This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <spawn_private.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/spawn_internal.h>
#include <sys/kern_memorystatus.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>

#include <darwintest.h>
#include <darwintest_multiprocess.h>
#include <darwintest_utils.h>

#include "memorystatus_assertion_helpers.h"

	T_META_RADAR_COMPONENT_VERSION("VM - memory pressure"),

#define IDLE_AGEOUT_S 30

 * This test has multiple sub-tests that set and then verify jetsam priority transitions
 * as though they were driven by assertions. It uses the MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_MEMLIMIT_PROPERTIES
 * version of the memorystatus_control() system call and specifically tests the use of the
 * The kernel will apply policy that chooses a maximum jetsam priority, resolving conflicts
 * between an assertion driven priority and clean/dirty transition policy.
 * Processes that do not opt into dirty-tracking should behave as they always have.
 * This is the typical App transition behavior.
 * Processes that do opt into dirty-tracking have more complex policy:
 * For example:
 * A MAX assertion priority will prevent a dirty process from transitioning to a clean
 * state if the process opts into idle-exit.
 *    See: memorystatus_schedule_idle_demotion_locked() where we note that
 *    the process isn't going to be making the trip to the lower bands.
 * But a MAX assertion evaluation will not prevent a clean process from transition to dirty.
 * Assertion driven priorities should not change memory limits, they are expected to
 * just change a process's position in the jetsam priority bands.
 * MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_xxx requires root (in the absence of entitlement).
 * Use T_META_ASROOT(true) to accomplish this.
 * A note on test strategy.  It is not necessary to spawn a child to test these
 * assertion calls.   The test can act on itself, that is, it can make calls to
 * set and relinquish assertion state just like it can make calls to do dirty/clean
 * transitions.  Of course, in reality, we expect only runningboardd to manipulate
 * assertion based priorities.

static void
proc_will_set_clean(pid_t pid)
	proc_set_dirty(pid, false);
	T_LOG("pid[%d] --> now clean", pid);

static void
proc_will_set_dirty(pid_t pid)
	proc_set_dirty(pid, true);
	T_LOG("pid[%d] --> now dirty", pid);

static void
proc_set_managed(pid_t pid, bool managed)
	int err;
	err = memorystatus_control(MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_PROCESS_IS_MANAGED, pid,
	    managed, NULL, 0);

 * Make repetitive (eg: back-to-back) calls using MEMORYSTATUS_SET_PRIORITY_ASSERTION.
 * We know that runningboardd may try to relinquish its hold on an assertion priority
 * when it hasn't first set the assertion priority. The kernel must survive this
 * pattern even though it might be considered poor behavior on runningboardd's part.
 * When dirty tracking processes are involved, we are exercising the kernel's
 * idle-deferred paths. Only assertion state (whether or not assertion state is
 * set or relinquished) is verified in this round of tests.
 * Test is invoked three times:
 *	Scenario 1) as a non-dirty-tracking process  (like a typical app)
 *		relinquish assertion priority multiple times
 *		set same assertion priority multiple times.
 *	Scenario 2) setup a dirty-tracking process that is clean  (like a typical extension)
 *		relinquish assertion priority multiple times
 *		set same assertion priority multiple times.
 *	Scenario 3) setup dirty-tracking process that is dirty  (like a typical extension)
 *		relinquish assertion priority multiple times
 *		set same assertion priority multiple times.

static void
memorystatus_assertion_test_repetitive(char *test, boolean_t turn_on_dirty_tracking, boolean_t start_clean)
	int count;
	int maxcount = 3;
	boolean_t verbose;
	uint32_t state;
	uint64_t user_data = 0;
	pid_t mypid = getpid();

	/* these values will remain fixed during testing */
	int             active_limit_mb = 35;   /* arbitrary */
	int             inactive_limit_mb = 25;  /* arbitrary */

	/* these values may vary during test */
	int             requestedpriority = 0;
	int             assertionpriority = 0;


	requestedpriority =  JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT;
	assertionpriority =  JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND;
	set_memlimits(mypid, active_limit_mb, inactive_limit_mb, true, true);
	set_priority(mypid, requestedpriority, 0, false);

	if (turn_on_dirty_tracking) {

		if (start_clean) {
		} else {
	} else {
		 * Do nothing.
		 * Acts like an app with no dirty tracking
		 * By default launches in the requested priority and is
		 * considered idle because it's below FG band.

	proc_set_managed(mypid, true);

	verbose = false;
	(void)get_priority_props(mypid, verbose, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	/* log current setup state */
	T_LOG("SETUP STATE COMPLETE: Test %s", test);


	int i;
	boolean_t ret;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		if (i == 1 && turn_on_dirty_tracking) {
			T_LOG("Avoid idle-deferred - sleeping for %d s", IDLE_AGEOUT_S);

			if (start_clean) {
			} else {

			(void)get_priority_props(mypid, verbose, NULL, NULL, NULL, &state);

		 * Relinquish assertion priority even though we don't
		 * currently hold an assertion priority.
		for (count = 0; count < maxcount; count++) {
			if (relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, user_data)) {
				T_ASSERT_FAIL("relinquish_assertion_priority failed");

		/* Verify assertion state is relinquished */
		(void)get_priority_props(mypid, verbose, NULL, NULL, NULL, &state);

		ret = verify_assertion_state(state, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED);
		T_ASSERT_TRUE(ret, "verify_assertion_state failed");

		 * Set an assertion priority multiple times in a row.
		for (count = 0; count < maxcount; count++) {
			if (set_assertion_priority(mypid, assertionpriority, user_data) != 0) {
				T_ASSERT_FAIL("set_assertion_priority failed");

		/* Verify state holds an assertion priority */
		(void)get_priority_props(mypid, verbose, NULL, NULL, NULL, &state);

		ret = verify_assertion_state(state, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET);
		T_ASSERT_TRUE(ret, "verify_assertion_state failed");

 * Process is dirty tracking and opts into pressured exit.
static void
	pid_t mypid = getpid();

	/* these values will remain fixed during testing */
	int active_limit_mb   = 35; /* arbitrary */
	int inactive_limit_mb = 25;  /* arbitrary */

	/* these values may vary during test */
	int requestedpriority = JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT;


	set_memlimits(mypid, active_limit_mb, inactive_limit_mb, true, true);
	set_priority(mypid, requestedpriority, 0, false);

	proc_set_managed(mypid, true);


	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE_DEFERRED, active_limit_mb, 0x0, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Clean start");


	int g_jetsam_aging_policy = 0;
	 * Jetsam aging policy
	 * Failure to retrieve is not fatal.
	size_t size = sizeof(g_jetsam_aging_policy);
	if (sysctlbyname("kern.jetsam_aging_policy", &g_jetsam_aging_policy, &size, NULL, 0) != 0) {
		T_LOG(__func__, true, "Unable to retrieve jetsam aging policy (not fatal)");


	 * Relinquish assertion priority even though we don't hold it.  No change in state expected.
	T_LOG("********Test0 clean: no state change on relinquish");
	relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, 0xF00D);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE_DEFERRED, active_limit_mb, 0xF00D, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test0");

	T_LOG("********Test1 clean: deferred now assertion[10]");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, 0xFEED);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, active_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test1");

	/* Test2 */
	T_LOG("********Test2 clean:  assertion[10 -> 3]");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0xFACE);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, active_limit_mb, 0xFACE, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test2");

	/* Test3 */
	T_LOG("********Test3 clean: assertion[3 -> 0], but now deferred");
	relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, 0xBEEF);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE_DEFERRED, active_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test3");

	T_LOG("Avoid idle-deferred moving forward. Sleeping for %d s", IDLE_AGEOUT_S);

	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE, inactive_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test3");

	/* Test4 */
	T_LOG("********Test4 clean: deferred now assertion[10]");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, 0xFEED);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, active_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test4");

	/* Test5 */
	T_LOG("********Test5 dirty: set dirty priority but assertion[10] prevails");
	proc_will_set_dirty(mypid);   /* active priority is less than FG*/
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, active_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test5");

	/* Test6 */
	T_LOG("********Test6 dirty: assertion[10 -> 3] but dirty priority prevails");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0xFEEB);  /* active priority is > BG */
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT, active_limit_mb, 0xFEEB, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test6");

	/* Test7 */
	T_LOG("********Test7 dirty: assertion[3 -> 0] but dirty prevails");
	relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, 0xBEEF);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT, active_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test7");

	/* Test8 */
	T_LOG("********Test8 dirty: assertion[0 -> 10] overrides dirty");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, 0xFEED);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, active_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test8");

	/* Test9 */
	T_LOG("********Test9 dirty wants to go clean, but clean state is prevented as assertion[10] prevails");
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, active_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test9");

	/* Test10 */
	T_LOG("********Test10 dirty goes dirty and stays dirty, and assertion[10] prevails again");
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, active_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test10");

	/* Test11 */
	T_LOG("********Test11 dirty: assertion[10 -> 3] but dirty prevails");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0xFACE);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT, active_limit_mb, 0xFACE, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test11");

	/* Test12 */
	T_LOG("********Test12 dirty: assertion[3 -> 0] but dirty prevails");
	relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, 0xBEEF);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT, active_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test12");

	/* Test13 */
	T_LOG("********Test13 dirty goes clean: both assertion[0] and clean");
	/* For sysproc aging policy the daemon should be at idle deferred and with an active memory limit */
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE_DEFERRED, active_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test13");

 * Process is dirty tracking and does not opt into pressured exit.
 * This test lives above Foreground.  Assertions will have no affect
 * except where the assertion priority bumps it above the requested priority.
static void
	pid_t mypid = getpid();

	/* these values will remain fixed during testing */
	int             active_limit_mb = 35;   /* arbitrary */
	int             inactive_limit_mb = 25;  /* arbitrary */
	int             requestedpriority = JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY;


	set_memlimits(mypid, active_limit_mb, inactive_limit_mb, true, true);
	set_priority(mypid, requestedpriority, 0, false);
	proc_track_dirty(mypid, (PROC_DIRTY_TRACK));
	proc_set_managed(mypid, true);


	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, active_limit_mb, 0x0, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Dirty start");


	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, inactive_limit_mb, 0x0, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Clean transition");



	 * Relinquish assertion priority even though we don't hold it.  No change in state expected.

	/* Test0 */
	T_LOG("********Test0 clean: no state change on relinquish");
	relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, 0xF00D);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, inactive_limit_mb, 0xF00D, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test0");

	/* Test1 */
	T_LOG("********Test1 clean: assertion[0 -> 10] but inactive priority prevails");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, 0xFEED);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, inactive_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test1");

	/* Test2 */
	T_LOG("********Test2 clean:  assertion[10 -> 3] but inactive priority prevails");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0xFACE);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, inactive_limit_mb, 0xFACE, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test2");

	/* Test3 */
	T_LOG("********Test3 clean: assertion[3 -> 0], but inactive priority prevails");
	relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, 0xBEEF);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, inactive_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test3");

	/* Test4 */
	T_LOG("********Test4 go dirty: assertion[0] has no affect, active priority prevails");
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, active_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test4");

	/* Test5 */
	T_LOG("********Test5 dirty: assertion[0 -> 10] active priority prevails");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND, 0xFEED);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, active_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test5");

	/* Test6 */
	T_LOG("********Test6 dirty:  assertion[10 -> 3] active priority prevails");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0xFACE);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, active_limit_mb, 0xFACE, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test6");

	/* Test 7 */
	T_LOG("********Test7 dirty: assertion[3 -> 0], active priority prevails");
	relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, 0xBEEF);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, active_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test7");

	/* Test8 */
	T_LOG("********Test8 dirty: assertion[0 -> 19], dirty but now assertion[19] prevails");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_CRITICAL, 0xFEED);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_CRITICAL, active_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test8");

	/* Test9 */
	T_LOG("********Test9 go clean: inactive priority but assertion[19] prevails");
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_CRITICAL, inactive_limit_mb, 0xFEED, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test9");

	/* Test10 */
	T_LOG("********Test10 clean:  assertion[19 -> 3] inactive limit prevails");
	set_assertion_priority(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0xFACE);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, inactive_limit_mb, 0xFACE, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_SET, "Test10");

	/* Test11 */
	T_LOG("********Test11 clean:  assertion[3 -> 0] inactive priority still prevails");
	relinquish_assertion_priority(mypid, 0xBEEF);
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, inactive_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test11");

	/* Test12 */
	T_LOG("********Test12 dirty goes clean: both assertion[0] and clean");
	(void)check_properties(mypid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AUDIO_AND_ACCESSORY, inactive_limit_mb, 0xBEEF, ASSERTION_STATE_IS_RELINQUISHED, "Test12");

T_DECL(assertion_test_bad_flags, "verify bad flag returns an error", T_META_TIMEOUT(30), T_META_ASROOT(true)) {
	int err;
	uint32_t flag = 0;

	memorystatus_priority_properties_t mjp = { 0 };

	mjp.user_data = 0;

	 * init a bad flag

	flag = 0xf;

	err = memorystatus_control(MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_PRIORITY_PROPERTIES, getpid(), flag, &mjp, sizeof(mjp));

	T_ASSERT_POSIX_FAILURE(err, EINVAL, "MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_PRIORITY_PROPERTIES should fail with bad flags (err=%d)", err);

    "verify that an unmanaged process cannot have assertion-driven priority set")
	int err;
	memorystatus_priority_properties_t mjp = {
		.user_data = 0x0
	    getpid(), MEMORYSTATUS_SET_PRIORITY_ASSERTION, &mjp, sizeof(mjp));

	    "Should not be able to set assertion-driven priority of unmanaged process.");

 * Idle band deferral, aka aging band/demotion, has been disabled on macOS till
 * we do the daemon hygiene work on macOS to make sure that processes don't change
 * their role after spawn e.g. apps opting into dirty-tracking/idle-exit.
 * The following set of tests rely on PROC_DIRTY_DEFER, aka aging bands, for the tests.
#else /* TARGET_OS_OSX */

    "Launch as managed, begin idle aging, then enroll in ActivityTracking")
	pid_t my_pid = getpid();
	int32_t priority;

	// Set self as managed and begin idle aging
	proc_set_managed(my_pid, true);
	set_priority(my_pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE, 0, false);
	// process must have a fatal memlimit to enroll in dirtytracking while
	// managed
	set_memlimits(my_pid, 100, 100, true, true);

	get_priority_props(my_pid, FALSE, &priority, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	T_EXPECT_EQ(priority, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AGING_BAND2, "Process is placed in App aging band");

	// Enroll in dirty tracking

	get_priority_props(my_pid, FALSE, &priority, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	T_EXPECT_EQ(priority, JETSAM_PRIORITY_AGING_BAND1, "Process is placed in SysProc aging band");

	T_LOG("Sleeping for %d sec...", IDLE_AGEOUT_S);

	get_priority_props(my_pid, FALSE, &priority, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	T_EXPECT_EQ(priority, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE, "Process ages to IDLE");

    "Processes that transition from App -> SysProc while aging are deferred properly")
	dt_helper_t helper = dt_child_helper("idle_age_as_app_then_sysproc");

	dt_run_helpers(&helper, 1, 60);

T_DECL(assertion_test_repetitive_non_dirty_tracking, "Scenario #1 - repetitive assertion priority on non-dirty-tracking process", T_META_TIMEOUT(60), T_META_ASROOT(true)) {
	 * Verify back-to-back assertion calls set assertion state as expected.
	 * false --> non-dirty-tracking process (like a typical app)
	 * false --> clean/dirty does not apply here

	memorystatus_assertion_test_repetitive("Scenario #1", false, false);

T_DECL(assertion_test_repetitive_dirty_tracking_clean, "Scenario #2 - repetitive assertion priority on clean dirty-tracking process", T_META_TIMEOUT(60), T_META_ASROOT(true)) {
	 * Verify back-to-back assertion calls set assertion state as expected.
	 * true --> dirty-tracking process (like a typical extension/widget)
	 * true --> start clean / inactive
	 * This will exercise idle-deferred paths.
	memorystatus_assertion_test_repetitive("Scenario #2", true, true);

T_DECL(assertion_test_repetitive_dirty_tracking_dirty, "Scenario #3 - repetitive assertion priority on dirty dirty-tracking processes", T_META_TIMEOUT(60), T_META_ASROOT(true)) {
	 * Verify back-to-back assertion calls set assertion state as expected.
	 * true --> dirty-tracking process (like a typical extension/widget)
	 * false --> start dirty / active state
	 * This will exercise idle-deferred paths.
	memorystatus_assertion_test_repetitive("Scenario #3", true, false);

T_DECL(assertion_test_allow_idle_exit, "set assertion priorities on process supporting idle exit", T_META_TIMEOUT(360), T_META_ASROOT(true)) {

T_DECL(assertion_test_do_not_allow_idle_exit, "set assertion priorities on process no idle exit allowed", T_META_TIMEOUT(360), T_META_ASROOT(true)) {
#endif /* TARGET_OS_OSX */

    "test that daemons have their memlimits set correctly according to dirtiness",
	int ret;
	const uint32_t memlimit_active = 6; /* 6 MB */
	const uint32_t memlimit_inactive = 4; /* 4 MB */
	pid_t pid = getpid();

	set_priority(pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT, 0, false);
	set_memlimits(pid, memlimit_active, memlimit_inactive, true, true);

	T_QUIET; T_ASSERT_POSIX_SUCCESS(ret, "proc_track_dirty()");

	check_properties(pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE_DEFERRED, memlimit_active, 0x0,
	    false, "jetsam_test_daemon_memlimit - #1 post-track-dirty");

	T_LOG("Sleeping for %d to allow idle-ageout.", IDLE_AGEOUT_S);

	check_properties(pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE, memlimit_inactive, 0x0, false,
	    "jetsam_test_daemon_memlimit - #4 post-sleep");

	proc_set_dirty(pid, true);

	check_properties(pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT, memlimit_active, 0x0,
	    false, "jetsam_test_daemon_memlimit - #2 post-set-dirty");

	proc_set_dirty(pid, false);

	check_properties(pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE_DEFERRED, memlimit_active, 0x0,
	    false, "jetsam_test_daemon_memlimit - #3 post-clear-dirty");

	T_LOG("Sleeping for %d s to allow idle-ageout.", IDLE_AGEOUT_S);

	check_properties(pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE, memlimit_inactive, 0x0, false,
	    "jetsam_test_daemon_memlimit - #4 post-sleep");

	proc_set_dirty(pid, true);

	check_properties(pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_UI_SUPPORT, memlimit_active, 0x0,
	    false, "jetsam_test_daemon_memlimit - #5 post-set-dirty-2");

	proc_set_dirty(pid, false);

	check_properties(pid, JETSAM_PRIORITY_IDLE_DEFERRED, memlimit_active, 0x0, false,
	    "jetsam_test_daemon_memlimit - #6 post-clear-dirty-2");