This is xnu-11215.1.10. See this file in:
import subprocess
import shutil
import os
import argparse
import sys
# python3 tests/nvram_tests/ -h
test_files = []
# tests that require extra command line arguments(example: nvram reset is called only if -r is passed)
special_calls = {
"nvram_nonentitled": [
"nvram_nonentitled -n xnu.nvram.TestImmutable -- -r",
"nvram_nonentitled -n xnu.nvram.TestResetOnlyDel -- -r",
"nvram_nonentitled -n xnu.nvram.TestEntRst -- -r",
"nvram_nonentitled -n xnu.nvram.TestEntDel -- -r",
"nvram_nonentitled -n xnu.nvram.TestNVRAMReset -- -r",
"nvram_nonentitled -n xnu.nvram.TestNVRAMOblit -- -r",
"nvram_system": [
"nvram_system -n xnu.nvram.TestEntRstSys -- -r",
"nvram_system -n xnu.nvram.TestNVRAMResetSys -- -r",
"nvram_system -n xnu.nvram.TestNVRAMOblitSys -- -r",
"nvram_ve_reset": ["nvram_ve_reset -n xnu.nvram.TestEntRstEnt -- -r"],
"nvram_ve_mod": [
"nvram_ve_mod -n xnu.nvram.TestEntModRstEnt -- -r",
"nvram_ve_mod -n xnu.nvram.TestEntModRstSysEnt -- -r",
def create_arg_parser():
example_cmd = '''examples:
To use default args:
python %(prog)s
To use iphoneos sdk:
python %(prog)s -s 1
To build only:
python %(prog)s -br 0 -f <path to test files if not default>
To run only:
python %(prog)s -br 1 -b <path to build files if not default>
To run only:
To invoke reset calls:
python %(prog)s -r 1'''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Builds and/or runs nvram tests for xnu',
default_build_path = "tests/build/sym/"
default_files_path = "tests/nvram_tests"
parser.add_argument('-br', type=int, default=2, choices=[
0, 1, 2], required=False, help='0=only builds, 1=only runs, 2=builds and runs')
parser.add_argument('-b', type=str, default=default_build_path,
required=False, help='Path to the build files')
parser.add_argument('-f', type=str, default=default_files_path,
required=False, help='Path to the test files')
parser.add_argument('-r', type=int, default=0, choices=[
0, 1], required=False, help='0=ignores the reset calls, 1=uses the reset calls')
parser.add_argument('-s', type=int, default=0, choices=[
0, 1], required=False, help='0=macos sdk, 1=iphoneos sdk')
return parser
def run_tests(build_path, test_arg):
args = "sudo ./" + build_path + test_arg
output = subprocess.getoutput(args)
if __name__ == "__main__":
arg_parser = create_arg_parser()
parsed_args = arg_parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
build_path = parsed_args.b
file_path = parsed_args.f
reset_flag = parsed_args.r
action =
sdk = "macosx.internal" if (parsed_args.s == 0) else "iphoneos.internal"
if (action != 1):
if not os.path.exists(file_path) or os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) != 'xnu':
print("Invalid file path:", file_path)
# Iterate through test_files_path and get all the test files to run
for file in os.listdir(file_path):
if file.endswith(".c") and "helper" not in file:
test_files.append(file.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)[0])
# Delete existing build folder
if os.path.isdir(build_path):
# Build the tests
for i in test_files:
print("\n\n************************************** Building",
i, "**************************************\n\n")
args = "xcrun -sdk " + sdk + " make -C tests " + i
output = subprocess.getoutput(args)
if (action != 0):
if (action == 1):
for file in os.listdir(build_path):
if not file.endswith(".dSYM"):
# Run the tests
for i in test_files:
print("\n\n************************************** Testing",
i, "**************************************\n\n")
if (reset_flag == 1) and (i in special_calls.keys()):
for j in special_calls[i]:
run_tests(build_path, j)
run_tests(build_path, i)