* Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
* are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
* "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
* This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef _VM_PMAP_CS_H_
#define _VM_PMAP_CS_H_
* All of PMAP_CS definitions are private and should remain accessible only within XNU
* and Apple internal kernel extensions.
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
#include <mach/vm_types.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <img4/firmware.h>
#include <img4/nonce.h>
* Check if the PPL based code signing is enabled on the system or not. With a bit of
* a refactor on how this function is defined, we could soon move this within the
* Any declarations for types or functions which don't need to be exported to kernel
* extensions should go here. Naturally, this means this section can also include
* headers which may not be available to kernel extensions.
#if defined(__arm64__)
#include <pexpert/arm64/board_config.h>
#include <vm/pmap.h>
#include <kern/lock_rw.h>
#include <libkern/image4/dlxk.h>
#include <TrustCache/API.h>
* XNU_MONITOR and PMAP_CS are both defined for the same targets in board_config.h.
* As a result, whenever XNU_MONITOR is defined, so is PMAP_CS. In an ideal world, we
* can remove the use of PMAP_CS macro and simply use XNU_MONITOR, but that would
* require a lot of changes throughout the codebase.
* PMAP_CS_PPL_MONITOR is defined when we have XNU_MONITOR _and_ we explicitly don't
* have CONFIG_SPTM. This effectively means that whenever we have PMAP_CS_PPL_MONITOR,
* we should also always have PMAP_CS_INCLUDE_CODE_SIGNING. Lets enforce this with a
* build check.
#error "PMAP_CS_INCLUDE_CODE_SIGNING not defined when under PMAP_CS_PPL_MONITOR"
/* Immutable part of the trust cache runtime */
extern TrustCacheRuntime_t ppl_trust_cache_rt;
/* Mutable part of the trust cache runtime */
extern TrustCacheMutableRuntime_t ppl_trust_cache_mut_rt;
/* Lock for the trust cache runtime */
extern lck_rw_t ppl_trust_cache_rt_lock;
typedef struct _pmap_img4_payload {
/* The trust cache data structure which wraps the payload */
TrustCache_t trust_cache;
/* The actual image4 trust cache payload */
uint8_t img4_payload[0];
} pmap_img4_payload_t;
/* State for whether developer mode has been set or not */
extern bool ppl_developer_mode_set;
/* State of developer mode on the system */
extern bool ppl_developer_mode_storage;
* State of lockdown mode on the system. This variable is an exclusive view of
* lockdown mode state for the PPL, and we capture this because the kernel's
* view of lockdown mode isn't immutable.
extern bool ppl_lockdown_mode_enabled;
extern bool ppl_lockdown_mode_enforce_jit;
* Check the PPL trust cache runtime if a particular trust cache has already been
* loaded based on its UUID. The PPL trust cache runtime is kept locked as shared
* during the function.
const uint8_t check_uuid[kUUIDSize]);
* Load an image4 trust cache of a particular type into the PPL. If validation succeeds,
* the payload will remain locked, but the other artifacts will be unlocked. If validation
* fails, all artifacts will be unlocked.
* All the lengths passed in will first be rounded up to page-size, so it is expected that
* the caller allocates page-aligned data.
* Upon successful validation, the trust cache is added to the runtime maintained by the
* PPL.
TCType_t type,
const vm_address_t pmap_img4_payload, const vm_size_t pmap_img4_payload_len,
const vm_address_t img4_manifest, const vm_size_t img4_manifest_len,
const vm_address_t img4_aux_manifest, const vm_size_t img4_aux_manifest_len);
* Query a trust cache from within the PPL. This function can only be called when within
* the PPL and does not pin the query_token passed in.
TCQueryType_t query_type,
const uint8_t cdhash[kTCEntryHashSize],
TrustCacheQueryToken_t *query_token);
* Query a trust cache of a particular type from the PPL. The query_token passed in will
* be pinned by the PPL runtime when the PPL is attempting to write to it. This is an API
* which can be used for callers external to the PPL.
TCQueryType_t query_type,
const uint8_t cdhash[kTCEntryHashSize],
TrustCacheQueryToken_t *query_token);
* Toggle the state of developer mode on the system. This function can only be called with
* a true value once in the lifecycle of a boot.
* Until this function is called once to set the state, the PPL will block non-platform
* code and JIT on the system.
bool state);
#endif /* PMAP_CS_PPL_MONITOR */
#include <CoreEntitlements/CoreEntitlementsPriv.h>
#include <kern/cs_blobs.h>
#include <libkern/tree.h>
#include <libkern/crypto/sha1.h>
#include <libkern/crypto/sha2.h>
#include <libkern/coretrust/coretrust.h>
/* Validation data for a provisioning profile */
typedef struct _pmap_cs_profile {
* The PPL uses the physical aperture mapping to write to this structure. But
* we need to save a pointer to the original mapping for when we are going to
* unregister this profile from the PPL.
void *original_payload;
/* A CoreEntitlements context for querying the profile */
der_vm_context_t profile_ctx_storage;
const der_vm_context_t *profile_ctx;
* Critical information regarding the profile. If a profile has not been verified,
* it cannot be associated with a code signature. Development profiles are only
* allowed under certain circumstances.
bool profile_validated;
bool development_profile;
* Reference count for the number of code signatures which are currently using
* this provisioning profile for their constraint validation.
uint32_t reference_count;
* The list of entitlements which are provisioned by this provisioning profile.
* If this list allows the debuggee entitlements, then this profile is considered
* a development profile.
struct CEQueryContext entitlements_ctx_storage;
struct CEQueryContext *entitlements_ctx;
/* Red-black tree linkage */
RB_ENTRY(_pmap_cs_profile) link;
} pmap_cs_profile_t;
/* This is how we expect the kernel to hand us provisioning profiles */
typedef struct _pmap_profile_payload {
/* Storage for the provisioning profile */
pmap_cs_profile_t profile_obj_storage;
/* Size of the signed profile blob */
vm_size_t profile_blob_size;
/* The signed profile blob itself */
uint8_t profile_blob[0];
} pmap_profile_payload_t;
/* Trust levels are ordered, i.e. higher is more trust */
typedef enum {
* Trust level given to code directory entries which have been retired and are
* no longer valid to be used for any purpose. These code directores are freed
* when their reference count touches 0.
* This trust level signifies that an application has been verified through the
* profile based certificate chain, but the profile in question itself has not
* been verified. Code directories with this trust aren't allowed to be run
* or mapped.
* Signatures provided through the compilation service. These signatures are meant
* to only apply to loadable libraries, and therefore have the lowest acceptable trust.
* Signature for out-of-process JIT. These can only be loaded by an entitled process
* and have a special library validation policy for being mapped within other processes.
* These represent a safer version of JIT.
* These signatures are those which are trusted because they have been signed by the
* device local signing key.
* These signatures belong to applications which are profile validated, and for those
* whose profiles have also been verified.
* These signatures are those belonging to the app store.
* Engineering roots which are still Apple signed. These don't need to be platform
* because they are backed by a CMS signature and therefore would've never been
* platform anyways.
* These signatures represent platform binaries which have the highest trust level.
* Engineering roots installed by engineers for development. These are given the
* highest trust level.
} pmap_cs_trust_t;
/* Everything with greater or equal trust is a platform binary */
/* Minimum trust level of a code signature to be run/mapped */
typedef struct pmap_cs_code_directory {
union {
struct {
/* red-black tree linkage */
RB_ENTRY(pmap_cs_code_directory) link;
* Blobs which are small enough are allocated and managed by the PPL. This field
* is NULL for large blobs.
struct pmap_cs_blob *managed_blob;
bool managed;
* The superblob of the code signature. The length we store here is the length of the
* memory allocated by the kernel itself, which may be greater than the actual length
* of the code signature.
CS_SuperBlob *superblob;
vm_size_t superblob_size;
bool superblob_validated;
* Code directories can be arbitrarily large, and hashing them can take a long time. We
* usually hash code directories in a continuable way, yielding our execution context
* after hashing some amount of the bytes.
union {
SHA384_CTX sha384_ctx;
SHA256_CTX sha256_ctx;
SHA1_CTX sha1_ctx;
uint32_t cd_length_hashed;
* The best code directory is just an offset away from the superblob. This code directory
* is extensively validated for all of its fields.
const CS_CodeDirectory *cd;
bool cd_offset_matched;
* The first code directory is used when validating the CMS blob attached to a code signature
* and is often not the best code directory.
bool first_cd_initialized;
bool first_cd_hashed;
uint8_t first_cdhash[CS_HASH_MAX_SIZE];
const uint8_t *first_cd;
size_t first_cd_length;
const uint8_t *cms_blob;
size_t cms_blob_length;
CoreTrustDigestType ct_digest_type;
* Frequently accessed information from the code directory kept here as a cache.
const char *identifier;
const char *teamid;
bool main_binary;
* The DER entitlements blob and CoreEntitlements context for querying this code
* signature for entitlements.
struct CEQueryContext core_entitlements_ctx;
struct CEQueryContext *ce_ctx;
const CS_GenericBlob *der_entitlements;
uint32_t der_entitlements_size;
* This is parhaps the most important field in this structure. It signifies what
* level of confidence we have in this code directory and this trust level
* defines execution/mapping policies for this code directory.
pmap_cs_trust_t trust;
* Reference count of how many regions this code directory is associated with through
* pmap_cs_associate.
uint32_t reference_count;
* We maintain this field as it allows us to quickly index into a bucket of supported
* hash types, and choose the correct hashing algorithm for this code directory.
unsigned int hash_type;
/* Lock on this code directory */
decl_lck_rw_data(, rwlock);
* The PPL may transform the code directory (e.g. for multilevel hashing),
* which changes its cdhash. We retain the cdhash of the original, canonical
* code directory here.
uint8_t cdhash[CS_CDHASH_LEN];
* For performing provisioning profile validation in the PPL, we store the profile as
* PPL owned data so it cannot be changed during the validation time period.
* This interface for profile validation is deprecated.
struct {
/* The provisioning profile and its size */
const uint8_t *profile;
vm_size_t profile_size;
/* Size of memory allocated to hold the profile */
vm_size_t allocation_size;
} profile_data;
* The provisioning profile object used for validating constrainst for profile validates
* signatures. This is the newer interface the PPL uses.
pmap_cs_profile_t *profile_obj;
* The leaf certificate for CMS blobs as returned to us by CoreTrust. This is used when
* verifying a signature against a provisioning profile.
const uint8_t *cms_leaf;
vm_size_t cms_leaf_size;
* A pointer to the entitlements structure maintained by the kernel. We don't really
* care about this other than maintaing a link to it in memory which isn't writable
* by the kernel.
const void *kernel_entitlements;
* The UBC layer may request the PPL to unlock the unneeded part of the code signature.
* We hold this boolean to track whether we have unlocked those unneeded bits already or
* not.
bool unneeded_code_signature_unlocked;
/* Free list linkage */
struct pmap_cs_code_directory *pmap_cs_code_directory_next;
} pmap_cs_code_directory_t;
typedef struct pmap_cs_lookup_results {
/* Start of the code region */
vm_map_address_t region_addr;
/* Size of the code region */
vm_map_size_t region_size;
/* Code signature backing the code region */
struct pmap_cs_code_directory *region_sig;
} pmap_cs_lookup_results_t;
typedef struct _pmap_cs_ce_acceleration_buffer {
/* Magic to identify this structure */
uint16_t magic;
* The acceleration buffer can come from one of two places. First, it can come
* from the extra space present within the locked down code signature as not
* all of it is used all the time. In this case, we don't need to free the
* buffer once we're done using it. Second, it can come from the bucket allocator
* within the PPL, in which case we need to deallocate this after we're done with
* it.
union {
uint16_t unused0;
bool allocated;
/* The length of the acceleration buffer */
uint32_t length;
/* The embedded buffer bytes */
uint8_t buffer[0];
} __attribute__((packed)) pmap_cs_ce_acceleration_buffer_t;
/* Ensure we have a known overhead here */
_Static_assert(sizeof(pmap_cs_ce_acceleration_buffer_t) == 8,
"sizeof(pmap_cs_ce_acceleration_buffer_t) != 8");
#define PMAP_CS_ASSOCIATE_JIT ((void *) -1)
#define PMAP_CS_ASSOCIATE_COW ((void *) -2)
/* Maximum blob sized managed by the PPL on its own */
extern const size_t pmap_cs_blob_limit;
* Initialize the red-black tree and the locks for managing provisioning profiles within
* the PPL.
* This function doesn't trap into the PPL but writes to PPL protected data. Hence, this
* function needs to be called before the PPL is locked down, asn otherwise it will cause
* a system panic.
* Register a provisioning profile with the PPL. The payload address and size are both
* expected to be page aligned. The PPL will attempt to lockdown the address range before
* the profile validation.
* After validation, the profile will be added to an internal red-black tree, allowing
* the PPL to safely enumerate all registered profiles.
const vm_address_t payload_addr,
const vm_size_t payload_size);
* Unregister a provisioning profile from the PPL. The payload which was registered is
* unlocked, and the caller is free to do whatever they want with it. Unregistration is
* only successful when there are no reference counts on the profile object.
pmap_cs_profile_t *profile_obj);
* Associate a PPL profile object with a PPL code signature object. A code signature
* object can only have a single profile associated with it, and a successful association
* increments the reference count on the profile object.
pmap_cs_code_directory_t *cd_entry,
pmap_cs_profile_t *profile_obj);
* Disassociate a PPL profile object from a PPL code signature object. Disassociation
* through this code path is only successful when the code signature object has been
* verified.
* This decrements the reference count on the profile object, potentially allowing it
* to be unregistered if the reference count hits zero.
pmap_cs_code_directory_t *cd_entry);
* Store the compilation service CDHash within the PPL storage so that it may not be
* modified by an attacker. The CDHash being stored must represent a library and this
* is enforced during signature validation when a signature is trusted because it
* matched the compilation service CDHash.
pmap_set_compilation_service_cdhash(const uint8_t cdhash[CS_CDHASH_LEN]);
* Match a specified CDHash against the stored compilation service CDHash. The CDHash
* is protected with a lock, and that lock is held when the matching takes place in
* order to ensure we don't compare against a CDHash which is in the process of changing.
pmap_match_compilation_service_cdhash(const uint8_t cdhash[CS_CDHASH_LEN]);
* Store the local signing public key in secured storage within the PPL. The PPL only
* allows setting a key once, and subsequent attempts to do this will panic the system.
* This key is used during CoreTrust validation of signatures during code signature
* verification.
const uint8_t public_key[PMAP_CS_LOCAL_SIGNING_KEY_SIZE]);
* Acquire the local signing public key which was previusly stored within the PPL. If
* there is no key stored in the PPL, then this function shall return NULL.
* All locally signed main binaries need to be authorixed explicitly before they are
* allowed to run. As part of this, this API allows an application to register a CDHash
* for the main binary it is intending to run.
* Use of this API requires the appropriate entitlement.
const uint8_t cdhash[CS_CDHASH_LEN]);
* Register a code signature blob with the PPL. If the blob size is small enough, the
* PPL will copy the entire blob into its own allocated memory. On the other hand, if
* the blob is large, the PPL will attempt to lockdown the passed in blob, and doing
* so will require that the address and size provided are page aligned.
* After validation, the signature will be added to an internal red-black tree, allowing
* the PPL to safely enumerate all registered code signatures.
vm_address_t blob_addr,
vm_size_t blob_size,
vm_offset_t code_directory_offset,
pmap_cs_code_directory_t **cd_entry);
* Unregister a code signature blob from the PPL. The signature address is either freed
* in case it was owned by the PPL, or it is unlocked in case it was XNU-owned by was PPL
* locked.
* If the memory is unlocked, then the kernel is free to do with the memory as it pleases.
* Note that this function may not deallocate the cd_entry itself, in case the cd_entry
* has any reference counts on it. In that case, the cd_entry is retired, and finally
* freed when the final code region which references the cd_entry is freed.
pmap_cs_code_directory_t *cd_entry);
* Verify a signature within the PPL. Once a signature has been verified, it gets assigned
* a trust level, and based on that trust level, the cd_entry is then allowed to be
* associated with address spaces.
pmap_cs_code_directory_t *cd_entry);
* Once we've verified a code signature, not all blobs from the signature are required
* going forward. This function can be used to unlock parts of the code signature which
* can then be freed by the kernel to conserve memory.
pmap_cs_code_directory_t *cd_entry,
vm_address_t *unneeded_addr,
vm_size_t *unneeded_size);
* Create an association of a cd_entry within a code region in the pmap. If the cd_entry
* is a main binary, then it is set as the main region of the pmap, otherwise the cd_entry
* is evaluated for a library validation policy against the main binary of the pmap.
pmap_t pmap,
pmap_cs_code_directory_t *cd_entry,
vm_map_address_t vaddr,
vm_map_size_t vsize,
vm_object_offset_t offset);
* Iterate through the code regions present in the SPLAY tree for checking if the specified
* address intersects with any code region or not.
pmap_t pmap,
vm_map_address_t vaddr,
pmap_cs_lookup_results_t *results);
* Let the PPL know that the associated pmap needs to be debugged and therefore it needs
* to allow invalid code to be mapped in. PPL shall only allow this when the pmap posseses
* the appropriate debuggee entitlement.
pmap_cs_allow_invalid(pmap_t pmap);
* Acquire the trust level which is put onto a pmap based on the code signature associated
* with the main region. This function does NOT take a lock on the pmap and does not trap
* into the PPL.
pmap_t pmap,
pmap_cs_trust_t *trust_level);
* Acquire the start and end address for the JIT region for the pmap, if any.
* This function does NOT take a lock on the pmap and does not trap into the PPL.
pmap_t pmap,
uintptr_t *jit_region_start,
uintptr_t *jit_region_end);
* Copy over the main binary association from the old address space to the new address
* space. This is required since a fork copies over all associations from one address space
* to another, and we need to make sure the main binary association is made before any
* libraries are mapped in.
pmap_t old_pmap,
pmap_t new_pmap);
* Keep a reference to the kernel entitlements data structure within the cd_entry in
* order to establish a read-only chain for the kernel to query in order to resolve the
* entitlements on an address space.
pmap_cs_code_directory_t *cd_entry,
const void *kernel_entitlements);
* Resolve the kernel entitlements object attached to the main binary of an address space
* and return it back to the kernel.
pmap_t pmap,
const void **kernel_entitlements);
* Accelerate the CoreEntitlements context for a particular cd_entry. This operation can
* only be performed on reconstituted code signatures, and accelerates the context using
* memory which is locked by the PPL.
* If the code signature pages have enough space left within them, then that extra space
* is used for allocating the acceleration buffer, otherwise we tap into the allocator
* for it.
pmap_cs_code_directory_t *cd_entry);
* The PPl allocates some space for AppleImage4 to store some of its data. It needs to
* allocate this space since this region needs to be PPL protected, and the macro which
* makes a region PPL protected isn't available to kernel extensions.
* This function can be used to acquire the memory region which is PPL protected.
size_t *allocated_size);
* Use the AppleImage4 API to set a nonce value based on a particular nonce index.
* AppleImage4 ensures that a particular nonce domain value can only be set once
* during the boot of the system.
const img4_nonce_domain_index_t ndi,
const img4_nonce_t *nonce);
* Use the AppleImage4 API to roll the nonce associated with a particular domain to
* make the nonce invalid.
const img4_nonce_domain_index_t ndi);
* Use the AppleImage4 API to copy the nonce value associated with a particular domain.
* The PPL will attempt to "pin" the nonce_out parameter before writing to it.
const img4_nonce_domain_index_t ndi,
img4_nonce_t *nonce_out);
* Use the AppleImage4 API to perform object execution of a particular known object type.
* These are the supported object types:
img4_runtime_object_spec_index_t obj_spec_index,
const img4_buff_t *payload,
const img4_buff_t *manifest);
* Use the AppleImage4 API to copy an executed objects contents into provided memroy.
* The PPL will attempt to "pin" the object_out parameter before writing to it.
img4_runtime_object_spec_index_t obj_spec_index,
vm_address_t object_out,
size_t *object_length);
* Entry point for the new AppleImage4 to enter the PPL monitor for it's variety of
* tasks.
image4_cs_trap_t selector,
const void *input_data,
size_t input_size);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* _VM_PMAP_CS_H_ */