// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include <mach/time_value.h>
#include <os/base.h>
#include <pthread/pthread.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define ARRAY_COUNT(_a) (sizeof((_a)) / sizeof((_a[0])))
T_META_REQUIRES_SYSCTL_EQ("kern.monotonic.supported", 1)
T_META_REQUIRES_SYSTCL_EQ("kern.pervasive_energy", 1)
T_META_REQUIRES_SYSCTL_EQ("hw.nperflevels", 2)
T_META_REQUIRES_SYSCTL_EQ("kern.exclaves_status", 1)
// Returns true if the system implicitly tracks CPI.
bool has_cpi(void);
// Returns true if precise user kernel (system) times are being tracked,
// and false otherwise.
bool has_user_system_times(void);
// Returns true if the system can track energy usage.
bool has_energy(void);
// Bind the current thread to the given cluster.
void bind_to_cluster(char type);
// Returns the number of perf-levels on the system.
unsigned int perf_level_count(void);
// Returns the name of the specified perf-level.
const char *perf_level_name(unsigned int perf_level);
// Returns the index of the named perf-level.
unsigned int perf_level_index(const char *name);
// Run temporarily on all perf levels -- must have `SET_THREAD_BIND_BOOTARG`.
void run_on_all_perf_levels(void);
// Run temporarily in exclaves on all perf levels -- must have
void run_in_exclaves_on_all_perf_levels(void);
// Return the nanoseconds represented by a Mach time.
uint64_t ns_from_mach(uint64_t mach_time);
// Return the nanoseconds represented by a timeval.
uint64_t ns_from_timeval(struct timeval tv);
// Return the timeval represented by nanoseconds.
struct timeval timeval_from_ns(uint64_t ns);
// Return the nanoseconds represented by a Mach time_value.
uint64_t ns_from_time_value(struct time_value tv);
// Return the Mach time_value represented by nanoseconds.
struct time_value time_value_from_ns(uint64_t ns);
// What an actor should do when it's running.
__enum_decl(role_t, uint32_t, {
// A thread doing work according to a script.
struct actor {
pthread_t act_thread;
role_t act_role;
void *act_context;
struct scene {
unsigned int scn_actor_count;
uintptr_t scn_spin_sync;
void *scn_wait_sync;
struct actor scn_actors[];
// Start `n` threads that follow a given pattern of scripts.
struct scene *scene_start(unsigned int n, role_t *roles);
// Stop and destroy previously-started actors.
void scene_end(struct scene *scene);
// Launch a `T_HELPER_DECL`-based helper.
pid_t launch_helper(char *name);