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* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University
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* File: vm/vm_map.h
* Author: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young
* Date: 1985
* Virtual memory map module definitions.
* Contributors:
* avie, dlb, mwyoung
#ifndef _VM_VM_MAP_H_
#define _VM_VM_MAP_H_
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <mach/vm_types.h>
#include <mach/vm_prot.h>
#include <mach/vm_inherit.h>
#include <mach/vm_behavior.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
#include <mach/sdt.h>
#include <vm/pmap.h>
#include <os/overflow.h>
#include <vm/vm_protos.h>
#include <mach_assert.h>
#include <vm/vm_map_store_internal.h>
#include <vm/vm_object_xnu.h>
#include <vm/vm_page.h>
#include <kern/locks.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
#include <kern/macro_help.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <os/refcnt.h>
#pragma mark - VM map basics
* @function vm_map_create()
* @brief
* Creates an empty VM map.
* @discussion
* A VM map represents an address space or sub-address space that is managed
* by the Mach VM.
* It consists of a complex data structure which represents all the VM regions
* as configured by the address space client, which supports fast lookup
* by address or range.
* In the Mach VM, the VM map is the source of truth for all the configuration
* of regions, and the machine dependent physical map layer is used as a cache
* of that information.
* Most of the kernel clients never have to make VM maps themselves
* and will instead interact with:
* - the @c current_map() (or a given task map),
* - the @c kernel_map (which is the kernel's own map) or one of its submaps.
* Inside XNU, using @c vm_map_create_options() is preferred.
* @param pmap the physical map to associated with this map
* @param min_off the lower address bound of this map
* @param max_off the upper address bound of this map
* @param pageable whether the map will support paging.
extern vm_map_t vm_map_create(
pmap_t pmap,
vm_map_offset_t min_off,
vm_map_offset_t max_off,
boolean_t pageable);
* @function vm_map_deallocate()
* @brief
* Deallocates a VM map.
* @discussion
* VM maps are refcounted objects, however most clients will instead
* hold references to the owning task, or manipulate them via Mach ports.
* @param map the map to deallocate.
extern void vm_map_deallocate(
vm_map_t map);
* @function vm_map_page_shift()
* @brief
* Returns the page shift for a given map.
* @param map the specified map
* @returns the page shift for this map
extern int vm_map_page_shift(
vm_map_t map) __pure2;
* @function vm_map_page_mask()
* @brief
* Returns the page mask for a given map.
* @discussion
* This is equivalent to @c ((1ull << vm_page_shift(mask)) - 1).
* @param map the specified map
* @returns the page mask for this map
extern vm_map_offset_t vm_map_page_mask(
vm_map_t map) __pure2;
* @function vm_map_page_size()
* @brief
* Returns the page size for a given map.
* @discussion
* This is equivalent to @c ((1 << vm_page_shift(mask)))
* @param map the specified map
* @returns the page size for this map
extern int vm_map_page_size(
vm_map_t map) __pure2;
* @function vm_map_round_page()
* @brief
* Rounds up a given address to the next page boundary for a given page mask.
* @discussion
* @warning
* This function doesn't check for overflow,
* clients are expected to verify the returned value wasn't 0.
* @param offset the address to round to a page boundary
* @param mask the page mask to use for the operation
* @returns @c offset rounded up to the next page boundary
#define vm_map_round_page(x, pgmask) \
(((vm_map_offset_t)(x) + (pgmask)) & ~((signed)(pgmask)))
* @function vm_map_round_page_mask()
* @brief
* Rounds up a given address to the next page boundary for a given page mask.
* @discussion
* This is equivalent to @c vm_map_round_page(offset, mask)
* @warning
* This function doesn't check for overflow,
* clients are expected to verify the returned value wasn't 0.
* @param offset the address to round to a page boundary
* @param mask the page mask to use for the operation
* @returns @c offset rounded up to the next page boundary
extern vm_map_offset_t vm_map_round_page_mask(
vm_map_offset_t offset,
vm_map_offset_t mask) __pure2;
* @function vm_map_trunc_page()
* @brief
* Truncates a given address to the previous page boundary for a given page mask.
* @discussion
* This is equivalent to @c vm_map_trunc_page(offset, mask)
* @param offset the address to truncate to a page boundary
* @param mask the page mask to use for the operation
* @returns @c offset truncated to the previous page boundary
#define vm_map_trunc_page(offset, pgmask) \
((vm_map_offset_t)(offset) & ~((signed)(pgmask)))
* @function vm_map_trunc_page_mask()
* @brief
* Truncates a given address to the previous page boundary for a given page mask.
* @discussion
* This is equivalent to @c vm_map_trunc_page(offset, mask)
* @param offset the address to truncate to a page boundary
* @param mask the page mask to use for the operation
* @returns @c offset truncated to the previous page boundary
extern vm_map_offset_t vm_map_trunc_page_mask(
vm_map_offset_t offset,
vm_map_offset_t mask) __pure2;
* @function vm_map_disable_hole_optimization()
* @brief
* Disables hole list optimization
* @discussion
* This function disables the hole list optimization and deallocates all
* associated resources.
* @param map the map to disable hole list for.
extern void vm_map_disable_hole_optimization(
vm_map_t map);
#pragma mark - MIG helpers
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
* @function convert_port_entry_to_map()
* @brief
* MIG intran for the @c vm_task_entry_t type, do not use directly.
extern vm_map_t convert_port_entry_to_map(
ipc_port_t port) __exported;
* @function vm_map_inspect_deallocate()
* @brief
* MIG destructor function for the @c vm_map_inspect_t type,
* do not use directly.
extern void vm_map_inspect_deallocate(
vm_map_inspect_t map);
* @function vm_map_read_deallocate()
* @brief
* MIG destructor function for the @c vm_map_read_t type,
* do not use directly.
extern void vm_map_read_deallocate(
vm_map_read_t map);
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#pragma mark - vm map wiring
* @function vm_map_wire()
* @brief
* Sets the pageability of the specified address range in the
* target map as wired.
* @discussion
* Regions specified as not pageable require locked-down physical memory
* and physical page maps.
* The prot_u variable indicates types of accesses that must not
* generate page faults. This is checked against protection of memory
* being locked-down.
* The map must not be locked, but a reference must remain
* to the map throughout the call.
* @param map the target VM map (the call will recurse in submaps).
* @param start_u the lower bound of the address range to wire
* @param end_u the upper bound of the address range to wire
* @param prot_u the access for which to perform the wiring
* @param user_wire whether the wiring is on behalf of userspace.
* userspace wiring is equivalent to an mlock() call from
* userspace and will be undone at process death unlike
* kernel wiring which must always be undone explicitly.
* @returns
* - KERN_SUCCESS the operation was successful
* @c [start_u, end_u) didn't form a valid region
* the kernel was out of physical memory to perform
* the operation.
* some address in the range wasn't mapped.
* the region doesn't support wiring for this access.
* - KERN_MEMORY_ERROR faulting failed.
* a signal was received during the wiring
* User wirings:
* - KERN_FAILURE the process was terminated during the wiring.
* - KERN_FAILURE the user wire counts would overflow @c MAX_WIRE_COUNT
* for this region.
* the process would overflow its user wiring limits.
extern kern_return_t vm_map_wire(
vm_map_t map,
vm_map_offset_ut start_u,
vm_map_offset_ut end_u,
vm_prot_ut prot_u,
boolean_t user_wire);
#endif /* !XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
* @function vm_map_unwire()
* @brief
* Sets the pageability of the specified address range in the target
* as pageable.
* @discussion
* Regions specified must have been wired previously.
* The map must not be locked, but a reference must remain to the map
* throughout the call.
* User unwire ignores holes and unwired and intransition entries to avoid
* losing memory by leaving it unwired. Kernel unwires will panic on failures.
* @param map the target VM map (the call will recurse in submaps).
* @param start_u the lower bound of the address range to wire
* @param end_u the upper bound of the address range to wire
* @param user_wire whether the wiring is on behalf of userspace.
extern kern_return_t vm_map_unwire(
vm_map_t map,
vm_map_offset_ut start_u,
vm_map_offset_ut end_u,
boolean_t user_wire);
* @function vm_map_wire_and_extract()
* @brief
* Sets the pageability of the specified page in the target map,
* and returns the resulting physical page number for it.
* @discussion
* This function should not be called by kernel extensions and is only here
* for backward compatibility of macOS kernels.
* @param map the target VM map (the call will recurse in submaps).
* @param address the address of the page to wire
* @param access_type the access for which to perform the wiring
* @param user_wire whether the wiring is on behalf of userspace.
* userspace wiring is equivalent to an mlock() call from
* userspace and will be undone at process death unlike
* kernel wiring which must always be undone explicitly.
* @param physpage_p a pointer filled with the page number for the wired down
* physical page, or 0 in case of failure.
* @returns @c KERN_SUCCESS or an error denoting the reason for
* failure.
extern kern_return_t vm_map_wire_and_extract(
vm_map_t map,
vm_map_offset_ut address,
vm_prot_ut access_type,
boolean_t user_wire,
ppnum_t *physpage_p);
#endif /* XNU_PLATFORM_MacOSX */
#pragma mark - vm map copy
* Number of pages under which the VM will copy by content rather
* than trying to do a copy-on-write mapping to form a vm_map_copy_t.
* Note: this constant has unfortunately been exposed historically
* but should not be considered ABI.
* @function vm_map_copyin()
* @brief
* Copy the specified region from the source address space.
* @description
* The source map should not be locked on entry.
* @param [in] src_map the source address space to copy from.
* @param [in] src_addr the address at which to start copying memory.
* @param [in] len the size of the region to copy.
* @param [in] src_destroy whether the copy also removes the region
* from the source address space.
* @param [out] copy_result the out parameter, to be filled with the created
* vm map copy on success.
* @returns
* - KERN_SUCCESS the operation was successful
* @c (src_addr, len) didn't form a valid region
* the kernel was out of physical memory to perform
* the operation.
* some address in the range wasn't mapped
* the region isn't readable (it doesn't have
* @c VM_PROT_READ set).
* the memory range contains a physically contiguous
* object
* - KERN_MEMORY_ERROR faulting failed.
* a signal was received during the copy
extern kern_return_t vm_map_copyin(
vm_map_t src_map,
vm_map_address_ut src_addr,
vm_map_size_ut len,
boolean_t src_destroy,
vm_map_copy_t *copy_result); /* OUT */
* @function vm_map_copyout()
* @brief
* Place a VM map copy made with @c vm_map_copyin() into a destination map.
* @description
* The specified VM map copy is consumed on success,
* otherwise the caller is responsible for it.
* @see @c vm_map_copy_discard below.
* @param [in] dst_map the destination address space to insert into.
* @param [out] addr the address at which the data was inserted.
* @param [in] copy the VM map copy to place.
* @returns
* - KERN_SUCCESS the operation succeeded, @c copy has been consumed.
* - KERN_NO_SPACE the destination map was out of address space.
* - KERN_NOT_SUPPORTED the vm map copy can't be mapped in this address space.
* This can for example happen for certain cases of a VM
* map copy using a 4k page size into a space that is 16k
* aligned, requiring different physical pages within the
* same 16k page boundary.
extern kern_return_t vm_map_copyout(
vm_map_t dst_map,
vm_map_address_t *addr, /* OUT */
vm_map_copy_t copy);
* @function vm_map_copy_discard()
* @brief
* Dispose of a @c vm_map_copy_t object made by @c vm_map_copyin().
* @description
* VM map copies are typically placed in an address space using
* @c vm_map_copyout(), but when that has not happened, this function must be
* used to dispose of it.
* @param copy the VM map copy object to dispose of.
extern void vm_map_copy_discard(
vm_map_copy_t copy);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* _VM_VM_MAP_H_ */