* Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _KERN_SMR_HASH_H_
#define _KERN_SMR_HASH_H_
#include <kern/lock_mtx.h>
#include <kern/smr.h>
#include <os/hash.h>
#include <vm/vm_memtag.h>
#include <kern/lock_ptr.h>
#include <kern/counter.h>
* @typedef smrh_key_t
* @brief
* A union that can represent several kinds of keys for SMR Hash Tables.
* @discussion
* For strings or opaque structs, @c smrk_len must hold the correct key size.
* For scalars (using the smrk_u64 field), the length is more advisory.
typedef struct {
union {
const char *smrk_string;
const void *smrk_opaque;
uint64_t smrk_u64;
size_t smrk_len;
} smrh_key_t;
* @struct smrh_traits
* @brief
* This structure parametrizes the behavior of SMR hash tables.
* @discussion
* Such structures are typically made with @c SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE_*.
* Traits must be static and const in the same translation unit that implements
* the hash table, and possibly export methods to other modules. This design is
* not unlike C++ traits structure used in template parametrization, and rely on
* the constness of all structures for the compiler to actually elide most
* function calls, while maintaining decently good ergonomics.
* @field key_hash (automatic) computes a hash for a given key.
* @field key_equ (automatic) returns if two keys are equal
* @field obj_hash (automatic) computes a hash for a given object.
* @field obj_equ (automatic) returns if an object has the specified key
* @field domain the SMR domain which protects elements.
* @field obj_try_get function which attempts to acquire a reference on an
* object, or returns failure. This function is used
* to verify objects are "live" for the smrh_*_get()
* verbs.
struct smrh_traits {
unsigned long link_offset;
smr_t domain;
uint32_t (*key_hash)(smrh_key_t, uint32_t);
bool (*key_equ)(smrh_key_t, smrh_key_t);
uint32_t (*obj_hash)(const struct smrq_slink *, uint32_t);
bool (*obj_equ)(const struct smrq_slink *, smrh_key_t);
bool (*obj_try_get)(void *);
typedef const struct smrh_traits *smrh_traits_t;
#pragma mark SMR hash keys
* @macro SMRH_SCALAR_KEY()
* @brief
* Generates a @c smrh_key_t value out of a scalar.
#define SMRH_SCALAR_KEY(e) \
(smrh_key_t){ .smrk_u64 = (e), .smrk_len = sizeof(e) }
* @function smrh_key_hash_u32
* @brief
* Hashing function to use as a @c key_hash trait for 32bit scalars.
static inline uint32_t
smrh_key_hash_u32(smrh_key_t key, uint32_t seed)
uint32_t x = (uint32_t)key.smrk_u64 + seed;
x ^= x >> 16;
x *= 0x7feb352dU;
x ^= x >> 15;
x *= 0x846ca68bU;
x ^= x >> 16;
return x;
* @function smrh_key_hash_u64
* @brief
* Hashing function to use as a @c key_hash trait for 64bit scalars.
static inline uint32_t
smrh_key_hash_u64(smrh_key_t key, uint32_t seed)
uint64_t x = key.smrk_u64 + seed;
x ^= x >> 30;
x *= 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9U;
x ^= x >> 27;
x *= 0x94d049bb133111ebU;
x ^= x >> 31;
return (uint32_t)x;
* @function smrh_key_hash_mem
* @brief
* Hashing function to use as a @c key_hash trait for byte arrays.
static inline uint32_t
smrh_key_hash_mem(smrh_key_t key, uint32_t seed)
return os_hash_jenkins(key.smrk_opaque, key.smrk_len, seed);
* @function smrh_key_hash_str
* @brief
* Hashing function to use as a @c key_hash trait for C strings.
static inline uint32_t
smrh_key_hash_str(smrh_key_t key, uint32_t seed)
return os_hash_jenkins(key.smrk_opaque, key.smrk_len, seed);
* @function smrh_key_equ_scalar
* @brief
* Equality function to use as @c key_equ for scalars.
static inline bool
smrh_key_equ_scalar(smrh_key_t k1, smrh_key_t k2)
return k1.smrk_u64 == k2.smrk_u64;
* @function smrh_key_equ_mem
* @brief
* Equality function to use as @c key_equ for byte arrays.
static inline bool
smrh_key_equ_mem(smrh_key_t k1, smrh_key_t k2)
assert(k1.smrk_len == k2.smrk_len);
return memcmp(k1.smrk_opaque, k2.smrk_opaque, k1.smrk_len) == 0;
* @function smrh_key_equ_str
* @brief
* Equality function to use as @c key_equ for strings.
static inline bool
smrh_key_equ_str(smrh_key_t k1, smrh_key_t k2)
return k1.smrk_len == k2.smrk_len &&
memcmp(k1.smrk_opaque, k2.smrk_opaque, k1.smrk_len) == 0;
#pragma mark SMR hash traits
#if __cplusplus
#define __smrh_traits_storage static constexpr
#define __smrh_traits_storage static const __used
* @brief
* Defines a relatively naked typed SMR Hash traits structure.
* @discussion
* Clients must provide:
* - domain,
* - key_hash,
* - key_equ,
* - obj_hash,
* - obj_equ.
* Clients might provide:
* - obj_try_get.
* @param name the name of the global to create.
* @param type_t the type of objects that will be hashed
* @param link_field the linkage used to link elements
#define SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE(name, type_t, link_field, ...) \
__smrh_traits_storage struct name { \
type_t *smrht_obj_type[0]; \
struct smrh_traits smrht; \
} name = { .smrht = { \
.link_offset = offsetof(type_t, link_field), \
__VA_ARGS__ \
} }
* @brief
* Defines a relatively typed SMR Hash traits structure for scalar keys.
* @discussion
* Clients must provide:
* - domain.
* Clients might provide:
* - obj_try_get.
* @param name the name of the global to create.
* @param type_t the type of objects that will be hashed
* @param key_field the field holding the key
* @param link_field the linkage used to link elements
#define SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE_SCALAR(name, type_t, key_field, link_field, ...) \
static uint32_t \
name ## _obj_hash(const struct smrq_slink *link, uint32_t seed) \
{ \
__auto_type o = __container_of(link, const type_t, link_field); \
smrh_key_t k = SMRH_SCALAR_KEY(o->key_field); \
if (k.smrk_len > sizeof(uint32_t)) { \
return smrh_key_hash_u64(k, seed); \
} else { \
return smrh_key_hash_u32(k, seed); \
} \
} \
static bool \
name ## _obj_equ(const struct smrq_slink *link, smrh_key_t key) \
{ \
__auto_type o = __container_of(link, const type_t, link_field); \
return smrh_key_equ_scalar(SMRH_SCALAR_KEY(o->key_field), key); \
} \
SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE(name, type_t, link_field, \
.key_hash = sizeof(((type_t *)NULL)->key_field) > 4 \
? smrh_key_hash_u64 : smrh_key_hash_u32, \
.key_equ = smrh_key_equ_scalar, \
.obj_hash = name ## _obj_hash, \
.obj_equ = name ## _obj_equ, \
__VA_ARGS__ \
* @brief
* Defines a basic typed SMR Hash traits structure for string keys.
* @discussion
* Clients must provide:
* - domain,
* - obj_hash,
* - obj_equ.
* Clients might provide:
* - obj_try_get.
* @param name the name of the global to create.
* @param type_t the type of objects that will be hashed
* @param link_field the linkage used to link elements
#define SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE_STR(name, type_t, link_field, ...) \
SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE(name, type_t, link_field, \
.key_hash = smrh_key_hash_str, \
.key_equ = smrh_key_equ_str, \
__VA_ARGS__ \
* @brief
* Defines a basic typed SMR Hash traits structure for byte array keys.
* @discussion
* Clients must provide:
* - domain,
* - obj_hash,
* - obj_equ.
* Clients might provide:
* - obj_try_get.
* @param name the name of the global to create.
* @param type_t the type of objects that will be hashed
* @param link_field the linkage used to link elements
#define SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE_MEM(name, type_t, link_field, ...) \
SMRH_TRAITS_DEFINE(name, type_t, link_field, \
.key_hash = smrh_key_hash_mem, \
.key_equ = smrh_key_equ_mem, \
__VA_ARGS__ \
* @macro smrht_enter()
* @brief
* Conveniency macro to enter the domain associated
* with a specified hash table traits
#define smrht_enter(traits) \
* @macro smrht_leave()
* @brief
* Conveniency macro to leave the domain associated
* with a specified hash table traits
#define smrht_leave(traits) \
#pragma mark - SMR hash tables
* @struct smr_hash
* @brief
* This type implements simple closed addressing hash table.
* @discussion
* Using such a table allows for concurrent readers,
* but assumes external synchronization for mutations.
* In particular it means that insertions and deletions
* might block behind resizing the table.
* These hash tables aren't meant to be robust to attackers
* trying to cause hash collisions.
* Resizing is possible concurrently to readers implementing
* the relativistic hash table growth scheme.
* (https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/atc11/tech/final_files/Triplett.pdf)
struct smr_hash {
uintptr_t smrh_array;
uint32_t smrh_count;
bool smrh_resizing;
uint8_t smrh_unused1;
uint16_t smrh_unused2;
#pragma mark SMR hash tables: initialization and accessors
* @function smr_hash_init_empty()
* @brief
* Initializes a hash to be empty.
* @discussion
* No entry can be added to this hash, but lookup functions
* will return sensible results.
* @c smr_hash_init() must be used again if the hash is to be used for
* insertions, which is safe with respect to concurrent readers.
* Calling @c smr_hash_destroy() on an empty-initialized hash is legal.
* Whether the hash table is empty-initialized can be tested with
* @c smr_hash_is_empty_initialized().
extern void smr_hash_init_empty(
struct smr_hash *smrh);
* @function smr_hash_init()
* @brief
* Initializes a hash with the specified size.
* @discussion
* This function never fails but requires for `size` to be
* smaller than KALLOC_SAFE_ALLOC_SIZE / sizeof(struct smrq_slist_head)
* (or to be called during early boot).
extern void smr_hash_init(
struct smr_hash *smrh,
size_t size);
* @function smr_hash_destroy()
* @brief
* Destroys a hash initiailized with smr_hash_init().
* @discussion
* This doesn't clean up the table from any elements it still contains.
* @c smr_hash_serialized_clear() must be called first if needed.
extern void smr_hash_destroy(
struct smr_hash *smrh);
* @function smr_hash_is_empty_initialized()
* @brief
* Returns whether the smr hash is empty as a result of calling
* smr_hash_init_empty().
extern bool smr_hash_is_empty_initialized(
struct smr_hash *smrh);
* @struct smr_array
* @brief
* The array pointer of a hash is packed with its size for atomicity reasons,
* this type is used for decoding / setting this pointer.
struct smr_hash_array {
struct smrq_slist_head *smrh_array;
uint16_t smrh_order;
* @function smr_hash_array_decode
* @brief
* Decodes the array pointer of a hash table.
static inline struct smr_hash_array
smr_hash_array_decode(const struct smr_hash *smrh)
struct smr_hash_array array;
uintptr_t ptr = os_atomic_load(&smrh->smrh_array, relaxed);
array.smrh_order = (uint16_t)(ptr >> SMRH_ARRAY_ORDER_SHIFT);
ptr = vm_memtag_fixup_ptr(ptr);
array.smrh_array = (struct smrq_slist_head *)ptr;
return array;
* @function smr_hash_size()
* @brief
* Returns the number of buckets in the hash table.
__attribute__((overloadable, always_inline))
static inline unsigned long
smr_hash_size(struct smr_hash_array array)
return 1ul << (64 - array.smrh_order);
__attribute__((overloadable, always_inline))
static inline unsigned long
smr_hash_size(const struct smr_hash *smrh)
return smr_hash_size(smr_hash_array_decode(smrh));
* @function smr_hash_serialized_count()
* @brief
* Returns the number of elements in the hash table.
* @discussion
* It can be called without serialization held,
* but the value is then racy.
static inline unsigned long
smr_hash_serialized_count(const struct smr_hash *smrh)
return smrh->smrh_count;
#pragma mark SMR hash tables: read operations
* @function smr_hash_get()
* @brief
* Conveniency function for simple lookups.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain for this table must not be entered.
* This function doesn't require any synchronization and will enter/leave
* the SMR domain protecting elements automatically, and call the @c obj_try_get
* trait to validate/retain the element.
* @param smrh the hash table
* @param key the key to lookup
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_get(smrh, key, traits) ({ \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__smr_hash_get(smrh, key, &(traits)->smrht); \
* @function smr_hash_contains()
* @brief
* Conveniency function for simple contains checks.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain for this table must not be entered.
* This function doesn't require any synchronization and will enter/leave
* @param smrh the hash table
* @param key the key to lookup
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_contains(smrh, key, traits) ({ \
smrh_traits_t __smrht = &(traits)->smrht; \
struct smrq_slist_head *__hd; \
bool __contains; \
smr_enter(__smrht->domain); \
__hd = __smr_hash_bucket(smrh, key, __smrht); \
__contains = (__smr_hash_entered_find(__hd, key, __smrht) != NULL); \
smr_leave(__smrht->domain); \
__contains; \
* @function smr_hash_entered_find()
* @brief
* Lookups an element in the table by key.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain for this table must be entered.
* This function returns the first element found that matches the key.
* This element might be about to be deleted or stale, and it is up
* to the client to make that determination if required.
* There might be more elements that can be found for that key,
* but because elements are inserted at the head of buckets,
* other matches should all be staler entries than the one returned.
* @param smrh the hash table
* @param key the key to lookup
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_entered_find(smrh, key, traits) ({ \
smrh_traits_t __smrht = &(traits)->smrht; \
struct smrq_slist_head *__hd = __smr_hash_bucket(smrh, key, __smrht); \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__smr_hash_entered_find(__hd, key, __smrht); \
* @function smr_hash_serialized_find()
* @brief
* Lookups an element in the table by key.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain for this table must NOT be entered.
* This function requires external serialization with other mutations.
* This function returns the first element found that matches the key.
* This element might be about to be deleted or stale, and it is up
* to the client to make that determination if required.
* There might be more elements that can be found for that key,
* but because elements are inserted at the head of buckets,
* other matches should all be staler entries than the one returned.
* @param smrh the hash table
* @param key the key to lookup
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_serialized_find(smrh, key, traits) ({ \
smrh_traits_t __smrht = &(traits)->smrht; \
struct smrq_slist_head *__hd = __smr_hash_bucket(smrh, key, __smrht); \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__smr_hash_serialized_find(__hd, key, __smrht); \
#pragma mark SMR hash tables: mutations
* @function smr_hash_serialized_insert()
* @brief
* Insert an object in the hash table.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain for this table must NOT be entered.
* This function requires external serialization with other mutations.
* Clients of this call must have checked there is no previous entry
* for this key in the hash table.
* @param smrh the hash table
* @param link the pointer to the linkage to insert.
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_serialized_insert(smrh, link, traits) ({ \
smrh_traits_t __smrht = &(traits)->smrht; \
struct smr_hash *__h = (smrh); \
struct smrq_slink *__link = (link); \
struct smrq_slist_head *__hd; \
__hd = __smr_hash_bucket(__h, __link, __smrht); \
__h->smrh_count++; \
smrq_serialized_insert_head(__hd, __link); \
* @function smr_hash_serialized_get_or_insert()
* @brief
* Insert an object in the hash table, or get the conflicting element.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain for this table must NOT be entered.
* This function requires external serialization with other mutations.
* @param smrh the hash table
* @param link the pointer to the linkage to insert.
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_serialized_get_or_insert(smrh, key, link, traits) ({ \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__smr_hash_serialized_get_or_insert(smrh, key, \
link, &(traits)->smrht); \
* @function smr_hash_serialized_remove()
* @brief
* Remove an object from the hash table.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain for this table must NOT be entered.
* This function requires external serialization with other mutations.
* Note that the object once removed must be retired via SMR,
* and not freed immediately.
* If the object isn't in the hash table, this function will crash with
* a NULL deref while walking the bucket where the element should belong.
* @param smrh the hash table
* @param link the pointer to the linkage to remove.
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_serialized_remove(smrh, link, traits) ({ \
smrh_traits_t __smrht = &(traits)->smrht; \
struct smr_hash *__h = (smrh); \
struct smrq_slink *__link = (link); \
struct smrq_slist_head *__hd; \
__hd = __smr_hash_bucket(__h, __link, __smrht); \
__h->smrh_count--; \
smrq_serialized_remove(__hd, __link); \
* @function smr_hash_serialized_replace()
* @brief
* Replaces an object in the hash
* @discussion
* The SMR domain for this table must NOT be entered.
* This function requires external serialization with other mutations.
* Note that the old object once removed must be retired via SMR,
* and not freed immediately.
* If the old object isn't in the hash table, this function will crash with
* a NULL deref while walking the bucket where the element should belong.
* The new object MUST have the same key as the object it replaces,
* otherwise behavior is undefined.
* @param smrh the hash table
* @param old_link the pointer to the linkage to remove.
* @param new_link the pointer to the linkage to insert.
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_serialized_replace(smrh, old_link, new_link, traits) ({ \
smrh_traits_t __smrht = &(traits)->smrht; \
struct smrq_slink *__link = (old_link); \
struct smrq_slist_head *__hd; \
__hd = __smr_hash_bucket(smrh, __link, __smrht); \
smrq_serialized_replace(__hd, __link, (new_link)); \
* @function smr_hash_serialized_clear()
* @brief
* Empties an SMR hash table.
* @discussion
* This function requires external serialization with other mutations.
* @param smrh the hash table to clear
* @param traits the traits for this hash table
* @param free a block to call on each element in the table.
#define smr_hash_serialized_clear(smrh, traits, free...) \
__smr_hash_serialized_clear(smrh, &(traits)->smrht, free)
#pragma mark SMR hash tables: resizing
* Implementing the growth policy is not builtin because
* there is a LOT of ways to do it, with some variants
* (such as asynchronoulsy) require a lot of bookkeeping
* which would grow the structure and prevent lean clients
* to use it without any growth policy.
* @function smr_hash_serialized_should_shrink()
* @brief
* Allows implementing a typical policy for shrinking.
* @discussion
* Returns whether the table is at least @c min_size large,
* and whether the table has more than @c size_factor buckets
* per @c count_factor elements.
static inline bool
const struct smr_hash *smrh,
uint32_t min_size,
uint32_t size_factor,
uint32_t count_factor)
size_t size = smr_hash_size(smrh);
if (size > min_size && !smrh->smrh_resizing) {
return size * count_factor > smrh->smrh_count * size_factor;
return false;
* @function smr_hash_serialized_should_grow()
* @brief
* Allows implementing a typical policy for shrinking.
* @discussion
* Returns whether the table has less than @c size_factor buckets
* per @c count_factor elements.
static inline bool
const struct smr_hash *smrh,
uint32_t size_factor,
uint32_t count_factor)
size_t size = smr_hash_size(smrh);
if (!smrh->smrh_resizing) {
return size * count_factor < smrh->smrh_count * size_factor;
return false;
* @function smr_hash_shrink_and_unlock()
* @brief
* Shrinks a hash table (halves the number of buckets).
* @discussion
* This function synchronizes with other mutations using
* the passed in mutex.
* Shrinking is a relatively fast operation (however it still
* is mostly linear in the number of elements in the hash).
* This function doesn't perform any policy checks such as
* "minimal size" being sane or density of buckets being good.
* This function assumes it is called with the lock held,
* and returns with it unlocked.
* @returns
* - KERN_SUCCESS: the resize was successful.
* - KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE: the system was out of memory.
* - KERN_FAILURE: the hash table was already resizing.
#define smr_hash_shrink_and_unlock(smrh, mutex, traits) \
__smr_hash_shrink_and_unlock(smrh, mutex, &(traits)->smrht)
* @function smr_hash_grow_and_unlock()
* @brief
* Grows a hash table (doubles the number of buckets).
* @discussion
* This function synchronizes with other mutations using
* the passed in mutex.
* Growing is relatively expensive, as it will rehash all elements,
* and call smr_synchronize() several times over the course
* of the operation. And mutations are delayed while this growth is
* occurring.
* This function doesn't perform any policy checks such as
* "maximal size" being sane or density of buckets being good.
* This function assumes it is called with the lock held,
* and returns with it unlocked.
* @returns
* - KERN_SUCCESS: the resize was successful.
* - KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE: the system was out of memory.
* - KERN_FAILURE: the hash table was already resizing.
#define smr_hash_grow_and_unlock(smrh, mutex, traits) \
__smr_hash_grow_and_unlock(smrh, mutex, &(traits)->smrht)
#pragma mark SMR hash tables: iteration
* @struct smr_hash_iterator
* @brief
* Structure used for SMR hash iterations.
* @discussion
* Do not manipulate internal fields directly, use the accessors instead.
* Using iteration can be done either under an entered SMR domain,
* or under serialization.
* However erasure is only supported under serialization.
* Note that entered enumeration is done with preemption disabled
* and should be used in a limited capacity. Such enumerations
* might observe elements already removed from the table (due
* to concurrent deletions) or elements twice (due to concurrent resizes).
struct smr_hash_iterator {
struct smr_hash *smrh;
struct smrq_slist_head *hd_next;
struct smrq_slist_head *hd_last;
__smrq_slink_t *prev;
struct smrq_slink *link;
* @function smr_hash_iter_begin()
* @brief
* Initialize an SMR iterator, and advance it to the first element.
* @discussion
* This function must be used in either serialized or entered context.
static inline struct smr_hash_iterator
smr_hash_iter_begin(struct smr_hash *smrh)
struct smr_hash_array array = smr_hash_array_decode(smrh);
struct smr_hash_iterator it = {
.smrh = smrh,
.hd_next = array.smrh_array,
.hd_last = array.smrh_array + smr_hash_size(array),
do {
it.prev = &it.hd_next->first;
it.link = smr_entered_load(it.prev);
} while (it.link == NULL && it.hd_next < it.hd_last);
return it;
* @function smr_hash_iter_get()
* @brief
* Returns the current value of the iterator, or NULL.
* @discussion
* This function must be used in either serialized or entered context.
#define smr_hash_iter_get(it, traits) ({ \
struct smr_hash_iterator __smrh_it = (it); \
void *__obj = NULL; \
if (__smrh_it.link) { \
__obj = __smrht_link_to_obj(&(traits)->smrht, __smrh_it.link); \
} \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__obj; \
* @function smr_hash_iter_advance()
* @brief
* Advance the iterator to the next element.
* @description
* This function must be used in either serialized or entered context.
static inline void
smr_hash_iter_advance(struct smr_hash_iterator *it)
it->prev = &it->link->next;
while ((it->link = smr_entered_load(it->prev)) == NULL) {
if (it->hd_next == it->hd_last) {
it->prev = &it->hd_next->first;
* @function smr_hash_iter_serialized_erase()
* @brief
* Erases the current item from the hash and advance the cursor.
* @description
* This function requires external serialization with other mutations.
* The object once removed must be retired via SMR,
* and not freed immediately.
static inline void
smr_hash_iter_serialized_erase(struct smr_hash_iterator *it)
it->link = smr_serialized_load(&it->link->next);
smr_serialized_store_relaxed(it->prev, it->link);
while (it->link == NULL) {
if (it->hd_next == it->hd_last) {
it->prev = &it->hd_next->first;
it->link = smr_serialized_load(it->prev);
* @function smr_hash_foreach()
* @brief
* Enumerates all elements in a hash table.
* @discussion
* This function must be used in either serialized or entered context.
* When used in entered context, the enumeration might observe stale objects
* that haven't been removed yet, or elements twice (due to concurrent resizes),
* and the disambiguation must be done by the client if it matters.
* It is not permitted to erase elements during this enumeration,
* manual use of the iterator APIs must be used if this is desired.
* @param obj the enumerator variable
* @param smrh the hash table to enumerate
* @param traits the traits for the hash table
#define smr_hash_foreach(obj, smrh, traits) \
for (struct smr_hash_iterator __it = smr_hash_iter_begin(smrh); \
((obj) = smr_hash_iter_get(__it, traits)); \
#pragma mark - SMR scalable hash tables
* @typedef smrsh_state_t
* @brief
* Atomic state for the scalable SMR hash table.
* @discussion
* Scalable hash tables have 2 sets of seeds and bucket arrays,
* which are used for concurrent rehashing.
* Each growth/shrink/re-seed operation will swap sizes
* and set of seed/array atomically by changing the state.
typedef struct {
uint8_t curidx;
uint8_t curshift;
uint8_t newidx;
uint8_t newshift;
} smrsh_state_t;
* @typedef smrsh_rehash_t
* @brief
* Internal state management for various rehashing operations.
__options_closed_decl(smrsh_rehash_t, uint8_t, {
* @enum smrsh_policy_t
* @brief
* Describes the growth/shrink policies for scalable SMR hash tables.
* @description
* In general, singleton global hash tables that are central
* to the performance of the system likely want to use
* Hash tables that tend to be instantiated multiple times,
* or have bursty behaviors should use more conservative policies.
* Choose a policy that is very memory conscious and will favour aggressive
* shrinking and allow relatively long hash chains.
* Choose a balanced policy that allows for medium sized hash chains,
* and shrinks less aggressively than @c SMRSH_COMPACT.
* This policy is the same as @c SMRSH_BALANCED, but the hash table
* will not be allowed to shrink.
* This policy grows aggressively, only tolerating relatively short
* hash chains, and will never shrink.
__enum_closed_decl(smrsh_policy_t, uint32_t, {
* @struct smr_shash
* @brief
* Type for scalable SMR hash table.
* @description
* Unlike its little brother @c smr_hash, these kinds of hash tables
* allow for concurrent mutations (with fined grained per-bucket locks)
* of the hash table.
* It also observes high collision rates and tries to adjust the hash
* seeds in order to rebalance the hash tables when this happens.
* All this goodness however comes at a cost:
* - these hash tables can't be enumerated
* - these hash tables are substantially bigger (@c smr_hash is 2 pointers big,
* where @c smr_shash is bigger and allocates a thread_call and a scalable
* counter).
struct smr_shash {
hw_lck_ptr_t *_Atomic smrsh_array[2];
uint32_t _Atomic smrsh_seed[2];
smrsh_state_t _Atomic smrsh_state;
smrsh_rehash_t _Atomic smrsh_rehashing;
smrsh_policy_t smrsh_policy;
uint16_t smrsh_min_shift : 5;
uint16_t __unused_bits : 11;
scalable_counter_t smrsh_count;
struct thread_call *smrsh_callout;
#pragma mark SMR scalable hash tables: initialization and accessors
* @function smr_shash_init()
* @brief
* Initializes a scalable hash table.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table struct to initialize.
* @param policy the growth policy to use (see @c smrsh_policy_t).
* @param min_size the number of buckets the table should not shrink below.
extern void smr_shash_init(
struct smr_shash *smrh,
smrsh_policy_t policy,
size_t min_size);
* @function smr_shash_destroy()
* @brief
* Releases the resources held by a table.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table struct to destroy.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
* @param free an optional callback to call on each element
* still in the hash table.
#define smr_shash_destroy(smrh, traits, free...) \
__smr_shash_destroy(smrh, &(traits)->smrht, free)
#pragma mark SMR scalable hash tables: read operations
* @function smr_shash_entered_find()
* @brief
* Looks up an element by key in the hash table.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table elements must have been entered
* to call this function.
* This function returns an object for which the @c obj_try_get
* callback hasn't been called, which means that accessing the element
* is only valid inside the current SMR critical section, or until
* further action to "retain" the element has been taken.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param key the key to lookup.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
* @returns the first found element or NULL.
#define smr_shash_entered_find(smrh, key, traits) ({ \
void *__obj; \
__obj = __smr_shash_entered_find(smrh, key, &(traits)->smrht); \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__obj; \
* @function smr_shash_entered_get()
* @brief
* Looks up an element by key in the hash table.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table elements must have been entered
* to call this function.
* This function returns an object for which the @c obj_try_get
* callback has been called, which ensures it is valid even
* after the current SMR critical section ends.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param key the key to lookup.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
* @returns the first found element or NULL.
#define smr_shash_entered_get(smrh, key, traits) ({ \
void *__obj; \
__obj = __smr_shash_entered_get(smrh, key, &(traits)->smrht); \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__obj; \
* @function smr_shash_get()
* @brief
* Looks up an element by key in the hash table.
* @discussion
* Conveniency wrapper for @c smr_shash_entered_get()
* which creates an SMR critical section around its call.
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table must NOT have been entered
* to call this function.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param key the key to lookup.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
* @returns the first found element or NULL.
#define smr_shash_get(smrh, key, traits) ({ \
void *__obj; \
smrht_enter(traits); \
__obj = __smr_shash_entered_get(smrh, key, &(traits)->smrht); \
smrht_leave(traits); \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__obj; \
#pragma mark SMR scalable hash tables: mutations
* @function smr_shash_entered_get_or_insert()
* @brief
* Inserts an element in the hash table, or return a pre-existing element
* in the hash table for that key.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table elements must have been entered
* to call this function.
* This function either returns an object for which the @c obj_try_get
* callback has been called, or inserts the passed in element.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param key the key to lookup.
* @param link the element to insert (its "key" must be @c key).
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
* @returns NULL if the insertion happened,
* or the "retained" colliding element otherwise.
#define smr_shash_entered_get_or_insert(smrh, key, link, traits) ({ \
smrh_traits_t __smrht = &(traits)->smrht; \
void *__obj; \
__obj = __smr_shash_entered_get_or_insert(smrh, key, link, \
&(traits)->smrht); \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__obj; \
* @function smr_shash_get_or_insert()
* @brief
* Looks up an element by key in the hash table.
* @discussion
* Conveniency wrapper for @c smr_shash_entered_get_or_insert()
* which creates an SMR critical section around its call.
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table must NOT have been entered
* to call this function.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param key the key to lookup.
* @param link the element to insert (its "key" must be @c key).
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
* @returns NULL if the insertion happened,
* or the "retained" colliding element otherwise.
#define smr_shash_get_or_insert(smrh, key, link, traits) ({ \
void *__obj; \
smrht_enter(traits); \
__obj = __smr_shash_entered_get_or_insert(smrh, key, link, \
&(traits)->smrht); \
smrht_leave(traits); \
(smrht_obj_t(traits))__obj; \
* @function smr_shash_entered_remove()
* @brief
* Removes an element from the hash table.
* @discussion
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table must have been entered
* to call this function.
* The removed element can't be added back to the hash table
* and must be retired via SMR and not freed immediately.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param link the element to remove from the hash table.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
#define smr_shash_entered_remove(smrh, link, traits) ({ \
smr_shash_mut_cursor_t __cursor; \
struct smrq_slink *__link = (link); \
struct smr_shash *__smrh = (smrh); \
__cursor = smr_shash_entered_mut_begin(__smrh, __link, traits); \
smr_shash_entered_mut_erase(__smrh, __cursor, __link, traits); \
* @function smr_shash_remove()
* @brief
* Removes an element from the hash table.
* @discussion
* Conveniency wrapper for @c smr_shash_entered_remove()
* which creates an SMR critical section around its call.
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table must NOT have been entered
* to call this function.
* The removed element can't be added back to the hash table
* and must be retired via SMR and not freed immediately.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param link the element to remove from the hash table.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
#define smr_shash_remove(smrh, link, traits) ({ \
smrht_enter(traits); \
smr_shash_entered_remove(smrh, link, traits); \
smrht_leave(traits); \
* @function smr_shash_entered_replace()
* @brief
* Replaces an element in the hash table with another.
* @discussion
* Elements must have the same key, otherwise the behavior is undefined.
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table must have been entered
* to call this function.
* The removed element can't be added back to the hash table
* and must be retired via SMR and not freed immediately.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param old_link the element to remove from the hash table.
* @param new_link the element to insert in the hash table.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
#define smr_shash_entered_replace(smrh, old_link, new_link, traits) ({ \
smr_shash_mut_cursor_t __cursor; \
struct smrq_slink *__link = (old_link); \
__cursor = smr_shash_entered_mut_begin(smrh, __link, traits); \
smr_shash_entered_mut_replace(__cursor, __link, new_link); \
* @function smr_shash_replace()
* @brief
* Replaces an element in the hash table with another.
* @discussion
* Conveniency wrapper for @c smr_shash_entered_replace()
* which creates an SMR critical section around its call.
* Elements must have the same key, otherwise the behavior is undefined.
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table must NOT have been entered
* to call this function.
* The removed element can't be added back to the hash table
* and must be retired via SMR and not freed immediately.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param old_link the element to remove from the hash table.
* @param new_link the element to insert in the hash table.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
#define smr_shash_replace(smrh, old_link, new_link, traits) ({ \
smrht_enter(traits); \
smr_shash_entered_replace(smrh, old_link, new_link, traits); \
smrht_leave(traits); \
#pragma mark SMR scalable hash tables: advanced mutations
* @typedef smr_shash_mut_cursor_t
* @brief
* Cursor used for advanced mutations.
typedef struct {
hw_lck_ptr_t *head;
__smrq_slink_t *prev;
} smr_shash_mut_cursor_t;
* @macro smr_shash_entered_mut_begin()
* @brief
* Creates a mutation cursor for the specified element.
* @discussion
* A mutation cursor allows to erase or replace an element
* in the hash table.
* The cursor returned by this function holds a lock,
* and it is undefined to have two live cursors at a time
* (it will typically deadlock, and unlike typical locks,
* there's no a priori lock ordering that can be derived
* to prevent it).
* The SMR domain protecting the hash table must have been entered
* to call this function.
* One and exactly one of these three calls must be performed
* on a cursor before the SMR transaction is ended:
* - smr_shash_entered_mut_erase() to erase the element it was made for,
* - smr_shash_entered_mut_replace() to replace the element it was made for,
* - smr_shash_entered_mut_abort() to abandon the cursor without mutation.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param link the element to create a cursor for (must be in the hash).
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
#define smr_shash_entered_mut_begin(smrh, link, traits) \
__smr_shash_entered_mut_begin(smrh, link, &(traits)->smrht)
* @macro smr_shash_entered_mut_erase()
* @brief
* Erases the element used to make the cursor.
* @discussion
* The passed in element must be the same that was used to make the cursor.
* The call must be made in the same SMR transaction that was entered
* to make the cursor.
* The cursor is invalidated once this call returns.
* The removed element can't be added back to the hash table
* and must be retired via SMR and not freed immediately.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param cursor the cursor made for the element to remove.
* @param link the element used to create @c cursor.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
#define smr_shash_entered_mut_erase(smrh, cursor, link, traits) \
__smr_shash_entered_mut_erase(smrh, cursor, link, &(traits)->smrht)
* @macro smr_shash_entered_mut_replace()
* @brief
* Replaces the element used to make the cursor.
* @discussion
* The passed in element must be the same that was used to make the cursor.
* The call must be made in the same SMR transaction that was entered
* to make the cursor.
* The cursor is invalidated once this call returns.
* The removed element can't be added back to the hash table
* and must be retired via SMR and not freed immediately.
* The new object MUST have the same key as the object it replaces,
* otherwise behavior is undefined.
* @param smrh the scalable hash table.
* @param cursor the cursor made for the element to remove.
* @param old_link the element used to create @c cursor.
* @param new_link the element to replace @c old_link with.
* @param traits the SMR hash traits for this table.
#define smr_shash_entered_mut_replace(cursor, old_link, new_link, traits) \
__smr_shash_entered_mut_replace(cursor, old_link, new_link, &(traits)->smrht)
* @macro smr_shash_entered_mut_abort()
* @brief
* Invalidates a cursor made with @c smr_shash_entered_mut_begin()
* @discussion
* The call must be made in the same SMR transaction that was entered
* to make the cursor.
* @param cursor the cursor to invalidate.
#define smr_shash_entered_mut_abort(cursor) \
#pragma mark - implementation details
#pragma mark SMR hash traits
#define smrht_obj_t(traits) \
static inline void *
__smrht_link_to_obj(smrh_traits_t traits, const struct smrq_slink *link)
void *ptr = (void *)((uintptr_t)link - traits->link_offset);
__builtin_assume(ptr != NULL);
return ptr;
#pragma mark SMR hash tables
static inline unsigned long
__smr_hash_mask(struct smr_hash_array array)
return ~0ul >> array.smrh_order;
static inline struct smrq_slist_head *
const struct smr_hash *smrh,
struct smrq_slink *link,
smrh_traits_t smrht)
struct smr_hash_array array = smr_hash_array_decode(smrh);
uint32_t index = __smr_hash_mask(array) & smrht->obj_hash(link, 0);
return &array.smrh_array[index];
static inline struct smrq_slist_head *
const struct smr_hash *smrh,
smrh_key_t key,
smrh_traits_t smrht)
struct smr_hash_array array = smr_hash_array_decode(smrh);
uint32_t index = __smr_hash_mask(array) & smrht->key_hash(key, 0);
return &array.smrh_array[index];
static inline void *
const struct smrq_slist_head *head,
smrh_key_t key,
smrh_traits_t smrht)
for (struct smrq_slink *link = smr_entered_load(&head->first);
link; link = smr_entered_load(&link->next)) {
if (smrht->obj_equ(link, key)) {
return __smrht_link_to_obj(smrht, link);
return NULL;
static inline void *
const struct smrq_slist_head *head,
smrh_key_t key,
smrh_traits_t smrht)
for (struct smrq_slink *link = smr_serialized_load(&head->first);
link; link = smr_serialized_load(&link->next)) {
if (smrht->obj_equ(link, key)) {
return __smrht_link_to_obj(smrht, link);
return NULL;
static inline void *
const struct smr_hash *smrh,
smrh_key_t key,
smrh_traits_t smrht)
struct smrq_slist_head *head;
void *obj = NULL;
head = __smr_hash_bucket(smrh, key, smrht);
obj = __smr_hash_entered_find(head, key, smrht);
if (obj && !smrht->obj_try_get(obj)) {
obj = NULL;
return obj;
static inline void *
struct smr_hash *smrh,
smrh_key_t key,
struct smrq_slink *link,
smrh_traits_t smrht)
struct smrq_slist_head *head;
void *obj = NULL;
head = __smr_hash_bucket(smrh, key, smrht);
obj = __smr_hash_serialized_find(head, key, smrht);
if (!obj || !smrht->obj_try_get(obj)) {
smrq_serialized_insert_head(head, link);
obj = NULL;
return obj;
extern void __smr_hash_serialized_clear(
struct smr_hash *smrh,
smrh_traits_t smrht,
void (^free)(void *obj));
extern kern_return_t __smr_hash_shrink_and_unlock(
struct smr_hash *smrh,
lck_mtx_t *lock,
smrh_traits_t smrht);
extern kern_return_t __smr_hash_grow_and_unlock(
struct smr_hash *smrh,
lck_mtx_t *lock,
smrh_traits_t smrht);
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
#pragma mark SMR scalable hash tables
__enum_closed_decl(smrsh_sel_t, uint8_t, {
static inline uint32_t
const struct smr_shash *smrh,
size_t idx)
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)smrh->smrsh_seed;
* prevent the optimizer from thinking it knows _anything_
* about `smrsh_seed` to avoid codegen like this:
* return idx ? smrh->smrsh_seed[1] : smrh->smrsh_seed[0]
* This only has a control dependency which doesn't provide
* the proper ordering. (control dependencies order
* writes-after-dependency and not loads).
return os_atomic_load(&((const uint32_t _Atomic *)addr)[idx], relaxed);
static inline hw_lck_ptr_t *
const struct smr_shash *smrh,
size_t idx)
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)smrh->smrsh_array;
* prevent the optimizer from thinking it knows _anything_
* about `smrsh_array` to avoid codegen like this:
* return idx ? smrh->smrsh_array[1] : smrh->smrsh_array[0]
* This only has a control dependency which doesn't provide
* the proper ordering. (control dependencies order
* writes-after-dependency and not loads).
return os_atomic_load(&((hw_lck_ptr_t * _Atomic const *)addr)[idx], relaxed);
__attribute__((always_inline, overloadable))
static inline uint32_t
const struct smr_shash *smrh,
size_t idx,
smrh_key_t key,
smrh_traits_t traits)
return traits->key_hash(key, __smr_shash_load_seed(smrh, idx));
__attribute__((always_inline, overloadable))
static inline uint32_t
const struct smr_shash *smrh,
size_t idx,
const struct smrq_slink *link,
smrh_traits_t traits)
return traits->obj_hash(link, __smr_shash_load_seed(smrh, idx));
static inline hw_lck_ptr_t *
const struct smr_shash *smrh,
smrsh_state_t state,
smrsh_sel_t sel,
uint32_t hash)
hw_lck_ptr_t *array;
uint8_t shift;
switch (sel) {
array = __smr_shash_load_array(smrh, state.curidx);
shift = state.curshift;
array = __smr_shash_load_array(smrh, state.newidx);
shift = state.newshift;
return &array[hash >> shift];
static inline bool
__smr_shash_is_stop(struct smrq_slink *link)
return (uintptr_t)link & SMRSH_BUCKET_STOP_BIT;
static inline struct smrq_slink *
__smr_shash_bucket_stop(const hw_lck_ptr_t *head)
return (struct smrq_slink *)((uintptr_t)head | SMRSH_BUCKET_STOP_BIT);
extern void *__smr_shash_entered_find_slow(
const struct smr_shash *smrh,
smrh_key_t key,
hw_lck_ptr_t *head,
smrh_traits_t traits);
static inline void *
const struct smr_shash *smrh,
smrh_key_t key,
smrh_traits_t traits)
struct smrq_slink *link;
smrsh_state_t state;
hw_lck_ptr_t *head;
uint32_t hash;
state = os_atomic_load(&smrh->smrsh_state, dependency);
hash = __smr_shash_hash(smrh, state.curidx, key, traits);
head = __smr_shash_bucket(smrh, state, SMRSH_CUR, hash);
link = (struct smrq_slink *)hw_lck_ptr_value(head);
while (!__smr_shash_is_stop(link)) {
if (traits->obj_equ(link, key)) {
return __smrht_link_to_obj(traits, link);
link = smr_entered_load(&link->next);
if (__probable(link == __smr_shash_bucket_stop(head))) {
return NULL;
return __smr_shash_entered_find_slow(smrh, key, head, traits);
static inline void *
const struct smr_shash *smrh,
smrh_key_t key,
smrh_traits_t traits)
void *obj = __smr_shash_entered_find(smrh, key, traits);
return obj && traits->obj_try_get(obj) ? obj : NULL;
extern void __smr_shash_destroy(
struct smr_shash *smrh,
smrh_traits_t traits,
void (^free)(void *));
extern void *__smr_shash_entered_get_or_insert(
struct smr_shash *smrh,
smrh_key_t key,
struct smrq_slink *link,
smrh_traits_t traits);
extern smr_shash_mut_cursor_t __smr_shash_entered_mut_begin(
struct smr_shash *smrh,
struct smrq_slink *link,
smrh_traits_t traits);
extern void __smr_shash_entered_mut_erase(
struct smr_shash *smrh,
smr_shash_mut_cursor_t cursor,
struct smrq_slink *link,
smrh_traits_t traits);
extern void __smr_shash_entered_mut_replace(
smr_shash_mut_cursor_t cursor,
struct smrq_slink *old_link,
struct smrq_slink *new_link);
extern void __smr_shash_entered_mut_abort(
smr_shash_mut_cursor_t cursor);
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#endif /* _KERN_SMR_HASH_H_ */