* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _WAITQ_H_
#define _WAITQ_H_
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/sync_policy.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h> /* for kern_return_t */
#include <kern/kern_types.h> /* for wait_queue_t */
#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <kern/assert.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
/* priority queue static asserts fail for __ARM64_ARCH_8_32__ kext builds */
#include <kern/priority_queue.h>
#include <kern/spl.h>
#include <kern/ticket_lock.h>
#include <kern/circle_queue.h>
#include <kern/mpsc_queue.h>
#include <machine/cpu_number.h>
#include <machine/machine_routines.h> /* machine_timeout_suspended() */
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
* @enum waitq_wakeup_flags_t
* Use the default behavior for wakeup.
* If the wait queue is a turnstile,
* set its inheritor to the woken up thread,
* or clear the inheritor if the last thread is woken up.
* Promote the woken up thread(s) with a MINPRI_WAITQ floor,
* until it calls waitq_clear_promotion_locked().
* @const WAITQ_UNLOCK (waitq_wakeup64_*_locked only)
* Unlock the wait queue before any thread_go() is called for woken up threads.
* @const WAITQ_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS (waitq_wakeup64_*_locked only)
* Also enable interrupts when unlocking the wait queue.
* @const WAITQ_KEEP_LOCKED (waitq_wakeup64_*_locked only)
* Keep the wait queue locked for this call.
* @const WAITQ_HANDOFF (waitq_wakeup64_one, waitq_wakeup64_identify*)
* Attempt a handoff to the woken up thread.
__options_decl(waitq_wakeup_flags_t, uint32_t, {
WAITQ_UNLOCK = 0x0004,
/* Opaque sizes and alignment used for struct verification */
#if __arm__ || __arm64__
#if __arm__
#define WQ_OPAQUE_SIZE 32
#define WQ_OPAQUE_SIZE 40
#elif __x86_64__
#define WQ_OPAQUE_SIZE 48
#error Unknown size requirement
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define __waitq_transparent_union
#define __waitq_transparent_union __attribute__((__transparent_union__))
* @typedef waitq_t
* @brief
* This is an abstract typedef used to denote waitq APIs that can be called
* on any kind of wait queue (or wait queue set).
typedef union {
struct waitq *wq_q;
struct waitq_set *wqs_set;
struct select_set *wqs_sel;
} __waitq_transparent_union waitq_t;
* The opaque waitq structure is here mostly for AIO and selinfo,
* but could potentially be used by other BSD subsystems.
struct waitq {
char opaque[WQ_OPAQUE_SIZE];
} __attribute__((aligned(WQ_OPAQUE_ALIGN)));
* @typedef waitq_link_t
* @brief
* Union that represents any kind of wait queue link.
* @discussion
* Unlike @c waitq_t which can be used safely on its own because
* @c waitq_type() can return which actual wait queue type is pointed at,
* @c waitq_link_t can't be used without knowing the type of wait queue
* (or wait queue set) it refers to.
typedef union {
struct waitq_link_hdr *wqlh;
struct waitq_sellink *wqls;
struct waitq_link *wqll;
} __waitq_transparent_union waitq_link_t;
#define WQL_NULL ((waitq_link_t){ .wqlh = NULL })
* @typedef waitq_link_list_t
* @brief
* List of wait queue links (used for cleanup).
* @discussion
* This type is engineered so that the way it links elements is equivalent
* to the "forward" linking of a circle queue.
typedef struct waitq_link_list_entry {
struct waitq_link_list_entry *next;
} waitq_link_list_t;
* @enum waitq_type_t
* @brief
* List of all possible wait queue (and wait queue set) types.
* @description
* (I) mark IRQ safe queues
* (P) mark queues that prepost to sets
* (S) mark wait queue sets
* (keep those together to allow range checks for irq-safe/sets)
__enum_decl(waitq_type_t, uint32_t, {
WQT_INVALID = 0x0, /**< ( ) invalid type, unintialized */
WQT_QUEUE = 0x1, /**< (I) general wait queue */
WQT_TURNSTILE = 0x2, /**< (I) wait queue used in @c turnstile */
WQT_PORT = 0x3, /**< (P) wait queue used in @c ipc_port_t */
WQT_SELECT = 0x4, /**< (P) wait queue used in @c selinfo */
WQT_PORT_SET = 0x5, /**< (S) wait queue set used in @c ipc_pset_t */
WQT_SELECT_SET = 0x6, /**< (S) wait queue set used for @c select() */
#pragma mark Mach-only types and helpers
* The waitq needs WAITQ_FLAGS_BITS, which leaves 27 or 59 bits
* for the eventmask.
#define _EVENT_MASK_BITS (8 * sizeof(waitq_flags_t) - WAITQ_FLAGS_BITS)
#if __arm64__
typedef uint32_t waitq_flags_t;
typedef unsigned long waitq_flags_t;
/* Make sure the port abuse of bits doesn't overflow the evntmask size */
(sizeof(struct { waitq_flags_t bits : WAITQ_FLAGS_BITS, __VA_ARGS__; }) \
> sizeof(waitq_flags_t))
#define WAITQ_FLAGS(prefix, ...) \
struct { \
waitq_type_t prefix##_type:3; \
waitq_flags_t \
prefix##_fifo:1, /* fifo wakeup policy? */ \
prefix##_preposted:1 /* queue was preposted */ \
__VA_ARGS__; \
* _type:
* the waitq type (a WQT_* value)
* _fifo:
* whether the wakeup policy is FIFO or LIFO.
* _preposted:
* o WQT_PORT: the port message queue is not empty
* o WQT_SELECT_SET: has the set been preposted to
* o others: unused
* _eventmask:
* o WQT_QUEUE: (global queues) mask events being waited on
* o WQT_PORT: many bits (see ipc_port_t)
* o WQT_PORT_SET: port_set index in its space
* o WQT_SELECT_SET: selset_conflict (is the conflict queue hooked)
* o other: unused
* _interlock:
* The lock of the waitq/waitq_set
* _queue/_prio_queue/_ts:
* WQT_SELECT_SET: circle queue of waiting threads
* o WQT_TURNSTILE: priority queue of waiting threads
* o WQT_PORT: pointer to the receive turnstile of the port
* _links/_inheritor/_sellinks:
* o WQT_PORT: linkages to WQT_PORT_SET waitq sets
* o WQT_SELECT: linkages to WQT_SELECT_SET select sets
* o WQT_TURNSTILE: turnstile inheritor
* o WQT_PORT_SET: WQT_PORT linkages that haven't preposted
* o other: unused
#define WAITQ_HDR(prefix, ...) \
WAITQ_FLAGS(prefix, __VA_ARGS__); \
hw_lck_ticket_t prefix##_interlock; \
uint8_t prefix##_padding[sizeof(waitq_flags_t) - \
sizeof(hw_lck_ticket_t)]; \
union { \
circle_queue_head_t prefix##_queue; \
struct priority_queue_sched_max prefix##_prio_queue; \
struct turnstile *prefix##_ts; \
}; \
union { \
circle_queue_head_t prefix##_links; \
waitq_link_list_t prefix##_sellinks; \
void *prefix##_inheritor; \
struct mpsc_queue_chain prefix##_defer; \
* @struct waitq
* @discussion
* This is the definition of the common event wait queue
* that the scheduler APIs understand. It is used
* internally by the gerneralized event waiting mechanism
* (assert_wait), and also for items that maintain their
* own wait queues (such as ports and semaphores).
* It is not published to other kernel components.
* NOTE: Hardware locks are used to protect event wait
* queues since interrupt code is free to post events to
* them.
struct waitq {
WAITQ_HDR(waitq, waitq_eventmask:_EVENT_MASK_BITS);
} __attribute__((aligned(WQ_OPAQUE_ALIGN)));
* @struct waitq_set
* @brief
* This is the definition of a waitq set used in port-sets.
* @discussion
* The wqset_index field is used to stash the pset index for debugging
* purposes (not the full name as it would truncate).
struct waitq_set {
WAITQ_HDR(wqset, wqset_index:_EVENT_MASK_BITS);
circle_queue_head_t wqset_preposts;
* @struct select_set
* @brief
* This is the definition of a waitq set used to back the select syscall.
struct select_set {
WAITQ_HDR(selset, selset_conflict:1);
uint64_t selset_id;
static inline waitq_type_t
waitq_type(waitq_t wq)
return wq.wq_q->waitq_type;
static inline bool
waitq_same(waitq_t wq1, waitq_t wq2)
return wq1.wq_q == wq2.wq_q;
static inline bool
waitq_is_null(waitq_t wq)
return wq.wq_q == NULL;
* @function waitq_wait_possible()
* @brief
* Check if the thread is in a state where it could assert wait.
* @discussion
* If a thread is between assert_wait and thread block, another
* assert wait is not allowed.
extern bool waitq_wait_possible(thread_t thread);
static inline bool
waitq_preposts(waitq_t wq)
switch (waitq_type(wq)) {
case WQT_PORT:
return true;
return false;
static inline bool
waitq_irq_safe(waitq_t waitq)
switch (waitq_type(waitq)) {
return true;
return false;
static inline bool
waitq_valid(waitq_t waitq)
return waitq.wq_q && waitq.wq_q->waitq_interlock.lck_valid;
* global waitqs
extern struct waitq *_global_eventq(char *event, size_t event_length);
#define global_eventq(event) _global_eventq((char *)&(event), sizeof(event))
static inline waitq_wakeup_flags_t
waitq_flags_splx(spl_t spl_level)
#pragma mark locking
* @function waitq_lock()
* @brief
* Lock a wait queue or wait queue set.
* @discussion
* It is the responsibility of the caller to disable
* interrupts if the queue is IRQ safe.
extern void waitq_lock(waitq_t wq);
* @function waitq_unlock()
* @brief
* Unlock a wait queue or wait queue set.
* @discussion
* It is the responsibility of the caller to reenable
* interrupts if the queue is IRQ safe.
extern void waitq_unlock(waitq_t wq);
* @function waitq_is_valid()
* @brief
* Returns whether a wait queue or wait queue set has been invalidated.
extern bool waitq_is_valid(waitq_t wq);
* @function waitq_invalidate()
* @brief
* Invalidate a waitq.
* @discussion
* It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that:
* - all waiters are woken up
* - linkages and preposts are cleared (non IRQ Safe waitqs).
extern void waitq_invalidate(waitq_t wq);
* @function waitq_held()
* @brief
* Returns whether someone is holding the lock of the specified wait queue.
extern bool waitq_held(waitq_t wq) __result_use_check;
* @function waitq_lock_allow_invalid()
* @brief
* Lock the specified wait queue if it is valid.
* @discussion
* This function allows for the backing memory of the specified wait queue
* to be unmapped.
* Combining this with the zone allocator @c ZC_SEQUESTER feature
* (along with @c ZC_ZFREE_CLEARMEM) allows to create clever schemes
* (See @c ipc_right_lookup_read()).
extern bool waitq_lock_allow_invalid(waitq_t wq) __result_use_check;
* @function waitq_lock_reserve()
* @brief
* Reserves the lock of the specified wait queue.
* @discussion
* Wait queue locks are "ordered" and a reservation in the lock queue
* can be acquired. This can be used to resolve certain lock inversions
* without risks for the memory backing the wait queue to disappear.
* See <kern/ticket_lock.h> for details.
* @param wq the specified wait queue
* @param ticket a pointer to memory to hold the reservation
* @returns
* - true if the lock was acquired
* - false otherwise, and @c waitq_lock_wait() @em must be called
* to wait for this ticket.
extern bool waitq_lock_reserve(waitq_t wq, uint32_t *ticket) __result_use_check;
* @function waitq_lock_wait()
* @brief
* Wait for a ticket acquired with @c waitq_lock_reserve().
extern void waitq_lock_wait(waitq_t wq, uint32_t ticket);
* @function waitq_lock_try()
* @brief
* Attempts to acquire the lock of the specified wait queue.
* @discussion
* Using @c waitq_lock_try() is discouraged as it leads to inefficient
* algorithms prone to contention.
* Schemes based on @c waitq_lock_reserve() / @c waitq_lock_wait() is preferred.
extern bool waitq_lock_try(waitq_t wq) __result_use_check;
#pragma mark assert_wait / wakeup
* @function waitq_assert_wait64()
* @brief
* Declare a thread's intent to wait on @c waitq for @c wait_event.
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be unlocked
extern wait_result_t waitq_assert_wait64(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wait_event,
wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
uint64_t deadline);
* @function waitq_assert_wait64_leeway()
* @brief
* Declare a thread's intent to wait on @c waitq for @c wait_event.
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be unlocked
extern wait_result_t waitq_assert_wait64_leeway(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wait_event,
wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
wait_timeout_urgency_t urgency,
uint64_t deadline,
uint64_t leeway);
* @function waitq_wakeup64_one()
* @brief
* Wakeup a single thread from a waitq that's waiting for a given event.
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be unlocked
extern kern_return_t waitq_wakeup64_one(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
wait_result_t result,
waitq_wakeup_flags_t flags);
* @functiong waitq_wakeup64_all()
* @brief
* Wakeup all threads from a waitq that are waiting for a given event.
* @description
* This function will set the inheritor of the wait queue
* to TURNSTILE_INHERITOR_NULL if it is a turnstile wait queue.
* @c waitq must be unlocked
extern kern_return_t waitq_wakeup64_all(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
wait_result_t result,
waitq_wakeup_flags_t flags);
* @function waitq_wakeup64_identify()
* @brief
* Wakeup one thread waiting on 'waitq' for 'wake_event'
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be unlocked.
* May temporarily disable and re-enable interrupts
* @returns
* - THREAD_NULL if no thread was waiting
* - a reference to a thread that was waiting on @c waitq.
extern thread_t waitq_wakeup64_identify(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
wait_result_t result,
waitq_wakeup_flags_t flags);
* @function waitq_wakeup64_thread()
* @brief
* Wakeup a specific thread iff it's waiting on @c waitq for @c wake_event.
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be unlocked and must be IRQ safe.
* @c thread must be unlocked
* May temporarily disable and re-enable interrupts
extern kern_return_t waitq_wakeup64_thread(
struct waitq *waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
thread_t thread,
wait_result_t result);
#pragma mark Mach-only assert_wait / wakeup
* @function waitq_clear_promotion_locked()
* @brief
* Clear a potential thread priority promotion from a waitq wakeup
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be locked.
* This must be called on the thread which was woken up
extern void waitq_clear_promotion_locked(
waitq_t waitq,
thread_t thread);
* @function waitq_pull_thread_locked()
* @brief
* Remove @c thread from its current blocking state on @c waitq.
* @discussion
* This function is only used by clear_wait_internal in sched_prim.c
* (which itself is called by the timer wakeup path and clear_wait()).
* @c thread must is locked (the function might drop and reacquire the lock).
* @returns
* - true if the thread has been pulled successfuly.
* - false otherwise, if the thread was no longer waiting on this waitq.
extern bool waitq_pull_thread_locked(
waitq_t waitq,
thread_t thread);
* @function waitq_assert_wait64_locked()
* @brief
* Declare a thread's intent to wait on @c waitq for @c wait_event.
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be locked.
* Note that @c waitq might be unlocked and relocked during this call
* if it is a waitq set.
extern wait_result_t waitq_assert_wait64_locked(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wait_event,
wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
wait_timeout_urgency_t urgency,
uint64_t deadline,
uint64_t leeway,
thread_t thread);
* @function waitq_wakeup64_all_locked()
* @brief
* Wakeup all threads waiting on @c waitq for @c wake_event
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be locked.
* May temporarily disable and re-enable interrupts
* and re-adjust thread priority of each awoken thread.
extern kern_return_t waitq_wakeup64_all_locked(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
wait_result_t result,
waitq_wakeup_flags_t flags);
* @function waitq_wakeup64_one_locked()
* @brief
* Wakeup one thread waiting on @c waitq for @c wake_event.
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be locked.
* May temporarily disable and re-enable interrupts.
extern kern_return_t waitq_wakeup64_one_locked(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
wait_result_t result,
waitq_wakeup_flags_t flags);
* @function waitq_wakeup64_identify_locked()
* @brief
* Wakeup one thread waiting on 'waitq' for 'wake_event'
* @returns
* Returns a thread that is pulled from waitq but not set runnable yet.
* Must be paired with waitq_resume_identified_thread to set it runnable -
* between these two points preemption is disabled.
extern thread_t waitq_wakeup64_identify_locked(
waitq_t waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
wait_result_t result,
waitq_wakeup_flags_t flags);
* @function waitq_resume_identified_thread()
* @brief
* Set a thread runnable that has been woken with waitq_wakeup64_identify_locked
extern void waitq_resume_identified_thread(
waitq_t waitq,
thread_t thread,
wait_result_t result,
waitq_wakeup_flags_t flags);
* @function waitq_resume_and_bind_identified_thread()
* @brief
* Set a thread runnable that has been woken with
* waitq_wakeup64_identify_locked, and bind it to a processor at the same time.
extern void waitq_resume_and_bind_identified_thread(
waitq_t waitq,
thread_t thread,
processor_t processor,
wait_result_t result,
waitq_wakeup_flags_t flags);
* @function waitq_wakeup64_thread_and_unlock()
* @brief
* Wakeup a specific thread iff it's waiting on @c waitq for @c wake_event.
* @discussion
* @c waitq must IRQ safe and locked, unlocked on return.
* @c thread must be unlocked
extern kern_return_t waitq_wakeup64_thread_and_unlock(
struct waitq *waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
thread_t thread,
wait_result_t result);
#pragma mark waitq links
* @function waitq_link_alloc()
* @brief
* Allocates a linkage object to be used with a wait queue of the specified type.
extern waitq_link_t waitq_link_alloc(
waitq_type_t type);
* @function waitq_link_free()
* @brief
* Frees a linkage object that was used with a wait queue of the specified type.
extern void waitq_link_free(
waitq_type_t type,
waitq_link_t link);
* @function waitq_link_free_list()
* @brief
* Frees a list of linkage object that was used with a wait queue
* of the specified type.
extern void waitq_link_free_list(
waitq_type_t type,
waitq_link_list_t *list);
#pragma mark wait queues lifecycle
* @function waitq_init()
* @brief
* Initializes a wait queue.
* @discussion
* @c type must be a valid type.
extern void waitq_init(
waitq_t waitq,
waitq_type_t type,
int policy);
* @function waitq_deinit()
* @brief
* Destroys a wait queue.
* @discussion
* @c waitq can't be a select set.
extern void waitq_deinit(
waitq_t waitq);
#pragma mark port wait queues and port set waitq sets
* @function waitq_link_locked()
* @brief
* Link the specified port wait queue to a specified port set wait queue set.
* @discussion
* This function doesn't handle preposting/waking up the set
* when the wait queue is already preposted.
* @param waitq the port wait queue to link, must be locked.
* @param wqset the port set wait queue set to link, must be locked.
* @param link a pointer to a link allocated with
* @c waitq_link_alloc(WQT_PORT_SET).
extern kern_return_t waitq_link_locked(
struct waitq *waitq,
struct waitq_set *wqset,
waitq_link_t *link);
* @function waitq_link_prepost_locked()
* @brief
* Force a given link to be preposted.
* @param waitq the port wait queue to link, must be locked.
* @param wqset the port set wait queue set to link, must be locked.
extern kern_return_t waitq_link_prepost_locked(
struct waitq *waitq,
struct waitq_set *wqset);
* @function
* Unlinks the specified port wait queue from a specified port set wait queue set.
* @param waitq the port wait queue to unlink, must be locked.
* @param wqset the port set wait queue set to link, must be locked.
* @returns
* - @c WQL_NULL if the port wasn't a member of the set.
* - a link to consume with @c waitq_link_free() otherwise.
extern waitq_link_t waitq_unlink_locked(
struct waitq *waitq,
struct waitq_set *wqset);
* @function waitq_unlink_all_locked()
* @brief
* Unlink the specified wait queue from all sets to which it belongs
* @param waitq the port wait queue to link, must be locked.
* @param except_wqset do not unlink this wqset.
* @param free_l a waitq link list to which links to free will be added.
* the caller must call @c waitq_link_free_list() on it.
extern void waitq_unlink_all_locked(
struct waitq *waitq,
struct waitq_set *except_wqset,
waitq_link_list_t *free_l);
* @function waitq_set_unlink_all_locked()
* @brief
* Unlink all wait queues from this set.
* @discussion
* The @c wqset lock might be dropped and reacquired during this call.
* @param wqset the port-set wait queue set to unlink, must be locked.
* @param free_l a waitq link list to which links to free will be added.
* the caller must call @c waitq_link_free_list() on it.
extern void waitq_set_unlink_all_locked(
struct waitq_set *wqset,
waitq_link_list_t *free_l);
* @function waitq_set_foreach_member_locked()
* @brief
* Iterate all ports members of a port-set wait queue set.
* @param wqset the port-set wait queue set to unlink.
* @param cb a block called for each port wait queue in the set.
* those wait queues aren't locked (and can't safely
* be because @c wqset is locked the whole time
* and this would constitute a lock inversion).
extern void waitq_set_foreach_member_locked(
struct waitq_set *wqset,
void (^cb)(struct waitq *));
__options_decl(wqs_prepost_flags_t, uint32_t, {
* @function waitq_set_first_prepost()
* @brief
* Return the first preposted wait queue from the list of preposts of this set.
* @discussion
* The @c wqset lock might be dropped and reacquired during this call.
* @param wqset the port-set wait queue set to unlink, must be locked.
* @param flags
* - if @c WQS_PREPOST_LOCK is set, the returned wait queue is locked
* - if @c WQS_PREPOST_PEEK is set, this function assumes that no event
* will be dequeued and the prepost list order is unchanged,
* else the returned wait queue is put at the end of the prepost list.
struct waitq *waitq_set_first_prepost(
struct waitq_set *wqset,
wqs_prepost_flags_t flags);
* @function waitq_clear_prepost_locked()
* @brief
* Clear all preposts originating from the specified wait queue.
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be locked.
* This function only lazily marks the waitq as no longer preposting,
* and doesn't clear the preposts for two reasons:
* - it avoids some lock contention by not acquiring the set locks,
* - it allows for ports that keep receiving messages to keep their slot
* in the prepost queue of sets, which improves fairness.
* Sets it is a member of will discover this when a thread
* tries to receive through it.
extern void waitq_clear_prepost_locked(
struct waitq *waitq);
* @function ipc_pset_prepost()
* @brief
* Upcall from the waitq code to prepost to the kevent subsystem.
* @discussion
* Called with the pset and waitq locks held.
* (in ipc_pset.c).
extern void ipc_pset_prepost(
struct waitq_set *wqset,
struct waitq *waitq);
#pragma mark select wait queues and select port set waitq sets
extern struct waitq select_conflict_queue;
* @function select_set_alloc()
* @brief
* Allocates a select wait queue set.
* @discussion
* select sets assume that they are only manipulated
* from the context of the thread they belong to.
extern struct select_set *select_set_alloc(void);
* @function select_set_free()
* @brief
* Frees a select set allocated with @c select_set_alloc().
extern void select_set_free(
struct select_set *selset);
* @function select_set_link()
* @brief
* Links a select wait queue into a select wait queue set.
* @param waitq a wait queue of type @c WQT_SELECT.
* @param selset a select set
* @param linkp a pointer to a linkage allocated
* with @c waitq_link_alloc(WQT_SELECT_SET),
* which gets niled out if the linkage is used.
extern void select_set_link(
struct waitq *waitq,
struct select_set *selset,
waitq_link_t *linkp);
* @function select_set_reset()
* @brief
* Resets a select set to prepare it for reuse.
* @discussion
* This operation is lazy and will not unlink select wait queues
* from the select set.
extern void select_set_reset(
struct select_set *selset);
* @function select_waitq_wakeup_and_deinit()
* @brief
* Combined wakeup, unlink, and deinit under a single lock hold for select().
* @discussion
* @c waitq must be a @c WQT_SELECT queue.
extern void select_waitq_wakeup_and_deinit(
struct waitq *waitq,
event64_t wake_event,
wait_result_t result);
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* _WAITQ_H_ */