* Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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* Platform abstraction layer to support hibernation.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#if defined (__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
#include "i386/pal_hibernate.h"
#elif defined (__arm__)
//#include "arm/pal_hibernate.h"
#elif defined(__arm64__)
#include "arm64/pal_hibernate.h"
#error architecture not supported
* @typedef pal_hib_restore_stage_t
* @discussion hibernate_kernel_entrypoint restores data in multiple stages; this enum defines those stages.
typedef enum {
pal_hib_restore_stage_dram_pages = 0,
pal_hib_restore_stage_preview_pages = 1,
pal_hib_restore_stage_handoff_data = 2,
} pal_hib_restore_stage_t;
* @typedef pal_hib_ctx_t
* @discussion This type is used to pass context between pal_hib_resume_init, pal_hib_restored_page, and
* pal_hib_patchup during hibernation resume. The context is declared on the stack in
* hibernate_kernel_entrypoint, so it should be relatively small. During pal_hib_resume_init(),
* additional memory can be allocated with hibernate_page_list_grab if necessary.
typedef struct pal_hib_ctx pal_hib_ctx_t;
* @function __hib_assert
* @discussion Called when a fatal assertion has been detected during hibernation. Logs the
* expression string and loops indefinitely.
* @param file The source file in which the failed assertion occurred
* @param line The line number at which the failed assertion occurred
* @param expression A string describing the failed assertion
void __hib_assert(const char *file, int line, const char *expression) __attribute__((noreturn));
#define HIB_ASSERT(ex) \
(__builtin_expect(!!((ex)), 1L) ? (void)0 : __hib_assert(__FILE__, __LINE__, # ex))
* @function pal_hib_map
* @discussion Given a map type and a physical address, return the corresponding virtual address.
* @param virt Which memory region to access
* @param phys The physical address to access
* @result The virtual address corresponding to this physical address.
uintptr_t pal_hib_map(pal_hib_map_type_t virt, uint64_t phys);
* @function pal_hib_restore_pal_state
* @discussion Callout to the platform abstraction layer to restore platform-specific data.
* @param src Pointer to platform-specific data
void pal_hib_restore_pal_state(uint32_t *src);
* @function pal_hib_init
* @discussion Platform-specific hibernation initialization.
void pal_hib_init(void);
* @function pal_hib_write_hook
* @discussion Platform-specific callout before the hibernation image is written.
void pal_hib_write_hook(void);
* @function pal_hib_resume_init
* @discussion Initialize the platform-specific hibernation resume context. Additional memory can
* be allocated with hibernate_page_list_grab if necessary
* @param palHibCtx Pointer to platform-specific hibernation resume context
* @param map map argument that can be passed to hibernate_page_list_grab
* @param nextFree nextFree argument that can be passed to hibernate_page_list_grab
void pal_hib_resume_init(pal_hib_ctx_t *palHibCtx, hibernate_page_list_t *map, uint32_t *nextFree);
* @function pal_hib_restored_page
* @discussion Inform the platform abstraction layer of a page that will be restored.
* @param palHibCtx Pointer to platform-specific hibernation resume context
* @param stage The stage of hibernation resume during which this page will be resumed
* @param ppnum The page number of the page that will be resumed.
void pal_hib_restored_page(pal_hib_ctx_t *palHibCtx, pal_hib_restore_stage_t stage, ppnum_t ppnum);
* @function pal_hib_patchup
* @discussion Allow the platform abstraction layer to perform post-restore fixups.
* @param palHibCtx Pointer to platform-specific hibernation resume context
void pal_hib_patchup(pal_hib_ctx_t *palHibCtx);
* @function pal_hib_teardown_pmap_structs
* @discussion Platform-specific function to return a range of memory that doesn't need to be saved during hibernation.
* @param unneeded_start Out parameter: the beginning of the unneeded range
* @param unneeded_end Out parameter: the end of the unneeded range
void pal_hib_teardown_pmap_structs(addr64_t *unneeded_start, addr64_t *unneeded_end);
* @function pal_hib_rebuild_pmap_structs
* @discussion Platform-specific function to fix up the teardown done by pal_hib_teardown_pmap_structs.
void pal_hib_rebuild_pmap_structs(void);
* @function pal_hib_decompress_page
* @discussion Decompress a page of memory using WKdm
* @param src The compressed data
* @param dst A page-sized buffer to decompress into; must be page aligned
* @param scratch A page-sized scratch buffer to use during decompression
* @param compressedSize The number of bytes to decompress
void pal_hib_decompress_page(void *src, void *dst, void *scratch, unsigned int compressedSize);