t uaddr,
    size_t usize, int *ret);



#include <kern/smp.h>
#include <mach/machine/thread_status.h>
#include <machine/machine_routines.h>

#if __arm64__
#endif // __arm64__

#pragma mark threads

// The per-thread resource accounting structure.
struct recount_thread {
	// Resources consumed across the lifetime of the thread, according to
	// `recount_thread_plan`.
	struct recount_track *rth_lifetime;
	// Time spent by this thread running interrupt handlers.
	uint64_t rth_interrupt_duration_mach;
	// The current level this thread is executing in.
	recount_level_t rth_current_level;
void recount_thread_init(struct recount_thread *th);
void recount_thread_copy(struct recount_thread *dst,
    struct recount_thread *src);
void recount_thread_deinit(struct recount_thread *th);

#pragma mark work_intervals

// The per-work-interval resource accounting structure.
struct recount_work_interval {
	// Resources consumed during the currently active work interval instance by
	// threads participating in the work interval, according to `recount_work_interval_plan`.
	struct recount_track *rwi_current_instance;
void recount_work_interval_init(struct recount_work_interval *wi);
void recount_work_interval_deinit(struct recount_work_interval *wi);

#pragma mark tasks

// The per-task resource accounting structure.
struct recount_task {
	// Resources consumed across the lifetime of the task, including active
	// threads, according to `recount_task_plan`.
	// The `recount_task_plan` must be per-CPU to provide mutual exclusion for
	// writers.
	struct recount_track *rtk_lifetime;
	// Usage from threads that have terminated or child tasks that have exited,
	// according to `recount_task_terminated_plan`.
	// Protected by the task lock when threads terminate.
	struct recount_usage *rtk_terminated;
void recount_task_init(struct recount_task *tk);
// Called on tasks that are moving their accounting information to a
// synthetic or re-exec-ed task.
void recount_task_copy(struct recount_task *dst,
    const struct recount_task *src);
void recount_task_deinit(struct recount_task *tk);

#pragma mark coalitions

// The per-coalition resource accounting structure.
struct recount_coalition {
	// Resources consumed by exited tasks only, according to
	// `recount_coalition_plan`.
	// Protected by the coalition lock when tasks exit and roll-up their
	// statistics.
	struct recount_usage *rco_exited;
void recount_coalition_init(struct recount_coalition *co);
void recount_coalition_deinit(struct recount_coalition *co);

// Get the sum of all currently-exited tasks in the coalition, and a separate P-only structure.
void recount_coalition_usage_perf_only(struct recount_coalition *coal,
    struct recount_usage *sum, struct recount_usage *sum_perf_only);

#pragma mark processors

struct processor;

// A snap records counter values at a specific point in time.
struct recount_snap {
	uint64_t rsn_time_mach;
	uint64_t rsn_insns;
	uint64_t rsn_cycles;

// The per-processor resource accounting structure.
struct recount_processor {
	struct recount_snap rpr_snap;
	struct recount_track rpr_active;
	recount_level_t rpr_current_level;
#endif // MACH_ASSERT
	uint64_t rpr_interrupt_duration_mach;
	uint64_t rpr_last_interrupt_enter_time_mach;
	uint64_t rpr_last_interrupt_leave_time_mach;
	uint64_t rpr_idle_time_mach;
	_Atomic uint64_t rpr_state_last_abs_time;
#if __AMP__
	// Cache the RCT_TOPO_CPU_KIND offset, which cannot change.
	uint8_t rpr_cpu_kind_index;
#endif // __AMP__
void recount_processor_init(struct processor *processor);

// Get a snapshot of the processor's usage, along with an up-to-date snapshot
// of its idle time (to now if the processor is currently idle).
void recount_processor_usage(struct recount_processor *pr,
    struct recount_usage *usage, uint64_t *idle_time_mach);

// Get the current amount of time spent handling interrupts by the current
// processor.
uint64_t recount_current_processor_interrupt_duration_mach(void);

#pragma mark updates

// The following interfaces are meant for specific adopters, like the
// scheduler or platform code responsible for entering and exiting the kernel.

// Fill in a snap with the current values from time- and count-keeping hardware.
void recount_snapshot(struct recount_snap *snap);

// During user/kernel transitions, other serializing events provide enough
// serialization around reading the counter values.
void recount_snapshot_speculative(struct recount_snap *snap);

// Called by the scheduler when a context switch occurs.
void recount_switch_thread(struct recount_snap *snap, struct thread *off_thread,
    struct task *off_task);
// Called by the machine-dependent code to accumulate energy.
void recount_add_energy(struct thread *off_thread, struct task *off_task,
    uint64_t energy_nj);
// Log a kdebug event when a thread switches off-CPU.
void recount_log_switch_thread(const struct recount_snap *snap);
// Log a kdebug event when a thread switches on-CPU.
void recount_log_switch_thread_on(const struct recount_snap *snap);

// This function requires that no writers race with it -- this is only safe in
// debugger context or while running in the context of the track being
// inspected.
void recount_sum_unsafe(recount_plan_t plan, const struct recount_track *tracks,
    struct recount_usage *sum);

// For handling precise user/kernel time updates.
void recount_leave_user(void);
void recount_enter_user(void);
// For handling interrupt time updates.
void recount_enter_interrupt(void);
void recount_leave_interrupt(void);
#if __x86_64__
// Handle interrupt time-keeping on Intel, which aren't unified with the trap
// handlers, so whether the user or system timers are updated depends on the
// save-state.
void recount_enter_intel_interrupt(x86_saved_state_t *state);
void recount_leave_intel_interrupt(void);
#endif // __x86_64__



// Handle guarded mode updates.
void recount_enter_secure(void);
void recount_leave_secure(void);



// Hooks for each processor idling, running, and onlining.
void recount_processor_idle(struct recount_processor *pr,
    struct recount_snap *snap);
void recount_processor_run(struct recount_processor *pr,
    struct recount_snap *snap);
void recount_processor_online(processor_t processor, struct recount_snap *snap);

#pragma mark rollups

// Called by the thread termination queue with the task lock held.
void recount_task_rollup_thread(struct recount_task *tk,
    const struct recount_thread *th);

// Called by the coalition roll-up statistics functions with coalition lock
// held.
void recount_coalition_rollup_task(struct recount_coalition *co,
    struct recount_task *tk);



#endif // KERN_RECOUNT_H