* Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
* may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <IOKit/IOInterrupts.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <libkern/kernel_mach_header.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <mach/machine/vm_types.h>
#include <pexpert/protos.h>
#include <pexpert/boot.h>
typedef void *cpu_id_t;
typedef void *cpu_id_t;
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
extern struct embedded_panic_header *panic_info;
extern vm_offset_t gPanicBase;
extern unsigned int gPanicSize;
* If invoked with NULL first argument, return the max buffer size that can
* be saved in the second argument
void PE_update_panic_crc(
unsigned char *,
unsigned int *);
#else /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
extern struct macos_panic_header *panic_info;
#endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
extern void lpss_uart_enable(boolean_t on_off);
void PE_enter_debugger(
const char *cause);
void PE_init_platform(
boolean_t vm_initialized,
void *args);
* Copies the requested number of bytes from the "random-seed" property in
* the device tree, and zeros the corresponding bytes in the device tree.
* Returns the number of bytes actually copied.
uint32_t PE_get_random_seed(
unsigned char * dst_random_seed,
uint32_t request_size);
uint32_t PE_i_can_has_debugger(
uint32_t *);
int PE_stub_poll_input(unsigned int options, char *c);
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
boolean_t PE_panic_debugging_enabled(void);
void PE_mark_hwaccess(uint64_t thread);
void PE_mark_hwaccess_data(uint8_t type, uint8_t size, uint64_t paddr);
* Return whether the boot CPU has gotten far enough to initialize the
* debug and trace infrastructure; this indicates whether it's safe to
* take the full path through the debugger on a panic(), or whether we
* need to take a restricted path and spin forever.
boolean_t PE_arm_debug_and_trace_initialized(void);
#endif /* defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__) */
/* Return the offset of the specified address into the panic region */
uint32_t PE_get_offset_into_panic_region(
char *location);
/* Zeroes the panic header, sets the panic magic and initializes the header to be used */
void PE_init_panicheader(
/* Updates the panic header during a nested panic */
void PE_update_panicheader_nestedpanic(
/* Invokes AppleARMIO::handlePlatformError() if present */
bool PE_handle_platform_error(
vm_offset_t far);
* Kexts should consult this bitmask to change behavior, since the kernel
* may be configured as RELEASE but have MACH_ASSERT enabled, or boot args
* may have changed the kernel behavior for statistics and kexts should
* participate similarly
#define kPEICanHasAssertions 0x00000001 /* Exceptional conditions should panic() instead of printf() */
#define kPEICanHasStatistics 0x00000002 /* Gather expensive statistics (that don't otherwise change behavior */
#define kPEICanHasDiagnosticAPI 0x00000004 /* Vend API to userspace or kexts that introspect kernel state */
extern uint32_t PE_i_can_has_kernel_configuration(void);
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
extern int32_t gPESerialBaud;
extern uint8_t gPlatformECID[8];
extern uint32_t gPlatformMemoryID;
#if defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_XR)
extern uint32_t gPlatformChipRole;
#endif /* not XNU_TARGET_OS_XR */
unsigned int PE_init_taproot(vm_offset_t *taddr);
extern void (*PE_kputc)(char c);
void PE_init_printf(
boolean_t vm_initialized);
extern void (*PE_putc)(char c);
* Perform pre-lockdown IOKit initialization.
* This is guaranteed to execute prior to machine_lockdown().
* The precise operations performed by this function depend upon
* the security model employed by the platform, but in general this
* function should be expected to at least perform basic C++ runtime
* and I/O registry initialization.
void PE_init_iokit(
* Perform post-lockdown IOKit initialization.
* This is guaranteed to execute after machine_lockdown().
* The precise operations performed by this function depend upon
* the security model employed by the platform. For example, if
* the platform treats machine_lockdown() as a strict security
* checkpoint, general-purpose IOKit matching may not begin until
* this function is called.
void PE_lockdown_iokit(
struct clock_frequency_info_t {
unsigned long bus_clock_rate_hz;
unsigned long cpu_clock_rate_hz;
unsigned long dec_clock_rate_hz;
unsigned long bus_clock_rate_num;
unsigned long bus_clock_rate_den;
unsigned long bus_to_cpu_rate_num;
unsigned long bus_to_cpu_rate_den;
unsigned long bus_to_dec_rate_num;
unsigned long bus_to_dec_rate_den;
unsigned long timebase_frequency_hz;
unsigned long timebase_frequency_num;
unsigned long timebase_frequency_den;
unsigned long long bus_frequency_hz;
unsigned long long bus_frequency_min_hz;
unsigned long long bus_frequency_max_hz;
unsigned long long cpu_frequency_hz;
unsigned long long cpu_frequency_min_hz;
unsigned long long cpu_frequency_max_hz;
unsigned long long prf_frequency_hz;
unsigned long long prf_frequency_min_hz;
unsigned long long prf_frequency_max_hz;
unsigned long long mem_frequency_hz;
unsigned long long mem_frequency_min_hz;
unsigned long long mem_frequency_max_hz;
unsigned long long fix_frequency_hz;
extern int debug_cpu_performance_degradation_factor;
typedef struct clock_frequency_info_t clock_frequency_info_t;
extern clock_frequency_info_t gPEClockFrequencyInfo;
struct timebase_freq_t {
unsigned long timebase_num;
unsigned long timebase_den;
typedef void (*timebase_callback_func)(struct timebase_freq_t *timebase_freq);
void PE_register_timebase_callback(timebase_callback_func callback);
void PE_call_timebase_callback(void);
#ifdef KERNEL
void PE_install_interrupt_handler(
void *nub, int source,
void *target, IOInterruptHandler handler, void *refCon);
extern bool disable_serial_output;
extern bool disable_kprintf_output;
#ifndef _FN_KPRINTF
#define _FN_KPRINTF
void kprintf(const char *fmt, ...) __printflike(1, 2);
void _consume_kprintf_args(int, ...);
#define kprintf(x, ...) _consume_kprintf_args( 0, ## __VA_ARGS__ )
#define kprintf(x, ...) do {} while (0)
void init_display_putc(unsigned char *baseaddr, int rowbytes, int height);
void display_putc(char c);
enum {
enum {
kPEWaitForInput = 0x00000001,
kPERawInput = 0x00000002
/* Private Stuff - eventually put in pexpertprivate.h */
enum {
kDebugTypeNone = 0,
kDebugTypeDisplay = 1,
kDebugTypeSerial = 2
/* Scale factor values for PE_Video.v_scale */
enum {
kPEScaleFactorUnknown = 0,
kPEScaleFactor1x = 1,
kPEScaleFactor2x = 2
struct PE_Video {
unsigned long v_baseAddr; /* Base address of video memory */
unsigned long v_rowBytes; /* Number of bytes per pixel row */
unsigned long v_width; /* Width */
unsigned long v_height; /* Height */
unsigned long v_depth; /* Pixel Depth */
unsigned long v_display; /* Text or Graphics */
char v_pixelFormat[64];
unsigned long v_offset; /* offset into video memory to start at */
unsigned long v_length; /* length of video memory (0 for v_rowBytes * v_height) */
unsigned char v_rotate; /* Rotation: 0:normal, 1:right 90, 2:left 180, 3:left 90 */
unsigned char v_scale; /* Scale Factor for both X & Y */
char reserved1[2];
#ifdef __LP64__
long reserved2;
long v_baseAddrHigh;
typedef struct PE_Video PE_Video;
extern void initialize_screen(PE_Video *, unsigned int);
extern void dim_screen(void);
extern int PE_current_console(
PE_Video *info);
extern void PE_create_console(
extern int PE_initialize_console(
PE_Video *newInfo,
int op);
#define kPEGraphicsMode 1
#define kPETextMode 2
#define kPETextScreen 3
#define kPEAcquireScreen 4
#define kPEReleaseScreen 5
#define kPEEnableScreen 6
#define kPEDisableScreen 7
#define kPEBaseAddressChange 8
#define kPERefreshBootGraphics 9
extern void PE_display_icon( unsigned int flags,
const char * name );
typedef struct PE_state {
boolean_t initialized;
PE_Video video;
void *deviceTreeHead;
void *bootArgs;
vm_size_t deviceTreeSize;
} PE_state_t;
extern PE_state_t PE_state;
extern char * PE_boot_args(
extern boolean_t PE_parse_boot_argn(
const char *arg_string,
void *arg_ptr,
int max_arg);
extern boolean_t PE_boot_arg_uint64_eq(const char *arg_string, uint64_t value);
extern boolean_t PE_parse_boot_arg_str(
const char *arg_string,
char * arg_ptr,
int size);
extern boolean_t PE_get_default(
const char *property_name,
void *property_ptr,
unsigned int max_property);
#define PE_default_value(_key, _variable, _default) \
do { \
if (!PE_get_default((_key), &(_variable), sizeof(_variable))) \
_variable = _default; \
} while(0)
enum {
kPEOptionKey = 0x3a,
kPECommandKey = 0x37,
kPEControlKey = 0x36,
kPEShiftKey = 0x38
extern boolean_t PE_get_hotkey(
unsigned char key);
extern kern_return_t __abortlike
cpu_id_t target,
vm_offset_t start_paddr,
vm_offset_t arg_paddr);
extern void PE_cpu_start_internal(
cpu_id_t target,
vm_offset_t start_paddr,
vm_offset_t arg_paddr);
extern kern_return_t PE_cpu_start(
cpu_id_t target,
vm_offset_t start_paddr,
vm_offset_t arg_paddr);
#endif /* !XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
extern void PE_cpu_halt(
cpu_id_t target);
extern bool PE_cpu_down(
cpu_id_t target);
extern void PE_cpu_signal(
cpu_id_t source,
cpu_id_t target);
extern void PE_cpu_signal_deferred(
cpu_id_t source,
cpu_id_t target);
extern void PE_cpu_signal_cancel(
cpu_id_t source,
cpu_id_t target);
extern void PE_cpu_machine_init(
cpu_id_t target,
boolean_t bootb);
extern void PE_cpu_machine_quiesce(
cpu_id_t target);
extern void pe_init_debug(void);
extern boolean_t PE_imgsrc_mount_supported(void);
extern void PE_panic_hook(const char *str);
extern void PE_init_cpu(void);
extern void PE_handle_ext_interrupt(void);
extern void PE_cpu_power_enable(int cpu_id);
extern void PE_cpu_power_disable(int cpu_id);
/* This has no locking to prevent races, so it is only used in the panic path */
extern bool PE_cpu_power_check_kdp(int cpu_id);
extern void PE_singlestep_hook(void);
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm64__)
typedef void (*perfmon_interrupt_handler_func)(cpu_id_t source);
extern kern_return_t PE_cpu_perfmon_interrupt_install_handler(perfmon_interrupt_handler_func handler);
extern void PE_cpu_perfmon_interrupt_enable(cpu_id_t target, boolean_t enable);
/* panic_trace boot-arg modes */
__options_decl(panic_trace_t, uint32_t, {
panic_trace_disabled = 0x00000000,
panic_trace_unused = 0x00000001,
panic_trace_enabled = 0x00000002,
panic_trace_alt_enabled = 0x00000010,
panic_trace_partial_policy = 0x00000020,
extern panic_trace_t panic_trace;
extern void PE_arm_debug_enable_trace(bool should_kprintf);
extern void (*PE_arm_debug_panic_hook)(const char *str);
extern void(*const PE_arm_debug_panic_hook)(const char *str);
typedef enum kc_kind {
KCKindNone = -1,
KCKindUnknown = 0,
KCKindPrimary = 1,
KCKindPageable = 2,
KCKindAuxiliary = 3,
KCNumKinds = 4,
} kc_kind_t;
typedef enum kc_format {
KCFormatUnknown = 0,
KCFormatStatic = 1,
KCFormatDynamic = 2,
KCFormatFileset = 3,
KCFormatKCGEN = 4,
} kc_format_t;
/* set the mach-o header for a given KC type */
extern void PE_set_kc_header(kc_kind_t type, kernel_mach_header_t *header, uintptr_t slide);
void PE_reset_kc_header(kc_kind_t type);
/* set both lowest VA (base) and mach-o header for a given KC type */
extern void PE_set_kc_header_and_base(kc_kind_t type, kernel_mach_header_t *header, void *base, uintptr_t slide);
/* The highest non-LINKEDIT virtual address */
extern vm_offset_t kc_highest_nonlinkedit_vmaddr;
/* whether this is an srd enabled device */
extern uint32_t PE_srd_fused;
/* returns a pointer to the mach-o header for a give KC type, returns NULL if nothing's been set */
extern void *PE_get_kc_header(kc_kind_t type);
/* returns a pointer to the lowest VA of of the KC of the given type */
extern void *PE_get_kc_baseaddress(kc_kind_t type);
/* returns an array of length KCNumKinds of the lowest VAs of each KC type - members could be NULL */
extern const void * const*PE_get_kc_base_pointers(void);
/* returns the slide for the kext collection */
extern uintptr_t PE_get_kc_slide(kc_kind_t type);
/* quickly accesss the format of the primary kc */
extern bool PE_get_primary_kc_format(kc_format_t *type);
/* gets format of KC of the given type */
extern bool PE_get_kc_format(kc_kind_t type, kc_format_t *format);
/* set vnode ptr for kc fileset */
extern void PE_set_kc_vp(kc_kind_t type, void *vp);
/* quickly set vnode ptr for kc fileset */
void * PE_get_kc_vp(kc_kind_t type);
/* drop reference to kc fileset vnodes */
void PE_reset_all_kc_vp(void);
#if defined(__arm64__)
extern uint8_t PE_smc_stashed_x86_power_state;
extern uint8_t PE_smc_stashed_x86_efi_boot_state;
extern uint8_t PE_smc_stashed_x86_system_state;
extern uint8_t PE_smc_stashed_x86_shutdown_cause;
extern uint64_t PE_smc_stashed_x86_prev_power_transitions;
extern uint32_t PE_pcie_stashed_link_state;
extern uint64_t PE_nvram_stashed_x86_macos_slide;
boolean_t PE_reboot_on_panic(void);
void PE_sync_panic_buffers(void);
typedef struct PE_panic_save_context {
void *psc_buffer;
uint32_t psc_offset;
uint32_t psc_length;
} PE_panic_save_context_t;
extern vm_size_t PE_init_socd_client(void);
extern void PE_write_socd_client_buffer(vm_offset_t offset, const void *buff, vm_size_t size);
#endif /* _PEXPERT_PEXPERT_H_ */