<strong>Function</strong> - Set the size of the target task's port name space table.
<strong>kern_return_t task_set_port_space</strong>
<strong>(task_t</strong> <var>task</var>,
<strong>int</strong> <var>table_entries</var><strong>);</strong>
<dt> <var>task</var>
[in send right] The port referencing the task whose port name space is
to be set.
<dt> <var>table_entries</var>
[in scalar] The number of entries in the port name space table.
The <strong>task_set_port_space</strong> function preallocates the specified number of
entries in the specified task's IPC name space.
<dt> <strong>KERN_NO_SPACE</strong>
The requested table size exceeds the maximum allowable table size.
<a href="mach_port_allocate.html"><strong>mach_port_allocate</strong></a>.