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* Mach Operating System
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* File: vm/vm_kern.h
* Author: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young
* Date: 1985
* Kernel memory management definitions.
#ifndef _VM_VM_KERN_H_
#define _VM_VM_KERN_H_
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <mach/vm_types.h>
#include <kern/locks.h>
* @brief
* The VM map for the kernel.
* @discussion
* This represents the VM-managed portion of the address space.
* The actual address space of the kernel is larger but is managed
* by the pmap directly and the VM is oblivious to it. Unmanaged regions
* of that kind include the physical aperture or the KASAN shadow map.
extern vm_map_t kernel_map;
* @brief
* The IPC VM submap.
* @discussion
* The IPC submap is used by the Mach IPC subsystem in order to stage
* allocations for IPC kmsgs or to throttle debugging interfaces.
* This submap doesn't zero on page fault, and clients must properly
* erase memory or risk memory disclosures.
extern vm_map_t ipc_kernel_map;
* @brief
* The Kext VM submap
* @discussion
* This submap is used to support unloading and paging out kexts.
extern vm_map_t g_kext_map __XNU_PRIVATE_EXTERN;
#pragma mark - the kmem subsystem
* @function kmem_alloc()
* @brief
* Allocate anonymous wired memory from the kernel map or a kernel submap.
* @discussion
* The memory allocated is wired and must be deallocated with @c kmem_free()
* or @c mach_vm_deallocate().
* Kernel extensions are discouraged from using this function:
* consider @c IOMallocType() instead.
* Per kernel allocation security policies (see doc/allocators/api-basics.md),
* this allocation cannot be used to store pure data, @c IOMallocData()
* must be used instead.
* @param [in] map the map to allocate from, this must be the kernel map
* or one of its submaps.
* @param [out] addrp a non-NULL pointer used to return the newly allocated
* memory.
* @param [in] size the size of the memory to allocate.
* @returns
* KERN_SUCCESS the allocation succeeded,
* the returned address will be non-zero.
* the allocation failed because @c size was 0.
* KERN_NO_SPACE the allocation failed because the specified map
* is out of address space.
* the allocation failed because the kernel
* was out of pages and couldn't satisfy the demand.
extern kern_return_t kmem_alloc(
vm_map_t map,
vm_offset_t *addrp,
vm_size_t size);
* @function kmem_alloc_pageable()
* @brief
* Allocate anonymous pageable memory from the kernel map or a kernel submap.
* @discussion
* This call is equivalent to @c mach_vm_allocate(map, addr, size, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE)
* which should be preferred to this legacy call.
* The memory allocated is wired and must be deallocated with @c kmem_free()
* or @c mach_vm_deallocate().
* Per kernel allocation security policies (see doc/allocators/api-basics.md),
* this allocation must not be used to store kernel pointers.
* @param [in] map the map to allocate from, this must be the kernel map
* or one of its submaps.
* @param [out] addrp a non-NULL pointer used to return the newly allocated
* memory.
* @param [in] size the size of the memory to allocate.
* @returns
* KERN_SUCCESS the allocation succeeded,
* the returned address will be non-zero.
* KERN_NO_SPACE the allocation failed because the specified map
* is out of address space.
extern kern_return_t kmem_alloc_pageable(
vm_map_t map,
vm_offset_t *addrp,
vm_size_t size);
* @function kmem_alloc_kobject()
* @brief
* Allocate kobject wired memory from the kernel map or a kernel submap.
* @discussion
* The memory allocated is wired and must be deallocated with @c kmem_free()
* or @c mach_vm_deallocate().
* Memory allocated by this function is added to the VM kernel object rather
* than a new VM object. This makes it possible to avoid the cost of that extra
* VM object, but forgoes any advanced VM features such as unwiring memory, or
* sharing it (whether it be to an IOMMU or another address space).
* Kernel extensions are discouraged from using this function:
* consider @c IOMallocType() instead.
* Per kernel allocation security policies (see doc/allocators/api-basics.md),
* this allocation cannot be used to store pure data, @c IOMallocData()
* must be used instead.
* @param [in] map the map to allocate from, this must be the kernel map
* or one of its submaps.
* @param [out] addrp a non-NULL pointer used to return the newly allocated
* memory.
* @param [in] size the size of the memory to allocate.
* @returns
* KERN_SUCCESS the allocation succeeded,
* the returned address will be non-zero.
* the allocation failed because @c size was 0.
* KERN_NO_SPACE the allocation failed because the specified map
* is out of address space.
* the allocation failed because the kernel
* was out of pages and couldn't satisfy the demand.
extern kern_return_t kmem_alloc_kobject(
vm_map_t map,
vm_offset_t *addrp,
vm_size_t size);
* @function kmem_free()
* @brief
* Deallocates a range of memory.
* @discussion
* This call is roughly equivalent to @c mach_vm_deallocate(map, addr, size).
* It is possible to deallocate an allocation in several steps provided that
* the deallocations form a partition of the range allocated with one of
* the functions from the @c kmem_alloc*() family.
* Unlike @c mach_vm_deallocate(), this function will panic for invalid
* arguments, in particular for invalid sizes or a @c map argument
* not matching the one used for allocating.
* @param map the map to allocate from, this must be the kernel map
* or one of its submaps.
* @param addr the address to deallocate.
* @param size the size of the address to deallocate.
extern void kmem_free(
vm_map_t map,
vm_offset_t addr,
vm_size_t size);
#endif /* !XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#pragma mark - kernel address obfuscation / hashing for logging
* @function vm_kernel_addrhide()
* @brief
* Unslides a kernel pointer.
* @discussion
* This is exporting the VM_KERNEL_ADDRHIDE() functionality to kernel
* extensions.
* @param addr the kernel address to unslide
* @param hide_addr the unslid value of @c addr if it was part of a slid
* region of the kernel.
* 0 on release kernels if @c addr is not part of a slid
* region of the kernel.
* @c addr on development kernels if @c addr is not part of
* a slid region of the kernel.
extern void vm_kernel_addrhide(
vm_offset_t addr,
vm_offset_t *hide_addr);
* @function vm_kernel_addrperm_external()
* @brief
* Unslides or "permutate" a kernel pointer.
* @discussion
* This is exporting the VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM() functionality to kernel
* extensions.
* The level of "hiding" of heap kernel pointers done by this function is
* insufficient. Using @c vm_kernel_addrhash() is preferred when possible.
* Note that this function might cause lazy allocation to preserve the floating
* point register state on Intel and is generally unsafe to call under lock.
* @param addr the kernel address to unslide
* @param perm_addr the unslid value of @c addr if it was part of a slid
* region of the kernel.
extern void vm_kernel_addrperm_external(
vm_offset_t addr,
vm_offset_t *perm_addr);
* @function vm_kernel_unslide_or_perm_external()
* @brief
* Equivalent to vm_kernel_addrperm_external().
extern void vm_kernel_unslide_or_perm_external(
vm_offset_t addr,
vm_offset_t *perm_addr);
* @function vm_kernel_addrhash()
* @brief
* Unslides or hashes a kernel pointer.
* @discussion
* This is exporting the VM_KERNEL_ADDRHASH() functionality to kernel
* extensions.
* @param addr the kernel address to unslide
* @returns the unslid value of @c addr if it was part of a slid
* region of the kernel.
* a hashed value of @c addr otherwise.
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_addrhash(
vm_offset_t addr);
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
* @brief
* The quantity @c vm_kernel_addrhide() uses to slide heap pointers.
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_addrperm_ext;
* @brief
* The quantity @c vm_kernel_addrhash() uses to hash heap pointers inside XNU.
extern uint64_t vm_kernel_addrhash_salt;
* @brief
* The quantity @c vm_kernel_addrhash() uses to hash heap pointers for kernel
* extensions.
extern uint64_t vm_kernel_addrhash_salt_ext;
* @function vm_kernel_addrhash_internal()
* @brief
* Internal function used to implement the @c vm_kernel_addrhash*() functions.
extern vm_offset_t vm_kernel_addrhash_internal(
vm_offset_t addr,
uint64_t salt);
* @function vm_kernel_addrhash()
* @brief
* Unslides or hashes a kernel pointer.
* @discussion
* This is exporting the VM_KERNEL_ADDRHASH() functionality to kernel
* extensions.
* @param addr the kernel address to unslide
* @returns the unslid value of @c addr if it was part of a slid
* region of the kernel.
* a hashed value of @c addr otherwise.
static inline vm_offset_t
vm_kernel_addrhash(vm_offset_t addr)
return vm_kernel_addrhash_internal(addr, vm_kernel_addrhash_salt);
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#pragma mark - kern allocation names
* @typedef kern_allocation_name_t
* @brief
* This type is used to perform different kinds of accounting
* in the Mach VM subsystem.
typedef struct vm_allocation_site kern_allocation_name;
typedef kern_allocation_name *kern_allocation_name_t;
typedef struct kern_allocation_name *kern_allocation_name_t;
* @brief
* Allocate a kernel allocation accounting structure.
* @param name a symbolic name for this accounting group.
* @param suballocs how many subtotals will be used for accounting.
* see @c kern_allocation_update_subtotal().
* @returns the new allocated accounting structure,
* this function never fails.
extern kern_allocation_name_t kern_allocation_name_allocate(
const char *name,
uint16_t suballocs);
* @brief
* Frees a kernel allocation accounting structure.
* @param allocation a structure made with @c kern_allocation_name_allocate().
extern void kern_allocation_name_release(
kern_allocation_name_t allocation);
* @brief
* Returns the name associated with an allocation accounting structure.
* @returns the name associated with that accounting structure,
* when made with @c kern_allocation_name_allocate().
extern const char *kern_allocation_get_name(
kern_allocation_name_t allocation);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* _VM_VM_KERN_H_ */