* Copyright (c) 2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>
#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
#include <machine/sched_param.h>
#include <machine/machine_cpu.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/debug.h>
#include <kern/machine.h>
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
#include <kern/processor.h>
#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <kern/sched.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <kern/sched_clutch.h>
#include <machine/atomic.h>
#include <kern/sched_clutch.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <kern/sched_amp_common.h>
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
typedef union {
struct __attribute__((packed)) {
unsigned int version : 4;
unsigned int traverse_mode : 3;
unsigned int cluster_id : 6;
unsigned int selection_was_edf : 1;
unsigned int selection_was_cluster_bound : 1;
unsigned int selection_opened_starvation_avoidance_window : 1;
unsigned int selection_opened_warp_window : 1;
unsigned int starvation_avoidance_window_close : 12;
unsigned int warp_window_close : 12;
unsigned int reserved : 23; /* For future usage */
} trace_data;
uint64_t scdts_trace_data_packed;
} sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed_t;
static_assert(TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX == 6, "Ensure layout of sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed can fit root bucket bitmasks");
static_assert(sizeof(sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed_t) <= sizeof(uint64_t), "Ensure sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed_t can fit in one tracepoint argument");
/* Forward declarations of static routines */
/* Root level hierarchy management */
static void sched_clutch_root_init(sched_clutch_root_t, processor_set_t);
static void sched_clutch_root_bucket_init(sched_clutch_root_bucket_t, sched_bucket_t, bool);
static void sched_clutch_root_pri_update(sched_clutch_root_t);
static void sched_clutch_root_urgency_inc(sched_clutch_root_t, thread_t);
static void sched_clutch_root_urgency_dec(sched_clutch_root_t, thread_t);
__enum_decl(sched_clutch_highest_root_bucket_type_t, uint32_t, {
__enum_decl(sched_clutch_traverse_mode_t, uint32_t, {
static_assert(SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_CHECK_PREEMPT < (1 << 3), "Ensure traverse mode can be encoded within 3 bits of sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed_t");
static sched_clutch_root_bucket_t sched_clutch_root_highest_root_bucket(sched_clutch_root_t, uint64_t, sched_clutch_highest_root_bucket_type_t, sched_clutch_root_bucket_t, thread_t, bool *, sched_clutch_traverse_mode_t, sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed_t *);
/* Support for foreign threads on AMP platforms */
static boolean_t sched_clutch_root_foreign_empty(sched_clutch_root_t);
static thread_t sched_clutch_root_highest_foreign_thread_remove(sched_clutch_root_t);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
/* Root bucket level hierarchy management */
static uint64_t sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_calculate(sched_clutch_root_bucket_t, uint64_t);
static void sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_update(sched_clutch_root_bucket_t, sched_clutch_root_t, uint64_t, bool);
static int sched_clutch_root_highest_runnable_qos(sched_clutch_root_t, sched_clutch_highest_root_bucket_type_t);
/* Options for clutch bucket ordering in the runq */
__options_decl(sched_clutch_bucket_options_t, uint32_t, {
/* Round robin clutch bucket on thread removal */
/* Insert clutch bucket at head (for thread preemption) */
/* Insert clutch bucket at tail (default) */
/* Clutch bucket level hierarchy management */
static void sched_clutch_bucket_hierarchy_insert(sched_clutch_root_t, sched_clutch_bucket_t, sched_bucket_t, uint64_t, sched_clutch_bucket_options_t);
static void sched_clutch_bucket_hierarchy_remove(sched_clutch_root_t, sched_clutch_bucket_t, sched_bucket_t, uint64_t, sched_clutch_bucket_options_t);
static boolean_t sched_clutch_bucket_runnable(sched_clutch_bucket_t, sched_clutch_root_t, uint64_t, sched_clutch_bucket_options_t);
static boolean_t sched_clutch_bucket_update(sched_clutch_bucket_t, sched_clutch_root_t, uint64_t, sched_clutch_bucket_options_t);
static void sched_clutch_bucket_empty(sched_clutch_bucket_t, sched_clutch_root_t, uint64_t, sched_clutch_bucket_options_t);
static uint8_t sched_clutch_bucket_pri_calculate(sched_clutch_bucket_t, uint64_t);
/* Clutch bucket group level properties management */
static void sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_usage_update(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t, uint64_t);
static void sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_adjust(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t, uint8_t);
static void sched_clutch_bucket_group_timeshare_update(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t, sched_clutch_bucket_t, uint64_t);
static uint8_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_ageout(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t, uint64_t);
static uint32_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_run_count_inc(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t);
static uint32_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_run_count_dec(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t);
static uint8_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactivity_score_calculate(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t, uint64_t);
/* Clutch timeshare properties updates */
static uint32_t sched_clutch_run_bucket_incr(sched_clutch_t, sched_bucket_t);
static uint32_t sched_clutch_run_bucket_decr(sched_clutch_t, sched_bucket_t);
/* Clutch membership management */
static boolean_t sched_clutch_thread_insert(sched_clutch_root_t, thread_t, integer_t);
static void sched_clutch_thread_remove(sched_clutch_root_t, thread_t, uint64_t, sched_clutch_bucket_options_t);
static thread_t sched_clutch_hierarchy_thread_highest(sched_clutch_root_t, processor_t, thread_t, sched_clutch_traverse_mode_t);
/* Clutch properties updates */
static uint32_t sched_clutch_root_urgency(sched_clutch_root_t);
static uint32_t sched_clutch_root_count_sum(sched_clutch_root_t);
static int sched_clutch_root_priority(sched_clutch_root_t);
static sched_clutch_bucket_t sched_clutch_root_bucket_highest_clutch_bucket(sched_clutch_root_t, sched_clutch_root_bucket_t, processor_t _Nullable processor, thread_t _Nullable prev_thread, bool *_Nullable chose_prev_thread);
/* Clutch thread properties */
static boolean_t sched_thread_sched_pri_promoted(thread_t);
static inline sched_clutch_bucket_t sched_clutch_bucket_for_thread(sched_clutch_root_t, thread_t);
static inline sched_clutch_bucket_group_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_for_thread(thread_t);
/* General utilities */
static inline bool sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(int, int, bool);
/* System based routines */
static bool sched_edge_pset_available(processor_set_t);
static uint32_t sched_edge_thread_bound_cluster_id(thread_t);
static int sched_edge_iterate_clusters_ordered(processor_set_t, uint64_t, int);
/* Global indicating the maximum number of clusters on the current platform */
static int sched_edge_max_clusters = 0;
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
/* Helper debugging routines */
static inline void sched_clutch_hierarchy_locked_assert(sched_clutch_root_t);
extern processor_set_t pset_array[MAX_PSETS];
* Special markers for buckets that have invalid WCELs/quantums etc.
#define SCHED_CLUTCH_INVALID_TIME_32 ((uint32_t)~0)
#define SCHED_CLUTCH_INVALID_TIME_64 ((uint64_t)~0)
* Root level bucket WCELs
* The root level bucket selection algorithm is an Earliest Deadline
* First (EDF) algorithm where the deadline for buckets are defined
* by the worst-case-execution-latency and the make runnable timestamp
* for the bucket.
static uint32_t sched_clutch_root_bucket_wcel_us[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {
0, /* FG */
37500, /* IN (37.5ms) */
75000, /* DF (75ms) */
150000, /* UT (150ms) */
250000 /* BG (250ms) */
static uint64_t sched_clutch_root_bucket_wcel[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {0};
* Root level bucket warp
* Each root level bucket has a warp value associated with it as well.
* The warp value allows the root bucket to effectively warp ahead of
* lower priority buckets for a limited time even if it has a later
* deadline. The warping behavior provides extra (but limited)
* opportunity for high priority buckets to remain responsive.
/* Special warp deadline value to indicate that the bucket has not used any warp yet */
/* Warp window durations for various tiers */
static uint32_t sched_clutch_root_bucket_warp_us[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {
8000, /* FG (8ms)*/
4000, /* IN (4ms) */
2000, /* DF (2ms) */
1000, /* UT (1ms) */
0 /* BG (0ms) */
static uint64_t sched_clutch_root_bucket_warp[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {0};
* Thread level quantum
* The algorithm defines quantums for threads at various buckets. This
* (combined with the root level bucket quantums) restricts how much
* the lower priority levels can preempt the higher priority threads.
static uint32_t sched_clutch_thread_quantum_us[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {
10000, /* FIXPRI (10ms) */
10000, /* FG (10ms) */
10000, /* IN (10ms) */
10000, /* DF (10ms) */
4000, /* UT (4ms) */
2000 /* BG (2ms) */
#else /* XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX */
static uint32_t sched_clutch_thread_quantum_us[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {
10000, /* FIXPRI (10ms) */
10000, /* FG (10ms) */
8000, /* IN (8ms) */
6000, /* DF (6ms) */
4000, /* UT (4ms) */
2000 /* BG (2ms) */
#endif /* XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX */
static uint64_t sched_clutch_thread_quantum[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {0};
* sched_clutch_us_to_abstime()
* Initializer for converting all durations in usec to abstime
static void
sched_clutch_us_to_abstime(uint32_t *us_vals, uint64_t *abstime_vals)
for (int i = 0; i < TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX; i++) {
if (us_vals[i] == SCHED_CLUTCH_INVALID_TIME_32) {
abstime_vals[i] = SCHED_CLUTCH_INVALID_TIME_64;
} else {
NSEC_PER_USEC, &abstime_vals[i]);
/* Clutch/Edge Scheduler Debugging support */
#define SCHED_CLUTCH_DBG_THR_COUNT_PACK(a, b, c) ((uint64_t)c | ((uint64_t)b << 16) | ((uint64_t)a << 32))
* sched_clutch_hierarchy_locked_assert()
* Debugging helper routine. Asserts that the hierarchy is locked. The locking
* for the hierarchy depends on where the hierarchy is hooked. The current
* implementation hooks the hierarchy at the pset, so the hierarchy is locked
* using the pset lock.
static inline void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
#else /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
static inline void
__unused sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
* sched_clutch_thr_count_inc()
* Increment thread count at a hierarchy level with overflow checks.
static void
uint16_t *thr_count)
if (__improbable(os_inc_overflow(thr_count))) {
panic("sched_clutch thread count overflowed!");
* sched_clutch_thr_count_dec()
* Decrement thread count at a hierarchy level with underflow checks.
static void
uint16_t *thr_count)
if (__improbable(os_dec_overflow(thr_count))) {
panic("sched_clutch thread count underflowed!");
static sched_bucket_t
sched_convert_pri_to_bucket(uint8_t priority)
sched_bucket_t bucket = TH_BUCKET_RUN;
if (priority > BASEPRI_USER_INITIATED) {
} else if (priority > BASEPRI_DEFAULT) {
} else if (priority > BASEPRI_UTILITY) {
} else if (priority > MAXPRI_THROTTLE) {
} else {
return bucket;
* sched_clutch_thread_bucket_map()
* Map a thread to a scheduling bucket for the clutch/edge scheduler
* based on its scheduling mode and the priority attribute passed in.
static sched_bucket_t
sched_clutch_thread_bucket_map(thread_t thread, int pri)
switch (thread->sched_mode) {
} else {
return sched_convert_pri_to_bucket(pri);
return sched_convert_pri_to_bucket(pri);
panic("unexpected mode: %d", thread->sched_mode);
* The clutch scheduler attempts to ageout the CPU usage of clutch bucket groups
* based on the amount of time they have been pending and the load at that
* scheduling bucket level. Since the clutch bucket groups are global (i.e. span
* multiple clusters, its important to keep the load also as a global counter.
static uint32_t _Atomic sched_clutch_global_bucket_load[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX];
* sched_clutch_root_init()
* Routine to initialize the scheduler hierarchy root.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
processor_set_t pset)
root_clutch->scr_thr_count = 0;
root_clutch->scr_priority = NOPRI;
root_clutch->scr_urgency = 0;
root_clutch->scr_pset = pset;
root_clutch->scr_cluster_id = pset->pset_cluster_id;
for (cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type = CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_MIN; shared_rsrc_type < CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_COUNT; shared_rsrc_type++) {
root_clutch->scr_shared_rsrc_load_runnable[shared_rsrc_type] = 0;
root_clutch->scr_cluster_id = 0;
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
/* Initialize the queue which maintains all runnable clutch_buckets for timesharing purposes */
/* Initialize the priority queue which maintains all runnable foreign clutch buckets */
bzero(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count, sizeof(root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count));
bitmap_zero(root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX);
bitmap_zero(root_clutch->scr_bound_warp_available, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX);
/* Initialize the bitmap and priority queue of runnable root buckets */
bitmap_zero(root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX);
bitmap_zero(root_clutch->scr_unbound_warp_available, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX);
/* Initialize all the root buckets */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX; i++) {
sched_clutch_root_bucket_init(&root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[i], i, false);
sched_clutch_root_bucket_init(&root_clutch->scr_bound_buckets[i], i, true);
* Clutch Bucket Runqueues
* The clutch buckets are maintained in a runq at the root bucket level. The
* runq organization allows clutch buckets to be ordered based on various
* factors such as:
* - Clutch buckets are round robin'ed at the same priority level when a
* thread is selected from a clutch bucket. This prevents a clutch bucket
* from starving out other clutch buckets at the same priority.
* - Clutch buckets are inserted at the head when it becomes runnable due to
* thread preemption. This allows threads that were preempted to maintain
* their order in the queue.
* sched_clutch_bucket_runq_init()
* Initialize a clutch bucket runq.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_t clutch_buckets_rq)
clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_highq = NOPRI;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < BITMAP_LEN(NRQS); i++) {
clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_bitmap[i] = 0;
clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NRQS; i++) {
* sched_clutch_bucket_runq_empty()
* Returns if a clutch bucket runq is empty.
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_t clutch_buckets_rq)
return clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_count == 0;
* sched_clutch_bucket_runq_peek()
* Returns the highest priority clutch bucket in the runq.
static sched_clutch_bucket_t
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_t clutch_buckets_rq)
if (clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_count > 0) {
circle_queue_t queue = &clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_queues[clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_highq];
return cqe_queue_first(queue, struct sched_clutch_bucket, scb_runqlink);
} else {
return NULL;
* sched_clutch_bucket_runq_enqueue()
* Enqueue a clutch bucket into the runq based on the options passed in.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_t clutch_buckets_rq,
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
sched_clutch_bucket_options_t options)
circle_queue_t queue = &clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_queues[clutch_bucket->scb_priority];
if (circle_queue_empty(queue)) {
circle_enqueue_tail(queue, &clutch_bucket->scb_runqlink);
bitmap_set(clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_bitmap, clutch_bucket->scb_priority);
if (clutch_bucket->scb_priority > clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_highq) {
clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_highq = clutch_bucket->scb_priority;
} else {
circle_enqueue_head(queue, &clutch_bucket->scb_runqlink);
} else {
* Default behavior (handles SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_TAILQ &
circle_enqueue_tail(queue, &clutch_bucket->scb_runqlink);
* sched_clutch_bucket_runq_remove()
* Remove a clutch bucket from the runq.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_t clutch_buckets_rq,
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket)
circle_queue_t queue = &clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_queues[clutch_bucket->scb_priority];
circle_dequeue(queue, &clutch_bucket->scb_runqlink);
assert(clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_count > 0);
if (circle_queue_empty(queue)) {
bitmap_clear(clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_bitmap, clutch_bucket->scb_priority);
clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_highq = bitmap_first(clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_bitmap, NRQS);
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_t clutch_buckets_rq,
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket)
circle_queue_t queue = &clutch_buckets_rq->scbrq_queues[clutch_bucket->scb_priority];
assert(clutch_bucket == cqe_queue_first(queue, struct sched_clutch_bucket, scb_runqlink));
* sched_clutch_root_bucket_init()
* Routine to initialize root buckets.
static void
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket,
sched_bucket_t bucket,
bool bound_root_bucket)
root_bucket->scrb_bucket = bucket;
if (bound_root_bucket) {
/* For bound root buckets, initialize the bound thread runq. */
root_bucket->scrb_bound = true;
} else {
* The unbounded root buckets contain a runq of runnable clutch buckets
* which then hold the runnable threads.
root_bucket->scrb_bound = false;
root_bucket->scrb_pqlink.deadline = 0;
root_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline = SCHED_CLUTCH_ROOT_BUCKET_WARP_UNUSED;
root_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining = sched_clutch_root_bucket_warp[root_bucket->scrb_bucket];
root_bucket->scrb_starvation_avoidance = false;
root_bucket->scrb_starvation_ts = 0;
* Special case scheduling for Above UI bucket.
* AboveUI threads are typically system critical threads that need low latency
* which is why they are handled specially.
* Since the priority range for AboveUI and FG Timeshare buckets overlap, it is
* important to maintain some native priority order between those buckets. For unbounded
* root buckets, the policy is to compare the highest clutch buckets of both buckets; if the
* Above UI bucket is higher, schedule it immediately. Otherwise fall through to the
* deadline based scheduling which should pickup the timeshare buckets. For the bound
* case, the policy simply compares the priority of the highest runnable threads in
* the above UI and timeshare buckets.
* The implementation allows extremely low latency CPU access for Above UI threads
* while supporting the use case of high priority timeshare threads contending with
* lower priority fixed priority threads.
* sched_clutch_root_unbound_select_aboveui()
* Routine to determine if the above UI unbounded bucket should be selected for execution.
* Writes the highest unbound (timeshare FG vs. above UI) bucket, its priority, and whether
* it is an above UI bucket into the pointer parameters.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t *highest_bucket,
int *highest_pri,
bool *highest_is_aboveui,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t _Nullable prev_bucket,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread)
/* First determine the highest Clutch bucket */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t higher_root_bucket = NULL;
sched_clutch_bucket_t higher_clutch_bucket = NULL;
int higher_bucket_sched_pri = -1;
bool higher_is_aboveui = false;
/* Consider unbound Above UI */
if (bitmap_test(root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI)) {
higher_root_bucket = &root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI];
higher_clutch_bucket = sched_clutch_root_bucket_highest_clutch_bucket(root_clutch, higher_root_bucket, NULL, NULL, NULL);
higher_bucket_sched_pri = priority_queue_max_sched_pri(&higher_clutch_bucket->scb_clutchpri_prioq);
higher_is_aboveui = true;
/* Consider unbound Timeshare FG */
if (bitmap_test(root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG)) {
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket_sharefg = &root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG];
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket_sharefg = sched_clutch_root_bucket_highest_clutch_bucket(root_clutch, root_bucket_sharefg, NULL, NULL, NULL);
/* Strict greater-than because unbound timeshare FG root bucket loses all priority ties at this level */
if (higher_root_bucket == NULL || clutch_bucket_sharefg->scb_priority > higher_clutch_bucket->scb_priority) {
higher_root_bucket = root_bucket_sharefg;
higher_clutch_bucket = clutch_bucket_sharefg;
higher_bucket_sched_pri = priority_queue_max_sched_pri(&higher_clutch_bucket->scb_clutchpri_prioq);
higher_is_aboveui = false;
/* Consider the previous thread */
if (prev_thread != NULL) {
assert(prev_bucket->scrb_bound == false);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t prev_clutch_bucket_group = sched_clutch_bucket_group_for_thread(prev_thread);
int prev_clutch_bucket_pri = prev_thread->sched_pri + (int)(os_atomic_load(&prev_clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_count, relaxed));
sched_clutch_bucket_t prev_clutch_bucket = sched_clutch_bucket_for_thread(root_clutch, prev_thread);
bool prev_bucket_should_win_ties = prev_bucket->scrb_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI && higher_is_aboveui == false;
if (higher_clutch_bucket == NULL ||
sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(prev_clutch_bucket_pri, higher_clutch_bucket->scb_priority, prev_bucket_should_win_ties)) {
higher_root_bucket = prev_bucket;
higher_clutch_bucket = prev_clutch_bucket;
higher_bucket_sched_pri = prev_thread->sched_pri;
higher_is_aboveui = prev_bucket->scrb_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI;
/* Compare highest priority in the highest unbound Clutch bucket to highest priority seen from the bound buckets */
if (higher_root_bucket != NULL) {
bool unbound_should_win_ties = higher_is_aboveui == true && *highest_is_aboveui == false;
if (sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(higher_bucket_sched_pri, *highest_pri, unbound_should_win_ties)) {
*highest_pri = higher_bucket_sched_pri;
*highest_bucket = higher_root_bucket;
*highest_is_aboveui = higher_is_aboveui;
* sched_clutch_root_bound_select_aboveui()
* Routine to determine if the above UI bounded bucket should be selected for execution.
* Writes the highest bound (timeshare FG vs. above UI) bucket, its priority, and whether
* it is an above UI bucket into the pointer parameters.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t *highest_bucket,
int *highest_pri,
bool *highest_is_aboveui,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t _Nullable prev_bucket,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread)
/* Consider bound Above UI */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket_aboveui = &root_clutch->scr_bound_buckets[TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI];
if (bitmap_test(root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI) &&
sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(root_bucket_aboveui->scrb_bound_thread_runq.highq, *highest_pri, *highest_is_aboveui == false)) {
*highest_pri = root_bucket_aboveui->scrb_bound_thread_runq.highq;
*highest_bucket = root_bucket_aboveui;
*highest_is_aboveui = true;
/* Consider bound Timeshare FG */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket_sharefg = &root_clutch->scr_bound_buckets[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG];
if (bitmap_test(root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG) &&
sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(root_bucket_sharefg->scrb_bound_thread_runq.highq, *highest_pri, false)) {
*highest_pri = root_bucket_sharefg->scrb_bound_thread_runq.highq;
*highest_bucket = root_bucket_sharefg;
*highest_is_aboveui = false;
/* Consider the previous thread */
if (prev_thread != NULL) {
assert(prev_bucket->scrb_bound == true);
bool prev_bucket_should_win_ties = prev_bucket->scrb_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI && *highest_is_aboveui == false;
if (sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(prev_thread->sched_pri, *highest_pri, prev_bucket_should_win_ties)) {
*highest_pri = prev_thread->sched_pri;
*highest_bucket = prev_bucket;
*highest_is_aboveui = prev_bucket->scrb_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI;
* sched_clutch_root_highest_runnable_qos()
* Returns the index of the highest-QoS root bucket which is currently runnable.
static int
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_highest_root_bucket_type_t type)
int highest_unbound_bucket = bitmap_lsb_first(root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX);
return highest_unbound_bucket;
int highest_bound_bucket = bitmap_lsb_first(root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX);
if (highest_bound_bucket == -1) {
return highest_unbound_bucket;
if (highest_unbound_bucket == -1) {
return highest_bound_bucket;
/* Both bound and unbound buckets are runnable, return the higher QoS */
return MIN(highest_bound_bucket, highest_unbound_bucket);
* sched_clutch_root_highest_aboveui_root_bucket()
* Routine to determine if an above UI root bucket should be selected for execution.
* Returns the root bucket if we should run an above UI bucket or NULL otherwise.
static sched_clutch_root_bucket_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_highest_root_bucket_type_t type,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t _Nullable prev_bucket,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread,
bool *chose_prev_thread)
assert((prev_thread == NULL && prev_bucket == NULL) || (prev_thread != NULL && prev_bucket != NULL));
assert((type == SCHED_CLUTCH_HIGHEST_ROOT_BUCKET_ALL) || (prev_bucket == NULL));
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t highest_bucket = NULL;
int highest_pri = -1;
bool highest_is_aboveui = false;
/* Forward previous thread to the correct comparison logic, based on boundness */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t bound_prev_bucket = NULL, unbound_prev_bucket = NULL;
thread_t bound_prev_thread = NULL, unbound_prev_thread = NULL;
if (prev_thread != NULL) {
if (prev_bucket->scrb_bound) {
bound_prev_bucket = prev_bucket;
bound_prev_thread = prev_thread;
} else {
unbound_prev_bucket = prev_bucket;
unbound_prev_thread = prev_thread;
/* Consider bound Above UI vs. Timeshare FG first, so those buckets will win ties against the corresponding unbound buckets */
sched_clutch_root_bound_select_aboveui(root_clutch, &highest_bucket, &highest_pri, &highest_is_aboveui, bound_prev_bucket, bound_prev_thread);
/* Consider unbound Above UI vs. Timeshare FG */
sched_clutch_root_unbound_select_aboveui(root_clutch, &highest_bucket, &highest_pri, &highest_is_aboveui, unbound_prev_bucket, unbound_prev_thread);
return highest_is_aboveui ? highest_bucket : NULL;
/* Determine whether we already know to continue running the previous thread */
if (prev_thread != NULL &&
bitmap_test(highest_bucket->scrb_bound ? root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap : root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, highest_bucket->scrb_bucket) == false) {
/* Highest bucket we saw is empty, so the previous thread must have been the highest */
assert(highest_bucket == prev_bucket);
*chose_prev_thread = true;
return highest_is_aboveui ? highest_bucket : NULL;
* sched_clutch_root_highest_root_bucket()
* Main routine to find the highest runnable root level bucket.
* This routine is called from performance sensitive contexts; so it is
* crucial to keep this O(1). The options parameter determines if
* the selection logic should look at unbounded threads only (for
* cross-cluster stealing operations) or both bounded and unbounded
* threads (for selecting next thread for execution on current cluster).
static sched_clutch_root_bucket_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
uint64_t timestamp,
sched_clutch_highest_root_bucket_type_t type,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t _Nullable prev_bucket,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread,
bool *chose_prev_thread,
sched_clutch_traverse_mode_t mode,
sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed_t *debug_info)
assert((prev_thread == NULL && prev_bucket == NULL) || (prev_thread != NULL && prev_bucket != NULL));
assert(type == SCHED_CLUTCH_HIGHEST_ROOT_BUCKET_ALL || (prev_thread == NULL));
assert(prev_thread == NULL || (mode != SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY));
int highest_runnable_bucket = sched_clutch_root_highest_runnable_qos(root_clutch, type);
if (highest_runnable_bucket == -1) {
* The Clutch hierarchy has no runnable threads. We can continue running
* whatever was running previously.
assert(sched_clutch_root_count(root_clutch) == 0 || type == SCHED_CLUTCH_HIGHEST_ROOT_BUCKET_UNBOUND_ONLY);
*chose_prev_thread = true;
if (prev_thread != NULL) {
debug_info->trace_data.selection_was_edf = true;
return prev_bucket;
/* Consider Above UI threads, in comparison to Timeshare FG threads */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t highest_aboveui_bucket = sched_clutch_root_highest_aboveui_root_bucket(root_clutch, type, prev_bucket, prev_thread, chose_prev_thread);
if (highest_aboveui_bucket != NULL) {
debug_info->trace_data.selection_was_edf = true;
return highest_aboveui_bucket;
* Above UI bucket is not runnable or has a low priority runnable thread; use the
* earliest deadline model to schedule threads. The idea is that as the timeshare
* buckets use CPU, they will drop their interactivity score/sched priority and
* allow the low priority AboveUI buckets to be scheduled.
/* Find the earliest deadline bucket */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t edf_bucket;
bool edf_bucket_enqueued_normally;
edf_bucket = NULL;
edf_bucket_enqueued_normally = true;
edf_bucket = priority_queue_min(&root_clutch->scr_unbound_root_buckets, struct sched_clutch_root_bucket, scrb_pqlink);
} else {
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t unbound_bucket = priority_queue_min(&root_clutch->scr_unbound_root_buckets, struct sched_clutch_root_bucket, scrb_pqlink);
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t bound_bucket = priority_queue_min(&root_clutch->scr_bound_root_buckets, struct sched_clutch_root_bucket, scrb_pqlink);
if (bound_bucket && unbound_bucket) {
/* If bound and unbound root buckets are runnable, select the one with the earlier deadline */
edf_bucket = (bound_bucket->scrb_pqlink.deadline <= unbound_bucket->scrb_pqlink.deadline) ? bound_bucket : unbound_bucket;
} else {
edf_bucket = (bound_bucket) ? bound_bucket : unbound_bucket;
if (edf_bucket == NULL) {
/* The timeshare portion of the runqueue is empty */
assert(prev_thread != NULL);
*chose_prev_thread = true;
if (prev_thread != NULL) {
debug_info->trace_data.selection_was_edf = true;
return prev_bucket;
if (prev_bucket != NULL && prev_bucket->scrb_pqlink.deadline < edf_bucket->scrb_pqlink.deadline) {
/* The previous thread's root bucket has the earliest deadline and is not currently enqueued */
edf_bucket = prev_bucket;
edf_bucket_enqueued_normally = false;
if (edf_bucket->scrb_starvation_avoidance) {
/* Check if the EDF bucket is in an expired starvation avoidance window */
uint64_t starvation_window = sched_clutch_thread_quantum[edf_bucket->scrb_bucket];
if (timestamp >= (edf_bucket->scrb_starvation_ts + starvation_window)) {
/* Starvation avoidance window is over; update deadline and re-evaluate EDF */
edf_bucket->scrb_starvation_avoidance = false;
edf_bucket->scrb_starvation_ts = 0;
sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_update(edf_bucket, root_clutch, timestamp, edf_bucket_enqueued_normally);
bit_set(debug_info->trace_data.starvation_avoidance_window_close, edf_bucket->scrb_bound * TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX + edf_bucket->scrb_bucket);
goto evaluate_root_buckets;
* Check if any of the buckets have warp available. The implementation only allows root buckets to warp ahead of
* buckets of the same type (i.e. bound/unbound). The reason for doing that is because warping is a concept that
* makes sense between root buckets of the same type since its effectively a scheduling advantage over a lower
* QoS root bucket.
bitmap_t *warp_available_bitmap = (edf_bucket->scrb_bound) ? (root_clutch->scr_bound_warp_available) : (root_clutch->scr_unbound_warp_available);
int warp_bucket_index = bitmap_lsb_first(warp_available_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX);
/* Allow the prev_bucket to use its warp as well */
bool prev_bucket_warping = (prev_bucket != NULL) && (prev_bucket->scrb_bound == edf_bucket->scrb_bound) &&
prev_bucket->scrb_bucket < edf_bucket->scrb_bucket && (prev_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining > 0) &&
(warp_bucket_index == -1 || prev_bucket->scrb_bucket < warp_bucket_index);
bool non_edf_bucket_can_warp = (warp_bucket_index != -1 && warp_bucket_index < edf_bucket->scrb_bucket) || prev_bucket_warping;
if (non_edf_bucket_can_warp == false) {
/* No higher buckets have warp left; best choice is the EDF based bucket */
debug_info->trace_data.selection_was_edf = true;
bool should_update_edf_starvation_state = edf_bucket == prev_bucket || mode == SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY || mode == SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_CONSIDER_CURRENT;
if (edf_bucket->scrb_starvation_avoidance == false && should_update_edf_starvation_state) {
/* Looks like the EDF bucket is not in starvation avoidance mode; check if it should be */
if (highest_runnable_bucket < edf_bucket->scrb_bucket || (prev_bucket != NULL && prev_bucket->scrb_bucket < edf_bucket->scrb_bucket)) {
* Since a higher bucket is runnable, it indicates that the EDF bucket should be in starvation avoidance.
* The starvation avoidance window is allocated as a single quantum for the starved bucket, enforced
* simultaneously across all CPUs in the cluster. The idea is to grant the starved bucket roughly one
* quantum per core, each time the bucket reaches the earliest deadline position. Note that this
* cadence is driven by the difference between the starved bucket's and highest-runnable bucket's WCELs.
edf_bucket->scrb_starvation_avoidance = true;
edf_bucket->scrb_starvation_ts = timestamp;
debug_info->trace_data.selection_opened_starvation_avoidance_window = true;
} else {
/* EDF bucket is being selected in the natural order; update deadline and reset warp */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_update(edf_bucket, root_clutch, timestamp, edf_bucket_enqueued_normally);
edf_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining = sched_clutch_root_bucket_warp[edf_bucket->scrb_bucket];
edf_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline = SCHED_CLUTCH_ROOT_BUCKET_WARP_UNUSED;
if (edf_bucket_enqueued_normally) {
if (edf_bucket->scrb_bound) {
bitmap_set(root_clutch->scr_bound_warp_available, edf_bucket->scrb_bucket);
} else {
bitmap_set(root_clutch->scr_unbound_warp_available, edf_bucket->scrb_bucket);
*chose_prev_thread = !edf_bucket_enqueued_normally;
return edf_bucket;
* Looks like there is a root bucket which is higher in the natural priority
* order than edf_bucket and might have some warp remaining.
assert(prev_bucket_warping || warp_bucket_index >= 0);
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t warp_bucket = NULL;
if (prev_bucket_warping) {
assert(warp_bucket_index == -1 || prev_bucket->scrb_bucket < warp_bucket_index);
warp_bucket = prev_bucket;
} else {
warp_bucket = (edf_bucket->scrb_bound) ? &root_clutch->scr_bound_buckets[warp_bucket_index] : &root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[warp_bucket_index];
bool warp_is_being_utilized = warp_bucket == prev_bucket || mode == SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY || mode == SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_CONSIDER_CURRENT;
if (warp_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline == SCHED_CLUTCH_ROOT_BUCKET_WARP_UNUSED) {
if (warp_is_being_utilized) {
/* Root bucket has not used any of its warp; set a deadline to expire its warp and return it */
warp_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline = timestamp + warp_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining;
sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_update(warp_bucket, root_clutch, timestamp, !prev_bucket_warping);
debug_info->trace_data.selection_opened_warp_window = true;
*chose_prev_thread = prev_bucket_warping;
debug_info->trace_data.selection_was_edf = false;
assert(warp_bucket != edf_bucket);
return warp_bucket;
if (warp_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline > timestamp) {
/* Root bucket already has a warp window open with some warp remaining */
if (warp_is_being_utilized) {
sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_update(warp_bucket, root_clutch, timestamp, !prev_bucket_warping);
*chose_prev_thread = prev_bucket_warping;
debug_info->trace_data.selection_was_edf = false;
return warp_bucket;
* For this bucket, warp window was opened sometime in the past but has now
* expired. Mark the bucket as not available for warp anymore and re-run the
* warp bucket selection logic.
warp_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining = 0;
if (!prev_bucket_warping) {
if (warp_bucket->scrb_bound) {
bitmap_clear(root_clutch->scr_bound_warp_available, warp_bucket->scrb_bucket);
} else {
bitmap_clear(root_clutch->scr_unbound_warp_available, warp_bucket->scrb_bucket);
bit_set(debug_info->trace_data.warp_window_close, warp_bucket->scrb_bound * TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX + warp_bucket->scrb_bucket);
goto evaluate_root_buckets;
* sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_calculate()
* Calculate the deadline for the bucket based on its WCEL
static uint64_t
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket,
uint64_t timestamp)
/* For fixpri AboveUI bucket always return it as the earliest deadline */
if (root_bucket->scrb_bucket < TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG) {
return 0;
/* For all timeshare buckets set the deadline as current time + worst-case-execution-latency */
return timestamp + sched_clutch_root_bucket_wcel[root_bucket->scrb_bucket];
* sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_update()
* Routine to update the deadline of the root bucket when it is selected.
* Updating the deadline also moves the root_bucket in the EDF priority
* queue.
static void
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket,
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
uint64_t timestamp,
bool bucket_is_enqueued)
if (root_bucket->scrb_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI) {
/* The algorithm never uses the deadlines for scheduling TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI bucket */
uint64_t old_deadline = root_bucket->scrb_pqlink.deadline;
uint64_t new_deadline = sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_calculate(root_bucket, timestamp);
if (__improbable(old_deadline > new_deadline)) {
panic("old_deadline (%llu) > new_deadline (%llu); root_bucket (%d); timestamp (%llu)", old_deadline, new_deadline, root_bucket->scrb_bucket, timestamp);
if (old_deadline != new_deadline) {
root_bucket->scrb_pqlink.deadline = new_deadline;
if (bucket_is_enqueued) {
struct priority_queue_deadline_min *prioq = (root_bucket->scrb_bound) ? &root_clutch->scr_bound_root_buckets : &root_clutch->scr_unbound_root_buckets;
priority_queue_entry_increased(prioq, &root_bucket->scrb_pqlink);
* sched_clutch_root_bucket_runnable()
* Routine to insert a newly runnable root bucket into the hierarchy.
* Also updates the deadline and warp parameters as necessary.
static void
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket,
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
uint64_t timestamp)
/* Mark the root bucket as runnable */
bitmap_t *runnable_bitmap = (root_bucket->scrb_bound) ? root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap : root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap;
bitmap_set(runnable_bitmap, root_bucket->scrb_bucket);
if (root_bucket->scrb_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI) {
/* Since the TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI bucket is not scheduled based on deadline, nothing more needed here */
if (root_bucket->scrb_starvation_avoidance == false) {
* Only update the deadline if the bucket was not in starvation avoidance mode. If the bucket was in
* starvation avoidance and its window has expired, the highest root bucket selection logic will notice
* that and fix it up.
root_bucket->scrb_pqlink.deadline = sched_clutch_root_bucket_deadline_calculate(root_bucket, timestamp);
struct priority_queue_deadline_min *prioq = (root_bucket->scrb_bound) ? &root_clutch->scr_bound_root_buckets : &root_clutch->scr_unbound_root_buckets;
priority_queue_insert(prioq, &root_bucket->scrb_pqlink);
if (root_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining) {
/* Since the bucket has some warp remaining and its now runnable, mark it as available for warp */
bitmap_t *warp_bitmap = (root_bucket->scrb_bound) ? root_clutch->scr_bound_warp_available : root_clutch->scr_unbound_warp_available;
bitmap_set(warp_bitmap, root_bucket->scrb_bucket);
* sched_clutch_root_bucket_empty()
* Routine to remove an empty root bucket from the hierarchy.
* Also updates the deadline and warp parameters as necessary.
static void
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket,
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
uint64_t timestamp)
bitmap_t *runnable_bitmap = (root_bucket->scrb_bound) ? root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap : root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap;
bitmap_clear(runnable_bitmap, root_bucket->scrb_bucket);
if (root_bucket->scrb_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI) {
/* Since the TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI bucket is not scheduled based on deadline, nothing more needed here */
struct priority_queue_deadline_min *prioq = (root_bucket->scrb_bound) ? &root_clutch->scr_bound_root_buckets : &root_clutch->scr_unbound_root_buckets;
priority_queue_remove(prioq, &root_bucket->scrb_pqlink);
bitmap_t *warp_bitmap = (root_bucket->scrb_bound) ? root_clutch->scr_bound_warp_available : root_clutch->scr_unbound_warp_available;
bitmap_clear(warp_bitmap, root_bucket->scrb_bucket);
if (root_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline != SCHED_CLUTCH_ROOT_BUCKET_WARP_UNUSED) {
if (root_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline > timestamp) {
* For root buckets that were using the warp, check if the warp
* deadline is in the future. If yes, remove the wall time the
* warp was active and update the warp remaining. This allows
* the root bucket to use the remaining warp the next time it
* becomes runnable.
root_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining = root_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline - timestamp;
} else {
* If the root bucket's warped deadline is in the past, it has used up
* all the warp it was assigned. Empty out its warp remaining.
root_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining = 0;
static int
sched_bucket_t bucket)
return (int)os_atomic_load(&sched_clutch_global_bucket_load[bucket], relaxed);
* sched_clutch_root_pri_update()
* The root level priority is used for thread selection and preemption
* logic.
* The logic uses the same decision as thread selection for deciding between the
* above UI and timeshare buckets. If one of the timesharing buckets have to be
* used for priority calculation, the logic is slightly different from thread
* selection, because thread selection considers deadlines, warps etc. to
* decide the most optimal bucket at a given timestamp. Since the priority
* value is used for preemption decisions only, it needs to be based on the
* highest runnable thread available in the timeshare domain. This logic can
* be made more sophisticated if there are cases of unnecessary preemption
* being seen in workloads.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
int16_t root_bound_pri = NOPRI;
int16_t root_unbound_pri = NOPRI;
/* Consider bound root buckets */
if (bitmap_lsb_first(root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX) == -1) {
goto root_pri_update_unbound;
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t highest_bound_root_bucket = NULL;
__unused int highest_bound_root_bucket_pri = -1;
bool highest_bound_root_bucket_is_fixpri = false;
sched_clutch_root_bound_select_aboveui(root_clutch, &highest_bound_root_bucket, &highest_bound_root_bucket_pri, &highest_bound_root_bucket_is_fixpri, NULL, NULL);
if (highest_bound_root_bucket_is_fixpri == false) {
int root_bucket_index = bitmap_lsb_next(root_clutch->scr_bound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX, TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI);
assert(root_bucket_index != -1);
highest_bound_root_bucket = &root_clutch->scr_bound_buckets[root_bucket_index];
root_bound_pri = highest_bound_root_bucket->scrb_bound_thread_runq.highq;
/* Consider unbound root buckets */
if (bitmap_lsb_first(root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX) == -1) {
goto root_pri_update_complete;
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t highest_unbound_root_bucket = NULL;
__unused int highest_unbound_root_bucket_pri = -1;
bool highest_unbound_root_bucket_is_fixpri = false;
sched_clutch_root_unbound_select_aboveui(root_clutch, &highest_unbound_root_bucket, &highest_unbound_root_bucket_pri, &highest_unbound_root_bucket_is_fixpri, NULL, NULL);
if (highest_unbound_root_bucket_is_fixpri == false) {
int root_bucket_index = bitmap_lsb_next(root_clutch->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX, TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI);
assert(root_bucket_index != -1);
highest_unbound_root_bucket = &root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[root_bucket_index];
/* For the selected root bucket, find the highest priority clutch bucket */
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket = sched_clutch_root_bucket_highest_clutch_bucket(root_clutch, highest_unbound_root_bucket, NULL, NULL, NULL);
root_unbound_pri = priority_queue_max_sched_pri(&clutch_bucket->scb_clutchpri_prioq);
root_clutch->scr_priority = MAX(root_bound_pri, root_unbound_pri);
* sched_clutch_root_urgency_inc()
* Routine to increment the urgency at the root level based on the thread
* priority that is being inserted into the hierarchy. The root urgency
* counter is updated based on the urgency of threads in any of the
* clutch buckets which are part of the hierarchy.
* Always called with the pset lock held.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t thread)
if (SCHED(priority_is_urgent)(thread->sched_pri)) {
* sched_clutch_root_urgency_dec()
* Routine to decrement the urgency at the root level based on the thread
* priority that is being removed from the hierarchy. The root urgency
* counter is updated based on the urgency of threads in any of the
* clutch buckets which are part of the hierarchy.
* Always called with the pset lock held.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t thread)
if (SCHED(priority_is_urgent)(thread->sched_pri)) {
* Clutch bucket level scheduling
* The second level of scheduling is the clutch bucket level scheduling
* which tries to schedule thread groups within root_buckets. Each
* clutch represents a thread group and a clutch_bucket_group represents
* threads at a particular sched_bucket within that thread group. The
* clutch_bucket_group contains a clutch_bucket per cluster on the system
* where it holds the runnable threads destined for execution on that
* cluster.
* The goal of this level of scheduling is to allow interactive thread
* groups low latency access to the CPU. It also provides slight
* scheduling preference for App and unrestricted thread groups.
* The clutch bucket scheduling algorithm measures an interactivity
* score for all clutch bucket groups. The interactivity score is based
* on the ratio of the CPU used and the voluntary blocking of threads
* within the clutch bucket group. The algorithm is very close to the ULE
* scheduler on FreeBSD in terms of calculations. The interactivity
* score provides an interactivity boost in the range of
* [0:SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_INTERACTIVE_PRI * 2] which allows interactive
* thread groups to win over CPU spinners.
* The interactivity score of the clutch bucket group is combined with the
* highest base/promoted priority of threads in the clutch bucket to form
* the overall priority of the clutch bucket.
/* Priority boost range for interactivity */
static uint8_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri = SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_PRI_DEFAULT;
/* window to scale the cpu usage and blocked values (currently 500ms). Its the threshold of used+blocked */
static uint64_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold = 0;
/* The ratio to scale the cpu/blocked time per window */
/* Initial value for voluntary blocking time for the clutch_bucket */
/* Value indicating the clutch bucket is not pending execution */
* Thread group CPU starvation avoidance
* In heavily CPU contended scenarios, it is possible that some thread groups
* which have a low interactivity score do not get CPU time at all. In order to
* resolve that, the scheduler tries to ageout the CPU usage of the clutch
* bucket group when it has been pending execution for a certain time as defined
* by the sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_delta_us values below.
* The values chosen here are very close to the WCEL values for each sched bucket.
* Theses values are added into the pending interval used to determine how
* frequently we will ageout the CPU usage, ensuring a reasonable limit on the
* frequency.
static uint32_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_delta_us[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {
10000, /* FG */
37500, /* IN */
75000, /* DF */
150000, /* UT */
250000, /* BG */
static uint64_t sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_delta[TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX] = {0};
* sched_clutch_bucket_init()
* Initializer for clutch buckets.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
sched_bucket_t bucket)
clutch_bucket->scb_bucket = bucket;
/* scb_priority will be recalculated when a thread is inserted in the clutch bucket */
clutch_bucket->scb_priority = 0;
clutch_bucket->scb_foreign = false;
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
clutch_bucket->scb_group = clutch_bucket_group;
clutch_bucket->scb_root = NULL;
* sched_clutch_bucket_group_init()
* Initializer for clutch bucket groups.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
sched_clutch_t clutch,
sched_bucket_t bucket)
bzero(clutch_bucket_group, sizeof(struct sched_clutch_bucket_group));
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket = bucket;
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_clutch = clutch;
int max_clusters = ml_get_cluster_count();
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_clutch_buckets = kalloc_type(struct sched_clutch_bucket, max_clusters, Z_WAITOK | Z_ZERO);
for (int i = 0; i < max_clusters; i++) {
sched_clutch_bucket_init(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_clutch_buckets[i], clutch_bucket_group, bucket);
os_atomic_store(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_timeshare_tick, 0, relaxed);
os_atomic_store(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pri_shift, INT8_MAX, relaxed);
os_atomic_store(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_preferred_cluster, pset0.pset_cluster_id, relaxed);
* All thread groups should be initialized to be interactive; this allows the newly launched
* thread groups to fairly compete with already running thread groups.
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_count = (sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri * 2);
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_timestamp = 0;
os_atomic_store(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_blocked, (clutch_cpu_data_t)sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold, relaxed);
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_blocked_data.scct_timestamp = SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_BLOCKED_TS_INVALID;
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_timestamp = SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_PENDING_INVALID;
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_amp_rebalance_last_chosen = UINT32_MAX;
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group)
kfree_type(struct sched_clutch_bucket, ml_get_cluster_count(),
* sched_clutch_init_with_thread_group()
* Initialize the sched_clutch when the thread group is being created
sched_clutch_t clutch,
struct thread_group *tg)
os_atomic_store(&clutch->sc_thr_count, 0, relaxed);
/* Initialize all the clutch buckets */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX; i++) {
sched_clutch_bucket_group_init(&(clutch->sc_clutch_groups[i]), clutch, i);
/* Grouping specific fields */
clutch->sc_tg = tg;
* sched_clutch_destroy()
* Destructor for clutch; called from thread group release code.
sched_clutch_t clutch)
assert(os_atomic_load(&clutch->sc_thr_count, relaxed) == 0);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX; i++) {
* Edge Scheduler Preferred Cluster Mechanism
* In order to have better control over various QoS buckets within a thread group, the Edge
* scheduler allows CLPC to specify a preferred cluster for each QoS level in a TG. These
* preferences are stored at the sched_clutch_bucket_group level since that represents all
* threads at a particular QoS level within a sched_clutch. For any lookup of preferred
* cluster, the logic always goes back to the preference stored at the clutch_bucket_group.
static uint32_t
sched_edge_clutch_bucket_group_preferred_cluster(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group)
return os_atomic_load(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_preferred_cluster, relaxed);
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_bucket_preferred_cluster(sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket)
return sched_edge_clutch_bucket_group_preferred_cluster(clutch_bucket->scb_group);
sched_edge_thread_preferred_cluster(thread_t thread)
/* For threads bound to a specific cluster, return the bound cluster id */
return sched_edge_thread_bound_cluster_id(thread);
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
sched_bucket_t sched_bucket = thread->th_sched_bucket;
if (thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_DEPRESSED_MASK) {
sched_bucket = sched_clutch_thread_bucket_map(thread, thread->base_pri);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &clutch->sc_clutch_groups[sched_bucket];
return sched_edge_clutch_bucket_group_preferred_cluster(clutch_bucket_group);
* Edge Scheduler Foreign Bucket Support
* In the Edge Scheduler, each cluster maintains a priority queue of clutch buckets containing
* threads that are not native to the cluster. A clutch bucket is considered native if its
* preferred cluster has the same type as the cluster its enqueued in. The foreign clutch
* bucket priority queue is used for rebalance operations to get threads back to their native
* cluster quickly.
* It is possible to make this policy even more aggressive by considering all clusters that
* are not the preferred cluster as the foreign cluster, but that would mean a lot of thread
* migrations which might have performance implications.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_mark_native(sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket, sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
if (clutch_bucket->scb_foreign) {
clutch_bucket->scb_foreign = false;
priority_queue_remove(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets, &clutch_bucket->scb_foreignlink);
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_mark_foreign(sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket, sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
if (!clutch_bucket->scb_foreign) {
clutch_bucket->scb_foreign = true;
priority_queue_entry_set_sched_pri(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets, &clutch_bucket->scb_foreignlink, clutch_bucket->scb_priority, 0);
priority_queue_insert(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets, &clutch_bucket->scb_foreignlink);
* Edge Scheduler Cumulative Load Average
* The Edge scheduler maintains a per-QoS/scheduling bucket load average for
* making thread migration decisions. The per-bucket load is maintained as a
* cumulative count since higher scheduling buckets impact load on lower buckets
* for thread migration decisions.
static void
sched_edge_cluster_cumulative_count_incr(sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch, sched_bucket_t bucket)
switch (bucket) {
case TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI: os_atomic_inc(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG: os_atomic_inc(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_IN: os_atomic_inc(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_IN], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_DF: os_atomic_inc(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_DF], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_UT: os_atomic_inc(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_UT], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_BG: os_atomic_inc(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_BG], relaxed); break;
panic("Unexpected sched_bucket passed to sched_edge_cluster_cumulative_count_incr()");
static void
sched_edge_cluster_cumulative_count_decr(sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch, sched_bucket_t bucket)
switch (bucket) {
case TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI: os_atomic_dec(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG: os_atomic_dec(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_IN: os_atomic_dec(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_IN], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_DF: os_atomic_dec(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_DF], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_UT: os_atomic_dec(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_UT], relaxed); OS_FALLTHROUGH;
case TH_BUCKET_SHARE_BG: os_atomic_dec(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[TH_BUCKET_SHARE_BG], relaxed); break;
panic("Unexpected sched_bucket passed to sched_edge_cluster_cumulative_count_decr()");
sched_edge_cluster_cumulative_count(sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch, sched_bucket_t bucket)
return os_atomic_load(&root_clutch->scr_cumulative_run_count[bucket], relaxed);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
* sched_clutch_bucket_hierarchy_insert()
* Routine to insert a newly runnable clutch_bucket into the root hierarchy.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
sched_bucket_t bucket,
uint64_t timestamp,
sched_clutch_bucket_options_t options)
if (bucket > TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI) {
/* Enqueue the timeshare clutch buckets into the global runnable clutch_bucket list; used for sched tick operations */
enqueue_tail(&root_clutch->scr_clutch_buckets, &clutch_bucket->scb_listlink);
/* Check if the bucket is a foreign clutch bucket and add it to the foreign buckets list */
uint32_t preferred_cluster = sched_clutch_bucket_preferred_cluster(clutch_bucket);
if (pset_type_for_id(preferred_cluster) != pset_type_for_id(root_clutch->scr_cluster_id)) {
sched_clutch_bucket_mark_foreign(clutch_bucket, root_clutch);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket = &root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[bucket];
/* If this is the first clutch bucket in the root bucket, insert the root bucket into the root priority queue */
if (sched_clutch_bucket_runq_empty(&root_bucket->scrb_clutch_buckets)) {
sched_clutch_root_bucket_runnable(root_bucket, root_clutch, timestamp);
/* Insert the clutch bucket into the root bucket run queue with order based on options */
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_enqueue(&root_bucket->scrb_clutch_buckets, clutch_bucket, options);
os_atomic_store(&clutch_bucket->scb_root, root_clutch, relaxed);
os_atomic_inc(&sched_clutch_global_bucket_load[bucket], relaxed);
* sched_clutch_bucket_hierarchy_remove()
* Rotuine to remove a empty clutch bucket from the root hierarchy.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
sched_bucket_t bucket,
uint64_t timestamp,
__unused sched_clutch_bucket_options_t options)
if (bucket > TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI) {
/* Remove the timeshare clutch bucket from the globally runnable clutch_bucket list */
sched_clutch_bucket_mark_native(clutch_bucket, root_clutch);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket = &root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[bucket];
/* Remove the clutch bucket from the root bucket priority queue */
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_remove(&root_bucket->scrb_clutch_buckets, clutch_bucket);
os_atomic_store(&clutch_bucket->scb_root, NULL, relaxed);
/* If the root bucket priority queue is now empty, remove it from the root priority queue */
if (sched_clutch_bucket_runq_empty(&root_bucket->scrb_clutch_buckets)) {
sched_clutch_root_bucket_empty(root_bucket, root_clutch, timestamp);
os_atomic_dec(&sched_clutch_global_bucket_load[bucket], relaxed);
* sched_clutch_bucket_base_pri()
* Calculates the "base" priority of the clutch bucket, which is equal to the max of the
* highest base_pri and the highest sched_pri in the clutch bucket.
static uint8_t
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket)
assert(priority_queue_empty(&clutch_bucket->scb_thread_runq) == false);
* Since the clutch bucket can contain threads that are members of the group due
* to the sched_pri being promoted or due to their base pri, the base priority of
* the entire clutch bucket should be based on the highest thread (promoted or base)
* in the clutch bucket.
uint8_t max_pri = 0;
if (!priority_queue_empty(&clutch_bucket->scb_clutchpri_prioq)) {
max_pri = priority_queue_max_sched_pri(&clutch_bucket->scb_clutchpri_prioq);
return max_pri;
* sched_clutch_interactivity_from_cpu_data()
* Routine to calculate the interactivity score of a clutch bucket group from its CPU usage
static uint8_t
sched_clutch_interactivity_from_cpu_data(sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group)
sched_clutch_bucket_cpu_data_t scb_cpu_data;
scb_cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_data_packed = os_atomic_load_wide(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_data_packed, relaxed);
clutch_cpu_data_t cpu_used = scb_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_used;
clutch_cpu_data_t cpu_blocked = scb_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_blocked;
uint8_t interactive_score = 0;
if ((cpu_blocked == 0) && (cpu_used == 0)) {
return (uint8_t)clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_count;
* For all timeshare buckets, calculate the interactivity score of the bucket
* and add it to the base priority
if (cpu_blocked > cpu_used) {
/* Interactive clutch_bucket case */
interactive_score = sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri +
((sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri * (cpu_blocked - cpu_used)) / cpu_blocked);
} else {
/* Non-interactive clutch_bucket case */
interactive_score = ((sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri * cpu_blocked) / cpu_used);
return interactive_score;
* sched_clutch_bucket_pri_calculate()
* The priority calculation algorithm for the clutch_bucket is a slight
* modification on the ULE interactivity score. It uses the base priority
* of the clutch bucket and applies an interactivity score boost to the
* highly responsive clutch buckets.
static uint8_t
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
uint64_t timestamp)
/* For empty clutch buckets, return priority 0 */
if (clutch_bucket->scb_thr_count == 0) {
return 0;
uint8_t base_pri = sched_clutch_bucket_base_pri(clutch_bucket);
uint8_t interactive_score = sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactivity_score_calculate(clutch_bucket->scb_group, timestamp);
assert(((uint64_t)base_pri + interactive_score) <= UINT8_MAX);
uint8_t pri = base_pri + interactive_score;
if (pri != clutch_bucket->scb_priority) {
thread_group_get_id(clutch_bucket->scb_group->scbg_clutch->sc_tg), clutch_bucket->scb_bucket, pri, interactive_score, 0);
return pri;
* sched_clutch_root_bucket_highest_clutch_bucket()
* Routine to find the highest priority clutch bucket
* within the root bucket.
static sched_clutch_bucket_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket,
processor_t _Nullable processor,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread,
bool *_Nullable chose_prev_thread)
if (sched_clutch_bucket_runq_empty(&root_bucket->scrb_clutch_buckets)) {
if (prev_thread != NULL) {
*chose_prev_thread = true;
return sched_clutch_bucket_for_thread(root_clutch, prev_thread);
return NULL;
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket = sched_clutch_bucket_runq_peek(&root_bucket->scrb_clutch_buckets);
/* Consider the Clutch bucket of the previous thread */
if (prev_thread != NULL) {
assert(chose_prev_thread != NULL);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t prev_clutch_bucket_group = sched_clutch_bucket_group_for_thread(prev_thread);
int prev_clutch_bucket_pri = prev_thread->sched_pri + (int)(os_atomic_load(&prev_clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_count, relaxed));
sched_clutch_bucket_t prev_clutch_bucket = sched_clutch_bucket_for_thread(root_clutch, prev_thread);
if (prev_clutch_bucket != clutch_bucket &&
sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(prev_clutch_bucket_pri, clutch_bucket->scb_priority, processor->first_timeslice)) {
*chose_prev_thread = true;
return prev_clutch_bucket;
return clutch_bucket;
* sched_clutch_bucket_runnable()
* Perform all operations needed when a new clutch bucket becomes runnable.
* It involves inserting the clutch_bucket into the hierarchy and updating the
* root priority appropriately.
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
uint64_t timestamp,
sched_clutch_bucket_options_t options)
/* Since the clutch bucket became newly runnable, update its pending timestamp */
clutch_bucket->scb_priority = sched_clutch_bucket_pri_calculate(clutch_bucket, timestamp);
sched_clutch_bucket_hierarchy_insert(root_clutch, clutch_bucket, clutch_bucket->scb_bucket, timestamp, options);
/* Update the timesharing properties of this clutch_bucket; also done every sched_tick */
sched_clutch_bucket_group_timeshare_update(clutch_bucket->scb_group, clutch_bucket, timestamp);
int16_t root_old_pri = root_clutch->scr_priority;
return root_clutch->scr_priority > root_old_pri;
* sched_clutch_bucket_update()
* Update the clutch_bucket's position in the hierarchy. This routine is
* called when a new thread is inserted or removed from a runnable clutch
* bucket. The options specify some properties about the clutch bucket
* insertion order into the clutch bucket runq.
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
uint64_t timestamp,
sched_clutch_bucket_options_t options)
uint64_t new_pri = sched_clutch_bucket_pri_calculate(clutch_bucket, timestamp);
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_t bucket_runq = &root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[clutch_bucket->scb_bucket].scrb_clutch_buckets;
if (new_pri == clutch_bucket->scb_priority) {
* If SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_SAMEPRI_RR is specified, move the clutch bucket
* to the end of the runq. Typically used when a thread is selected for execution
* from a clutch bucket.
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_rotate(bucket_runq, clutch_bucket);
return false;
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_remove(bucket_runq, clutch_bucket);
if (clutch_bucket->scb_foreign) {
priority_queue_remove(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets, &clutch_bucket->scb_foreignlink);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
clutch_bucket->scb_priority = new_pri;
if (clutch_bucket->scb_foreign) {
priority_queue_entry_set_sched_pri(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets, &clutch_bucket->scb_foreignlink, clutch_bucket->scb_priority, 0);
priority_queue_insert(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets, &clutch_bucket->scb_foreignlink);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
sched_clutch_bucket_runq_enqueue(bucket_runq, clutch_bucket, options);
int16_t root_old_pri = root_clutch->scr_priority;
return root_clutch->scr_priority > root_old_pri;
* sched_clutch_bucket_empty()
* Perform all the operations needed when a clutch_bucket is no longer runnable.
* It involves removing the clutch bucket from the hierarchy and updaing the root
* priority appropriately.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
uint64_t timestamp,
sched_clutch_bucket_options_t options)
sched_clutch_bucket_hierarchy_remove(root_clutch, clutch_bucket, clutch_bucket->scb_bucket, timestamp, options);
clutch_bucket->scb_priority = sched_clutch_bucket_pri_calculate(clutch_bucket, timestamp);
* sched_clutch_cpu_usage_update()
* Routine to update CPU usage of the thread in the hierarchy.
thread_t thread,
uint64_t delta)
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &(clutch->sc_clutch_groups[thread->th_sched_bucket]);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_usage_update(clutch_bucket_group, delta);
* sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_usage_update()
* Routine to update the CPU usage of the clutch_bucket.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint64_t delta)
if (clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI) {
/* Since Above UI bucket has maximum interactivity score always, nothing to do here */
delta = MIN(delta, sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold);
os_atomic_add(&(clutch_bucket_group->scbg_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_used), (clutch_cpu_data_t)delta, relaxed);
* sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_pending_adjust()
* Routine to calculate the adjusted CPU usage value based on the pending intervals. The calculation is done
* such that one "pending interval" provides one point improvement in interactivity score.
static inline uint64_t
uint64_t cpu_used,
uint64_t cpu_blocked,
uint8_t pending_intervals)
uint64_t cpu_used_adjusted = 0;
if (cpu_blocked < cpu_used) {
cpu_used_adjusted = (sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri * cpu_blocked * cpu_used);
cpu_used_adjusted = cpu_used_adjusted / ((sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri * cpu_blocked) + (cpu_used * pending_intervals));
} else {
uint64_t adjust_factor = (cpu_blocked * pending_intervals) / sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri;
cpu_used_adjusted = (adjust_factor > cpu_used) ? 0 : (cpu_used - adjust_factor);
return cpu_used_adjusted;
* sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_adjust()
* Routine to scale the cpu usage and blocked time once the sum gets bigger
* than sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold. Allows the values to remain
* manageable and maintain the same ratio while allowing clutch buckets to
* adjust behavior and reflect in the interactivity score in a reasonable
* amount of time. Also adjusts the CPU usage based on pending_intervals
* which allows ageout of CPU to avoid starvation in highly contended scenarios.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint8_t pending_intervals)
sched_clutch_bucket_cpu_data_t old_cpu_data = {};
sched_clutch_bucket_cpu_data_t new_cpu_data = {};
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_data_packed, old_cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_data_packed, new_cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_data_packed, relaxed, {
clutch_cpu_data_t cpu_used = old_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_used;
clutch_cpu_data_t cpu_blocked = old_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_blocked;
if ((pending_intervals == 0) && (cpu_used + cpu_blocked) < sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold) {
/* No changes to the CPU used and blocked values */
if ((cpu_used + cpu_blocked) >= sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold) {
/* Only keep the recent CPU history to better indicate how this TG has been behaving */
cpu_blocked = cpu_blocked / SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_ADJUST_RATIO;
/* Use the shift passed in to ageout the CPU usage */
cpu_used = (clutch_cpu_data_t)sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_pending_adjust(cpu_used, cpu_blocked, pending_intervals);
new_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_used = cpu_used;
new_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_blocked = cpu_blocked;
* Thread level scheduling algorithm
* The thread level scheduling algorithm uses the mach timeshare
* decay based algorithm to achieve sharing between threads within the
* same clutch bucket. The load/priority shifts etc. are all maintained
* at the clutch bucket level and used for decay calculation of the
* threads. The load sampling is still driven off the scheduler tick
* for runnable clutch buckets (it does not use the new higher frequency
* EWMA based load calculation). The idea is that the contention and load
* within clutch_buckets should be limited enough to not see heavy decay
* and timeshare effectively.
* sched_clutch_thread_run_bucket_incr() / sched_clutch_run_bucket_incr()
* Increment the run count for the clutch bucket associated with the
* thread.
thread_t thread,
sched_bucket_t bucket)
return 0;
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
return sched_clutch_run_bucket_incr(clutch, bucket);
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_t clutch,
sched_bucket_t bucket)
assert(bucket != TH_BUCKET_RUN);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &(clutch->sc_clutch_groups[bucket]);
return sched_clutch_bucket_group_run_count_inc(clutch_bucket_group);
* sched_clutch_thread_run_bucket_decr() / sched_clutch_run_bucket_decr()
* Decrement the run count for the clutch bucket associated with the
* thread.
thread_t thread,
sched_bucket_t bucket)
return 0;
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
return sched_clutch_run_bucket_decr(clutch, bucket);
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_t clutch,
sched_bucket_t bucket)
assert(bucket != TH_BUCKET_RUN);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &(clutch->sc_clutch_groups[bucket]);
return sched_clutch_bucket_group_run_count_dec(clutch_bucket_group);
* sched_clutch_bucket_group_timeshare_update()
* Routine to update the load and priority shift for the clutch_bucket_group
* every sched_tick. For multi-cluster platforms, each QoS level will have multiple
* clutch buckets with runnable threads in them. So it is important to maintain
* the timesharing information at the clutch_bucket_group level instead of
* individual clutch buckets (because the algorithm is trying to timeshare all
* threads at the same QoS irrespective of which hierarchy they are enqueued in).
* The routine is called from the sched tick handling code to make sure this value
* is updated at least once every sched tick. For clutch bucket groups which have
* not been runnable for very long, the clutch_bucket_group maintains a "last
* updated schedtick" parameter. As threads become runnable in the clutch bucket group,
* if this value is outdated, the load and shifts are updated.
* Possible optimization:
* - The current algorithm samples the load every sched tick (125ms).
* This is prone to spikes in runnable counts; if that turns out to be
* a problem, a simple solution would be to do the EWMA trick to sample
* load at every load_tick (30ms) and use the averaged value for the pri
* shift calculation.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket,
uint64_t ctime)
if (clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket < TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG) {
/* No timesharing needed for fixed priority Above UI threads */
* Update the timeshare parameters for the clutch bucket group
* if they havent been updated in this tick.
uint32_t sched_ts = os_atomic_load(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_timeshare_tick, relaxed);
uint32_t current_sched_ts = sched_tick;
if (sched_ts < current_sched_ts) {
os_atomic_store(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_timeshare_tick, current_sched_ts, relaxed);
/* NCPU wide workloads should not experience decay */
uint64_t bucket_group_run_count = os_atomic_load_wide(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_blocked_data.scct_count, relaxed) - 1;
uint32_t bucket_group_load = (uint32_t)(bucket_group_run_count / processor_avail_count);
bucket_group_load = MIN(bucket_group_load, NRQS - 1);
uint32_t pri_shift = sched_fixed_shift - sched_load_shifts[bucket_group_load];
/* Ensure that the pri_shift value is reasonable */
pri_shift = (pri_shift > SCHED_PRI_SHIFT_MAX) ? INT8_MAX : pri_shift;
os_atomic_store(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pri_shift, pri_shift, relaxed);
* Update the clutch bucket priority; this allows clutch buckets that have been pending
* for a long time to get an updated interactivity score.
sched_clutch_bucket_update(clutch_bucket, clutch_bucket->scb_root, ctime, SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_NONE);
* sched_clutch_thread_clutch_update()
* Routine called when the thread changes its thread group. The current
* implementation relies on the fact that the thread group is changed only from
* the context of the thread itself or when the thread is runnable but not in a
* runqueue. Due to this fact, the thread group change causes only counter
* updates in the old & new clutch buckets and no hierarchy changes. The routine
* also attributes the CPU used so far to the old clutch.
thread_t thread,
sched_clutch_t old_clutch,
sched_clutch_t new_clutch)
uint32_t cpu_delta;
if (old_clutch) {
assert((thread->state & (TH_RUN | TH_IDLE)) == TH_RUN);
sched_clutch_run_bucket_decr(old_clutch, thread->th_sched_bucket);
* Calculate the CPU used by this thread in the old bucket and
* add it to the old clutch bucket. This uses the same CPU usage
* logic as update_priority etc.
sched_tick_delta(thread, cpu_delta);
if (thread->pri_shift < INT8_MAX) {
thread->sched_usage += cpu_delta;
thread->cpu_delta += cpu_delta;
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &(old_clutch->sc_clutch_groups[thread->th_sched_bucket]);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_usage_update(clutch_bucket_group, cpu_delta);
if (new_clutch) {
sched_clutch_run_bucket_incr(new_clutch, thread->th_sched_bucket);
/* Thread Insertion/Removal/Selection routines */
* Edge Scheduler Bound Thread Support
* The edge scheduler allows threads to be bound to specific clusters. The scheduler
* maintains a separate runq on the clutch root to hold these bound threads. These
* bound threads count towards the root priority and thread count, but are ignored
* for thread migration/steal decisions. Bound threads that are enqueued in the
* separate runq have the th_bound_cluster_enqueued flag set to allow easy
* removal.
* Bound Threads Timesharing
* The bound threads share the timesharing properties of the clutch bucket group they are
* part of. They contribute to the load and use priority shifts/decay values from the
* clutch bucket group.
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t thread,
integer_t options)
/* Update the clutch runnable count and priority */
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket = &root_clutch->scr_bound_buckets[thread->th_sched_bucket];
if (root_bucket->scrb_bound_thread_runq.count == 0) {
sched_clutch_root_bucket_runnable(root_bucket, root_clutch, mach_absolute_time());
assert((thread->th_bound_cluster_enqueued) == false);
run_queue_enqueue(&root_bucket->scrb_bound_thread_runq, thread, options);
thread->th_bound_cluster_enqueued = true;
/* Increment the urgency counter for the root if necessary */
sched_clutch_root_urgency_inc(root_clutch, thread);
int16_t root_old_pri = root_clutch->scr_priority;
return root_clutch->scr_priority > root_old_pri;
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t thread)
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket = &root_clutch->scr_bound_buckets[thread->th_sched_bucket];
assert((thread->th_bound_cluster_enqueued) == true);
run_queue_remove(&root_bucket->scrb_bound_thread_runq, thread);
thread->th_bound_cluster_enqueued = false;
/* Decrement the urgency counter for the root if necessary */
sched_clutch_root_urgency_dec(root_clutch, thread);
/* Update the clutch runnable count and priority */
if (root_bucket->scrb_bound_thread_runq.count == 0) {
sched_clutch_root_bucket_empty(root_bucket, root_clutch, mach_absolute_time());
* Edge Scheduler cluster shared resource threads load balancing
* The Edge scheduler attempts to load balance cluster shared resource intensive threads
* across clusters in order to reduce contention on the shared resources. It achieves
* that by maintaining the runnable and running shared resource load on each cluster
* and balancing the load across multiple clusters.
* The current implementation for cluster shared resource load balancing looks at
* the per-cluster load at thread runnable time to enqueue the thread in the appropriate
* cluster. The thread is enqueued in the cluster bound runqueue to ensure idle CPUs
* do not steal/rebalance shared resource threads. Some more details for the implementation:
* - When threads are tagged as shared resource, they go through the cluster selection logic
* which looks at cluster shared resource loads and picks a cluster accordingly. The thread is
* enqueued in the cluster bound runqueue.
* - When the threads start running and call avoid_processor, the load balancing logic will be
* invoked and cause the thread to be sent to a more preferred cluster if one exists and has
* no shared resource load.
* - If a CPU in a preferred cluster is going idle and that cluster has no more shared load,
* it will look at running shared resource threads on foreign clusters and actively rebalance them.
* - Runnable shared resource threads are not stolen by the preferred cluster CPUs as they
* go idle intentionally.
* - One caveat of this design is that if a preferred CPU has already run and finished its shared
* resource thread execution, it will not go out and steal the runnable thread in the non-preferred cluster.
* The rebalancing will happen when the thread actually runs on a non-preferred cluster and one of the
* events listed above happen.
* - Also it currently does not consider other properties such as thread priorities and
* qos level thread load in the thread placement decision.
* Edge Scheduler cluster shared resource thread scheduling policy
* The threads for shared resources can be scheduled using one of the two policies:
* This policy distributes the threads so that they spread across all available clusters
* irrespective of type. The idea is that this scheduling policy will put a shared resource
* thread on each cluster on the platform before it starts doubling up on clusters.
* This policy distributes threads so that the threads first fill up all the capacity on
* the preferred cluster and its homogeneous peers before spilling to different core type.
* The current implementation defines capacity based on the number of CPUs in the cluster;
* so a cluster's shared resource is considered full if there are "n" runnable + running
* shared resource threads on the cluster with n cpus. This policy is different from the
* default scheduling policy of the edge scheduler since this always tries to fill up the
* native clusters to capacity even when non-native clusters might be idle.
__options_decl(edge_shared_rsrc_sched_policy_t, uint32_t, {
const edge_shared_rsrc_sched_policy_t edge_shared_rsrc_policy[CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_COUNT] = {
static void
sched_edge_shared_rsrc_runnable_load_incr(sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch, thread_t thread)
if (thread_shared_rsrc_policy_get(thread, CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_RR)) {
thread->th_shared_rsrc_enqueued[CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_RR] = true;
if (thread_shared_rsrc_policy_get(thread, CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NATIVE_FIRST)) {
thread->th_shared_rsrc_enqueued[CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NATIVE_FIRST] = true;
static void
sched_edge_shared_rsrc_runnable_load_decr(sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch, thread_t thread)
for (cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type = CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_MIN; shared_rsrc_type < CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_COUNT; shared_rsrc_type++) {
if (thread->th_shared_rsrc_enqueued[shared_rsrc_type]) {
thread->th_shared_rsrc_enqueued[shared_rsrc_type] = false;
sched_edge_shared_rsrc_runnable_load(sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch, cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type)
return root_clutch->scr_shared_rsrc_load_runnable[shared_rsrc_type];
* sched_edge_shared_rsrc_idle()
* Routine used to determine if the constrained resource for the pset is idle. This is
* used by a CPU going idle to decide if it should rebalance a running shared resource
* thread from a non-preferred cluster.
static boolean_t
sched_edge_shared_rsrc_idle(processor_set_t pset, cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type)
return sched_pset_cluster_shared_rsrc_load(pset, shared_rsrc_type) == 0;
* sched_edge_thread_shared_rsrc_type
* This routine decides if a given thread needs special handling for being a
* heavy shared resource user. It is valid for the same thread to be using
* several shared resources at the same time and have multiple policy flags set.
* This routine determines which of those properties will be used for load
* balancing and migration decisions.
static cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t
sched_edge_thread_shared_rsrc_type(thread_t thread)
if (thread_shared_rsrc_policy_get(thread, CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_RR)) {
if (thread_shared_rsrc_policy_get(thread, CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NATIVE_FIRST)) {
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
* sched_clutch_thread_bound_lookup()
* Routine to lookup the highest priority runnable thread in a bounded root bucket.
static thread_t
__unused sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket,
processor_t processor,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread)
assert(root_bucket->scrb_bound == true);
thread_t bound_thread = run_queue_peek(&root_bucket->scrb_bound_thread_runq);
if ((prev_thread != NULL) &&
(bound_thread == NULL || sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(prev_thread->sched_pri, bound_thread->sched_pri, processor->first_timeslice))) {
return prev_thread;
assert(bound_thread != THREAD_NULL);
return bound_thread;
* Clutch Bucket Group Thread Counts and Pending time calculation
* The pending time on the clutch_bucket_group allows the scheduler to track if it
* needs to ageout the CPU usage because the clutch_bucket_group has been pending for
* a very long time. The pending time is set to the timestamp as soon as a thread becomes
* runnable. When a thread is picked up for execution from this clutch_bucket_group, the
* pending time is advanced to the time of thread selection.
* Since threads for a clutch bucket group can be added or removed from multiple CPUs
* simulataneously, it is important that the updates to thread counts and pending timestamps
* happen atomically. The implementation relies on the following aspects to make that work
* as expected:
* - The clutch scheduler would be deployed on single cluster platforms where the pset lock
* is held when threads are added/removed and pending timestamps are updated
* - The thread count and pending timestamp can be updated atomically using double wide
* 128 bit atomics
* Clutch bucket group interactivity timestamp and score updates also rely on the properties
* above to atomically update the interactivity score for a clutch bucket group.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint64_t timestamp)
sched_clutch_counter_time_t old_pending_data;
sched_clutch_counter_time_t new_pending_data;
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_packed, old_pending_data.scct_packed, new_pending_data.scct_packed, relaxed, {
new_pending_data.scct_count = old_pending_data.scct_count + 1;
new_pending_data.scct_timestamp = old_pending_data.scct_timestamp;
if (old_pending_data.scct_count == 0) {
new_pending_data.scct_timestamp = timestamp;
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint64_t timestamp)
sched_clutch_counter_time_t old_pending_data;
sched_clutch_counter_time_t new_pending_data;
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_packed, old_pending_data.scct_packed, new_pending_data.scct_packed, relaxed, {
new_pending_data.scct_count = old_pending_data.scct_count - 1;
if (new_pending_data.scct_count == 0) {
new_pending_data.scct_timestamp = SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_PENDING_INVALID;
} else {
new_pending_data.scct_timestamp = timestamp;
static uint8_t
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint64_t timestamp)
int bucket_load = sched_clutch_global_bucket_load_get(clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket);
sched_clutch_counter_time_t old_pending_data;
sched_clutch_counter_time_t new_pending_data;
uint8_t cpu_usage_shift = 0;
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_packed, old_pending_data.scct_packed, new_pending_data.scct_packed, relaxed, {
cpu_usage_shift = 0;
uint64_t old_pending_ts = old_pending_data.scct_timestamp;
bool old_update = (old_pending_ts >= timestamp);
bool no_pending_time = (old_pending_ts == SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_PENDING_INVALID);
bool no_bucket_load = (bucket_load == 0);
if (old_update || no_pending_time || no_bucket_load) {
/* Calculate the time the clutch bucket group has been pending */
uint64_t pending_delta = timestamp - old_pending_ts;
* Other buckets should get a chance to run first before artificially boosting
* this clutch bucket group's interactivity score, at least when the entire root
* bucket is getting a large enough share of CPU.
uint64_t interactivity_delta = sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_delta[clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket] + (bucket_load * sched_clutch_thread_quantum[clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket]);
if (pending_delta < interactivity_delta) {
cpu_usage_shift = (pending_delta / interactivity_delta);
new_pending_data.scct_timestamp = old_pending_ts + (cpu_usage_shift * interactivity_delta);
new_pending_data.scct_count = old_pending_data.scct_count;
return cpu_usage_shift;
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t thread)
* Check if the thread is bound and is being enqueued in its desired bound cluster.
* One scenario where a bound thread might not be getting enqueued in the bound cluster
* hierarchy would be if the thread is "soft" bound and the bound cluster is
* de-recommended. In that case, the thread should be treated as an unbound
* thread.
if (SCHED_CLUTCH_THREAD_CLUSTER_BOUND(thread) && (sched_edge_thread_bound_cluster_id(thread) == root_clutch->scr_cluster_id)) {
return TRUE;
* Use bound runqueue for shared resource threads. See "cluster shared resource
* threads load balancing" section for details.
if (sched_edge_thread_shared_rsrc_type(thread) != CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NONE) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* For the clutch scheduler, atomicity is ensured by making sure all operations
* are happening under the pset lock of the only cluster present on the platform.
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint64_t timestamp)
if (clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_count == 0) {
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_timestamp = timestamp;
static void
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint64_t timestamp)
if (clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_count == 0) {
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_timestamp = SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_PENDING_INVALID;
} else {
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_timestamp = timestamp;
static uint8_t
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint64_t timestamp)
int bucket_load = sched_clutch_global_bucket_load_get(clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket);
uint64_t old_pending_ts = clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_timestamp;
bool old_update = (old_pending_ts >= timestamp);
bool no_pending_time = (old_pending_ts == SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_PENDING_INVALID);
bool no_bucket_load = (bucket_load == 0);
if (old_update || no_pending_time || no_bucket_load) {
return 0;
uint64_t pending_delta = timestamp - old_pending_ts;
* Other buckets should get a chance to run first before artificially boosting
* this clutch bucket group's interactivity score, at least when the entire root
* bucket is getting a large enough share of CPU.
uint64_t interactivity_delta = sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_delta[clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket] + (bucket_load * sched_clutch_thread_quantum[clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket]);
if (pending_delta < interactivity_delta) {
return 0;
uint8_t cpu_usage_shift = (pending_delta / interactivity_delta);
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pending_data.scct_timestamp = old_pending_ts + (cpu_usage_shift * interactivity_delta);
return cpu_usage_shift;
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
static uint8_t
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group,
uint64_t timestamp)
if (clutch_bucket_group->scbg_bucket == TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI) {
* Since the root bucket selection algorithm for Above UI looks at clutch bucket
* priorities, make sure all AboveUI buckets are marked interactive.
assert(clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_count == (2 * sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri));
return (uint8_t)clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_count;
/* Check if the clutch bucket group CPU usage needs to be aged out due to pending time */
uint8_t pending_intervals = sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_ageout(clutch_bucket_group, timestamp);
/* Adjust CPU stats based on the calculated shift and to make sure only recent behavior is used */
sched_clutch_bucket_group_cpu_adjust(clutch_bucket_group, pending_intervals);
uint8_t interactivity_score = sched_clutch_interactivity_from_cpu_data(clutch_bucket_group);
/* Write back any interactivity score update */
sched_clutch_counter_time_t old_interactivity_data;
sched_clutch_counter_time_t new_interactivity_data;
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_packed, old_interactivity_data.scct_packed, new_interactivity_data.scct_packed, relaxed, {
new_interactivity_data.scct_count = old_interactivity_data.scct_count;
if (old_interactivity_data.scct_timestamp >= timestamp) {
new_interactivity_data.scct_timestamp = timestamp;
if (old_interactivity_data.scct_timestamp != 0) {
new_interactivity_data.scct_count = interactivity_score;
return (uint8_t)new_interactivity_data.scct_count;
#else /* !CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
if (timestamp > clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_timestamp) {
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_count = interactivity_score;
clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_timestamp = timestamp;
return (uint8_t)clutch_bucket_group->scbg_interactivity_data.scct_count;
#endif /* !CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
* Clutch Bucket Group Run Count and Blocked Time Accounting
* The clutch bucket group maintains the number of runnable/running threads in the group.
* Since the blocked time of the clutch bucket group is based on this count, it is
* important to make sure the blocking timestamp and the run count are updated atomically.
* Since the run count increments happen without any pset locks held, the scheduler updates
* the count & timestamp using double wide 128 bit atomics.
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group)
sched_clutch_counter_time_t old_blocked_data;
sched_clutch_counter_time_t new_blocked_data;
bool update_blocked_time = false;
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_blocked_data.scct_packed, old_blocked_data.scct_packed, new_blocked_data.scct_packed, relaxed, {
new_blocked_data.scct_count = old_blocked_data.scct_count + 1;
new_blocked_data.scct_timestamp = old_blocked_data.scct_timestamp;
update_blocked_time = false;
if (old_blocked_data.scct_count == 0) {
new_blocked_data.scct_timestamp = SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_BLOCKED_TS_INVALID;
update_blocked_time = true;
if (update_blocked_time && (old_blocked_data.scct_timestamp != SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_BLOCKED_TS_INVALID)) {
uint64_t ctime = mach_absolute_time();
if (ctime > old_blocked_data.scct_timestamp) {
uint64_t blocked_time = ctime - old_blocked_data.scct_timestamp;
blocked_time = MIN(blocked_time, sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold);
os_atomic_add(&(clutch_bucket_group->scbg_cpu_data.cpu_data.scbcd_cpu_blocked), (clutch_cpu_data_t)blocked_time, relaxed);
return (uint32_t)new_blocked_data.scct_count;
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group)
sched_clutch_counter_time_t old_blocked_data;
sched_clutch_counter_time_t new_blocked_data;
uint64_t ctime = mach_absolute_time();
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_blocked_data.scct_packed, old_blocked_data.scct_packed, new_blocked_data.scct_packed, relaxed, {
new_blocked_data.scct_count = old_blocked_data.scct_count - 1;
new_blocked_data.scct_timestamp = old_blocked_data.scct_timestamp;
if (new_blocked_data.scct_count == 0) {
new_blocked_data.scct_timestamp = ctime;
return (uint32_t)new_blocked_data.scct_count;
static inline sched_clutch_bucket_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t thread)
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
assert(thread->thread_group == clutch->sc_tg);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &(clutch->sc_clutch_groups[thread->th_sched_bucket]);
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket = &(clutch_bucket_group->scbg_clutch_buckets[root_clutch->scr_cluster_id]);
assert((clutch_bucket->scb_root == NULL) || (clutch_bucket->scb_root == root_clutch));
return clutch_bucket;
static inline sched_clutch_bucket_group_t
sched_clutch_bucket_group_for_thread(thread_t prev_thread)
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread_group(prev_thread->thread_group);
return &clutch->sc_clutch_groups[prev_thread->th_sched_bucket];
* sched_clutch_thread_insert()
* Routine to insert a thread into the sched clutch hierarchy.
* Update the counts at all levels of the hierarchy and insert the nodes
* as they become runnable. Always called with the pset lock held.
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t thread,
integer_t options)
boolean_t result = FALSE;
sched_edge_cluster_cumulative_count_incr(root_clutch, thread->th_sched_bucket);
sched_edge_shared_rsrc_runnable_load_incr(root_clutch, thread);
if (sched_edge_thread_should_be_inserted_as_bound(root_clutch, thread)) {
* Includes threads bound to this specific cluster as well as all
* shared resource threads.
return sched_edge_bound_thread_insert(root_clutch, thread, options);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
uint64_t current_timestamp = mach_absolute_time();
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
assert(thread->thread_group == clutch->sc_tg);
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket = sched_clutch_bucket_for_thread(root_clutch, thread);
assert((clutch_bucket->scb_root == NULL) || (clutch_bucket->scb_root == root_clutch));
* Thread linkage in clutch_bucket
* A thread has a few linkages within the clutch bucket:
* - A stable priority queue linkage which is the main runqueue (based on sched_pri) for the clutch bucket
* - A regular priority queue linkage which is based on thread's base/promoted pri (used for clutch bucket priority calculation)
* - A queue linkage used for timesharing operations of threads at the scheduler tick
/* Insert thread into the clutch_bucket stable priority runqueue using sched_pri */
thread->th_clutch_runq_link.stamp = current_timestamp;
priority_queue_entry_set_sched_pri(&clutch_bucket->scb_thread_runq, &thread->th_clutch_runq_link, thread->sched_pri,
priority_queue_insert(&clutch_bucket->scb_thread_runq, &thread->th_clutch_runq_link);
/* Insert thread into clutch_bucket priority queue based on the promoted or base priority */
priority_queue_entry_set_sched_pri(&clutch_bucket->scb_clutchpri_prioq, &thread->th_clutch_pri_link,
sched_thread_sched_pri_promoted(thread) ? thread->sched_pri : thread->base_pri, false);
priority_queue_insert(&clutch_bucket->scb_clutchpri_prioq, &thread->th_clutch_pri_link);
/* Insert thread into timesharing queue of the clutch bucket */
enqueue_tail(&clutch_bucket->scb_thread_timeshare_queue, &thread->th_clutch_timeshare_link);
/* Increment the urgency counter for the root if necessary */
sched_clutch_root_urgency_inc(root_clutch, thread);
os_atomic_inc(&clutch->sc_thr_count, relaxed);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_thr_count_inc(clutch_bucket->scb_group, current_timestamp);
/* Enqueue the clutch into the hierarchy (if needed) and update properties; pick the insertion order based on thread options */
sched_clutch_bucket_options_t scb_options = (options & SCHED_HEADQ) ? SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_HEADQ : SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_TAILQ;
if (clutch_bucket->scb_thr_count == 0) {
result = sched_clutch_bucket_runnable(clutch_bucket, root_clutch, current_timestamp, scb_options);
} else {
result = sched_clutch_bucket_update(clutch_bucket, root_clutch, current_timestamp, scb_options);
root_clutch->scr_cluster_id, thread_group_get_id(clutch_bucket->scb_group->scbg_clutch->sc_tg), clutch_bucket->scb_bucket,
SCHED_CLUTCH_DBG_THR_COUNT_PACK(root_clutch->scr_thr_count, os_atomic_load(&clutch->sc_thr_count, relaxed), clutch_bucket->scb_thr_count));
return result;
* sched_clutch_thread_remove()
* Routine to remove a thread from the sched clutch hierarchy.
* Update the counts at all levels of the hierarchy and remove the nodes
* as they become empty. Always called with the pset lock held.
static void
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t thread,
uint64_t current_timestamp,
sched_clutch_bucket_options_t options)
sched_edge_cluster_cumulative_count_decr(root_clutch, thread->th_sched_bucket);
sched_edge_shared_rsrc_runnable_load_decr(root_clutch, thread);
if (thread->th_bound_cluster_enqueued) {
sched_edge_bound_thread_remove(root_clutch, thread);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
assert(thread->thread_group == clutch->sc_tg);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &(clutch->sc_clutch_groups[thread->th_sched_bucket]);
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket = &(clutch_bucket_group->scbg_clutch_buckets[root_clutch->scr_cluster_id]);
assert(clutch_bucket->scb_root == root_clutch);
/* Decrement the urgency counter for the root if necessary */
sched_clutch_root_urgency_dec(root_clutch, thread);
/* Remove thread from the clutch_bucket */
priority_queue_remove(&clutch_bucket->scb_thread_runq, &thread->th_clutch_runq_link);
priority_queue_remove(&clutch_bucket->scb_clutchpri_prioq, &thread->th_clutch_pri_link);
* Warning: After this point, the thread's scheduling fields may be
* modified by other cores that acquire the thread lock.
/* Update counts at various levels of the hierarchy */
os_atomic_dec(&clutch->sc_thr_count, relaxed);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_thr_count_dec(clutch_bucket->scb_group, current_timestamp);
/* Remove the clutch from hierarchy (if needed) and update properties */
if (clutch_bucket->scb_thr_count == 0) {
sched_clutch_bucket_empty(clutch_bucket, root_clutch, current_timestamp, options);
} else {
sched_clutch_bucket_update(clutch_bucket, root_clutch, current_timestamp, options);
root_clutch->scr_cluster_id, thread_group_get_id(clutch_bucket->scb_group->scbg_clutch->sc_tg), clutch_bucket->scb_bucket,
SCHED_CLUTCH_DBG_THR_COUNT_PACK(root_clutch->scr_thr_count, os_atomic_load(&clutch->sc_thr_count, relaxed), clutch_bucket->scb_thr_count));
* sched_clutch_thread_unbound_lookup()
* Routine to find the highest unbound thread in the root clutch.
* Helps find threads easily for steal/migrate scenarios in the
* Edge scheduler.
static thread_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket,
processor_t _Nullable processor,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread)
assert(processor != NULL || prev_thread == NULL);
assert(root_bucket->scrb_bound == false);
/* Find the highest priority clutch bucket in this root bucket */
bool chose_prev_thread = false;
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket = sched_clutch_root_bucket_highest_clutch_bucket(root_clutch, root_bucket, processor, prev_thread, &chose_prev_thread);
assert(clutch_bucket != NULL);
if (chose_prev_thread) {
/* We have determined that prev_thread is the highest thread, based on the Clutch bucket level policy */
assert(processor != NULL && prev_thread != NULL);
return prev_thread;
/* Find the highest priority runnable thread in this clutch bucket */
thread_t thread = priority_queue_max(&clutch_bucket->scb_thread_runq, struct thread, th_clutch_runq_link);
assert(thread != NULL);
/* Consider the previous thread */
if (prev_thread != NULL &&
sched_clutch_bucket_for_thread(root_clutch, prev_thread) == clutch_bucket &&
sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(prev_thread->sched_pri, thread->sched_pri, processor->first_timeslice)) {
thread = prev_thread;
return thread;
static sched_clutch_root_bucket_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
thread_t prev_thread)
if (sched_edge_thread_should_be_inserted_as_bound(root_clutch, prev_thread)) {
return &root_clutch->scr_bound_buckets[prev_thread->th_sched_bucket];
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
return &root_clutch->scr_unbound_buckets[prev_thread->th_sched_bucket];
* sched_clutch_hierarchy_thread_highest()
* Routine to traverse the Clutch hierarchy and return the highest thread which
* should be selected to run next, optionally comparing against the previously
* running thread. Removes the highest thread with sched_clutch_thread_remove()
* depending on the traverse mode and whether it is the previously running thread.
* Always called with the pset lock held.
static thread_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
processor_t processor,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread,
sched_clutch_traverse_mode_t mode)
thread_t highest_thread = NULL;
uint64_t current_timestamp = mach_absolute_time();
bool chose_prev_thread = false;
sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed_t debug_info = {0};
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t prev_root_bucket = prev_thread != NULL ? sched_clutch_root_bucket_for_thread(root_clutch, prev_thread) : NULL;
sched_clutch_root_bucket_t root_bucket = sched_clutch_root_highest_root_bucket(root_clutch, current_timestamp, SCHED_CLUTCH_HIGHEST_ROOT_BUCKET_ALL, prev_root_bucket, prev_thread, &chose_prev_thread, mode, &debug_info);
if (chose_prev_thread) {
/* We disambiguated that we want to keep running the previous thread */
highest_thread = processor->active_thread;
goto done_selecting_thread;
if (root_bucket == NULL) {
/* The Clutch hierarchy has no runnable threads, including the previous thread */
assert(sched_clutch_root_count(root_clutch) == 0);
assert(prev_thread == NULL);
return NULL;
if (root_bucket != prev_root_bucket) {
/* We have ruled out continuing to run the previous thread, based on the root bucket level policy */
prev_thread = NULL;
assert((mode == SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_CHECK_PREEMPT) || (prev_root_bucket == NULL) ||
(prev_root_bucket->scrb_bucket >= root_bucket->scrb_bucket) || (root_bucket->scrb_starvation_avoidance) ||
(prev_root_bucket->scrb_bound != root_bucket->scrb_bound) ||
(root_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining > 0 && root_bucket->scrb_warped_deadline > current_timestamp && prev_root_bucket->scrb_warp_remaining == 0));
if (root_bucket->scrb_bound) {
highest_thread = sched_clutch_thread_bound_lookup(root_clutch, root_bucket, processor, prev_thread);
} else {
highest_thread = sched_clutch_thread_unbound_lookup(root_clutch, root_bucket, processor, prev_thread);
(mode == SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_CONSIDER_CURRENT && highest_thread != processor->active_thread)) {
assert(mode != SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY || highest_thread != processor->active_thread);
sched_clutch_thread_remove(root_clutch, highest_thread, current_timestamp, SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_SAMEPRI_RR);
debug_info.trace_data.version = SCHED_CLUTCH_DBG_THREAD_SELECT_PACKED_VERSION;
debug_info.trace_data.traverse_mode = mode;
debug_info.trace_data.cluster_id = root_clutch->scr_cluster_id;
debug_info.trace_data.selection_was_cluster_bound = root_bucket->scrb_bound;
thread_tid(highest_thread), thread_group_get_id(highest_thread->thread_group), root_bucket->scrb_bucket, debug_info.scdts_trace_data_packed, 0);
return highest_thread;
/* High level global accessor routines */
* sched_clutch_root_urgency()
* Routine to get the urgency of the highest runnable
* thread in the hierarchy.
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
return root_clutch->scr_urgency;
* sched_clutch_root_count_sum()
* The count_sum mechanism is used for scheduler runq
* statistics calculation. Its only useful for debugging
* purposes; since it takes a mach_absolute_time() on
* other scheduler implementations, its better to avoid
* populating this until absolutely necessary.
static uint32_t
__unused sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
return 0;
* sched_clutch_root_priority()
* Routine to get the priority of the highest runnable
* thread in the hierarchy.
static int
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
return root_clutch->scr_priority;
* sched_clutch_root_count()
* Returns total number of runnable threads in the hierarchy.
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
return root_clutch->scr_thr_count;
* sched_clutch_root_foreign_empty()
* Routine to check if the foreign clutch bucket priority list is empty for a cluster.
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
return priority_queue_empty(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets);
* sched_clutch_root_highest_foreign_thread_remove()
* Routine to return the thread in the highest priority clutch bucket in a cluster.
* Must be called with the pset for the cluster locked.
static thread_t
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch)
thread_t thread = THREAD_NULL;
if (priority_queue_empty(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets)) {
return thread;
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket = priority_queue_max(&root_clutch->scr_foreign_buckets, struct sched_clutch_bucket, scb_foreignlink);
thread = priority_queue_max(&clutch_bucket->scb_thread_runq, struct thread, th_clutch_runq_link);
sched_clutch_thread_remove(root_clutch, thread, mach_absolute_time(), 0);
return thread;
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
* sched_clutch_thread_pri_shift()
* Routine to get the priority shift value for a thread.
* Since the timesharing is done at the clutch_bucket level,
* this routine gets the clutch_bucket and retrieves the
* values from there.
thread_t thread,
sched_bucket_t bucket)
return INT8_MAX;
assert(bucket != TH_BUCKET_RUN);
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &(clutch->sc_clutch_groups[bucket]);
return os_atomic_load(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_pri_shift, relaxed);
#pragma mark -- Clutch Scheduler Algorithm
static void
static thread_t
sched_clutch_steal_thread(processor_set_t pset);
static void
sched_clutch_thread_update_scan(sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context);
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_processor_enqueue(processor_t processor, thread_t thread,
sched_options_t options);
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_processor_queue_remove(processor_t processor, thread_t thread);
static ast_t
sched_clutch_processor_csw_check(processor_t processor);
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_processor_queue_has_priority(processor_t processor, int priority, boolean_t gte);
static int
sched_clutch_runq_count(processor_t processor);
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_processor_queue_empty(processor_t processor);
static uint64_t
sched_clutch_runq_stats_count_sum(processor_t processor);
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
static int
sched_clutch_processor_bound_count(processor_t processor);
static void
sched_clutch_pset_init(processor_set_t pset);
static void
sched_clutch_processor_init(processor_t processor);
static thread_t
sched_clutch_processor_highest_thread(processor_t processor, sched_clutch_traverse_mode_t mode);
static thread_t
sched_clutch_choose_thread(processor_t processor, int priority, thread_t prev_thread, ast_t reason);
static void
sched_clutch_processor_queue_shutdown(processor_t processor);
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
static sched_mode_t
sched_clutch_initial_thread_sched_mode(task_t parent_task);
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_initial_quantum_size(thread_t thread);
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_run_incr(thread_t thread);
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_run_decr(thread_t thread);
static void
sched_clutch_update_thread_bucket(thread_t thread);
static void
sched_clutch_thread_group_recommendation_change(struct thread_group *tg, cluster_type_t new_recommendation);
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_clutch_dispatch = {
.sched_name = "clutch",
.init = sched_clutch_init,
.timebase_init = sched_timeshare_timebase_init,
.processor_init = sched_clutch_processor_init,
.pset_init = sched_clutch_pset_init,
.choose_thread = sched_clutch_choose_thread,
.processor_enqueue = sched_clutch_processor_enqueue,
.processor_queue_remove = sched_clutch_processor_queue_remove,
.processor_queue_empty = sched_clutch_processor_queue_empty,
.priority_is_urgent = priority_is_urgent,
.processor_csw_check = sched_clutch_processor_csw_check,
.processor_queue_has_priority = sched_clutch_processor_queue_has_priority,
.initial_quantum_size = sched_clutch_initial_quantum_size,
.initial_thread_sched_mode = sched_clutch_initial_thread_sched_mode,
.processor_runq_count = sched_clutch_runq_count,
.processor_bound_count = sched_clutch_processor_bound_count,
.multiple_psets_enabled = TRUE,
.avoid_processor_enabled = FALSE,
.thread_avoid_processor = NULL,
.update_thread_bucket = sched_clutch_update_thread_bucket,
.cpu_init_completed = NULL,
.thread_eligible_for_pset = NULL,
.maintenance_continuation = sched_timeshare_maintenance_continue,
.steal_thread_enabled = sched_steal_thread_enabled,
.steal_thread = sched_clutch_steal_thread,
.compute_timeshare_priority = sched_compute_timeshare_priority,
.choose_node = sched_choose_node,
.choose_processor = choose_processor,
.processor_queue_shutdown = sched_clutch_processor_queue_shutdown,
.can_update_priority = can_update_priority,
.update_priority = update_priority,
.lightweight_update_priority = lightweight_update_priority,
.quantum_expire = sched_default_quantum_expire,
.processor_runq_stats_count_sum = sched_clutch_runq_stats_count_sum,
.thread_update_scan = sched_clutch_thread_update_scan,
.processor_balance = sched_SMT_balance,
.rt_runq = sched_rtlocal_runq,
.rt_init = sched_rtlocal_init,
.rt_queue_shutdown = sched_rtlocal_queue_shutdown,
.rt_runq_scan = sched_rtlocal_runq_scan,
.rt_runq_count_sum = sched_rtlocal_runq_count_sum,
.rt_steal_thread = sched_rtlocal_steal_thread,
.qos_max_parallelism = sched_qos_max_parallelism,
.check_spill = sched_check_spill,
.ipi_policy = sched_ipi_policy,
.thread_should_yield = sched_thread_should_yield,
.run_count_incr = sched_clutch_run_incr,
.run_count_decr = sched_clutch_run_decr,
.pset_made_schedulable = sched_pset_made_schedulable,
.thread_group_recommendation_change = sched_clutch_thread_group_recommendation_change,
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
static inline run_queue_t
sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor_t processor)
return &processor->runq;
static inline sched_clutch_root_t
sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor_t processor)
return &processor->processor_set->pset_clutch_root;
static inline run_queue_t
sched_clutch_thread_bound_runq(processor_t processor, __assert_only thread_t thread)
assert(thread->bound_processor == processor);
return sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor);
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_initial_quantum_size(thread_t thread)
if (thread == THREAD_NULL) {
return std_quantum;
assert(sched_clutch_thread_quantum[thread->th_sched_bucket] <= UINT32_MAX);
return (uint32_t)sched_clutch_thread_quantum[thread->th_sched_bucket];
static sched_mode_t
sched_clutch_initial_thread_sched_mode(task_t parent_task)
if (parent_task == kernel_task) {
} else {
static void
sched_clutch_processor_init(processor_t processor)
static void
sched_clutch_pset_init(processor_set_t pset)
sched_clutch_root_init(&pset->pset_clutch_root, pset);
static void
sched_clutch_us_to_abstime(sched_clutch_root_bucket_wcel_us, sched_clutch_root_bucket_wcel);
sched_clutch_us_to_abstime(sched_clutch_root_bucket_warp_us, sched_clutch_root_bucket_warp);
sched_clutch_us_to_abstime(sched_clutch_thread_quantum_us, sched_clutch_thread_quantum);
NSEC_PER_USEC, &sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold);
assert(sched_clutch_bucket_group_adjust_threshold <= CLUTCH_CPU_DATA_MAX);
sched_clutch_us_to_abstime(sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_delta_us, sched_clutch_bucket_group_pending_delta);
static void
if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri", &sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri, sizeof(sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri))) {
sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri = SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_PRI_DEFAULT;
static inline bool
sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(int pri_one, int pri_two, bool one_wins_ties)
if (one_wins_ties) {
return pri_one >= pri_two;
} else {
return pri_one > pri_two;
* sched_clutch_processor_highest_thread()
* Routine to determine the highest thread on the entire cluster runqueue which
* should be selected to run next, optionally comparing against the previously
* running thread. Removes the highest thread from the runqueue, depending on the
* traverse mode and whether the highest thread is the previously running thread.
* Always called with the pset lock held. Assumes that processor->active_thread
* may be locked and modified by another processor.
static thread_t
processor_t processor,
sched_clutch_traverse_mode_t mode)
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch = sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor);
int clutch_pri = sched_clutch_root_priority(root_clutch);
run_queue_t bound_runq = sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor);
int bound_pri = bound_runq->highq;
thread_t prev_thread = has_prev_thread ? processor->active_thread : NULL;
if (bound_runq->count == 0 && root_clutch->scr_thr_count == 0) {
/* The runqueue is totally empty */
assert(bound_pri < MINPRI && clutch_pri < MINPRI);
return prev_thread;
if (has_prev_thread) {
if (prev_thread->sched_pri >= BASEPRI_RTQUEUES) {
/* The previous thread is real-time and thus guaranteed higher than the non-RT runqueue */
return prev_thread;
/* Allow the previous thread to influence the priority comparison of Clutch hierarchy vs. processor-bound runqueue */
if (prev_thread->bound_processor != NULL) {
bound_pri = MAX(bound_pri, prev_thread->sched_pri);
} else {
clutch_pri = MAX(clutch_pri, prev_thread->sched_pri);
bool prev_thread_is_not_processor_bound = has_prev_thread && (prev_thread->bound_processor == NULL);
bool prev_thread_is_processor_bound = has_prev_thread && (prev_thread->bound_processor != NULL);
thread_t next_thread = prev_thread;
if (clutch_pri > bound_pri) {
if (root_clutch->scr_thr_count == 0) {
goto found_thread;
next_thread = sched_clutch_hierarchy_thread_highest(root_clutch, processor, prev_thread_is_not_processor_bound ? prev_thread : NULL, mode);
} else {
if (bound_runq->count == 0 ||
(prev_thread_is_processor_bound && sched_clutch_pri_greater_than_tiebreak(prev_thread->sched_pri, bound_runq->highq, processor->first_timeslice))) {
goto found_thread;
run_queue_dequeue(bound_runq, SCHED_HEADQ) : run_queue_peek(bound_runq);
assert(mode == SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY || next_thread != prev_thread);
assert(next_thread != NULL);
return next_thread;
static thread_t
processor_t processor,
__unused int priority,
thread_t _Nullable prev_thread,
__unused ast_t reason)
assert(prev_thread == NULL || prev_thread == processor->active_thread);
return sched_clutch_processor_highest_thread(processor, prev_thread != NULL ? SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_CONSIDER_CURRENT : SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY);
static boolean_t
processor_t processor,
thread_t thread,
sched_options_t options)
boolean_t result;
thread_set_runq_locked(thread, processor);
sched_clutch_root_t pset_clutch_root = sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor);
result = sched_clutch_thread_insert(pset_clutch_root, thread, options);
} else {
run_queue_t rq = sched_clutch_thread_bound_runq(processor, thread);
result = run_queue_enqueue(rq, thread, options);
return result;
static boolean_t
sched_clutch_processor_queue_empty(processor_t processor)
return sched_clutch_root_count(sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor)) == 0 &&
sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor)->count == 0;
static ast_t
sched_clutch_processor_csw_check(processor_t processor)
assert(processor->active_thread != NULL);
thread_t runqueue_thread = sched_clutch_processor_highest_thread(processor, SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_CHECK_PREEMPT);
if (runqueue_thread != processor->active_thread) {
/* Found a better thread to run */
if (sched_clutch_root_urgency(sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor)) > 0 ||
sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor)->urgency > 0) {
return AST_NONE;
static boolean_t
__unused processor_t processor,
__unused int priority,
__unused boolean_t gte)
* Never short-circuit the Clutch runqueue by returning FALSE here. Instead,
* thread_select() should always go through sched_clutch_choose_thread().
return TRUE;
static int
sched_clutch_runq_count(processor_t processor)
return (int)sched_clutch_root_count(sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor)) + sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor)->count;
static uint64_t
sched_clutch_runq_stats_count_sum(processor_t processor)
uint64_t bound_sum = sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor)->runq_stats.count_sum;
if (processor->cpu_id == processor->processor_set->cpu_set_low) {
return bound_sum + sched_clutch_root_count_sum(sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor));
} else {
return bound_sum;
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
static int
sched_clutch_processor_bound_count(processor_t processor)
return sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor)->count;
static void
sched_clutch_processor_queue_shutdown(processor_t processor)
processor_set_t pset = processor->processor_set;
sched_clutch_root_t pset_clutch_root = sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor);
thread_t thread;
queue_head_t tqueue;
/* We only need to migrate threads if this is the last active processor in the pset */
if (pset->online_processor_count > 0) {
while (sched_clutch_root_count(pset_clutch_root) > 0) {
thread = sched_clutch_hierarchy_thread_highest(pset_clutch_root, processor, NULL, SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY);
enqueue_tail(&tqueue, &thread->runq_links);
qe_foreach_element_safe(thread, &tqueue, runq_links) {
thread_setrun(thread, SCHED_TAILQ);
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
static boolean_t
processor_t processor,
thread_t thread)
processor_set_t pset = processor->processor_set;
if (processor == thread_get_runq_locked(thread)) {
* Thread is on a run queue and we have a lock on
* that run queue.
sched_clutch_root_t pset_clutch_root = sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor);
sched_clutch_thread_remove(pset_clutch_root, thread, mach_absolute_time(), SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_NONE);
} else {
run_queue_t rq = sched_clutch_thread_bound_runq(processor, thread);
run_queue_remove(rq, thread);
} else {
* The thread left the run queue before we could
* lock the run queue.
processor = PROCESSOR_NULL;
return processor != PROCESSOR_NULL;
static thread_t
sched_clutch_steal_thread(__unused processor_set_t pset)
/* Thread stealing is not enabled for single cluster clutch scheduler platforms */
static void
sched_clutch_thread_update_scan(sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context)
boolean_t restart_needed = FALSE;
processor_t processor = processor_list;
processor_set_t pset;
thread_t thread;
spl_t s;
* We update the threads associated with each processor (bound and idle threads)
* and then update the threads in each pset runqueue.
do {
do {
pset = processor->processor_set;
s = splsched();
restart_needed = runq_scan(sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor), scan_context);
if (restart_needed) {
thread = processor->idle_thread;
if (thread != THREAD_NULL && thread->sched_stamp != sched_tick) {
if (thread_update_add_thread(thread) == FALSE) {
restart_needed = TRUE;
} while ((processor = processor->processor_list) != NULL);
/* Ok, we now have a collection of candidates -- fix them. */
} while (restart_needed);
pset_node_t node = &pset_node0;
pset = node->psets;
do {
do {
restart_needed = FALSE;
while (pset != NULL) {
s = splsched();
if (sched_clutch_root_count(&pset->pset_clutch_root) > 0) {
for (sched_bucket_t bucket = TH_BUCKET_SHARE_FG; bucket < TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX; bucket++) {
restart_needed = runq_scan(&pset->pset_clutch_root.scr_bound_buckets[bucket].scrb_bound_thread_runq, scan_context);
if (restart_needed) {
queue_t clutch_bucket_list = &pset->pset_clutch_root.scr_clutch_buckets;
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket;
qe_foreach_element(clutch_bucket, clutch_bucket_list, scb_listlink) {
sched_clutch_bucket_group_timeshare_update(clutch_bucket->scb_group, clutch_bucket, scan_context->sched_tick_last_abstime);
restart_needed = sched_clutch_timeshare_scan(&clutch_bucket->scb_thread_timeshare_queue, clutch_bucket->scb_thr_count, scan_context);
if (restart_needed) {
if (restart_needed) {
pset = pset->pset_list;
if (restart_needed) {
} while (((node = node->node_list) != NULL) && ((pset = node->psets) != NULL));
/* Ok, we now have a collection of candidates -- fix them. */
} while (restart_needed);
* For the clutch scheduler, the run counts are maintained in the clutch
* buckets (i.e thread group scheduling structure).
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_run_incr(thread_t thread)
assert((thread->state & (TH_RUN | TH_IDLE)) == TH_RUN);
uint32_t new_count = os_atomic_inc(&sched_run_buckets[TH_BUCKET_RUN], relaxed);
sched_clutch_thread_run_bucket_incr(thread, thread->th_sched_bucket);
return new_count;
static uint32_t
sched_clutch_run_decr(thread_t thread)
assert((thread->state & (TH_RUN | TH_IDLE)) != TH_RUN);
uint32_t new_count = os_atomic_dec(&sched_run_buckets[TH_BUCKET_RUN], relaxed);
sched_clutch_thread_run_bucket_decr(thread, thread->th_sched_bucket);
return new_count;
* For threads that have changed sched_pri without changing the
* base_pri for any reason other than decay, use the sched_pri
* as the bucketizing priority instead of base_pri. All such
* changes are typically due to kernel locking primitives boosts
* or demotions.
static boolean_t
sched_thread_sched_pri_promoted(thread_t thread)
return (thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_PROMOTED) ||
(thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_PROMOTE_REASON_MASK) ||
(thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_DEMOTED_MASK) ||
(thread->sched_flags & TH_SFLAG_DEPRESSED_MASK) ||
(thread->kern_promotion_schedpri != 0);
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
* Routine to update the scheduling bucket for the thread.
* In the clutch scheduler implementation, the thread's bucket
* is based on sched_pri if it was promoted due to a kernel
* primitive; otherwise its based on the thread base_pri. This
* enhancement allows promoted threads to reach a higher priority
* bucket and potentially get selected sooner for scheduling.
* Also, the clutch scheduler does not honor fixed priority below
* FG priority. It simply puts those threads in the corresponding
* timeshare bucket. The reason for to do that is because it is
* extremely hard to define the scheduling properties of such threads
* and they typically lead to performance issues.
* Called with the thread lock held and the thread held off the runqueue.
sched_clutch_update_thread_bucket(thread_t thread)
sched_bucket_t old_bucket = thread->th_sched_bucket;
int pri = (sched_thread_sched_pri_promoted(thread)) ? thread->sched_pri : thread->base_pri;
sched_bucket_t new_bucket = sched_clutch_thread_bucket_map(thread, pri);
if (old_bucket == new_bucket) {
thread->th_sched_bucket = new_bucket;
thread->pri_shift = sched_clutch_thread_pri_shift(thread, new_bucket);
* Since this is called after the thread has been removed from the runq,
* only the run counts need to be updated. The re-insert into the runq
* would put the thread into the correct new bucket's runq.
if ((thread->state & (TH_RUN | TH_IDLE)) == TH_RUN) {
sched_clutch_thread_run_bucket_decr(thread, old_bucket);
sched_clutch_thread_run_bucket_incr(thread, new_bucket);
static void
sched_clutch_thread_group_recommendation_change(__unused struct thread_group *tg, __unused cluster_type_t new_recommendation)
/* Clutch ignores the recommendation because Clutch does not migrate
* threads between cluster types independently from the Edge scheduler.
#endif /* !SCHED_TEST_HARNESS */
/* Implementation of the AMP version of the clutch scheduler */
static void
static void
sched_edge_pset_init(processor_set_t pset);
static thread_t
sched_edge_processor_idle(processor_set_t pset);
static boolean_t
sched_edge_processor_queue_empty(processor_t processor);
static void
sched_edge_processor_queue_shutdown(processor_t processor);
static processor_t
sched_edge_choose_processor(processor_set_t pset, processor_t processor, thread_t thread);
static bool
sched_edge_thread_avoid_processor(processor_t processor, thread_t thread, ast_t reason);
static bool
sched_edge_balance(processor_t cprocessor, processor_set_t cpset);
static void
sched_edge_check_spill(processor_set_t pset, thread_t thread);
static bool
sched_edge_thread_should_yield(processor_t processor, thread_t thread);
static void
sched_edge_pset_made_schedulable(processor_t processor, processor_set_t dst_pset, boolean_t drop_lock);
static void
static bool
sched_edge_thread_eligible_for_pset(thread_t thread, processor_set_t pset);
static bool
sched_edge_steal_thread_enabled(processor_set_t pset);
static sched_ipi_type_t
sched_edge_ipi_policy(processor_t dst, thread_t thread, boolean_t dst_idle, sched_ipi_event_t event);
static uint32_t
sched_edge_qos_max_parallelism(int qos, uint64_t options);
static uint32_t
sched_edge_cluster_load_metric(processor_set_t pset, sched_bucket_t sched_bucket);
const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_edge_dispatch = {
.sched_name = "edge",
.init = sched_edge_init,
.timebase_init = sched_timeshare_timebase_init,
.processor_init = sched_clutch_processor_init,
.pset_init = sched_edge_pset_init,
.maintenance_continuation = sched_timeshare_maintenance_continue,
.choose_thread = sched_clutch_choose_thread,
.steal_thread_enabled = sched_edge_steal_thread_enabled,
.steal_thread = sched_edge_processor_idle,
.compute_timeshare_priority = sched_compute_timeshare_priority,
.choose_node = sched_choose_node,
.choose_processor = sched_edge_choose_processor,
.processor_enqueue = sched_clutch_processor_enqueue,
.processor_queue_shutdown = sched_edge_processor_queue_shutdown,
.processor_queue_remove = sched_clutch_processor_queue_remove,
.processor_queue_empty = sched_edge_processor_queue_empty,
.priority_is_urgent = priority_is_urgent,
.processor_csw_check = sched_clutch_processor_csw_check,
.processor_queue_has_priority = sched_clutch_processor_queue_has_priority,
.initial_quantum_size = sched_clutch_initial_quantum_size,
.initial_thread_sched_mode = sched_clutch_initial_thread_sched_mode,
.can_update_priority = can_update_priority,
.update_priority = update_priority,
.lightweight_update_priority = lightweight_update_priority,
.quantum_expire = sched_default_quantum_expire,
.processor_runq_count = sched_clutch_runq_count,
.processor_runq_stats_count_sum = sched_clutch_runq_stats_count_sum,
.processor_bound_count = sched_clutch_processor_bound_count,
.thread_update_scan = sched_clutch_thread_update_scan,
.multiple_psets_enabled = TRUE,
.avoid_processor_enabled = TRUE,
.thread_avoid_processor = sched_edge_thread_avoid_processor,
.processor_balance = sched_edge_balance,
.rt_runq = sched_rtlocal_runq,
.rt_init = sched_rtlocal_init,
.rt_queue_shutdown = sched_rtlocal_queue_shutdown,
.rt_runq_scan = sched_rtlocal_runq_scan,
.rt_runq_count_sum = sched_rtlocal_runq_count_sum,
.rt_steal_thread = sched_rtlocal_steal_thread,
.qos_max_parallelism = sched_edge_qos_max_parallelism,
.check_spill = sched_edge_check_spill,
.ipi_policy = sched_edge_ipi_policy,
.thread_should_yield = sched_edge_thread_should_yield,
.run_count_incr = sched_clutch_run_incr,
.run_count_decr = sched_clutch_run_decr,
.update_thread_bucket = sched_clutch_update_thread_bucket,
.pset_made_schedulable = sched_edge_pset_made_schedulable,
.thread_group_recommendation_change = NULL,
.cpu_init_completed = sched_edge_cpu_init_completed,
.thread_eligible_for_pset = sched_edge_thread_eligible_for_pset,
static bitmap_t sched_edge_available_pset_bitmask[BITMAP_LEN(MAX_PSETS)];
* sched_edge_pset_available()
* Routine to determine if a pset is available for scheduling.
static bool
sched_edge_pset_available(processor_set_t pset)
if (pset == NULL) {
return false;
return pset_available_cpu_count(pset) > 0;
* sched_edge_thread_bound_cluster_id()
* Routine to determine which cluster a particular thread is bound to. Uses
* the sched_flags on the thread to map back to a specific cluster id.
* <Edge Multi-cluster Support Needed>
static uint32_t
sched_edge_thread_bound_cluster_id(thread_t thread)
return thread->th_bound_cluster_id;
/* Forward declaration for some thread migration routines */
static boolean_t sched_edge_foreign_runnable_thread_available(processor_set_t pset);
static boolean_t sched_edge_foreign_running_thread_available(processor_set_t pset);
static processor_set_t sched_edge_steal_candidate(processor_set_t pset);
static processor_set_t sched_edge_migrate_candidate(processor_set_t preferred_pset, thread_t thread, processor_set_t locked_pset, bool switch_pset_locks);
* sched_edge_config_set()
* Support to update an edge configuration. Typically used by CLPC to affect thread migration
* policies in the scheduler.
static void
sched_edge_config_set(uint32_t src_cluster, uint32_t dst_cluster, sched_clutch_edge edge_config)
sched_clutch_edge *edge = &pset_array[src_cluster]->sched_edges[dst_cluster];
edge->sce_edge_packed = edge_config.sce_edge_packed;
* sched_edge_config_get()
* Support to get an edge configuration. Typically used by CLPC to query edge configs to decide
* if it needs to update edges.
static sched_clutch_edge
sched_edge_config_get(uint32_t src_cluster, uint32_t dst_cluster)
return pset_array[src_cluster]->sched_edges[dst_cluster];
* sched_edge_matrix_set()
* Routine to update various edges in the cluster edge matrix. The edge_changes_bitmap
* indicates which edges need to be updated. Both the edge_matrix & edge_changes_bitmap
* are MAX_PSETS * MAX_PSETS matrices flattened into a single dimensional array.
sched_edge_matrix_set(sched_clutch_edge *edge_matrix, bool *edge_changes_bitmap, __unused uint64_t flags, uint64_t matrix_order)
uint32_t edge_index = 0;
for (uint32_t src_cluster = 0; src_cluster < matrix_order; src_cluster++) {
for (uint32_t dst_cluster = 0; dst_cluster < matrix_order; dst_cluster++) {
if (edge_changes_bitmap[edge_index]) {
sched_edge_config_set(src_cluster, dst_cluster, edge_matrix[edge_index]);
* sched_edge_matrix_get()
* Routine to retrieve various edges in the cluster edge matrix. The edge_request_bitmap
* indicates which edges need to be retrieved. Both the edge_matrix & edge_request_bitmap
* are MAX_PSETS * MAX_PSETS matrices flattened into a single dimensional array.
sched_edge_matrix_get(sched_clutch_edge *edge_matrix, bool *edge_request_bitmap, __unused uint64_t flags, uint64_t matrix_order)
uint32_t edge_index = 0;
for (uint32_t src_cluster = 0; src_cluster < matrix_order; src_cluster++) {
for (uint32_t dst_cluster = 0; dst_cluster < matrix_order; dst_cluster++) {
if (edge_request_bitmap[edge_index]) {
edge_matrix[edge_index] = sched_edge_config_get(src_cluster, dst_cluster);
* sched_edge_init()
* Routine to initialize the data structures for the Edge scheduler.
static void
if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri", &sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri, sizeof(sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri))) {
sched_clutch_bucket_group_interactive_pri = SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_PRI_DEFAULT;
sched_edge_max_clusters = ml_get_cluster_count();
static void
sched_edge_pset_init(processor_set_t pset)
uint32_t pset_cluster_id = pset->pset_cluster_id;
pset->pset_type = (pset->pset_cluster_type == PSET_AMP_P) ? CLUSTER_TYPE_P : CLUSTER_TYPE_E;
/* Set the edge weight and properties for the pset itself */
bitmap_clear(pset->foreign_psets, pset_cluster_id);
bitmap_clear(pset->native_psets, pset_cluster_id);
bitmap_clear(pset->local_psets, pset_cluster_id);
bitmap_clear(pset->remote_psets, pset_cluster_id);
pset->sched_edges[pset_cluster_id].sce_edge_packed = (sched_clutch_edge){.sce_migration_weight = 0, .sce_migration_allowed = 0, .sce_steal_allowed = 0}.sce_edge_packed;
sched_clutch_root_init(&pset->pset_clutch_root, pset);
bitmap_set(sched_edge_available_pset_bitmask, pset_cluster_id);
static boolean_t
sched_edge_processor_queue_empty(processor_t processor)
return (sched_clutch_root_count(sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor)) == 0) &&
(sched_clutch_bound_runq(processor)->count == 0);
static void
sched_edge_check_spill(__unused processor_set_t pset, __unused thread_t thread)
assert(thread->bound_processor == PROCESSOR_NULL);
__options_decl(sched_edge_thread_yield_reason_t, uint32_t, {
static bool
sched_edge_thread_should_yield(processor_t processor, __unused thread_t thread)
if (!sched_edge_processor_queue_empty(processor) || (rt_runq_count(processor->processor_set) > 0)) {
thread_tid(thread), processor->processor_set->pset_cluster_id, 0, SCHED_EDGE_YIELD_RUNQ_NONEMPTY);
return true;
* The yield logic should follow the same logic that steal_thread () does. The
* thread_should_yield() is effectively trying to quickly check that if the
* current thread gave up CPU, is there any other thread that would execute
* on this CPU. So it needs to provide the same answer as the steal_thread()/
* processor Idle logic.
if (sched_edge_foreign_runnable_thread_available(processor->processor_set)) {
thread_tid(thread), processor->processor_set->pset_cluster_id, 0, SCHED_EDGE_YIELD_FOREIGN_RUNNABLE);
return true;
if (sched_edge_foreign_running_thread_available(processor->processor_set)) {
thread_tid(thread), processor->processor_set->pset_cluster_id, 0, SCHED_EDGE_YIELD_FOREIGN_RUNNING);
return true;
processor_set_t steal_candidate = sched_edge_steal_candidate(processor->processor_set);
if (steal_candidate != NULL) {
thread_tid(thread), processor->processor_set->pset_cluster_id, 0, SCHED_EDGE_YIELD_STEAL_POSSIBLE);
return true;
KDBG(MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_SCHED_CLUTCH, MACH_SCHED_EDGE_SHOULD_YIELD) | DBG_FUNC_NONE, thread_tid(thread), processor->processor_set->pset_cluster_id,
return false;
static void
sched_edge_processor_queue_shutdown(processor_t processor)
processor_set_t pset = processor->processor_set;
sched_clutch_root_t pset_clutch_root = sched_clutch_processor_root_clutch(processor);
thread_t thread;
queue_head_t tqueue;
/* We only need to migrate threads if this is the last active or last recommended processor in the pset */
if ((pset->online_processor_count > 0) && pset_is_recommended(pset)) {
bitmap_clear(sched_edge_available_pset_bitmask, pset->pset_cluster_id);
while (sched_clutch_root_count(pset_clutch_root) > 0) {
thread = sched_clutch_hierarchy_thread_highest(pset_clutch_root, processor, NULL, SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY);
enqueue_tail(&tqueue, &thread->runq_links);
qe_foreach_element_safe(thread, &tqueue, runq_links) {
thread_setrun(thread, SCHED_TAILQ);
* sched_edge_cluster_load_metric()
* The load metric for a cluster is a measure of the average scheduling latency
* experienced by threads on that cluster. It is a product of the average number
* of threads in the runqueue and the average execution time for threads. The metric
* has special values in the following cases:
* - UINT32_MAX: If the cluster is not available for scheduling, its load is set to
* the maximum value to disallow any threads to migrate to this cluster.
* - 0: If there are idle CPUs in the cluster or an empty runqueue; this allows threads
* to be spread across the platform quickly for ncpu wide workloads.
static uint32_t
sched_edge_cluster_load_metric(processor_set_t pset, sched_bucket_t sched_bucket)
if (sched_edge_pset_available(pset) == false) {
return UINT32_MAX;
return (uint32_t)sched_get_pset_load_average(pset, sched_bucket);
* Edge Scheduler Steal/Rebalance logic
* = Generic scheduler logic =
* The SCHED(steal_thread) scheduler callout is invoked when the processor does not
* find any thread for execution in its runqueue. The aim of the steal operation
* is to find other threads running/runnable in other clusters which should be
* executed here.
* If the steal callout does not return a thread, the thread_select() logic calls
* SCHED(processor_balance) callout which is supposed to IPI other CPUs to rebalance
* threads and idle out the current CPU.
* = SCHED(steal_thread) for Edge Scheduler =
* The edge scheduler hooks into sched_edge_processor_idle() for steal_thread. This
* routine tries to do the following operations in order:
* (1) Find foreign runnnable threads in non-native cluster
* runqueues (sched_edge_foreign_runnable_thread_remove())
* (2) Check if foreign threads are running on the non-native
* clusters (sched_edge_foreign_running_thread_available())
* - If yes, return THREAD_NULL for the steal callout and
* perform rebalancing as part of SCHED(processor_balance) i.e. sched_edge_balance()
* (3) Steal a thread from another cluster based on edge
* weights (sched_edge_steal_thread())
* = SCHED(processor_balance) for Edge Scheduler =
* If steal_thread did not return a thread for the processor, use
* sched_edge_balance() to rebalance foreign running threads and idle out this CPU.
* = Clutch Bucket Preferred Cluster Overrides =
* Since these operations (just like thread migrations on enqueue)
* move threads across clusters, they need support for handling clutch
* bucket group level preferred cluster recommendations.
* For (1), a clutch bucket will be in the foreign runnable queue based
* on the clutch bucket group preferred cluster.
* For (2), the running thread will set the bit on the processor based
* on its preferred cluster type.
* For (3), the edge configuration would prevent threads from being stolen
* in the wrong direction.
* = SCHED(thread_should_yield) =
* The thread_should_yield() logic needs to have the same logic as sched_edge_processor_idle()
* since that is expecting the same answer as if thread_select() was called on a core
* with an empty runqueue.
static bool
sched_edge_steal_thread_enabled(__unused processor_set_t pset)
* For edge scheduler, the gating for steal is being done by sched_edge_steal_candidate()
return true;
static processor_set_t
sched_edge_steal_candidate(processor_set_t pset)
uint32_t dst_cluster_id = pset->pset_cluster_id;
for (int cluster_id = 0; cluster_id < sched_edge_max_clusters; cluster_id++) {
processor_set_t candidate_pset = pset_array[cluster_id];
if (cluster_id == dst_cluster_id) {
if (candidate_pset == NULL) {
sched_clutch_edge *incoming_edge = &pset_array[cluster_id]->sched_edges[dst_cluster_id];
if (incoming_edge->sce_steal_allowed && (bitmap_lsb_first(candidate_pset->pset_clutch_root.scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX) != -1)) {
return candidate_pset;
return NULL;
static boolean_t
sched_edge_foreign_runnable_thread_available(processor_set_t pset)
/* Find all the clusters that are foreign for this cluster */
bitmap_t *foreign_pset_bitmap = pset->foreign_psets;
for (int cluster = bitmap_first(foreign_pset_bitmap, sched_edge_max_clusters); cluster >= 0; cluster = bitmap_next(foreign_pset_bitmap, cluster)) {
* For each cluster, see if there are any runnable foreign threads.
* This check is currently being done without the pset lock to make it cheap for
* the common case.
processor_set_t target_pset = pset_array[cluster];
if (sched_edge_pset_available(target_pset) == false) {
if (!sched_clutch_root_foreign_empty(&target_pset->pset_clutch_root)) {
return true;
return false;
static thread_t
sched_edge_foreign_runnable_thread_remove(processor_set_t pset, uint64_t ctime)
thread_t thread = THREAD_NULL;
/* Find all the clusters that are foreign for this cluster */
bitmap_t *foreign_pset_bitmap = pset->foreign_psets;
for (int cluster = bitmap_first(foreign_pset_bitmap, sched_edge_max_clusters); cluster >= 0; cluster = bitmap_next(foreign_pset_bitmap, cluster)) {
* For each cluster, see if there are any runnable foreign threads.
* This check is currently being done without the pset lock to make it cheap for
* the common case.
processor_set_t target_pset = pset_array[cluster];
if (sched_edge_pset_available(target_pset) == false) {
if (sched_clutch_root_foreign_empty(&target_pset->pset_clutch_root)) {
* Looks like there are runnable foreign threads in the hierarchy; lock the pset
* and get the highest priority thread.
if (sched_edge_pset_available(target_pset)) {
thread = sched_clutch_root_highest_foreign_thread_remove(&target_pset->pset_clutch_root);
sched_update_pset_load_average(target_pset, ctime);
* Edge Scheduler Optimization
* The current implementation immediately returns as soon as it finds a foreign
* runnable thread. This could be enhanced to look at highest priority threads
* from all foreign clusters and pick the highest amongst them. That would need
* some form of global state across psets to make that kind of a check cheap.
if (thread != THREAD_NULL) {
KDBG(MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_SCHED_CLUTCH, MACH_SCHED_EDGE_REBAL_RUNNABLE) | DBG_FUNC_NONE, thread_tid(thread), pset->pset_cluster_id, target_pset->pset_cluster_id, 0);
/* Looks like the thread escaped after the check but before the pset lock was taken; continue the search */
return thread;
* sched_edge_cpu_running_foreign_shared_rsrc_available()
* Routine to determine if the thread running on a CPU is a shared resource thread
* and can be rebalanced to the cluster with an idle CPU. It is used to determine if
* a CPU going idle on a pset should rebalance a running shared resource heavy thread
* from another non-ideal cluster based on the former's shared resource load.
static boolean_t
sched_edge_cpu_running_foreign_shared_rsrc_available(processor_set_t target_pset, int foreign_cpu, processor_set_t idle_pset)
boolean_t idle_pset_shared_rsrc_rr_idle = sched_edge_shared_rsrc_idle(idle_pset, CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_RR);
if (bit_test(target_pset->cpu_running_cluster_shared_rsrc_thread[CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_RR], foreign_cpu) && !idle_pset_shared_rsrc_rr_idle) {
return false;
boolean_t idle_pset_shared_rsrc_biu_idle = sched_edge_shared_rsrc_idle(idle_pset, CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NATIVE_FIRST);
if (bit_test(target_pset->cpu_running_cluster_shared_rsrc_thread[CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NATIVE_FIRST], foreign_cpu) && !idle_pset_shared_rsrc_biu_idle) {
return false;
return true;
static boolean_t
sched_edge_foreign_running_thread_available(processor_set_t pset)
bitmap_t *foreign_pset_bitmap = pset->foreign_psets;
int cluster = -1;
while ((cluster = sched_edge_iterate_clusters_ordered(pset, foreign_pset_bitmap[0], cluster)) != -1) {
/* Skip the pset if its not schedulable */
processor_set_t target_pset = pset_array[cluster];
if (sched_edge_pset_available(target_pset) == false) {
uint64_t running_foreign_bitmap = target_pset->cpu_state_map[PROCESSOR_RUNNING] & target_pset->cpu_running_foreign;
for (int cpu_foreign = bit_first(running_foreign_bitmap); cpu_foreign >= 0; cpu_foreign = bit_next(running_foreign_bitmap, cpu_foreign)) {
if (!sched_edge_cpu_running_foreign_shared_rsrc_available(target_pset, cpu_foreign, pset)) {
return true;
return false;
* sched_edge_steal_possible()
* Determines whether we can and should steal a thread from
* the candidate_pset to run it on the idle_pset. When returning
* true, the function also writes the scheduling bucket that we
* should steal from into the bucket_for_steal out parameter.
* Always called with the pset lock for candidate_pset held.
static bool
sched_edge_steal_possible(processor_set_t idle_pset, processor_set_t candidate_pset, sched_bucket_t *bucket_for_steal)
sched_clutch_root_t candidate_clutch_root = &candidate_pset->pset_clutch_root;
int highest_runnable_bucket = sched_clutch_root_highest_runnable_qos(candidate_clutch_root, SCHED_CLUTCH_HIGHEST_ROOT_BUCKET_UNBOUND_ONLY);
if (highest_runnable_bucket == -1) {
/* Candidate cluster runq is empty of unbound threads */
return false;
if (idle_pset->pset_type == candidate_pset->pset_type) {
/* Always allow stealing from homogeneous clusters */
*bucket_for_steal = (sched_bucket_t)highest_runnable_bucket;
return true;
for (int unbound_qos = highest_runnable_bucket; unbound_qos >= 0; unbound_qos = bitmap_lsb_next(candidate_clutch_root->scr_unbound_runnable_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX, unbound_qos)) {
uint32_t candidate_runq_depth = os_atomic_load(&candidate_pset->pset_runnable_depth[unbound_qos], relaxed);
if (candidate_runq_depth > pset_available_cpu_count(candidate_pset)) {
/* Candidate cluster has excess load at this QoS (and at least one unbound thread we can steal!) */
*bucket_for_steal = (sched_bucket_t)unbound_qos;
return true;
/* None of the unbound root buckets are overloaded */
return false;
static thread_t
sched_edge_steal_thread(processor_set_t pset, uint64_t candidate_pset_bitmap)
thread_t stolen_thread = THREAD_NULL;
* Edge Scheduler Optimization
* The logic today bails as soon as it finds a cluster where the cluster load is
* greater than the edge weight. Maybe it should have a more advanced version
* which looks for the maximum delta etc.
int cluster_id = -1;
while ((cluster_id = sched_edge_iterate_clusters_ordered(pset, candidate_pset_bitmap, cluster_id)) != -1) {
processor_set_t steal_from_pset = pset_array[cluster_id];
if (steal_from_pset == NULL) {
sched_clutch_edge *incoming_edge = &pset_array[cluster_id]->sched_edges[pset->pset_cluster_id];
if (incoming_edge->sce_steal_allowed == false) {
sched_bucket_t bucket_for_steal;
if (sched_edge_steal_possible(pset, steal_from_pset, &bucket_for_steal)) {
uint64_t current_timestamp = mach_absolute_time();
sched_clutch_root_t clutch_root_for_steal = &steal_from_pset->pset_clutch_root;
stolen_thread = sched_clutch_thread_unbound_lookup(clutch_root_for_steal, &clutch_root_for_steal->scr_unbound_buckets[bucket_for_steal], NULL, NULL);
sched_clutch_thread_remove(clutch_root_for_steal, stolen_thread, current_timestamp, SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_SAMEPRI_RR);
sched_clutch_dbg_thread_select_packed_t debug_info = {0};
debug_info.trace_data.version = SCHED_CLUTCH_DBG_THREAD_SELECT_PACKED_VERSION;
debug_info.trace_data.traverse_mode = SCHED_CLUTCH_TRAVERSE_REMOVE_HIERARCHY_ONLY;
debug_info.trace_data.cluster_id = steal_from_pset->pset_cluster_id;
debug_info.trace_data.selection_was_cluster_bound = false;
thread_tid(stolen_thread), thread_group_get_id(stolen_thread->thread_group), bucket_for_steal, debug_info.scdts_trace_data_packed, 0);
KDBG(MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_SCHED_CLUTCH, MACH_SCHED_EDGE_STEAL) | DBG_FUNC_NONE, thread_tid(stolen_thread), pset->pset_cluster_id, steal_from_pset->pset_cluster_id, 0);
sched_update_pset_load_average(steal_from_pset, current_timestamp);
if (stolen_thread != THREAD_NULL) {
return stolen_thread;
* sched_edge_processor_idle()
* The routine is the implementation for steal_thread() for the Edge scheduler.
static thread_t
sched_edge_processor_idle(processor_set_t pset)
thread_t thread = THREAD_NULL;
uint64_t ctime = mach_absolute_time();
processor_t processor = current_processor();
bit_clear(pset->pending_spill_cpu_mask, processor->cpu_id);
/* Each of the operations acquire the lock for the pset they target */
/* Find highest priority runnable thread on all non-native clusters */
thread = sched_edge_foreign_runnable_thread_remove(pset, ctime);
if (thread != THREAD_NULL) {
return thread;
/* Find highest priority runnable thread on all native clusters */
thread = sched_edge_steal_thread(pset, pset->native_psets[0]);
if (thread != THREAD_NULL) {
return thread;
/* Find foreign running threads to rebalance; the actual rebalance is done in sched_edge_balance() */
boolean_t rebalance_needed = sched_edge_foreign_running_thread_available(pset);
if (rebalance_needed) {
/* No foreign threads found; find a thread to steal from all clusters based on weights/loads etc. */
thread = sched_edge_steal_thread(pset, pset->native_psets[0] | pset->foreign_psets[0]);
return thread;
/* Return true if this shared resource thread has a better cluster to run on */
static bool
sched_edge_shared_rsrc_migrate_possible(thread_t thread, processor_set_t preferred_pset, processor_set_t current_pset)
cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type = sched_edge_thread_shared_rsrc_type(thread);
uint64_t current_pset_load = sched_pset_cluster_shared_rsrc_load(current_pset, shared_rsrc_type);
* Adjust the current pset load to discount the current thread only if the current pset is a preferred pset type. This allows the
* scheduler to rebalance threads from non-preferred cluster to an idle cluster of the preferred type.
* Edge Scheduler Optimization
* For multi-cluster machines, it might be useful to enhance this mechanism to migrate between clusters of the preferred type.
uint64_t current_pset_adjusted_load = (current_pset->pset_type != preferred_pset->pset_type) ? current_pset_load : (current_pset_load - 1);
uint64_t eligible_pset_bitmask = 0;
if (edge_shared_rsrc_policy[shared_rsrc_type] == EDGE_SHARED_RSRC_SCHED_POLICY_NATIVE_FIRST) {
* For the EDGE_SHARED_RSRC_SCHED_POLICY_NATIVE_FIRST policy, the load balancing occurs
* only among clusters native with the preferred cluster.
eligible_pset_bitmask = preferred_pset->native_psets[0];
bit_set(eligible_pset_bitmask, preferred_pset->pset_cluster_id);
} else {
/* For EDGE_SHARED_RSRC_SCHED_POLICY_RR, the load balancing happens among all clusters */
eligible_pset_bitmask = sched_edge_available_pset_bitmask[0];
/* For each eligible cluster check if there is an under-utilized cluster; return true if there is */
for (int cluster_id = bit_first(eligible_pset_bitmask); cluster_id >= 0; cluster_id = bit_next(eligible_pset_bitmask, cluster_id)) {
if (cluster_id == current_pset->pset_cluster_id) {
uint64_t cluster_load = sched_pset_cluster_shared_rsrc_load(pset_array[cluster_id], shared_rsrc_type);
if (current_pset_adjusted_load > cluster_load) {
KDBG(MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_SCHED_CLUTCH, MACH_SCHED_EDGE_SHARED_RSRC_MIGRATE) | DBG_FUNC_NONE, current_pset_load, current_pset->pset_cluster_id, cluster_load, cluster_id);
return true;
return false;
/* Return true if this thread should not continue running on this processor */
static bool
sched_edge_thread_avoid_processor(processor_t processor, thread_t thread, ast_t reason)
if (thread->bound_processor == processor) {
/* Thread is bound here */
return false;
processor_set_t preferred_pset = pset_array[sched_edge_thread_preferred_cluster(thread)];
/* Evaluate shared resource policies */
if (thread_shared_rsrc_policy_get(thread, CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_RR)) {
return sched_edge_shared_rsrc_migrate_possible(thread, preferred_pset, processor->processor_set);
if (thread_shared_rsrc_policy_get(thread, CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NATIVE_FIRST)) {
if (processor->processor_set->pset_type != preferred_pset->pset_type &&
pset_type_is_recommended(preferred_pset)) {
return true;
return sched_edge_shared_rsrc_migrate_possible(thread, preferred_pset, processor->processor_set);
* For long running parallel workloads, it is important to rebalance threads across
* E/P clusters so that they make equal forward progress. This is achieved through
* threads expiring their quantum on the non-preferred cluster type and explicitly
* rebalancing to the preferred cluster runqueue.
if ((processor->processor_set->pset_type != preferred_pset->pset_type) &&
pset_type_is_recommended(preferred_pset)) {
return true;
/* If the preferred pset for the thread is now idle, try and migrate thread to that cluster */
if ((processor->processor_set != preferred_pset) &&
(sched_edge_cluster_load_metric(preferred_pset, thread->th_sched_bucket) == 0)) {
return true;
* On quantum expiry, check the migration bitmask if this thread should be migrated off this core.
* A migration is only recommended if there's also an idle core available that needn't be avoided.
if (reason & AST_QUANTUM) {
if (bit_test(processor->processor_set->perfcontrol_cpu_migration_bitmask, processor->cpu_id)) {
uint64_t non_avoided_idle_primary_map = processor->processor_set->cpu_state_map[PROCESSOR_IDLE] & processor->processor_set->recommended_bitmask & ~processor->processor_set->perfcontrol_cpu_migration_bitmask;
if (non_avoided_idle_primary_map != 0) {
return true;
return false;
static bool
sched_edge_balance(__unused processor_t cprocessor, processor_set_t cpset)
assert(cprocessor == current_processor());
uint64_t ast_processor_map = 0;
sched_ipi_type_t ipi_type[MAX_CPUS] = {SCHED_IPI_NONE};
bitmap_t *foreign_pset_bitmap = cpset->foreign_psets;
for (int cluster = bitmap_first(foreign_pset_bitmap, sched_edge_max_clusters); cluster >= 0; cluster = bitmap_next(foreign_pset_bitmap, cluster)) {
/* Skip the pset if its not schedulable */
processor_set_t target_pset = pset_array[cluster];
if (sched_edge_pset_available(target_pset) == false) {
uint64_t cpu_running_foreign_map = (target_pset->cpu_running_foreign & target_pset->cpu_state_map[PROCESSOR_RUNNING]);
for (int cpuid = lsb_first(cpu_running_foreign_map); cpuid >= 0; cpuid = lsb_next(cpu_running_foreign_map, cpuid)) {
if (!sched_edge_cpu_running_foreign_shared_rsrc_available(target_pset, cpuid, cpset)) {
processor_t target_cpu = processor_array[cpuid];
ipi_type[target_cpu->cpu_id] = sched_ipi_action(target_cpu, NULL, SCHED_IPI_EVENT_REBALANCE);
if (ipi_type[cpuid] != SCHED_IPI_NONE) {
bit_set(ast_processor_map, cpuid);
for (int cpuid = lsb_first(ast_processor_map); cpuid >= 0; cpuid = lsb_next(ast_processor_map, cpuid)) {
processor_t ast_processor = processor_array[cpuid];
sched_ipi_perform(ast_processor, ipi_type[cpuid]);
/* Core should light-weight idle using WFE if it just sent out rebalance IPIs */
return ast_processor_map != 0;
* sched_edge_migration_check()
* Routine to evaluate an edge between two clusters to decide if migration is possible
* across that edge. Also updates the selected_pset and max_edge_delta out parameters
* accordingly. The return value indicates if the invoking routine should short circuit
* the search, since an ideal candidate has been found. The routine looks at the regular
* edges and cluster loads or the shared resource loads based on the type of thread.
static bool
sched_edge_migration_check(uint32_t cluster_id, processor_set_t preferred_pset,
uint32_t preferred_cluster_load, thread_t thread, processor_set_t *selected_pset, uint32_t *max_edge_delta)
uint32_t preferred_cluster_id = preferred_pset->pset_cluster_id;
cluster_type_t preferred_cluster_type = pset_type_for_id(preferred_cluster_id);
processor_set_t dst_pset = pset_array[cluster_id];
cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type = sched_edge_thread_shared_rsrc_type(thread);
bool shared_rsrc_thread = (shared_rsrc_type != CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NONE);
if (cluster_id == preferred_cluster_id) {
return false;
if (dst_pset == NULL) {
return false;
sched_clutch_edge *edge = preferred_pset->sched_edges;
if (edge[cluster_id].sce_migration_allowed == false) {
return false;
uint32_t dst_load = shared_rsrc_thread ? (uint32_t)sched_pset_cluster_shared_rsrc_load(dst_pset, shared_rsrc_type) : sched_edge_cluster_load_metric(dst_pset, thread->th_sched_bucket);
if (dst_load == 0) {
/* The candidate cluster is idle; select it immediately for execution */
*selected_pset = dst_pset;
*max_edge_delta = preferred_cluster_load;
return true;
uint32_t edge_delta = 0;
if (dst_load > preferred_cluster_load) {
return false;
edge_delta = preferred_cluster_load - dst_load;
if (!shared_rsrc_thread && (edge_delta < edge[cluster_id].sce_migration_weight)) {
* For non shared resource threads, use the edge migration weight to decide if
* this cluster is over-committed at the QoS level of this thread.
return false;
if (edge_delta < *max_edge_delta) {
return false;
if (edge_delta == *max_edge_delta) {
/* If the edge delta is the same as the max delta, make sure a homogeneous cluster is picked */
boolean_t selected_homogeneous = (pset_type_for_id((*selected_pset)->pset_cluster_id) == preferred_cluster_type);
boolean_t candidate_homogeneous = (pset_type_for_id(dst_pset->pset_cluster_id) == preferred_cluster_type);
if (selected_homogeneous || !candidate_homogeneous) {
return false;
/* dst_pset seems to be the best candidate for migration; however other candidates should still be evaluated */
*max_edge_delta = edge_delta;
*selected_pset = dst_pset;
return false;
* sched_edge_iterate_clusters_ordered()
* Routine to iterate clusters in die local order. For multi-die machines,
* the routine ensures that the candidate clusters on the same die as the
* passed in pset are returned before the remote die clusters. This should
* be used in all places where cluster selection in die order matters.
static int
sched_edge_iterate_clusters_ordered(processor_set_t starting_pset, uint64_t candidate_map, int previous_cluster)
int cluster_id = -1;
uint64_t local_candidate_map = starting_pset->local_psets[0] & candidate_map;
uint64_t remote_candidate_map = starting_pset->remote_psets[0] & candidate_map;
if (previous_cluster == -1) {
/* previous_cluster == -1 indicates the initial condition */
cluster_id = bit_first(local_candidate_map);
if (cluster_id != -1) {
return cluster_id;
return bit_first(remote_candidate_map);
} else {
* After the initial condition, the routine attempts to return a
* cluster in the previous_cluster's locality. If none is available,
* it looks at remote clusters.
if (bit_test(local_candidate_map, previous_cluster)) {
cluster_id = bit_next(local_candidate_map, previous_cluster);
if (cluster_id != -1) {
return cluster_id;
} else {
return bit_first(remote_candidate_map);
return bit_next(remote_candidate_map, previous_cluster);
* sched_edge_migrate_edges_evaluate()
* Routine to find the candidate for thread migration based on edge weights.
* Returns the most ideal cluster for execution of this thread based on outgoing edges of the preferred pset. Can
* return preferred_pset if its the most ideal destination for this thread.
static processor_set_t
sched_edge_migrate_edges_evaluate(processor_set_t preferred_pset, uint32_t preferred_cluster_load, thread_t thread)
processor_set_t selected_pset = preferred_pset;
uint32_t max_edge_delta = 0;
bool search_complete = false;
cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type = sched_edge_thread_shared_rsrc_type(thread);
bool shared_rsrc_thread = (shared_rsrc_type != CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NONE);
bitmap_t *foreign_pset_bitmap = preferred_pset->foreign_psets;
bitmap_t *native_pset_bitmap = preferred_pset->native_psets;
/* Always start the search with the native clusters */
int cluster_id = -1;
while ((cluster_id = sched_edge_iterate_clusters_ordered(preferred_pset, native_pset_bitmap[0], cluster_id)) != -1) {
search_complete = sched_edge_migration_check(cluster_id, preferred_pset, preferred_cluster_load, thread, &selected_pset, &max_edge_delta);
if (search_complete) {
if (search_complete) {
return selected_pset;
if (shared_rsrc_thread && (edge_shared_rsrc_policy[shared_rsrc_type] == EDGE_SHARED_RSRC_SCHED_POLICY_NATIVE_FIRST)) {
* If the shared resource scheduling policy is EDGE_SHARED_RSRC_SCHED_POLICY_NATIVE_FIRST, the scheduler tries
* to fill up the preferred cluster and its homogeneous peers first.
if (max_edge_delta > 0) {
* This represents that there is a peer cluster of the same type as the preferred cluster (since the code
* above only looks at the native_psets) which has lesser threads as compared to the preferred cluster of
* the shared resource type. This indicates that there is capacity on a native cluster where this thread
* should be placed.
return selected_pset;
* Indicates that all peer native clusters are at the same shared resource usage; check if the preferred cluster has
* any more capacity left.
if (sched_pset_cluster_shared_rsrc_load(preferred_pset, shared_rsrc_type) < pset_available_cpu_count(preferred_pset)) {
return preferred_pset;
* Looks like the preferred cluster and all its native peers are full with shared resource threads; need to start looking
* at non-native clusters for capacity.
/* Now look at the non-native clusters */
cluster_id = -1;
while ((cluster_id = sched_edge_iterate_clusters_ordered(preferred_pset, foreign_pset_bitmap[0], cluster_id)) != -1) {
search_complete = sched_edge_migration_check(cluster_id, preferred_pset, preferred_cluster_load, thread, &selected_pset, &max_edge_delta);
if (search_complete) {
return selected_pset;
* sched_edge_candidate_alternative()
* Routine to find an alternative cluster from candidate_cluster_bitmap since the
* selected_pset is not available for execution. The logic tries to prefer homogeneous
* clusters over heterogeneous clusters since this is typically used in thread
* placement decisions.
_Static_assert(MAX_PSETS <= 64, "Unable to fit maximum number of psets in uint64_t bitmask");
static processor_set_t
sched_edge_candidate_alternative(processor_set_t selected_pset, uint64_t candidate_cluster_bitmap)
* It looks like the most ideal pset is not available for scheduling currently.
* Try to find a homogeneous cluster that is still available.
uint64_t available_native_clusters = selected_pset->native_psets[0] & candidate_cluster_bitmap;
int available_cluster_id = lsb_first(available_native_clusters);
if (available_cluster_id == -1) {
/* Looks like none of the homogeneous clusters are available; pick the first available cluster */
available_cluster_id = bit_first(candidate_cluster_bitmap);
assert(available_cluster_id != -1);
return pset_array[available_cluster_id];
* sched_edge_switch_pset_lock()
* Helper routine for sched_edge_migrate_candidate() which switches pset locks (if needed) based on
* switch_pset_locks.
* Returns the newly locked pset after the switch.
static processor_set_t
sched_edge_switch_pset_lock(processor_set_t selected_pset, processor_set_t locked_pset, bool switch_pset_locks)
if (!switch_pset_locks) {
return locked_pset;
if (selected_pset != locked_pset) {
return selected_pset;
} else {
return locked_pset;
* sched_edge_amp_rebalance_pset()
* Routine to decide where a thread which is eligible for AMP rebalance (i.e.
* has executed on non-preferred cluster type for a while) should be enqueued.
* The algorithm maintains a history of AMP rebalance decisions on the clutch
* bucket group of the workload and round-robins between clusters to ensure
* that all threads get a chance on the performance cores and make equal
* progress.
static processor_set_t
sched_edge_amp_rebalance_pset(processor_set_t preferred_pset, thread_t thread)
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread(thread);
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &clutch->sc_clutch_groups[thread->th_sched_bucket];
uint32_t last_chosen_cluster, new_chosen_cluster;
/* Only AMP rebalance within clusters native to the preferred cluster */
uint64_t eligible_pset_bitmask = preferred_pset->native_psets[0];
/* Preferred cluster is also eligible for rebalancing */
bit_set(eligible_pset_bitmask, preferred_pset->pset_cluster_id);
/* Atomically update the AMP rebalance cluster for the clutch bucket group */
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&clutch_bucket_group->scbg_amp_rebalance_last_chosen, last_chosen_cluster, new_chosen_cluster, relaxed, {
if (last_chosen_cluster == UINT32_MAX) {
new_chosen_cluster = preferred_pset->pset_cluster_id;
} else {
new_chosen_cluster = lsb_next(eligible_pset_bitmask, last_chosen_cluster);
if (new_chosen_cluster == -1) {
/* Rotate to the start of the eligible bitmask */
new_chosen_cluster = lsb_first(eligible_pset_bitmask);
return pset_array[new_chosen_cluster];
* sched_edge_migrate_candidate()
* Routine to find an appropriate cluster for scheduling a thread. The routine looks at the properties of
* the thread and the preferred cluster to determine the best available pset for scheduling.
* The switch_pset_locks parameter defines whether the routine should switch pset locks to provide an
* accurate scheduling decision. This mode is typically used when choosing a pset for scheduling a thread since the
* decision has to be synchronized with another CPU changing the recommendation of clusters available
* on the system. If this parameter is set to false, this routine returns the best effort indication of
* the cluster the thread should be scheduled on. It is typically used in fast path contexts (such as
* SCHED(thread_avoid_processor) to determine if there is a possibility of scheduling this thread on a
* more appropriate cluster.
* Routine returns the most ideal cluster for scheduling. If switch_pset_locks is set, it ensures that the
* resultant pset lock is held.
static processor_set_t
sched_edge_migrate_candidate(processor_set_t _Nullable preferred_pset, thread_t thread, processor_set_t locked_pset, bool switch_pset_locks)
processor_set_t selected_pset = preferred_pset;
cluster_shared_rsrc_type_t shared_rsrc_type = sched_edge_thread_shared_rsrc_type(thread);
bool shared_rsrc_thread = (shared_rsrc_type != CLUSTER_SHARED_RSRC_TYPE_NONE);
/* For bound threads always recommend the cluster it's bound to */
selected_pset = pset_array[sched_edge_thread_bound_cluster_id(thread)];
if (selected_pset != NULL) {
locked_pset = sched_edge_switch_pset_lock(selected_pset, locked_pset, switch_pset_locks);
if (sched_edge_pset_available(selected_pset) || (SCHED_CLUTCH_THREAD_CLUSTER_BOUND_SOFT(thread) == false)) {
* If the bound cluster is not available, check if the thread is soft bound. For soft bound threads,
* fall through to the regular cluster selection logic which handles unavailable clusters
* appropriately. If the thread is hard bound, then return the bound cluster always.
return selected_pset;
uint64_t candidate_cluster_bitmap = mask(sched_edge_max_clusters);
extern int enable_task_set_cluster_type;
task_t task = get_threadtask(thread);
if (enable_task_set_cluster_type && (task->t_flags & TF_USE_PSET_HINT_CLUSTER_TYPE)) {
processor_set_t pset_hint = task->pset_hint;
if (pset_hint && (selected_pset == NULL || selected_pset->pset_cluster_type != pset_hint->pset_cluster_type)) {
selected_pset = pset_hint;
goto migrate_candidate_available_check;
if (preferred_pset == NULL) {
/* The preferred_pset has not finished initializing at boot */
goto migrate_candidate_available_check;
if (thread->sched_pri >= BASEPRI_RTQUEUES) {
/* For realtime threads, try and schedule them on the preferred pset always */
goto migrate_candidate_available_check;
uint32_t preferred_cluster_load = shared_rsrc_thread ? (uint32_t)sched_pset_cluster_shared_rsrc_load(preferred_pset, shared_rsrc_type) : sched_edge_cluster_load_metric(preferred_pset, thread->th_sched_bucket);
if (preferred_cluster_load == 0) {
goto migrate_candidate_available_check;
* If a thread is being rebalanced for achieving equal progress of parallel workloads,
* it needs to end up on the preferred runqueue. This mechanism should only be used for
* threads which have been previously migrated to the non-preferred cluster type.
* The AMP rebalancing mechanism is available for regular threads or shared resource
bool amp_rebalance_eligible = (!shared_rsrc_thread) || (shared_rsrc_thread && (edge_shared_rsrc_policy[shared_rsrc_type] == EDGE_SHARED_RSRC_SCHED_POLICY_NATIVE_FIRST));
if (amp_rebalance_eligible) {
boolean_t amp_rebalance = (thread->reason & (AST_REBALANCE | AST_QUANTUM)) == (AST_REBALANCE | AST_QUANTUM);
if (amp_rebalance) {
boolean_t non_preferred_pset = (thread->last_processor->processor_set->pset_type != preferred_pset->pset_type);
if (non_preferred_pset) {
selected_pset = sched_edge_amp_rebalance_pset(preferred_pset, thread);
goto migrate_candidate_available_check;
/* Look at edge weights to decide the most ideal migration candidate for this thread */
selected_pset = sched_edge_migrate_edges_evaluate(preferred_pset, preferred_cluster_load, thread);
if (selected_pset == NULL) {
/* The selected_pset has not finished initializing at boot */
return NULL;
locked_pset = sched_edge_switch_pset_lock(selected_pset, locked_pset, switch_pset_locks);
if (sched_edge_pset_available(selected_pset) == true) {
KDBG(MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_SCHED_CLUTCH, MACH_SCHED_EDGE_CLUSTER_OVERLOAD) | DBG_FUNC_NONE, thread_tid(thread), preferred_pset->pset_cluster_id, selected_pset->pset_cluster_id, preferred_cluster_load);
return selected_pset;
/* Looks like selected_pset is not available for scheduling; remove it from candidate_cluster_bitmap */
bitmap_clear(&candidate_cluster_bitmap, selected_pset->pset_cluster_id);
if (__improbable(bitmap_first(&candidate_cluster_bitmap, sched_edge_max_clusters) == -1)) {
return NULL;
/* Try and find an alternative for the selected pset */
selected_pset = sched_edge_candidate_alternative(selected_pset, candidate_cluster_bitmap);
goto migrate_candidate_available_check;
static processor_t
sched_edge_choose_processor(processor_set_t pset, processor_t processor, thread_t thread)
/* Bound threads don't call this function */
assert(thread->bound_processor == PROCESSOR_NULL);
processor_t chosen_processor = PROCESSOR_NULL;
* sched_edge_preferred_pset() returns the preferred pset for a given thread.
* It should take the passed in "pset" as a hint which represents the recency metric for
* pset selection logic.
processor_set_t preferred_pset = pset_array[sched_edge_thread_preferred_cluster(thread)];
processor_set_t chosen_pset = preferred_pset;
* If the preferred pset is overloaded, find a pset which is the best candidate to migrate
* threads to. sched_edge_migrate_candidate() returns the preferred pset
* if it has capacity; otherwise finds the best candidate pset to migrate this thread to.
* Edge Scheduler Optimization
* It might be useful to build a recency metric for the thread for multiple clusters and
* factor that into the migration decisions.
chosen_pset = sched_edge_migrate_candidate(preferred_pset, thread, pset, true);
if (chosen_pset) {
chosen_processor = choose_processor(chosen_pset, processor, thread);
/* For RT threads, choose_processor() can return a different cluster than the one passed into it */
assert(chosen_processor ? chosen_processor->processor_set->pset_type == chosen_pset->pset_type : true);
return chosen_processor;
* sched_edge_clutch_bucket_threads_drain()
* Drains all the runnable threads which are not restricted to the root_clutch (due to clutch
* bucket overrides etc.) into a local thread queue.
static void
sched_edge_clutch_bucket_threads_drain(sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket, sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch, queue_t clutch_threads)
thread_t thread = THREAD_NULL;
uint64_t current_timestamp = mach_approximate_time();
qe_foreach_element_safe(thread, &clutch_bucket->scb_thread_timeshare_queue, th_clutch_timeshare_link) {
sched_clutch_thread_remove(root_clutch, thread, current_timestamp, SCHED_CLUTCH_BUCKET_OPTIONS_NONE);
enqueue_tail(clutch_threads, &thread->runq_links);
* sched_edge_run_drained_threads()
* Makes all drained threads in a local queue runnable.
static void
sched_edge_run_drained_threads(queue_t clutch_threads)
thread_t thread;
/* Now setrun all the threads in the local queue */
qe_foreach_element_safe(thread, clutch_threads, runq_links) {
thread_setrun(thread, SCHED_TAILQ);
* sched_edge_update_preferred_cluster()
* Routine to update the preferred cluster for QoS buckets within a thread group.
* The buckets to be updated are specifed as a bitmap (clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap).
static void
sched_clutch_t sched_clutch,
bitmap_t *clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap,
uint32_t *tg_bucket_preferred_cluster)
for (int bucket = bitmap_first(clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX); bucket >= 0; bucket = bitmap_next(clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap, bucket)) {
os_atomic_store(&sched_clutch->sc_clutch_groups[bucket].scbg_preferred_cluster, tg_bucket_preferred_cluster[bucket], relaxed);
* sched_edge_migrate_thread_group_runnable_threads()
* Routine to implement the migration of threads on a cluster when the thread group
* recommendation is updated. The migration works using a 2-phase
* algorithm.
* Phase 1: With the pset lock held, check the recommendation of the clutch buckets.
* For each clutch bucket, if it needs to be migrated immediately, drain the threads
* into a local thread queue. Otherwise mark the clutch bucket as native/foreign as
* appropriate.
* Phase 2: After unlocking the pset, drain all the threads from the local thread
* queue and mark them runnable which should land them in the right hierarchy.
* The routine assumes that the preferences for the clutch buckets/clutch bucket
* groups have already been updated by the caller.
* - Called with the pset locked and interrupts disabled.
* - Returns with the pset unlocked.
static void
sched_clutch_t sched_clutch,
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
bitmap_t *clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap,
__unused uint32_t *tg_bucket_preferred_cluster,
bool migrate_immediately)
/* Queue to hold threads that have been drained from clutch buckets to be migrated */
queue_head_t clutch_threads;
for (int bucket = bitmap_first(clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX); bucket >= 0; bucket = bitmap_next(clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap, bucket)) {
/* Get the clutch bucket for this cluster and sched bucket */
sched_clutch_bucket_group_t clutch_bucket_group = &(sched_clutch->sc_clutch_groups[bucket]);
sched_clutch_bucket_t clutch_bucket = &(clutch_bucket_group->scbg_clutch_buckets[root_clutch->scr_cluster_id]);
sched_clutch_root_t scb_root = os_atomic_load(&clutch_bucket->scb_root, relaxed);
if (scb_root == NULL) {
/* Clutch bucket not runnable or already in the right hierarchy; nothing to do here */
assert(clutch_bucket->scb_thr_count == 0);
assert(scb_root == root_clutch);
uint32_t clutch_bucket_preferred_cluster = sched_clutch_bucket_preferred_cluster(clutch_bucket);
if (migrate_immediately) {
* For transitions where threads need to be migrated immediately, drain the threads into a
* local queue unless we are looking at the clutch buckets for the newly recommended
* cluster.
if (root_clutch->scr_cluster_id != clutch_bucket_preferred_cluster) {
sched_edge_clutch_bucket_threads_drain(clutch_bucket, scb_root, &clutch_threads);
} else {
sched_clutch_bucket_mark_native(clutch_bucket, root_clutch);
} else {
/* Check if this cluster is the same type as the newly recommended cluster */
boolean_t homogeneous_cluster = (pset_type_for_id(root_clutch->scr_cluster_id) == pset_type_for_id(clutch_bucket_preferred_cluster));
* If threads do not have to be migrated immediately, just change the native/foreign
* flag on the clutch bucket.
if (homogeneous_cluster) {
sched_clutch_bucket_mark_native(clutch_bucket, root_clutch);
} else {
sched_clutch_bucket_mark_foreign(clutch_bucket, root_clutch);
* sched_edge_migrate_thread_group_running_threads()
* Routine to find all running threads of a thread group on a specific cluster
* and IPI them if they need to be moved immediately.
static void
sched_clutch_t sched_clutch,
sched_clutch_root_t root_clutch,
__unused bitmap_t *clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap,
uint32_t *tg_bucket_preferred_cluster,
bool migrate_immediately)
if (migrate_immediately == false) {
/* If CLPC has recommended not to move threads immediately, nothing to do here */
* Edge Scheduler Optimization
* When the system has a large number of clusters and cores, it might be useful to
* narrow down the iteration by using a thread running bitmap per clutch.
uint64_t ast_processor_map = 0;
sched_ipi_type_t ipi_type[MAX_CPUS] = {SCHED_IPI_NONE};
uint64_t running_map = root_clutch->scr_pset->cpu_state_map[PROCESSOR_RUNNING];
* Iterate all CPUs and look for the ones running threads from this thread group and are
* not restricted to the specific cluster (due to overrides etc.)
for (int cpuid = lsb_first(running_map); cpuid >= 0; cpuid = lsb_next(running_map, cpuid)) {
processor_t src_processor = processor_array[cpuid];
boolean_t expected_tg = (src_processor->current_thread_group == sched_clutch->sc_tg);
sched_bucket_t processor_sched_bucket = src_processor->processor_set->cpu_running_buckets[cpuid];
if (processor_sched_bucket == TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX) {
boolean_t non_preferred_cluster = tg_bucket_preferred_cluster[processor_sched_bucket] != root_clutch->scr_cluster_id;
if (expected_tg && non_preferred_cluster) {
ipi_type[cpuid] = sched_ipi_action(src_processor, NULL, SCHED_IPI_EVENT_REBALANCE);
if (ipi_type[cpuid] != SCHED_IPI_NONE) {
bit_set(ast_processor_map, cpuid);
} else if (src_processor == current_processor()) {
bit_set(root_clutch->scr_pset->pending_AST_PREEMPT_cpu_mask, cpuid);
ast_t new_preempt = update_pending_nonurgent_preemption(src_processor, AST_PREEMPT);
/* Perform all the IPIs */
if (bit_first(ast_processor_map) != -1) {
for (int cpuid = lsb_first(ast_processor_map); cpuid >= 0; cpuid = lsb_next(ast_processor_map, cpuid)) {
processor_t ast_processor = processor_array[cpuid];
sched_ipi_perform(ast_processor, ipi_type[cpuid]);
KDBG(MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_SCHED, MACH_AMP_RECOMMENDATION_CHANGE) | DBG_FUNC_NONE, thread_group_get_id(sched_clutch->sc_tg), ast_processor_map, 0, 0);
* sched_edge_tg_preferred_cluster_change()
* Routine to handle changes to a thread group's recommendation. In the Edge Scheduler, the preferred cluster
* is specified on a per-QoS basis within a thread group. The routine updates the preferences and performs
* thread migrations based on the policy specified by CLPC.
* tg_bucket_preferred_cluster is an array of size TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX which specifies the new preferred cluster
* for each QoS within the thread group.
sched_edge_tg_preferred_cluster_change(struct thread_group *tg, uint32_t *tg_bucket_preferred_cluster, sched_perfcontrol_preferred_cluster_options_t options)
sched_clutch_t clutch = sched_clutch_for_thread_group(tg);
* In order to optimize the processing, create a bitmap which represents all QoS buckets
* for which the preferred cluster has changed.
bitmap_t clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap[BITMAP_LEN(TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX)] = {0};
for (sched_bucket_t bucket = TH_BUCKET_FIXPRI; bucket < TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX; bucket++) {
uint32_t old_preferred_cluster = sched_edge_clutch_bucket_group_preferred_cluster(&clutch->sc_clutch_groups[bucket]);
uint32_t new_preferred_cluster = tg_bucket_preferred_cluster[bucket];
if (old_preferred_cluster != new_preferred_cluster) {
bitmap_set(clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap, bucket);
if (bitmap_lsb_first(clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap, TH_BUCKET_SCHED_MAX) == -1) {
/* No changes in any clutch buckets; nothing to do here */
for (uint32_t cluster_id = 0; cluster_id < sched_edge_max_clusters; cluster_id++) {
processor_set_t pset = pset_array[cluster_id];
spl_t s = splsched();
* The first operation is to update the preferred cluster for all QoS buckets within the
* thread group so that any future threads becoming runnable would see the new preferred
* cluster value.
sched_edge_update_preferred_cluster(clutch, clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap, tg_bucket_preferred_cluster);
* Currently iterates all clusters looking for running threads for a TG to be migrated. Can be optimized
* by keeping a per-clutch bitmap of clusters running threads for a particular TG.
* Edge Scheduler Optimization
/* Migrate all running threads of the TG on this cluster based on options specified by CLPC */
sched_edge_migrate_thread_group_running_threads(clutch, &pset->pset_clutch_root, clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap,
tg_bucket_preferred_cluster, (options & SCHED_PERFCONTROL_PREFERRED_CLUSTER_MIGRATE_RUNNING));
/* Migrate all runnable threads of the TG in this cluster's hierarchy based on options specified by CLPC */
sched_edge_migrate_thread_group_runnable_threads(clutch, &pset->pset_clutch_root, clutch_bucket_modify_bitmap,
tg_bucket_preferred_cluster, (options & SCHED_PERFCONTROL_PREFERRED_CLUSTER_MIGRATE_RUNNABLE));
/* sched_edge_migrate_thread_group_runnable_threads() returns with pset unlocked */
* sched_edge_pset_made_schedulable()
* Routine to migrate all the clutch buckets which are not in their recommended
* pset hierarchy now that a new pset has become runnable. Its possible that this
* routine is called when the pset is already marked schedulable.
* Invoked with the pset lock held and interrupts disabled.
static void
sched_edge_pset_made_schedulable(__unused processor_t processor, processor_set_t dst_pset, boolean_t drop_lock)
if (bitmap_test(sched_edge_available_pset_bitmask, dst_pset->pset_cluster_id)) {
/* Nothing to do here since pset is already marked schedulable */
if (drop_lock) {
bitmap_set(sched_edge_available_pset_bitmask, dst_pset->pset_cluster_id);
thread_t thread = sched_edge_processor_idle(dst_pset);
if (thread != THREAD_NULL) {
thread_setrun(thread, SCHED_TAILQ);
if (!drop_lock) {
* sched_edge_cpu_init_completed()
* Callback routine from the platform layer once all CPUs/clusters have been initialized. This
* provides an opportunity for the edge scheduler to initialize all the edge parameters.
static void
spl_t s = splsched();
for (int src_cluster_id = 0; src_cluster_id < sched_edge_max_clusters; src_cluster_id++) {
processor_set_t src_pset = pset_array[src_cluster_id];
/* For each cluster, set all its outgoing edge parameters */
for (int dst_cluster_id = 0; dst_cluster_id < sched_edge_max_clusters; dst_cluster_id++) {
if (dst_cluster_id == src_cluster_id) {
processor_set_t dst_pset = pset_array[dst_cluster_id];
if (src_pset->pset_type == dst_pset->pset_type) {
/* P->P/E->E edge config */
bitmap_clear(src_pset->foreign_psets, dst_cluster_id);
bitmap_set(src_pset->native_psets, dst_cluster_id);
sched_edge_config_set(src_cluster_id, dst_cluster_id, (sched_clutch_edge){.sce_migration_weight = 0, .sce_migration_allowed = 1, .sce_steal_allowed = 1});
} else if ((src_pset->pset_type == CLUSTER_TYPE_P) && (dst_pset->pset_type == CLUSTER_TYPE_E)) {
/* P->E edge config */
bitmap_set(src_pset->foreign_psets, dst_cluster_id);
bitmap_clear(src_pset->native_psets, dst_cluster_id);
sched_edge_config_set(src_cluster_id, dst_cluster_id, (sched_clutch_edge){.sce_migration_weight = 64, .sce_migration_allowed = 1, .sce_steal_allowed = 1});
} else {
/* E->P edge config */
bitmap_set(src_pset->foreign_psets, dst_cluster_id);
bitmap_clear(src_pset->native_psets, dst_cluster_id);
sched_edge_config_set(src_cluster_id, dst_cluster_id, (sched_clutch_edge){.sce_migration_weight = 0, .sce_migration_allowed = 0, .sce_steal_allowed = 0});
bool clusters_local = (ml_get_die_id(src_cluster_id) == ml_get_die_id(dst_cluster_id));
if (clusters_local) {
bitmap_set(src_pset->local_psets, dst_cluster_id);
bitmap_clear(src_pset->remote_psets, dst_cluster_id);
} else {
bitmap_set(src_pset->remote_psets, dst_cluster_id);
bitmap_clear(src_pset->local_psets, dst_cluster_id);
static bool
sched_edge_thread_eligible_for_pset(thread_t thread, processor_set_t pset)
uint32_t preferred_cluster_id = sched_edge_thread_preferred_cluster(thread);
if (preferred_cluster_id == pset->pset_cluster_id) {
return true;
} else {
processor_set_t preferred_pset = pset_array[preferred_cluster_id];
return preferred_pset->sched_edges[pset->pset_cluster_id].sce_migration_allowed;
extern int sched_amp_spill_deferred_ipi;
extern int sched_amp_pcores_preempt_immediate_ipi;
int sched_edge_migrate_ipi_immediate = 1;
sched_edge_ipi_policy(processor_t dst, thread_t thread, boolean_t dst_idle, sched_ipi_event_t event)
processor_set_t pset = dst->processor_set;
assert(dst != current_processor());
boolean_t deferred_ipi_supported = false;
deferred_ipi_supported = true;
switch (event) {
/* For Spill event, use deferred IPIs if sched_amp_spill_deferred_ipi set */
if (deferred_ipi_supported && sched_amp_spill_deferred_ipi) {
return sched_ipi_deferred_policy(pset, dst, thread, event);
/* For preemption, the default policy is to use deferred IPIs
* for Non-RT P-core preemption. Override that behavior if
* sched_amp_pcores_preempt_immediate_ipi is set
if (thread && thread->sched_pri < BASEPRI_RTQUEUES) {
if (sched_amp_pcores_preempt_immediate_ipi && (pset_type_for_id(pset->pset_cluster_id) == CLUSTER_TYPE_P)) {
if (sched_edge_migrate_ipi_immediate) {
processor_set_t preferred_pset = pset_array[sched_edge_thread_preferred_cluster(thread)];
* For IPI'ing CPUs that are homogeneous with the preferred cluster, use immediate IPIs
if (preferred_pset->pset_type == pset->pset_type) {
* For workloads that are going wide, it might be useful use Immediate IPI to
* wakeup the idle CPU if the scheduler estimates that the preferred pset will
* be busy for the deferred IPI timeout. The Edge Scheduler uses the avg execution
* latency on the preferred pset as an estimate of busyness.
if ((preferred_pset->pset_execution_time[thread->th_sched_bucket].pset_avg_thread_execution_time * NSEC_PER_USEC) >= ml_cpu_signal_deferred_get_timer()) {
/* Default back to the global policy for all other scenarios */
return sched_ipi_policy(dst, thread, dst_idle, event);
* sched_edge_qos_max_parallelism()
sched_edge_qos_max_parallelism(int qos, uint64_t options)
uint32_t ecpu_count = ml_get_cpu_number_type(CLUSTER_TYPE_E, false, false);
uint32_t pcpu_count = ml_get_cpu_number_type(CLUSTER_TYPE_P, false, false);
uint32_t ecluster_count = ml_get_cluster_number_type(CLUSTER_TYPE_E);
uint32_t pcluster_count = ml_get_cluster_number_type(CLUSTER_TYPE_P);
/* For realtime threads on AMP, we would want them
* to limit the width to just the P-cores since we
* do not spill/rebalance for RT threads.
return (options & QOS_PARALLELISM_CLUSTER_SHARED_RESOURCE) ? pcluster_count : pcpu_count;
* The Edge scheduler supports per-QoS recommendations for thread groups.
* This enables lower QoS buckets (such as UT) to be scheduled on all
* CPUs on the system.
* The only restriction is for BG/Maintenance QoS classes for which the
* performance controller would never recommend execution on the P-cores.
* If that policy changes in the future, this value should be changed.
switch (qos) {
return (options & QOS_PARALLELISM_CLUSTER_SHARED_RESOURCE) ? ecluster_count : ecpu_count;
return (options & QOS_PARALLELISM_CLUSTER_SHARED_RESOURCE) ? (ecluster_count + pcluster_count) : (ecpu_count + pcpu_count);
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */