* Copyright (c) 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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#include <libkern/crypto/sha2.h>
#include <libkern/crypto/crypto.h>
#include <os/atomic_private.h>
#include <kern/assert.h>
#include <kern/percpu.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
#include <kern/lock_group.h>
#include <kern/locks.h>
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
#include <prng/entropy.h>
#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
#include <libkern/section_keywords.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
// The number of samples we can hold in an entropy buffer.
// The length of a bitmap_t array with one bit per sample of an
// entropy buffer.
// The threshold of approximate linearity used in the entropy
// filter. See the entropy_filter function for more discussion.
// The state for a per-CPU entropy buffer.
typedef struct entropy_cpu_data {
// A buffer to hold entropy samples.
entropy_sample_t samples[ENTROPY_MAX_SAMPLE_COUNT];
// A count of samples resident in the buffer. It also functions as
// an index to the buffer. All entries at indices less than the
// sample count are considered valid for consumption by the
// reader. The reader resets this to zero after consuming the
// available entropy.
uint32_t _Atomic sample_count;
} entropy_cpu_data_t;
// This structure holds the state for an instance of a FIPS continuous
// health test. In practice, we do not expect these tests to fail.
typedef struct entropy_health_test {
// The initial sample observed in this test instance. Tests look
// for some repetition of the sample, either consecutively or
// within a window.
entropy_sample_t init_observation;
// The count of times the initial observation has recurred within
// the span of the current test.
uint64_t observation_count;
// The statistics are only relevant for telemetry and parameter
// tuning. They do not drive any actual logic in the module.
entropy_health_stats_t *stats;
} entropy_health_test_t;
typedef enum health_test_result {
} health_test_result_t;
// Along with various counters and the buffer itself, this includes
// the state for two FIPS continuous health tests.
typedef struct entropy_data {
// State for a SHA512 computation. This is used to accumulate
// entropy samples from across all CPUs. It is finalized when
// entropy is provided to the consumer of this module.
SHA512_CTX sha512_ctx;
// A buffer to hold a bitmap with one bit per sample of an entropy
// buffer. We are able to reuse this instance across all the
// per-CPU entropy buffers to save space.
bitmap_t filter[ENTROPY_MAX_FILTER_COUNT];
// A total count of entropy samples that have passed through this
// structure. It is incremented as new samples are accumulated
// from the various per-CPU structures. The "current" count of
// samples is the difference between this field and the "read"
// sample count below (which see).
uint64_t total_sample_count;
// Initially zero, this flag is reset to the current sample count
// if and when we fail a health test. We consider the startup
// health tests to be complete when the difference between the
// total sample count and this field is at least 1024. In other
// words, we must accumulate 1024 good samples to demonstrate
// viability. We refuse to provide any entropy before that
// threshold is reached.
uint64_t startup_sample_count;
// The count of samples from the last time we provided entropy to
// the kernel RNG. We use this to compute how many new samples we
// have to contribute. This value is also reset to the current
// sample count in case of health test failure.
uint64_t read_sample_count;
// The lock group for this structure; see below.
lck_grp_t lock_group;
// This structure accumulates entropy samples from across all CPUs
// for a single point of consumption protected by a mutex.
lck_mtx_t mutex;
// State for the Repetition Count Test.
entropy_health_test_t repetition_count_test;
// State for the Adaptive Proportion Test.
entropy_health_test_t adaptive_proportion_test;
} entropy_data_t;
static entropy_cpu_data_t PERCPU_DATA(entropy_cpu_data);
int entropy_health_startup_done;
entropy_health_stats_t entropy_health_rct_stats;
entropy_health_stats_t entropy_health_apt_stats;
uint64_t entropy_filter_accepted_sample_count;
uint64_t entropy_filter_rejected_sample_count;
uint64_t entropy_filter_total_sample_count;
static entropy_data_t entropy_data = {
.repetition_count_test = {
.init_observation = -1,
.stats = &entropy_health_rct_stats,
.adaptive_proportion_test = {
.init_observation = -1,
.stats = &entropy_health_apt_stats,
__security_const_late int entropy_analysis_enabled;
__security_const_late entropy_sample_t *entropy_analysis_buffer;
__security_const_late uint32_t entropy_analysis_buffer_size;
__security_const_late uint32_t entropy_analysis_filter_size;
__security_const_late uint32_t entropy_analysis_max_sample_count;
uint32_t entropy_analysis_sample_count;
static void
entropy_analysis_init(uint32_t sample_count)
entropy_analysis_enabled = 1;
entropy_analysis_max_sample_count = sample_count;
entropy_analysis_buffer_size = sample_count * sizeof(entropy_sample_t);
entropy_analysis_buffer = zalloc_permanent(entropy_analysis_buffer_size, ZALIGN(entropy_sample_t));
entropy_analysis_filter_size = (uint32_t) BITMAP_SIZE(entropy_analysis_max_sample_count);
static void
entropy_analysis_store(entropy_sample_t sample)
uint32_t sample_count;
uint32_t next_sample_count;
os_atomic_rmw_loop(&entropy_analysis_sample_count, sample_count, next_sample_count, relaxed, {
if (sample_count >= entropy_analysis_max_sample_count) {
os_atomic_rmw_loop_give_up(return );
next_sample_count = sample_count + 1;
entropy_analysis_buffer[sample_count] = sample;
entropy_init(size_t seed_size, uint8_t *seed)
SHA512_Update(&entropy_data.sha512_ctx, seed, seed_size);
lck_grp_init(&entropy_data.lock_group, "entropy-data", LCK_GRP_ATTR_NULL);
lck_mtx_init(&entropy_data.mutex, &entropy_data.lock_group, LCK_ATTR_NULL);
// The below path is used only for testing. This boot arg is used
// to collect raw entropy samples for offline analysis.
uint32_t sample_count = 0;
if (__improbable(PE_parse_boot_argn(ENTROPY_ANALYSIS_BOOTARG, &sample_count, sizeof(sample_count)))) {
// This function is called from within the interrupt handler, so
// we do not need to disable interrupts.
entropy_cpu_data_t *e = PERCPU_GET(entropy_cpu_data);
uint32_t sample_count = os_atomic_load(&e->sample_count, relaxed);
assert3u(sample_count, <=, ENTROPY_MAX_SAMPLE_COUNT);
// If the buffer is full, we return early without collecting
// entropy.
if (sample_count == ENTROPY_MAX_SAMPLE_COUNT) {
entropy_sample_t sample = (entropy_sample_t)ml_get_timebase_entropy();
e->samples[sample_count] = sample;
// If the consumer has reset the sample count on us, the only
// consequence is a dropped sample. We effectively abort the
// entropy collection in this case.
(void)os_atomic_cmpxchg(&e->sample_count, sample_count, sample_count + 1, release);
// This code path is only used for testing. Its use is governed by
// a boot arg; see its initialization above.
if (__improbable(entropy_analysis_buffer)) {
// This filter looks at the 1st differential (differences of subsequent
// timestamp values) and the 2nd differential (differences of subsequent
// 1st differentials). This filter will detect sequences of timestamps
// that are linear (that is, the 2nd differential is close to zero).
// Timestamps with a 2nd differential above the threshold ENTROPY_FILTER_THRESHOLD
// will be marked in the filter bitmap. 2nd differentials below the threshold
// will not be counted nor included in the filter bitmap.
// For example imagine the following sequence of 8-bit timestamps:
// [25, 100, 175, 250, 69, 144, 219, 38, 113, 188]
// The 1st differential between timestamps is as follows:
// [75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75]
// The 2nd differential is as follows:
// [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
// The first two samples of any set of samples are always included as
// there is no 2nd differential to compare against. Thus all but
// the first two samples in this example will be removed.
entropy_filter(uint32_t sample_count, entropy_sample_t *samples, __assert_only uint32_t filter_count, bitmap_t *filter)
assert3u(filter_count, >=, BITMAP_LEN(sample_count));
bitmap_zero(filter, sample_count);
// We always keep the first one (or two) sample(s) if we have at least one (or more) samples
if (sample_count == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (sample_count == 1) {
bitmap_set(filter, 0);
return 1;
} else if (sample_count == 2) {
bitmap_set(filter, 0);
bitmap_set(filter, 1);
return 2;
} else {
bitmap_set(filter, 0);
bitmap_set(filter, 1);
uint32_t filtered_sample_count = 2;
// We don't care about underflows when computing any differential
entropy_sample_t prev_1st_differential = samples[1] - samples[0];
for (uint i = 2; i < sample_count; i++) {
entropy_sample_t curr_1st_differential = samples[i] - samples[i - 1];
entropy_sample_t curr_2nd_differential = curr_1st_differential - prev_1st_differential;
if (curr_2nd_differential > ENTROPY_FILTER_THRESHOLD && curr_2nd_differential < ((entropy_sample_t) -ENTROPY_FILTER_THRESHOLD)) {
bitmap_set(filter, i);
filtered_sample_count += 1;
prev_1st_differential = curr_1st_differential;
return filtered_sample_count;
// For information on the following tests, see NIST SP 800-90B 4
// Health Tests. These tests are intended to detect catastrophic
// degradations in entropy. As noted in that document:
// > Health tests are expected to raise an alarm in three cases:
// > 1. When there is a significant decrease in the entropy of the
// > outputs,
// > 2. When noise source failures occur, or
// > 3. When hardware fails, and implementations do not work
// > correctly.
// Each entropy accumulator declines to release entropy until the
// startup tests required by NIST are complete. In the event that a
// health test does fail, all entropy accumulators are reset and
// decline to release further entropy until their startup tests can be
// repeated.
static health_test_result_t
add_observation(entropy_health_test_t *t, uint64_t bound)
t->observation_count += 1;
t->stats->max_observation_count = MAX(t->stats->max_observation_count, (uint32_t)t->observation_count);
if (__improbable(t->observation_count >= bound)) {
t->stats->failure_count += 1;
return health_test_failure;
return health_test_success;
static void
reset_test(entropy_health_test_t *t, entropy_sample_t observation)
t->stats->reset_count += 1;
t->init_observation = observation;
t->observation_count = 1;
t->stats->max_observation_count = MAX(t->stats->max_observation_count, (uint32_t)t->observation_count);
// 4.4.1 Repetition Count Test
// Like the name implies, this test counts consecutive occurrences of
// the same value.
// We compute the bound C as:
// A = 2^-40
// H = 1
// C = 1 + ceil(-log(A, 2) / H) = 41
// With A the acceptable chance of false positive and H a conservative
// estimate for the min-entropy (in bits) of each sample.
// For more information, see tools/entropy_health_test_bounds.py.
static health_test_result_t
repetition_count_test(entropy_sample_t observation)
entropy_health_test_t *t = &entropy_data.repetition_count_test;
if (t->init_observation == observation) {
return add_observation(t, REPETITION_COUNT_BOUND);
} else {
reset_test(t, observation);
return health_test_success;
// 4.4.2 Adaptive Proportion Test
// This test counts occurrences of a value within a window of samples.
// We use a non-binary alphabet, giving us a window size of 512. (In
// particular, we consider the least-significant byte of each time
// sample.)
// Assuming one bit of entropy, we can compute the binomial cumulative
// distribution function over 512 trials and choose a bound such that
// the false positive rate is less than our target.
// For false positive rate and min-entropy estimate as above:
// A = 2^-40
// H = 1
// We have our bound:
// C = 336
// For more information, see tools/entropy_health_test_bounds.py.
// This mask definition requires the window be a power of two.
static_assert(__builtin_popcount(ADAPTIVE_PROPORTION_WINDOW) == 1);
static health_test_result_t
adaptive_proportion_test(entropy_sample_t observation, uint32_t offset)
entropy_health_test_t *t = &entropy_data.adaptive_proportion_test;
// We work in windows of size ADAPTIVE_PROPORTION_WINDOW, so we
// can compute our index by taking the entropy buffer's overall
// sample count plus the offset of this observation modulo the
// window size.
uint32_t index = (entropy_data.total_sample_count + offset) & ADAPTIVE_PROPORTION_INDEX_MASK;
if (index == 0) {
reset_test(t, observation);
} else if (t->init_observation == observation) {
return add_observation(t, ADAPTIVE_PROPORTION_BOUND);
return health_test_success;
static health_test_result_t
entropy_health_test(uint32_t sample_count, entropy_sample_t *samples, __assert_only uint32_t filter_count, bitmap_t *filter)
health_test_result_t result = health_test_success;
assert3u(filter_count, >=, BITMAP_LEN(sample_count));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sample_count; i += 1) {
// We use the filter to determine if a given sample "counts"
// or not. We skip the health tests on those samples that
// failed the filter, since they are not expected to provide
// any entropy.
if (!bitmap_test(filter, i)) {
// We only consider the low bits of each sample, since that is
// where we expect the entropy to be concentrated.
entropy_sample_t observation = samples[i] & 0xff;
if (__improbable(repetition_count_test(observation) == health_test_failure)) {
result = health_test_failure;
if (__improbable(adaptive_proportion_test(observation, i) == health_test_failure)) {
result = health_test_failure;
return result;
entropy_provide(size_t *entropy_size, void *entropy, __unused void *arg)
if (*entropy_size < SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH) {
panic("[entropy_provide] recipient entropy buffer is too small");
int32_t sample_count = 0;
*entropy_size = 0;
// There is only one consumer (the kernel PRNG), but they could
// try to consume entropy from different threads. We simply fail
// if a consumption is already in progress.
if (!lck_mtx_try_lock(&entropy_data.mutex)) {
return sample_count;
health_test_result_t health_test_result = health_test_success;
// We accumulate entropy from all CPUs.
percpu_foreach(e, entropy_cpu_data) {
// On each CPU, the sample count functions as an index into
// the entropy buffer. All samples before that index are valid
// for consumption.
uint32_t cpu_sample_count = os_atomic_load(&e->sample_count, acquire);
assert3u(cpu_sample_count, <=, ENTROPY_MAX_SAMPLE_COUNT);
// We'll calculate how many samples that we would filter out
// and only add that many to the total_sample_count. The bitmap
// is not used during this operation.
uint32_t filtered_sample_count = entropy_filter(cpu_sample_count, e->samples, ENTROPY_MAX_FILTER_COUNT, entropy_data.filter);
assert3u(filtered_sample_count, <=, cpu_sample_count);
entropy_filter_total_sample_count += cpu_sample_count;
entropy_filter_accepted_sample_count += filtered_sample_count;
entropy_filter_rejected_sample_count += (cpu_sample_count - filtered_sample_count);
// The health test depends in part on the current state of
// the entropy data, so we test the new sample before
// accumulating it.
health_test_result_t cpu_health_test_result = entropy_health_test(cpu_sample_count, e->samples, ENTROPY_MAX_FILTER_COUNT, entropy_data.filter);
if (__improbable(cpu_health_test_result == health_test_failure)) {
health_test_result = health_test_failure;
// We accumulate the samples regardless of whether the test
// failed or a particular sample was filtered. It cannot hurt.
entropy_data.total_sample_count += filtered_sample_count;
SHA512_Update(&entropy_data.sha512_ctx, e->samples, cpu_sample_count * sizeof(e->samples[0]));
// "Drain" the per-CPU buffer by resetting its sample count.
os_atomic_store(&e->sample_count, 0, relaxed);
// We expect this never to happen.
// But if it does happen, we need to return negative to signal the
// consumer (i.e. the kernel PRNG) that there has been a failure.
if (__improbable(health_test_result == health_test_failure)) {
entropy_health_startup_done = 0;
entropy_data.startup_sample_count = entropy_data.total_sample_count;
entropy_data.read_sample_count = entropy_data.total_sample_count;
sample_count = -1;
goto out;
// FIPS requires we pass our startup health tests before providing
// any entropy. This condition is only true during startup and in
// case of reset due to test failure.
if (__improbable((entropy_data.total_sample_count - entropy_data.startup_sample_count) < 1024)) {
goto out;
entropy_health_startup_done = 1;
// The count of new samples from the consumer's perspective.
int32_t n = (int32_t)(entropy_data.total_sample_count - entropy_data.read_sample_count);
// Assuming one bit of entropy per sample, we buffer at least 512
// samples before delivering a high-entropy payload. In theory,
// each payload will be a 512-bit seed with full entropy.
// We buffer an additional 64 bits of entropy to satisfy
// over-sampling requirements in FIPS 140-3 IG.
if (n < (512 + 64)) {
goto out;
// Extract the entropy seed from the digest context and adjust
// counters accordingly.
SHA512_Final(entropy, &entropy_data.sha512_ctx);
entropy_data.read_sample_count = entropy_data.total_sample_count;
sample_count = n;
*entropy_size = SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH;
// Reinitialize the digest context for future entropy
// conditioning.
// To harden the entropy conditioner against an attacker with
// partial or temporary control of interrupts, we roll the
// extracted seed back into the new digest context. Assuming
// we are able to reach a threshold of entropy, we can prevent
// the attacker from predicting future output seeds.
// Along with the seed, we mix in a fixed label to personalize
// this context.
const char label[SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH - SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH] = "xnu entropy extract seed";
// We need the combined size of our inputs to equal the
// internal SHA512 block size. This will force an additional
// compression to provide backtracking resistance.
assert3u(sizeof(label) + *entropy_size, ==, SHA512_BLOCK_LENGTH);
SHA512_Update(&entropy_data.sha512_ctx, label, sizeof(label));
SHA512_Update(&entropy_data.sha512_ctx, entropy, *entropy_size);
return sample_count;