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* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
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* File: mach/vm_param.h
* Author: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young
* Date: 1985
* Machine independent virtual memory parameters.
#ifndef _MACH_VM_PARAM_H_
#define _MACH_VM_PARAM_H_
#include <mach/machine/vm_param.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <vm/vm_memtag.h>
#include <mach/vm_types.h>
#endif /* ASSEMBLER */
#include <os/base.h>
#include <os/overflow.h>
* The machine independent pages are refered to as PAGES. A page
* is some number of hardware pages, depending on the target machine.
#define PAGE_SIZE_64 (unsigned long long)PAGE_SIZE /* pagesize in addr units */
#define PAGE_MASK_64 (unsigned long long)PAGE_MASK /* mask for off in page */
* Convert addresses to pages and vice versa. No rounding is used.
* The atop_32 and ptoa_32 macros should not be use on 64 bit types.
* The round_page_64 and trunc_page_64 macros should be used instead.
#define atop_32(x) ((uint32_t)(x) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
#define ptoa_32(x) ((uint32_t)(x) << PAGE_SHIFT)
#define atop_64(x) ((uint64_t)(x) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
#define ptoa_64(x) ((uint64_t)(x) << PAGE_SHIFT)
#define atop_kernel(x) ((vm_address_t)(x) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
#define ptoa_kernel(x) ((vm_address_t)(x) << PAGE_SHIFT)
* While the following block is enabled, the legacy atop and ptoa
* macros will behave correctly. If not, they will generate
* invalid lvalue errors.
#if 1
#define atop(x) ((vm_address_t)(x) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
#define ptoa(x) ((vm_address_t)(x) << PAGE_SHIFT)
#define atop(x) (0UL = 0)
#define ptoa(x) (0UL = 0)
* Page-size rounding macros for the Public fixed-width VM types.
#define mach_vm_round_page(x) (((mach_vm_offset_t)(x) + PAGE_MASK) & ~((signed)PAGE_MASK))
#define mach_vm_trunc_page(x) ((mach_vm_offset_t)(x) & ~((signed)PAGE_MASK))
#define round_page_overflow(in, out) __os_warn_unused(({ \
bool __ovr = os_add_overflow(in, (__typeof__(*out))PAGE_MASK, out); \
*out &= ~((__typeof__(*out))PAGE_MASK); \
__ovr; \
static inline int OS_WARN_RESULT
mach_vm_round_page_overflow(mach_vm_offset_t in, mach_vm_offset_t *out)
return round_page_overflow(in, out);
#define memory_object_round_page(x) (((memory_object_offset_t)(x) + PAGE_MASK) & ~((signed)PAGE_MASK))
#define memory_object_trunc_page(x) ((memory_object_offset_t)(x) & ~((signed)PAGE_MASK))
* Rounding macros for the legacy (scalable with the current task's
* address space size) VM types.
#define round_page(x) (((vm_offset_t)(x) + PAGE_MASK) & ~((vm_offset_t)PAGE_MASK))
#define trunc_page(x) ((vm_offset_t)(x) & ~((vm_offset_t)PAGE_MASK))
* Round off or truncate to the nearest page. These will work
* for either addresses or counts. (i.e. 1 byte rounds to 1 page
* bytes. The round_page_32 and trunc_page_32 macros should not be
* use on 64 bit types. The round_page_64 and trunc_page_64 macros
* should be used instead.
* These should only be used in the rare case the size of the address
* or length is hard-coded as 32 or 64 bit. Otherwise, the macros
* associated with the specific VM type should be used.
#define round_page_32(x) (((uint32_t)(x) + PAGE_MASK) & ~((uint32_t)PAGE_MASK))
#define trunc_page_32(x) ((uint32_t)(x) & ~((uint32_t)PAGE_MASK))
#define round_page_64(x) (((uint64_t)(x) + PAGE_MASK_64) & ~((uint64_t)PAGE_MASK_64))
#define trunc_page_64(x) ((uint64_t)(x) & ~((uint64_t)PAGE_MASK_64))
#define round_page_mask_32(x, mask) (((uint32_t)(x) + (mask)) & ~((uint32_t)(mask)))
#define trunc_page_mask_32(x, mask) ((uint32_t)(x) & ~((uint32_t)(mask)))
#define round_page_mask_64(x, mask) (((uint64_t)(x) + (mask)) & ~((uint64_t)(mask)))
#define trunc_page_mask_64(x, mask) ((uint64_t)(x) & ~((uint64_t)(mask)))
* Enable the following block to find uses of xxx_32 macros that should
* be xxx_64. These macros only work in C code, not C++. The resulting
* binaries are not functional. Look for invalid lvalue errors in
* the compiler output.
* Enabling the following block will also find use of the xxx_64 macros
* that have been passed pointers. The parameters should be case to an
* unsigned long type first. Look for invalid operands to binary + error
* in the compiler output.
#if 0
#undef atop_32
#undef ptoa_32
#undef round_page_32
#undef trunc_page_32
#undef atop_64
#undef ptoa_64
#undef round_page_64
#undef trunc_page_64
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define atop_32(x) \
(__builtin_choose_expr (sizeof(x) != sizeof(uint64_t), \
(*(long *)0), \
(0UL)) = 0)
#define ptoa_32(x) \
(__builtin_choose_expr (sizeof(x) != sizeof(uint64_t), \
(*(long *)0), \
(0UL)) = 0)
#define round_page_32(x) \
(__builtin_choose_expr (sizeof(x) != sizeof(uint64_t), \
(*(long *)0), \
(0UL)) = 0)
#define trunc_page_32(x) \
(__builtin_choose_expr (sizeof(x) != sizeof(uint64_t), \
(*(long *)0), \
(0UL)) = 0)
#define atop_32(x) (0)
#define ptoa_32(x) (0)
#define round_page_32(x) (0)
#define trunc_page_32(x) (0)
#endif /* ! __cplusplus */
#define atop_64(x) ((uint64_t)((x) + (uint8_t *)0))
#define ptoa_64(x) ((uint64_t)((x) + (uint8_t *)0))
#define round_page_64(x) ((uint64_t)((x) + (uint8_t *)0))
#define trunc_page_64(x) ((uint64_t)((x) + (uint8_t *)0))
* Determine whether an address is page-aligned, or a count is
* an exact page multiple.
#define page_aligned(x) (((x) & PAGE_MASK) == 0)
extern vm_size_t mem_size; /* 32-bit size of memory - limited by maxmem - deprecated */
extern uint64_t max_mem; /* 64-bit size of memory - limited by maxmem */
* The VM compressor pager uses 32-bit page numbers, so this limits the size
* of anonymous memory objects to 0xffffffff pages.
* When we need to allocate a chunk of anonymous memory over that size,
* we have to allocate more than one chunk.
* Work-around for <rdar://problem/6626493>
* Break large anonymous memory areas into 128MB chunks to alleviate
* the cost of copying when copy-on-write is not possible because a small
* portion of it being wired.
#define ANON_CHUNK_SIZE (128ULL * 1024 * 1024) /* 128MB */
* The 'medium' malloc allocator would like its regions
* to be chunked up into MALLOC_MEDIUM_CHUNK_SIZE chunks
* and backed by different objects. This avoids contention
* on a single large object and showed solid improvements on high
* core machines with workloads involving video and graphics processing.
#define MALLOC_MEDIUM_CHUNK_SIZE (8ULL * 1024 * 1024) /* 8 MB */
extern uint64_t sane_size; /* Memory size to use for defaults calculations */
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#include <kern/debug.h>
#include <vm/vm_memtag.h>
extern uint64_t mem_actual; /* 64-bit size of memory - not limited by maxmem */
extern uint64_t max_mem_actual; /* Size of physical memory adjusted by maxmem */
extern addr64_t vm_last_addr; /* Highest kernel virtual address known to the VM system */
extern addr64_t first_avail_phys; /* First available physical address */
extern const vm_offset_t vm_min_kernel_address;
extern const vm_offset_t vm_max_kernel_address;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_stext;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_etext;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_slid_base;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_slid_top;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_slide;
typedef struct {
vm_offset_t unslid_base;
vm_offset_t unslid_top;
vm_offset_t slid_base;
vm_offset_t slid_top;
vm_offset_t slide;
} vm_image_offsets;
extern vm_image_offsets vm_sptm_offsets;
extern vm_image_offsets vm_txm_offsets;
#endif /* CONFIG_SPTM */
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_addrperm;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kext_base;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kext_top;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_base;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_top;
extern vm_offset_t vm_hib_base;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_builtinkmod_text;
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_builtinkmod_text_end;
* While these function's implementations are machine specific, due to the need
* to prevent header file circular dependencies, they need to be externed here
* for usage in the sliding/unsliding macros.
vm_offset_t ml_static_slide(vm_offset_t vaddr);
vm_offset_t ml_static_unslide(vm_offset_t vaddr);
* Determine whether a given address is an address within a static region (i.e.,
* coming from TEXT or DATA) that was slid during boot. Addresses of this type
* should have the slide removed before exposing them to userspace so as to not
* leak the slide itself to userspace.
* @param addr The virtual address to check.
* @return True if the address is a static/slid kernel address, false otherwise.
static inline bool
vm_is_addr_slid(vm_offset_t addr)
const vm_offset_t stripped_addr = (vm_offset_t)VM_KERNEL_STRIP_PTR(addr);
const bool is_slid_kern_addr =
(stripped_addr >= vm_kernel_slid_base) && (stripped_addr < vm_kernel_slid_top);
const bool is_slid_sptm_addr =
(stripped_addr >= vm_sptm_offsets.slid_base) && (stripped_addr < vm_sptm_offsets.slid_top);
const bool is_slid_txm_addr =
(stripped_addr >= vm_txm_offsets.slid_base) && (stripped_addr < vm_txm_offsets.slid_top);
return is_slid_kern_addr || is_slid_sptm_addr || is_slid_txm_addr;
return is_slid_kern_addr;
#endif /* CONFIG_SPTM */
#define VM_KERNEL_IS_SLID(_o) (vm_is_addr_slid((vm_offset_t)(_o)))
#define VM_KERNEL_SLIDE(_u) (ml_static_slide((vm_offset_t)(_u)))
* The following macros are to be used when exposing kernel addresses to
* userspace via any of the various debug or info facilities that might exist
* (e.g. stackshot, proc_info syscall, etc.). It is important to understand
* the goal of each macro and choose the right one depending on what you are
* trying to do. Misuse of these macros can result in critical data leaks
* which in turn lead to all sorts of system vulnerabilities. It is invalid to
* call these macros on a non-kernel address (NULL is allowed).
* Use this macro when you are exposing an address to userspace which is
* *guaranteed* to be a "static" kernel or kext address (i.e. coming from text
* or data sections). These are the addresses which get "slid" via ASLR on
* kernel or kext load, and it's precisely the slide value we are trying to
* protect from userspace.
* Use when exposing an address for internal purposes: debugging, tracing,
* etc. The address will be unslid if necessary. Other addresses will be
* hidden on customer builds, and unmodified on internal builds.
* Use this macro when exposing a kernel address to userspace on customer
* builds. The address can be from the static kernel or kext regions, or the
* kernel heap. The address will be unslid or hashed as appropriate.
* ** SECURITY WARNING: The following macros can leak kernel secrets.
* Use *only* in performance *critical* code.
* Use these macros when exposing a kernel address to userspace on customer
* builds. The address can be from the static kernel or kext regions, or the
* kernel heap. The address will be unslid or permuted as appropriate.
* Nesting of these macros should be considered invalid.
#define __DO_UNSLIDE(_v) (ml_static_unslide((vm_offset_t)VM_KERNEL_STRIP_PTR(_v)))
#define VM_KERNEL_ADDRHIDE(_v) (VM_KERNEL_IS_SLID(_v) ? __DO_UNSLIDE(_v) : (vm_address_t)VM_KERNEL_STRIP_PTR(_v))
#define VM_KERNEL_ADDRHIDE(_v) (VM_KERNEL_IS_SLID(_v) ? __DO_UNSLIDE(_v) : (vm_address_t)0)
#endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */
#define VM_KERNEL_ADDRHASH(_v) vm_kernel_addrhash((vm_offset_t)(_v))
#define VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE_OR_PERM(_v) ({ \
VM_KERNEL_ADDRESS(_v) ? ((vm_offset_t)VM_KERNEL_STRIP_PTR(_v) + vm_kernel_addrperm) : \
(vm_offset_t)VM_KERNEL_STRIP_PTR(_v); \
#define VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE(_v) ({ \
VM_KERNEL_IS_SLID(_v) ? __DO_UNSLIDE(_v) : (vm_offset_t)0; \
#undef mach_vm_round_page
#undef round_page
#undef round_page_32
#undef round_page_64
static inline int
mach_vm_size_unit(mach_vm_size_t size)
uint32_t bits = 64u - (uint32_t)__builtin_clzll((size / 10) | 1);
return "BKMGTPE"[bits / 10];
static inline uint32_t
mach_vm_size_pretty(mach_vm_size_t size)
uint32_t bits = 64u - (uint32_t)__builtin_clzll((size / 10) | 1);
return (uint32_t)(size >> (bits - bits % 10));
static inline mach_vm_offset_t
mach_vm_round_page(mach_vm_offset_t x)
if (round_page_overflow(x, &x)) {
panic("overflow detected");
return x;
static inline vm_offset_t
round_page(vm_offset_t x)
if (round_page_overflow(x, &x)) {
panic("overflow detected");
return x;
static inline mach_vm_offset_t
round_page_64(mach_vm_offset_t x)
if (round_page_overflow(x, &x)) {
panic("overflow detected");
return x;
static inline uint32_t
round_page_32(uint32_t x)
if (round_page_overflow(x, &x)) {
panic("overflow detected");
return x;
* @typedef vm_packing_params_t
* @brief
* Data structure representing the packing parameters for a given packed pointer
* encoding.
* @discussion
* Several data structures wish to pack their pointers on less than 64bits
* on LP64 in order to save memory.
* Adopters are supposed to define 3 macros:
* - @c *_BITS: number of storage bits used for the packing,
* - @c *_SHIFT: number of non significant low bits (expected to be 0),
* - @c *_BASE: the base against which to encode.
* The encoding is a no-op when @c *_BITS is equal to @c __WORDSIZE and
* @c *_SHIFT is 0.
* The convenience macro @c VM_PACKING_PARAMS can be used to create
* a @c vm_packing_params_t structure out of those definitions.
* It is customary to declare a constant global per scheme for the sake
* of debuggers to be able to dynamically decide how to unpack various schemes.
* This uses 2 possible schemes (who both preserve @c NULL):
* 1. When the storage bits and shift are sufficiently large (strictly more than
* VM_KERNEL_POINTER_SIGNIFICANT_BITS), a sign-extension scheme can be used.
* This allows to represent any kernel pointer.
* 2. Else, a base-relative scheme can be used, typical bases are:
* - @c KERNEL_PMAP_HEAP_RANGE_START when only pointers to heap (zone)
* allocated objects need to be packed,
* - @c VM_MIN_KERNEL_AND_KEXT_ADDRESS when pointers to kernel globals also
* need this.
* When such an ecoding is used, @c zone_restricted_va_max() must be taught
* about it.
typedef struct vm_packing_params {
vm_offset_t vmpp_base;
uint8_t vmpp_bits;
uint8_t vmpp_shift;
bool vmpp_base_relative;
} vm_packing_params_t;
* @brief
* Whether the packing scheme with those parameters will be base-relative.
* @brief
* Constructs a @c vm_packing_params_t structure based on the convention that
* macros with the @c _BASE, @c _BITS and @c _SHIFT suffixes have been defined
* to the proper values.
#define VM_PACKING_PARAMS(ns) \
(vm_packing_params_t){ \
.vmpp_base = ns##_BASE, \
.vmpp_bits = ns##_BITS, \
.vmpp_shift = ns##_SHIFT, \
.vmpp_base_relative = VM_PACKING_IS_BASE_RELATIVE(ns), \
* @function vm_pack_pointer
* @brief
* Packs a pointer according to the specified parameters.
* @discussion
* The convenience @c VM_PACK_POINTER macro allows to synthesize
* the @c params argument.
* @param ptr The pointer to pack.
* @param params The encoding parameters.
* @returns The packed pointer.
static inline vm_offset_t
vm_pack_pointer(vm_offset_t ptr, vm_packing_params_t params)
if (ptr != 0) {
ptr = vm_memtag_canonicalize_address(ptr);
if (!params.vmpp_base_relative) {
return ptr >> params.vmpp_shift;
if (ptr) {
return (ptr - params.vmpp_base) >> params.vmpp_shift;
return (vm_offset_t)0;
#define VM_PACK_POINTER(ptr, ns) \
vm_pack_pointer(ptr, VM_PACKING_PARAMS(ns))
* @function vm_unpack_pointer
* @brief
* Unpacks a pointer packed with @c vm_pack_pointer().
* @discussion
* The convenience @c VM_UNPACK_POINTER macro allows to synthesize
* the @c params argument.
* @param packed The packed value to decode.
* @param params The encoding parameters.
* @returns The unpacked pointer.
static inline vm_offset_t
vm_unpack_pointer(vm_offset_t packed, vm_packing_params_t params)
if (!params.vmpp_base_relative) {
intptr_t addr = (intptr_t)packed;
addr <<= __WORDSIZE - params.vmpp_bits;
addr >>= __WORDSIZE - params.vmpp_bits - params.vmpp_shift;
return vm_memtag_fixup_ptr((vm_offset_t)addr);
if (packed) {
return vm_memtag_fixup_ptr((packed << params.vmpp_shift) + params.vmpp_base);
return (vm_offset_t)0;
#define VM_UNPACK_POINTER(packed, ns) \
vm_unpack_pointer(packed, VM_PACKING_PARAMS(ns))
* @function vm_packing_max_packable
* @brief
* Returns the largest packable address for the given parameters.
* @discussion
* The convenience @c VM_PACKING_MAX_PACKABLE macro allows to synthesize
* the @c params argument.
* @param params The encoding parameters.
* @returns The largest packable pointer.
static inline vm_offset_t
vm_packing_max_packable(vm_packing_params_t params)
if (!params.vmpp_base_relative) {
vm_offset_t ptr = params.vmpp_base +
(((1ul << params.vmpp_bits) - 1) << params.vmpp_shift);
return ptr >= params.vmpp_base ? ptr : VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS;
extern void
vm_packing_pointer_invalid(vm_offset_t ptr, vm_packing_params_t params);
* @function vm_verify_pointer_packable
* @brief
* Panics if the specified pointer cannot be packed with the specified
* parameters.
* @discussion
* The convenience @c VM_VERIFY_POINTER_PACKABLE macro allows to synthesize
* the @c params argument.
* The convenience @c VM_ASSERT_POINTER_PACKABLE macro allows to synthesize
* the @c params argument, and is erased when assertions are disabled.
* @param ptr The packed value to decode.
* @param params The encoding parameters.
static inline void
vm_verify_pointer_packable(vm_offset_t ptr, vm_packing_params_t params)
if (ptr != 0) {
ptr = vm_memtag_canonicalize_address(ptr);
if (ptr & ((1ul << params.vmpp_shift) - 1)) {
vm_packing_pointer_invalid(ptr, params);
if (!params.vmpp_base_relative || ptr == 0) {
if (ptr <= params.vmpp_base || ptr > vm_packing_max_packable(params)) {
vm_packing_pointer_invalid(ptr, params);
vm_verify_pointer_packable(ptr, VM_PACKING_PARAMS(ns))
#define VM_ASSERT_POINTER_PACKABLE(ptr, ns) ((void)(ptr))
* @function vm_verify_pointer_range
* @brief
* Panics if some pointers in the specified range can't be packed with the
* specified parameters.
* @param subsystem The subsystem requiring the packing.
* @param min_address The smallest address of the range.
* @param max_address The largest address of the range.
* @param params The encoding parameters.
extern void
const char *subsystem,
vm_offset_t min_address,
vm_offset_t max_address,
vm_packing_params_t params);
extern vm_size_t page_size;
extern vm_size_t page_mask;
extern int page_shift;
/* We need a way to get rid of compiler warnings when we cast from */
/* a 64 bit value to an address (which may be 32 bits or 64-bits). */
/* An intptr_t is used convert the value to the right precision, and */
/* then to an address. This macro is also used to convert addresses */
/* to 32-bit integers, which is a hard failure for a 64-bit kernel */
#include <stdint.h>
#define CAST_DOWN( type, addr ) \
( ((type)((uintptr_t) (addr)/(sizeof(type) < sizeof(uintptr_t) ? 0 : 1))) )
#define CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT( type, addr ) ( ((type)((uintptr_t) (addr))) )
#endif /* __CAST_DOWN_CHECK */
#endif /* ASSEMBLER */
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* _MACH_VM_PARAM_H_ */