This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
// Tests for
// template <typename U, typename Policy>
// bounded_ptr& operator=(bounded_ptr<U, Policy> const& other);
#include <libkern/c++/bounded_ptr.h>
#include <array>
#include <darwintest.h>
#include <darwintest_utils.h>
#include "test_utils.h"
#define _assert(...) T_ASSERT_TRUE((__VA_ARGS__), # __VA_ARGS__)
struct Base { int i; };
struct Derived : Base { };
struct Base1 { int i; };
struct Base2 { long l; };
struct DerivedMultiple : Base1, Base2 {
DerivedMultiple(int i) : Base1{i}, Base2{i + 10}
struct Unrelated { };
struct dummy_policy1 {
static constexpr void
trap(char const*)
struct dummy_policy2 {
static constexpr void
trap(char const*)
template <typename Stored, typename From, typename To>
static void
std::array<Stored, 5> array = {Stored{0}, Stored{1}, Stored{2}, Stored{3}, Stored{4}};
Stored* const ptr1 = array.begin() + 2;
Stored* const ptr2 = array.begin() + 3;
test_bounded_ptr<From> const from(ptr1, array.begin(), array.end());
test_bounded_ptr<To> to;
test_bounded_ptr<To>& ref = (to = from);
_assert(to.discard_bounds() == static_cast<To const*>(ptr1));
_assert(&ref == &to); // make sure we return *this
// Test assigning to a non-null pointer
test_bounded_ptr<From> const from(ptr1, array.begin(), array.end());
test_bounded_ptr<To> to(ptr2, array.begin(), array.end());
_assert(to.discard_bounds() == static_cast<To const*>(ptr2));
test_bounded_ptr<To>& ref = (to = from);
_assert(to.discard_bounds() == static_cast<To const*>(ptr1));
_assert(&ref == &to); // make sure we return *this
// Test assigning from a null pointer
test_bounded_ptr<From> const from = nullptr;
test_bounded_ptr<To> to;
test_bounded_ptr<To>& ref = (to = from);
_assert(to.unsafe_discard_bounds() == nullptr);
_assert(&ref == &to); // make sure we return *this
// Test with different policies
libkern::bounded_ptr<From, dummy_policy1> from(ptr1, array.begin(), array.end());
libkern::bounded_ptr<To, dummy_policy2> to;
libkern::bounded_ptr<To, dummy_policy2>& ref = (to = from);
_assert(to.discard_bounds() == static_cast<To const*>(ptr1));
_assert(&ref == &to); // make sure we return *this
// T{0} T{1} T{2} T{3} T{4} <one-past-last>
// ^ ^ ^
// | | |
// from begin end
test_bounded_ptr<From> const from(array.begin(), array.begin() + 1, array.end());
test_bounded_ptr<To> to;
to = from;
_assert(to.unsafe_discard_bounds() == static_cast<To const*>(array.begin()));
T_DECL(assign_convert, "bounded_ptr.assign.convert", T_META_TAG_VM_PREFERRED) {
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived, /*to*/ Derived>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived const, /*to*/ Derived const>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived volatile, /*to*/ Derived volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived const volatile, /*to*/ Derived const volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived, /*to*/ Base>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived const, /*to*/ Base const>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived volatile, /*to*/ Base volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived const volatile, /*to*/ Base const volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ DerivedMultiple, /*from*/ DerivedMultiple, /*to*/ Base1>();
tests</*stored*/ DerivedMultiple, /*from*/ DerivedMultiple const, /*to*/ Base1 const>();
tests</*stored*/ DerivedMultiple, /*from*/ DerivedMultiple volatile, /*to*/ Base1 volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ DerivedMultiple, /*from*/ DerivedMultiple const volatile, /*to*/ Base1 const volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ DerivedMultiple, /*from*/ DerivedMultiple, /*to*/ Base2>();
tests</*stored*/ DerivedMultiple, /*from*/ DerivedMultiple const, /*to*/ Base2 const>();
tests</*stored*/ DerivedMultiple, /*from*/ DerivedMultiple volatile, /*to*/ Base2 volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ DerivedMultiple, /*from*/ DerivedMultiple const volatile, /*to*/ Base2 const volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived, /*to*/ void>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived const, /*to*/ void const>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived volatile, /*to*/ void volatile>();
tests</*stored*/ Derived, /*from*/ Derived const volatile, /*to*/ void const volatile>();
// Make sure downcasts are disabled
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<Derived>, /*from*/ test_bounded_ptr<Base> >);
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<DerivedMultiple>, /*from*/ test_bounded_ptr<Base1> >);
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<DerivedMultiple>, /*from*/ test_bounded_ptr<Base2> >);
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<Base2>, /*from*/ test_bounded_ptr<Base1> >);
// Make sure const-casting away doesn't work
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<Derived>, /*from*/ test_bounded_ptr<Derived const> >);
// Make sure casting to unrelated types doesn't work implicitly
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<char>, /*from*/ test_bounded_ptr<Derived> >);
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<Unrelated>, /*from*/ test_bounded_ptr<Derived> >);
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<Base2>, /*from*/ test_bounded_ptr<Base1> >);
// Make sure we can't assign from raw pointers
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v</*to*/ test_bounded_ptr<Derived>, /*from*/ Derived*>);